Catalyst Pt. 01


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"Hey Dad."


"Is Mom still up?"

"No, she went to bed a while ago, she's probably asleep. So... how was your date with Leo?"

"It wasn't a date, Dad. We're just friends."

"Right. Did you guys go anywhere, or... stay in?" I could tell by the tone of Rich's voice that he was hinting at something.

"We stayed in."

"Did you guys... have some fun?"


"Can I see?"

I heard Jenna laugh, then she said, "Are you sure Mom is asleep?"

Rich nodded, and then I watched her sit back on the love seat. I moved forward a little and tried to see what was going on. The couch was blocking part of the view, but I could see Jenna leaning back on the love seat, while Rich was kneeling in front of her, looking down at her crotch. I watched as Rich slid his hands up under her summer dress and then pulled her thong off.

"Wow... that thong is soaked... I can tell he really filled you up."

"Yep... there's a lot. He comes so fast, I feel bad for him."

"It's still coming out... mind if I...?"

I saw her grin at him and say, "Yes, Daddy."

Rich reached behind him and slid his shirt off, then stood up briefly to slide off his shorts, his hard cock flopping as he knelt back down. Jenna had slid her dress and bra off and was spreading her legs open for him as he moved closer. He guided his cock into her pussy and I heard them both gasp in pleasure.

"Mmm... your cock feels so good, Daddy."

"And your pussy feels so amazing, sweetheart."

"I love it when you fill me up with your cock."

"I know you do... Daddy has the best cock, doesn't he..."

"Mmm... definitely."

And with that he began to slowly slide in and out of her, deep and slow. He had to quiet her several times, as her moans and gasps of pleasure got too loud. After several minutes, I heard Jenna say, "I want to ride, Daddy."

"Ok, sweetheart."

The glow of the TV gave me just enough light to watch as Rich slid out of her and sat on the love seat. Jenna got on top, straddling him while she reached behind her to guide his cock into her. They both moaned again as she impaled herself on his shaft and then began to ride him, alternating between long strokes and grinding her clit on the base of his cock. She was definitely no stranger to sex, and knew how to fuck a hard cock. Where had she learned that technique?

It was surreal, completely surreal watching my sweet, innocent daughter slowly fuck her father. After several minutes I saw Jenna arch her back and tilt her head upwards as she gasped over and over again, cumming on her Daddy's cock. Rich let her rest a few moments, and then said, "How do you want Daddy to cum in you?"

"Mmm... will you do me from behind, like you did earlier today out on the deck?"

"Absolutely, sweetheart."

I couldn't see what happened next, as the couch obscured most of the action; I could see Jenna's head and could tell she was on her hands and knees, and could see Rich's upper torso and head, and knew he was behind her. It didn't take long for him to start fucking her hard and fast. Jenna kept her head down, eyes shut, mouth open, and occasionally looked back, sheer pleasure on her face as her father pumped her. Rich must have really been turned on because he didn't last as long as I expected him to. He tilted his head back, closed his eyes, and gasped and moaned as he came inside of her pussy.

He held himself inside of her for a few moments, and then slipped out of her. She turned around and sat down, and said, "Mmm... that was so good, Daddy. Thank you."

"No, sweetheart, thank you. I still can't get over how tight and hot and wet you are. Makes me cum too fast."

She laughed and stood up, picking up her clothes. She turned to Rich and asked, "Are you going to watch more TV?"

"I was thinking about it."

"Ok, let me go change and I'll come join you."

Rich stood up and put his clothes back on, then sat on the couch and changed the channel. Jenna came out a few minutes later, wearing a long t-shirt, and sat down next to Rich, cuddling with him under a blanket. Nothing much happened as they watched TV, and I decided to go back to the bedroom. As I was starting to turn, I heard a soft gasp. From what I could see, it looked like Rich had his hand in Jenna's lap. After a few moments, I heard him ask her if she wanted to suck, and I saw her smile and then watched as her head disappeared from my view. A few seconds later I heard Rich moan and knew Jenna was sucking her father's dick.

Rich leaned his head down and said something to her, and she sat up and then stood and walked down the hall to her bedroom, Rich following her after turning the TV off. I waited a few moments and then followed as quietly as I could. I could hear moans coming through the door and knew they were having sex again. It was incredibly arousing and I didn't even try to fight off my feelings at that point. Had they opened the door and invited me in, I probably wouldn't have hesitated to join them. But eventually my mind took me back to shock and disbelief, even as I heard Rich moan in pleasure and knew he was cumming inside of her again.

I slid back down the hall, through the living room, and into our bedroom, a jumble of nerves and emotions and conflicted thoughts. I stayed awake as long as I could, but eventually slipped into a deep, tormented sleep, filled with lurid dreams. I slept late, and by the time I woke up Rich was already in his office downstairs in a meeting (he works from home as a cybersecurity analyst), and Jenna was out for a run.

It was a crazy Friday and was filled with meetings, phone calls, and paperwork. I was mentally and emotionally distracted, and several of my coworkers came by to make sure I was ok. What was I supposed to tell them? Sure, I'm fine, just found out my daughter is fucking her dad, but otherwise things are great!

My last showing of the day was a 45-minute drive from work, and didn't end well. It was a very hot day and of course, it was the day my car's air conditioning decided to quit. By the time I got to the house I was hot, sweaty, and irritated. I maintained my composure throughout the showing, only to have the couple walk away and tell me they were not interested.

I went back inside the house and sat down, a tangle of emotions and thoughts. I loved being a real estate agent and had sold dozens of houses, but sometimes it left me feeling so defeated. Underneath that was the constant churn of what was going on at home with Jenna and Rich. On one hand I wanted to join in the pleasure -- it had been so long since I'd been with a woman, and I missed those experiences tremendously.

But... could I enjoy sex with another woman, if that woman was my own daughter? The thought was foreign to me; but I had to admit there was a certain taboo appeal to it. And from what I saw the night before, it was obvious Jenna wasn't the innocent little girl I knew from when she lived at home. She had definitely matured during her years in college, and had obviously gained some sexual experience in pleasing a man as well as herself. But that didn't necessarily mean she would be interested in having sex with another woman, much less her mother.

I locked up the house and got into my car, the heat almost unbearable. Rolling down the windows only blew hot air on me as I drove home. My mind continued to go over and over all the things I had seen, all the thoughts and feelings roiling inside me. I was glad I would be able to enjoy a Saturday off, as I definitely needed a break from the grind and had no showings scheduled. It took almost an hour to get home, and by the time I arrived I was once again hot and sweaty. And I honestly had no idea what to expect when I got home.

Rich and Jenna were in the kitchen, putting together a salad for dinner, and Rich had already poured me a glass of wine. We sat and ate around the kitchen table and made small talk about the day. It felt like there was a tension in the air, and I thought I saw Rich and Jenna exchanging knowing glances several times. When Jenna and I made eye contact, she would smile and blush a little. Odd.

Rich said he and Jenna would clean up the kitchen and told me to go take a shower as he refilled my wine glass. I took the wine with me into the bathroom and finished it as the water warmed up. The shower was very refreshing, and I let the water rinse off my sweat, while also allowing my mind to wander.

I couldn't get over how erotic it was, knowing Rich and Jenna had had sex, knowing he had cum inside of her repeatedly. I set aside any worries that he might get her pregnant; she was smart and knew the risks, and was good about taking her pill every day. Then I let myself think about being with Jenna; touching her, tasting her, seeing her between my thighs, kissing her. It seemed so incredibly erotic, but yet also so unnatural. I missed the touch of a woman; tasting the scent of a woman and giving her pleasure. I thought about the foursomes with Troy and Susan, how much fun Susan and I had pleasuring each other in front of the men, how much I missed her passionate kissing and the gentle touch of her nimble tongue on my clit. I thought about some of the many threesomes Rich and I had enjoyed over the years with other women, many of them quite a bit younger than me. I had to fight myself, but eventually allowed myself to wonder what it would be like to have a threesome with Jenna.

As I was drying off, I realized I had become very aroused. Rich had refilled my wine glass while I was in the shower, and I took another sip as I pulled out a pair of panties and then picked some silky pajamas to put on. I walked out to the living room and saw Rich and Jenna huddled together on the love seat, under a blanket, watching TV. I sat on the couch and started to watch as well, but then became aware of what was going on under the blanket. One look and it was obvious that Jenna was stroking Rich's cock, and Rich was fingering Jenna's pussy. I made brief eye contact with Jenna and she blushed deeply and smiled. Rich gave me a look of erotic desire that I knew all too well. I honestly had no idea how to respond.

Rich turned his head and whispered something in Jenna's ear. She blushed again and shot me a quick look, and then stood up in front of him, her back to him as she looked down at the floor. Jenna was wearing loose shorts and a tank top, and Rich reached up and slid off her shorts, my eyes drawn to a tuft of dark brown pubic hair. Obviously she hadn't put on a thong under the shorts. Rich told her to take her tank top off, and while she did this he slipped off his shirt and shorts. I took a good look at Jenna's small, firm breasts, and then saw that Rich's cock was already hard. I knew exactly what was about to happen, yet couldn't stop it. Didn't want to stop it.

Looking directly at me, Rich quietly told Jenna to sit on his cock. He spread his legs apart, and with her back to him, Jenna positioned her pussy over his cock and reached between her legs to guide his cock into her pussy. It was electrifying, watching her sink down slowly, taking every inch of Rich's thick cock into her, her mouth open, gasping in pleasure, even as Rich groaned in pleasure.

She took his dick completely inside of her and held herself there for a moment, her hands on Rich's thighs, her head down, eyes closed. I heard Rich quietly say, "Fuck Daddy's cock" and saw her begin to ride him, his cock glistening with her wetness, her back arched, her body moving as she began to enjoy the sensation of being filled over and over again. Rich reached up and put his hands on her hips, pulling her down firmly, which caused her to turn her head towards him and open her eyes as she gasped in pleasure. She shot me a quick glance again, but did not blush. Instead I saw the look of a woman in ecstasy.

I sat there, watching it all, completely frozen. It was everything I wanted to see, and yet there was still a part of me that couldn't believe it was happening. It felt like the conflict within me was frozen in time. Rich continued to gaze at me, his hands on her hips, gently pulling on her, causing her to fuck his cock deep. I could tell they both were getting close to cumming; was it from the pleasure of the sex, or because I was less than five feet away, watching? Or perhaps a combination of both?

Jenna came first, her cries and gasps of pleasure becoming louder and longer as she orgasmed. That was all it took for Rich to lose control, and I saw him tilt his head back and groan as he pulled Jenna down hard on his cock. He held himself inside of her for a few moments, and then made eye contact with me again as he told Jenna to slide off of him and sit back down on the loveseat.

As she sat down, he stood up and walked towards me. I kept his gaze but could also see that his dick was still semi-hard and was completely coated with Jenna's wetness, a glob of his cum stuck to the underside of the head of his cock. Without saying a word he knelt in front of me and began unbuttoning my pajama top, exposing my breasts. He gently caressed them, then reached down to my hips and hooked his fingers under my pajama bottoms and panties, slipping them both off at the same time. I was mildly surprised when I felt myself lift my hips up to help get them off.

I instinctively began to spread my legs open for him, blushing slightly as I noticed Jenna was watching everything happen. Rich began to slowly, gently eat my pussy, and after fighting it a few more moments, gave myself over completely to the pleasure, closing my eyes and laying my head back. His tongue worked magic, and he was enjoying himself almost as much as I was enjoying it, his left hand playing with my nipples, his right hand on my stomach, warm and firm.

I opened my eyes again, and saw Jenna looking at me. She smiled and blushed again, and I gave her a smile as well, then looked down. Rich was in his element, and was getting me very close to cumming. I closed my eyes again, focusing on the touch of his tongue on my clit, feeling the heat of his breath, and it pushed me over the edge. I moaned and cried out loudly as a powerful orgasm washed over me, my body shaking, my breath ragged. I kept my eyes closed and savored the pleasure running through my body. I knew what was coming next and opened my eyes to watch.

Rich was between my legs, cock in hand, getting ready to guide it into my pussy. It was hard again, and was still wet from being inside Jenna just a few minutes before. Rich knew I loved having another woman's wetness inside me, and gave me a knowing smile as he slid into me. We both gasped in pleasure, and I quickly set aside the fleeting thought that I probably wasn't nearly as tight as Jenna. That didn't stop Rich from thrusting deeper, both of us watching as his entire shaft disappeared within me.

He began to pump me slowly, his left hand continuing to play with my nipples while he kept his right hand on my stomach, keeping me steady. After a few moments he looked over at Jenna and motioned for her to come over, and she eagerly got up and sat down to the left of me on the couch, giving me another embarrassed smile before her eyes zoomed in on watching her father's cock glide in and out of her mother's pussy.

Rich moved his right hand down and began to tease my clit with his right thumb, causing me to groan even louder as the pleasure began to pulse through me. He quickened his pace and thrust even deeper, fucking me hard while he first looked in my eyes, then looked Jenna in the eyes. He nodded to her, and she positioned herself on the edge of the couch and laid back, spreading her legs for him as he slipped out of me and positioned himself between her legs. I saw a thick gob of cum oozing out of her, then saw Rich's cock slide into her, the gob of cum smearing along the shaft of his cock as he entered her fully.

It was mesmerizing, watching them fuck, hearing them repeatedly moan in pleasure. It brought back so many good memories of watching Rich fuck other women, Susan in particular. I loved watching it, and realized I had missed seeing it. I tried not to pay any attention to the fact that I was watching him fuck our youngest daughter, and instead just enjoyed the moment.

His cock was streaked with the cum from his first load, and her pussy had become a sloppy mess. Although she kept a short tuft of bush on her mound, she was shaved smooth around her pussy, and it was now coated with a thick mixture of wetness. Rich knew I loved to eat another woman after she had been fucked, but... I just wasn't sure I could go that far. At least, not right now. Maybe later. If there was a later.

Rich began to play with her nipples with one hand and thumb her clit with the other, as he had done to me, and after only a few moments Jenna had a brief, pleasurable orgasm. We made eye contact again afterwards and she smiled, and this time didn't blush. Rich kept pumping her and I only had to wait a few moments before he tilted his head back and thrust deep, cumming inside Jenna again.

I had to admit I was a little disappointed; I loved having men cum inside of me, it always made me feel so slutty and kinky, something I secretly enjoyed. Rich slipped out of Jenna, his cock already beginning to soften, white streaks of cum and wetness all along the shaft and at the base of his cock. Rich looked up at Jenna and gave her a smile of deep satisfaction, and she responded in kind. He said, "That's load number four for the day."

Jenna laughed and agreed. Was I to understand he had cum inside of her four times today? How often were they having sex? I didn't understand, and made a mental note to ask him about it later. Rich stood up and took me by the hand, pulling me towards the bedroom as he said over his shoulder to Jenna, "Goodnight, sweetheart."

She responded with, "Goodnight, Daddy. Goodnight, Mom."

I turned to look at her and she grinned as I told her good night. Rich led me into the bedroom and laid down on the bed, telling me he wanted to 69. A quick pulse of desire shot through me, as it meant I was going to get to enjoy all the wetness still on his cock. I got on top of him and positioned my pussy over his face. He began to eat me, but I was so focused on the delicate flavors and scents Jenna's pussy had left on Rich's cock that I wasn't paying much attention to the pleasure being given to me.

He was right -- Jenna's pussy was delicious. So incredibly sweet and delicate. The scent of her pussy and his cum filled my nose and made me even more aroused. I sucked him clean, from his balls all the way up to the tip of his cock. Once he was hard again he had me lay back and he got on top of me, putting a pillow under my hips. He entered me and began to slowly, passionately make love to me, kissing me deeply and then pulling back to look in my eyes as he continued to thrust his cock into me.

I didn't hold back, and instead allowed myself to give voice to the pleasure he was giving me. He continued to make love to me even as a strong orgasm broke over me, a sharp wave of pleasure followed by warm electricity all the way down to my toes and fingertips. He came inside me a few minutes later, and laid next to me, holding me. It felt... natural. Right. Good. Like how it was meant to be. But it wasn't that way, anymore. We had crossed another line earlier that evening, and it changed everything.

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Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulster7 months ago

Beautiful, I can’t wait for more 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Amazing start to the series. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

After she first found out and mentioned to her husband, neither he or daughter bothered to communicate with her and kept sneaking around. This massive disrespect when it felt like the story was angling at a family loving each other jarred me out of immersion and couldn't get back into it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very nice story although I'm not much into father and daughter incest will see what happens in next chapter gave it 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!

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