Cherry Takes On The NFL Ch. 06


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D'Orgasmic Lingerie shoots four full catalogs a year. Many of the studio shots are photographed in either the Orlando or Miami areas. The location shoots take place all over the world. The location shots usually involve four weeks on location. You will be traveling all over the world so you need to have your passport in order as soon as possible. Therefore, figure that you'll be traveling sixteen weeks a year and you'll be in the studio another four to six weeks. There will also be personal appearances for clothing markets and live TV shows that you will be on. It will be a fast-paced life but it will be fun.

When we get back to Las Vegas, I have set up a photo shoot for you. Gary wanted to see your photographs before he agrees to finalize the contract. That is standard. They will do some shots and email them to him. It's no big deal, I know Gary. He's going to love you. You're going to love him too.

Anyway, all your travel expenses are paid. Since you and Diane are going to be the lead girls in the shoots, you'll probably be traveling with Gary and his entourage. His jet is one year newer than Mark's. It is a big rivalry between these two. The contract you are being offered is $2.5 million a year, full medical coverage and of course, you will have the entire D'Orgasmic wardrobe of your own," Lori explained to a shell-shocked Cherry.

"Are you kidding me? Ohmigod Lori, ohmigod."

"Cherry, there are literally millions of hot, sexy women out there that would kill for this opportunity. Diane told you the other night; this is starting at the top. This is something I have never seen happen before in my entire career. Congratulations.

The Banner Agency will represent you in all other opportunities that will come along and there will be many. Gary is very good about that. There will be a clause in the contract that allows you to appear in other companies ads as long as they do not conflict with D'Orgasmic products. That is also standard. The contract is being prepared and as soon as Gary approves the photo's you can sign it. It will be effective immediately." Lori explained.

Cherry was listening intently. She had no idea how big this was going to be until now. She was having trouble processing all of this.

"Does this mean I am was going to have to move?" she asked Lori.

"No, you can live anywhere you want. You just have to be available when needed. Oh, you do realize that you won't be stripping anymore. That would not be good for D'Orgasmic's image. Of course, this contract pays you just over $48,000 a week so I don't think you'll miss the strip club."

"It pays how much per week? Ohmigod!" Cherry said dumbfoundedly.

"You heard me Cherry. You need to understand one thing; the government wants over half of that each week. Part of our services is to invest your money and to shelter you against massive taxation. You are, like the athletes, looking at a very limited career. Our athletes can only expect an eight-year football career for example. You will probably have, at best a six-year career because of your age. Our financial people are the best of the best. They will guide you and make investments to make sure that the money you earn will last you your entire lifetime. We have you covered Cherry."

"That is good to know."

Moans and screams were coming from Michelle's bedroom. Lori and Cherry started to laugh. Life in the upper echelons of the Banner Agency sure seemed good.

"What is Gary like to work for? I hear everyone say he and Mark are damned near identical," Cherry asked.

"I've been handling the D'Orgasmic account for quite a few years. Gary owns the company. His parents and the Carters started the company from scratch years ago. Gary's parents were killed in a car accident. Shortly afterwards, the Carters son Jeremy was charged with massive fraud charges stemming from his work on Wall Street.

Mark, Gary and Jeremy were best friends. Jeremy was guilty as hell and I don't know all the details but he fled the country. He was convicted in absentia and I heard that if he comes back, he is looking at a thousand years in jail. Guess who isn't coming back. Jeremy lives in Thailand and is huge in the Porn industry now. Word on the street is he is close to being a billionaire as well.

Anyway, Gary bought all of the Carters assets since they couldn't leave anything to their son. They are co-CEO of the company but they have no financial stake in it anymore. They are out of the country most of the time. They do relief work in war torn countries.

Gary lives like a pauper. He rents a two-bedroom apartment in a nice area of Orlando. He is sweet, sensitive and a good friend. He also fucks like a champion. He spends his time writing technical stuff and erotica. It's funny because he is so rich. He prefers to do that and he has so many friends online. If the women actually knew who he was, they would be all over him like white on rice.

He and Mark are identical in bed. They are the best lovers I've ever had.

I have never had anyone complain about working for him. I handle the models. I've heard him have a few serious discussions with film crews and cinematographers. That is normal. Gary is always on the photo shoots. There are usually six to eight models per catalog. Diane will star in the lingerie and you will star in the slut-wear catalog.

Diane and Michelle came back into the living room smiling and drenched.

"Did you two sluts enjoy yourselves?" Cherry smirked.

"Excuse me, who is calling who a slut," Diane quipped. "Do we have to remind you of this morning?"

"Don't make me laugh. It hurts to laugh. My jaw hurts."

The room erupted in hysterical laughter as the door opened and Mark and Aleka walked in.

"What's so funny?" Mark asked.

Michelle walked over and gave Mark a kiss. "We were just discussing Cherry's disability."

"Really, I wasn't aware she had any physical disabilities. Hmm, that is interesting."

"You know you're dead meat don't you Mr. Banner? I'll get you for this. You just never know when it will happen." Cherry glared at him from across the room.

"Oh that's bullshit and you know it. If we are talking about the same things, you loved it and you know it." Mark was laughing loudly as he watched Cherry attempt and fail to keep a straight face. "Ah, what's the matter Cherry, does it hurt to smile?" he said while looking for a place to duck to in case she threw something at him.

"Dead meat Banner, you're dead meat."

The door burst open and Jamal, Chris and Rashad walked in. They looked at Cherry and laughed. Jamal walked over and started to lean in to kiss her.

"I'm gonna tell you what I told Michelle. Touch me and you're dead!"

Mark slid off his chair and onto the floor laughing. He looked at Cherry and burst out in waves of uncontrollable laughter. Everyone was hysterical including Cherry.

"This is so funny, I haven't had this good a laugh in years," Mark gasped. "Who is ready to go get something to eat?"

They all agreed they were famished. Cherry tried to get out of the chair and winced. Jamal and Chris helped her out of the chair. Mark just kept laughing.

Rashad walked to the door and stepped outside. He returned in just a moment with an appliance cart. "You're chariot awaits my Queen."

Banner lost it. He was holding his sides as he was laughing himself into a seizure. Chris and Jamal helped her onto the cart and the three idiots wheeled her back to her suite to get dressed. As they pushed her down the hall, all they could hear was Mark's laughter.

"You know she's serious, don't you?" Michelle laughed.

"Oh fuck yes, I will pay for this. I will pay for this big-time."

Cherry dressed while the men showered and got ready to go out. She replayed the day so far and she could not wipe the smile from her face.

They had a lovely dinner at a waterfront restaurant on Waikiki Beach. The beach was alive with people walking, laughing and generally having a great time. Dinner was exotic, filled with wonderful, tasty Hawaiian delicacies. The tropical drinks were delicious and everyone had a great time.

Aleka told everyone about the plans she and Mark had made for the remainder of the week. It was definitely going to be a great time. Aleka sat on one side of Mark and Cherry on the other. Cherry was watching Aleka closely. Since their trip today, Mark had not been as attentive to her as he usually was. Warning bells went off in Cherry's head. Was she becoming closer to Mark? This did not make her happy.

They took a stroll on the beach after dinner and thoroughly enjoyed the evening breezes. Mark walked with Cherry and he put his arm around her tiny waist as they walked. Maybe she was reading things that were not there. She hoped that was it. Everyone was tired from the exhaustive weekend, the game, the after game party and for Cherry, the gangbang she enjoyed so much this morning. They headed back to the hotel.

"I've got some business to take care of when I get back to the suite. It shouldn't take more than an hour and a half," Mark said in the limo.

"That works for me. I'll see you for a nightcap later," Cherry said.

"That definitely sounds wonderful Cherry. I want that too, my dear," Mark smiled.

Jamal, Chris, Cherry and Rashad went back into their suite and as soon as the doors closed, Cherry went on the offense. "You know I love all three of you. You gave me something today I have wanted for as long as I can remember. If you will indulge me one more thing, you will have made my day absolutely perfect."

Jamal smiled, "What can we do to make this the best day of your life Cherry?"

"You can start by getting naked. I will be right back."

Cherry went into her bedroom and emerged naked with a tray and some items on it. She told them to sit naked on the sofa, side by side.

She knelt in front of Jamal and ran a wet cloth over his stomach and cock. He looked at her as she reached for a can of shaving cream. She put some on her hands and began to lather him up. "You know, I do like all things slippery. You won't have to be in a locker-room for a while and well, I've wanted to do this from the moment I met you guys."

She took out a razor and began to shave the hair from his chest, stomach cock and balls. She washed the lather away, sat back on her heels, and smiled at her handiwork. His, long, sleek carved body was hairless and it looked so yummy. She repeated this for Chris and Rashad as well. When she was finished, three of the sexiest athletes in the world sat naked, hairless and their hotness ratio was thru the roof.

Cherry reached for the baby oil and coated their ebony bodies to a shimmering gleam. She stroked each cock with her oily hands and their cocks were long, proud and glossy. She felt her body enter into a small but pleasant orgasm just from the sight of these wonderful men.

She reached over onto the tray and pulled out a small measuring tape. She measured Rashad and his cock was 11.5 inches long. Jamal was 12.25 inches in length and Chris came in at a whopping 13.25 inches. She knew they were big, now she knew exactly how large they were. Was it any wonder that they were her favorite play toys?

Cherry threw Jamal back onto the sofa and her face began to caress his body. She loved the hard feel of their muscled frames. They shone from the oil and her eyes glazed over as she saw their rippled abdominals that she just had to explore. Her face brushed against his tall cock and continued north and she began to lick his tight, hard stomach. She looked into his eyes and began to lick his fabulous washboard abs. Her men didn't have six-packs. They had perfectly developed eight-packs of the tightest, loveliest, sexiest male flesh she had ever seen. She licked him completely. Her tongue traced each chiseled valley and she licked it all. She slid her lips up and took a nipple between her teeth. She playfully nibbled and then began to suck the tight, hard nipple in her lips. Her tongue washed over it and she gave him the pleasure he had given her so many times.

The silkiness of his body, the hairless feel of this black god drover her wild. Cherry began to cum just from the feel of his smooth, naked body against her own. Her face fell down his body and again, she marveled at the softness of this hard man's flesh against her own.

Her lips fell to his perfect smooth cock and balls. She had licked, kissed and sucked this man many times but never like this. Her lips fell onto his cock and as he slid between her teeth, she felt the frictionless feel of his bald cock in her mouth. She came again. Cherry began to lick him, to suck him and to take him into her throat. Her tiny hands caressed his naked balls and she loved the feel of the smooth, crinkled skin beneath his hard shaft. Her face rose and fell deliciously as she reveled in the smoothness. Her eyes were on his sparkling abs as she fed on his cock. This was the perfect image in her mind.

Jamal was close, he knew he was going to cum soon. Cherry sensed it and she took him into her throat. Her face looked so sweet as he watched his smooth black cock pass between her alabaster lips. He felt his cock begin to swell and Cherry felt the torrent of cum race along his liquorice shaft and flood her mouth with his wonderful load of love. She swallowed every drop. Her hands were caressing his balls coaxing every drop from him.

Cherry was cumming non-stop. This was so hot. This was hotter than she had fantasized. She loved this. Her pussy was flowing freely as she turned and attacked Rashad's equally hard body. Her lust was flooding her thighs as she repeated on him what Jamal had just received. His cock felt so slippery as she stroked him while her face explored his tight, fucking sexy abs. His body turned her on as much as his personality did. He was such a lovely man, sexy, sweet and funny. His body shone and she loved to see his abs rippling as she licked her way up. She took his smooth cock into her mouth and she let her tongue explore this familiar, yet different, sexy pole between her lips. He is so smooth, so sexy and so perfect. Rashad came buckets full and she drank it all down. His cum was always so sweet and so hot.

She turned to Chris and the very size of his shiny cock simply astounded her. Chris was the most muscular of the three men and his carved body was so statuesque. Cherry went insane on his body, licking, sucking, tonguing and tasting every square inch of his shaved body. Her hands roamed his shiny body and her tongue followed suit. Her pussy quivered as her tongue traveled the ridges and valleys of his stomach. She was licking with broad strokes from his bare pubes all the way to his tight hard nipples. Her thighs were very wet as she gushed constantly. He almost drowned Cherry with the enormous flood of sweet man cream that flowed into her tightly stretched throat.

Cherry was so happy. The vision of these fine hard men, glistening and shining so erotically fulfilled the final part of her perfect day. They were her perfect playmates and she wasn't about to ever give them up. She jumped onto Jamal's cock and rode him hard. She came, as much from the slippery flesh crushing her tits, as from the hard, smooth cock teasing her sweet pussy. She moved onto Rashad and rode him as well. The flesh, the smooth, sweet glistening flesh, on her body, in her body and in her eyes all set her off. Her pussy stretched over Chris' massive cock and the length and breadth set her off instantly. Her pussy, her war torn pussy, was exploding with the pleasure she was having.

She stood, kissed each of the men and jumped into the shower. She wanted to see Mark tonight. It was important that she did. She put on her makeup and a lovely set of D'Orgasmic bra and thong she had purchased the other day. She found her new matching stilettos. She looked in the dressing room mirror and smiled. She looked as hot as she had ever looked.

She walked out into the living room and the guys whistled their approval. They saw something in her face, in her eyes as they kissed her goodnight. They knew that if she came back at all, it would be late. She closed the door and headed to Mark's suite.

"I have never seen her look so determined in my life," Chris said.

The other two agreed.

Cherry walked into Mark's suite. Her silk, floral robe fit her tiny frame perfectly. She looked phenomenal. Michelle and Lori kissed her as Aleka and Diane came out of the bedroom.

"Wow, Cherry, you look spectacular. I love that robe," Aleka said.

"I want those shoes," Diane remarked. "Those are so sexy."

"That is what Kono said as she was going down on me," Cherry laughed.

"Well, she was right. Those are definitely the sexiest shoes I've ever seen on you," Mark said as he poured two chilled Rum Runners and handed one to Cherry. She took the frosted glass and kissed Mark hello. She looked around and the women had vanished.

Cherry walked out onto the open balcony and was amazed with the colors still visible in the night sky. Mark walked up behind her and kissed her neck. Cherry loved when he did that. She cocked her head and his lips explored more of her long slender neck. He pressed his body against her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You really look wonderful tonight. Every time I see you, you just make my heart skip a beat. Thank you for being you."

"I'm not all that wonderful Mark. I can be a colossal bitch and you know that."

"Yes, I know that. I may not agree with you all the time, but I will defend your right to see things differently from me all day long."

"You are a strange man, Mark Banner, a very strange man," she said as she turned into his arms.

She looked him square in the eye and tilted her head slightly. Their kiss was warm, sweet and full of love. Her fingers crawled up to his neck and her long nails tickled the back as their kiss became passionate. Mark brought his hands to her face, held her sensuously as their fiery emotions exploded onto each other's lips.

She inhaled sharply as he nibbled her lower lip. Her nails dug into him as he pulled her face tight to his own. Her eyes sparkled as her tongue traced his lips. He looked into her eyes as he felt her tongue erotically run over his lips. She teased him and her eyes pleaded for the man to make her whole. Her arms held him tight, her tongue darting in and out of his mouth. Their lips fought each other to see whose passion was greater.

Cherry pressed her body tight against Mark's firm chest. Her breasts felt wonderful against him. She felt his cock harden against her stomach. Her hands slipped from his neck and she began to undo the buttons on his shirt. If it weren't so expensive, she would surely have torn it off him. She slipped his shirt from his shoulders and her hands began to caress his strong, broad chest. Her nails stroked him as their kiss lingered and grew. Cherry lifted Mark's neck and kissed the front of his neck. Her tongue slid onto his chest and she licked his nipples delightfully.

Mark picked her up and carried her through the living room and into his bedroom. The air was scented with the fresh scent of gardenias and candles were lit giving this room a truly exotic feel. Mark set Cherry on the bed and she reached for him and undid the belt of his trousers. Mark's slacks slid down and he stepped out of them. Cherry knelt on the bed and her robe slipped from her shoulders.

Mark stood next to the bed and smiled as the single most glamorous woman ever to grace his bed looked longingly into his eyes. Her striking black hair framed her beautiful face perfectly. The red satin bra and thong suited her exquisite body perfectly. Her shoes completed the sexiest ensemble he had ever had the good luck to witness.

Cherry put her arms around his neck and pulled his naked body to her. Words were never spoken, wanton lust ruled and she attacked him with a hunger she didn't fully understand. He wrapped himself in her and they lay on that bed entangled in love, lust and passion.