All Comments on 'Centuries Ch. 03'

by WifeWatchman

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brownmobbrownmobover 3 years ago
Damn dude

How do you keep coming up with these incredible stories, so many moving parts and links to so many others. All i can ask is to keep em coming, hanging till the next installment. Thank YOU!!!.

wmbf2013wmbf2013over 3 years ago

I loved the whole story, but that epilogue brought me to tears.

I knew it would of been a matter of time before Tim and Cindy would hook up, which brings up couple of questions:

1. Is Cindy pregnant?

2. Will Cindy, Callie, and Tim be a throuple or have the occasional threesome?

teedeedubteedeedubover 3 years ago
No kidding

Another Great One. Can't wait for the New Year and more great stories.

tazz317tazz317over 3 years ago

human nature will still be around to shuffle the deck and distribute the cards. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
400 Hundred Years Ago

WW, you leftout one very outstanding character in the end of your story, Jack Muscone. I can see you including him and the MRS. in later stories. You do know you have some very big shoes to fill with your next story, kind of hard to top the ending of this one,.

hgpetershgpetersover 3 years ago

Really like your stories. Please keep them coming.

fuzzy94fuzzy94over 3 years ago
GREAT STORY WW, what a way to end a terible 2020

Bad Guys were defeated, justice served up. Mysteries solved, emotions released, Cindy may have a bun in the oven. Teresa destroyed some evil, found a missing part of her heritage, and funded needed research.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I don't know how you keep track of everything, but your stories are just so amaing to keep me reading!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Finis for sure

The murder mysteries were different enough from typical Literotica fare and so I stayed with you, despite the preachy political rants, but the current hypocrisy is too much. Sworn police officers committing murder while portrayed as standing up to some nefarious vast Federal conspiracy— and now those same murderers and their families and friends are the gene pool for the nation’s leaders for future generations!! Pretty arrogant stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nice use of bold typeface...

(can you hear me NOW?...)

Great story WW! But then, i repeat myself...

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 3 years agoAuthor
political stories and 'baseless' fraud

I deleted a post by an anonymous commenter because that commenter said that allegations of voter fraud are 'baseless'. That's the same dirty trick the AP and Reuters are doing, adding the word 'baseless' when referring to voter fraud complaints; they always say 'baseless allegations of fraud'... and that adjective is not fact, but their opinion, proving my allegations that the Mainstream Media is corrupt, dishonest, and doesn't report the news but their own opinions.

Second, the allegations of voter fraud are NOT baseless. The 2020 Presidential election was STOLEN from its rightful winner, Donald J. Trump. It's your right to disagree if you want, but if you post that disagreement in comments to MY stories, your post will be deleted. Period.

Third, that comment that I deleted arrogantly DEMANDED that I stop putting politics in my stories. Here's my answer to that: there are thousands, maybe millions, of stories on Literotica that yiou can read. If you don't like my stories, find others to read. I AM NOT GOING TO STOP PUTTING POLITICS IN MY STORIES. PERIOD. And those who don't like it can shove a crowbar up their fourth points of contact.

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 3 years ago

I am one who despite all the political back and forth . Which by the way . Is part of what makes these stories even GR8er reads . Find this author tremendously compelling . Intriguing and captivating , interesting , erotic .

This last ( hopefully not final ) chapter . Had this man crying . Almost non stop . Towards the end .

I am so looking forward to the adventures of the " Next Iron Crowbar " .

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 3 years ago

I am going to take a chance . Being an election board worker in a state known for the cleanest and most state of the art elections in the country . I was as surprised as anyone at the voter turnout for the 2020 elections . As there was no need for recounts . As there were recounts in many states . All resulting in the same result .

In reality . In this election . Unless the entire population of the United States are fraudulent . There was no fraud . Nothing was stolen . Logically and realistically you know I am correct sir .

As I do not expect this posting to post . I do want you to know that the political scenarios in your stories are so real to life . That the Mainstream media is every bit as corrupt and dishonest as you portray them . It is pathetic and inexcusable . But the media did not report the election . The voters did . They spoke cleanly and honestly . In a very close , largest turnout in history race .

Respectfully . One of your biggest fans . Waiting on the edge of my seat . To see where in your history the next chapter picks up .

For me this last story was not a spoiler . You could continue on in the present . Right through Cindy's pregnancy and into Carol's high school years .

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 3 years agoAuthor

There was massive fraud in the 2020 election. It wasn't in the electronic machines; that probably was the most reliable part of the process. But here is a non-exclusive list of problems found, that repeated over and over add up to changing the outcome of the Election:

- there were over 1000 people registered to ONE address in an ATL suburb county in Georgia.

- one poll watcher in Pennsylvania gave a SWORN statement that he saw a counter run one vote ballot through the machine ten times in a row.

- there's the well-known video of poll watchers being told counting was ending for the night. After the watchers went home, the counters came back in, pulled tubs of ballots out from under a table, and began counting without anyone watching them (this might make one of my future stories).

- despite legitimate complaints, judges (particularly Democrat judges in Pennsylvania) dodged and weaved doing anything about the lawsuits. Many, including Texas's lawsuit, were deemed to be 'without standing'... that's particularly galling of the SCOTUS, since it's Constitutionally clear that the SCOTUS is supposed to arbitrate lawsuits between States.

- judges are constantly blocking efforts to audit voter rolls to determine the validity of the votes cast. The fraud of those unsolicited mail-in ballots (not absentee ballots, but the unsolicited mail-in ballots) was rampant. The signups from voter drives is great, if it's legitimate... but judges won't allow those voter rolls to be verified. Judges also refused to let voter rolls be purged of dead people , and people that were moved out of the State (in this case, Georgia). Dead people were shown to have voted in several states.

And so on. At any rate, I will go to my grave believing the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump, and that the fix was in by the Establishments of both Parties, and included the complicity of the Courts, up to and including the SCOTUS. The Democrats have hit paydirt with these unsolicited mail-in ballots, and IMHO if there is not a massive change in voting procedures and verification, the United States of America just ceased to exist as a Constitutional Republic, and will end up being another Venezuela within 20 years. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Please Verify

I have read and enjoyed every one of your stories over the years. Some more than others. They ALL show a remarkable commitment to the craft and to your characters. I am able to recognize and appreciate the “suspension of reality “ needed to get the full effect of the atmospherics of the world in which they appear. It’s what makes them such good reading. The reader needn’t agree nor accept premises put forward in order to gain a full appreciation of the dynamic of each story in the “IC Universe.”

The methods, techniques, motivations or even the Muses employed by a writer, while they may be (very) interesting,, are merely tools used to craft the yarn. However, to “reverse-engineer” the story to show that it mirrors “real world” realities is more than a few steps onto that “Bridge Too Far.”

One’s beliefs are just that: their own. i would not presume here to try to change yours. (May not really differ that much anyway...). But when tossing out controversial statements as fact it becomes necessary to provide readers context (citations) verifying their validity. This is not needed in the fictional world but is required when making factual claims. Please tell us the source/es for the assertions made in your earlier reply. Not judging nor refuting your statements; just asking for verification for where they came from.

Your saga seems to be heading into some really interesting territory and i, for one, can’t wait to read of our heroes’ next adventures. Please keep up the great work and have a Happy.New Year!


prkinprkinover 3 years ago

Great Read as always.

When can we expect the newest venture.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 3 years agoAuthor

I'm working on the last chapter of the next story. And if you think my stories have been 'controversial' so far?... you ain't seen nuthin' yet...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Leaving aside your protagonist's conviction that police authorities serving as judge, jury, and executioner is aligned with love of the US Constitution, you have built a fine literary body of work in the police detective genre.

As for your claims of judicial bobbing and weaving (including a significant number of Trump appointees), the fundamental underlying issue is that the Trump team, given chance after chance to present evidence of fraud, failed to do so. Allegations? Yes. Actual evidence? Crickets. It's hard to blame the judiciary when no one brought evidence to the Courts.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 3 years agoAuthor
Next story submmitted, and a comment

The next story, 'Black and Blue', has been submitted and hopefully will be published soon.

Anon/fraud? - Plenty of evidence was submitted of fraud, including affidavits under oath. They were dismissed out of hand, and often for pretzel-twisting procedural reasons. Proof of illegal registrations and voting were dismissed by judges that were part of the rigged election. The bottom line is that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
WW - my two cents

I agree the election was stolen. Evidence?

Georgia...all observers and republicans sent home at 10:30 under the lie of water main break then seen on video pulling out ballot boxes from under a table and counting them.

Pennsylvania...elected officials changed election laws by decree and state Supreme Court upheld it. U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear 3 lawsuits which allowed ballots to be counted that were received AFTER deadline. Effectively changing federal law.

Wisconsin...after everyone went home 400k ballots were waiting for them that were not there when they left @ 2am.

At no time in our history has mail in balloting flipped the results of Election Day...until this year. It was done in 4 state elections. The leads in those states were statistically insurmountable and impossible to overcome. In each state percentage it was roughly a 51-49 split which means mail in ballots should have followed the same results, but magically over 80 percent went to Biden.

In 2000 Bush had a 1k vote lead over Gore and the mail in ballots after being counted for months after the election eas over shoes that Bush still won.

But yet Biden over am 700k plus votes in Pennsylvania an de 300k in both Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

TheDeepThinkerTheDeepThinkerover 3 years ago

Do you have anything to offer besides conspiracy theories?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Those affidavits you mention? Few even allege to witness fraud. Many involve such allegations that the PA system was loud and felt like it was intended to distract them. The affidavits given so far by the Trump campaign amount to (at most) a few hundred votes being fraud. That doesn't come remotely close to extraordinary evidence explaining how tens of thousands of votes could be fraudulent in a single state, much less multiple states.

I am willing to admit I was wrong and that Joe Biden is not a legitimate president if extraordinary evidence can be presented. For example, in the Georgia recount, there were 18 two-member teams (one Democrat, one Republican) that compared each ballot signature with voter registration forms, passports, and other government-issued documents. Each team records the number of ballots they check in a log. If either team member thinks the signatures don't match, the ballot is flagged and sent to a special three-member team for further analysis. If you can get affidavits from enough team members to equal a total of 2000 votes saying the ballots they flagged were accepted without additional verification, that's enough for me. And that's just one of many ways.

In the end, it would require an unprecedented conspiracy involving tens of thousands of people, including the DOJ, Homeland Security, FBI, election observers, poll workers, governors, judges, clerks, security guards, and countless others.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 3 years agoAuthor
Anon/mytwocents and TheDeepThinker

Thanks anon, your examples are spot-on.

TheDeepThinker - between the massive mail-in fraud, and the efforts to keep poll watchers from seeing what the counters (especially In Pennsylvania) were doing, there was enough fraud to change the outcome, especially if enough Dem votes were run through machines time and again, and no one able to see what was entered into the computers.

As to your assertion that it would take thousands to change the outcome, and you're saying it as 'proof' it could not have happened, that is EXACTLY my assertion: the Swamp, the Establishment of both Parties, were SO determined to defeat President Trump, that they DID have whoever they needed, including judges, do what was needed to be done.

And we now see how much collusion there was, as the Media and Social Media have combined to attack anyone who dares question the outcome. We are being called every vile name, our accounts canceled, our Free Speech suppressed... and that was BEFORE January 6th (which violence I condemn, by the way).

The evidence is there, TheDeepThinker, but I suspect you are refusing to see it, and will continue to refuse to see it, no matter what proof is there...

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Excellent. Still a little concerned about police officers taking the law into their own hands but this is a war between good and bad so it's acceptable. Epilogue was brilliant and so moving, and has Jack Burke as vice president.

chytownchytown6 months ago

*****Good read nice storyline. Thanks for sharing.

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In an exercise of pure censorship, Literotica published all 5 chapters of my story "Climate Injustice" and then removed them, saying the readers of their explicit sex site(!) want safe spaces from politics(!!) I have published "Climate Injustice" on my Patreon site where the ...


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