Challenge 03 - Monica Unmasked


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The Ace of Diamonds had been the latest card chosen. When George had learned her task he had immediately volunteered to help and had got Harley to arrange the express delivery of the 'training device'. It was another sex toy but this time a six-inch shaft of flexible black plastic with a suction cup at one end. Just now it was sticking out rather incongruously from the mirror on her bathroom wall.

"Give it a try girl".

She moved up to the dildo and raised her hand to grasp it.

"Oh no," interjected George, "what I told you? When a girl's givin' premium head then she ain't using no hands. You remembering that? Well if you passing this test then its no hands fo' sure."

She looked a little dubiously at the device sticking out from her mirror. It wasn't thick but it was pretty long. Without her hands it would be more difficult. However, what her teacher said went and so she clasped her hands behind her back.

"Thass right," approved George, "now see how it goes."

She moved forward, opened her mouth and pushed her lips over the end of the plastic cock. It moved just over half of its length into her mouth and then she felt the first resistance.

"Keep going," he instructed, "show me what you can do."

She pushed on further but felt the shaft against the back of her throat and had a strong desire to cough, to expel the intrusion. It wasn't to be denied. She pulled off the shaft and coughed.

"You was tensing up," said George. "This is all about the attitude. Fact is you needs to take that whole thing in your mouth - right down so your nose is pressed against the glass of your mirror. Then you gonna hold it there a few seconds till I say you done enough. You get that."

She gave him a rueful grimace. "I don't think so sir. I don't think I'm going to be able to..." Her words trailed off as he looked at him and saw his expression.

"Heard some premium BS in my time. Where's all this 'can't' and 'not able to' crap coming from? I know you can do this. You need to try again but to put yourself into relaxing this time. Not forcing it and not rushing it, just relaxing your way into it." He went and fetched a bottle of water for her. "Drink some water to lubricate things a little. Help that Black cock go where it needs to be. Settle down and relax yourself, ain't no rush here."

She drank the water and felt it cool her throat. She tried to relax her jaw muscles and to encourage the saliva to flow. She hadn't quite come to this unprepared. Since that card had been selected she had been practising with her little pink toy. That had proved easy. She could take that all the way into her mouth without any problem. This Black toy was not so easy but she knew how much more impressive it would be if only she could take it.

She tried again, feeling the cool dampness on the plastic shaft from her last attempt as she pushed forward. The shaft touched the back of her throat and she instantly wanted to retch, to force it out of her mouth. She tried to fight the sensation, tried to hold the position, tried to hold her ground when every part of her was refusing to comply. It was no good. She pulled her mouth off the shaft, coughing fit to bust and with tears streaming from her eyes. Once clear she coughed again and a long stream of thick spit emerged from her mouth. She saw herself in the mirror behind the toy. This could get messy and she was pleased George had put a towel down for her to kneel on.

"See what I'm sayin'? You need to relax, you hear me? You need to get yourself in the zone. You need to know that you ain't going to be beaten, that you going to succeed, that this ain't stopping you." George's voice was soft and persuasive. Not barking orders but encouraging her. He might be a night porter and not a trained teacher but he knew his psychology none the less.

"I get to a point and then..." She hesitated, felt the discomfort still there in her throat. "I don't think I'm cut out for this."

"Get that tablet over here."

She fetched the device and he took it from her. He opened a browser and entered a site's details. A few sweeps of his finger and he pointed the screen back at her. She saw a woman in her thirties with a similar set-up to hers except that the sex-toy was clearly much more than six inches long. Perhaps ten or even twelve.

The woman held her hands behind her back and approached the toy. She took it in her mouth and with three swift movements the whole of the shaft disappeared into her mouth. It was extraordinary. Heather felt that she could see the bulge made by the toy in the woman's throat. It had to be blocking off her wind-pipe and as she marvelled the woman moved back a little for a second before pushing back to take all of the toy into her throat again. She repeated a couple of times, effortlessly to the watcher, before finally holding herself in place with the toy as deep as possible in her throat. The veins showed taut in her neck and her face reddened a little but still she held her position until finally, after almost a minute, she pulled clear and took deep breaths. Her bare breasts were heaving as she drew in the oxygen and smiled triumphantly into the camera.

With a tap of his finger George closed the browser and put the tablet to one side. "So you telling me that she can do what you can't do. That she is so much better a little white slut than you. You telling me that she can please the Black man that much better than you. That what you telling me girl?"

He knew his psychology alright. He was appealing to her competitive spirit, to her desire to complete a task. She knew just what he was doing but that didn't mean that it didn't work. She tried to relax her throat and jaw muscles again.

"You see, " he said, "you already losing the game. You are thinking this is difficult. Thass because you ain't listening to old George. You worrying about it, you dreading that reflex kicking in. You gotta relax and shut that whole part of you down. That girl ain't a freak and this ain't no trick. Its a skill and until you know that skill it looks hard. Once you got it then its just like shelling peas."

She had never shelled peas any more than she had taken six inches of plastic down her throat but she caught his drift. She took a few deep breaths and another deep swig of water. Then she tried it again. This time when she reached the crucial point, when she felt her body start to react, she tried to tune that reaction out. To impose calm and serenity on her brain's desire to clear her throat. She held it together and even pushed forward a little but then the reaction came stronger and this time she couldn't help trying to fight it and once more ended up a coughing, spluttering, mess.

George watched her regain her composure. "You were damn close - so close to having it. I think your nose even touched the glass. You pretty much got it till you dropped your concentration. You gotta be zen about this shit. Control that reflex, make it subordinate to your own will. Prove your mastery of this skill. You real close. Wanna try it once more or wait a while?"

She couldn't help thinking that George's knowledge of Zen probably wouldn't pass muster but then again the aging night porter had surprised her more than once. Anyway she wanted to go again, she wasn't going to let six inches of plastic defeat her.

Once more she reached the critical moment, she felt the reaction coming up from her stomach in a nervous spasm. She felt it and she neutralised it, focused her whole being on controlling herself, negating her primal fear and panic, accepting the intrusion of the plastic cock and allowing it to progress further. Her hands remained behind her back and she dug the nails of one hand into the palm of the other. A crude form of distraction but it did seem to help. She had closed her eyes and she felt rather than saw the cool of the glass mirror approach her skin and touch her nose. She continued forward until she was pressed against the glass, pushing as deep down onto the toy as she could. There were a couple of momentary stabs of panic but she allowed them to fizzle out, powerless against her desire to conquer them.

"Yeah - that's right. You can relax now."

She heard his words and eased back off the toy. She flexed her jaw muscles and then saw her teacher nod his approval.

"See that's what I'm talking about. You got that down and that's the biggest half of the battle that some can't never master."

'The half of the battle,' she thought to herself. Hadn't she just achieved her task? She looked at him questioningly.

"You see Monica what you about to do is advertise a skill." If he called her by name during these sessions George always called her Monica now - just as she was always Monica during her shows. "Us Black men are just like other men in that most of us get a chance with a premium piece of tail like you then we just real happy for the opportunity. We taking what's on offer and we savouring it and we grateful for the privilege. Now you showing men that you got this skill and they gonna want to try that too. Only makes sense right?"

He smiled. "You raw at the moment but what you done was good, real good, shows you got a talent for this. Not gonna hide it from you that some brothas like to take out some resentment, some frustration, on a white girl. Call it reparations for slavery or racial oppression or having a grim teacher years back or a shitty boss right now. Maybe they don't need an excuse - maybe they're just mean sons of bitches. The men your folks warned you about - the, er, cartoon."

"The stereotype," she corrected him.

He nodded, his eyes fixed on hers. "Yeah, you see what I'm saying. A girl like you - smart, beautiful, coming out of a different world - you gonna be a prime target for them. Maybe you won't meet any of them more than once but you are gonna meet them and you'll need to be ready. They gonna want to fuck that pretty little throat of yours for starters, spank that lily-white ass till it glows red. Then - well I think you know they gonna fuck you hard just however and wherever they can fuck you. Fuck you hard and maybe even pass you around. You just playing round the edges for now but move in further and it can get plenty deep."

"You mean like at the Market in H-Town."

His eye-brows rose at that. "You heard about down there. Someone wanted you to go down there or someone warning you off?"

"Harley told me about it - he and his girl were both definitely warning me off."

She saw his face relax a little and she knew he was relieved to hear it. She decided not to tell him about meeting Cassius. The club owner had dealings in the Market and she wasn't so naive that she hadn't see how he had been looking at both Allie and herself.

"I been checking things out," he gestured towards her computer and she knew he was talking about Harley and the TKB, "seems to me if you wanting to go this route then they about the best folks to go along with. They been doing this a while and they got a set up. Do this on your own and well there's a lot of sharks out there. Especially anyone involved in that place you mentioned. The sort of folk see a girl like you as valuable livestock rather than as a person. No doubt you'd be real in demand and real good for business. I only ever went down there once and it was a long time ago but I'm doubting that much has changed."

She knew he was warning her, perhaps even trying to scare her. It wasn't working. Her Heather side wanted to know more, the inveterate professional curiosity of the researcher. Her Monica side had a reaction more complicated for her. She wasn't yet quite sure how to process it.

George continued. "Of course there's another truth. A man may not be a bastard but opportunity fuels desire. Man sees someone who he's always believed is out of his league and she is down for it. Well then a lot of times his cock gonna do the thinking for him. He getting his dick wet and getting his rocks off. Girl ain't his wife or his lover - girl is there for the sex. She there to get him off and he maybe ain't too concerned about her as a person, at least in that moment. Its just feeling too good. Shit, I dunno what I'm trying to say. Just maybe that if a girl is going into this business, which is most definitely a business, she got to have a real good reason or that's got to be really what she wants. She got to know what she's getting into."

She knew what he was saying. TKB and the lifestyle it portrayed were just the sort of circumstances George was getting at.

He continued. "Wish you hadn't pulled that card so soon. Men know you down for this, see the skills you got, well they only men. Means you got to practise hard, hone that technique. You got to be ready if you going to take it further."

She already knew that, despite his concern and warnings, she would be taking this further. She knew that much even if she didn't yet know just how far she wanted to go. Time would tell and she would obey her instincts on such things At the moment her abiding feelings were curiosity and excitement. Every time a card turned and she found out her new task it was a thrill, a little surge of adrenaline as the members reacted to finding out what was next on the agenda. While it stayed that way she wanted to continue.

She smiled at him. "Thanks George and I appreciate what you are saying. I'll certainly put in plenty of work on this...," she tapped the dildo still attached to her mirror, "...but I'd like some more realistic practise too. I'd like to take advantage of knowing a man I can trust." She moved across to in front of him and undid his pants. He didn't comment or move until she was pulling down his shorts. However, his cock was standing hard and proud when she uncovered it and he finally spoke.

"So you want to try it on the real thing."

She gave his cock a gentle stroke and then dropped both hands to behind her back. She registered just how hard he had been, how aroused her actions had made him. Had he got hard just from that or had he already been hard thinking of her being used by Black men for their pleasure. George was a good man and she did trust him but he was still a man and he did desire her. They were not in any sense romantic lovers, they were using each other for their mutual sexual gratification. That might not be the whole story but it was certainly an integral part of it. George was in the position of the men he had just warned her about. She looked up into his face as she clasped her hands behind her back.

"Take me all the way." After she had spoken he nodded to her - it was time.

He was about the same size as the toy but a little thicker. However, he was real, living and warm. So much better than any toy. She gave a couple of exploratory movements and then took him as deep as she could. She felt him at the very back of her mouth and then pulled back off him. George wasn't a plastic sex toy, a tool for her to use. George was her man and she had to please him. She ran her mouth up and down his shaft a few times, slowly and lovingly, she looked up and made sure to maintain eye contact as much as possible. She saw him swallow and run his tongue over his upper lip. She loved that. She loved the little signs of his arousal, of how much he enjoyed her doing this for him.

A lock of her fire-red hair fell forward over her face. His hand took it and tucked it back behind her ear before moving on to rest on the back of her head. She understood. She pushed down again until his cock filled her mouth, until he was at the back of her throat. Now was the time to apply her recently learned lessons. She relaxed and allowed him to take her, felt the saliva flooding her mouth. She half-coughed but kept control, withdrew a little back up the shaft before trying to push herself back down.

No, no, no! That wasn't going to work! Her throat constricted and she coughed viciously, pulling herself off his cock and leaving a long string of thick saliva between her mouth and his shaft.

"Take yourself a drink and then get back on the horse." His voice was quiet but firm.

She obeyed and tried again. This time she felt his hands take the sides of her head and ease her a little more upright. The changed angle seemed to help and as she pushed she suddenly found him going deeper. She paused and eased back, let herself get back into that zone she had found with the toy. She felt the gentle pressure of his fingers and knew what he wanted. She pushed back down his shaft, felt her throat want to contract and instead of fighting the nervous movement instead relaxed it out of existence. At that instant she found her nose pressed against his chest, felt his hair there. She knew he was always scrupulous about showering before he came over but maybe a little more trimming might be in order. She was amazed she could think about such things with his cock all the way in her mouth.

She carefully eased off his cock a little and then pushed back down. This time it was easier, her throat reflex less pronounced. On the third try she found she could pass it without any real issue. This time as she took him all the way she felt his hands tighten on her, holding her in place. His Black cock filled her mouth and pressed against her throat and airways. She had taken him all but at a price - now she could not breath. She still tried to work her tongue on him, felt it find his balls as they hung before her mouth. More hair but that was the least of her problems because she needed air. She could hold on no longer and pulled her hands out from behind her back. He had been watching for the movement and he immediately withdrew his cock from her mouth.

She sucked in the oxygen and coughed again as her mouth filled with saliva, thick saliva that also coated his cock and slid down to the floor. She looked up at George and was somewhat surprised to realise that she was smiling. He nodded to her and she felt a huge rush of achievement. She knew she had to be grinning like a fool now but she couldn't help it. She finally took another swig of water.

"That really your first time at this girl? You've surely got some natural skills. You this close to getting it for real." He held a dark finger and thumb a tiny distance apart. "You want to go again?"

Her Monica side was well aware that others could do this but that she could only get so far. Her Heather side reacted as Heather would react. The solution was out there and she knew how to find it. "Can we see that video again?"

George got the tablet and she watched it twice and then asked him if he knew more. He found a couple of much shorter clips. These girls were clearly pro in such matters, taking really big cocks as if it was easy. She looked for the clue and watching one brunette porn star she seemed to see it. It was all about the angles, all about geometry. With a little basic biology thrown in. As soon as she saw it she wanted to test her theory.

She almost chivvied poor George into position such was her eagerness. His low laugh suggested he could take it. A couple of strokes with her hand and he was ready for her. She clasped her hands back behind her back and took him back into her mouth, good deep plunges with her mouth. Not testing herself yet but building up a rhythmn. She was ready now and pushed down again but this time carefully lining up the angle of her approach. She was so vividly concentrating on this that she passed her abortive gag reflex without really noticing and then she was gently easing him around her mouth until she knew she had it. His cock eased forward and she had taken him all but this time it felt different. Her throat really felt filled but the only thing stopping her taking it further was the fact there was no more cock to take. She wanted to laugh with joy but that was tricky with a mouth full of Black cock and no way to breathe!