Case Study


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A small nylon gym bag with some rather revealing items.

Revealing, if a bit tacky in my opinion.

Really now...

One pair of tall white cotton socks. A pair of white and brown saddle shoes. One very skimpy cheerleader skirt in maroon and gold and a small set of plastic pompoms. A skinny black leather dog collar with fake metal studs and a matching leash. Danging from the front of the collar was an aluminum tag which looked like it had been engraved by one of those machines in the pet store. In all capital letters it read "MY SLAVE."

Seriously? I sighed and shook my head slowly. At least they could have had a little taste.

Ah, well.

The bag and it's contents went back to where they were hidden and I left.


In some ways I missed my old job and the benefits which accompanied it. If we had a suspect we could just bring him downtown to "answer some questions" and sweat them in a little interview room until they cracked. The room was small and overly warm. The table was steel and had a restraint loop welded to the top. The chairs were hard plastic and really uncomfortable.

It gave them a feeling they had already been tried convicted and sentenced to life. A little peek into the private hell prison could be. Most people tended to get really nervous in that little room, willing to give up whatever answers we were looking for just to get out of there.

But as police officers we were also constrained by the constitution, forced to justify a reason for a search or a detainer and often waiting hours and hours for a judge to sign a warrant. Sometimes while we sat and waited a suspect or vital evidence managed to disappear completely.

So in a way I had a bit more freedom in my present position. Although what I was planning fell under the broad definition of "breaking and entering" at least I wasn't operating under the watchful eye of some county judge or finicky prosecutor. Andy and I had spent hours and hours getting as good as we could get with a set of lock picks. Good enough that only the most expensive high security locks could even slow either of us down for more than a few seconds.

Besides, I wasn't going to "steal" anything. I just wanted a look around.

The van I'd borrowed was the perfect surveillance vehicle. Like a million other rental vans. Nondescript and unremarkable. Tinted windows which allowed me to see out but making it difficult for anyone outside to see in. One thermos of hot coffee and the Times crossword puzzle were my only companions.

Let's see... fourteen letters. "Coward's gay tune." Hmmm...

Whups. There he was. Just on his way to work. I wonder what a pretty and intelligent girl like April saw in him. Nothing to look at, for sure. And I was a pretty good judge of men. Maybe five six, not very well built. Looked to be on the high side of forty, rather than the low. A little stoop in his walk like he was trying to make himself smaller. His khaki pants and button down shirt were all pressed and starched too, from the way he was walking. Way too much starch. My grandmother would have called him a "Schlub."

I really did want to find out what his secret was.

Not that I needed to use it, of course.

Into a well used japanese car which needed three tries to get the door shut. It seemed Andy's report on his finances was right on the money, so to speak. From the look of him, his house and his car, he barely had two nickels to rub together. Yet he'd managed to worm his way into the heart of an attractive young talented heiress.


He backed out of the driveway and drove off down the street, obviously headed for work. Most nights he pulled the late evening shift, working until almost midnight after business hours. Figured I'd give it five minutes just to make sure he hadn't forgotten something then go in the back way to take a little look around. My gaze went back to the crossword puzzle for just a moment when movement caught my eye.

The garage door was going up.

What the...

A much bigger and nicer car was pulling into the drive. Four doors with a decent paint job. One of those boats they advertised as a "luxury town car at an affordable price." All that meant was it was big and had fake leather seats. Anyway.

Who was this?

Whoever she was, she was tall and wide. Her build almost matched mine. Dressed in a crisp nurse's uniform (equally over-starched) which showed wrinkles where she had obviously spent a lot of time in a chair. Hint of gray hair at her temples under the cap.

Good lord, the woman moved like a battleship. It surprised me she didn't need a couple of tugboats to get between the car and the wall of the garage. Lifting my camera, I zoomed in as close as I could get and snapped a picture while she watched the garage door close. She watched it like she was daring it not to close all the way. Then a slow scan of the house and yard as if she was inspecting for flaws. Apparently no white glove was needed as she sniffed and made her slow unrelenting way up the steps and into the house.

I shuddered to think what might have happened if she had been my attendant after the accident rather than Andy. The woman was the exact opposite of sensuality.

One finger pressed speed dial #1 on my phone. My partner picked up right away.

"Yes, my love?" That caught me by surprise and made me smile. But I was disconcerted and had almost been caught unawares.

"Andrew...?" I let a little bit of my concern creep into my voice to let him know there was something amiss. "Is Kelvin Mathers married?"

"What? Ummm... no. There's no record of him ever being married, Alex. Why?"

"A woman at his house. Apparently lives there. Mother?"

"Mmmm... nope. Bellatrix Mathers, deceased." Bellatrix... figures.

"Try an associate search. Last name and address, please." I could hear rapid typing.

"And... Ummm... uh-oh... crap. Alex, I'm so sorry. Beatrice Mathers. Older sister, apparently. Looks like she's..."

"A nurse?"

"Yup. Alex, I am so..."

"Don't worry about it, Andy. Things happen. This op is scrubbed for now. I'll be home in a few. Love you, pretty man."

"And I love my studmuffin detective. Come home and I'll make it up to you. Promise."

He made good on his promise, which was how I ended up in the bath surrounded by fragrant steam holding an armful of hot wet naked male perfection.

Some days it was so nice being me.

As irritated as I had been about almost getting bushwhacked by a lack of information, my mood was completely wiped away seconds after I had opened the door to our apartment. The building once used to be a warehouse and the upper floors were converted years ago by Andy's father into a series of loft apartments. When his son finished college and came into money he bought the building for himself. A small trendy 24-hour gym occupied the ground floor. Our offices were on the second floor and Andrew and I had the top floor all to ourselves.

While I had seen the books for our business I never once asked Andy exactly how much money he had. It was his business and as long as it made him happy I did not care.

His happiness was the number one item on my to-do list.

Well actually, Andy himself was number one. But I digress.

Once the apartment door closed behind me I was greeted by a naked male Adonis with a smile on his lips and a Manhattan in his hand, the stem of a maraschino cherry poking out the top. It took a moment for me to notice the drink as it was placed in my hand.

My first meeting with Andrew Jones in the physical therapy room of the hospital had been fraught with mixed impressions. The back of my brain drooled and growled and wanted to throw him over my shoulder and haul him off for nights of sweet debauchery. The bits of his body I could see past his snug surgical scrubs looked positively delicious. The trained detective part of my brain was using other adjectives. College kid. Pretty boy. Fitness nut. Wannabe surfer boy in a burg with no beaches.

Then I got to know him.

And if you knew Andy like I did...

The drink slid into my hand as his lips met mine for a long smoldering kiss which almost set my socks on fire. As it was they were gently smoking by the time he was done. Then those sweet soft lips went to my ear as he stood on his tiptoes and whispered "Let's get you naked, lover. There's a hot bath waiting. And so am I."

Oooohhh... snap. Oh, fuck. Oh, yes.

Moments later, there I was, reclining against the cool porcelain back of the tub with Andy leaning up against my chest. The top of his head was resting just below my chin and my prick was trapped between our bodies. Just the touch of his skin against me was enough to keep me halfway hard and it occasionally twitched against his spine while we talked.

Making use of a spare moment, his love of old detective novels and his photographic memory, I used my best Nero Wolfe imitation.

"Report, Archie."

For the next few minutes I listened to a full report on everything he had managed to find out about the principals in our case. Even a fairly full bio on sister Beatrice, the latest addition to the cast of characters. Young Derrick hadn't just been bragging about the size of his bank account, it seemed. He'd taken his part of the inheritance and turned it into an internet start-up which was basically a think tank for cell phone apps. When the company went public he sold his share and retired several times more wealthy than he had started. Now he was a freelance consultant for his own company, making a quite startling wage in commissions.

He was a bit of an odd duck, though. No social life to speak of anywhere on the internet. His connections all seemed to be related to work. Never married. Rarely seen out with anyone other than his sister and co-workers. Kind of a recluse.

"He is kind of cute, though." Andy added, breaking away from his recitation. "I'd do him. How about you?" I leaned down and nibbled his ear, making him shiver.

"I have no interest in anybody but you, lover. He pales next to you. But he is a bit pretty. If you were there I'd make a sandwich out of him and we could share that pretty little rich boy together."

Something about my words made Andy shiver again. Then he collected his thoughts and went back to his report.

Nothing very surprising surfaced about April Gentles. Somewhat of a child prodigy on the piano. Quiet and mostly kept to herself and her studies. A check of her financials showed she usually lived well within her means and quite modestly even though she had plenty of money. Several hundred thousand in her account and a about a hundred thousand tied up in investments.

However she had been making quite a few cash withdrawals in the last month. Somewhere around a thousand bucks a week. Nothing traceable on her credit cards. Damn.

As always, he saved the best tidbit for last. I wasn't expecting anything about this Mathers to stand out. He seemed like such a nonentity, except for the fact he had managed to snag April Gentles. Single. Never married. Living at home with his sister. Working a night clerical job. Nothing to look at, really.

How in the world they had ever met let alone hooked up, was a mystery.

"This one actually took me a little bit of time." Andy said. "And a bit of creative... hackery." He almost looked embarrassed. My partner was proud of his skills, especially when it came to the internet and searches. But when it came right down to it, he was still fairly new to this game and it tweaked his sensibilities a bit when he was forced to do things which bordered on the illegal.

In some ways he was so naïve. One of the many many reasons I loved him so much.

"It was buried under a couple of different accounts with different names. This guy seems to be a bit leery of putting his name out there. His real one, anyway. Kind of a Jekyll and Hyde thing."

The lyrics to an old song ran through my mind.

"But on the telephone line I am anyone I am anything I want to be. I can be a super model or

Norman Mailer and you wouldn't know the difference. Or would you?"

Welcome to the worldwide web.

I almost missed what he said.

"The Triskele Club."

"Wait.. what?"

"He has a membership to the Triskele Club. Both of them do. Paid in full for a year. Calls himself "Lord Morgoth" of all things." He shook his head. "Sheesh."

I didn't get the reference, but it didn't matter.

"She is listed as being his slave under the name "Princess." What is wrong with these people, Alex? Don't they have any imagination?"

Being born pretty and highly intelligent and well to do, the love of my life didn't entirely understand most people in this world. He'd never been desperate and lonely and at the end of his rope. He hadn't spent years looking down the barrel of a gun or the neck of a bottle or seeing life through the top of a bottle of pills or a hypodermic syringe. Andy didn't quite realize most people led petty small lives so they gave themselves what airs they could to make it seem like they mattered.

To make themselves appear they were somebody.

He'd never really had a good look at the seamy underbelly of humanity and while our business dealt in a lot of that nasty grime which most decent folk wouldn't step in if they had a choice, I would do my utmost to shield him from getting splattered. My years with the City police had left stains on my soul which would never wash off. Even though as a realist I knew I couldn't protect him from all of it, I would shield Andy the best I was able.

He was beautiful and gentle and sweet inside and out and I loved him more than life itself.

Part of my job was distracting him when necessary. A function I didn't mind one bit.

My arms went from his shoulders and crossed his chest, squeezing him tight while my lips went to the side of his neck, teeth nibbling on that little patch of skin just below his ear. That spot which made him shiver and sigh.

The technique never failed to change the subject and it didn't let me down this time either. He tipped his head to the side, sighing softly as a little shiver ran through his body. My arms pulled him a little closer into me and my prick started to rapidly harden as it pressed into his spine.


"Sssshhhh..." I whispered. "Don't talk, sweet boy. All I want right now is you."

"Oh..." He said, then "Oooohhh..." as I slipped my hand down and wrapped it around the shaft of that beautiful seven inches of cock nestled between his thighs. My fingers gripped him a little harder than normal and I was rewarded with the feeling of him growing almost instantly erect. Getting him excited and hard always made me feel as if I were the most accomplished lover in the world. The fact I could have such an effect on such a beautiful wonderful man was the greatest achievement in my life. My grip stroked up and down his shaft, squeezing and relaxing, letting him know who was in charge.

Despite being who he was... wealthy and smart and self assured... in his secret fantasies Andy was a loving bottom who craved being taken charge of now and then. I was only too happy to oblige. While I wasn't really into the whole whips and chains thing, I had absolutely no problem dominating my lover with my hands and my words and my cock.

My hand stroked him a little bit faster, feeling his hips move and wresting a little moan from his lips. I did love those sounds he made and I'd spent the happiest year of my life learning every inch of his body and just what caused him to make those sounds.

Andy writhed against my body and I stroked him until I could feel his hips begin to move, then slowed down. My grip pulled back his foreskin exposing the head of his cock and under the steaming water I could feel a little bit of his slippery precome leaking from the tip. My thumb traced around the lower edge around the head of his cock, bringing another low moan from his chest. His hands, which had risen up to lay against my forearm, gripped me just a little bit tighter. A low chuckling, rumbling growl echoed into his ear.

"Do you like that?" He turned the side of his head into my lips and I kissed his damp hair just above his ear.

"Mmmm... yes..." he murmured dreamily. "I always love it when you touch me, Alex." My hand slid all the way down his shaft and my palm cupped his balls. I could feel they were brimming with that sweet salty come of his, just aching to be set free. One finger slipped down and tickled the spot between his sack and his sweet little hole, making him gasp and shiver.

"Do you want me inside you, boy?" His fingertips dug into my forearm and he turned to look up at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Mmmm... god yes, Alex." I could see the desperate need in his look. "I want you inside me. I want you on top of me. I want to feel that big beautiful prick of yours splitting me open and filling me up. Please, Alex..."

"Remember the first time we made love right out there in your big bed?" A little smile played across his lips.

"One of my favorite memories. Our bed."

"Remember when you had me lay there and watch while you lubed up your ass for me? You talked about how much you wanted me and slid your fingers in and out of that snug little butt, getting it all nice and slippery for my cock." He shivered again.

"Oh yes, I remember. I almost came just thinking about you fucking me." I transferred my grip back up, palm running over the head of his upstanding prick in a circle as if I were polishing it bright. He gasped and wiggled at the sensation.

"Do it again, Andrew. I want you face down on the bed, getting your ass slippery and ready for me. Show me how much you want my cock inside you." He shivered hard.

"Oooohhh god yes, Alex." His eyes glanced up at me again. "Now?"

"Now, boy. Hurry." I gave his prick one final squeeze and released him. Andy practically leaped from the tub and grabbed a towel, hurriedly drying the water from his skin. He was rock hard and his prick bobbed up and down as he toweled himself dry.

"God, Alex." he gasped. "I want you to fuck me." Even in his haste my fastidious lover managed to fling the damp towel back over the bar before running from the room. Chuckling softly, I rose at a more sedate pace, letting the water out of the tub and grabbing my own towel.

Besides, making him wait as few extra minutes would just leave him more tightly wrapped and more desperate to get me inside of him. As much as I loved Andy and as much as he was my partner and equal in all things it added an extra thrill to us both when I made him beg and plead for me to fuck him long and hard.

A little kinky, I know.

But then who wasn't?

Hey, at least he wasn't wearing a cheerleader skirt and saddle shoes. The mere notion made me shake my head and chuckle softly.

This was no time to be thinking about work.

As predicted, making him wait a few extra moments did the trick. As I rounded the corner my lover was face down on the bed, legs spread wide and two fingers sliding in and out of his tight little ass while he moaned softly. In his desperate need Andy had grabbed the comforter and top sheet and stripped them off the bed leaving them a crumpled heap on the floor. He hadn't even stopped to put a towel down as he usually did when we played.

My... he was wound up.

I stood at the foot of the bed and just watched for a moment, enraptured by looking at Andy's fine sweet body. Every muscle in his body seemed to be in motion and they all stood out in fine relief. I could see the cords in his neck moving as he rubbed his cheek against the sheet slowly. The intricate web of musculature writhed like snakes beneath his skin. I could see the muscles of his butt clenching and flexing while his fingers moved in and out. His hips were slowly humping his prick against the mattress. Always a good indicator of his desire, his toes were curling up while his own touch brought him closer and closer to his peak.