Charlie Comes Home Pt. 01


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His cock was already beginning to swell. "Yeah," he said. "Love you too, mum."

He drifted off thinking of her hand on his cock and how he would test her love for him the following day. She had a lot to make up for.

Claire struggled to sleep. Thoughts of Charlie filled her mind. Although she had planned for his coming home, she feared that her life was about to change irrevocably. All of her time would be taken up caring for him and it scared her. It would be a challenge and she hoped she could match up to his expectations. She also noted with concern, the damp patch in her panties. Claire was not used to sexual responses. With Charles, their lovemaking had been exactly as she'd anticipated. They would kiss and he would tenderly suckle her breasts, which were very sensitive. That was all the foreplay she required, then he would insert himself and make love to her until he climaxed. That would be it and she'd been more than happy.

She ruminated over her son. It was very difficult to comprehend the size of her Charlie's penis. She thought all men were roughly the same size, like her late husband. She'd never considered they could be smaller or larger and my God, Charlie was, well........massive. As she pondered seeing him naked, her tummy tingled and the damp patch grew a little. She didn't like it, so forced the image away and turned over.

At 5am, Claire turned over to silence the alarm. She was more tired than usual after a fitful nights sleep. Upon removing her nightdress and panties to shower, she noticed the dried white stains in the gusset. She felt the rush of guilt fill her cheeks and quickly threw the soiled garment into the laundry basket.

After showering and dressing, she made herself coffee in the kitchen and planned her day with Charlie. Perhaps they could go out together and shop for clothes for him. Maybe a trip to the cinema or a museum. At 6am she tentatively looked in to see if he was awake. He wasn't, but she couldn't help notice the huge tenting of the duvet and as she quietly closed the door, her tummy tingled again. She really didn't understand why, or maybe she did. Claire certainly didn't like it.

At 7am she checked on him again and this time he was awake. "Good morning baby," she greeted him with a kiss to his forehead. "Do you want a coffee?" she asked cheerily, hoping he was in good spirits.

"I always shower first mother," he said flatly. He watched her, waiting for her to make a decision. "For fucks sake," he said angrily. "That means you need to wash me mother. Are you fucking stupid?"

His outburst took her by surprise. " I'm not stupid Charlie," she said, trying to stay calm. Trying not to get upset. "This is all new for me baby, remember?"

His face turned a bright shade of red. "It's fucking new to me too you stupid fucking bitch! I fucking well shower as soon as I get up and when you've done that, I need my teeth brushing. Get the fucking wheelchair and help me off this fucking bed.........unless you think I can fucking well CRAWL into the shower!"

Tearlful and humiliated, Claire helped her son. Thankfully, he wasn't erect like he'd been earlier, but even as she helped him onto the shower bench, her eyes were drawn to the huge appendage hanging between his thighs. It was only then that she realised she hadn't contemplated the process of bathing him.

Charlie did what he always did in the shower first thing, and began to urinate. Claire rushed to step back, but he'd already splashed her feet.

"What the fuck is wrong with you mother?" he asked sarcastically. "Were you hoping to get your hands on my fucking prick again? Huh?"

She stayed silent, brutally aware that this was going to become a normal part of her life. She straightened up, took a deep breath and forced back the rush of feelings. "No Charlie, I just didn't expect you to just....."

He laughed wickedly. "Just what mother?" he snapped. "Just piss in the shower? Well you better get fucking used to it," he barked at her, adding. "So, I bet you haven't thought about how you're going to shower me have you?"

She hadn't and he knew it. "How did Joshua do it?" she asked calmly.

He relaxed. "Sorry mum," he pouted. "I had a bad night. I don't mean to shout. It's just a lot to get used to, you know?"

She stroked his hair. "It's ok Charlie."

"Joshua used to shower with me," he explained. "He said it was just easier that way."

It wasn't a lie, That's what Joshua did do, but only after he'd started wanking and sucking him off. Before then, he would put Charlie in the bath rather than the shower, meaning he could stayed clothed.

"You mean.......naked with you?" she asked, not quite certain and definitely concerned.

"Well he wouldn't get in the fucking shower with his fucking clothes on would he you dumb fucking bitch," he snarled, reverting back to anger.

Claire stuttered. "P......please Charlie," she said quietly. "I really don't like you speaking to me like that." She hoped he would understand and calm down.

"Well, if you don't like it you should stop acting like a stupid fucking cunt then mother and get on with washing me," he retorted harshly. "I'M FUCKING WAITING!"

Knowing he would begin to get really aggressive, Claire capitulated and stripped naked. Charlie didn't like the thick, bushy mop of dark pubic hair around his mothers twat. No, he really didn't like it at all. He liked the clean looking shaven cunts he seen on the internet porn he was so addicted to. Her tiny tits looked good though, as did the long, brown, thumb sized nipples that stood out from the small mounds of flesh. Her arse was small but round and firm and her legs were well proportioned. He liked that. Even her feet were small, like her hands. He liked that too and his cock rose to full hardness.

She tried to ignore the way Charlie looked at her and the mind boggling sight of her son's huge hard penis, but in such close proximity, it was almost impossible. She recalled her late husband's 4 inch erection briefly. Charlie must be close to 3 times that and possibly 4 times his fathers girth. Feeling extremely vulnerable, naked in front of her son, she turned on the shower and began the task of washing him. After cleaning him everywhere else, it wasn't long before she had to face the fact that she would have to soap Charlie's genitals.

Avoiding his intense gaze, Claire began with his anus, then moved to his large testicles. "What are you doing mother?" he asked sternly. "You haven't finished yet. Joshua uses a finger in my arsehole," he lied. "He said it was the only way to make sure I was clean. You want me to be clean don't you?"

Claire baulked at the prospect, but gave in and inserted a soapy digit into her son's anus, thankful that the finger looked clean when she completed the job. Joshua was obviously very thorough and if he could do it, so could she.

Then she moved to wash his testicles. My God, each one was almost too big for her small feminine hands, but she persevered, massaging the soap into the wrinkled loose flesh. Charlie's large testicles felt heavy. Having never handled a mans balls, she was surprised by the weight.

"Make sure you get plenty of soap on my cock, mother," he barked, when Claire started to clean the massive erection facing her. "Under the foreskin too.," he added. Fuck, his mother's hands felt so good and very different to Joshua's masculine grip. Charlie couldn't believe how easily she'd been convinced to strip and wash him so dutifully. The fucking dumb bitch had even stuck her finger in his arse!

Claire, in spite of herself, was very damp. She knew what was happening was wrong, but kept telling herself that she was just doing what was needed to care for Charlie. He couldn't clean himself and she wanted to make sure she did as good a job as anyone else. As Joshua. So, she convinced herself it was nothing more than that, yet the tingling in her abdomen and vulva was becoming increasingly hard to ignore. Charlie looked disappointed when she finished. The huge pole of flesh throbbed and twitched erratically. It was so veiny.

Instinctively, he knew not to push her too far too fast. Breaking his mother would need stealth, but break her he would. "I'll let you off shaving me today mother," he said, mercifully giving Claire a pass. She had no idea what would have happened if he'd thrown another tantrum. So after, drying him, brushing his teeth and dressing him, he watched her dry herself and dress. He noticed she remained naked whilst she tended to him first. When Claire asked him if he wanted help with his prosthetics, he told her he'd stay in his wheelchair for the time being.

Over coffee and breakfast his watched her carefully. He could see the guilt written all over her face, even though she did her best to hide it. And he knew why she felt guilty too. Hard nipples and wet cunt were a giveaway. Whilst he listened to her prattle on about ideas for the day, all he could think of was the next step. Getting his mother to wank him off. He waited patiently for a lull in their conversation.

"I know it was embarrassing for you this morning mum," he said, in another sudden change of character. Claire was pleased to see his mood brighten. "But I get a hard on often, you know? It's not like I can do much about it," he added.

She considered his logic and concurred. "I know baby. It just felt a bit strange. I'll get used to it I guess," she said with a smile, but she was concerned for him. "Isn't there anything you can do to, well, satiate yourself?"

Bingo! He latched on to her question. "Well, it kind of feels embarrassing to say mum," he explained, looking away sheepishly. Claire sympathised.

"I'm your mother, baby," she told him and stroked his hair. "After, well, your shower, you shouldn't feel embarrassed to tell me anything. I want to make sure you're happy at home.

He thought for a while, giving her the impression he was reticent., but there it was again. She wanted to make him happy. "Well," he began slowly. "When it happened with Joshua, he me," he said hesitantly. "You know?"

With his cock growing rapidly, he tried to maintain an air of shyness. Claire saw the bulge in his shorts and flushed. Dragging her eyes away, she asked the question, even though she'd already guessed the answer. "Help you baby? You mean Joshua masturbated you?"

He nodded sheepishly. "Yes mum. Please, I'm not gay, but I have needs and Joshua said it was his duty to care for me........" He deliberately let the sentence hang.

Yes, she'd guessed what he would say, but it was still a shock. Damned, if she was going to relent on her duties, but what Charlie was implying was incest. There was no way she could do that for her son. It was just plain wrong. As she considered his words, her physical response was that of a long neglected woman. The ache in her lower abdomen intensified as her vagina began to weep. Her nipples stiffened, painfully sensitive and her body flushed. What was happening to her? Was she actually contemplating masturbating her own son? Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and she fought the physical response. Sanity had to win out, but her need to prove to her son she was capable of caring for him fought back...........and was winning.

Charlie recognised his mothers internal battle, but he remained silent. He saw her nipples stiffen and push against the thin cotton T-shirt she was wearing. He saw the small dark patch at the crotch of her white leggings. The dirty bitch was wet and was actually considering tossing him off. Recalling his therapy sessions, he used the techniques he'd learned to stop the rising impatience. If he got angry, she might back off.

"Joshua was great, mum," he said, hiding the eagerness that was welling up inside. "Probably the best carer I had. He did so much for me. I miss him already," he mewed sadly.

"I can be as good as Joshua, baby," she said, responding to the thinly veiled taunt before thinking properly. "If not better. Joshua doesn't love you the way I do."

She was already wheeling him towards his room and Charlie grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Where are we going mum?" he asked, pretending to be shocked.

"To your room baby. Nobody can care for you the way your mother can," she answered swiftly. No way was she going to let her son think there was anyone better than her.

Fuck yes! The dumb bitch fell for it....hook, line and sinker. Charlie couldn't believe his luck.

"I prefer to be naked mum," he told her when she locked the wheels on his chair.

"Ok baby," she said softly, gently removing his T-shirt, shorts and underpants. His horse sized cock first slapped against his stomach, then settled at a 45 degree angle, the weight too much for the blood to overcome. "So, I've never actually, well.........done this before," she told him nervously. Claire felt like a schoolgirl. At her age, it should have been she who was teaching Charlie and it made her feel silly. However, she had a task to complete.

"It's ok, mum. I'll tell you what to do," he said. "Joshua usually knelt in front of me." He wanted to see her tits, but thought it might be too much to ask her to take her top off the first time. Charlie knew that if he played her properly, he'd get what he wanted eventually. Watching her kneel proved he might just be correct.

"Now, just grip it, mum. Like when you washed me earlier and move your hand up and down so the foreskin rolls back and forward." Fuck, he was desperate.

"Like this baby?" she asked, taking hold of the huge pole of warm flesh as best she could, gently moving her hand. Any sense of wrongdoing was gone. Instead, that feeling had been replaced by her sense of duty. Claire tried to deny the fluttering excitement in her tummy and the wet tingling in her vulva, forcing herself to believe that masturbating her son's massive penis was nothing more than a task.

She couldn't take her eyes off it. So thick. So veiny. So long. Probably long enough to fit 3 of her tiny hands on it. The skin like velvet to her touch, yet so hard. She was mesmerised watching the huge purple coloured glans, appearing and disappearing as the foreskin rolled on and off so seamlessly. Clear viscous liquid oozed from the tip to roll down and coat her fingers.

"Fuck," Charlie groaned. "Yeah, that's it mum. Maybe grip it a little harder."

Like Claire, he too was mesmerised. Her hand was like nothing he'd experienced before and he liked it. He liked it very much. Especially when she followed his instruction and her fingers tightened. He fought back the need to spew obscenities at her, the way he did with Joshua. Instead he complimented her.

"Fuck mum," he moaned. "You're really good. A bit faster and maybe play with my balls."

The sense of satisfaction at her son's words, filled Claire with pride. She moved her hand faster and used her free hand to fondle his huge testicles, rolling them in her fingers. God, they were just so large. Her nipples were painfully stiff and the material of her T-shirt grazed the tips as she moved. Her vagina was leaking heavily and was uncomfortable, itching to be touched. But this wasn't about her selfish pleasure. No, it was a task. Her duty as his carer. As his mother. This was about making Charlie happy. So she diligently concentrated on him. On his huge, hard, penis. She only hoped she was as good as Joshua.

It wasn't long before she noted him swell, getting thicker and begin to jerk strongly, The clear liquid that had been oozing from the tip, was now spilling out copiously. Her hand was slipping, so she tightened her grip.

Charlie could feel the inevitable climax rising. His balls ached and tightened. His mothers breath washed over the helmet as her tiny hand flashed up and down his cock in a blur. The need to scream his foul thoughts was almost too overwhelming. "Fuck.......fuck yeah.......wank that fucking cock......faster mum," he blurted out. "Fuuuuuuuck............FUUUUUKING HELL!"

Charlie let loose. He gleefully watched as he splattered his mother's hair, face and chest with shot after long shot of thick, white, creamy spunk. The stupid bitch didn't move......even when it went in her open mouth. Fuck, she was too dumb to realise she was eating her own son's cum. The look on her face was fucking priceless.

She saw it shoot out. She just didn't expect it. She'd never seen a man climax before, but she felt pretty sure what was splashing her face was more than her late husband had deposited inside her. My God, it was like a firehose blasting semen instead of water and in spite of her shock, she remained motionless, unable to comprehend it. Mouth agape in utter surprise, strings of her son's cum shot inside, tingling her tastebuds, rolling down her throat. Her eyes were matted with thick semen. Her nostrils filled with it and the smell was overwhelming. It dripped from her chin in long strands. She could actually feel it clinging to her skin like glue...........and the taste. Oh my lord. The taste was utterly divine. As Charlie's climax weakened and his penis withered, Claire found herself licking her lips. Her vagina was sopping wet and sensitive nipples were on fire.

For a few moments, they were both silent.

Charlie was in raptures. He couldn't have wished for a better outcome. In 24 hours, he'd coerced his stupid bitch mother to help him piss, strip herself naked, finger his arse, wank him off and take his huge load over her face and in her 'too small' mouth. Jesus, she was licking her fucking lips too! Oh yes, he'd done way better than he could have hoped for.

Claire was........well, she was overcome with pride. Surely, she must have done well. Charlie looked so happy. Maybe she'd done a better job than Joshua. She hoped so. She really wanted to Charlie to be happy. She'd hated hearing him say he missed Joshua. Maybe, he wouldn't miss him so much after this. God, she felt a mess though. Probably looked a mess too, but if her son was happy, then it was worth it. His semen felt sticky on her face, but not unpleasant. In fact, she rather liked the sensation. Proof positive that she had done well? That's kind of how it felt. The smell and taste was equally pleasant, a surprising benefit perhaps and she could no longer deny her own excitement. Better not to let Charlie know though. That would be too weird for him. No, she should keep that to herself.

"You can use my shower mum," Charlie offered, the satisfaction evident in his tone.

He was right. Claire couldn't go to her own shower like that, dripping in her son's semen. "Good idea," she smiled through the drying cum on her face. "Thanks baby."

Charlie watched as she got to her feet, feeling her way to the shower. "Probably better for you to be naked next time mum," he called out. "Unless you want the cleaner to see your clothes when she does the laundry."

He was right about that too. Claire didn't even consider that it wouldn't happen again and she certainly didn't want Rose to see her semen covered clothes. "Yes, ok baby," she called back as she stepped into the shower, happy to hear her son talking so pleasantly. Maybe that was all it took to keep him levelheaded?

When she finished, Claire dutifully washed her son's cock and testicles, cleaned the remnants of his semen from the hardwood floor, dressed him and helped him with his prosthetic legs and arms. Only after she had seen to him, did she pick her own clothes up. "I'll just pop upstairs and get dressed baby," she said. "Will you be ok for a few minutes?"

Ok? Fuck yes. Charlie couldn't be fucking happier. "Yeah mum," he grinned. "I'll be ok. Love you mum," he beamed. He really did feel something akin to love, well, that's what he thought anyway.

"I love you too baby," Claire purred, kissing his forehead before turning to leave.

Charlie ogled her tight arse, before she closed the door. He looked to his new PC and turned it on. Then opened the webcam application. After some adjustments he had the whole room in shot. Tonight he'd record his dumb mother getting another load. Fuck, he could make her his very own porn star.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

You have quite an imagination. Sick, perverted but imaginative. Just wondering why this poor kid needed an 11" cock to meet your standards. I gave this sick story a 2 and that was generous. Don't bother with a followup.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Glad to see another chapter is on the way!

idctwelveidctwelve5 months ago

very nicely written, strength - i especially like seeing her get slowly consumed by her lust. looking forward to the next installation (:

Str4ng3rth4nf1ct1onStr4ng3rth4nf1ct1on6 months agoAuthor


Yes am currently in the process of writing the next part.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Enjoyed it. Any plans for a follow up?

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