Champion of the Goddess Pt. 05


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He smiled. "Cresna is my wife in this life and my True Love."

She nodded, "I know we saw the ring and asked about that. Ours are just gold rings and we did not want the sex with everyone going this life. I will let you know I will pass on having children with you because I watched the one-off for Vain and you'd ruin sex for any other man that followed you."

He laughed, "It is your choice. Remember, if you want to be together past this life then the goddess will want you exploring relations with others. Else next life you might find yourselves separated. They do not allow for monogamy right now."

She nodded, "We know and we discussed it and we will be alright if we have a monogamy life this life and explore a bit next life even if we are not together for that. We will talk more about that as we go along."

Frank nodded, "We both had a relatively good virgin experience thanks to your tutorial."

Raven nodded, "That was the goal. I am heading out to where the caravans are being put together to find us one to escort."

Frank nodded, "Give us a few minutes to get dressed and we will come along."

He nodded, "That would be fine."

The two from across the hall got armored up, one in full plate and one in chain-mail. He nodded to them

The one who was the barbarian type looked over, "Jedidiah is the fighter and I am Ox. We want to go with you as well."

He nodded, "That is fine. We will meet the four of you downstairs. Frema you want to let the other 3 know everyone else wants to join us to watch these exchanges?"

She nodded and walked back to the room; Cresna got the merchant room for the 5 of them. He went downstairs and looked around and there were not many people here he thought, "New starting point?"

He heard her laugh, "No people from that class are upstairs breaking virginities. Another party; half of one anyway. I have another 2 groups nearing completion. A third level 10 group starting over with one character that will be there tomorrow.

A level 15 group, starting over tomorrow and the remains of another will likely be there in a couple of days. Part of them will come here. The ones who survive. I have 24 starting points now with the 22 worlds destroyed and the influx of players from that.

The suicides you helped to stop, what I had before, and this large graduating class. I am approaching 400 players in-game on this world now. You helped to take 3 possible leaders into guardian status.

Yet, between those you trained and some of the ones they trained I have 20 viable leaders coming in the next few days to help these new graduates. With some experienced players who could become leaders if they applied themselves."

He thought back, "I get these 3 sets of couples through, to whichever state they get to and they restart them in the pairs if that is what they want for one life without me at least. See if they can rise to the challenge and pursue expanded relationships if they have not already."

Myssara laughed, "We will see. Julia would like to run with you again but not being into women keeps that from happening. That is why she is on the fence about the future."

He looked back and he had everyone there and he walked outside. He looked at Cresna, "We want to find a group leaving first thing in the morning preferably but the right group is more important."

Cresna sighed, "Why?"

Raven sighed, "Myssara will be flooding this location with other parties coming in from different levels 10, 15, and 20 starting tomorrow and running over the next few days. Pieces of them along with 5-6 first lifers she sent to this location who are upstairs breaking virginities right now. It will get crowded and right now we have options. The sooner we find the right caravan to escort out, the better."

He went to the general store and got a map for the area and looked at it and the human kingdom that outlined 12 different trade routes. Only 3 went directly to the human kingdom. The other 9 would have another inn en route to it.

He pointed at the routes and looked at everything, "She said lots of options." He went to a 'jobs board' and 16 caravans slated to leave from tomorrow to 7 days out. He pointed it out and over to the stable areas and the back of the store area bore that out.

They saw 7 caravans loading. Cresna shook her head, "Wow, she was not kidding about options."

He walked the line of them once with everyone following along. He tagged 3 possible out of the 7 and pulled the group to the side, "Two groups are 10 wagons long, they have no spare horses and those wagons are full; end to end. I saw no guards and no spare horses.

They would need 20-30 guards and horses for that to work on each of them. With 30-40 horses, to have spares for their wagons. The stables don't have that many spare horses so those two are out.

In fact, the stable is woefully understocked on horses for the number of caravans going. 3 groups have 5-7 wagons with no spare horses and at least 4 that are going to go lame in route in each of those 2 caravans. Those are groups we could impress to get hired and protect with a party of this size.

The other 2 are at 8 wagons. They are running 6 horse teams off each wagon and have spare horses for scouts. They also look to have plenty of guards already making them a non-starter as they won't want a group this size. We start with the 3 groups of 5-7 wagons."

He walked around and found the different wagon masters and they were all gathered together talking.

He walked up with his group, to them, "Any of the caravans looking for guards? My team is 9 men and women deep."

The wagon masters looked over, and one asked, "Where are you looking to go?'

He looked back, "Depends on where the wagons are looking to go."

The man nodded, "You know much about caravans?"

Raven nodded, "I know the third, fourth, and seventh teams in the line are in trouble already. They each have 4 horses that would be lame before getting to the next delivery point.

Teams 1 and 2 are extremely large, with no sign of guards, or spare horses for caravan guards or scouts. They appear to be ore wagons given the number of horses in comparison to the size of the wagons.

No space in the wagons for a cook to prepare food which means you are looking at a dry ration only trip to wherever you are going. Depending on bandit activity you might need 24 guards for each of those caravan's minimum, and a slew of horses to support them. Not enough in the stables to do them both right. That means they will be hard-pressed to have adequate guards unless they are hiding somewhere else.

That leaves the fifth and sixth teams that have extra horses for scouts and guards but are probably not looking for a group this size.

Without talking with the wagon Masters, The third, fourth, and seventh groups are in need of assistance. I have no idea what they already have. If you have scouts and guards set up somewhere else away from the wagons you are loading which would be a problem.

You have little to no security other than the local town guards and they are understaffed in this border town. The inn does not show many available bodies to support your efforts other than the people currently around you.

9 other caravans are coming up in the next 7 days according to the schedule on the 'jobs board.' That means some of these will need to be moved out on the road soon. With enough guards to support them or not."

He looked at his team, "Besides me, how many of you have horses?" He saw Cresna and her sister having horses. Tonya held up a hand, "Pony." Neither of the Paladins, fighter or barbarian had horses yet.

He pointed out, "Cresna is a Blade Singer and my wife, her sister is a ranger, and I am a cleric to Myssara. The halfling who does not have a pony is a wizard, the three in full plate are two Paladins, the third is a fighter and the one beside him is a barbarian. They all have ranged and melee weapons. Tonya is the halfling with a pony and is a rogue scout."

One of the wagon masters walked forward, "I have that third team, Show me these horses."

He walked over to the third wagon, "Rear two horses, front leg lower tendon. Look at the ground. You see how there are repeated hoof marks. Now, look at the front leg on the other side. See how that is not present. The horse is favoring that one leg. Lifting it off the ground every few minutes to take the pressure off of it and putting it back down.

Compare the lower tendons on that horse from right front to left front and you will see it is about one and half times as large. The other horse, the rear outer tendon on the left side; clear as day. You have one on the sixth wagon and one on the seventh wagon. Cleric of Myssara, tenants of hunting. I know a few things about horses. Plus, we have a ranger. You are down a wagon of goods and you have not even left yet."

The Wagon Master walked over to a group of men and spoke with them. One came over and Raven showed him all 4 horses.

The human sighed and nodded, "Those 4 will be a problem."

Raven walked back with his group to the Wagon Masters, "They confirmed the issues with those 4 horses. We are looking for work."

He had a female elf walk up to him, "What can you tell me about the seventh team, that one is mine."

He walked the team again and looked at the horses and walked the line, "Where you headed?" He held out his map to her and she pointed to a spot that went off the main trail and cut inward."

He sighed waved her back to the last wagon he looked at her, "This wagon smells of elven silk and the second smells of hundreds if not thousands of bottles of perfume. A high-end elven perfume that might be headed to a brothel but it is still high-end perfume and not the cheap stuff.

That road you pointed at crosses two dried out riverbeds going to this small town out to nowhere. You are not headed there with that kind of cargo; you would smash half your cargo traveling across those streams.

You are going straight at this turnoff and headed for the human capital. As to the horses, the second wagon, lead horse on the left side needs to be moved to be the rear horse on one of the other wagons.

The one behind it moved up. The one replaced moved into the opening. The lead horse has nip marks on its tail and missing hair. Now it might be a great lead horse but I cannot tell you if the marks occurred from the horse presently behind it or another but the marks are fairly fresh.

Moving it to the second rank on another wagon is a better bet and least likely to be a problem with it getting bit in the ass. Those wounds should have time to heal before they get infected. If the one behind it is doing the damage it might try to return the favor if you just swap positions.

If the horse behind it is responsible then moving it forward takes care of the problem as it has nothing to nip in front of it. As that one has all the perfume in it, having horses fighting each other or one going out of control from being injured would be a bad idea for your cargo."

She stared at Raven and then went back to the second wagon and looked at the horses. She went and spoke to one of her people, another elf who came back and took a look at the horse and they talked in elven. Raven heard everything she said from the last wagon as he stood with the group, "Cresna, how am I doing?"

She laughed, "You are giving everyone in the party an education on horses and traits using all of these wagon teams. Also, how to talk and ask the right questions to find out where they are truly going."

Frema smiled, "You have excellent observation skills. How did you know the smell of silk cargo?"

He chuckled, "Because Myssara loves the feel of silk sheets and I know the smell of them having been in her bed many times. Elven silk sheets to be exact as that is who makes them here. Not dwarven silk sheets."

The group chuckled and the lady walked back and sighed, "You are too damned observant."

He smiled, "Cleric of Myssara. Tenants of love, lust, the hunt, magic, and procreation. The smell of silk and perfume would be things the goddess would appreciate, therefore as one of her ardent followers I would be remiss not to know the care and mannerisms of horses, the smell of perfume, and the smell of silk. If you wish to test my knowledge of lust and procreation, just let me know."

Cresna smiled, "Trust me. I am his wife and he does know those tenants VERY well. He married me because I like to play with the ladies too."

She sighed, "I am beyond the years to conceive."

He smiled, "I have had the privilege of proving that is not always the case to eleven royalty on another occasion, as well as a few barmaids in my travels. They showed as infertile, but they were not that way when I was done filling up their pulsating pussies. Both my wife and her twin sister are pregnant from me.

If our little halfling lovers were half-elven instead of halfling they would be pregnant right now." Raven looked at Julia. "Julia, our female paladin is pregnant with one boy but that is from her husband. Cresna is carrying 3 boys and Frema is carrying 3 boys and 2 girls from me. I am a very devoted follower of the goddess. You never gave us your name. I am Garran'Shia Eclipsing Moon, future Scion to the Goddess Myssara."

Her knees about buckled and she held up a finger, "I am Zira'Viza Moonbow. Wait right here a second."

She walked away and spoke to her man about the horses again. Raven looked at her, "She is infertile at the moment. He is as well. He is upset because she wants children but he doesn't want her fucking another. Her husband. She is reminding him about fucking around behind her back but he does not care. He does not want another man fucking his wife."

Cresna looked over, "You want me to talk to him?"

He shrugged, "Free will my love, you know what you cannot tell them."

She walked over and talked with the 2 of them. He walked further back and spoke with everyone, "Giving her a chance to roleplay some. Everyone caught what I did for the horses, the traits observed, the tendons, the smells of the perfume, the logic of taking that across washed-out river beds, and my attempt to get her to save her cargo."

Ox nodded, "Also your attempt to talk her out of her clothes."

The others laughed but he nodded, "All roleplaying, observation, and using skills. Vina, you have a job to do. She signs us on. You need to come back and check all of the wagons' harnesses with the two paladins and fighter and barbarian to check the wheels. If you find something cracked then mend it up. That will become one of your favorite cantrips."

She nodded, "Alright I have that one."

He nodded, "That second wagon is worth a fortune to them, that does not mean the others are not worth a fortune it just means we can smell it is worth a fortune."

She nodded, "Anything else?"

"Keep cold spells on hand, it will help if any fire breaks out. Paladins will focus guarding the last wagon, the fighter, and barbarian the first wagon during travels. If they pick us up. It looks like the exchange is getting heated."

Tonya went up and got in on the conversation while Raven stayed back. The ladies came back and Cresna sighed, "Short of telling him there is no way to get it through that man's head. He does not even want us for guards. She wants us for guards."

Raven waved everyone back. "Wait here."

He walked over to the man, "I will make no move to bring your wife into my bed and deal with a jealous husband who wishes to deny his wife the ability to have children. That is between a husband and his wife to decide. Especially when it could lead to a way to fix your own fertility issues. Your own shortcomings at it were."

Raven held out a hand to the man who was getting pissed. He grabbed Raven's hand and squeezed it and Raven squeezed back until bones started snapping in his hand and he screamed out in pain. Raven looked at him, "When a hand is offered with a sincere statement trying to break the person's hand is not a wise thing to do to a servant of the Goddess Myssara."

He helped him back to his feet and set the bones in his hand and then healed it up.

He let the man's hand go, "I am a cleric of Myssara and she holds no malice for those who have sincere love for their spouse. If you have better guards available then please seek them out but you should switch the order of the horses regardless."

He walked back to the others, "Time to eat."

They went back to the inn and Frema asked, "What did that accomplish?"

He smiled, "More than you would think. Cresna, tell her about the barbarian last life who challenged me."

Cresna chuckled and held them back and told them about him crushing that man's hand when getting questioned about being the Raven. They came in and Vina looked at him, "She said you gave him a warning last time."

He nodded, "I did, right now he is trying to figure out how an unarmored cleric to Myssara just crushed his hands without the ability of divine assistance. One who questioned his love of his wife and denying her children when an offer to fix it had been offered. He has been unfaithful to her and fears she will do it to him if we come along."

They sat and ate their meal and Zira'Viza walked in and up to the table, "How did you do that to his hand?"

He looked at her, "I told you I am a devoted follower to the Goddess Myssara. Beyond that answer, I cannot tell you anything other than if you really want to know, pray to the goddess for answers. If she answers you then she wants you to know.

If she does not, then she may want you to take it on faith or make up your own minds on the matter. Before you tell me, his hand is still sore, I set his bones and then healed him up enough to not suffer any long-term issues.

What he did was a foolish attempt to try and assert dominance over a servant of the Lady Myssara. Short-term is another matter. If he has something to say to me in this matter, like an apology, then I will heal up his hand fully.

It is not malice; the goddess has no malice toward those who sincerely love their wife or husband. I meant what I said. Through me, I can fix your fertility and through you, he can then fix his own failed fertility, his perceived shortcoming. If you do not have faith in that answer then that is your educated choice in the matter."

She sighed and walked away for now. He finished eating. Cresna asked him, "What has Myssara said to you on this?"

He shook his head, "Nothing, we have free will remember."

She smiled, "Naturally. She and Mother have been totally silent on this matter?"

He nodded, "True and I am testing her to see if she lets these personas have free will over the decision or not. Thus far, the husband had been acting like an idiot. If hse is controlling them it makes little sense. If she gave them free-will then they have no concept in how to use it and that is just as bad."


Myssara did not like his comments on her persona's programming. Mother could see it was not acting rationally but left it to Myssara to address.


He headed upstairs as everyone went back to their rooms. He stripped down as did the ladies. He smiled, "I want to try one more thing with Vina before Tonya sheaths the sword for the night."

Vina smiled, "Will this hurt?"

He chuckled, "Not that I know of. You have free will and you have been told I rarely instigate sex."

She nodded, "Alright."

He picked her and put her on his shoulders and went down on her for almost 40 minutes setting her off left and right. He brought her down onto his cock and she kissed him franticly and tried to get her tongue into his tonsils as he laid her back and started fucking her faster and faster.

She started to scream out an orgasm. He placed his hands over her stomach and focused himself on her and she got louder, "Your hands are getting warm. Really warm."