Cherry Blossoms and Hellfire Ch. 03


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Charok glared at me, and then he nodded.

"This is in case the raiders return," I told them all. "While you are doing this, Lord Luminous Stone and Overseer Gossom will negotiate, again without fighting."

The captain sneered. "You just want both of them unguarded so you can kill them and take the town for yourself."

I sighed. "One, if I did that everyone in town would turn on me, and Charok and I cannot take on that many. Two, I don't want the damn town. I'm not a leader of any sort. I'm a whore." I looked between the two leaders. "Is that acceptable to both of you?"

Lord Stone nodded, but Overseer Gossom frowned. "Do I have a choice?" he snapped.

I shrugged. "We can talk things over right here if you wish. I just thinking you'd prefer to negotiate without my blade at your throat."

The overseer blinked. "I would prefer that, yes."

I nodded. "Good. Now, all of the rest of you, go!"

Charok began to growl orders, and the town's defenders broke into groups. Slowly, glancing behind at their respective leaders, they left.

As soon as they were all out of earshot, I lifted my war fan and snapped it closed. Then I turned toward the inn. "You can talk in there."

The three of us went inside. Without being asked, the barmaid showed us to a large table. Then she turned to the people inside. "It's past closing time," she informed them. "The bar is always open for the overseer and the owner, but the rest of you either need to leave or go up to the rooms you rented."

The crowd departed, the travelers hurrying upstairs and the locals darting off into the night. Without being asked, the barmaid brought us drinks. I got a mead, and she seemed to know the owner's and overseer's preferences because they both seemed happy with what she'd given them.

"I would like to negotiate higher pay for the guards and the miners," Overseer Gossom said. He glanced at me. "If that meets with your approval?"

I shrugged. "I'm just here to make sure you two don't kill each other. Whatever agreement you reach is up to you."

Lord Stone named two sums. "I should think that is more than fair pay for the miners and the guard," he said haughtily.

Overseer Gossom looked startled. "That would be fair."

Lord Stone almost dropped his drink. "But that's what they make now!"

"No, it's not!" the overseer snapped. "They make less than half of that and you know it!"

Lord Stone shook his head slowly. "I swear, Gossom, I signed off on that salary for the miners and the guard."

The two of them stared at each other in disbelief for a moment, and then Lord Stone's face cleared. He slapped the table and snapped, "That miserable backstabbing miser!"

I raised my hand. "I don't think insulting each other is necessary."

Lord Stone shook his head. "No, you don't understand. I wasn't insulting Gossom. I was talking about my partner!" He shook his head. "That man, that- that thief, he must be pocketing the money meant for the miners and the guard." He shook his head again. "I thought he'd seemed unusually flush lately. He said it was just good investment strategy, but it was because he was embezzling money!"

Overseer Gossom sneered. "You really expect me to believe that?"

Lord Stone shrugged. "Believe what you like. From now on, the guard and the miners will be paid fairly for their work. This I do swear, on my honor."

I raised a hand, and said softly, "I believe him." I laced my words with power.

The two men looked at me. I looked back at them, face composed. This was a key point. For this to work, each of them had to believe the other would abide by the agreement reached.

Finally the overseer sighed. "I suppose I believe you, too. You promise you will pay the sums named?"

Lord Stone nodded. "I will. I swear, Gossom, I thought I was paying them that all along."

Overseer Gossom looked mollified. "If you pay the miners and the guard fairly, I will call off the rebellion."

Lord Stone glared at the Overseer. "You don't get off that easily. You tried to kill me, and my people. I'm not about to just let that go."

I caught Lord Stone's eye. "In his position, would you have done any differently?"

Lord Stone huffed. "I would have tried to negotiate first."

"We tried," Overseer Gossom told him. "Your partner just laughed at us, and threatened to have me whipped if I brought the matter up again."

I caught Lord Stone's eye again. This time, I said nothing. I just let him think as my power moved through him.

Lord Stone deflated, all his indignation gone. "I would not have done differently. I take care of my people, Gossom, as you take care of yours. I will not dock your pay, or otherwise penalize you." Some of his previous haughtiness returned. "And I certainly won't have you whipped. That's barbaric!"

I looked from the overseer to the owner, barely able to believe it had been settled this amicably. "So you'll both abide by the agreement you reached?"

"Yes," said Lord Stone, and Overseer Gossom nodded. The owner continued. "And I must thank you, my friend, for not only driving off the raiders, but preventing further bloodshed." He stood, and gestured for the Overseer to do the same. "Let us go and talk to our people, Gossom, and let them know of the agreement we reached."

Suddenly, one of the guard came rushing in. "Sir!" he gasped, looking at the overseer. "The raiders are back at the gate!"

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KBiiKBiiabout 4 years ago

Ok, when a story chapter here that has very little sex and mostly plot and action can keep me captivated is when I know this is a special one.

Blossom's character continues to have so many layers of mystery to him. While he admits to not being a fighter who has a lot of strength (compared to Charok), he clearly is very cunning and can use his secret powers to surprise advantages, and I do love the choice of a war fan for him which seems quite fitting. Definitely looking forward to understanding more of the source of his power, and how Charok will behave now knowing what he is.

I do really like how you are also setting clear limitations to Blossom's powers, so that he's not completely OP, such as in the negotiation part where he admits that his influence won't work unless the thoughts of the targets are synced along the same lines. Really grateful for the level of care you're taking there!

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