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Missy didn't want to believe daddy was right. Someone like her? What did that even mean? She deserved to be treated nicely, with love and affection. She prayed he would come soon, and end her torment.

"Are you close, Missy?" Rose asked, pointing the camera right in her face. "You must be, daddy is fucking you so hard. What a lucky girl!"

An orgasm was the farthest thing in Missy's mind; she had no erotic thoughts of any kind rolling around in her head. Her only thought was to survive the pain and torture.

Jasper knew Missy wasn't going to come; he was brutal on purpose. The next time he fucked her, he would switch to his gentle side. He wanted her confused about her sexuality and how to please a man. Now he would see how badly she wanted to end this treatment.

Jasper stopped with his cock buried, smiling at Missy's wide-eyed look. "I'm close, Princess, do you want me to come in your cunt?"

She did, and she didn't. Sudden worries about getting pregnant surged, along with relief, this attack would soon be over. She needed this to be over. "Yes, come in my pussy daddy."

"Good girls have pussies, sluts have cunts," he said.

There was blood on daddy's belly, her blood, from her "cunt."

"Grind your cunt on me, make me come." When Missy didn't move, he twisted her nipples again.

"Wait!" Missy screamed. "Okay, okay!"

Jasper knew what would happen. Missy was moving her hips up and down, squeezing him tight with her legs. This motion would rub her clit against his pelvic bone. No matter how hard she tried to ignore the pleasure, it would be impossible. She was going to have her first orgasm with him. He continued to play with her nipples, sometimes hard, sometimes soft. Her cheeks were starting to flush, quicker than he anticipated. She lifted her arms off the bed, hanging onto his wrists. Her open mouth and quick breathes indicated it was working.

"Don't keep me waiting, Princess, go faster. Come on, move that sexy body of yours! Yeah, just like that. You look so beautiful speared on the end of my cock."

The flattery was working; she did feel beautiful. Daddy was smiling at her now, coaxing her on. His mean streak vanished like it never happened. She was trying to make daddy cum, but it was turning her on at the same time. His big cock was sliding in and out of her cunt, and for the first time, she felt pleasure instead of pain. She was surprised sex with daddy was intensifying their connection, the better she felt, the more handsome he looked. The intensity was growing deep in her belly, his eyes were like magnets, and she couldn't look away.

"That's it, Princess; you're fucking me now. Move that fat ass of yours! Make daddy cum in your cunt!" He could see her "sex-blush" spreading across her chest and breasts. Her orgasm was approaching; her body signs were so obvious. Her cunt muscles were clenching down on his cock; in fact, her whole body was tensing up.

Daddy had his hands under her hips, helping to keep the motion going. "Yes! I'm fucking you! It feels so fucking good daddy!"

"Don't stop Princess; you're close!"

"Oh, daddy! What's happening? I'm peeing all over you! Right now!" Missy screamed.

Jasper roughly grabbed her legs, splitting her wide open. Time to fuck her cunt with a purpose. He leaned down on her body, missionary style, latching on to one of her nipples with his mouth. His body was pounding into her's, driving hard and deep. Missy wrapped her arms around his head as he suckled on her tit.

"FUCK!" Missy screamed as her orgasm intensified. Her whole body froze stiff for what seemed like minutes. Then suddenly, all her muscles spontaneously relaxed, and wave after wave of orgasms hit her.

At that exact moment, Jasper released his heavy sperm into her virgin cunt. He bit down on Missy's tender nipple and knew he was leaving a tattoo of his teeth marks on her teenage skin. It was hard not to gloat at his success or her misfortune. Exhausted, he collapsed on top of her.

Her body and mind were far apart. Physically she was crippled, bone-tired. Mentally she hit the peak of sexual release for the first time, and it blew her away. There was an inner peace that surrounded her, like a halo, and she hugged daddy so tight, not wanting to let him go, raining kisses on his face, enjoying the feel of his cock in her cunt.

Rose stood in silence, a stunned look on her face. She had just witnessed an incredible moment of intimacy that took her over a year of marriage to obtain. Her wedding night was a disaster when her husband treated her with such tenderness that she hardly felt his cock in her. Yes, he took her virginity, but she never had an orgasm. Her first orgasm came when her husband had angry sex with her. He thought he was hurting her, and couldn't believe she enjoyed the rough treatment. After that, her orgasms were few and far between.

One afternoon with daddy proved he was the best lover in the world, and she felt so lucky to be with him. His power radiated into the room, and she loved being under his control. She had to touch him, kiss him, let him know how she felt.

"That was beautiful, daddy!" Rose murmured into daddy's ear. "Missy is so blessed you were her first."

"How did that happen, daddy?" Missy asked as Rose smiled down on her. "I was in pain, then something wonderful happened. My body is still glowing!"

Their praise was going to his head. Was he that good of a lover, and he didn't know it? Nah, it was because he didn't give a fuck about their pleasure. "I told you it would be special Princess; now you know what it feels like to have an orgasm."

Jasper was already thinking about what he was going to do next to his new disciples. Missy still had one virgin hole left to conquer; maybe he would include Rose this time. His overnight bag was in the trunk of his car, along with some other items he used on "difficult" catfishes.

The clock on the nightstand showed eleven-thirty. "What time are you supposed to home, Princess?"

Missy liked being a Princess; it made her feel special. "Devon usually drops me off close to midnight."

"Are your parents sleeping, or do they wait up for you?"

"They're always sleeping; they never hear me sneak in."

"Good, you're spending the night with Rose and me then." Jasper pulled his cock out of Missy. His wild fucking had spread her blood all over his belly and cock. "I'm going to clean up the blood from your cunt; you two get to know each other better until I return."

Missy stared dumbfounded at daddy and nodded yes. Her dad was an early riser, so he would notice the first thing she never came home. She needed to think quickly. "Please, daddy, let me call my sister and set up an alibi. Otherwise, I will be grounded forever and never get to see you again."

"Wait here." Jasper thought through his options. He didn't give a fuck if Missy got into trouble with her parents. But, she could prove useful in the future. She already offered up her mom, and now he found out she had a sister, maybe she could be on the menu too.


He soaked one of the hand towels in cold water and washed the blood off. Fuck, Missy bled a lot. He was sure some of the blood was due to his rough-fucking, more likely from some tiny tears inside her cunt. He returned to the room.

"Okay, call your sister, but put the phone on the speaker; I want to hear both sides," Jasper said as he handed two towels to Rose. "Wash her cunt, then dry her off."

He gathered Missy's phone and punched in her code. "What's your sister's name?"

"Van, Vanessa," Missy replied.

Jasper shared her contact information to his phone for future reference. "How old is she?"

"Van's twenty-one, she goes to community college and shares a basement suite with another girl."

Jasper threw the phone to Missy, and it landed on her breast. "Show me a picture of her."

"Yes, daddy." Missy looked for a nice photo of Van and showed it to daddy.

"Do you have one of her in a bikini or better yet naked?"

"Um, no nude ones. Here's one of us at Wreck beach."

Van was the exact opposite of Missy. Tall, thin, small-breasted, with long blonde hair. She wasn't exactly pretty, but she wasn't ugly. "Does she like to fuck?"

"My sister is gay; my parents disowned her. My dad said the Devil controls her now."

Jasper always thought he had a little devil in him; maybe he could put a little devil's cock into Van. "Okay, call your sister, make sure you don't tell her where we are or..."

"Yes, daddy," Missy knew what the rest of his threat entailed. He would send photos and videos to her parents.

Missy hit the call button and put the phone on speaker.

"Hello," said a groggy voice. In the background, another girl's voice was asking who was calling so late.

"Van, it's Missy. I need your help."

"Hey, sis, what's up."

"I need you to say I slept at your place tonight if dad asks."

"What? Where are you?"

"I broke up with Devon tonight." Jasper was making hand movements like he wanted her to expand on why. "I met a new man, and I'm staying with him tonight, all night."

"Wow! I never liked Devon, he's a creeper, always checking me out. So, who's the new guy? Someone from school?"

There was silence on the phone as Missy looked at daddy for more guidance. "Not really," she said as daddy shook his head no.

"I hope he fucks the hell out of you!" Van laughed. "And, I hope our fucking dad finds out! The pious bastard! You know he has an app on your phone tracking your location, right? He did the same thing to me."

"Really?" Missy hesitated as Jasper whispered into her ear. "He fucked me already; I'm not a virgin anymore. Now he wants to fuck my ass."

"Whoa! You're moving kind of fast sis, maybe save something for another day!"

"Oh, Van, it was incredible! Daddy is such a good lover!"

"Daddy? You call him daddy? How old is this guy?" Van was suddenly very worried her naive sister had fallen into the wrong hands.

"He's perfect, tall, handsome, he has a big cock, and his girlfriend is nice too."

"Okay, that's it! You need to leave immediately, or I'm calling the cops! Where are you!"

Jasper reached out and took the phone from Missy. "No cops, or your sister's photos and videos end up on the internet," Jasper said in an even voice. "Thanks for the heads-up on the tracking app, I'll get rid of it right now," he laughed when he ended the call.

He knew Van would call back immediately. "Hi," he said when the phone buzzed. "What do you want?"

"Let me talk to my sister, you sick bastard!"

Jasper grabbed a handful of Missy's black hair and directed her mouth to his cock. "She's a little busy sucking my cock; maybe you want to join her? Damn, for a newbie, your sister is learning to deep throat quickly!" Jasper held the phone next to Missy's head so Van could hear the sounds of her sloppy sucking. "She's also learning to suck cunt, I hear that's something you know a lot about!" he laughed. "Maybe you want to join us, I've never done two sisters at the same time."

"You fucking asshole, I'm going to cut your balls..."

Jasper ended the call with a huge laugh. "Keep sucking Princess, you're learning fast."

The phone buzzed in his hand as he searched for the tracking app. He ignored Van's call as he chuckled away, knowing how pissed off she would be. He found the app, Little Bo Beep, and deleted it; he almost missed the second tracking app, iSpyWithMyLittleEye.

He answered the next call. "Hi, Van, miss me?" Jasper laughed. He took a picture of Missy sucking on his cock and texted it to Van. "See, I told you your sister was a natural! Stick around, and I will send you a pic of me fucking her fat ass!"

"Please, mister, you don't need to do this. Let her go," Van begged.

"Hang on; I think my little girl wants to say something to you."

"Van, don't worry about me, daddy is taking good care of me. I had the biggest orgasm when he took my cherry. Like really big!"

"Oh, Missy, what did you get yourself into?" Van moaned. "Are you going to tell me where you are?"

"I'm safe. I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks, Van, I owe you one."

"Goodnight, Van," Jasper said, "I promise to keep sending you photos. All night long!" he laughed. "If you want in on the action, let me know. I have a beautiful woman here who would love to suck on your skinny cunt."

"Asshole!" Van yelled before the line went dead.

"Well, that was fun!" Jasper went around the room, gathering up all the girl's clothes; he planned on putting them in the room safe when he went down to his car. He didn't want his latest prizes to disappear in the night.

"Rose, I want you to take Princess to the bathroom and get her cleaned up. When I get back, we're going to do a little ass to mouth training. You get to taste Princess's ass, and she gets to taste yours. That should give you some incentive to do a good job. Fun, right!"

Rose listened while daddy whispered into her ear. He let her know he was taking both sets of clothes so Missy couldn't sneak off. She smiled at his smart plan and gave him a big wet kiss before he left.

"Rose is in charge while I'm gone," Jasper directed his comment to Missy.

"Okay, Princess, you heard what daddy wants to do," Rose said after Jasper left. "I'll clean your ass, and you do the same for me."

The two girls held hands as Rose directed Missy to the bathroom.


Jasper reached into the back seat of his classic car for his backpack. He inherited the 1969 Camaro RS from his late dad. It was the only thing he wanted, or what was worth keeping from his dad's meager estate.

He hated to admit it, but he was getting old. The excuse to come down to his car was mainly to catch his breath and also to grab a couple more blue pills. The two girls were taxing his stamina, and there was a lot of night to go.

He checked his phone for messages, and there was a text from one of the guys he worked with at the fire hall, wondering if he wanted to go for beers Saturday night. Lance was a rookie, single, and a bit shy. Maybe he would fix him up with Missy after he trained her some more; that would make his day and hers.

The next thing to deal with was Devon; he needed to send a message to the kid. He attached two photos of Devon sucking his cock to a text. So, which one should I send to your mom? Maybe both!

Devon replied instantly. no wait! I'll put it back in! Devon didn't believe the fake cock had a tracker in it, but it must have, he only removed the plug a few minutes ago, and Jasper knew. Damn, his ass was going to be sore forever. please stop this!

Jasper chuckled at his prank; maybe it was time to end it. go down to Becker Park and suck off a stranger, send me the video and your ass is free

Fuck, Devon thought, I have to do it again. Sucking a cock wasn't that bad, but the thing in his ass was killing him. okay, but only this once!

yeah right. I think you will be a regular at the park. you enjoyed my cock too much

Reluctantly Devon realized Jasper might be right; he did enjoy the feel of Jasper's cock in his mouth I'm leaving now, I'll send you the video, then we're done right?

right, but I keep Missy, and you never bother her again, or else. You have one hour then the pictures go out, have fun you little cocksucker

Devon hated Jasper called him a cocksucker, but it turned him on too. Fuck! What was happening to him? He took one last look at the porn on his computer, the girls were pretty, but his attention was on the guy's cocks. He had an urge to suck them all; maybe he would find more than one guy in the park who needed a quick blowjob. The thought made him cringe and get hard at the same time. Suddenly he wished he had never met Jasper; life was confusing enough as it was.


Jasper entered the hotel room to find Rose and Missy in a sixty-nine position, with Rose on top riding Missy's face. Her face lit up when she saw Jasper.

"OH, Daddy!"

That was all Rose could say as her body started to shake. She had both of Missy's nipples in a firm grip pulling them like the reins of a horse. Her skinny ass was sliding back and forth on Missy's face, fast and hard, and he wondered how Missy was able to breathe.

"FUCK!" Rose screamed as her orgasm hit. "Another one!"

Missy wrapped her arms around Rose's legs, pulling her down. Her hips were thrusting up and down, looking for relief. She was close to coming until Rose sat up. Now that daddy was back, she wanted to show off; prove to him she was willing to do anything to get an orgasm as he gave to Rose, one that lasted for almost an hour. She would do anything to have an orgasm like that. As soon as Rose collapsed on top of her, she started licking her wrinkled star.

"Oh, god! Princess is licking my ass!" Rose exclaimed. "It feels so good daddy!"

Missy focused on daddy, making sure she kept eye contact with him. His smile showed he was pleased, and his wink made her heart race. He undressed silently, watching her the whole time. She loved his cock was instantly hard and hoped it was because of her.

Thank god for those little diamond-shaped blue pills, Jasper thought. They ought to give the guy who invented them a medal. He took his fourth pill of the day; he made a mental reminder to check with his doctor on the side effects of taking too many, maybe that's why he had a killer headache coming on. He found the lube in the backpack and smeared some on his cock. The rigid erection felt funny in his hands, like it wasn't a part of his body, almost like it was disembodied. Fuck it, he thought, guys dream of dying in bed while fucking, and he had two sluts waiting for him.

They watched daddy get his cock ready, and both girls wondered whose ass he was going to fuck first. Missy thought it would be Rose; she was in a perfect position. Rose thought it would be Missy because she was still a virgin.

Jasper stood at the bed, stroking his desensitized cock, enjoying the vision of all the naked flesh available to use and abuse. He wanted to fuck them both at the same time.

"Time to fuck some ass," he announced, "Are you ready for your first anal Princess?"

Missy's wide-eyed freshness took in everything that was happening around her and to her.

Rose swung her leg to the side and twisted around to face Missy; this was something she didn't want to miss. In spite of being almost as ignorant as Missy about sex, she had the advantage that comes with marriage and having sex with her husband. Missy reached out and grasped her hand for emotional support.

"It's okay, baby. Daddy will make it feel good, just like he did when he fucked your pussy."

"Okay," Missy said reluctantly. In her mind, she couldn't perceive or understand how that would even be possible. All she could envision was pain, extreme pain in her ass from Daddy's big cock.

"On your knees, Princess, I'm going to fuck you doggy-style," Jasper said as he lightly stroked his slippery cock. "Time to take your last virgin hole."

Rose gave Missy a quick kiss on the lips, then helped her up. "Shh, don't cry, I'll be right here the whole time."

Missy was in position, kneeling on the bed, head down, ass up, waiting for the moment. Rose was whispering something into Missy's ear, he couldn't hear, but she moaned out yes. Jasper could see the two girls had bonded in a short time. He wanted to see how strong their bond was.

"Rose, I want you to get Princess's ass ready for me."

"Yes, Daddy," Rose said, moving to the end of the bed. Missy's fat ass looked so soft, compared to her slender firm one. "How can I help?"

Jasper knew Rose was just as wet behind the ears as Missy. He also knew he had heightened her sensory stimulus by his harsh treatment of her body and mind. She loved it when he told her what to do, that excited her.