Casino Plot Ch. 15


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The audience and ladies were both trying to process all that, while Janice lifted up a final item. "You've all seen this little beauty before, and this is what is used for a type 3 foul." Janice was holding up that wicked, long switch that had already striped both twins. Gertie and Gitte were actually quivering at the mere sight of it.

"So ladies and gentlemen, it will our friend here's job to administer the penalty for fouls. I am relatively confident that results of his work will be very visible. And ladies if you do receive a type 3, I am pretty sure that the stripes he will leave will be significantly more um, um, impactful?, than the ones administered previously."

"Sir, I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"Walter ma'am."

"Well, Walter if you would be so kind as to take your spot at the punishment station, we will get on with the event. Ladies if you would join me please."

Janice strolled over to where Lee was still seated in her chair. The other four ladies joined her there a few seconds later.

"Ladies, each of you will have one bucket of golf balls to get into that hole over there. And you must get every ball in. If you foul and drop one, it will be replaced in the bucket. And don't be slow to report fouls. You don't want to lose any more time than you have to in the end."

That last line did get a few chuckles. "Now since everyone only has one turn, we will draw for the order you will go in. As you can see I have four golf balls here, and each one has a number on it from 1 to 4."

Janice held them up, and each ball did indeed have a large number emblazoned on it.

"So Lee if you would be so kind as to stick these up your cunt, we will get on with the drawing."

"Wait... WHAT???" Lee had just been sitting in her chair, kind of tuned out. For a couple of seconds, what Janice had just said didn't register. But then it did. "What do you mean, up my cunt?"

"Lee dear, we need to put the balls in a container so that our contestants can't see them. Then they can each draw one fairly. So, we need you to put them up your snatch."

The Korean woman wanted to argue, but she thought better of it. Especially when she looked over and saw that huge man swinging a paddle. "Yes, ma'am. I'll get them right up in there."

Lee did just as she was told. She took the four balls from Janice, and one by one she pushed them up into her pussy. When she was done, Lee just sat back in her chair. She felt overstuffed and cramped, but at least they were all up in there.

Now ladies, we will draw in order by current standings. So, Sue Lynn, you go first.

"Wha, What am I supposed do to exactly?" Sue Lynn was not sure what was expected of her. Lee had stuffed those balls up insider herself. How was she supposed to draw one?

"I thought that was obvious, Colonel. Stick your hand up into Lee's little hole and pull out a ball."

Sue Lynn eyes went wide. She was supposed to reach into Lee's pussy and pull out a GOLF BALL?!! On the other hand, she was going to have bunch of those balls up her own holes very soon. So what the Hell?

The colonel reached between Lee's legs and found her slit. She pushed a couple of fingers between the lips and into the hole. That was all it took. The balls were stuffed so tightly in there, that as soon as Sue Lynn's fingers went in a ball basically rolled out into her hand.

Sue Lynn held up the somewhat damp ball. It had a large number 3 on it. Colonel Fairchild would go third.

Ruth was next, and she also managed to easily get a ball to roll out of Lee's pussy and into her hand. The large 1 on the ball announced that Ruth would go first.

Gitte was up now, and she also reached into Lee's slit. There were only two balls in there now, so it took a bit more effort to get one out. Gitte actually had to use her fingers to pull the thing out of there. Lee did not look overly happy during the extraction.

While Lee caught her breath, Gitte looked to see what she had. The sergeant held up the ball indicating she would go second.

Gertie was the last to draw. Obviously she would go last, but she still needed to pull out a ball. The sergeant reached into Lee's pussy to find one. Unfortunately, with only one left it wasn't nearly as easy to get it out. Every time she touched it, the ball just rolled away from her in there. By the time Gertie managed to get a grip on it and pull it out, poor Lee was panting like an overworked race horse. To no one's surprise, the ball was clearly labeled with a 4.

Ladies, now if you will step over here, I will have our lovely hostess demonstrate how the game is played. Lee, would you please come over to where this bucket of balls is?

It did take Lee a few seconds to gather herself. All her friends had just reached into her vagina to pull out the golf balls she had stuffed in there. And the way Gertie had had to work in there really took her breath away. But she did manage to stumble to her feet and make her way over to where Janice wanted her.

"Ok folks, so in this area our contestants may touch the balls with their hands, so Lee please reach down and pick up a golf ball."

Thinking back on all she had been through, Lee remembered she'd had golf balls in her mouth, in her ass, and up her pussy. She wasn't sure there was anything she hated in the world right then more than golf balls. But she set that aside and picked up another one.

"Now Lee, you are not allowed to carry that ball outside your body over the transport area, so go ahead and shove that one up your ass."

Sure, why not. Lee reached behind herself and positioned the ball over her anus. When it was set, she set herself and pushed. It took a little effort, but the ball popped through the little hole. Lee's eyes also popped as the ball entered her rectum.

"Now you walk through the transport area over to the putting area." Janice pointed to the square across the stage, and Lee obediently walked over there. It was a little uncomfortable with the ball in her butt, though it was hardly the worst thing she had been through.

"Ok, now you're in another area where you can use your hands, so get the ball out and hold it."

Lee sighed and reached back for her anus again. She stuck a finger in and pushed. The ball popped out into her hand in no time.

"Now you need to get it in the hole. But in the next section the ball has to be in your mouth. So put it in there"

Lee wasn't even thinking. She popped the ball into her mouth and waited.

"Very good. Now all you have to do is get the ball in the hole. You can walk, although crawling is probably best."

Crawling did seem like the obvious answer, so Lee dropped down and began to crawl to the hole. The crowd behind her got a great look at her ass and pussy, since her back end was held up in the air as she crawled. Lee reached her target and let the ball drop out of her mouth into the hole. Was that the end of it, God she hoped so.

"Now folks, obviously there was no foul there, but we need a demonstration of that, too. And our new referee needs a little practice. So let's demonstrate a type 1 foul. Lee, please get up and go bend over that bar."

She was so tired, that Lee just did what she was told. It was almost mechanical. She didn't even think about what came next. Lee simply followed directions and hoped for it to be over soon.

"Very good, colonel. Now if you would please grab those handles."

Lee looked up and there were indeed two handles in front of her. She reached through the cylinders in front of them and grabbed the handles. The tubes immediately clamped down on Lee's arms, trapping them there.

"Now, we just need to get this set." As Janice spoke, she slid the device with the handles down the track. Quickly Lee found herself stretched out completely horizontal, except for her ass which was simply bent over that bar.

"That looks good. Walter if you would come here please. We need to check the young lady's position."

"Ok." Walter wasn't sure what how he was supposed to check position, but he walked next to Janice and waited for further instructions.

"First, grab the titties and make sure they are pointed straight down. That will show proper alignment."

The crowd gave a large laugh as Walter reached under Lee and gripped both her boobs. He pulled down on them a bit.

"Do they feel right, sir?"

"They feel just fine, ma'am." It was a struggle for Walter so say that with a straight face.

"Very good. Now we need to make sure the legs are the correct distance apart. So you need to reach in behind the woman and make sure you place your entire hand right on the pussy. And, if the distance is correct a couple of fingers should easily slide up inside. Also, a finger should easily go completely up the little anus that is so nicely presented there."

Lee had just zoned out laying there. She wasn't paying any attention to what was being said, she just wanted to get this part over. So, she didn't react to anything until a hand began stroking her pussy and then two fingers went deep into her vagina. Her head popped up, so Lee was staring right at the audience when another finger went up her butt.

The crowd laughed uproariously. Lee's eyes and mouth went wide open. The colonel couldn't help it. She just hated having her asshole fingered. And having some guy she couldn't even see feeling up inside her pussy wasn't exactly fun either. But then the fingers pulled out, and Lee sagged back down.

Walter picked up the flat paddle and looked over at Janice. She just nodded, so he took aim and just tapped in on his target. Lee felt something nudge her ass, but it wasn't bad. Walter drew back the paddle, but Janice stopped him.

"Go a little easy on this one. After all it's just a demo, there wasn't really a foul. Besides, we don't want to scare the others." Janice spoke very low and held her mike away, so that only Walter could hear her. "But I do want to see a nice mark on that ass."

The referee got the idea. Walter drew the paddle back again. He took one hand off the handle and took a nice, easy one-handed swing. The board impacted into Lee's behind with a very rewarding Splat!

Lee was still wondering when her demo would end, when the paddle impacted her ass. She stopped wondering anything at that point. The colonel just screamed and began running in place. She tried to rub her ass, but her hands were still trapped.

Janice let Lee stomp a bit. Then she pressed the switch that released her hands. Lee stood straight up and reach back for her butt. She spent the next few seconds hopping around and rubbing her ass.

"All right ladies, so you've seen how the game works. Ruth I believe you're up first."

Lee meanwhile was starting to settle. The sting was cooling down, and at least she was done. That horrid ball had been in her ass, and then her mouth. At least her demo was over. She did have an awful taste in her mouth, though. Well, at least thank God for the washing machines. Wait... She HADN'T been washed. Oh GOD! The ball in her mouth had..

Colonel Kwan bent forward and started to gag. "What's wrong, Lee?" Janice hadn't seen anything else happen. She really didn't know why Lee looked so pale all of a sudden.

"I wasn't WASHED!!" Janice nodded, still confused. "The ball was in my ASS!!

"Yeah" Janice agreed, "and..."

"My MOUTH!! SHIIIIITTTT" Now Janice understood. She wasn't sure if Lee's last word was an exclamation or an explanation, but she got the point.

"Well dear, you can run under a set of bleachers if you must." Janice then called Ruth over to the bucket of balls while Lee ran from the stage.

"Ok Ruth, now we've replaced the ball that Lee used, so you have a full bucket. Your time will start when you touch the first ball."

Janice stepped away so Ruth could begin her run. She heard a retching sound, and sure enough Lee was under one of the bleachers heaving her guts out. At least no one in the audience could watch such an unladylike performance. Meanwhile, Ruth had bent down and picked up a golf ball. GAME ON!!

Ruth needed a win. She was five points behind Sue Lynn. Sue Lynn was heavier than her, but she was also several years younger. Ruth had a feeling she would need every advantage she could get to beat her in the finale. And that wasn't even considering the sergeants. Both twins were in excellent physical shape. It was definitely imperative that Ruth win this event.

With that in mind, Ruth scooped up three balls. She used one hand to pull her cheeks apart, and the other to press the balls into her anus. One by one she quickly stuffed them up there. Now, she needed to get some in her pussy, too.

Ruth grabbed three more balls. She crammed them into her vagina as quickly as she could. Stuffed as full as she could imagine, she Ruth then made her way onto the main part of the stage. It wasn't far to the other side, but with six balls stuffed inside her it seemed much further.

The general walked carefully through the transport zone. The balls up her butt were stable, but the ones in her pussy were trying to shift. They weren't lodged tight enough, and she definitely didn't want to lose one.

It took longer than Ruth would have liked to reach the putting area, but she made it without losing any of her load. When she got there, she started pulling balls out of her holes as quickly as she could.

When the first ball came out of her vagina, the other two tried to follow. Ruth made sure to catch them coming out. She didn't want them bouncing on the ground and rolling into a penalty area.

After that, she had to get them out of her rectum. The first two pushed out easily. The third one took a bit more force, as well as a finger through her anus to help it out. But she managed to get all six balls safely in the putting area relatively quickly.

Ruth forced herself to ignore where those balls had been. She stuffed one in mouth and crawled to the hole and dropped it in. It was a disgusting task, but not really hard. In short order, all the balls were in the hole and Ruth was back on her feet running to the bucket for another load.

After she shoved another three balls through her anus, Ruth took a second to think. The general was pretty sure that she could get a fourth ball up her cunt. And if she could, they should be lodged in there so tightly she wouldn't have to worry about them falling out.

Sure enough, when Ruth stuffed that fourth ball up her love hole it was stuck tight. Once again, she began the trip across the transport area. There was way too much discomfort stuffed full like that for her to run, but she made a decent pace.

Ruth still had no penalties as she reached the putting area for the second time. The crowd really enjoyed the view, as the general extracted the seven balls from her openings. They actually applauded as the seventh ball dropped from her mouth into the hole. Ruth was making a very impressive run.

Her third run was almost identical to Ruth's second. She stuffed seven more balls insider herself and began the trek across the stage. Another uneventful run, and Ruth really did have a great time going.

When she got back to the bucket for the last round, Ruth had a problem. There were only five balls left. Three could go up her ass, but two in the pussy was risky. If one or both fell out it would be a foul. Almost more than the paddling, Ruth didn't want to lose the time.

Quickly she stuffed the balls up inside her. She began walking as quickly as she could. With only two in her vagina, she was able to make a better pace. The trouble was, the faster she walked the more the balls in her pussy moved.

Ruth was almost at the other side when she felt the balls in her vagina start to roll. The feeling of them moving in there was really intense, and one of them really wanted to fall out.

She was only a few feet away, and Ruth actually tried to run for the putting area. She almost made it, but one ball slipped past her flaps and bounced on the floor just short of safety.

Ruth knew she had a penalty, but she still needed to finish this trip. She got the three balls out of her ass, and simply let the one up her cunt fall out. It took less than a minute of crawling after that to drop the four balls in the hole.

There was one ball left, as the one that dropped had been replaced in the basked. But Ruth knew she had to report for her penalty first. Damn that guy was huge. At least it was only a type 1 penalty. Hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.

Ruth actually ran to the penalty area. The quicker it was paid, the quicker she could finish the round. The general bent over the bar. Then she stuck her arms through the cylinders and grabbed the handles. Her arms were quickly locked in, and in very short order Ruth found herself stretched out across the bar just like Lee had been earlier.

The general tried to remain calm as the referee prepared to paddle her. Her tits were pulled so they hung down nicely. Then a hand was on her pussy pushing her legs apart. Ruth struggled to relax as Walter took a few seconds to feel inside her holes. Finally he pulled his hand out of her and stepped to the side. Ruth couldn't help cringing a bit as she saw him pick up a paddle. From where she was bent over, the thing looked really scary.

Walter had enjoyed exploring Ruth, but now it was down to business. He didn't want to really hurt the general, but this was a real penalty and not a demo. So Walter got a good two-handed grip on the paddle and took aim.

The referee tapped that big, bent over ass twice with the paddle. Then he drew it back and took a firm, straight swing. The sound the board made when it impacted Ruth's round ass was much more impressive than when it had hit Lee. It sounded a lot like a balloon popping when it struck.

Ruth heard the sound, and then a second later felt it. The general let out a scream and started dancing on the bar. She couldn't keep her feet still and she couldn't move her arms. At last, Janice released her from the handles and she was able to grab her ass. Several precious seconds went by while Ruth was hopping in the air and rubbing her burning behind.

When the pain settled enough for Ruth to think, she remembered the round. She ran as quick as she could back to the basket. There was only one ball and she immediately stuck it up her ass.

With only one ball up there, Ruth was able to run across the stage. She started to pull her cheeks open to get that ball out. Then her hand touched the area that had been paddled. The burning brought a squeak from Ruth as she quickly jerked her hand away.

A second later, Ruth forced herself to try again. She squatted down and pushed as hard as she could. It was only a few seconds before she was able to get the ball back through her anal opening and onto the floor.

Only one ball left. Ruth dropped to the ground, grabbed that last ball, and shoved it in her mouth. She crawled as quickly as she could to the hole. She spit it out, and the last ball quickly dropped into the hole. As it hit, Janice blew her whistle indicating the completion of Ruth's round.

Ruth looked up at the screen. She had a time of 12:27. The general had nothing to compare it to, but that seemed pretty good.

General Simpson stood up and caught her breath. Until then she hadn't realized how much physical exertion that had taken. She really was out of breath. Ruth also took the time to rub her very sore bottom.

As Ruth walked off the course, Gitte took her place at the start. A new basket of golf balls was brought out and Gitte was told to start when she was ready.

The first of the twins grabbed a handful of balls and the clock started. Gitte had seen Ruth's round. She figured she needed to do the same thing and cram as many balls up inside her as she could for each run. Gitte quickly got three balls through her anus, but she wanted one more. The fourth one was difficult, but she positioned it right at the center of her butthole and pushed hard. She did have to gasp as the fourth ball pushed through the slot and made it inside. The feeling of it pushing the other three balls out of the way as it went through was memorable.