Case Study


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God, that was so sexy. I could feel a stream of precome leaking from the tip of my own hard prick. Without even realizing it, my knees were up on the bed and I crawled slowly up over my lovers prone body. When he felt the mattress shift, Andy opened one eye and looked over his shoulder at me.

"Please, Alex." he gasped. "I want you."

The tip of my prick trailed up the back of his thigh, leaving a slick little trail, drawing a map to my treasure trove of delight. A not so secret map to the greatest joy in my life. My lips almost touched his ear as I whispered.

"Tell me what you want, boy."

"Mmmhhh... aaahhh... I want you, Alex. I want you on top of me. Mmmhhh... I... I want you inside of me, filling me up with your big beautiful cock..."

"You want me to fuck you, Andrew?"

"Mmmm... god yes, Alex. I want you to fuck me long and hard..." He looked at me again in desperation. "Please, Alex... please... fuck me."

My knees went to either side of his and pushed his legs together a nudge at a time. Grabbing his free hand by the wrist, I pulled it around and into the small of his back then a little more gently disengaged his other hand from between those amazingly soft ass cheeks. One hand clamped both wrists together. Even though Andrew was younger and stronger than I was, he only put up minimal resistance to my grip.

A sudden smack on his ass made him yelp and raise his head. A pink imprint of my fingers formed on that pale flesh.

"Arch your back, boy. Stick that pretty little ass in the air for me."

"Oooohhh... Mmmm... yes, sir..." He wiggled and stuck his bottom in the air invitingly. I scooted a tad closer and laid the shaft of my hard cock in between his ass cheeks, pressing it down between them with my thumb. Andy moaned softly at the sensation and humped back into me, causing my prick to slide up and down encased in heavenly warm flesh.

Oooohhh... snap. Too much more of that and I'd be painting his lower back with my come before I even made it to the main event.

It felt really good.

If you hadn't guessed.

Once again I leaned down over his back to growl in his ear.

"Tell me what you want, boy." Beneath my body Andy shivered hard and humped his ass up into me, squeezing the shaft of my hard prick between his cheeks.

"Fuck me, Alex." he panted. "Please..." His butt swirled and pressed up into my belly. "Stick your cock in me. Take me. Use me. Make me yours... ahhh... Oh! Mmmm..." As he spoke I pulled back with my hips and pointed the head of my cock down and pressed it to the quivering opening of his anus. Although he'd spent a few minutes opening himself up for me I'd waited long enough and it had tightened up again. He had to struggle against his body's natural want to keep things in... or out, as it were.

I pressed determinedly against his body's resistance, levering open his snug little butt with the head of my cock. Beneath me Andy whined and gasped and made little noises of mixed pleasure and pain as I gained ground until he let out a yelp and I popped in past the ring of muscle. Giving him just a second to get used to my intrusion, I reached in between our bodies with the bottle of lubricant and shot a bit of it on the shaft of my prick before tossing it aside and feeding him the rest of my meat. Andy moaned and sighed and wiggled until his sweet ass cheeks pressed into my hips and I was all the way inside of his body.

God, that felt wonderful.

If I died right now I'd have no regrets.

Well... a few minutes from now after I'd filled his ass with my come, anyway.

One long slow sinuous thrust of my hips, feeling his channel ripple and squeeze my cock.

"Who do you belong to, Andrew?" If I had growled at a suspect like that he would have peed his pants. As it was, Andy writhed and shivered beneath my body.

"Oooohhh... only you, Alex." Andy moaned and thrust his butt up into my belly. "I belong to you. Always always always and only yours. Forever..." He pressed into me again. "And forever..." That delightful little inner squeeze. "Mmmhhh... My heart and my mind and my body belong only to you, Alex. I am yours." Another press back into me. "Aaaahhh..."

All right... enough of the dominance play. I had a sweet ass to fuck.

When I released his wrists he reached above his head and gripped the sheets almost hard enough to tear them. My fisted hands went to the mattress so his shoulders pressed into my forearms, giving me leverage as I thrust into him over and over again. I could tell from his body and his little whimpers and gasps he was close to orgasm. Those delightfully soft bottom cheeks had turned into rock hard lumps of muscle which battered my hips and trapped me deep inside his body.

When I could bring him to a peak so quickly it made me feel ten feet tall and covered with hair.

My lips pressed into the nape of his neck as Andy bowed his head to the mattress. I growled "Come... come... come for me now..." Adrift in a sea of lust I opened my mouth and bit him.

That did it.

My lover jerked as if he'd stuck his dick in a light socket. His head raised up, pushing my teeth away from his flesh and his hands shot out in fists, scattering the pillows. It was a good thing we didn't have any neighbors as the howl that came from his lips would have wakened them from a sound sleep. He jerked and trembled and kicked and that wonderful tight channel in his butt gripped my prick like a vise, making my hair stand on end while he came, spurting his joy on the sheets.

That did it for me, too.

My hand gripped his shoulder for leverage, fingers sinking into the skin and muscles as I pounded into his body, racing towards my own climax. Sweat dripped into my eyes and the room was filled with my grunts and Andy's moans and the frantic sound of flesh against flesh.

Then for a short while, the world went away.


It was raining as I stepped out into the night. That was a fact of life in the City. The storms which rolled in off the ocean tended to vent most of their fury further south towards Bay City, then rumble their way up here bringing nothing but rain.

It was fine with me. Other than the fact the rain tended to wash away evidence now and then, it worked to keep the streets nice and clean. And I, like most of the denizens here, learned to have a supply of plastic bags handy in order to keep things dry.

Through a mutual understanding with the management of the Triskele Club, I was no longer allowed inside the premises myself. Even though I had done the owner of the club a solid favor by helping him to get rid of a rival thug trying to move in on his business, he'd told me bluntly I looked too much like a cop and I would make his clientele nervous.

I suspected at the time he was having a little joke on me, but since the man always wore a mask I could never tell if he was smiling or not. And since I got to witness the aftermath of him and his crew taking out the wannabe gangster and removing the threat permanently I didn't want to risk testing his sense of humor.

The rumors going around the precinct were the club was a front for something or another, but nobody could ever catch them doing anything illegal. The place was, on the front of it, a high end BDSM club. Very private and very exclusive. By invitation only. Their security was very tight and it had only been breached once.

Very briefly.

The crew of enforcers sent to make their bosses wishes known were never seen again. Not around here, anyway.

At any rate, even though I was 'persona non grata' inside, I was given a few numbers to contact in case I needed a favor returned. One of those was Frank Castle, the owners head of security. I'd heard he was ex-Bureau, but like everybody connected with the club, his background was buried deep. The guy who owned the place had enough pull in enough places to make me cautious.

Frank was a big guy. Bigger than me. Big and dangerous looking, with a face that looked like it was chiseled out of angry marble. The kind of face you would get from Superman if you were holding a kryptonite knife to Lois Lane's throat. But I'd met with him enough times to know underneath his dangerous exterior Frank was a decent guy, even if he was a decent guy you never wanted to fuck with.

We met in a restaurant in Coquette, a little tourist burg halfway between here and there. It was a good place to conduct business. The place was dark and the booths were big and comfy, well suited to larger guys like Frank and myself. Neither one of us would have fit well in the plastic chairs of some fast food joint.

Besides, they made a french dip sandwich to die for. Thinly sliced prime rib and an au jus made from the drippings. Since we weren't going to have time for a leisurely supper, I ordered two sandwiches to go, knowing a certain handsome young man who would be hungry later.

Frank's calculating and analytic mind didn't let me down. The man was always on top of his game and even though Triskele wasn't only one business he oversaw, he knew and remembered every client who came to the place. He recognized the pictures of Mathers and April Gentles right away. One large finger tapped April's picture.

"She's a sweet girl. Young. Naive. She obviously doesn't have a clue about the real world, though. Suffering from a severe case of Sheltered Rich Girl Syndrome. This nitwit Mathers has her buffaloed. Got her paying for his kicks." He tapped the picture again. "She pays their club fees. In cash, every week. She pays for everything, including the motel down the road after hours." A little frown creased his brows. "If she isn't careful she will be paying more than she bargained for soon."

"How do you figure, Frank?" He stabbed a finger down at Kelvin Mathers' picture, then flicked it halfway across the table, as if swatting a cockroach. The glossy pic slid across the smooth wood and clinked against my water glass. The edge of the paper began thirstily drawing in the condensation from my glass, making the colors run and blur.

"He's an idiot. A noob putting on airs like he's the Marquis DeSade. Read a few of those fluffy bondage romance novels and thinks he's an expert, but if you gave him a clue he wouldn't know which end of it to suck on. It was bad enough when he was just fantasizing and whacking off under the covers at home, but now he's managed to snag this cute little wench and drag her into it. He's desperate to keep her putting out. Both money and pussy. So he's going to keep going farther and farther and to be perfectly frank..." He gave a little wry smile at his lame joke. "He's already over his head. That little girl is going to get hurt."

He waved a hand. "If you want to wait a few more weeks, your problem might be solved. I have my people watching them and if he goes over the line again, he's out. They both are. I don't care if she pays in cash and the boss would agree. Better to lose the money than face a lawsuit because he broke one of her fingers or pulled her shoulder out of socket."

I winced at his harsh words. I'd never actually met April Gentles but her pictures showed her to be quite a looker. Long brown curly hair and soft blue eyes with a smile that made you want to curl up around her like a cat. Even though I was never really into girls as such, I could appreciate how most guys would react around her. April needed protecting and it seemed that Andy and I had been chosen for the job.

The irony of the situation was astounding.

Ah, well.

"Frank, I need to get someone inside. Just for one night when they are there. With access to the security cams if at all possible. I need hard evidence and a first hand report." He shook his head.

"Not you, Alex. You know better. The boss..." I raised my hands.

"No, Frank. Not me. My partner."

"Young Jones?" I didn't even blink. Working for who he did Frank would have already done a deeper background check on me than the boys at the Bureau could have done. His boss had strings to pull that covered whole continents.

"He might be young but he's already a pro, Frank. I trust him with my life." The look on his face showed me he knew exactly what my relationship with Andy was and the fact that while he didn't swing that way, he understood. One hand slipped into a coat pocket and came out with a fairly large cell phone. With hands like his, it had to be big. Both so he could use the keypad and so he wouldn't crush it in his grip. A frown formed between his eyebrows as he typed. Probably the only thing in the world Frank Castle ever had to struggle with. Watching him trying to text was kind of painful.

"Those things work just like a phone too, Frank. I know it's old fashioned, but you could just call."

"Shut up, Alex." He growled, then raised an eyebrow at me. "You want a favor or not?"

"Shutting up now." I said pleasantly.

It took half a dozen messages back and forth before he finally nodded and slipped the phone back into his pocket. For the first time in almost a year I missed having my pipe. I always spent more time fiddling with it than I did smoking it, but it gave my hands something to do while I waited. My health conscious young partner had found ingenious ways to break me of that habit, however.

Ah, well.

Finally he nodded. "The boss says it's okay as long as it isn't you, Alex. One night as long as he remains discrete and full access to the security footage. I think he's as tired of this Mathers character as I am. He makes the club look like amateur hour. Saturday night. They should be there."

I started to say something and he raised a finger, stopping me in mid syllable.

"He also says you should call and talk to Violetta." My eyes widened and I gulped.

"Really? Her?"


"Oh snap."

"Yep." He agreed.


Ages ago in my youth there was a coffee commercial on teevee. Something about "The best part of waking up."

Those people didn't have a clue.

Being on the force for all of those years I had developed a serious love affair with coffee. Often it was the only thing keeping me breathing and I'd learned to stomach some things which were only classified as "coffee" because it came out of a glass decanter.

But this...

This was so much better than coffee ever dreamed of being.

I lay with my back propped up on a couple of pillows, the morning paper discarded on the floor and a dreamy smile on my face. One hand lay atop Andy's sweet little butt, idly stroking the fine soft skin. The other was gently tangled in his hair moving up and down as he bobbed his head in my lap, that magic tongue and sweet mouth playing up and down on my prick like he was trying to coax music from my flesh.

I'd learned my lover's moods and knew full well he wasn't interested in anything more than a gentle touch at a time like this. He wasn't interested in touching, talking or even reciprocation. All he wanted from me was to lay back and enjoy. Andrew Jones was going to suck my cock and make me come down his throat and nothing short of the mattress bursting into flames was going to distract him from his duties.

My sweet lad intent on nothing but my pleasure.

Hey, I could live with that.

Quite happily. As many times as he wished.

Through slitted eyes I looked at Andy's strong muscled back as he lay across my lower belly. I could feel his strong but soft hand cup my balls gently and then move back up to slide up and down my shaft in time with the movement of his mouth. He knew all of the things I liked and he did them all very well.

My fingertips untangled from his hair to trail gently down the nape of his neck and over that muscled back, reveling in the feel of his skin. I hoped I never got so jaded I got tired of touching him. Anywhere and everywhere for no matter what reason. Andy was so perfect in so many ways. So amazingly beautiful inside and out.

His mind and his heart and his soul.

And his body.

Oooohhh, that body. It was a body worthy of being immortalized in the finest Italian marble. He made the statue of David look like just an ordinary guy. In another time and place he could have been worshiped as a god. Not one of those soft pansy cherubim as Eros is often depicted, but a solid manly phallic god of lust who would revel in the desires of his followers.

But my mind does wander at times. A shudder through my frame brought me back to the here and now.

One long deep breath.

"Mmmm..." I sighed. "Oh god Andy, I love you." Down below my waist he nodded along with the up and down motion on my cock. His hot slick tongue wrapped around the lower edge of the head of my cock sending lightning bolts of pleasure up and down my spine. Viscerally I could feel my toes clenching up as I neared my peak.

Something profound was trying to make it's way to my lips but all that came out was incoherent moans. My entire body was tightening up as if I were slowly turning to stone. My vision dimmed and narrowed and there was a muffled roaring in my ears as my entire existence focused solely on the head of my cock and that wonderful sweet sucking mouth.

One more attempt to speak resulted in nothing more than a cry of pleasure as my hips bucked and I began shooting my come into Andy's mouth. The exquisite pleasure of feeling him swallowing around his mouthful of my cock nearly drove me over the edge of sanity and I very nearly slipped into unconsciousness. But I didn't want to miss a single moment of the experience. I rode the waves of pleasure like a surfer, gliding from crest to crest as I shivered and moaned and shot stream after stream of my sticky fluid down his throat.

After the main wave of my orgasm had passed, Andy kept gently suckling on my cock, drawing out every last drop of my joy as if his life depended on my sperm for his sustenance. He timed his motions to my ebbing reactions, slowing his movements until I finally lay still, my hands dropping to the sheet on either side.

And of course when both he and I were finished I got the supreme pleasure of feeling my lover kiss his way up my chest to my lips where he uttered the immortal words "Fancy some breakfast?"

I'm pretty sure I was going to have to keep him around for awhile.

Not just for his awesome french toast, either.

Andrew kept me sane.

In this world we lived in and especially our chosen profession at least a tenuous grip on sanity was all important.

My grip was sorely tested during the first call I received when I got to the office that morning. No sooner had my butt hit the chair than the phone began chirruping. It was almost as if someone were waiting and watching.

I wouldn't have been all that surprised, considering who it was.

Before I could even begin my spiel answering a voice stated "Cable... You were supposed to call me. I dislike waiting." A woman's voice. Smooth. Cultured. Just a hint of a British accent. At any other time and in any other body, it would have been a pleasant voice. But her tone suggested a maw full of fangs and razor blades dripping with venom.

I really hoped she wasn't watching because I flinched. I had to rally my defenses quickly or I'd lose it.

"Violetta. So nice to hear from you. How's the family?"

I swear to god I could hear her curl her lip over the line.

"The family, as you put it, are all in exquisite agony, Cable. And enjoying every moment of it, as you well know."

Talking with her was always like watching an episode of "The Addams Family" on bad acid.


Violet Fey Driscoll-Wingfield.

I was one of the very few people in the world who knew her full real name. And even I wasn't brave enough to use it to her face. Not even over a phone line. Those few people who even knew of her always called her "Mistress Violetta" and always used the most polite tones while doing so. She was probably the most respected and the most feared professional Dominatrix in the world.