Carpe Diem (4F + 1M + 1 Ferryboat)


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She giggled, squeezed him and said "But only MOSTLY! We women would be very upset, you know, if you didn't at least look a little bit and also manage to let them know you were doing it. We might be insulted! Anyhow, about three weeks ago I was talking about my so-called boyfriends with Margot, and I was complaining about the male humans in my school and neighborhood, even those who are several years older than me – the problem is that they are always acting so very much like young children who happen to be male and also happen to be nearly full-grown. They act like they are fourteen or fifteen – sometimes even worse! I told Margot that I just do not understand why sex is supposed to be such fun because it isn't GREAT fun with my male-friends – of course, it is SOME fun, just not GREAT the way everyone seems to expect it to be! She said that sometime soon I must find for myself an older man."

She paused, reminiscing, then grinned and said "NO! Incorrect! What she actually said was that I should find for myself a full-grown, mature, very experienced adult male. I hope all those adjectives made sense! Anyway, Margot actually insisted that it was time for me to leave "amateurs" behind and try a "professional". Those are her real words, too... amateur and professional. Just that way, she said it. I thought that was a strange thing to say, but what she explained that she meant for me to find someone with enough experience and brains to make a woman feel really good. She said that the same thing happened to her when she was in her middle teens - I mean, she says she tried out a much older man who was very attractive to her, like you are to me, and it changed everything! She says she WISHED it had happened many years earlier than it did."

She grinned, went slightly pink with embarrassment "So – now you know why I picked you. It didn't take me more than about three minutes to decide, really. I didn't expect this to happen, not here and now, but I'm glad it did. A great bit of good luck for me! I really, really like the way you touch me all the time we are together, it means you are always paying attention to me, and your touches are both sexy and respectful. Even when we are walking side by side like getting down here to the cabin. It's very nice." She sighed, then giggled. "That's why I brought Margot to meet you, you know – I wanted to be sure I wasn't doing something stupid and silly. I trust her more than I do myself, because she is very sensible and so much older and more experienced. So- you are to be my experiment. Is that okay?"

It was okay. Both his head and his rigid cock agreed.

He nodded: "Of course. Your big sister is very pretty and calm and intelligent. I like the fact that she isn't upset with me and you being together this way, although her calmness really does surprise me! It's almost too logical and sensible to be true – people don't usually behave that way. That is a great compliment to me, so long as you trust her judgment." A long pause: "So? What did she think? What did she say to you, up there on deck?"

Brigit laughed, kissed him hard, wriggled against him and said "Do you really want to know?"

He nodded.

"Well, she said that –judging from you two's little chat- choosing you meant I had VERY GOOD taste in MEN, and my choice of so-called 'boyfriends' so far has just showed that I have VERY BAD taste in BOYS, so she thinks, obviously, it is now time for me to concentrate on MEN. She also said I better go get you immediately because if I didn't then SHE WOULD! If she could find the time to get away from the flock, that is. That is a very nice compliment for you, don't you think? Actually, for both you and for me! I think she meant it, too, because she hasn't had a boyfriend for about five months now, and she says she is ready for someone new. At least, she says she really, truly needs SEX, and soon."

"Then, she gave me this when she left us on the deck..."

She pulled the mysterious packet from her pocket – a six-pack of condoms! "She knows I'm taking the pills of course, but she wanted me to have these in case I worry about diseases. Should I worry? I hope not, because I truly do not like these things!"

When he declared there to be no need for them she tossed the packet onto the little desk in the corner and muttered "Good!"

They undressed one another, slowly, delicately, in complete silence, alternating garments. Shirts first. Then, as her shorts dropped to the floor and her gorgeous bottom hove into view sans panties, she kicked the clothes away, turned abruptly from his questing, investigating mouth and fingertips to drop heavily onto the bed.

It was a thoroughly awkward move, unexpectedly so, and wholly out of keeping with the cool savoir-faire she had exhibited so far. She threw herself onto her back, spread her legs wide, held up her arms to him and asked "Is this right?"

Jimmy's surprise at her sudden descent into clumsiness was reinforced when she sat up, scooted over to the edge and reached for his erection, tugging it towards her face. When he resisted, didn't just let her reel him in, she looked up, puzzled: "Don't you want me to put your cock in my mouth? That's what all of my boyfriends have wanted the most, they all asked for that right away as soon as we would start, so I thought you and I would start that way too – I always have. Don't you want..."

Jerry stopped her with a finger on her lips. Concerned by his pause, she watched carefully as he studied her body intently, then knelt between her knees for a much closer, more intimate look. She giggled, discombobulated but fascinated, as he described what he was looking at – at first she was embarrassed, but then deeply pleased by his obvious pleasure in her body. She found plenty of faults when staring at her nude reflection... but as Jimmy told her, HE had a very different view of her, both physically and emotionally. He insisted that his views were correct – no woman could see herself from a man's point of view. She conceded.

Having thoroughly investigated and described the view, he then returned to her topic: "Sure, I love having a friendly mouth on my penis, and would like it if and when you REALLY feel like doing it, but it is NOT mandatory. I suspect your partners so far have been pretty self-centered and demanding, and that is NOT going to happen between us. Have any of those supposed-to-be lovers ever done the same thing for you? With their mouths?"

She looked puzzled, then got it, blushed red and shook her head with downcast eyes.

He tilted her chin up and forced eye contact. "You have been dealing with total amateurs - just as your big sister told you! Now, it's your turn to find out what this business of sex is REALLY all about. Lie back down the way you started, and let me teach."

She held his face in her hands for a long moment: "OK... Thank you! Show me what to do. I want to learn." Then, as she settled down, she said softly "I like it, the way you make my stomach all wiggly inside. That never happened before. Is that a good thing?"

He grinned broadly at her, warming her through and through – "Oh, Madam, you BET it's a good thing!" There was talent here, he knew already, but still slumbering - un-trained despite whatever experiences she had had to date with her inept partners. His job was to first awaken it, then train it properly – to impart what he could in this special, far-too- short encounter. He told her "SLOWLY! Never any hurry. Nothing is going to disappear, and slow makes the good feelings stronger and last longer. Relax, let me play, pay attention... after all, I'm now your professor, aren't I?"

He leaned forward, put her hands behind her head and flagged her arms out to the side, then thoroughly mouthed her nipples left, right, licked slowly through the length of both armpits enroute to her mouth: it all made her shiver. She clutched his head to her, and told him "You're right, slower IS nicer!"

"Making love is like playing the piano, in lots of ways, Brigit. It takes a lot of time and study to fully master it – maybe a person NEVER fully masters it, because if you do it right, every single time is brand new. Making love is that way, too. The piano, and your body, are complex instruments. A brand new piano, like you, can make very beautiful music in the hands of a talented pianist... but the very best instruments are mature ones. Look at the stage next time you're at a concert – the piano isn't likely to be new, or ancient, either. A beginning pianist can make reasonably good music on a brand new piano, but might very well do better on an older one. Certainly the worst possible combination is a new pianist on a brand-new instrument. And that's what you have been experiencing so far."

Brigit nodded. "I like that story. I am the new piano and you are the experienced pianist. It's a good story, I'm sure it is an analogy, or a metaphor, or an allegory, or a simile - but I do not remember quite which! Very apropos, too, because I'm just beginning to learn the piano... I mean, really, back at home, I'm taking lessons now. After this, I don't think I will be able to do my lessons so calmly anymore!"

Her eyes brightened, her seriousness splintered by another grin as she reached one hand down to wrap gently around his erection. "Well, if I am to be a piano, then you too must be a musical instrument. But not a piano. Maybe perhaps a flute? That would seem sort of appropriate, no?" She giggled at her own joke. "Playing the flute is just as complicated, I'm sure! I would like to be able to play the flute for you... Maybe we can do a duet someday?" She laughed outright, eyes bright: "But NOT ON STAGE, please! Only in private, for an audience of ONE!"

He laughed, agreed, kissed her again, navel, belly, the outline of the rise of her mons, all with lavish attention.

She watched as his expression changed into intense concentration. He did rather look like a pianist sitting down at the keyboard, readying himself - but for exactly what? Goosebumps raced in swarms over her legs and arms. Still kneeling between her legs, he leaned forward, cupping her bottom, raising and pulling her towards his face. A hot, pleasant wave washed through her, paradoxically making her shiver. The fully-exposed pair of long-stemmed roses did, in fact, have VERY long stems. He made appreciative noises, investigated the whole picture with lips and tongue – much to her pleasure.

She fully realized her exposure and vulnerability, and watched him in with anticipation and a touch of near-fear. Unexpected and unnerving, his attention was focused, laser-like, purely on HER – and this from her personally-chosen lover, such a good-looking and intelligent one. What to make of his total focus on HER pleasure? It was unnerving – but NICE! Maybe this was precisely what Margot had meant? She hoped so.

Jimmy seemed to read her mind, took her hands, lowered them to her belly, and told her "Madame, you have just now engaged a professional, a teacher. Here is our lesson plan for today! We are not going to just have sex. Simply having sex with a person you like, well, that's always great fun, but it misses some of the most important stuff about men and women together. Instead of being purely physical, we are going to do something very different - we are going to make love. Now pay attention, and relax – let me play your beautiful instrument for you and show you how it should be done. Okay? Do I have your permission?"

She nodded mutely, and her eyes followed his as he leaned forward to bring his lips and tongue into play across and between her labia: her eyes closed as sensation engulfed her, sensation that seemed to demand that ultimate privacy. They stayed closed a long, long time, as his thumbs gently spread her outer lips, and his mouth blanketed her vulva like a warm, sensual electric fog. She shivered, shook, and finally, after long moments of tension, allowed herself to relax into the incredible flood of pleasure.

After a few minutes of concentrated preliminaries, she vibrated through a long string of orgasms, linked like pearls, rolling endlessly onwards, kept on going until she couldn't breathe. He finally let her gently down: her eyes opened dreamily, slowly, totally defocused, as if controlled by someone else entirely. After a moment their gazes met over the quivering, sweat-slicked expanse of her belly. Her toes felt odd – had she cramped them sometime recently? She couldn't remember, but it didn't seem unlikely.

She smiled at his delighted expression, and managed to say softly, "Oh. Oh! What is the saying? My god in heaven! I suppose this is what Margot was talking about, isn't it?" Then, quite firmly, "Would you like to be inside me now? I would like that very much. It is certainly time for that to occur!" She reached for his hips, guided him as he slid atop her. It was marvelous how he did all these things TO her and WITH her and FOR her, all at once, effortlessly. So wonderfully unlike her previous "lovers", those suddenly-embarrassing, almost-forgotten simple-minded mentally-boy-children with no couth or real experience, no concept of pleasing anyone but themselves. Whereas this man, Jimmy – HER Jimmy! – made sure to do even the simplest things correctly, with tenderness and feeling. Like how he made their whole front-sides stroke and touch, but never settled any of his weight on her. That alone made clear to her what Margot had been talking about.

He entered her at a glacial pace, carefully, subtly exploring her body and reactions and needs, demonstrating, asking, teaching nonstop, but doing it silently, no words necessary for the moment. She gasped, wrapped herself tightly around him, pussy and arms and legs and lips and fingers and toes all participating eagerly. He rolled them over as a unit, until he was on his back and she astraddle. She relaxed, sat down solidly upon him, her insides expanding and adjusting to his presence. A most delightful presence. Her weight was now an asset, helping The Cock to do incredible things to her insides. Nobody had ever been so wonderfully deep! Or so obviously concerned about HER pleasure. Or so obviously NOT in a hurry! Or so sure of himself, so knowledgeable.

Everything about him increased her confidence. His hands guided her hips, his fingertips toyed exactly SO, just right, with clit and anus and nipples and hairline, finding wonderful nerves in places she didn't even know existed. Lightning ricocheted about inside her skull, flaring over and over again. His finger slipped into her bottom beside the slow-thrusting of his cock in her pussy: she studied the sensations, sorted through them, decided having his finger there was both enticing and exciting.

Then he replaced his finger with hers and she felt the fascinating slither of The Cock doing its wonderful in-and-out right there alongside it. She could feel the ridge of the cock-head going past in both directions, and was astounded that some little piece of her mind kept track of the finger-borne sensations as she came again and again, her muscles grabbing both The Cock and her own finger equally wonderfully. So all of THIS wonderfulness was what sex was truly all about, what Margot had been so insistent that she find for herself!

How right she had been to seek and accept Big Sister's advice.

Deep into her chain-linked orgasms, she was glowing with sweat and riding him furiously, figuring out exactly how to get pressures and rhythms to properly stir her insides and make the sparkles go nonstop, when the door to the room opened silently and the twins entered. They shut and locked the door behind them – only that single little click announced their arrival and presence.

Brigit and Jerry stopped moving for a second, figured things out immediately. Brigit was not pleased – after all, it certainly hadn't been an hour yet, much less the two that she had specified. Plus, the sisters were staring right up between her and Jerry's legs. But in reality there was nothing to be done about it. Brigit sat up to vertical, brought Jimmy's hands to cup her breastlets, and shot a quick glance over her shoulder at the two, as she continued her rocking-horse exercises.

"We didn't expect you so soon, but I guess it's okay. You don't have to leave. You can watch... can't they, Jimmy?"

He grinned up at her, nodded, lifted his hips to hold her in the air as she continued her writhing: the sisters mouthed silent "Ohs" of amazement, stepped closer for a better view.

Brigit laughed, looked at the two again over her shoulder and said in between thrusts, "Watch and you can learn something. Jimmy is a wonderful teacher – wait until I show you what he does to me with his MOUTH! Maybe soon you can each have a turn with him. If there is anything left when I'm done!"

Then, speaking to Jimmy, "Would that be okay? I don't mean to be giving orders to you! But it would be nice of you to share this event with them, if there's enough for me first!" Then, contritely, "I'm sorry! That all sounded very mean and selfish, but I didn't intend it that way."

Jimmy nodded happily: he could come three or four times in a good day, but didn't necessarily lose his erection in between bouts, a condition that always mightily pleased his women. He turned his attention totally back to Brigit, rolled them over slowly into Momma-Poppa, then locked her heels around his hips. Her feet were now fists, her eyes closed tight again. Total body involvement.

He looked back at the two intruders, did a double-take - in the past half-minute while he'd been repositioning they had silently rendered themselves stark naked! He reached back with both hands, caught them by their bottoms, tugged them forward onto the mattress. Neither protested or flinched as his middle fingers sought and found two slippery openings and clits, fondled them gently, authoritatively. His efforts brought a series of appreciative, sharp little gasps, almost timed together.

Jimmy took command: "Penny, Marit – it's your lesson time! Scoot on up here, where you can see what's going on!"

Neither girl knew the word scoot, yet both understood the command perfectly.

At the word "lesson", Brigit opened her eyes lazily and grinned at the sisters: "You can both learn a great deal, I'm sure! Lots and lots! He's a very good teacher. I think we are all quite lucky! Jimmy... maybe you could show them what you did to me with your mouth? You should first show them by demonstrating again on me, of course. Then they can each have their own turn. It's okay to make them wait a little bit – after all, they didn't delay for the whole two hours, as I told them! If you wouldn't mind... I would like to have your mouth on me again, down between my legs - very much! A good demonstration for them, also. Please?!"

He nodded, said "Absolutely!"

The sisters watched wide-eyed as The Cock emerged slowly into view, glistening with Brigit's juices, her inner and outer lips dragging along its length and clearly reluctant to part with their toy. Marit whispered "That... thing of his, his cock, it is HUGE! I didn't think it would be so big!"

Penny acted the experienced grand-dame and said "It looks awfully big, but we women are very stretchy, and even if it looks too big, there is really plenty of room in any woman's body." When Marit muttered "Still, it is very big and that makes me worry!" Penny chimed right back with "MARIT! Don't be silly! You have put many, many things inside yourself down there, I know because we have done it together. In our bedroom, starting far back when we were little children. Fingers, and pencils, and other things too, bigger than your fingers! Remember the little vegetables?"

Marit turned red, shushed her sister, and said "Let's just watch!"

Jimmy went to work with a will. The sisters watched him lick and suck and nibble: when he backed away just enough to let them see his tongue playing arpeggios on Brigit's clit, they understood fully. Brigit arched up, ceased breathing, turned red, the cords on her neck standing out starkly. Her feet and hands made fists, and she bit the back of her hand to keep quiet.