All Comments on 'Caroline Alone Ch. 02'

by MortonGrange

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
holy shit

This woman is an idiot! I hope jack finds someone that knows how to treat a husband.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

There's no possible way any sane woman can be this stupid. Since it is fiction, I hope she gets burned, and burned badly. Same with Damien.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
given the author is english... we all know where this headed


when the silly and badly written confrontaion scene occurs the wife is stunned that jack is even angry! She admits that over the last 3 months she never once about how jack MIGHT react

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

A good read! You raise a valid issue i today's society where moral values are blurred.

She's stupid, but credible. It is'nt uncommon for people to want to eat the cake and have it too. But add to the mix a beauty with brains who always got what she wants...Practically, a marriage is by definition one of the only relationships that demands total fidelity. Many are'nt aware that there is NO way to put Humpty together again.

syd_the_cynicsyd_the_cynicabout 11 years ago
Nice work, although the dealy between episodes doesn't help.

To the dipstick anon comments, real life is more akin to this story than the rather sad BTB stories. Got to laugh at the brain dead fool who assumed that because the author is British then the story will go a certain way. I renew my view that if the idiot yanks continue to conclude that all Brits are wimps then I will continue the view that all yanks are idiotic trailer trash.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
how very true

that people do think like the wife in this story as an ex friend of mine did and thought the same way and ended up a drunk with no family.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Chapter well written...

Just, please, don't turn him into a cuckold wimp. The wife (who by all definitions) is a self-centered slut. A really good ending would be for good ole Damien to "knock" her up, Jack meet a woman who adores him, loves his children, replaces their mother. Under no circumstances have Jack and the "slut" get back together again.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 11 years ago
Good second chapter

Looks like Jack's plan is working to some extent. Sad story but very well-written. If RAAC is planned, then I can't see how Jack could ever trust his wife again. She claims to love him but is so selfish, she can't fathom how much she has hurt him. Since there is no plan for counseling, I can't see any outcome other than divorce.

geopri71geopri71about 11 years ago

I believe all Caroline has to do is drop Damien and work toward getting back her husband.back.He seems to be giving her a way back in,but for some reason she cannot see it.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 11 years ago
I'm reserving my rating till the end

I think jack should make his own call. He's has all but moved on. I hope he stays out and finds him a hot little coed.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 11 years ago
A Hard Rancor is Bound to Sprawl

I so enjoyed the story from a quality point of view. Yet if Jack was living a nightmare before, now he's living a fantasy. In reality, this man has put himself in a tremulous position legally with chain e-mail, abandoning the family and taking a lassez-faire attitude towards the family's finances.

She's been effectively handed full custody and a vindictive bitch can do untold damage with that standing. Should Caroline marry or take up residence with Damien to alleviate fiscal woes, Jack's kids will be under the shadow of another man. His threat to kick ass rings more then a little hollow for multiple reasons.

Men who train to play rugby don't fear bodily assault from joggers. In addition the downside of being convicted of assault is too obvious to mention. Potential court, career & domestic power plays notwithstanding, this writer has me fully vested in all the characters.

Morton Grange truly has a gift for bringing his readers into the heads of the story's players and making them care about the outcome. I deplore their less stellar decisions & yet hope everything works out as well as it can. The children's welfare being first, seeing as how they are the only innocents in this absorbing drama. Full marks.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 11 years ago
This does stir emotions, but

The thoughts and actions of the wife will make reconcilliation a very difficult sell. She continues to bang her lover and tells her husband that she loves her lover. How can he ever again find her acceptable as a wife?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Jack's thinking

The story as written is pretty clear about Caroline's thought processes. Even Jack in Ch. 1 could figure that part out.

What is not yet obvious is how Jack is thinking. He seems to have gone off the deep end, leaving his job, returning to University, and using his children as a weapon. Possibly the last bit isn't that unusual with couples in a relationship meltdown. But, while the reader could feel sympathy for Jack after ch 1, his own brand of extreme denial/withdrawal in this chapter leaves one wondering what his contribution to the mess is going to be.

Awaiting the next 2 chapters ..

SKHPSKHPabout 11 years ago
Excellent writing, especially in terms of emotions

But I have to admit that Caroline's attitude and reasoning are completely unbelievable. Instead of getting the message of Jack's decisions, she only thinks about a way to have her affair going on in paralel to her marriage. Can anybody really have such twisted ideas about love and marriage, espacially after knowing the spouse that long? Did she ever really love him? Is she really not able to understand his - quite reasonable - point of view?

Considering this, I think there is no way back for these two. MG, please spare us the recocilliation! Let Jack meet a reliable, loving new partner and have custody of his children, whose main caregiver he already had been for a long time during the marriage. Send the bitch to her lover and let them live unhappy ever after!

A clear 5* rating so far from me.

xtremeddxtremeddabout 11 years ago
bewitched? sad that truth is stranger than fiction...


Jack sorted it out, Caroline alone sorted nothing yet...

Hope Jack realizes first relationship rule: never do your own dirty work.

Thanks for sharing on Lit.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
is there really women out there like this?

yes. and i actually know some. sad and pathetic, i know. really good story, looking forward to more.

harbormaster1harbormaster1about 11 years ago
skillfuly written

Mr. Grange you have quite a story going here. Caroline attitude reflects the now generations thinking. Sure she has Damien but in her mind she still takes care of Jack. Children are a part of her balance, but not any greater then any other part.

Before I retired my world was filled with employees having affairs and spouses demanding the company some how interfere with the affair. Workplace romances are very common and if there is no supervisor/subordinate relationship little a company can do. Even if your CPI has a no fraternization clause it's diffiuclt to enforce.

bruce22bruce22about 11 years ago
An excellent read

The wife really needs to talk with a therapist. Why don't people talk to therapists before they do the unforgivable? Or has society reached the point where many people accept that their partner get a little on the side?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
nice writing..

She's slowly painting herself into a corner. Only I think even the corner is not going to be there and she will be left with nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Can't wait...

looking forward to Ch. 03 !!

Thanx for a good read

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
So he claims he thought this through

But he's not actually working or supporting his kids. Fucking deadbeat pieces of shit like that are every bit as bad as a cheating slut. If his kids really are "starving", then he's at least half at fault for not sending child support. No amount of excuses about how his wife cheated on him and broke everything excuses him voluntarily leaving his job and not supporting his kids. The only reason for him to do that is so that he can get away with not paying alimony, and that's fucking pathetic. Which comes first? One's kids or one's pocketbook?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
"Why Women Still Can't Have It All"

This story (so far) reminds me of Ms Slaughter's recent article in The Atlantic about the enduring and seductive myth that women can "have it all." Caroline seems to assume that she can have Damien and retain her (unusual?) marital relationship with Jack and her (relatively normal) maternal one with the children, if she's smart enough and works hard enough. Now why would she assume that? She's learning fast that, at the very least, "all" does not include enjoying a strange dick on the side. As for Jack, he seems (so far) to be taking advantage of her choice in order to justify making changes in his own life that were not available to him. In his own way, he assumes almost as much as Caroline that he is entitled to "have it all" -- or at least as much of "all" as he wants to have if he can rationalize away some of his responsibilities. He wants the love of his children without the burdens of raising them. And he wants to blame everything on Caroline even though he apparently is glad of the opportunity to leave her. The difference is that she chose to stray from her marriage to achieve it "all," whereas he merely took advantage of that fact in order to rationalize his own move. Not much love there in the first place? Not too easy to find a "victim"? Good, well-written story. I'm anxious to see how it turns out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Prelude not needed. Makes you a whiner.

gabaagabaaabout 11 years ago
Going Nicely

This certainly is a very interesting and believable story. I'm gripped!

Caroline is facing a familiar problem. She thinks she can 'have it all' but she can't. Life involves trade-offs, particularly (but not exclusively) for working mothers. As often happens, her attempts to have it all bring emotional distress for those around her and problems at work. Her resentment when she discovers this truth is all-too human. It's tough learning not to be selfish.

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 11 years ago
That Caroline character is unbelievable!

and so disconnected from reality! BTB! I sure hope that Jack finds someone nice and FAITHFUL, who will be liked by the kids. He seems like a good guy that deserves better in life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Money does not equate love

Amazes me how many on here think that children need money to be loved. I grew up in a 800 sq ft house in a family of 4. My old man kept the place for 20 years because even in the worst case scenario he could always provide us with food and a roof by collecting cans.

My mom on the other-hand had a $400,000 home. Guess who my brother and I actually felt loved by? Not the greedy-psycho mom. Kids need your time, not your money.

SirThopasSirThopasabout 11 years ago

I agree with your comment regarding characters and error. The LW fixation with trying to present hero archetypes with all the intelligence and design of a very lazily built comic book makes for a lot of silly posturing and very juvenile storytelling. People make mistakes. They are imperfect. It's actually part of what makes them interesting and significant. An author shouldn't need to neglect that truth in order to create characters who we are willing to root for or follow. Or, rather, an author who tries is destined for mediocrity.

This chapter seemed to find you at a point in your story where you were eager to get to a fixed future, and so it became a bit of a rushed summary of events with only a very reduced amount of insight and reflection. It's a good story, though, and worth following.

looking4itlooking4itabout 11 years ago
I cannot fathom it

I sincerely cannot understand the Caroline character at all. You defend her as one would a child, which I suppose is natural for a writer, but I do not see how she could be so totally self absorbed to believe she can carry on with Damien and repair an I repairable (in my opinion, but I'm sure you have weaseled a way out for her) relationship with Jack. Talk about the epitome of "have your cake and eat it too." I can see why Jack was worried at the end of the previous chapter. He has put things at risk, such as his children's comfort, that was probably extremely tough for him to do (impossible for most). However, I am sure that the pain and embarrassment helped give him the impetus to make hard decisions.

It is equally hard for me to understand how Caroline and Damien are so surprised by everyone else's reaction. Perhaps you have them acting ths way to prove that they are actually in love. Perhaps it actually shows how incredibly shallow they both are. I suppose that is up to the readers to determine and ultimately why each reader will like or dislike ths story and the level to which they will state that enjoyment or distaste.

I will stick it out and see what you envision, for now. If you try to sanctify Caroline or excuse her actions I will stop. If you have some other idea planned for her growth and maturity I will continue reading. It does not have to be a bloodbath but Jack is right, possibly a little extreme in some of his decisions but he still had expectations of a marriage that Caroline and Damien EQUALLY ignored.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I like your writing but have never met a Caroline, someone so completly clueless. It will take Jack finding someone to sleep with for her to have a clue about what she is doing, has done, destroyed this marriage.

ScaliaScaliaabout 11 years ago
Employers and affairs

Another commentator mentioned that there is not much an employer can do about employee affairs. For the most part he/she is right. Nothing can be done until someone complains. Once a co-worker or spouse complains the wise employer will investigate and then if the charges are true, drop a ton of bricks on the employee. Caroline was offered a demotion and in real life will be dismissed after a suitable period. Even if the employer allows her to remain, she will never be trusted again. Damien too is in deep water: "Worse, they said, was that he allowed an unprofessional situation to develop which harmed the company's reputation." He too will be dismissed after a suitable period with his reputation trashed.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Fantastic story 5 *

Great story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Excellent writing

but as someone else mentioned to you in the comments of part one: Your writing style is fantastic. It would be better served elsewhere.

And why that ? because it is simply far from erotic. So write a book, maybe something like the dark Rosamunde Pilcher. There the characters are about equally dumb.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
My thoughts

It has been hard for me to read this story so far . It has hit really close to home . To you non-believers that think that shit like this don't happen . Well I'm here to tell you that it does and more often than you want to believe .The women in this story has convinced herself that what she is doing will have no side effect on the life's of others as long as she can balance it all out between her family and her new so called love interest . I can only tell you that when this almost same thing happened to me . I did almost the same thing as the character Jack in this story except i did not wait to file for divorce . My trust for my now ex was lost totally and i seen no way other than divorce. I have adjusted along with my kids to one of the hardest things i have had to do so far in my life . No name calling or revenge came from me because i truly believe in what comes around ,goes around and it has reared its ugly head once again . The love that my ex tore our family apart for and married has been at it again and she is now in the process of her second divorce in less than 5 years .She even came to me crying and asked me to forgive her for the wrong that she had done . Let me tell you that that did not happen . My kids now live with me full time and i have full custody of both of them . I'm now in the process of filing for child support from her . Like i said . What comes around , goes around .She did not hesitate to take me to the cleaners and actually if you can believe this told me that if i dropped the divorce and would not bitch about her spending 3 days and nights a week with her new lover that we could live like that until she got it out of her system . Never happened . So now she has nothing and back living with her parents . Karma ...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
re: holy shit

Yeah, she's an idiot. There is little here to suggest why either man, for that matter, would want to have a relationship with someone this stupid.

Chapter 1 stated this was to be spread over four chapters and the third would be in Romance. That does not sound promising. Dragging what should be a simple story over four chapters is bad enough, but putting the third in Romance pretty much infers you are laying the grounds for a reconciliation. I don't care what you write in it or what you think you accomplish, but the she's so clueless and he's so hurt and over her that if there is a reconciliation it would be forced and contrary to your setup.

m48gunnerm48gunnerabout 11 years ago

What is wrong, she is suppose to be an intelligent woman, but she seems to have blinders on. Anyway, you are keeping it interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
As I said before

As I said before, Morton Grange's Duel is a Favorite. Caroline Alone is looking like another. Your title is beginning to make sense also.

Ignore the white trash comments. A recent study proved conclusively that Literotica assholes have shorter than average penises & higher un/under-employment.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 11 years ago
Caroline is not unusual

There are people like her living compartmentalized lives,that really rationalize what they do.Commenters talk about her being stupid,but this is not about intelligence,it is about emotions and emotional maturitu,which is totally different.He idea that jack could accept this is rationalization,which is emotional,not logical,despite the name.

More interesting is jack,is he trying shock therapy to get Caroline to realize what she is doing?That the complaints Caroline has about Jack are because she didn't realize how much burden he was taking on?That she was bored because he gave her the time to be bored? And that by not divorcing,which most men would do,but rather putting the burden on her,she comes to understand how cruel she was? Being who he is,a man of economics and choices,it is something definitely in character,even though it affects the children negatively. I could criticize that with someone I knew personally,I think that hurts the children, but I can understand it.

I liked this better then part 1 for sure.I am not sure where this is going,I do look foward to reading the next parts.I am torn,I love reconciliation stories but it would take incredible writing to make Caroline redempted,to have her truly repent and repair. Saying part 3 is a romance,I hope it either is Caroline tries to woo Jack back for real or he finds love;if it is romance between caroline and damian I'll barf,he is an arrogant,stupid jock who thought he had the ideal thing with caroline,the fun without the work,and all he deserves is misery.Interesting how the anon jerk offs rant about her but are silent about him,not surprising,since the male is never to blame ,even (or maybe because) he is the he man type the anons want to be.

For the author,this is well written if bleak,I gave it a 5 fg or the writing,let's see what you can do with it:)

ejhggejhggabout 11 years ago
Very well done

Overall. Nice job so far. As Sir Thopas pointed out above, one of the challenges is to create human characters with flaws and contradictions who are still likable. I worry that in this chapter the characters might be tilting over the edge into unlikable. It's hard to exactly understand Jack's motivation here; if he wants out, why not file for divorce? In the meantime, as has been pointed out, removing himself seems to have hurt the children. The fact that he is written to an extent as the "hero" to the kids when he has bolted seems a bit unfair.

Caroline, who was and is doing something wrong, was at least somewhat understandable in chapter one; we don't have to like her choices, but she seemed at least cognizant of them. Here, not so much. Intentional by you perhaps; her life has come apart at the seams, and her contradictions are clear. She knows she "brought it on herself" at one point, and she'll have to choose at another, and yet she just needs to show both her men that she loves them. That's OK; contradictions are part of the human experience, but she crosses over the line in this chapter.

Unlike others, I can see a path to saving this marriage, though of course I can see other paths as well. My assumption is that chapter 3, if it is indeed in "romance," (a decision I don't think is wise; multiple chapter stories should remain in the same category for ease of readership in my view), will be about a new love interest for Jack.

This really is quite good.

looking4itlooking4itabout 11 years ago
Jack haters...

Don't you think that Jack has a plan that might make for some discomfort (as stated by another reader they have a ways to go before they are truly neglected) in his children? More to the point he is giving Caroline a real world set of responsibilities to help her reach what Jack deems a more suitable view of her life and what she needs to prioritizing. She arranged her work and his schedule to accommodate her affair while still thinking she was not harming or taking from her husband and children. He is showing her that is not true. I personally think its brilliant. It will be a valuable lesson to her and the children as well. Those of you with child protective services won't agree but I've checked and I really don't give a damn if you do or don't.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 11 years ago
5* and favourited

The really sad thing about this story? It's all too bloody close to the reality of infidelity, the woolly thinking, the 'I am entitled' attitude...

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

What is happening here? Why no divorce and moving on? Is the promised romance in chapter three about Caroline finally getting her head straight and focusing on Jack exclusively?

The children don't feel deprived, and so they are not deprived. Shelter, food and clothing are all provided and they are loved - what more is needed?

I too read LW stories for the emotional punch and I actually skim any erotic content.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I wish that the author had given the wife just a bit of self awareness and common sense. As written, the wife is totally self-centered, narcissistic and devoid of any concept of the real-world consequences of her actions. She also appears to have no clue about human nature and how people respond to different circumstances. She can't understand her husband's actions, attributing them to a hurt male ego and anger. Her behavior is that of a 7 year old girl not of an adult female with a husband she claims to love and 2 young children to care for.

One commenter stated that compartmentalizing one's behavior and actions in an affair is not uncommon. However, when the shit hits the fan and the truth comes out, it's time to deal with reality. So far, the wife is still in her own make-believe world and wants what she wants when she wants it.

Is there something that will snap her back to reality? Has her husband already written off their marriage irregardless of what she does? I await the next 2 chapters to find out.

By the way, I think the writing is first rate.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 11 years ago
Upon further review !

One of the small masterful touches of the estimable author is the self-righteous indignation and outrage hybrid-emotion that Damien feels upon discovering that Jack is the likely culprit who has burgled his house, lunch and dimmed his career prospects with hilariously dim, yet basically true chain e-mail sent to all & sundry.

The idea that this might be retribution that is justified doesn't even make the faintest shadow on his self-absorbed horizon. The fact that Dam's woman of choice has kids and a hard-working, empathetic, loving husband only seems to factor insofar that these 'encumberences' impinge on their quantity of illicit, quality time.

Damien's inability to see the big picture doesn't auger well for future step-parenthood. The fact that Caroline can't recognize her lover's narcissism is but part and parcel of why she's currently in her deserved, strained, ' cocked-up' contrempts.

Spoiling the lovers' high end champagne brunch with that sortie was covert, back handed humor of the finest vintage. Cheers !

Sidney43Sidney43about 11 years ago

I haven't read any of the other comments yet, so may be duplicating some already posted. The wife as drawn is way too clueless and naive to have been such a success at her job. She is sharp as a tack at work, but takes up with a man who she knows will cause her problems due to potential conflicts of interest. She can't figure out that Damien is just using her for sex, probably because he prefers married women. Her love is one sided and yet after two rough and uncaring sexual liaisons after the affair is discovered, she still cannot see him for what his is.

She professes to love her husband and wants to get him back into the fold, but cannot see what drove him away in the first place, even though it is like a brick wall she is trying to walk through. She is a walking conflict of a character and as such, she does not interest me much. At this point, I am only concerned about what happens to the children and the husband. She has no socially redeeming value.

solotorosolotoroabout 11 years ago
Good story

You have a good thing going here and I am looking forward to the next chapter. Usually I can get a sense of the characters as the author seems to want them to be, but Jack has me a bit off kilter. I can't quite decide if he will remain strong and true to himself or if he will wimp-out. He seems to have the inner strength and courage to get on with his life, but too many Brits on this site have disappointed me already. They make it seem that cum-slurping wimpery is part of the national character. So far you are a breath of fresh air.

Johnny1MJohnny1Mabout 11 years ago
I'm not sure if this is a criticism or not...

The main character seems not to see that she is destroying her marriage. I think that what is happening is that the author is saying suppose a wife is so self centered and delusional that she wants her lover and her husband and can't see why the husband wouldn't accept it, then what happens? In real life no one is that dense, but what if they were? Instead of an immediate divorce he is going to teach her how it feels when one partener takes no account of the feelings of the other in making decisions.

It reminds me of Ohio's story "The Conversation". The husband finds out his wife is having an affair. Instead of confronting her he instead tells her that he is planning an affair. The irony is that he feeds her all the reasons she's told a girl friend about why it's actually good for her marriage. Now she has to explain to the husband why those reasons aren't valid.

RedPillRedPillabout 11 years ago
It's hard to see Caroline being redeemable

Thus, it's hard to see this as anything other than a "consequences" type story. I'm not at all sure that's where the author is taking this, though, and am interested to see where he does try to go with this. Quoting LordSlamdawg, "Morton Grange truly has a gift for bringing his readers into the heads of the story's players and making them care about the outcome."

For a woman who has some intelligence, she's singularly stupid about people and life, as noted by other commenters. Worse, while a stupid person can be likable, not so someone so thoroughly self-absorbed and unable to sympathize with even her spouse's pain at what she's done. I thought there were hints that she was beginning to catch a glimpse of reality, but then she seemed to go right back to her truly clueless self.

Jack, on the other hand, I find likable. I thought at first he might be too passive, but he gave a thoughtful, but not passive response to the horrible situation. The author is an excellent writer, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter, but it will be a tall order to bring this to a satisfactory conclusion, especially if it winds up with some kind of reconciliation. On the other hand, if it's to be a btb type ending, why drag it out?

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 11 years ago
New 'Romance' prediction

I would like to amend my prediction in Ch.1 comments. Instead of a Bull/Sweetie chapter, it will be a Hubby/Grad Student chapter. I can't see Sweetie and Dam having any time (or comfortable feelings about each other) to get away. I sure as shit hope it is NOT a Hubby/Sweetie reconciliation attempt! First, Sweetie really doesn't WANT Grad Student Hubby in her life...that does NOTHING for her. She DOES want (and need) High Income Worker Hubby, mainly for the financial support!

I REALLY still believe the next chapter will be forwarding the story of a Loving Wife who has screwed up royally (and still has not given up her original goal) and should be posted in LW!

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 11 years ago
Good Writing, Sort of Baffling Story

The wife is one-dimensional. This turns the story into a comedy, wiith her taking one pratfall after another. The husband is written as detached and unlovable in his own way. Baffling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

She wants it all in the shape of her vision and its does not happen. Good for Jack, where he gos on w/o her and has something that works for him. He'll lose patience with her, and she'll be an 'ex'. And the lover, she is replacable, and she'll lose that too. The children lose, but Jack mitigates the harm. As good as it can be, for Jack and children

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago
I am afraid of ghost of Katmai

I wait for the last chapter and depends on the comments I will read it or not!

Attention I remember to Katmai's stories!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Goos so far

Well this wife ‘wants to eat her cake and keep another one’ !

The story so far has shown the wife is incapable of under standing her husbands feeling and why he can not under stand her needs.

As we all know while the husband provides a home, cooks, looks after the children she has so much free time and resources to pursue other interests. As husband is taking care of the boring duties of living.

Now the wife is being forced to accept these boring responsibilities I can now see the boy friend getting fed up and start seeing other lovers. Which I think was mentioned in Ch.1 that he had other women.

I would like to know in the story what the wife does sexually with lover that she does not do with the husband. And will the husband find a pretty young Uni student to fuck and let the wife know about it !

I do hope he completes his PhD and earns shed load of money and takes an interest in the arts and the wife will chase after him and dump the lover !

I do like a story were the husband fights back and the wife realises she did not know her husband that well at all to do all the things her lover is willing to her !

shangoshangoabout 11 years ago
Lost me when your "Hero" started using his own children as pawns

in a game that NO ONE wins.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Well written and enjoyable

An enjoyable read. Please do not short change the story with a short ending. It might be helpful to get some insight to what Jack is doing and how his life is at University. There clearly is a missing piece to the story. Perhaps your three part can become 4 or 5. You are doing a good job, please carry on.

catphan8catphan8about 11 years ago

I find it hard to believe that a woman and man can be as dumb as these two are about life. This story doesn't have any ring of truth to it. Like both of these people are living in a world that seems odd. The way both of them look at things is very bizarre to me. Maybe it will change in the next chapter but these two almost don't seem human. Damien just needs to go away.........painfully!

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago


tiger46tiger46about 11 years ago
well done

Nicely developed with good insight to Caroline's line of thought. the stage is set with just enough tension to force a resolution. Can't thank you enough for a well woven tale to this point.

Looking forward to part 3 with much anticipation. Listen to the "sayers", not the "naysayers"!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago

Here is the reality of this tale. Caroline is a cunt. To those of you who don't know, a cunt in this context does not mean a body part. It is a state of being. The cunt wants everything her way. She wants her husband, her kids and her asshole lover. She believes she's entitled to both life styles. Able to be a wife and mother and have a hot sexual affair on her side. Not once did she apologize to her huband about her infidelity. She doesn't understand why he won't accept her affair. She wants her cake and eat it too, to use another expression. She wants her husbands love and security and she wants her lovers sexual energy and their common interests such as music and having finer things. She wants it all. She is a cunt.

If chapter three is the end I hope it ends with Caroline...ALONE.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it

It is are to believe she is being so casual about how her husband should simply accept the circumstances. From any other author, it would be hard to accept as believable. And yet, you tell the story in such an authentic way. This just feels like real life.

RedbeakRedbeakabout 11 years ago
Not as good as the first part.

Enjoyed the first part, but I think the story goes off the rails in this one. I find the character of Caroline utterly unconvincing now. It is inconceivable that she should harbour any hopes of getting her husband to accept her having a lover and of keeping both men happy at the same time.

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago
Artistic bravur spectular

The Hungarian "cowboys" have a bravur horse spectactular. A cowboy uses 2 horses to stand on the 2 horsebacks and he drives 2 plus newer horses, like a cart.

Caroline wants similar bravur with 2 horses (Jack and Damien) and to drive the 2 plus horses (2 children). The Hungarian cowboys have skilled knowledge for this and Caroline............??????

DunaDunaabout 11 years ago

The story is an excellent Modern Figaro Type Revenge Story. This type revenge story will be mixed with Romantic Revenge Situations by good Revenge Story Authors.

I am curious...........

BTTapBTTapabout 11 years ago
Excellent writing, and a good little revenge

To what crisis is Jack building towards? What does he want? My only quibble is that the wife has gone into full-on clueless jackass mode in this story. Denial is not just a river in Egypt-it is Caroline's reality. I am a little disappointed that the author has made her so stupid and out of touch with reality in this chapter. Still, an excellent read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I agree with BTT

Though not without blind spots, Caroline in chapter 1 was an intelligent, thoughtful, sophisticated woman, and a likeable character despite her deceit. Now in chapter 2, she has become borderline brain-dead, and is a thoroughly unlikeable character. That quibble aside, I am hooked on the story, and will stay with it to the end.

teedeedubteedeedubabout 11 years ago

If you've ever been through this you will know that the behavior described is exactly what happens. Rationalization rules the day. She was brain dead to ever start the affair. Nothing has changed......

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXabout 11 years ago

Caroline takes it for granted that she can have her cake and eat it; something Jack will reluctantly accept. Reading the comments, this is too much for some of them to believe. The truth is, there's people out there with that attitude

I look forward to Chapter 3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
God, this writer is got to be a politician !

Instead of saying what he means in two sentences he is using page and half of blubber. Bad writing this. "1*".

bobyroy69bobyroy69over 10 years ago

This Neanderthal woman doesn't have two brain cells for a shouting match. Not even one cell, more like the one cell organism - AMOEBA.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago

Her thinking is so twisted, and yet authentic. I understand how she got to this point. You have done an excellent job crafting this tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

You have Troll. Congratulations. Several of us will have to keep voting 5* to offset his 1.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
God damn, the anon was right !!

Definite 1* !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

1* Garbage, was hoping this pompous asshole writer would have been treated for his verbal diarrhea but no such luck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

great read. nice job on the inner turmoils of everyone. enjoying it.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 10 years ago
Great work -

She may never learn and Jack should certainly not be there if she does - but he is a great if way to tolerant teacher LOL

He will win custody at this rate though.

GM33GM33about 9 years ago
Another five stars plus!

Morton Grange continued writing a top class emotional story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Another British faggot writer!

Won't those degenerates ever die ?

BTW, is it true that 95% of British male population are faggots? Apparently that include Buckingham Palace !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
You are the only one ersomn who should die dear anony yuo fucking slug!!!!!

we can only hope you'll be hit by a car full of fag clowns your family!! I gave this a 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
another crap

your intention to build up the emotion is dumb. hope it will better in ch 03. this chapter is almost unreadble

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 9 years ago
the previous incisive and brilliant comment was written from the grave by Vladimir Navakov's rotting corpse

That is all.

ACP45ACP45almost 9 years ago

This is one seriously stupid woman. She sounds like my first wife....

TrtrolesTrtrolesover 8 years ago

She is stupid.

I know this is a story,but I have a friend and his wife told him that she will take lover and if he divorce her she will took his kids.

Now he lives with his wife like a roommate and she goes out on dates with other man.

We did try to help him and after a long battle he win. He got custody of kids after he took pictres of her lover in house with kids.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Long winded garbage.

I Am Enjoying This storyline

Unlike many who have commented I am enjoying the story, the author is relating the consequences of infidelity on everyone involved including the children. Some people might consider this boring because it isn't a spank story - but it is well thought out and compelling.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars. Still love it.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago

This may well be one of the most stupid broads ever, but the author gives us wonderful insight into her internal deliberations. So much so that it comes across as authentic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Still excellent writing.

I wonder if in real life, any woman would be this stupid.

The damage she is doing to her children will last a lifetime.

In the real world, no husband would go back to her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

annony is an old ugly fat fag!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Stilted cuck shit only made worse by the use of SHALL and SHAN'T multiple times. Who the fuck uses those words when they speak?

dissmissdissmissover 7 years ago
I'm loving this

Really hope you keep this up ..... can't wait to read the next installment.

Another 5*

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago

Caroline has to be the most worthless slut in the world.

She is not sympathetic and delusional at best.

She belongs in a mental hospital, not a marriage.

You have painted her too disgusting to be redeemed as a wife and mother.

I only wish her tragedy and illness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Damian. hehehe.

Damian Curde: Real name Thorne.

Likes: Theatre, Opera, Classical music.

Favourite Orchestral piece: "Ave Satanis".

Hubby needs a set of special daggers not email.

Dunny69Dunny69over 6 years ago
Dreading the next chapter

Enjoyed the hell out of pt 1 and 2 but dread the next chapter as you have lodged it into romance and this story does not need reconciliation with this mad selfish nutter of a self centred cheating witch. Oh well I need to get on with the story and hope he does well finds happiness and the bitch get her just rewards. Fingers crossed

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 6 years ago

The cheating wives' mantra:

"Damien's a good man and if you gave him the chance you'd like him."

"He's good to me." "He makes me a better person and you've benefitted from that."

"He listens to me." "I come back to you so happy."

They "fell in love!" That doesn't happen by accident, you have to do the little things, the quiet lunches, the shared jokes, the little touches.

Of course, she loves him SO much, but not enough to be faithful.

He's her "partner," yet she expects him to accept her having a lover!?

What's the point about confronting him about the email? It's not like they didn't deserve it!

"Why hadn't he resisted the affair and fought to get her back?" - Um, why didn't SHE resist the affair?

She'll "move heaven and earth" to make things right, but I have yet to hear her say that she'll give up Damien!

HE'S being unreasonable? LOL!

If Damien was single, why did they need hotels, why not use his place?

LOL, she expects Jack to be jealous that she needs to ask Damien for financial help?

I don't see why threatening to throw him out will accomplish anything; he's halfway out already now!

"I only need to keep my two men apart and show each that I love him." - She's insane! Does she seriously think that IF Jack comes back that let her keep seeing Damien?

What makes her think that committing to her marriage is an option?

She doesn't need to divorce him to get child support, unless the family courts are different in England.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Incredible writing ability. Reached out and lassoed my attention.

Also seems incredible (to me) that a wife could so naively assume a husband's possible acquiescence to her double lovers. Is she willing for him to have a similar lover?

I also like British writers for the flavor they bring to the English language and the UK ambiance.

Paul in Oklahoma

TatankaBillTatankaBillabout 6 years ago
Still riveting...

...still reading. I love reading a capable craftsman at work. Brilliant! Painful as the story is, it's a pleasure to read.

PowersworderPowersworderalmost 6 years ago

I'm loving this story! Chapter 1 was great, 2 is even better!

cabbage01132cabbage01132over 5 years ago
great 5*

i always think indifference is such a great tool in dealing with cheaters.

rfnks2002rfnks2002over 5 years ago

Some cheaters never learn. Still think its all about them, and what they want.

So funny quit work go back to school let her foot the bill.

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I post occasional writing that fits the loving wives brief. If a few readers enjoy my stories it is enough to make writing worthwhile. But the main reward for the author is to get feedback, positive or negative, from those who have read my story. Readers have to make an eff...