Challenge 03 - Monica Unmasked


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"We in agreement girl." Harley's supposed question was spoken in a way that suggested he already knew the answer, had known it before their meeting had ever started.

She nodded.


The six of clubs.

"Flash for your camera at your work-place."

Well there was nothing like starting off easy! However, she never even contemplated not completing the assignment. Instead she immediately considered the logistics. What exactly was her workplace?

"Guys I'm a student so..."

'Shiiit girl u sposed to be smarter than that!'

'Where u do yr work, yr book-learnin?'

'Some place quiet and where you working alone?'

She understood and it did seem a pretty good idea. One aspect of modern life that didn't have security cameras everywhere. Where she worked alone and where the quiet meant she knew if anyone was in the same area as her. "The library," she said.

'You got it girl.'

'Damn right she got it, be the new Kendra out here.'

'Shit she matching that slut for looks, cept the tits of course.'

'Ain't many match them titties - but our girl doing just fine.'

'Shit man - I ain't saying nuthin. Our girl got that west coast bitch schooled in the rear.'

'Like to see that one day.'

Where did they find all those obscene emojis and who the fuck was Kendra? As Heather her curiosity was aroused, As Monica, the performer, she was more than a little pissed off. No other bitches should be getting a call-out on her show. Was this Kendra another TKB camgirl? What did they mean about her tits? Fortunately her Members were always ready to help.

'Check out the librarygirl. U get the idea.'

'The OG library girl - got the fucking rap-sheet to prove it!'

'Dumb bitch let it out all over the net - five-oh come calling.'

'She dumb like we all ghosts. She doing just fuckin fine. Found her calling.'

'Showing off them titties and riding them big dicks. Shame she still go with white-boys.'

'She only 'cracka for pay' we all know that'.

All very well but this was her show. Monica's show. She wasn't too happy about someone else getting their attention. It took about five seconds searching to identify who they were talking about. It was annoying to have to admit it but she saw what they meant about the tits. The girl was truly blessed. She'd never really had any complaints about that part of her anatomy but looking at that picture she knew she was rather out-classed.

"You all just a bunch of dumb-ass niggas? You comparing her to our girl here. Sure she fine but she ain't Monica fine. Monica setting a whole new grade of fine.'

She read the tag beside the comment. "Thanks 'IzeyeInk'. Anyway I was going to lose the top but it seems that most of the others wouldn't be interested."

'Fuck that - lets see them titties.'

'Need to see then again a few hundred times to make a real judgement.'

'Fuck them buggin fools. Loving me them sweet white-girl titties.'

'School them bitches in what a fine pair of tits really look like.'

She reached down to the hem of her T-shirt and then pulled it up and over her head. She heard the clinking noise of coins and saw her donations figure rise in the corner of her screen. There didn't seem to be a shortage of guys that enjoyed seeing her topless even if maybe she couldn't match up to certain other people!


It was really quite simple. Postgrads and fellows at her old college, where she still retained her privileges for at least a few more weeks, were each assigned a quiet working area in the basement floors of the library. The carrel was essentially a desk and a small amount of shelving separated from similar alcoves by high book-filled shelves that carried the reserved collection.

She had always made good use of her carrel but she knew that others were not used from week to week. People were away or working at home or just used the space for storage of notes and sources. Of the five other carrels in her part of the floor she only really had to worry about one or two. She went on the Tuesday with her laptop and tablet. She had work to do and she could spend all day there if necessary awaiting an opportunity.

That was the plan. However, it just had to be the case that Julianne Tremento of the carrel bang-smack opposite hers had to be there reviewing a paper. It shouldn't have mattered but Heather had to admit that the ulterior motive of her visit had definitely unleashed her inner Monica. She wanted to get going on her assignment, she had selfies to take and the anticipation made it pretty much impossible to concentrate on anything she tried to read.

If she heard Julianne shift in her chair or get up or cough or pretty much do anything then she was immediately on edge. Ready to get going and make those pics. But then she'd realise Julianne was settling down to do some more writing. It was infuriating. She had always liked Julianne but just now she wanted to chase her out of there with a baseball bat!

Finally, yes finally, Julianne stood up and collected her papers in her bag. "Hey Heather are you ready for some lunch or are you still busy?"

She tried to sound unconcerned. "Thanks but I've got a few things that I just have to get done." She smiled what she could only imagine was the fakest smile ever at Julianne but the other student didn't seem to notice.

"OK - well don't work too hard. I definitely need my hour's break."

An hour. Right. The noise of Julianne's shoes on the hard floor had hardly faded before Monica got to work. Her friend wouldn't be back for an hour but who knew who might come down in the meantime. This needed to be done now!

Fortunately she didn't have to stream a show or something. That wasn't happening from the concrete dungeon of the College Library reference stores anyway. She just had to take a few appropriate, which of course meant wildly inappropriate, selfies.

First she pictured herself at her desk. Fully clothed and then with the buttons of her top undone to reveal lots of cleavage. After that she lost the top and couldn't help but giggle. There had been complaints about how they kept these areas cool. It could be a pain but if you were doing a topless shoot and wanted nice erect nipples then conditions were perfect.

'Fuck you Kendra,' she couldn't help thinking, 'when my men want to picture a fine pair of white-girl titties then they are going to be thinking of mine.' She held her breasts in her hands as if offering them to the camera, to her Members. She imagined them reaching out and their Black hands fondling her breasts. Suddenly it didn't seem so chill down there but her nipples stayed nice and hard.

A quick check and out into the corridor. She could look back at the cam as she pulled her pants and thong down. A nice butt shot for the boys followed by taking off her pants and leaving her thong round her ankles as she looked back at the camera. Smile for your members!. At least her little remote was working well.

She heard a click at that moment. The sound of the elevator. It was used by the staff for moving books and it was pretty rare that it stopped here. It would just be her luck and she felt her heart beating strong and fast. There was a slight noise and the elevator continued on its way. Just a little reminder not to take too long on all of this. If someone showed up now then it would be difficult to explain why she was pretty much naked.

The thought stung her. 'Pretty much.' She didn't want to do anything 'pretty much.' You didn't compete with the likes of Kendra by doing things 'pretty much'. You didn't keep her men's attention by being their 'pretty much' favorite little white show-off. These were Black men, selected by her man Harley, they would expect the best and they deserved only the best. She wanted to be the best that she could for all of them. 'Pretty much' just didn't cut it.

She stripped off the last of her clothing and just improvised. She held up her right breast and arched her tongue out towards her hard nipple. She posed with her butt stuck right out at the camera and her legs apart. Nice and ready to get fucked doggy-style by a big Black dick. She felt the heat rush through her again and that was it. She set her laptop camera up to shoot moving footage and performed a little for them. Turning slowly so they could see every naked inch of her. She knew what she wanted to do next for them. She finished with the fingers of her right hand working her clit while her left hand teased her nipples. She cursed the fact she hadn't brought a toy with her. Well, maybe another time. She was satisfied that she had performed her task and began to collect up her clothes. She forgot about any more attempts at work today. She wanted to get home and besides George had agreed to come round and look over her pics before his shift started.


"The camera loves you girl. it just shines out from all these pics. Even with the lighting not being pro and all. Makes it good and raw. Just the sexiest little honey posing for her men. Real nice."

George's opinion had been shared by Harley and then by her Members. She had to admit that she did look pretty good in them. It might also be rather shallow but all the praise and compliments were good for a girl's self-esteem.

George had also helped in another way. When she had told him about her meeting with Harley and Trent he had insisted on seeing Trent before they made their first trip over to Philly. Apparently he had been satisfied because in due course she found herself on the road in Trent's Lexus.

It wasn't a long drive but it was long enough to need some conversation. Trent had begun.

"That's quite a nice house you have there. I mean as student places go."

She'd always thought it was very modest - not wanting to draw attention to her financial position. There were enough people always wanting to believe that she owed any achievement purely to her family's money. Now she thought fast.

"My cam shows let me rent it and it means I don't need room-mates any more. It makes it so much easier to do shows. I can set things up just as like and not get interrupted unless I want to be."

Trent just smiled and nodded, without taking his eyes off the road. She felt a little wave of relief. Her instincts told her that he hadn't been suspicious or digging for information. He had just been commenting and he had accepted her answer.

They chatted about the college, then music and the area but she knew what she really wanted to ask him. The thing that had fascinated her since she had first met him.

"You said you've been doing this for Harley for a few years. What does your wife think about that?"

"It was Tonisha's idea - just so long as I only assist, er, Caucasian girls. She understands that is not where my preferences lie. No offense and all, lots of white girls are very pretty, but compared to a beautiful Black woman? They just don't quite do it for me. I just find African-American women so much more attractive and when you get down to it the combination, the contrast, the whole thing is just so much sexier, so much more what I want and need. I guess you can perhaps relate to that." His eyes left the road for a moment to glance at her.

She could indeed, though she had never considered the matter from Trent's direction. There was a moment when you understood what you really desired and then nothing else would ever match up to that. She could understand that but it was pure crazy that Trent's wife had suggested this. She had to be very trusting.

Trent laughed at her suggestion. "My wife takes precautions. She understands that we men need to be kept in hand. I absolutely prefer the aesthetic of a mixed-race couple but when the dick gets hard most men will just want to get off. So we have an arrangement for her peace of mind."

That seemed all he was inclined to say and anyway they were in the suburbs now.

Trent proved very professional. As they approached their first location he advised her on what to do. He had already very carefully checked out her footwear. Some of the places they would be going were none too clean and you never knew what might have been left behind on the ground.

They had selected a Friday night in an area of Philadelphia known for its clubs and nightlife. It was not overly crowded but there were plenty of people about, a lot of them probably students. A mainly, though not exclusively, white crowd. She understood now why George couldn't have helped her as Trent now was. The wrong age and definitely the wrong ethnicity. In other places maybe, even within this city, but not here. It would have drawn very unwelcome attention

They checked out the area and a Police cruiser eased past them.

"Hope you don't draw the Ace of Clubs," said Trent, "one of my girls drew it once and it was a bitch. You have to pose naked in front of a Police cruiser. We went round for hours trying to find one parked up. I even thought about the car-pound. In the end I just talked to an Officer and told him my girl had made a bet and this was needed for her sorority. So long as badge and vehicle numbers were out of shot he let us do it. Very lucky - I'm not sure we'd get that lucky again. Meanwhile the Police generally have a lot more to worry about than us - so long as we aren't offending the citizenry and so long as there ain't minors about. That's why tonight and here are our best bet. How about starting over there - remember what I told you."

She crossed the road and stood in front of a street sign. The main route had been fairly busy but once off it a few strides had left the people behind. For the moment there was no-one there but them. She looked at Trent and he checked his phone before giving her the thumbs up. She was wearing a relatively loose top and it was very easy to move the top of it forward and down to reveal her breasts. She tried to remember to smile though her whole self was telling her that anyone could come round the corner at any time. That cruiser could come back for God's sake! All of that was racing through her mind but she still held her position for five seconds and tried to remember to smile. Only when Trent gave her the OK did she cover herself again. Immediately she felt the surge of excitement and relief. She had got away with it.

Except that the night was still very young and her assignment far from complete. There were apparently several cards that signified a 'flashing' task and she had drawn a doozy. Five topless shots, 5 butt shots and one bottomless shot. The latter was the real problem because that really could get you a night in the cells at least.

Meantime as it was a quiet and good location she turned her back to the camera and pulled her pants down to reveal her butt and her thong. Another long five seconds, another signal from Trent and they were on their way.

The next two locations worked just as well. In front of a shuttered store and at a bus-stop covered in posters and graffiti. Again they had timed it just right and she had get her pics and vid clips as required by the task.

The streets were starting to get a little busier by now, even where Trent was taking her. However, they only needed two more locations. Trent had taken them to one he had used before only to find some kind of a celebration going on there. Fire-works and music and way too many people. So they had cut down a couple of side-streets and round the back of the main drag. The rear-side of shops and restaurants. It wasn't a great backdrop but it was undeniably outdoors and at least theoretically public. They waited a couple of minutes and saw no-one. Trent gave her a glance as if to say, 'What do you think?'

"Let's go for it," she said and took up position by one of the doors.

The thumbs up from Trent and she had pulled her top up and felt the cooler air on her breasts again. At that precise moment the door opened and a small sweating Latino man emerged carrying a bucket of scraps. He immediately saw what was happening and stopped, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

She gave a little gasp and pulled down her top but it was too late. The man had seen her bare breasts. She felt mortified but the man only held up his hands and let loose a stream of Spanish.

She had learned a little Latin before, neither her school nor her College had prioritised Spanish, but that didn't prepare her for the man's accent or his speed of delivery. Trent had stepped forward and to her surprise answered the man.

The man seemed to think for a moment and then grinned broadly and nodded. He went to stand by Trent and Trent again gave her the thumbs up. Posing for the camera's lens had been quite something but she found it could not compare to posing for a living, breathing, spectator. She pulled her top back down and held it. She couldn't help looking at the man. He let loose another tide of Spanish and gave a little move of his shoulders.

She understood. He wanted her to wiggle her tits for him! Just the idea was startlingly hot to her. The guy had been sent out to dump the trash and now she could give him a treat he was sure to remember. She smiled at him and ran her tongue over her lips and then she gave him a little shimmy. Another voluble wave of rapid Spanish that she didn't need to understand. His expression told her that this was making his night, his week his year and probably his decade. She didn't even notice that her five seconds had been rather extended by Trent. He knew what made good footage.

Trent spoke again in Spanish though she recognised one American word, 'butt'. The man nodded very happily. Trent gave her the thumbs up again. Well she had come so far.

She undid her pants and eased them down. The man didn't need to suggest it this time. She knew what he wanted. She arched her back and pushed out her butt and gave him a little twerking show. The man was loving it - talking excitedly to Trent. Trent said something and the man took a step forward before stopping and carefully saying, "Is OK?"

Maybe it was the rush of the whole thing, the excitement and adrenaline rushing through her veins but at that moment all she could think was, 'Why the hell not?' Trent was there and the man clearly loved her little show. He crossed to her and she pushed her butt out towards him a little more. How to describe the look on his face? Well, one thing was for certain, he loved her rear end!

A moment's thought and she knew what she wanted. She reached back for his hand and then pulled it forward so that it landed on her bare butt. If he had seemed amazed before he was even more so now. However, he was a man and his male nature asserted itself. His second hand joined his first in feeling and then squeezing her butt.

None of them noticed the door opening again and a second man, also Latino but maybe ten years older, emerge.

"Carlos what's keeping you man? We got service to do here. What the fuck..."

He had basically the same kitchen uniform on as Carlos. Was he the boss or a work-mate? Judging by the fact Carlos hadn't missed a beat in fondling her butt-cheek she guessed he was the latter. Carlos spoke fast and excitedly in Spanish.

The second man was just looking on with his mouth half open. She wasn't sure if he was outraged or just enjoying the scene. He spoke to Trent and settled the matter.

"She is beautiful..."

"VERY beautiful," cut in Carlos obviously delighted to use his English.

"She your girl?" That question again directed at Trent.

Trent's mind had obviously been working. "Monica is a friend," he said, "we're doing an art project for the coll..."

"Oh the college," said the second man as if no further explanation was needed. "We due a break so can I watch also?" His eyes hadn't left her since he had come through the door. Denying permission now would be a little ridiculous.

"VERY beautiful tits," said Carlos who had apparently decided to use all his English.