Cathy and Chris Ch. 03

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Brother in law and sister in law - house warming.
3.6k words

Part 3 of the 15 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 12/01/2010
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The Gods of the housing market were obviously smiling on them and they were both able to sell their houses quickly. The new larger house was duly purchased and a bank loan found the last £20,000 that was needed to complete the purchase and carry out some minor repairs and decorate the house throughout. Chris being an architect meant that all of this was done quickly and at minimum cost. They all had a go at some of the repairs, and each of them irrespective of age chose the paint and paper for their own rooms.

Although her late husband Brian had been a painter and decorator he had never allowed her or, God forbid, the children to get involved. Chris let the kids paint, paste, plaster and polish – and they all loved it.

The younger female children were installed in the converted attic with a room each, and Daniel and Robert had a large room each on the first floor, next to the two bathrooms.

No one had noticed that the two adult rooms on the first floor had built in wardrobes in the same place against an adjoining wall covering where a door had once been. Its concealment had been completed with few words between them. He'd purchased the Ikea furniture and installed the same in each room after removing the architrave. The hardboard backs of the wardrobes were fitted to some runners instead of being nailed in place. The whole process had been completed with no more than a 'That could be handy,' from her and a 'leave it to me,' from him when their post-coital inspection showed the adjoining door between what had formerly been offices.

On the evening of moving in day he showed her how it operated by the simple expedient of opening the door and appearing from behind her clothes.

"Oh," she said, "you scared me." She was sat on the bed in just her underwear brushing out her hair. She raised the duvet to cover her nakedness.

"Sorry," he said reversing into the wardrobe again, "I didn't realise you were undressing."

"That's OK," she said.

"How are you?"

"I don't know, I spent a long time in that house."

"Don't worry about it. When I pulled that door closed and locked it for the last time I cried my eyes out."

"I didn't."

"But you will do Cathy, in your own way."

She picked up her T-shirt nightdress and looked embarrassed, and went to put it on.

He turned his back, feigning an interest in the workings of the wardrobe while she removed her bra and panties. However, he did watch part of the show in the wardrobe mirror.

"Thanks Chris," she said tucking her feet under the covers.

"You're welcome," he paused. Are you still OK with this?" he pointed to the magic wardrobe, "I'll fit a little lock on it just in case."

"I don't know why I should worry, you have seen it all already."

"And then some."

"Oh Yeah," she smiled at the memories, "Anyway, I just feel a bit... I don't know what it is."

"Me too," he answered, "Look we've both just said goodbye to vast parts of our lives, it's tough."

"But," she tried to find the words to explain, "It was never my house you see?"


"It was Brian's house, and I moved in. I may have chosen some colours and wallpaper a few times and made it look nice, but it was never 'mine', least I never felt it was mine. I just moved in and that was it."

Indeed, at the point when anyone else would have moved up the property ladder, Brian had dug in his heels. Daniel and Colleen shared a room until Cathy laid down the law, so Brian just split their already small bedroom in two with a stud wall. She had asked about moving out of the area, but Brian insisted. It made no sense to move, everything they needed was near; Colleen's primary school, Daniels secondary (and all of the reprobate hooligans he called friends), the local shopping centre with its cut price 'pile it high, then sell it cheap' stores that Brian so approved of, but most of all 'the club' – the local branch of the Royal British Legion and the old farts that he seemed to prefer the company of over her. This was the area where he'd grown up, he'd say, and she'd known that when she'd married him. No Major's daughter would ever make him forget his roots and move up the road to snob town.

But now he was gone and that house would soon fade to a memory, even though she did promise herself that she would remember that there had been good times there.

"Don't worry Cath, a night through the sheets will sort it all out for you." He pushed her down on to the bed and, to her surprise, lifted the duvet up to her chin and tucked her in, kissed her on the forehead. "See you in the morning Cath," he whispered and walked back through the wardrobe. She drifted to sleep in seconds.

The next morning found them in all in the huge kitchen, she in just the long T-shirt she'd worn the night before. She looked down at herself and then at him as he came into the kitchen in shorts and a T-shirt.

"Morning Chris," she said with a beaming smile, watching his eyes take her all in.

"Good morning," he smiled back, "You slept well?"

"Like a log," she said, "I think it helped just knowing there was someone else around."

"Knew you would..."

"Please Daddy, can we explore the garden properly?" Karen begged. Cathy smiled; it had been his idea to keep bits of the place a secret, that the younger children could explore and increase the adventure of the new house. Colleen and Robert were behind Karen smiling expectantly also.

"Go on then, have you finished you breakfast."

"Yes Daddy," Karen and Robert crooned, with an added 'Uncle Chris' for good measure from Colleen.

"Go on then," he smiled. With a roar they had gone in a flurry of jackets and Wellingtons, fighting temporarily for who was best placed to unlock the new hardwood door into the conservatory.

Cathy sipped her tea and watched the children disappear into the garden.

"What do they have to look forward to?" she asked.

"Oh, all sorts of cool stuff," he said, "The old shed is still a shed, but the one I had in my garden is now a playhouse with some old furniture. Doubt the Robster will get much of a look in but he has a nice tree house with enough soldiery looking stuff to keep him happy."

"That's why you had the camouflage net from Dad."

"Yep!" he grinned refilling his cup from the pot on the worktop.

"Mind you," she said, "I bet with you and Dad both being super-troopers, the poor mite won't be able to find it!"

"Don't worry," he said, "the bright blue nylon rope ladder up to it is a bit of a giveaway."

"Shame I can't get Daniel out there." She said with a disappointed sigh.

"What? Oh no, not having that; Daniel helped me build the thing."

"He did?" she gasped in surprise.

"Yeah, you don't think I was swinging through the trees with a hammer and saw did you?"

She smiled,

"Thanks," she said.

"What for? For helping kids be kids? Nah, you're boy was well up for it as well, think his fun came fro actually building something."

"Well, yes, that I suppose but..." She fiddled with her fingers again, "For not..."

"For not what?"

"You know."

"No I don't," he teased.

"Chris, you may rapidly run out of chances of doing what you didn't do last night if you don't stop taking the piss."

"Oh thaaaaat!" He laughed. "Sorry," he smiled, "anyway you don't have to thank me, I don't expect it you know."

"I know but... well it was our first night in the new house and everything."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that I automatically thought I was going to get some. I don't know about you but I was knackered. I only popped through to make sure you were OK."


"Of course, I might be a testosterone driven bloke but I'm not an insensitive shit, well not too much anyway. Besides I didn't buy this house with you just so we could shag all of the time."

"Oh," she said sipping her tea, "Shame that." She drained her cup, "First thing on my mind when I bought in."

"You dirty bitch."

"Yeah, and I haven't had so much as a wank in the last month despite all of the bloody hints I dropped, and you being Mr Considerate and charming is putting me almost over the edge." Her breathing had quickened slightly and her nipples extended through the thin cotton of the nightdress.

"You dropped hints?"

"Duuh!" she snapped.

"What kind of bloody hints?"

"Oh Chris, it would be so nice to see the kids this weekend, when are we back working at the new house again Chris, is there any more work that needs doing Chris? What did you want an invitation?"

"Actually yes, I did. Anyway after our lunch date, you said you'd phone."

"Yeah well, I kind of did."


After their final session with the estate agents, they had stopped at a restaurant to celebrate signing all of the paperwork for all three houses. This was hastened by the fact she was a legal executive for a large firm of solicitors, her university career and plans to be a solicitor cut short by her marriage and the arrival of Daniel a few years later.

After the excellent sandwich lunch and the excitement and import of what they had just committed to, they shared a look that spoke volumes.

His house was closest, and they hastily drove there, her rush being so extreme that she didn't even lock her car.

"Open the door Chris, for Christ's sake," she gasped holding onto his strong arm. He grinned, and swung the door open for her, bending to pick up that mornings post. By the time he'd followed her into the front room, she was just dropping her black bra onto an armchair to join her camisole, French knickers, skirt and jacket. She stood before him in just her black stockings and suspenders and black heels.

"Wow!" he growled, "Is this so I don't forget what I'm getting into?"

She moved over to him and undid his tie.

"The only thing you should be getting into is me..." she hissed into his ear.

He smiled and dropped to his knees, straight away feasting on her flushed and excited vagina and clitoris. She'd felt his tongue down there before and remembered how great he was at oral. After a few moments, he'd reached behind her, cupped her wonderful buttocks being pinched together by the suspender straps and pulled her to him to stop her bucking and writhing away from his questing tongue and lips. Finally he pushed her back onto the sofa, raised her legs over his shoulders and sated his appetite for pussy on her for at least five minutes and a similar number of orgasms on her part.

Not thinking on her revelation at their first session he endeavoured to turn her on to her hands and knees, but she resisted in a 'not resisting' kind of way, and he got the message. As she lay gasping for breath on the sofa, he slipped out of the rest of his clothes and, still kneeling on the floor, pulled her bottom level with the edge of the sofa and his rock hard penis. He sank into her in one thrust as she was just about to offer to return the compliment of oral on him. Her shortness of breath re-instated itself and she could only gasp as he pumped into her time and again.

She desperately hoped they would come together again; this was something that had never happened with Brian. Although part of her still loved him and his odd, rather old fashioned ways, she now realised that she was starting to resent Brian for his lack of ability that was so obvious in Chris. Chris always made sure that she came first, and then eventually when they did fuck, she came as well.

She felt the familiar tremble in her loins letting her know that today was going to be no exception, and her warbling cry let him know. She reached out and grabbed him pulling him flat down onto her, trapping his left arm that had been rubbing her breasts and teasing her nipples into rock hard erection. His proximity meant that he was able to feed one of them into his mouth – and that was enough.

He cried out, thrusting hard into the back of her pussy and she cried out one more time, calling his name and encouraging him to one more thrust. He did so, pumping his semen deep into her yielding body writhing in ecstasy beneath him. They fell to kissing and massaging as they recovered, and only the call on his mobile phone stopped them going for an encore.

But that had been almost two months ago, and with the work on the house, moving arrangements and the almost constant attention of either parents or children they had been unable to do anything else since.

Standing up from the kitchen counter, and putting down her mug she twirled her finger in her hair and grasped the bottom of her T-shirt and pulled it down, "OK perhaps I didn't call as such, anyway, is this a bit less subtle for you?" She raised her T-shirt exposing her breasts, stomach and, he noticed, a groin free from the dark hair that had been there before.

"Oh well, now I know... Quickie?"


"You heard, your room three minutes."

"Have I got to wait that long?"

"Fast as you can get into your room then, don't forget to lock the door."

He walked slowly upstairs after watching her bare bottom beneath the nightie dash away before him.

He realised how excited he was by touching the front of his shorts and his iron hard erection. Now he came to think about it hadn't done much in the way of masturbation himself in the last weeks.

He opened his bedroom door and walked in, and heard the click of her bedroom door as it locked behind her.

He took off his T-shirt and walked to his wardrobe. He pushed aside suits and shirts and slid back his side and then hers, coming into her clothes hung in it. This was Narnia in a way that CS Lewis could never have imagined.

He peaked through the gap and watched as she arranged herself on the bed. She had stripped off the T-shirt and lay naked on top of the duvet. She lay flat on her back at first with her arms by her side but then must have figured that this did not make her look that alluring. Next she lay to one side with her leg raised and her hand under her chin, she rejected that idea to and rolled onto her front to look at her watch. This was of course the time he chose to walk in.

"Hey Wow," he said to her bottom. She rolled over and smiled at him.

"Sir approves?"

"Oh yeah, Sir definitely approves. I like the new look."

She looked down, "I heard one of the girls in my office talking about it, thought I'd try it."


"I think you should take a closer look."

"I thought this was going to be a quickie?"

"Well, be quick about it then," she said as she walked to the side of the bed. He knelt down and began to run his hands slowly across her body and the smooth area he had last seen, and caressed, covered in wiry pubic hair. Her feet were up on the bed and he pushed her knees apart to give him more room. She tried not to look too much like the excited kid that she currently felt like. Both times that he'd gone down on her had been paradise; he'd also been the first person to discover her g-spot and had taken full advantage. At the same time he'd introduced her to her A-zone whatever the fuck that had been. But whatever it was his fingers had brought it, and her g-spot and clit to life in the most incredible orgasms she had ever had. Nothing had come close to the sense of her entire world folding into her loins and bursting out again, and she wanted more. Today though, conscious of her last 'accident' she had a pile of tissues ready to mop up any girlie come she might exude in her passions.

He was kissing his way down her inner thigh, tenderly rubbing fingertips along her soft skin and making every goosebump she had to raise in expectation.

"Careful Chris," she breathed looking down her body to where his face was getting closer and closer to her vagina. She was pleased she'd scrubbed herself down there this morning when she first got up!

"Why should I be? Worried you're going to come?"

"I want it to last," she breathed feeling his lips touching her.

"Oh, I see," he said licking along the crack of her labia, that were slowly unfolding to meet him, "So you only want the one orgasm then?"

"Well..." she sighed.

"It doesn't matter what you want," he said, "I'm going to make you come as many times as I can." She put both arms across her chest and hugged herself in delight, allowing her hands to fall back across her bobs giving them a gentle squeeze. He forced his tongue along the groove and located the hood of her clitoris gently licking around the sensitive areas, "So there." He squeezed both of her arse cheeks and let his mouth fall on her clit sucking it and flicking it with the end of his tongue.

"Oh Chris!" she gasped in delight, as she cradled his head buried between her thighs and ran fingers through his hair as she trembled to her first proper orgasm since they had made love at his place all those weeks ago. "Christ," she gasped as she felt a finger slid past his caressing mouth and slide between those same labia and gentle massage around her entrance. She let go of his head to grasp her boobs again, this time squeezing them with more aggression, finally mauling and pulling at the teats stretched and pinched under her questing fingers. At last his fingers entered her, and true to form headed for her G-spot again. She could feel his long pointer finger move across the rough, ultra-sensitive area inside her at the same time his tongue ran in long lines from the join with her anus all the way to her throbbing clit. It ran back down in a similar movement, before a final climb back to her pleasure centre where it settled for another orgasm.

Chris' hard work was soon rewarded and she came again, feeling the wetness spurt and bounce from his face back onto her belly.

Her bottom hit the mattress after what could have been seconds or days suspended in joy. Not content with this, he went back to her clit sucking gently on an organ he knew would be still tingling and tender. He allowed her to slip into unconsciousness with tender licks and caresses.

She came round to find him lying next to her gently stroking her pink and flushed body, the look on his face suggesting cat that got the cream. She stroked his face, and mouthed 'thank you' to him.

He leant closer and kissed her, she pulling him over her and into the gap made by the parting of her legs. He entered her strongly, riding high – a position he knew would stroke against her sensitive clitoral region.

He obviously had the desired effect and she began to gasp and pull him hard into her, thinking of that afternoon a month ago when they had fucked for the second day running, in the room next door. That old bed they had used had been dumped, and the calendars, health and safety executive posters, first aid posters and the ratty old desk had all gone. But that memory of him taking her so strongly, so deeply and in a manner totally new to her still had to power to bring her off. It did so again and she pulled him against her as she came for the third, fourth or fifth time that morning; Chris as usual had made her loose count!

With tears streaming down her cheeks and onto her pillow, she thanked the fates that had brought her brother in law into her life and, more importantly at that moment, her bed.

"Oh Chris," she gasped, "it's wonderful, thank you... Oh thank you so much... I can barely..."

He groaned and pushed his swollen member hard into her depths before filling her with his gift. They lay together for a few moments enjoying the aftershocks and tenderness that always followed their sessions. He rolled to one side pulling her with him, still maintaining the bond at their centre.

"Now that," she said wiping her eyes and pulling herself over him just enough to keep him inside, "that is what I call a house warming present..."

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Latinlover15Latinlover15over 11 years ago
Carry on

Great story so far, funny since my name is chris too lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

A great read so far.

CrazeemsCrazeemsover 13 years agoAuthor
Dear modern 1990,

I worked behind the bar of an RBL SOCIAL CLUB for two years, so feel well placed to comment on what they do and who you find on committees. I'm TELLING a STORY FFS, if you want a definitive English social history don't read Literotica

modern1990modern1990over 13 years ago

ok so i was enjoying the story up to the point where you wrote THE OLD FARTS OF THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION CLUB it is not a CLUB it is a rehabilitation charity for injured soldiers hear in England and being a serving member in the ROYAL MARINES i tack massive offence to that line. i would ask that you do proper research before doing a story. and the OLD FARTS that you refer them to be will more or less likely to be ex-servicemen and women who will be at the SOCIAL CLUBS.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
more please

Very nice to have just a love story without too much drama

Please continue the storyline..

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