All Comments on 'Caroline Alone Ch. 01'

by MortonGrange

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I hope the cheating whore gets what's coming to her, and the lover gets his cock and balls chopped off. Decent start, don't wimp out and have him take her back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great story

This chapter bears the promise for a great story. Can't wait for the rest of it. Pay no attention to the religious crowd of both sides. Write it as you feel it. Thanks.

tangoperutangoperuover 11 years ago
Too much time between chapters

If the deliver is going to be "weekly or when I can", one month or more will dilute the effect and interest will be lost, specially in such a psychological drama. It would have been better to wait until finishing the story and publish it within days.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
what is it with ENGLISH writers and their inability to portray husbands as MEN?

there are aspects of this that are really good... and some that arent. The character development is really good and deep. But WHY is jack doing this? the word games thing gets really dumb after a while.... your wife us cheating in you and thinks you are awful in bed... and this british loser is playing WIRD games?

As to WHY he has a cup of coffee at damiens and takes their lunch.... he wants his wife to suspect that he knows... and in doing so ends the affair without the husband making a big confrontation

in other words... a wimp

The author spends a lot of time developing the wife which is kind of unusual for LW stories. But the wife's live for moment kind of person is going to be a MASSIVE stumbling block for any reconciliation since her entire perspective is that since the sex with damien is soooooo goood. .. it must be ok.

even worse. ..once she falls for the other guy... she fig

ures out that if jack cannot figure out what she is thinking or feeling... if he cannot read her mind... it must be ok to fuck another man.

yes folks its the husband's fault he doesnt special powers.... hard to

past THAT kind if mindset


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well, we will see...

Can go either way..Could become a standard (long) wimp story OR a possible husband with a back bone. Gawd only knows this site needs some authors who understand that most husbands are not wimps. Normally only Stang writes stories where men are men and don't wear diapers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
The site

is full of wimp yanks too you moron

sugnasugnaover 11 years ago
Taking too long

The wife is a cold bitch. He made a terrible mistake marrying her. She is a terrible mother. At this point an thoughtful protagonist would be planning his exit strategy. He clearly loves the kids. He is clearly so hurt by her cheating that he has to get her out of the house. There are only so many possible ways to achieve this. With the access he has to fuck-face's house, he needs to plant drugs there and in her car. He also needs to drug their food so they test positive for drug use. It is a simple plan, and will result in the courts determining that she is an unfit mother. She is out of the house and divorced paying child support and alimony! This is one of the best ways to deal with cheating spouses. It also saves a lot of money with the divorce lawyers.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 11 years ago
Who's Zooming Who ?

This is a marriage who's tachometer needle is well in the red zone. There is a very fair amount of Prince of Denmark-esque dithering and wringing of hands. I'm enjoying Jack's verbal feints & double-edged off hand remarks from a reader's standpoint, but so far fail to see the point.

I also appreciate the fact that first the husband, then the wife is wearing the dunce cap in term of not picking up their spouse's clues that all isn't quite ducky in their connubial ' Hamlet'. Jack playing for time. But why ?

Frankly Caroline's breezy presumptuousness, mendacity,the affair's intensity and duration precludes forgiveness. It's time to divvy up material goods & custody of the children & find more suitable significant others.

Since this a wonderful written story & not a template for real life, however, I'm happy to follow along the path blazed by the skillful author with the certainty that at the end of the trail there will be a bonfire par excellence. Full marks & my thanks to MortonGrange for a provocative read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
good start

good start. she thinks she is too clever and hubby will never find out. But as usually happens one missplaced word or some small unusual action alerts the long term spouse that something is not right. you do a really good job of showing how they feel, how doubts creep in, and how trust is lost. even though this looks like a train wreck story, i hope you will have some compassion.THANK YOU

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
good work

good plot and character depth just a little tweeking needed

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Very good

A great beginning, but I do hope you will post subsequent chapters sooner than weekly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
went through the

same thing but these were not my thoughts, as you say it is a story and well written but life is dirrerent nobody can be seeing some one else twice a week and love their spouse only in fantasy.

Lewy123Lewy123over 11 years ago

This has all the makings of being very very good. Just remember to write what you want to write and don't bow to pressure from anyone.

cantbuymycantbuymyover 11 years ago

Ongoing to wait until it is all here to read it but if it is as good as the duel then it will be a great read.

kelchakelchaover 11 years ago
Great Start

Please make sure you put the reason for her being caught out - the endearing name of the loser boyfriend. That's telling isn't it. She may tell herself a lot of bullshit about how much she loves Jack, but the nickname shows her up.

Interesting that she feels she can get hubby to see things from her perspective and life for them will go on.

Comments about wimp husband are nonsense of course. These are intelligent characters and decisions are not made spur of the moment. The beginning of this story is superior to most and well worth continuing as you like.

Thanks for this.

looking4itlooking4itover 11 years ago

Because it is written well I may continue reading future chapters but there are issues with some assumptions that may cause me not to do so.

"To do so would require moral strength..." bullshit, MORAL strength would have been to say no in the first place. She, and perhaps you as the author, is delusional; rationalizing poor choices and unsavory behaviors.

"If only he'd do something spontaneous, show a little enjoyment and sparkle, he thought she'd have never been open to Damien's attention." Bullshit2, this was her doing and if she couldn't describe her needs to her husband then their relationship sucked long before her disappointment in his personality traits. She settled for someone that wasn't compatible and was too weak willed to fight it. A personality trait I don't think Damien would really and truly find attractive himself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
write weekly? what nonsense

You should not write one chapter every week. That would be too long. You should finish the story first and then publish it. By taking over a month to publish a story u pass on a message that says you dont care about your readers. Stang does it well in such scenario's, he publishes a story in one go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
get her lover a whore with aids

then she can catch it and then die.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

its called divorce and sue the company she works for and her lover Take them all to court and if that don't work take the kids and run to another country Let the cheating bitch have her lover without a husband or kids to get in their way. After all DAM deserves her undivided attention

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightover 11 years ago
Like watching a train wreck.

I like the plot, often as it has been used. Wife cheats and husband flounders. This is well written, but in a style I find a bit difficult to read. There are so many asides and thoughts that I skim entire paragraphs to try to find the core of the story. This is good, if you like this sort of dark, wordy story. I will stay with it, but will skim the bulk of it as it appears.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
What a selfish bitch

Narcissism at this level is hard to imagine. It doesn't appear to be passion or unfulfilled desire that motivates her, but rather the dubious pleasure she derives from being able to pull it off successfully and manage her difficult circumstance so well. I usually hope that true love will win in the end, but I find myself hoping, at the conclusion, he will murder her violently and feed her in small bits to the cat. I don't like her at all.

SirThopasSirThopasover 11 years ago
Good start

This is a solid nonfantasy emotive piece on the way infidelity affects people. Very moving.

A shade more description...preferably creative in nature...a little more telling and a little more showing, and you've got the start of something strong.

I agree with those who say that a chapter a week is frustrating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

'for jack and the children' now that is a mockery of words from her. and takes nothing from them....the woman's thinking is muddled. She continues and the lover could die suddenly and nary one spot of suspicion to Jack, and her betrayal outed completely. Her ruin, then his, part of anything to come?

malizlatomalizlatoover 11 years ago

There's something called "carpet bombing". Jack,go for it and take no prisoners....

harbormaster1harbormaster1over 11 years ago
quite a pair of stories

Your first work and now this one....well you have some it twice and I find Caroline to be a piece of work. Young children.... husband doing well...yet she strays and even she can't explain if it's the thrill, the chase, or the lying that makes game on?

Husband interesting person...let her mull over faith with your hints. Keep her off guard.

Caroline must know her lover isn't devoted bachelor without other love interests. She is playing with fire and there are lots of good twists and turns ahead.

In the tradtion of Jolly Olde...carry on

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Very entertaining

A nice, in-depth examination of an affair. The writing style seems to mirror the sense of ambling-about-through-a-fog the husband is experiencing.

I hope you are able to complete the story, "as you see it', without too much interference from the less open-minded readers.

Thanks for sharing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

MortonGrange: Thank you. I think this is a nice start and I want to read more. I disagree that a complex revenge plot including AIDS through a second party to the lover and then Caroline (or other similar burn 'em at the stake, get everyone fired etc nonsense) would be an appropriate response in realistic fiction about a love triangle like this one. So I like the tension you create, the combination of fantasy thinking and realistic actuality that goes on between Jack's and Caroline's thoughts as they view the same facts.

The reality is that all people are attracted at times to other people, --marriage does not stop a biological impulse --it is self discipline that keeps a person from acting on those urges, Those perception / reality disconnects are often called "thinking errors" such as: Me first; Lying to avoid consequences, Blaming others, I'm the greatest, Act first think later, Failure to accept our obligations etc. They are common failures in humans to distinguish between what we want and what is really possible.

I also think that all three people can be somewhat delusional about their expectations of the six sides in this triangle, and that you capture that ambivalence. For example, Caroline thinks that since she KNOWS that she loves her husband --it should be enough in the future, and even though it MIGHT be a "fact" that she loves Jack more than she does Damien-- she can't / won't also SEE that Jack's emotional response will naturally be that she has chosen the other man. She "knows" her love is strong enough, but can't also recognize that Jack will never read the situation that way, and when the time comes her words will be totally inadequate to change his also perfectly normal perception that she doesn't.

I appreciate that Jack needs some time to deal with the betrayal, to blame himself and other events, to calculate impact before he acts. I think that is a much more common response than some comments suggest. And I also think that it can be just as masculine and mature as using a flame thrower to prove you are a "real" man at the first whiff of cheating, because doing so, when it involves the mother of your own beloved children, is a coward's path in the long term. When dealing with children in family relationships the adults need to act like the grown ups, and not like a hurt teenager. Real man can view both sides, and seek balance between what they want, what they can accept, and what they should do, to resolve the imbalance.

I hope that you stay with the realism of having three normal people caught up in something like this --which often spirals out of control-- since perception is often stronger than fact, and hurt is multiplied by love. I hope it gets more complex, more problematic, more difficult rather than taking a shorter (albeit sometimes rewarding) nuke it approach.

Thanks for writing on a complex issue with sensitivity and depth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Your style is hypnotic

Recently, I've been going through my Favorite Authors & Favorite Stories and culling all but a few. Morton Grange & "The Duel" were keepers. In fact, I have now added to my bucket list hiking across England.

It's always tempting to demonize participants in these stories. The husband becomes a fool, the wife a slut, the other man an evil opportunist. Making all of them human is difficult and irritates trolls who demand one-dimensionality. You manage to resist the easy way. It's looking like Caroline Alone will end up making the cut in my next winnowing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Jarring Switches

Remember narration is in the past tense, even as quoted dialogue is in the present tense.

Otherwise you are writing a script with directions for the actors.

As you are also switching points of view from the husband to the wife and back while switching narrative tenses makes it especially jarring.

Other small typos like he's instead of his can be solved by a proofreader.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 11 years ago
MORTON'S comments about his first story THE DUEL...

At the beginning of this story the author made this INTERESTING comment about his 1st story the DUEL. The author stated ...

"....The Duel, which surprised me the most were from readers who disliked the characters or found the subject matter depressing. I can only protest that I write stories as I see them, and I honestly thought The Duel was an uplifting tale of redemption..."

Really? This author thought the wife's awful actions and self centeredness were wiped out or redeemed because of some 1 year memorial. ???


syd_the_cynicsyd_the_cynicover 11 years ago
You have to laugh at the two brain dead anon commenters who

Assumed that the husband was a wimp because he hasn't nuked the wife. It certainly reveals the depth of ignorance of the typic US trailer trash. We all know how ignorant your average American is (if you think Brits are wimps then I will assume that all Americans are ignorant) A week between episodes is way too long. However, nice work, well written even if the words are too long for the anonymous American trolls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great story and well written. Looking forward to the next installment. Thanks for writing and sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Your writing style is fantastic. It would be better served elsewhere. That said, as long as you dont make this guy out to be a total wimp sissy ass you will continue to get my # 5. Great job!!!

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 11 years ago
Good story but . . .

Well-written but agree that weekly chapters are spaced too far apart. Most of us would need to re-read the older chapter (s) to recall important details, prior to reading the next part. I also feel Jack is a bit weak and his messing with lover's property a bit childish. Why risk giving himself away before he is ready for the confrontation? Don't know about British law, but in the US, the courts favor the wives. There are few options if one wants to avoid "hurting the children." Actually, they'll be hurt no matter what, so maybe the best option is to simply tell them what their mother has done, and leave. I doubt they will jump into lover boy's arms any time soon, and they will be pretty scathing to their mother -- they are really old enough to understand quite a lot at this stage. Thanks for writing.

bruce22bruce22over 11 years ago
Interesting and compelling

The first reaction was: what an ego-centric bitch! Then came: what a confused and wounded male! But basically it is not possible to quit following the tale. What worries me is, I am not sure that I will survive long enough to see the end of this one.

Also I am not sure that it is possible to come out of this happy. Perhaps the best solution would be for her to marry her lover and give up her family. I am not sure that it would make things any worse for "sweetie". He really ought to tape her and play back her statement to her.... The problem is rather than becoming furious and seeking revenge like many of you folks want is that I believe he is trying to win her back. For most of the readers on this board, this is just not acceptable.

xtremeddxtremeddover 11 years ago
hmmm... writing for the crowd, can't please all who want it now...


with NO breaks as their attention span is, well little and too short. I re-read last chapter of 12 or 15 stories I'm following b-4 reading updated. Simple.

Regardless the whine and cheese readers some appreciate (authors) it. (as I do)

Tough genre to write and be fresh on and even tougher to write word pictures of inanimate feelings of pain and betrayal... 1% dis-loyalty no matter how justified is no different than 100% dis-loyalty. So I'll patiently wait for Ch. 2.

Thanks for sharing on Lit.


njlaurennjlaurenover 11 years ago
The characters are human

but it doesn't make them likable. Damien knows Caroline is married with kids, yet he doesn't give one crap about the marriage, all he does is whine about how he doesn't have enough time with her. If he was really in love with her, he would do the honorable thing, and tell her that they needed to break it off and Caroline needed to make a choice, that he would be waiting for her but she couldn't have it both ways.I don't think I want that, I suspect Damien is the typical what we call jock type, that he would rather leave the 'messy' stuff like the kids and such to Jack, and have her as his paramour, when he wants it and where he wants it, then jack can have the rest.

Caroline is very, very typical of the cold, analytical type that makes plans, they can rationalize their way out of anything. She finds something in Damian she doesn't get in Jack, yet she never tells him her feelings, she instead justifies an affair as actually making her love him more. She compartmentalizes it, and thinks that what she has for Jack is love, when quite frankly, it isn't, he is the guy she is comfortable with, with the kids, he is a great dad, while Damien is the excitement. If Jack works too hard, instead of mentioning it, she simply runs to find another solution. Humans can rationalize anything, that is for sure.

Jack is torn with his feelings, but he too is rationalizing. His whole idea seems to be that he will make Caroline so pissed off that she will want to leave him, and somehow justifies it by saying that this will make the kids lives easier. Yet what he is setting himself up for is much worse, Caroline will file for divorce on the grounds of mental cruelty, she will tell everyone else including the kids he is an ass, and he will be alone, looked down upon, etc.

It is ironic, both of them are ducking reality, rationalizing away their behavior. I mean Caroline tells herself that if Jack figures out what is going on, that she can make him see what she is doing is okay for them...OMG, delusion central, and Jack thinks his little plan will make it easier (in effect, he is chickening out, but heading to more horrible consequences then if he confronts her).If he has any hope of saving the marriage, he needs to confront her and make her make choices,pure and simple.

Be interesting to see where you take it, you hint this turns into a Romance piece, which could mean either Jack and Caroline find each other, Caroline ends up with Damien, or she finds someone new, which quite honestly, if it is trhe 2nd or 3rd options it won't be very popular. Trying to redeem Caroline is going to be difficult, she should have been a lawyer, all cold analytical BS with very little heart. Sure, she will cry when Jack confronts her, we will get paragraphs of her breaking heart, but what that really will be is her brilliant little created world crashing down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

this is the level of writing i appreciate . thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Harry is clinging to straws cos this author can write, and well.

Well what a twisted bitter toad of a man he reveals himself to be. Jealous cunt. Seriously, I'm as American as can be. Did some English guy fuck your wife Harry? What's with the racist bullshit?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Interesting and compelling

but not erotic. Or where do you get a hard one ? destroying the life of 2 kids ? destroing the love of a marriage ? or do you spill your cum only when all of them have adis or hepatitis ? or maybe when mr. rugby beats the shit out of the husband ?

I see a lot of really good reason to write this story here with so many erotic possibilities.

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyover 11 years ago
Of Course, We're All Different, Aren't We?

When I lived through a very similar time - my wife carried on a three year affair before I started receiving anonymous calls - saving the marriage was not on my radar, nor was grieving over what I must have done to contribute to her behavior. My boys were my whole concern. The marriage was over; no amount of fake remorse was goinjg to put humpty dumpty back together again. I followed my lawyer's advice tro the T and had a therapist keep me sane. When a good case could be made for herf being an unfit motrher, I lowered the boom. Now that's a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Really Good

Writing is high quality...the tension in the dialog is excellent...setting the stage for more chapters..a little more sex would be useful.

SlirpuffSlirpuffover 11 years ago

First of all, I like your story. It shows conflict, emotion and I'm sorry to say indecision. Why on God's green earth would a husband let his wife's affair continue?

Kids or no kids, job or no job, how could you take that woman to bed knowing what she'd been doing with someone else. No matter what I read here, no normal man would knowingly share his wife. "I don't share my tools much less my wife."It appears that she is getting from her lover what the husband can't give her; but really after reading the e-mails and her reaction to his upsetting her plans, how can he knowingly let it continue. Forget the phrase, "am i better with or without her" she's already proved to you what you mean to her.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 11 years ago
Wow...Duel and now this

Superb start. Character development is almost automatic with MGrange. Or very well cultivated! I'm curious if the coffee cup and missing lunch will be addressed in Ch. 2!

I prefer that, once a series starts, it continue in the SAME category...please re-consider the future of Ch.3...if it MUST go Romance, at least 'thanks' for alerting the readers in advance! However, it has now been strongly hinted that it will be a weekend (or more) with Sweetie and her Bull on a tryst with little or no attention to Hubby and her kids! By then, however, it will STILL be an LW story (except for those who primarily read Romance, and read Ch.3 as a stand-alone! Fuck them!!!)

5* and favorite author (already)

tiger46tiger46over 11 years ago
unbelievably well written

One of the best, if not the very best, start of a multi-chapter story. The only character not fully developed was Dam. However, there was sufficient character development to make him a real person - and a real threat.

Anyone who has been cheated on, as I have, can feel the very real true-to-life anxiety felt by Jack. Can't wait for the next installment.

tiger46tiger46over 11 years ago
In reply to "WHY???"

Two reasons:

1- there are two otherwise happy children to consider. It's a real dilemma. We ALL say we would "kick her to the kurb". But the reality in a long term relationship it ain't that easy pal. It's almost shocking what some of us do in order to hold on - it really is.

2. Love? Fear? Shock? a combination maybe?

I tried hard, and she did come back. We tried to make it work for over a year. But in the end my mind movies won out. And I walked. Wish I could have been stronger - if only for the kids. They were the ultimate losers in all this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Don't let up! 5 *s

MattblackUKMattblackUKover 11 years ago
Oh, God. A real 5* start!

This story was wonderful, very well-written, but a bloody emotional roller-coaster, too! I await part 2 with eager anticipation and trepidation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Good stuff

Love your style tho a bit of descriptive sex might make it a little more erotic. Anyway write your own story and not what the BTB's want. Good luck!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Nicely done

5 *'s here. Look forward to the next installment.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 11 years ago
I'm wit' HDK

but I read even less... just a couple lines first page and then a couple lines the last page... and the husband's still psychoanalyzing himself, as the wife --- as she fucked her life and family away while he cried himself to sleep almost every night....

we all like cheating stories, that's why we read these stories here... but I must confess I hate it when authors make their cheating stories characters a combination of psychoanalysts-narcissists-and-cuckolds simultaneously, like this.

HDK described that situation as being a train wreck in slow motion; to me, it's just bullshit. again, I hate stories and plots where the authors --- even very decent to good writers who could write well --- make their main characters out to be mindless psychoanalysts, narcissists, and happy-and-unhappy cuckolds simultaneously... like this...

so, for now, a 25/1-star rating from me...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Keep Going

Here's a 5 from me. Your story is showing hubby's emotional turmoil and what his choices really are. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Your doing a great job with this story

To many sickos comments .those who want to insult other countries and link all there people into one class. This man knows how to write .but there are to many who only want one kind of story and are ready to insult to put forth there sick agenda.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

How can you really give a comment if you just read "a line here and there"

Its actually a bit different to the norm and is really very good if you take the time to actually read it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This is a great story and the lack of sexual depiction is a bonus, not a loss. I don't know what's going to happen and I can't wait for the next chapter.

extemporeextemporeover 11 years ago
So far, so good . . .

Actually, so far REALLY good! Someone complained that it's a bit wordy, which may be true, but all those words are strung together extremely well.

Looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
The Duel comment

I realize that this may be in the wrong place to say this, in the Caroline comment section not the Duel one, but since the comment (above) was made here, I will respond here.

I just want to say, MortonGrange, that I disagree with Harryin VA that Suzie didn't try to redeem her mistake. The timing of her having an affair on that very day /week is classic tragedy. Any other time would have resulted in three different outcomes. It was awful for all three people. She made a horrible mistake. But I think she accepted it completely, and that her annual walk following the same route as his last lonely days is appropriate.

Having spent many days walking the Appalachian trail under heavy load, I know that it offers so much time to think and reflect on your own successes and failures. It is like any penance, the words of a prayer are just words, until..... --but the effort to act in good faith, to esteem his courage in action by following his lead, makes the words of a prayer true and faithful to his undeserved pain, caused by her selfishness. She uses physical exertion to pay tribute to him, and to ask for atonment

ttom76ttom76over 11 years ago
Could be a lot better with proper editing

First, I liked your story. Yes, it is long and you rabbit track all over, but, that's OK as it's your style.

I did not like your changing from present to past tense. I also disliked a number of huge paragraphs with run on sentences. Perhaps it's your way of trying to get the emotion across but it irritated me. Reading some of the other comments, it makes others skip over them.

I will withhold judgment about how it will end. Marriages had a tremendous amount of inertia built in which so far justifies Jack's actions.

Thanks, Ttom 4*

RonventuresRonventuresover 11 years ago
Excellent writing

This appears to me to be professional level writing. Excellent character development, shows a deep understanding of marital relationships, and a knack for describing all the emotions related to a threatened marriage.

Perhaps I read it too fast, but the episode regarding Jack's break-in at Damien's home was a bit strange, I was a little confused as to when it took place, and most of all, I was surprised that Damien didn't notice all the clues that Jack carelessly left behind.

I look forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Nice story

Great writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Can"t wait for next chapter

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 11 years ago
Upon Further Reflection.

One of the very, very nice subtle touches is Jack's stream of double entendre remarks to Caroline. Now Caroline in most circumstances is a intelligent woman & would have read from multiple signals that something is amiss in the marriage & confronted the problem & most likely solved it.

However the strain and high of being a woman to two men, demanding job and mother has addled her. She's caught like a monkey with its fist full of nuts contained in a bottle with a narrow neck. Caroline thinks she can have it all and can brazen it out despite the onslaught of hints , the secret's out.

I can't wait for the moment of confrontation. How will it end ? That's not my call but Jack doesn't seem to be a sharing type. Divorce or reconciliation are both still on the table, although for myself , I just couldn't deal with reading her mash cyber notes and lies that Jack's discovered. We'll see & if we're not careful, we'll learn.

Thx again MG for best pure writing this month in this genre.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Top writing

Good to see another very gifted writer..

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Bad! Gotta wait a week for next chapter. This has really got me guessing as to whats going to happen. I kind of think she really doesnt understand whats shes doing for whatever reason' i think shes really messed up in her thought process byg its prob too late anyway

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

You have obviously spent a lot of time and thought on this and it shows, well done. Somehow, and maybe its just me, but you seem to have made out Caroline to be not really a bad person but someone who is having some problems which considering whats she's doing was no mean feat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great story - wish I could keep reading the rest of the chapters right now.

realmrsrealmrsabout 11 years ago
Nice Vintage (Morton)Grange

I have really enjoyed Duel and the first instalment of Caroline Alone.

Must we all wait to enjoy the continuation to completion of this tale over a MONTH???

DrallDrallabout 11 years ago
Well Done!

Thank you MG. I look forward to #2.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago
Great Tale

Well written and well thought out. No comment. Have to read on.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it

Incredibly good. 5 stars! I love he way this story is unfolding and you are doing an exceptional job of describing events and conveying emotions.

"Her love for Jack was not diminished by one drop. Rather the opposite – her cup was overflowing with love and in consequence she could handle husband and family life with more energy and enthusiasm than usual. Once she'd accepted her fate, she was happier, confident and more alive to the world around her."

Never heard anything like this in a story, and yet it strikes me as honest and authentic. Can't wait to see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Slow and boring

very slow and very boring..........

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago

Excellent story telling from me 5*****.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Powerful stuff!

This is a great story. I read the whole thing and am confused by the beginning scene of this chapter. Is it his dream when he finds out? I only wish that he had confronted her earlier with what she was doing to him and their family. If she was forced to see the folly of her rationalizations maybe things could have been saved. In this chapter she tells herself that she'd leave Damien if Jack found out.

Thanks for your work and for getting the story out without long breaks between chapters. I look forward to more from you. I hope that if you write multi-chapter stories in the future that you are able to keep them coming as quickly as you did in this one. You are a very talented writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Very good

Good story development, characters seem real, plot beleavable. I'm enjoying it. Real people avoid impulses, and think about what they are going to do.


BTTapBTTapabout 11 years ago
I'm late to the party

Top-notch writing. Loved "The Duel." Made the author a favorite. It has a leisurely pace that is not what I always want from a short story. But, this chapter was extremely well-executed, and I enjoyed the character development. I understand the characters. I am amazed by the ability of the author to bring them to life. This is really a different level of writing than is present from almost any other writer on the site.

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXabout 11 years ago

Jack complained about the crap coffee and mused that they ought to get a coffee machine, but only when they was invited to have one by someone who owned such a gadget! And STILL Caroline didn't cotton on!!!!! 10 out of 10 for believability up until that point. A riveting read, non-the-less

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXabout 11 years ago

Caroline's totally incapable of smelling a rat, even though the stench is overpowering!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Pompous and mindless prattle.

All of this garbage should have been shortened to 1 page. Than all I would have to do is read one paragraph, skip to the end and than give this travesty 1 star it deserves!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Simply wonderful

I can't wait to read the next chapter! *****

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Second time through

Thoroughly love this story. Brilliantly written. One of the best things on this site. We need more from you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Just an empty garbage.

One of the worst. "1*" !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
You have to wonder...

why an anonymous someone would keep reading a story they thought was that bad. Yet we have no stories by anonymous. I appreciate authors sharing their imagination and work with us.

Good start, MG, looking forward to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Pompous gibberish that could have been condensed to 1 page but the author had a case of verbal diarrhea.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

the husbands reactions/ actions/ mindset are so extreme that they need EXTRA explanation. But we dont get any.

Why on God's green earth would a husband KNOWINGLY let his wife's affair continue?

Kids or no kids, job or no job, how could man take a woman to bed knowing what she'd been doing with someone else. No matter what I read here, no normal man would KNOWINGLY share his wife.

And the emails just kill it. I dont think this is British thing but this sort of non reaction does happen a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great writing

Thank you for your story. I really like the character development and the reality you have put into the feelings expressed by the husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good to Great

Hope you can make this one pop.....bill

I read the duel

lonerider10lonerider10over 9 years ago
to the one paragraph wonders:

to those that want to read the 10 inch cock, gallons of come dripping from their cheating wife's pussy, the kids have 3 different dna make ups, AND then the cheating wife gets aids, ebola, rabies and the shits..........READY? this is not the story for you. fuck off. 5 stars!

GM33GM33over 9 years ago
Five stars plus!

Until now a very, very emotional and well written story!

seekerazseekerazover 9 years ago
I don't get the Brits...

Good ole Jack in an enabler and coconspirator in his own cuckolding and hasn't the strength to care enough about his wife or marriage to give her an ultimatum. The kids are also victims of his enabling. Caroline obviously has no love for Jack and the kids and thinks only with her twat.

Why are the husbands of slattern wives in British stories so feeble? It makes little sense but then again it is an empire in ruins.

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 9 years ago
Spoiler alert!

OK....this is a great story...and while the author does not consider it a burn the cheating slut bitch down story, I have to disagree. The husband is not any kind of a wimp mind you, but also not a monster driven to murder. If you want my full opinion, skip to my comment on the last part of the story. That said, in my humble opinion, this will appeal to all but the willing cuckold, take the slut back no matter what crowd.

javmor79javmor79over 9 years ago
Passive aggresive games

Never work in real life. They just further complicate things. It is better to man up and take the situation head on than play these juvenile games.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Another Brit degenerate and its pathetic attempt at a story !

Those yella-belly cowardly wimps are all the same. "1*" !

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 9 years ago
the previous comment was written by the rotting corpse of Mickey Spillane from the grave.

That is all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
PIG FUCKERS??? Really dear annony we're not talking aboutyour love life.

This story is a 5+++ And you dear annony are a sad little cock boy who can't get laid!@@

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Brilliant. Five stars. Still love it. Still a favorite. Excellent character development.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
very nice

Well done.

Excellent writing.

The story is engaging.

In real life my advice would be to divorce given the circumstances you created in the story.

She is perfectly willing to throw her family away. How much could she even love her children, to risk their futures so?

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
Written So Nice .... Had to Read It Thrice

" I've looked at love from both sides now " sings Joni Mitchell in her classic song. Morton Grange is nigh spooky in how he captures both cheating wife who is avid for action and her upright husband, who truth be told, does stray a bit on the staid end of the spectrum.

However that aforementioned staid quality ended very abruptly once Jack discovers Caroline's duplicity. He is possessed by passion and takes uncompromising action in his marriage . That capacity for zeal , however, that Caroline felt she was shorted on , will be focused on terminating their relationship and not enhancing it.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyalmost 8 years ago

Second time I read it, it just gets better and and better. It's a shame so many readers apparently do not understand the story line, and get upset by it. Oh well, there is an audience for every story, just not necessarily the same audience.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great Story!

Third time I've read it, this is really well written. Love your stories.

dissmissdissmissover 7 years ago
Very nice

Loving this.

Really feel the drama .... tension building.

5 *

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