All Comments on 'Captured by the Elves Ch. 12'

by notbreckenridge

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IvrioneIvrioneover 1 year ago

So! Some unexpected paths for the story, but intriguing and adding to the world building of it all that I enjoy so much. I appreciate the heck out of your continued efforts and your updates along the way to give us all hope that things are and will be continuing. I can't even imagine how things will ultimately wrap up outside of the various lookback narrator pieces that have been given to us over the story. I know I'll be sad no matter what as I've really enjoy the story and world you've built. Do you have plans to visit it from other perspectives again like the Dark Elf story? That would be pretty interesting. I know I've been tempted to write up a story in the world you've made, but I'd never do so without permission or a completed main storyline. Finally, onto beers, the cold weather has definitely increased my longing for stouts and porters. My sister and I were discussing how I was the first sister to really get into beer but that she drinks more now that she's gotten a taste for hoppier beers like yourself. Fat Head's Hop Juju, which I had asked her to bring me some of and so she tried some herself, was her gateway beer into being a hophead. Whoops! I think I'll give the Sammy Smith Chocolate Stout a go for a nightcap. I hope you have a great holiday season and I look forward to any and all updates!

notbreckenridgenotbreckenridgeover 1 year agoAuthor


Thank you for your interest as always. I do plan to revisit the story from some other perspectives. Not only in the dark elf story(here's hoping), but I have some other things in mind. I just want to finish this one first. A lot of people were concerned that I'd abandoned it, and I know what it's like being a faithful reader and having that happen to you.

I think I would be comfortable with other people writing in the world, but there are a couple of conditions. First: I can't let go of my characters or their fates. That is such a scary concept as a writer to face. Second: I was already weirded out by the web comic, but more so because they lifted whole sections of my prose word for word, but didn't give me or the original story any credit. So, if you would like to write a story in the world, that's fine. Just leave my characters to me and please refer back to the original story in a note. I would happily show you the same consideration if I wrote a story in a world from one of your stories.

If you write a story in the world and want to reference one of the characters, that's fine. For example, if you write a story about a she-elf, and she knew Landa, Teagan, Braith, or others at some point that's fine. They've had long lives and likely met and converted a lot of people. I suppose they could've met Kiari, but that timeframe is a little shorter. Just remember that my characters' fates are mine to decide. I don't want to read that my character suddenly died off-stage somewhere. One of the things I'm working on is something like this. There is a new character who was from the she-elf settlement, but left to pursue her own life.

I'm sorry that I took a while to respond. This was something that I really had to think about. It's still shocking to me that this story has become so important to some of you. I love it. If any of you decide to pursue this venture let me know. I'd be interested to read them. If you have any questions just let me know. I'm going to try to finish this as soon as possible. It's a big world and there's room for more stories. I hope you all have a safe and happy winter/ holiday season.

notbreckenridgenotbreckenridgeover 1 year agoAuthor


I spent some time talking to my friend about my post. She is usually right about these things, and brought something to my attention. I knew this was going to be opening up a can of worms. When you've been writing something for so long you end up being like a worried parent.

I am not against fan fiction. So, I will amend what I said. If you want to just do an original work set in the world then follow the previous guidelines. However, if you want to do fan-fiction and use my characters then by all means do so, but please just make sure that you make it clear that it is fan fiction. My concerns stemmed from a fear that people believed that I wasn't going to finish the story, but I assure you that I am. Fan fiction could be interesting because honestly, at times, I believed that the characters would end up in a lighter-toned story, but it kinda became something like a normal fantasy story. Let me know if you want to do so, and I will check it out. I'll also answer questions. Stay safe out there.

IvrioneIvrioneover 1 year ago

I'm sorry I caused so much turmoil and unhappiness with that sentence. I honestly didn't mean any harm by the idea. I simply wanted to express how much I love the world and story you've created by letting you know it had inspired me to contemplate writing. I would never dream of using another writer's oc's without their explicit permission and approval of story direction. I can't begin to understand how much it must have hurt to see your story stolen in that comic. I think I'll just enjoy your contributions and stories and leave things there going forward. I look forward to seeing how things develop and finish out and wish you a Happy New Year!

notbreckenridgenotbreckenridgeover 1 year agoAuthor

You didn't cause any turmoil or unhappiness, Ivirione. I respect the fact that you asked the question. It's actually very flattering. The thing with the comic was weird, but I got over it. If you really want to write a story in the world then please do so. One of my dreams is to see more people be willing to give their writing a try. People often put in their profiles that they want to write, and I'm like: "Cool, let's see it." Because that it how you learn. My early stories on this site are kinda lacking to be kind. I was still learning, but I stuck with it, and I am happy to see that people sometimes like them.

I knew that I messed up on the wording on those comments. It's been hectic at work, and the end of the year tends to mean more alcohol than usual.

Having the desire and inspiration to write is a wonderful thing. Maybe one of the best things. There are people that sit in front of black documents on their laptop in cafes that would kill for that. You are welcome to write in the world. Fan-fic or original story set in the world. All I ask is for a link or reference back to this original one. Creativity is amazing and a bringer of joy. There is far too little of that in the world. I want you and everyone else to write. I hope that you'll reconsider. Happy New Year. Thank you for the constant dedication. You and the others that have stayed with this story are fantastic.

testiculustesticulusover 1 year ago

Thanks for the new chapter. Yeah... Nothing will go wrong with bringing four highly countagious wild elves into your camp, one of them being an Avatar of their Goddess !! ^^ Regarding Raina's madness, I hope she'll not just die because my conviction is that she needs to bond with someone to recenter herself, having someone else to protect usually have this effect.

sarakoessarakoesover 1 year ago

Loving the story! <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm always so wrong in my predictions but this is how I see it going forward in the next chapter...

The three bound elves are brought to the camp of the human army. There they meet the new zealot in charge: "abominations", "need to purge our world or you filths",... blah blah,... kingdom politics, religion of light....blah blah,... He will deal with them later as he have to leave to oversee the final assault the whole army is about to launch on the settlement. In the cell next to them, they discover badly beaten Lord Collins and Doc. Clive (Zealots don't like scientists). Father/child awkward reunion and Lord Collins finally realize that his son is no more.

As the noises of the big battle reach them, Raina suddenly arrive and neutralize the guards. She doesn't care about the fate of the she-elves anymore but she couldn't bring herself to abandon Kiari due to their shared story. The camp is near empty now and they can easily flee but it will solve nothing. Lord Collins say that the only thing they can do is hope for the elves to survive the day. Then when the battered army will come back, he will try to regain control of his exhausted men from the mutineers and they will leave this forsaken place. Kiari propose that the wild elves and the humans sign a treaty to prevent anymore bloodshed so Collins doesn't have to go back to his king empty handed and with half of his men missing.

It's literotica, so there will be a sex scene, but i don't see where it can be added organically to the story at this point. Maybe someone is injured/poisoned and needs to be converted to save their life. Maybe converting some of the mutineer leaders is a good way to help Collins regain control of the army. Or Kiari's affinity with Angelanhala manifesting throughsome dream-like flashback showing what happened to Braith's first wife, the creation of the first Wild Elf or what event led to the Wild Elf purge.

Shy1oShy1oover 1 year ago

Love this story, been silently following it for years, you deserve praise for your commitment to it.

notbreckenridgenotbreckenridgeover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you all for your kind words. I love hearing from you folks. I am still working on the next chapter. Life and work have taken their toll of course, but we are getting there. A few scenes have been difficult to write, but the goal is within sight. I hope you folks stay safe and happy out there. This crazy world seems intent on hurting us. All we can do is keep moving.

notbreckenridgenotbreckenridgeabout 1 year agoAuthor

I'm doing the final edit now. Should have it done soon. Sorry for taking so long. My next post will be the finale. Thank you for your continued support.

notbreckenridgenotbreckenridgeabout 1 year agoAuthor

I just submitted Chapter 13: the finale. Give the good people on the site some time to do their job. Thank you guys for your patience and enthusiasm. Cheers.

ShortyMacShortyMacabout 1 year ago

Oh my I was hoping the story would never end, but I knew it had to some time. Again you have earned another awesome rating of 25 stars…. 🤤 Much thanks for the epic journey so far.


Shortymcc AKA Lynn

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