Champion of the Goddess Pt. 03


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She nodded, "I understand. Thank you."

He looked at Mother, "You can send her back, we have a solution for her." She disappeared and he looked at the other girl, "What is bothering you, what can we do to make your life better?"

She looked at him, "I had a man in my life who killed himself. I know already that you cannot fix that. It was in my first group and we had a party wipe. He led it and felt like a failure after the 5th failed attempt.

He killed himself a couple of levels after we lost half the group the next time. We were forced to restart after getting wiped out a second time. I found a good leader and another lover, but the memory of his death still haunts me."

He nodded, "I cannot fix it, But Myssara could help you to forget how he died. He moved on, he died and fell behind from the group you were with, he graduated out of this world and moved to another.

Or she could make it so you do not remember him at all. There are still so many options to put you into a better mental state. There is a country song called 'I got a brand-new girlfriend.'

She laughed, "I remember it. I want to remember him. We had children together, born at the first inn. I do not want to remember watching him kill himself."

He looked at Myssara, "She will have a different memory of the event. She did not witness it. They had broken things off before it happened. It was mutual. He just freaked out and went into the woods and killed himself. Would that be a better image for you?"

She nodded, "So long as I do not have to keep watching it every night."

Raven looked at Myssara as she spoke, "You will wake up with this new memory and forget why you were here but that you got information about the origin of this universe, and a chance to meet Raven."

She hugged him, "Maybe I will find you in-game."

Raven smiled, "I am a bit of cad in-game, I take just about any woman who asks into my bed and they usually end up pregnant. My children will have elven traits. As my mind and will are human my body is half-even twenty times over."

She looked at him, "Can you tell me where you are at?"

He smiled, "On the road a couple of days out from a third inn. I am human in this life."

She smiled, "I am at a third inn. I died and lost yet another boyfriend. I will keep an eye out for you."

Raven looked at her, "What class are you playing?"

She smiled, "Paladin"

He nodded, "We will have to see how the party ends up by the time we get there. Are we headed to the same third inn?"

Myssara nodded, "Yes, and her party moved forward."

Raven nodded, "At these levels and what she keeps throwing at me I like to run 8-9 in a group. The rest of my party is women; except for one straggler rogue. They will all be calling me lover; except the male rogue. Do not call me Raven."

She nodded, "I will ask if you had sweet dreams and you just hug me. I will know it is you."

Raven nodded, "I can do that."

She smiled and Mother sent her away.

Mother looked at Raven, "You have set the mood differently for some. Let us see what you do here."

He looked out at the rest of the group, "Sorry for the delay are there any others here from Myssara's world?"

One hand went up and he walked forward, "Hello Raven."

He nodded at Gardner, "This has to do with Marshal then."

He nodded, "It does."

He sighed, "You know she cannot change free will. What can she do to help you?"

He shrugged, "I do not know."

He looked at Myssara, "Are there any other gay or bisexual men where he is at or where he is going too?"

She nodded, "There are two at the second inn. He is a day out from that. They are not together and both are unattached.

He looked at him, "It is not Marshal but there is a song on Earth. It has the line, 'If you cannot be with the one you love, then love the one you're with.'"

He chuckled, "I will keep that in mind. Have to see what tomorrow brings then."

He nodded and Mother sent him back. He looked back at them, "As the champion of her world I felt I had to talk with them directly. How many of you would be happy if you could change to a world that is more like the kind of gaming you would want to play.

Even bringing along the character you are currently running from the last inn you were at if you wanted. Gear might be different as well as the rule system. But, if you had that option to move, then move over to the left side of me."

He pointed. He got over ninety percent of the group that was left.

"Mother Creator. The one who created this universe. She is putting together a profile for the new players to this world and players who switch worlds would fill out. Everything about you and your likes. Another section for what your character or character types you like. Also, a section for listing what kind of rule sets you preferer. If that interests you step up here.

They all moved and Mother shook her head, "You are good at this."

He looked at the group. "She will be with you if not tonight then in the next few days. Likely when you get to an inn or end up back at one. Do not do anything crazy to rush it. Play your best always. That is my solution for you guys."

They all clapped for him and Mother smiled. She sent them on their way, "Everyone, move closer. That way I do not have to shout so much." He heard a few giggles at his comment.

He looked at the group that was left, "How many are having issues because you got separated from someone you loved as you started a new life, to the left. Those that got separated because you died or they died and find yourselves at different inns off to the right.

Those who lost someone because they switched worlds move into the inner circle. He had 6 in the inner circle and all but 3 had divided off. He looked at them "Raise your hand if this was recent."

Four raised their hands. Raven looked at Mother, "What are the chances of sending them to the same world and giving them a small hint like an image of their guy or gal to work from?"

Mother looked at him, "I can make it happen."

He looked at the other two, "It has been a while for you two."

They both nodded. He looked at them, "Nobody else has sparked your interest?"

The first girl spoke, "The party leader but I think he is straight-up gay."

He nodded, "What about you?"

She shook her head, "I loved her. I am only into women."

He smiled, "I have had several women who are only into women in my bed. Some were at the graduation ceremony where I gave a talk. Can you give her the abbreviated version of that up to where I dismissed the masses."

Her eyes went big, "Ok, you might be different."

He looked at her, "The trick is twofold. One remembers your character is not your player. The player can be only into women while the character is into both. If you have never tried, think about it. How long ago did she move on?

She looked at Raven, "Three lives ago."

He looked at her, "You are in the wrong group. You should have been into the new world group. If you have not found a good friend and lover in 3 lives then you are in the wrong world."

She nodded. He looked at Mother, "Add her to the trading worlds group. See if you can find a better match. If you ever want to become a goddess there is an unwritten rule; because they are all unwritten.

You have to have so many children before you can be selected. I do not know the number; they would not tell me if I asked."

They laughed. Raven nodded to Mother, "Privacy and bring her love interest here."

She looked shocked, "You are going to embarrass the hell out of him."

Raven looked at her, "Has he ever seen you like this, and has he heard of Raven?"

She sighed, "No he has never seen me like this, and I know he knows of you. We say your statue on our world."

He nodded, "Stand there and be quiet like you are awaiting your turn."

She nodded. He looked at Mother and the guy appeared in front of him. Tall fellow. Raven looked at him, "I am Raven."

He looked up, "You are Raven?!"

He nodded, "We are bringing random party leaders here to ask a few questions. Will you talk to me?"

He nodded, "Sure."

He looked at him, "We are examining inter-party relationships. I am working with the goddesses to try and improve things across parties and across worlds. Has your party members split off in couples or groups and if there are any single ones do you know why?"

He looked at Raven, "There's one couple, one group of three, and myself and another lady are both single."

Raven looked at him, "You not into women?"

He shook his head, "I do not think she is into guys."

Raven sighed, "You do not know for sure?"

He shook his head and Raven looked at him, "One of the things I do when talking with prospective party members is to ask if they are bi-sexual, lesbian, gay, or straight-up heterosexual and only want to have one partner. How would you describe yourself?"

He looked at Raven, "I am into women one or two at a time. Anything more would be problematic."

Mary laughed, "Sorry, He has 7 in the party, 7 women who all share his bed."

He looked at Raven, "Wow."

Raven smiled, "I am not here to talk about that and at the moment it is 5 because a pair of lesbians want to go exclusive, except when I give one of 2 of them children again. As a party leader or member do you find that the party works better together when they have someone or ones to share their nights with?"

He nodded, "Yes that is true."

Raven looked at him, "I have several more to get through tonight. As a party leader, you should be aware of your party members' sexuality because it can affect party cohesion. How well they work together. Find out before it leads to a party wipe."

He nodded, "I will talk with her first thing in the morning."

Raven nodded. "Good, and it was good to meet you."

He nodded and was gone. He looked at her, "Satisfied?"

She nodded, "Thank you for not embarrassing me."

He hugged her and smiled, "Not what I am about tonight."

She giggled and was gone.

He looked over, "I want to start with the right. Mother, please pair up the ones that are both feeling it. Mother smiled and twelve couples came forward. "If you are still at the inn, move over to the center." He got 3 out of 6 couples. He looked at the couples, "Raise your hand if you are waiting for them to get to you.

Two raised their hands. He looked at their partner, "You en route to them." They shrugged and mother nodded, "They are en route."

He looked at the 2, "IF you two could show up riding to catch up with your love. Basically, going back to the previous inn and approaching the party. Would you do that?" He looked at the other 6, "If you are close to the inn keep your hands up. They both kept their hands up.

He looked at them. "You all go and talk over what you want to do now that you know who you are."

They walked to the back, he looked at the six couples. "The member who is at the higher inn move over to the left. They shuffled around. "If you are willing to go back to the previous inn to be with your partner then stand behind them and hold your hand up. All six moved over.

He looked at mother and whispered, "I would suggest an expanded trial of the shared life with these 6 couples. The same goes for the others if they agree on how they wish to proceed."

She looked at him, "That is an idea worth doing if it saves lives."

He nodded, "Now you are getting the idea."

She chuckled at his comment. "Mother can make that happen. She will talk with the couples in just a moment about a trial program. To the 4 of you that remain. Mother would you pair them with their love interests. She pulled them in, "Your lover is beside you. They are here because they are extremely depressed about being separated from you. Would you all go and talk? I will speak with each couple separately." They spread out.

He looked to his left. "Mother, pair them off if they are here."

She smiled and they are all paired off, "I think the solution is a change of starting inns would work." She nodded, "I can get this arranged but monogamy is not yet supported. So have children, lots of children and I will see what I can do about keeping you together for a while longer. When I say children I mean with each other and others.

As often as possible. They nodded and they were off."

She looked at Raven, "Alright. This may or may not work for all of them but I feel it already that it is working for a lot of them. I will take care of this from time to time. Not so many. I cannot save them all but you helped me save quite a few tonight."

He looked at her, "This is a meaningful start. I will see you again when we arrive at the inn."

Mary kissed him, "You did great tonight. It was a little painful to see so many but I think it helped put things into perspective for some of them. Especially Mother and Myssara"

Mother nodded, "Your story of Kerria and the destruction of Lyria resonated well with a lot of them. Knowing the bitch was dead, lifted her 'victims' spirits. Yes, I said victims as it is obvious if that many are depressed from one goddess they were victimized.

I will be talking with my rule breakers. I need to come up with something of my own to stress to the others that I am not fucking around about these rule changes."

He looked at her, "I would hit it where it hurts. Move all the children to different worlds. See what they do when they lose a generation from their world."

Myssara looked at Raven, "That would wreck me emotionally to lose that many children."

Mother looked at Raven, "Ravanna was one of them."

He sighed and glared at her, "She is so new she should never have been put there to recruit without a qualified leader."

She looked at Raven, "The other one was the qualified leader, she took both candidates."

He looked at her, "Take the children for a generation from her and bar her from Earth. Not only did she fail to follow your rules she failed as a trainer."

She shook her head, "I think I will take the children and move them all to other worlds. I think that will send the message. She will be barred from being a trainer, those 2 things should be the kick in the teeth to put the others on notice."

He looked at her, "Ravanna does not need to be recruiting from Earth. She has enough children that will be coming into play 18-20 years. You have a whole slew of people wanting a new world. If it aligns with her you get her some experienced talent now at different levels."

She nodded, "I have her observe with a new trainer for a while and then I will decide what to do with her."

He looked at her, "Bring her here please."

Ravanna showed up and she looked at him. She stayed quiet. He walked over to her, "Did you know you were breaking Mother's rule?"

She looked at him, "Sort of. I questioned the way we set things up and she told me to do it that way. I just did not challenge her on it. She has been a Goddess for centuries so I figured she knew what she was doing. I did not send them back. I did not have that power. I just helped to identify talent."

He looked at her, "For me. Stay away from Earth and do not recruit from there. I am giving you enough children that it should never be a problem."

She nodded, "I was looking for a couple of experienced players."

He looked at her, "You are going to get to the point where you are farming children out to other worlds.

They will have to farm some experienced players back to yours. Let your world grow holistically. Do you have a good trainer now?"

Myssara looked over, "I am training her now and no I am not recruiting from Earth. It was one of those conditions you asked Mother for when interviewing new goddesses. We do go back, every now and then, to check for updates and give her some time to research. She has your entire family tree from Earth outlined."

He walked away, "Lyria ensured I had no family back there. I have no idea from a genetic standpoint how much of me is left from that life."

Mother looked at him, "From a genetics perspective of what you are now, what you carried forward is still 38% of the same markers from Earth." She sighed.

Raven looked at her, "Then I am truly dead to them."

Mary jumped in, "That is enough of that kind of talk. You are not dead to me or all of those you helped tonight."

He nodded. Mother looked at Raven, "This whole thing put me on edge but you handled it so well."

Raven shook his head, "I could not have done it without you ladies. Ravanna I love you. Mother, We will talk more. Mysarra my love would you please send us to the battle in progress."

She looked at Raven, "Why do you always say that?"

He looked at her, "Because you never deny it and I know you better than you think."

She sighed. "Very well."

He woke up to loud banging noise and it was not even halfway through the night. Then again. The building was being hit from both sides. He got to the center of the room. He whispered, "Mary get ready to crack that door open. I will be in my Raven." She nodded. He switched to his raven's sight.

He flew through the door up and over the horse building which had not been touched and then up into the trees and back to find a secured perch. He sighed, "We have six hill giants. Two are beating on the building with clubs. They have some sort of contest going on to see who can breakthrough first. Two are watching the alleyway. One from each side with the big clubs ready to strike.

The one on the southside looks like he will break through first."

He disconnected. He looked at Blossom, "What do you want to do?"

She was a little panicked, "There is no good answer."

He nodded, "Correct." He put his bow in hand. He cast a mirror image. Then used his false life wand. "I am going to try and get into the woods and distract them off of the building.

You do what you can from here, but wait for the banging to stop or the wall to breach.

He cast up displacement. He opened the door and poked his head out far enough for them to swing down. He fired a lighting bolt into one of them. The banging stopped.

He looked out again. The one on the other side swung down and missed as he moved back inside before he had his club was halfway down. He hit him with a fireball.

He peaked out again and they had moved out of the line of sight, He took off at a full run for the woods and two of those clubs and rocks came flying at him. He got grazed by one rock. Displacement worked on the other attack. He lost one image getting into the woods. He heard them pursuing as the woods got thick.

He took cover and fired another lightning bolt through 3 of them from the wand in the bow.

He had 4 rocks bounced off of the tree he hid behind. He hit them with another lightning bolt. They scattered as one fell to the ground. He moved deeper into the thick trees and then climbed one. He tied himself off just in case. He could see them and they were scattered and looking for him. He saw one of the ones he wounded. He lined up his shot with his bow. He released and punched him through the heart. The guy next to him threw a rock that shattered on the tree as he put an arrow through his heart. He looked down and the other 3 were below.

Arrows and spells came in from the side and it drew one of them away. He fired another lightning bolt at the guy directly below him as the wand crumbled away and fell from the weapon slot. He went to move off. He lined up a shot He fired and he turned at the last minute and got behind a tree. His buddy started banging on the tree.

He yelled out, "You hill giants are all idiots. You must have started breeding with ogres. You are weak little shits!"

The one continued to bang on the tree from the other side. The one who ran off came out with a rock in hand. Raven fired and the giant threw his rock. Raven hit him right in the stomach. The giant bypassed Raven's defenses and knocked him off of his branch, he dropped his bow as he caught himself onto the next branch down thanks in part to the 50-foot section of silk rope he recovered after the dragon attack.
