Champion of the Goddess Pt. 03


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He heard her sigh, "She was shaken. That you went so far as to call her a bitch. Mother told her you were close to coming unhinged by the events of the last couple of days. Ravanna has the same free will issue that I have with Mother. That one was mine. I wanted to see if you could beat that quest chain you had last life."

He thought, "If nobody has beaten it yet then I will look to readdress with my first character or my next one from the beginning. It might mean that you have the quest set to damned hard. Might actually be characters on that quest.

As to Ravanna. It does not stop a father from letting his daughter know she is disappointing him to the point of rage. She has fewer issues going along with Mother's ideas."

She responded, "No, It does not. It has caused her to start asking the question should I do this just because I can. She heard that discussion. Mother and she were listening."

He groaned and thought. "Remember my request concerning talking about Mother. She has to do something to impress me to get out of the hole she has dug."

Myssara, "Like what?"

He thought, "Like reigning in the sadistic bitches who play at goddess and just torment the fuck out of the players. Those who flaunt the acceptance of free will. I bet those worlds have the highest suicide rates."

It was quite for a moment, "I just checked that and there is a correlation between the worlds with the highest suicide rates and sadistic behavior. She will be looking into that."

He thought back, "You see I want to see action on the should I do this front. She has let this shit continue on some of these worlds. It is counterproductive to what she talked about. She wants people to have a longer and happier life.

Now some players may request to run in a world like that. They should be allowed to deal with their sadistic side. Like the mass-murdering barbarian or that dead ass raping guy you had me kill.

People like my companions, Kerria, and I should never end up in that kind of word. Goddesses recruit and could find a good player but the player is not a good fit for their world. She should find a world that is a good fit for them to start on. Make them fucking happy. In fact, I want to meet with the last 3 people recruited from Earth.

Under the new rules of course. That is another action to see if they were recruited properly. She cannot undo it if they did not follow the rules. I will be asking what action was taken against a goddess who violated her rules in this matter.

I know at least 1 defied her on this. Goddesses find me arrogant, but how many are arrogant enough to defy Mother? More than she would be willing to admit I bet."

It went silent again, "It can be arranged, but she would need to be there."

He thought back, "Need or wants?"

She replied, "It would speed up the dialog on this issue."

He thought back, "While they are there she can be there. She better be ready when I ask her to do some very hard things."

She thought back, "Like what?"

He sighed, "She would have to ask me that herself."

He heard Mother, "I have been following your conversation. Like what?"

Raven thought back to her, "Every person who was brought here by guile should know who the creator of this universe is. What you are trying to do. Find out what you can do to accommodate them as you have no way to return them.

Bar the Goddess who did it from recruiting from Earth. In fact, no goddess should be recruiting from Earth. Not active ones who run the worlds. If they do then they have to be trained on what they can and cannot do. Formulate a personality profile for each player.

Then ask them about a personality profile for the characters they like to play. If they are all into wanting to play evil characters send them to the sadistic bitches. If they are about heroic campaigns put them in a world that would accommodate that.

What if they are not into dungeon crawls but city politics and dealing with the destruction of the thieves' guild in a town or two. Different types of adventures. What about an all elven, or dwarven campaign set in those environments. You get the idea. I have no concept of what the other worlds do. I know the 2 I have been on were running a similar format. Get from a to z and level 20.

That will lead to repetitive and boring, quests that have characters bouncing between three of four cities trying to unravel a mystery are more entertaining. I will shut up now so you can respond."

Mother sighed, "Give up my biggest secret to them?"

He thought back "Give up the life that had and loved to be here through guile? They need to know why!"

Mother thought, "Knowing will make that big of a difference?"

He thought, "How high is the suicide rate for those who felt like they were tricked into being here? What if knowing that information enlightens them to know they have been selected because of their skills and love of the game to help build this new universe.

If they still kill themselves there is nothing you could do. This way you at least tried something. Instead of saying. 'What was done is done and I might be all-powerful but I cannot do shit to make your life here any better. Here is a sword for you to fall upon.'"

She thought back, "I get your point on trying something instead of being or at least appearing to be ambivalent. Especially in your eyes. They would be like the others. Never able to articulate it. Not even with another Goddess. The fact they know this would be for them alone."

He nodded, "Exactly. You save half of them it is a big win; you save one it is still a win. You know your process is still broken if that is the case. Improve the process so there are fewer of them that feel that way."

She sighed, "There have only been 6 since you came in. I will bring them all. I told you the numbers are small. Smaller now with the changes."

He thought back, "Those are lives you saved from potentially committing suicide here. Besides where I sit those numbers are not small. That is one every hour, 24 a day. You can do the math. Those new rules have been in place for less than 6 hours by Earth time and you still got 6."

Mother sighed, "I concede that point. You are correct. This is a small group and there are 2 who feel like you did."

He thought, "One goddess or two?"

She thought back, "Two of them. I have restricted their recruiting."

He thought back, "There is a big difference between barring them and restricting them. How have you restricted them? They can only go out on weekends for an hour each day?"

Mother thought back, "They cannot bring anyone forward. They have to have me do it and they have to have followed my rules as I am monitoring them. This does not expire. They will be that way for as long as they exist. They know they fucked up."

Raven thought back, "That is why you are bringing all 6. Those 2 were probably in the last 3 I asked for."

Mother sighed, "Yes. they were the last 2, in fact."

He thought, "Have you accepted the moniker of Mother Creator so when someone asks who you are you can tell them that?"

She responded, "I had not considered it before now but the name has grown on me and is very descriptive of what I am doing here. I accept that as a name for people to refer to me as. If they have encountered me. That number is still very small. You have almost doubled it with your ladies."

He thought, "Everyone recruited from Earth should meet you once. You create their bodies here they should know who did that."

She thought, "Again that is a small number and something I will do going forward. As to the adventures, there is a lot of truth in that. Most worlds are running that way. I will look into incorporating the ideas into one of my other worlds to start with. Not yours. Not yet. I want to see the concept perfected first before you rip into it."

He chuckled, "No such thing as perfection and I do not rip into quests I challenge the paradigm they are built upon. That is my job. To get players to use their characters and think outside the box.

What about the sadistic behavior and creating profiles so players on every world could be paired to a world that is a match. Or as close a match to what they want to do. Players on those worlds should be given the option to leave it."

She thought, "That might lead to a mass exodus to the point the world is no longer viable."

He thought, "It is not the world that is not viable but the goddess you have overseeing it."

She sighed, "For new players and graduates we can set up the kind of profile you are talking about. Existing players when they switch worlds."

Raven thought to Mother, "I want to come back to the sanctum tonight. I want to meet all of the high-risk suicides in an expanded classroom if necessary."

Mother thought back, "That is an arbitrary term."

Raven sighed and thought, "I know, it is up to you to decide how many I could potentially save for you. Just like this other meeting I want you there for this. We can try and put some of these ideas into action immediately."

Mother sighed, "That is a big ask on short notice."

Raven thought, "In a space where time is stopped for them. I do not see this as short notice. I see an opportunity to effect change. Some of these people might be dead tomorrow."

Mother groaned, "Very well we will try this."

He looked at the ladies after he finished eating.

"I have another meeting of the minds tonight. A very big meeting with a large audience."

Mary looked at Raven, "Who are you meeting with?"

He looked at her, "Those that are at high risk for committing suicide."

Mary sighed, "I want to be there for this."

Raven nodded, "I think I would like that."

He headed over to the bed and she joined him. He looked at the others, "Do not stay up too late, you need to level up your characters."

They laughed and got undressed. Mary was naked but he was not. She looked at him, "Not getting undressed?" He shook his head, "Suspect she will try some kind of nighttime encounter. She is not supposed to be able to modify the quests and these shelters are screwing with her encounters."

She got up and put her clothes and armor back on, "These things can be damaged?"

He nodded, "These can be damaged."

She finished getting dressed and slid in against him.

They headed off to sleep.

They were in an auditorium-style room. He shook his head, "I want a big semicircle. No seating yet. Everyone standing cannot fall asleep. All in the center section. I want a large open section in the front for when I bring a group up to talk with them."

He asked her, "How large of an audience?"

She looked at Raven, "22,000."

He nodded, "I want Mary and Myssara here as well. I may box you in on things you have already agreed to but this might expand that group."

She nodded, "I figured that out already."

Mary and Myssara were there now. He looked at Mary, "22,000. Almost the player population of 100 smaller worlds."

Her eyes went wide. The next moment the room was full of people. He looked out, "Calm down everyone. You are here because I requested it."

He looked across at them, "I am Raven. This is the first time I have attempted something like this. I will not be able to answer every concern everyone might have. I do want to get to the heart of the problems.

You are all here because I asked to meet with those in this universe who were at a high risk of suicide. I am here to try and save lives. Your lives. I would like a show of hands from the group of all of those here who like me originated on Earth."

He watched over half the room raise their hands and Mother closed her eyes.

He looked at them, "I would like all of you to come forward into this front circle."

He looked at Mother, "Block out all sight and sound outside this circle for the moment." She nodded and dark walls appeared around them. "There are three ladies here one is Myssara, any of you from her world. He saw 2 hands go up.

He nodded, "I will want to talk with you 2 separately. The other lady is Mary, my true love. She was not my first. Just my first in this world. Because of the sadistic bitch on my first world pushed her into committing suicide.

The world I destroyed. How many of you had Lyria as a goddess for your first world or transferred onto her world at some point?"

Half of their hands went up. He looked at Mother and then at them, "She is the goddess I killed. You can see why now. I assume you all walked in looking for a gaming group somewhere, saw the sign-up sheet, and ended up here?"

There was a lot of head nodding. "That practice has been eliminated. Any goddess who violates it has a severe restriction placed on them. Since those new rules, only 6 have come in. Mother, are any of those 6 here?"

She nodded, "They are both here."

He looked out, "Would you have those 2 come forward." They came forward, "The goddesses who brought you here violate the rules of the third lady. She is Mother Creator, a moniker I gave her.

She carried no name here for anyone to call her by. Those 2 goddesses are allowed to find talent but their ability to bring them here has been stripped from them. Mother has to confirm that they will follow the rules for all of eternity. That is PART of their penance. You were all pulled from Earth, like me. I figured something out. You are going to learn it right now as Mother gives you this information. Mother if you would."

They sat there and looked around as she finished. "Now for those of you who have been here a while it makes sense. No gods, only goddesses. Pregnancies are short, painless and the children were taken to keep the parents from forming an emotional bond. She had one with all of her children and their children's children. It ripped at her heart. She was separate after spending in some cases hundreds of years with them."

He looked at Mother, "You told them of where you went first?"

She nodded, "Yes they know of what I was doing and the betrayal from the gods I put in charge."

He looked at the group. "Every life we bring into this universe is one less than they will pull from Earth. I want to get with all of you but we are trying to do this en mass because some are higher risk than others and if I can save one, I would hope to save you all. I am still working to effect change. Every woman I fuck is pregnant first try except for dwarves, which I have not done, and halfling, which I have had a few in my bed.

I live in a world that has the tenants for lust, love, the hunt, magic, and procreation. I venerate Myssara for all of those things. The two who came forward. I will be talking with you in the next couple of days personally as part of the last 6 and only 6 who have come here since the rules changed.

I helped to force that change by destroying a goddess and her world. Before anyone asks. No, I cannot tell you how I did it. I am not capable of articulating it to you. Mary knows of Kerria and the hell she was put through.

She understands my motivation in helping you. Kerria was a local born who came into my life. The Goddess bitch of that world kept her from getting pregnant. She let her personas get pregnant left and right.

She allowed her to finally get pregnant if she left the world with the child. She never told her, her memory would be wiped. She would not remember how she became pregnant or even remember me in any manner.

The painless births we talked about did not happen to her. She was a virgin again and pregnant when she gave birth. When I finally spoke with Mother about her, after destroying that world, is when I found out she had taken her own life.

I had a party member in my first life that I talked off the ledge and she was happy going into her next life. There are chances to change your stars. Going back to Earth is not possible. There is no physical body to go back to.

The god of that universe is not that interactive that he would rebuild it for you. There is one thing you do need to know. Regardless of your beliefs. If you kill yourself, permanently kill yourself, in this universe your essence, what makes you be you, is scattered as energy to create new worlds and animals.

Like rain, if you will. It is permanent. You will not return to Earth and be reborn there. It does not work that way. One thing I found out early on is when I talked with Mother. She has to answer my questions honestly. If it is too broad, she can answer with partial information or purposefully vague. Keep your questions to her when you see her again to things that have a specific answer."

He looked at Mother, "Do I have over 400 children born or on the way?"

She looked at Raven, "Yes you do."

He asked her, "How many did I have with Kerria and then Mary?"

She looked at Raven, "1 and 7 with Mary. None this life as she is a halfling in-game."

They all stared at Raven and he looked at them, "Remember my genetics. I also have markers for multiple births. The most I have had one woman pregnant with is 10 at once. I have a lot of twins and triplets. I have also had 2 sets of Octuplets.

The other question you are asking, Elves, dwarves, and dragons are all real. You will not encounter them for real here. They live on separate and protected worlds in this universe as well as other races.

I need the two from Myssara's world to stay for a moment and everyone else can go back to the main group. I will address you again. This is not over. This is a long night. Like those boring all-day lectures, you got in high school or college. But with me instead."

He got a few chuckles. "I am no god. I am a champion to a Goddess. I got sucked in here, same as you. I figured out a way to come to terms with life here. I am hoping to help you all to do the same."

He got a few nodding heads. Mother removed the barrier and the 2 came forward and they were both females.

He looked at them, "Has this information helped you at all?"

They both shrugged. He grabbed one of their hands. What has got you so down?"

She looked at him, "I have had 6 children that I will never see grow up."

He looked at her, "All on this world?"

She nodded "Iw as on Lyria's world and died in the first inn after asking about tampions and jukeboxes in the bar."

Raven laughed, "Lyria told me about that encounter. You got sent here next without really running in her world. I want to know. If you could watch and be a part of these 6 children's lives would that be enough for you? While you have others while living here."

She looked at him, "Is that a possibility?"

Raven looked at her, "I would not ask if it was not a possibility. After these 6 are grown you would return to the game and have more children that you would not be able to raise but if you could do it for just these 6 would it be enough for you?"

She nodded, "I would at least get to be a mom to a large family. A single mother but still a mother."

He smiled, "Single mothers are the standard here. Lives within the game are so short."

She nodded, "True."

He looked at Myssara, "You already know what I will ask."

Myssara nodded, "I can make that happen for her." Her eyes lit up and she threw her arms around him and he hugged her back. Myssara continued, "You will be infertile while you are there. It will last roughly 18 years when they enter the game."