Caught In The Act


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I guess we'd both been kind of watching each other from a distance. Though thinking back, there were a few times that I'd caught him looking at me pretty intently.

"You didn't have any plans for the weekend?" he asked, reaching for his wine.

"Well, I've got to find another apartment, since they've just increased my rent again. So, I was just planning to do some packing. I've still got another month before I've got to be out, so I've been trying to find somewhere closer to the office that I can afford."

"Do you live in the city, Danielle?"

I snorted. "I wish. I live so far out, my commute is well over an hour, on a good day."

He just nodded and took another bite of his cheesecake, kind of studying me.

I noticed he had John Legend's 'All of Me,' softly playing, which was nice, since I loved the song, and it made it feel more like a date. Though we'd already gotten to third base, before we'd even had dinner, or kissed.

"You know what I'm thinking?" he said, with a naughty twinkle in his eye.

"I have no idea, but I hope it's fun."

"Well, I'm thinking, we should finish this on the couch, and we can watch a movie."

I smiled and picked up our dinner plates. Knowing he'd be watching, I shimmied a bit just to hear him chuckle, since I knew his eyes would be locked on my tooshie as I walked across his office.

Though, I noticed he lifted his gaze, smiling, as I walked back with my girls bouncing with every step I took.

We had just sat down and he'd turned the on TV to a sitcom. And I noticed as I watched, that my nipples were already tingling, I think just from sitting close, knowing that it probably wouldn't be long till he had me on my back with my legs spread.

Since this might be the only time we ever spent like this, I was hoping he planned to do more than just watch TV. Especially since we didn't have to take our clothes off to start exploring each other again.

I laughed when he turned to ask me what I'd like to watch, and when he noticed the state of my nipples, he rolled his eyes and started groaning.

"Do you really want to watch TV?" he asked, letting his gaze slide over my body.

"I already told you what I wanted to watch," I whispered, against his lips as I reached between his legs, wrapped my hand around him and started stroking. "I want to see the look in your eyes, when you're coming inside me."

He dropped the remote like it was hot, turned and cupped my face in his hands, slipped his tongue between my lips, and we both moaned into the kiss. It was such a deep hungry kiss, that just seemed to go on forever, as our tongues tangled, exploring each other's mouth. And it got even hotter, when he slipped a finger inside me, and started stroking, murmuring, "Mmm, you're so wet."

I smiled against his lips. "I can't imagine why."

No surprise, he was pretty hard by the time we finally pulled apart, feeling a little breathless.

Gage took me by the hand, got me to my feet and nodded down at the couch. "Let me just set up the bed, so we'll be comfortable."

I could feel my legs shaking as I raced over to get the pillows and blanket from the cupboard by his bathroom, while he unfolded the couch.

Once we had it set up, he lifted me onto the bed, smiled and said, "Now spread those legs, I need to taste you."

Like I'd ever refuse him, especially since he never minced words, and just told me what he needed, which I was happy to discover was I exactly what I needed, too.

I could feel my heart pounding as he stood over me stroking his cock, eyeing my pussy. He had my pulse almost racing out of control by the time he crawled down between my legs, grasped my thighs and spread me open even wider. "You have such a pretty little pussy," he whispered, before he closed his eyes and slowly dragged the heat of his tongue through my folds, softly moaning at the taste of me.

When he turned his focus to my swollen clit, licking and suckling it between his lips, till I could barely breathe, my hands flew into his hair and I started desperately twisting it around my fingers, he had me so close to edge. Ooh, then he slipped two fingers inside me, giving me a delicious little finger bang, before he switched it up for a crazy hot little tongue-fucking.

"Gage, that feels so good," I whispered on a broken breath, trying really hard not to rip out his hair, or pass out. But it felt like his hair was all that was anchoring me to the bed, as I clutched it in my hands. I'd just never felt anything like it. It was like he knew my pussy better than I knew it myself. And ooh, he really knew how to get me off.

He smiled up at me. "This is something I'd always dreamed of, being able to taste you like this."

When he slid two fingers inside me and found my g-spot, and really began to work it, I just couldn't stop quaking. "Oh, wow, Gage. I'm coming so hard, it's crazy."

"You want me to stop?"

I narrowed my eyes on him. "When I'm this close? Are you out of your freaking mind?"

Though he threw back his head and laughed, I'd barely caught my breath and he was right back in there, massaging my clit with his thumb, and prodding me with his tongue. Till I swear I was seeing lights and stars and even rainbows flashing before my eyes, sure I'd never come as hard in my entire life, every inch of me shaking, right down to the soles of my feet.

His hands tight on my hips, he held me as I shivered, dropping tender little kisses on my quivering puss, till I was finally able to catch my breath.

"You have any idea how beautiful you look right now as you're coming?"

My breasts heaving, I just smiled into his eyes, knowing I had never felt so elated.

I could feel my heart pounding, as I watched him get up on his knees, and slide his hand around his erection. I could barely wrap my head around how incredible it was going to feel when he sank that bad boy between my legs and filled me up, especially, right after I'd climaxed.

I'll never forget the look of wonder on his face as he gently touched his lips to mine, as he slowly and carefully began to nudge his way inside me. Our eyes locked, he whispered, "I don't think I'll ever be able to get enough of you."

"Then take me whenever you want, I'm yours."

He smiled. "Then maybe I'll keep you."

"I think I'd let you, too," I whispered, sliding a finger across his jaw and dropping a little kiss on the tip of his nose, making him chuckle.

Till now, I don't think I'd ever really been in love. With Gage, it just kind of snuck on me.

He'd been such a terrific boss, always telling us his main goal was to keep his staff happy, I guess knowing we'd be more productive. Every time we had lunch together, he'd make laugh so hard, I'd almost cry, because we had the same crazy sense of humor. He was just so easy to be with.

And right now, he had me over the moon, I was just so crazy in love with him and beyond elated.

Before tonight, I had a feeling we'd be good together, but in my wildest dreams I never imagined it could ever be this good.

Gage got up on his hands and started pumping, sweat beading on his brow, as he ground out, "Rub your clit, I want to feel that sweet little pussy squeezing around me, when we climax."

Our chests were heaving as he clenched his jaw, thrusting harder and faster with each stroke, as I began to quiver, desperately rubbing my fingers around my clit. Until we both cried out, laughing together, "Oh, fuck, I'm coming!"

The way he smiled into my eyes, watching me shiver, as I clenched him inside me as hard as I could, he just looked so overjoyed and I felt like I was floating in mid-air, sure I'd never felt as happy.

I just loved the feel of him pulsing inside me, nice and deep. I squeezed my inner muscles even tighter, hoping to get every drop, as he quietly whispered, "Thank you," and kissed me, like I'd given him the most precious gift he'd ever received.

It just felt so good when our bodies were locked together, that I felt kind of empty, once he pulled out. Though, I thought it was sweet, when he rolled to my side, that reached for my hand, smiled into my eyes, pressing kisses across my knuckles.

"I wish I was thirty years younger," he said, turning his gaze up to the ceiling.

"Why would you say that?"

He smirked, looking over at me. "Cause back in the day, I don't think I ever went down. And I think it would be amazing if we could make to love, till we hear the birds chirping when the sun starts shining in that window in the morning."

Since my chest was still heaving pretty hard, after the work out he just gave me, I chuckled. "Well, I'm not complaining."

His tone grew serious as he reached out and cradled my cheek in his hand, and whispered, "I've never met anyone like you, and I've just never felt this awestruck before."

I pressed a kiss into his palm, looked into his amazing blue eyes and told him the truth. "I'm not even sure how to put into words what I'm feeling for you right now, Gage."

"Then let's not try and put a name on it then, let's just enjoy this time together."

"Okay." Though I nodded, I still kind of hoped we were on the same page.

I was bad, though. When we decided to have a little more wine and put on a movie, I got distracted. Though I did my best to pay attention to what was happening on the screen, I kept looking down at his cock, lying across his thigh, that didn't seem to want to go down. Which had me thinking, that it wouldn't take much to get him hard again.

Grinning up at him, I slid onto my stomach, wrapped his penis in my fist and gently pressed a kiss to the tip, making us both laugh when it twitched against my lips. Slowly, I slid my tongue along his shaft, from his balls, right up to the tip, loving the feeling of it pulsating against my tongue as it thickened.

"Danielle, you're killing me." He groaned, tossing back his head, when I sank him between my lips and started sucking, sliding him almost all the way out, before I sucked him back in again, teasing him with my tongue.

His voice sounded a little shaky as he eyed me and asked, "Have you ever been impaled while you're watching a movie?"

When I let go of him, and shook my head, and said, "No," I watched, curious, as he shuffled back on the bed, till he was sitting up against the back of the couch.

With a teasing smile, he patted his lap. "Then come up here, and I'll show you how it feels."

Carefully, easing my way down on him, reverse cow-girl style, it felt almost painfully snug, but quite delicious, too, to feel him pushing up inside me from behind. I realized the movie suddenly got a lot more interesting when I began watching, with him toying with my clit, and tugging on my nipple while I got off, gently riding him.

"If you get the urge to come, feel free," he said, quietly, chuckling. Now that he had me packed to the max, and fully aroused, I didn't think I had much choice. I knew I was going be squealing my head off and coming all over him before the movie was over.

I turned my head and looked at him. "Have you ever done this at the show?"

He tried to keep a straight face as he winked and said, "Of course not."

Whether he had or not, I thought it was a really fun way to watch a movie.

Later that night, once we'd curled up in bed together, I don't think I'd ever slept more soundly, wrapped up nice and snug in his arms.

Till the morning, when the room started growing brighter with the sun coming up, and we were both blinking ourselves awake. I was glad when Gage reached over and pressed a button that drew the room darkening shades across the window, blocking out the glaring sun, letting in just a hint of light.

Of course, I loved the feeling of his morning wood tucked up nice and tight against my backside, and thought it was the perfect way to wake up. I couldn't stop smiling as he teased me, with a few playful little thrusts. It felt even sweeter to be wrapped in his arms, while he dropped kisses across my shoulders, softly groaning as I teased him right back, rubbing my tooshie against his erection.

I could hear the smile in his voice when I slipped my leg over his thigh, spreading myself open, so he could push his way inside me. I chuckled when he said, "So, I'm guessing coffee's not the first thing you think of, when you first wake up in the morning."

Looking back at him, I grinned. "I can have coffee anytime, but after tomorrow, I won't be able to wake up like this anymore."

I was just teasing, but I felt bad when I noticed the smile leave his face as he nodded. "I was thinking the same thing. I'm gonna hate that starting tomorrow, I'm going to have to keep my hands off you whenever anyone else is around. Especially when I'll be remembering how hot you looked spread open on your desk for me."

I waggled my eyebrows. "Well, we do work late sometimes. And my desk is only two doors down."

He groaned, his breathing getting tighter as he started thrusting, filling me up nice and tight. "Yeah, I think we're going to be working late pretty often. So, you might want to bring a few changes of clothes to work." I smiled as he took hold of me by the chin and kissed me as he whispered against my lips, "But for now, I plan to enjoy every second we have together."

I clenched him inside as hard I could, and he laughed as I said, "You mean like this?"

"Yeah." He moaned, rolling his eyes. "Just like that."

Though it was a little odd to spend the entire weekend naked in Gage's office, we had so much fun and made love so often, I hated that I had to go home Sunday night, just for a change of clothes.

I noticed he got really quiet as I was putting on my jacket, getting ready to leave. He looked so pensive, a little part of me was afraid that he might be rehearsing a speech in his head, hoping to let me down easy. And that he was going to say something like, "This has been fun, but we should probably just go back to how things were before we started our little 'funfest' on Friday."

Not sure what to say, I shrugged and picked up my purse. "Well, guess I should be going. I've got a long drive home, and then I've got to head back here again in the morning."

Gage pulled me into his arms, and I could feel him slip something into my pocket as he hugged me tight and kissed me, lingering over my lips, like he hated to let go.

Which had me wondering if I should just stay, and not care if I was wearing the same clothes again in the morning. At least we'd already showered together, so I didn't have to go home to clean up. And we'd get to enjoy at least one more night together, before we had to start behaving ourselves in the morning.

When we pulled apart and I felt around in my pocket and pulled out a key, he looked a little unsure of himself as he explained. "The thing is, I've got a four-bedroom house not too far from here. Though my wife and I never managed to have kids, I've still got a big house. And I was thinking, if you're having a hard time finding somewhere to live, you're welcome to stay with me."

"You mean until I find a new a place?"

He shrugged. "Or, for just as long as you want. Because I'd love to have you staying with me, Danielle."

I stepped in close and gently tugged his bottom lip between my teeth, smiling at the way he groaned, as I asked, "And are we going to have 'naughty movie nights' at your place?"

He smirked, and wrapped his hands around my waist. "Of course."

"And will you bend me over the couch, and do that thing you did last night? When you got down on your knees, got your head between my legs and made me squeal my head off, when you finished me off with my leg over the couch, sliding into me from behind?"

"You know I will."

"And are you going to soap up my breasts like you did last night, and bend me over in the shower, and get me wet all over again?"

"I promise, every single time we shower," he said, with his lips twitching.

Gage's eyes were locked on mine as he hiked up my skirt and squeezed my ass, letting me feel how hard he was getting, as we imagined all the naughty fun we could be enjoying together, if I agreed to move in with him.

"I'll do anything you want, Danielle. I just want us to be together. This has been amazing, enjoying this weekend alone here with you, and I don't want to wake up without you anymore. Now that we know how good we are together, it's gonna kill me that I can only touch once everyone else has gone home." He looked into my eyes and whispered, "Because I love you. And I've been kind of hoping one day we'd get together like this, pretty much from the first day you started here. I want to be with you, Danielle. If you'll have me. Though, I know I might be a little old for you, I can't help the way I feel."

"Well, considering I've been lusting after your tight little ass since the moment I first laid eyes on you, I think that would be a yes. I would love to live with you, Gage. And I'm almost twenty-seven, so I'm hardly a kid. Considering how good we are together I don't think age even enters into the equation."

He smirked, looking me over. "Then why don't you get that suit off and stay tonight? I can order us some clothes online, that'll probably get here in the morning."

He didn't have to twist my arm. As I started unbuttoning my blouse, I dusted kisses over his lips and whispered, "I hope you've got a nice big bed at your place."

Chuckling, he nodded. "I've California King, that I can hardly wait to share with you." He smirked, "Especially once you're my bride."

"What did you say?"

"Well, I don't want you thinking that all I want is to shack up with you. Especially since I'm hoping that maybe one day we could have a kid or two, get a dog, plant some strawberries, and if we're lucky, grow old together."

"Wow. You've really thought this through, huh?"

"I have. Every time I've looked at you, I kept wishing you were mine. And now, I'm really hoping you will be."

Once I managed to swallow past the lump in my throat, I threw my arms around his neck, and kissed him so hard, I almost knocked him over.

"So, is that a, yes?" he asked, chuckling, once I finally let him up for air.

"Yes," I smirked as he squeezed me.

Next day at work, the staff were in a meeting about new tariffs that were going to change the pricing on a lot of the products we exported overseas. While our finance guy, Mike, was droning on about how it would affect our bottom line, compared to last years sales, and what he was projecting for next year, Gage rolled his eyes, leaned in and whispered against my ear, "When we get to my office, we're locking the door. And I want you naked on my desk."

I just grinned and demurely, said, "Yes, sir. Anything you say, sir." While he laughed and winked.

Yeah, we were going to have great life together, now that we finally realized that we were made for each other.

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

I couldn't finish the first Page. Something about "in all his naked his glory" (or something like that), & then "I couldn't take my off him". I wouldn't submit something with BOTH of those mistakes to a site at all, let alone a contest!!!

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

I keep reading this in the voice of Dennis the boss on the it crowd and it ruined it for me XD

AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

Outstanding! Might be one of the best stories I've ever read on here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

A really nice "feel good" story without any meanness or nastiness.

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