Champion of the Goddess Pt. 04


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I could ask you, 'How many players from Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, South America, or Africa you have here?' I say from the recruiting that the humans you are drawing in from Earth are not diverse enough. This is at least something holistic to the game worlds.

Remember I embraced both but was rejected by both because of my 'impurities.' Perfect for a universe that was treating men like cattle in a meat market. Trying to get a lot of stud servicing done. You were giving men no reason to live long.

They had no goal other than to continue playing and fucking everything that moved if that was their desire. Now they have stages of expertise, with the goal of finding a like-minded goddess to be a champion for in another world.

They can be more than just a player or source of genetic material. I am expanding the genetic material in the human population with my complex genetics. If Mother was concerned about it, she would not have given me the choice.

The Elven Queen is fascinated because I am producing children with eye colors that have been lost for several millennia. She has to decide what she wants to do. She told Mother that she did not want her people to be a part of any experiments.

Now she is seeing lost elven genetics emerge from my children. Am I not doing what my half-elf sought out to do? Challenge the establishment and adding diversity?"

Another lady stood, "If this is so good why only one half-elven champion."

He smiled, "That deals with the fact that I led the way. We have discovered things about half-elven champions. An overabundance of energy. If it went critical it could turn me into a god. That would be a threat to this universe."

That caused a few murmurs, "Because of the elven portion of my genetics it can build fairly fast. Having children with the Goddesses drops it to a safe level. In-game I am running a gestalt character now. I may be gestalt builds forever. That draws off and expends some energy. I was the first and because of these complications the last."

One lady looked at him, "I am not as familiar with what version you are playing so I do not know what a Gestalt is?"

Raven looked at her, "My character is like two in one. I am a wizard and magus who is going up in arcane archer and eldritch knight prestige classes at the same time. I have to temper what I do in-game. When things feel like they are getting out of control I could unload.

I have thus far refused or should I say tempered that desire. I have a mission this life to get this character to level 20 no matter what. I am working on making sure the party that I am training is prepared to succeed.

That means they have to do their part. Right now, I have two jobs if you will. Up in the 'dream state' getting my energy levels checked and creating more offspring. Single baby births are rare for mothers who conceive from me.

10 is the most I have given any single woman and that was once. I have one lady in the party with me that has 9 in her. A couple of sets of octuplets."

One lady looked at him, "What did you do to that Goddess?"

He looked at her, "What she did to the 2 humans who came here. We took away her identity and remade her to a different image. She actually looked better after than before.

A triple D breasts and large ass with puffed out lips. She looked like a cross between a barbell and a fish. Mother, show her the two images of her naked so she can see we did not make her ugly or deformed. We removed the deformities she put into her persona.

The other thing she dealt with was having the last year of sexual assaults she performed as memories from the victim's perspective. If you are running your world as it is me versus them, then you are losing.

She failed when she brought those 2 here, she failed as a trainer to another goddess. I made sure she would enjoy anal and vaginal sex. But only through love. I had Mother move all of the pleasure centers to those locations and both holes were as tight as a teenage halfling. Good sex she would enjoy greatly. Rough sex would tear her up.

Mother, you gave the goddess she was training the last two weeks of those assaults. Would you give her just the images dealing with the 2 human males she brought from Earth, the male's perspective? That is 2 of thousands." Mother nodded and gave them to her and she screamed bloody murder and sat in a fetal position.

He looked at her, "What was done to her, was it reasonable? I wanted to change her to half-dwarf and half-troll."

She looked over, "Thousands you said?"

He looked at Mother who sighed and looked at her, "Over 40,000 in the last 10 years alone."

She looked back at Raven, "I do not think you went far enough."

He sighed, "Apparently it was too far for her and her little group who rebelled. Myssara, show her what she requested on the altar with the persona I defined. Show them what anatomy she was taking as well."

She brought forth the naked persona with an erection and then showed the images. Of the altar. When it was done, he looked at them. "She refused my offer to take the virginity she was given the one she raped out of countless women. She tortured herself for hours with a strap on instead.

She was given several different options and she turned them all down for raping herself with a fucking toy. Make sure they all get a copy of that training session with the graduates up to where we dismissed the other. You will see my method, the best method I have in that image.

I have never done a virgin wrong. I had one do herself wrong but that is in the class. I am not into torture. I advocate for women on the rebirth hymen issue. I advocated for the new cantrip 'about last night.' I have one Goddess in the audience here who I have had sex with.

She still owes me one fuck by the way. It failed in the water but that does not stop another shot into that cunt away from the water. She was required to be a virgin in both locations and once she lost her hymen, she adopted the standard and the cantrip.

Being a virgin in both locations has been a requirement by me including twice in each hole for any Goddess. That included Mother. I showed her what it felt like for a human to have a night of good sex and then take a short ride on a horse.

To understand what she was doing to the females within her worlds. Mother never had a hymen before. Her children did, as did all of you when you were human. I am the only male she will allow into her ass because I did her right.

The last time a male attempted that she was still on Earth popping out children through painful pregnancies every 9 months or so. For hundreds of years. He did not do her right."

One goddess popped up, "Pregnancies are not painful here."

Raven glared at Mother, "Give her the birth of Jason from Kerria's perspective."

He heard from Mother, "She will not heal from this, another lesson for a few of these goddesses who are holding back."

Mother smirked and gave it to her. She screamed her bloody head off.

Raven looked at her, "On Earth, that kind of pain can go on for hours. The Goddess who took her away shipped her to another world, pregnant and a virgin. No memory of me or how she got that way. She gave birth and ripped out her hymen in one shot.

Then, she was expected to get back up on a horse and ride the next morning. One of those goddesses was one of the 22 who died earlier, I found out after she was dead. I met her when I worked out a swap to get my son to Myssara's world."

He looked at her, "Would you like Myssara to hit you with that cantrip?"

She looked at Mother, "Why can I not heal?"

Mother looked at her, "You were one of the leaders for women always having hymen. One of those who refuse to give her players access to this new cantrip. You want the pain to go away, ask Myssara."

She looked over and talked mentally to Myssara. Myssara touched her and she was able to stand again

She looked at Raven, "This is the woman who had that done to her?"

He shook his head, "No. Mother told you all, Kerria committed suicide shortly after going through that painful birth. Mother instituted new rules after that dealing with transfers. This was all before I destroyed that world or even before I met her. Those things were her doing alone."

She looked at Mother, "I will add the cantrip with the new hymen guidelines."

He looked at Mother, "Maybe all of those who were on the hymen always and no cantrip bandwagon would benefit from that experience?"

Mother smiled, "Not all of them are here but you make a fair point."

He watched a dozen women curl up in a ball.

Myssara tended to them all as they asked for it to stop. Mother looked at Raven, "All of the holdouts on that issue have reconsidered their position. That is now a standard throughout the universe and will remain so."

Raven looked at the lady who asked the 'why not fully human question', "I gained nothing from that. I would likely have to fuck for 2 days straight with no sleep before I needed that cantrip.

I cannot play a female. I am not into men in any fashion. This was affecting the female population probably a hundred times worse. I didn't do it for the elves but for the human females who play all of these races and had to experience that pain over and over again. Also gay and bisexual males.

Every time they started a new character. I told you I am not into torture. Some people just need to feel a good or in that case a bad situation to realize it is needed. That will help some of the suicide issue and the procreation issue. You want to know what I am about? I am anti-torture, anti-masochism, anti-sadism, anti-suicide, and anti-goddess versus player.

I am pro on the following. Love, lust, procreation, hunting, magic, teamwork, teaching, learning, healing, good, and role-playing over constant battles. Finding treasure over buying it. Creativity and trying the absurd. There's a lot more but I think that gives you a framework."

One of the goddesses who had been laying on the floor earlier spoke, "What do you mean by anti-goddess versus player?"

He looked at her, "Goddesses who think it is their job to cause party-wipe after party-wipe for their OWN amusement. This is supposed to have a layer of fun for the player. On Earth when I was the Game Master and God over the game. It was not me versus the player.

It was me setting the foundation of the story and watching to see how they handle it. Watching how it evolved, action versus reaction. Hidden actors the players knew nothing about...yet. The mysteries they tried to unravel and the evil they tried to bring a stop too.

Make it a challenge but not a party wipe situation for every major battle. My first run on Myssara world, I talked a Paladin out of committing 'in-game suicide' by trying to fight 2 fire drakes at level 3 or 4.

Regardless. I had him examine his beliefs. Kill all evil by attacking without thought. OR...protect the caravan and keep your honor intact. He had 30 some human, elven, and dwarven lives depending on him.

I tied 6 horses together and sent them down the road to where the 2 fire drakes were hunting. One breath. Boom. Dead. They ate and had food to take with them as they left. Not every encounter is a battle. Some battles are designed as a must. Fine, I understand and agree with that, but make sure they have a decent chance of success if they play it smart.

The idea is to keep the game going and letting them learn from their mistakes and not become complacent. Sometimes to think outside the box. It is never a personal threat to you. You are setting up the environment and characters the players interact with.

You are the bards. Recording the history and finer points of each party. The story writer who watches all of this. Cataloging all the crazy things you have seen players do. Some that worked and some that did not work.

Things that made you laugh and things that make you think, what the fuck. Your job is to strike the balance in the challenges. Before any of you say 'I am not a Goddess and you do not care about my experiences on Earth,' let me add the following.

I will remind you of 2 facts. One, I killed a goddess and destroyed her world. Besides Mother, I do not know of anyone else here who has done that. Second, I am a Gaming Grand Master which means when I am talking to a goddess about encounters, gaming styles, and approaches I am doing so in that capacity.

In that regard, I work for Mother. I am Myssara's Champion and I do these kinds of things every single day. Anything to make her world better. Ways to improve encounters. To have the players enjoy life more. Live, love, and learn."

It was quiet for almost an hour as they appear to be doing the metal communication thing. Finally, they all start disappearing and the one goddess he owed a fuck to had stayed behind.

He looked at her. "Glory, Myssara will contact you in my next dream cycle to take care of our obligation. I have a world to get back to. To do my other job."

She smiled and left. He looked at Mother, "Well how many want to kill me now?"

Mother chuckled, "There are a few who find you arrogant but those that experienced what you could do and what you did do...they now have a better feel for you.

The whole hymen thing and the fact you do not have one struck a chord with some. Your talk on the gaming approach is what led to the big discussion some were offended and others asked them why. A Goddess IS in charge of creating and maintaining a world. Establishing the encounters for an area, the politics, and everything.

Destroying the characters on a whim is not a goddess's job. A few liked the descriptions of them as Bards while others thought they had to be more interactive in the battles. It led to a long discussion."

She chuckled. "Some liked your predictions of their responses. Destroying a Goddess and working for me. Doing your job as a Gaming Grand Master. I told them you have been doing an outstanding job in Myssara's world.

You helped the humans of more than the world you are on. You have done it for this universe. I have had a few disagreements with you but then you would turn the table on me. I told them, 'He asked how I would or did react when I was on Earth?'

It caused me to change some because you challenged me. Not for control. To get myself to examine what and how I did things, to remember who I was in the beginning. Some are still trying to figure out what your angle is. What are you scheming at?"

He chuckled, "Right now getting to that damned next inn. I swear I spend 3 days in here for every single day in-game."

Mother laughed, "This session was closer to 6 months in here if time had not been stopped for you."

He looked at Mary, "We have to watch using the phrase True Love in town. After that announcement."

She nodded, "I understand and agree. We are likely to get mauled after that announcement."

He looked at Mother, "You left our daughters' names out so I did the same."

She smiled, "They know who they are already. Some have been monitoring the Goddesses going in and out as well as the non-goddess who keeps appearing. Thank you anyway."

He nodded, "That was why Ravanna was not here?"

Mother smiled, "Same reason a lot of them were not here. A flood of new people to get in-game after the other worlds were destroyed. Around 70% of those taken out of those worlds clapped when they heard their goddess was dead.

Only a small few were upset by it, but they are headed to other worlds that have that same playstyle. A couple of sadistic types that remain I ensured they had the evil tenant added to them."

He sighed, "You mentioned my name so many times some are going to think I went and destroyed those worlds."

Mother looked at him, "No. I did. You just reminded me that a little house cleaning was in order and they made it too easy."

Raven chuckled, "You destroyed their phylacteries."

The ladies laughed and he saw Mary disappear.

He looked at Mother, "One last thing. I forgive you."

Mother looked shocked. He looked at Myssara, "Sending me back?"

Myssara nodded, "Mary wanted a head start."

He shook his head and she smiled.

Raven was woken up by the sensation of multiple mouths as they worked on his cock. Mary looked at the others, "He is coming around." They worked faster and he shot off 20 into the air.

He looked down and they had taken his pants completely off again. He had 5 faces covered in cum looking at him and he groaned, "What did I do to warrant the special attention this morning?"

Rhonda looked at him, "You trying to tell us you are the only one who did not hear the announcement?"

He looked at her, "This the one with Mother destroying 22 worlds or another announcement?"

They laughed and Mary looked at him, "They know who you are now. The secrets you have been holding back. Some of the work you have been doing on their behalf. Plus, the fact you have been impregnating Goddesses even so far as to create one."

He chuckled, "Technically I created a half-goddess, then the goddess, and then started fucking babies with elven traits into 2 goddesses. I kept secrets because I had to. Until they were ready to reveal them. She revealed a ton of them.

I have 2 jobs, running with you and one dealing with everything else. What counts for sleep here is sometimes days or months in the dream state. With no sleep there. Last night was 6 months at that time stopped state. I wake here rested because the body is rested and ready to go.

The mind...not so much. Speaking of which I need you, ladies, to allow me to get up or you will be getting rained on next as I am ready to go."

They laughed and backed away. They have grouped together and had a face cleaning make out session. He studied up his spells for the day. Then washed up and dressed. He gathered his belongings and met the ladies outside.

Nothing was out there but the location was new and he thought, "Ensure Mary knows the deal on this."

He smiled, "All clear out here. let us get these horses moving."

He headed into the stable and started in the back. He moved them out one at a time on lead ropes with all of the horse's tack in place. He got some help from Rose and Mary. Soon they had them all in place. He had 20 on his string and Mary has all the ponies plus some more.

Blossom looked at him, "You hang onto the stable once we are in town."

He shook his head, "I have been pulled from groups one too many times. I do not want that item to go with me when it will be needed here. I have no plans on going anywhere but."

Blossom cut him off, "As the party leader I am leaving that in your capable hands. End of discussion."

The ladies laughed. Blossom looked at her, "You are getting better at that. So good in fact that I will not accompany you when you get pulled in to deal with getting the quest details, collecting the bounties, or selling off the sky metal and skins in town.

I will hit the magic shop outside of town and pay for an item to be crafted and buy a few other items. Also, reduce us down to around 18-20 horses to care for. You need to decide if we will keep the wagon or not. I will hold back another 6 horses for that just in case. I will sell off over half of them when we arrive."

Blossom nodded, "Why not just the wagon?"

Raven looked at her, "We probably should but until you get the details of our quest, I would hold off on that."

She nodded, "Good point. If we have to travel far and fast a wagon will slow us down."

Raven nodded, "In which case getting a second portable hole might be a good idea. For carrying all the water, and other supplies. Do not let them sucker you into seeing the local ruler until we have had a chance to round out our party. We might have to give out some gear.

That armor, the one leader is wearing, someone wanted it, Rose I believe. If the ruler wants to keep that armor then make them pay market value plus extra for it, 25% above the cost of the base sky metal armor with the enchantments that are on it. That will likely shut them up.