Carpe Diem (4F + 1M + 1 Ferryboat)


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Actual application of the lotion was almost anticlimactic. The twins spent a good deal of time fussing about his nipples, comparing them to their own sets, and twitting him for not being as sensitive there as were they. But the lotion did eventually get applied to all parties...female legs (Jimmy's own still being clad in denim), chests, backs, and elsewhere as seemed either useful r simply interesting.

And throughout the lotion exercise, despite all their interest and their writhing responses to his gentle passage of fingers across their fabric-coated crotches, he carefully maintained some semblance of control, kept his hands outside their shorts. To his mild chagrin, neither was so blatant as Brigit about encouraging him... he would NOT have been a difficult person to convince!

Some minutes later, while he was on his stomach with one supine, well-lotion-coated twin under each arm, and was cycling back and forth between mouths so as not to play favorites, there was an "Ahem..." from nearby. He looked up with a great, guilty-as-sin start to find Brigit standing there grinning like a Cheshire cat, accompanied by a truly stunning, buxom, slightly older young woman with a single bright-gold braid coiled at the back of her head, tall, and with glorious legs on full display, as were her quite well-developed boobs, through a nearly transparent blouse similar to the trio's clothes. He goggled in silence.

Brigit almost laughed at his confused, embarrassed expression, managed to stifle it into a mild snort. "Jimmy, this is MY older sister, the one I told you about. Her name is Margot, and she is our group's overall leader. I thought she should meet you, because she isn't just my big sister, she is my best friend too, and we don't have any secrets. And so, I mean, therefore, I had to go and tell her about YOU!"

He stood to shake Margot's hand, mustering the breath and control to introduce himself properly. With professional titles and other information, just for good measure. She eyed him. He was painfully aware that his erection must be clearly visible, advertising – what? Arousal certainly; need, equally. Intent? Not necessarily, but obviously to be inferred pretty strongly. Reverse the situation, and what would HE think, or do? He couldn't parse that problem so quickly. Margot was as much a diplomat as the other three - she acknowledged his 'problem's' existence with a minuscule tilt of her head - nothing more except a nearly subliminal crinkle at the edge of her eyes, a possible tugging inwards of a corner of her mouth.

A very pretty mouth it was, too. It seemed to express an appreciation, very low-key, of the situation, and at least without immediate, overt disapprobation. He breathed again: a simple reprieve? Delayed judgment? Or some sort of subtle acquiescence, even approval? That would be –- what? No instant adjective; unreal? Unexpected, certainly. Far too much to hope for in this life.

Margot and Jimmy talked briefly, with Brigit dancing gently beside them, glancing back and forth between Jimmy and Margot, exuding oddly contradictory body language that seemed to read "What do you think of him?" mixed with "Why don't you LEAVE?"

Jimmy got his brain and tongue back into gear, expressed admiration for Margot's ability to handle the rest of the Society-mob. Margot downplayed that accomplishment and in return declared that she would like to have some of his time, before the end of the cruise, to discuss a few things about the ocean. Perhaps even with her group participating? Their pleasant conversation went from initially awkward to easy in very short order – and with no mention of the low-level ménage-a-trois she had encountered. And equally, with no mention of whatever information had been passed concerning his and Brigit's fingers' activities.

After a couple of minutes, Margot apologized for intruding, shook his hand again rather formally, and turned to go, taking Brigit with her. The pair walked to the corner of the superstructure, stopped just out of earshot, and talked briefly, intently.

Jimmy settled back down, watching the little pow-wow with carefully-studied casualness. He had no idea where all this might be going, but strongly sensed that he'd better put the brakes on right now, which was entirely too bad! The ladies' conversation ended, and Brigit kissed Margot on the cheek. Brigit seemed very pleased with herself. Margot, as she turned away, took a small object from her pocket and handed it to Brigit, who stared at it for a moment, nodded almost embarrassedly, then tucked it into the near-useless "pocket" of her shorts, where it made a finger-sized bulge.

Then Brigit came tripping lightly and happily back to the little group, immediately stripped off her blouse again, and plonked down beside Jimmy.

She looked brightly at her friends, and asked if they had had a lesson or two from Jimmy, whilst she was visiting with Margot. They nodded, reddened nicely for a change, and Marit said "You were right, he's a very good teacher. I like kissing him, very much!" Then, from Penny, "He makes my mouth and my breasts feel very strange – and my stomach too. But nice! I like the feelings."

They lay in silence for some minutes, until Brigit sat up and said, with a "chocolate won't melt in MY mouth" expression, "Jimmy, you should take off your long pants and get more sun. It would be good for you. And besides, you have seen our legs and we should be able to see yours. That would be fair, don't you think so? But only if you have underpants and won't be embarrassed." Then, with a gamine grin, "Although we DO go completely naked sometimes, out in the woods in the summertime."

Penny blew through her superficial shyness and muttered a comment that caused them all to stare at her for a second, before everyone laughed in agreement – "I am thinking here that it might be very nice if he didn't own any underpants right now!" She flamed red as she finished, looked away, then back at Marit and together the three chorused "We'll help!"

The girls took complete charge of the pants removal. It probably took ten seconds, including retrieving his loose change when it hit the blanket. He had on snug, relatively tall bikini-briefs, never meant to hide a bulge – and they didn't. But they DID actually cover it. He wasn't sure whether the trio's subtle expressions showed worry, disappointment, or mild relief, as they eyed his crotch wordlessly, then studied his now-visible legs. He flexed: thighs and calves knotted and swelled. He did still have nice taut skin. Good genes, thanks to what he called his "careful choice of grandparents".

Penny observed "You have strong legs, Jimmy. You look like a runner. Do you run a lot?"

He owned up that he did – ten kilometers most days. They oohed over the distance, eyes continually returning to his bulge, the hardon over which he had zero conscious control. They'd asked for it, however. Jimmy thought, silently, "Please, whatever powers that be, let's have no sudden visitors coming around the corner, not NOW!"

Penny grinned at him: "Well, at least, without those pants and your shirt, you can get some more sunshine! More vitamins, better health, longer life! All that is very good for you, I think!" They resumed their supine arrangement, Brigit-Jimmy-Penny-Marit, and lay soaking up photons. Jimmy tried to be a gentleman of sorts - kept his eyes closed so the girls could stare at him, and study unimpeded if they wished. He would re-open and scan shortly, but let them have some effective privacy for the nonce.

Then Jimmy felt Brigit's hand settle softly on his belly: his abs gave an involuntary, delighted shudder. He didn't move. Fingertips walked delicately across his belly, into his navel briefly, then twiddling with the soft little elongated tuft of hairs on his midline. Slowly, the fingers went south. He didn't move, practically held his breath, eyes closed, waiting, hoping. He consciously flattened his abs, pulled them towards his spine in best yoga-fashion, seeking to give her as much maneuvering room as possible.

The sun was blocked by something, and something's breath proved it was Brigit's head. He opened one eye, focused close, heard her say in a dead-low whisper, "I understand in English you have the same old saying that we do here in our country, the one about gravy for Mr Goose being the same as for Mrs Goose?" Her fingertips continued their migration and explorations.

He translated mentally, smiled, nodded, said "Indeed we do!"

She said "Good!", and simultaneously laid her mouth on his and slid her fingers beneath the waistband of his shorts. His cock pulsed into even fuller erection, aching with internal pressure. Her touch was gentle, insistent, and quite unsubtle. Fingertips slid straight down his midline to the shaft's base, whispered back and forth across his clean-shaven pubis, investigated his cock's length and breadth. Authoritatively, they circled, clamped, stroked once very gently the whole length, then slipped down to cradle his sac.

She pulled her mouth away from his, and said in surprise, loudly enough for the sisters to hear, "You have no HAIR! Do you shave yourself here?"

He grinned, nodded, and pulled her face back down to him. More kissing ensued.

Her fingertips investigated again. When she was fully satisfied, and he was close to exploding, she raised herself up, took her hand out from his shorts, and looked over at the sisters, who were deeply-engrossed in watching. She reached for Penny's hand, and slid it down where hers had been, telling her "Feel! He's very, very big, and very hard already – he's all prepared for having SEX! And he has no HAIR! He shaves! That must look odd, don't you think?"

Which raised the question in Jimmy's mind of exactly what might Penny know, against which to compare his crotch?

Penny's fingers explored just as had Brigit's. She said nothing, except once, to whisper "Big!" Jimmy knew he wasn't especially well endowed – perfectly average, statistically, in fact – but it was a pleasant conceit to believe the girls for the moment, and given their presumably limited experience, who knew where his equipment would fall in that spectrum?

Then Brigit said to Jimmy "I don't think Marit has ever done anything yet with a man, she probably hasn't seen a living man naked, or touched one, or made love... Have you, Marit?" Marit shook her head, apparently embarrassed by her presumptive inexperience. "Here! Give me your hand..." said Brigit. Then to Jimmy "It is okay, I hope, yes?"

He nodded, and Marit's hand replaced Penny's - guided by Brigit, who did a little lecture as she took Marit on a Braille tour. "Here's his cock, or penis. We should give it a name: maybe just "The Cock" would do? Anyhow, it's hard because he is excited, and ready to make love – only when his penis is hard this way can it go up inside you like it is supposed to. For fun, or for making babies if you're ready for that." She shifted their hands: "His testicles. They make the sperm. See how he squirms when you stroke him just so? That means he likes being touched. Doesn't it, Jimmy?"

He grunted agreement.

When all three had completed their Braille lessons about his crotch, Brigit told the twins "It is my turn again. You two should sit down, or lie in the sun again. Please." They did, grumpily, being snippily ungracious, but in a kidding way. She told Jimmy "I have another tattoo, you know. Here, where you can't see it yet." She put his hand on the very base of her spine, and he let his fingers cup her buttocks closely.

"If you want, Jimmy, you and I could go to our cabin for a little while. We could be alone, together. I believe that would be a good idea, indeed!"

His heart almost stopped, then thundered off at warp speed. The Cock - not his cranium- was basically in charge of his actions now. He threw his conscience, whatever remained of it, overboard immediately and nodded, said "I'd like that very much!"

Brigit kissed him once again, then stood up, leaving behind a lingering sweetness in his mouth. His tongue and teeth tingled. A short flurry of Norwegian flew back and forth, with many a sidelong glance from Penny and Marit, aimed at him, all with little effort at being surreptitious. Agreement at last, apparently, but clearly not to the full liking of the twins, who seemed to have gone a bit pouty.

Jimmy looked quizzically at Brigit and asked "What was THAT all about?"

Brigit grinned down at him and said "I just told them that I have been thinking, that I THINK, I BELIEVE, that you and I should go to the cabin for a time, by ourselves, I mean, so that we can be alone together. I think they are merely a little bit jealous. They want to come, too, but I am in command of our mini-group, Margot said that very clearly. So I told them they should stay here and enjoy the warm sun some more, and that they should use more sun-lotion and be careful not to get burned, and then in two hours they can join us." She studied his face. "After all, it is the cabin for all three of us together, so they have a right to use it too. Whenever we need to do so, we can all four fit into it, because it is a four-person cabin, quite nice really."

Brigit saw the total agreement, the delight on his face, and it sent shivers up her spine, goose-bumps flowing across her thighs. She reached out to help him up, but Penny interrupted: once again completely out of her 'shy' character, she laid a hand firmly on his chest and said to Brigit, "Wait! Before he goes with you, I think that he should kiss me and Marit both goodbye. That would be polite! Even if it isn't 'bye bye' for a long time!" Then she turned to Jimmy, eyes wide, pan-fried incandescent innocence personified, wetted a finger, drew it across one of her upstanding nipples and around the other-side's pink areola, then said "Kiss here!"

Beside her, Marit arched her chest upwards and muttered "Me too! Not fair to do just one person and not the other. And..." she giggled, "...also, kissing goodbye is polite, and so is kissing HELLO again. Very soon. Those two hours will take forever and also be gone in a flash. We must not forget 'hello' kisses when the time comes. "

Jimmy looked up at Brigit, almost as if for permission, to be sure a response wouldn't spoil something. She smiled: "It does seem like the polite thing to do!" She nodded her head in amusement, very cool and understanding – "Therefore, I agree. Penny and Marit, when you come down later, perhaps if there is anything left over after I get done with Jimmy, then MAYBE you can have the unused parts!" The two sisters accepted his mouth on their chests quite eagerly, and he nursed back-and-forth until Brigit pulled him away, covered in pretend-anger and genuine urgency.

She grabbed his pants, held them out to him: "For our walking through the ship, you better put your clothes back on. Mostly-naked is okay out here in the sun, but not inside! Especially not with your body behaving like this." She patted his crotch gently. Tee shirt and blouse followed, and she told the twins, rather formally, as if the last couple of minutes hadn't happened, "We are going to the cabin now, so Jimmy can see my tattoos. Remember, don't stay here too long and get burned by the sun. But also do not come to the cabin too soon, either! We want to be alone for two hours." A final spate of rapid-fire Norwegian punctuated by nods and grins, and off they went.

As they walked, Brigit held his hand tightly, but neither said a word until they had gone down several decks. Brigit stopped them in a secluded corner, pulled his face down to hers and kissed him, and then said "It is really silly for you to have no-place to stay tonight, when we three have an extra bed in our cabin. If you'd like, we could stop by the lockers and get your pack right now. That way..." She glanced at him with a truly remarkable archness... "Well, that way we wouldn't have to go get it later, when perhaps we might be happier doing other things? It is quite possible that at that time we might want very much to have no interruptions!"

The logic was impeccable. A short detour, and the pack was on his back, and Brigit was on his arm. They got not even a second glance from the several passengers they passed.

Five minutes later, after Brigit led him through passageways and ladders, twisting and turning seemingly forever, they arrived. The girls had an inboard room – no porthole - with an entrance recessed off the passageway. In front of the door, Brigit stopped and took out a key from her pocket, reached for the lock. Jimmy's conscience suddenly re-emerged. He stopped her, turned her puzzled face to his, and said "Do you REALLY know what you are doing, Brigit? Really and truly?"

She put her hands on her hips and gave him a hard look of mixed indignation, pity, and horniness, and said "Of course I know! I have been having sex for a few years now. Actually for a long time. I began when I was quite young. Marit hasn't begun yet, which both I and her sister find very strange. The so-called "good lord" knows she's legally free to do so, not that anyone would care very much if otherwise! I'm sure she will begin soon. And, Jimmy, I know what I am doing about babies, too – Margot is a great "big sister!" She got me onto birth-control pills as soon as I began having a sex-life, a long time back, right when my monthly bleeding-periods began. Actually, she got me on the pill as a special birthday present – she arranged in advance for my pills for the next four years, all at once, so I don't have to worry about it. The doctor we went to was a very nice lady, she is Margot's doctor in fact, and also the doctor for our whole family. She and I had a very long and good talk about sex. It was VERY interesting, although I believe by that time I had more experience than Ms Doctor herself!"

Then with a little chuckle, "Anyway, I do not want to have a baby! Perhaps someday, but not by accident and not when I am so young! So of course I know what I am doing, silly!"

She stood there, watching, waiting. Jimmy was nonplussed. Finally, he reached for the key, but she giggled and quickly stuffed it down the back of her shorts: "You have to find the key, Monsieur!"

He found it after a thorough search and several lingering kisses. Thank that 'good lord' for a complete lack of passers-by – everyone must be on deck for the scenery, per his own original plan, now long-since enthusiastically abandoned. The key was warm and weirdly slippery, but he didn't fumble.

Inside the cabin, he took a quick survey. Four fold-down bunk-beds, the two uppers still folded up out of the way, the two lowers down and pulled together on extensions to make a single double-wide.

The door clicked behind them.

Brigit reached for his face, held him in her palms as he asked "So tell me, Lady mine, why ME? Why is Jimmy so lucky today? I'm older than your parents, probably three times your age, so why not some handsome young fellow much nearer to you? God knows there are plenty of good-looking young men aboard, and many seem to be unaccompanied. Wouldn't that be more appropriate, wouldn't someone like that be closer to you in the things you like to do?"

She took this question seriously, thought for a minute, and then told him, "That is a good question, isn't it? Complicated, too, the answer. Maybe I can explain for you. I think you are handsome, and intelligent, and much fun to talk to. Real, mature men are much more fun than those my own age, even just to talk with. At least, they are more interesting if they can keep their eyes and hands to themselves, but too many of them can't! You tried very hard to do that, and it was nice of you. You waited until you were invited. Bravo! Believe me, all women and girls notice little things like that – I talked about those things today, just now, with Margot. I told her that you were obviously interested in us, and that you seemed to like what you saw, but that you were trying hard to be polite and mostly succeeding."