Choosing Love Pt. 03


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"I've thought a lot about telling my folks too. I'm pretty sure mine won't freak out, but I'm still nervous about it. But if we do go up there, I'd prefer to drive. It's really pretty going up through the Ozarks. I'll ask my friend to give the car a good check-up. If he thinks it's safe, I'd say we drive up," Lisa replies.

It makes me feel better to know Lisa is also a little worried about letting the world know we're in love. For now, I just push it all aside, don't need to make up more worries tonight. Instead, I just throw out another trip I've been wanting to take, "We should also go to the coast sometime this summer, that's not very far."

"That sounds like even more fun. You in a tiny bikini sounds like more fun than my folks," Lisa teases.

"You're making me horny, you know that don't you? First the shower—now tiny bikinis."

"I'm making myself horny," Lisa replies and makes a quick grab at my crotch.

I squeal in mock fright, almost spilling her wine on the bed, then say, "You better settle down, before you make a mess."

Lisa took my glass and set it on the bedside table, then turning to me said, "I think you might be getting a little sassy. Come here and lay across my knees."

The wine and relief of being out of school give me all I need to feel playful and reply, "No. You can't make me." I even stick my tongue out, mimicking a spoiled brat to complete my rebellion.

Lisa enters the game enthusiastically, first setting her own glass next to mine, she then lunges over on top of me and quickly pins my naked body to the bed. "Say your sorry."

"What if I don't," I whine.

Rolling me over to expose my soft butt cheeks, the smack isn't all that hard, but it stings and made a loud splat. "Now will you say you're sorry?"


Another splat of flesh on flesh sounds through the room...then another. Both cheeks sting and are probably a bright rosy color now. What had started as a game, is quickly becoming arousing for both of us. We've never played quite like this, but it's definitely prompting familiar instincts. Lisa keeps offering me a way out by saying I'm sorry, but I'm finding a new arousal in this particular game. Again and again I say no, then wait for the smack on my ass. Finally the stinging is enough and I capitulate.

Still laying on my stomach Lisa tells me, "Spread your legs."

Taking bold liberties with my wet sensitive folds she says, "You liked that, you little sneak!"

We both laugh and Lisa lays down on top of me and whispers in my ear, "I have told you I love you, haven't I?"

"It's been quite awhile since you told me, I think."

"Okay, let me make sure you know that I do then," Lisa says as she turns back around on the bed with her face inches from my stinging butt and tells me to roll onto my back. Pushing my legs a little wider, she once again gives me proof of her love with tender kisses starting at my belly button then descending down to that most private of places. She stays there pleasuring me until there can be no doubt of her love for me. I know she is pampering me, and I adore her all the more because of it.

I was already on fire both inside and out by Lisa's spanking. The thought had taken root several weeks ago, but I was too shy to bring it up and this little game tonight had opened the door perfectly and seamlessly to earn a spanking if Lisa was so inclined. My bum still stings, but in such a good way that only intensifies the pleasure that Lisa's tongue and fingers are bringing me. I know I'm being treated to a wonderful gift that only one woman in the world can give me.

The spanking unfolded so naturally, and in some ways I'm surprised that I've been thinking about how I wanted it. Now, seeing how much I enjoy it and how much Lisa does too, I know we are on the right track in our games. I'm still high from the experience, and Lisa seems just as eager. I guess spankings will be another trick in our growing collection of ways to make love. I'm still as confused as ever about why I like all of this, but I have just decided to accept it and enjoy it.

I know Lisa probably senses my nearing orgasm by the way she's doubling down on me. If she keeps this up, this will be a memorable one.

Letting her tongue tease from my clit to just below my opening, Lisa then lets it go all the way down to my puckered rosebud. She pulls my legs up and open, and returns to her new target.

I've been wondering if this would eventually happen. She has teased me there before, hinting that there might be more, but she's never actually gone all the way. My first thought is how good it feels—in fact I'm amazed it feels so different yet so good in its own way. When Lisa puts a finger in my vagina, her tongue on my butt feels even better! But when she adds another finger to that now slickened finger to probe into my pussy and her tongue presses deeper into my butt, I can't possibly hold back a moment longer!

"Oh fuck...Oh fuck...Oh yes," I scream while thrusting myself up to meet the fingers swirling around inside me! When she adds a third finger into my vagina, and as they plunge in and out—every thought, every worry flies from my mind and only she matters—only Lisa matters—only our love matters!


That Same Night

Lisa: The Sunshine Wins For Today

I feel her shuddering release and that is all the satisfaction I need. Kendra needed me this night, and I have given her everything I know to offer. My reward is knowing I showed in the best way possible that this is the place for her...this is the marriage bed she needs...this home is where love is waiting for her. The competitor in me says that I have won this battle and that there is no risk of Mr. Bobby A-hole ever stealing this sweet woman away from me.

With half a bottle of the wine left over, we find our pillows and laying close to one another drift off into peaceful sleep.


The Next Morning-Saturday June 1, 1967

Kendra with Lisa: Dealing With It

"What are we going to do about him?" Lisa asks me.

We walk to the kitchen table and sit down, "I still haven't fully figured it out," I tell her.

"There's only two real options. You can either ignore this and see if it goes away, or you can write him and tell him it is over. There's no other options baby."

"What do you want me to do Lisa? What should I do?"

"I can't make this decision Kendra. I'll help you talk it through, but I can't tell you what to do."

I close my eyes in thought. Lisa's right, this is my decision to make. After working through the possibilities of what might result from both ways to go, I only know that the main thing I want is to be with her. The only way to do that is a divorce and let him try to save himself on his own. Looking up from my thoughts I tell her, "I want you and I want a divorce from him."

"For what it's worth, that's what I have always thought would be the only way," Lisa replies.

"It's worth a lot Lisa, thank you for being so patient with me. I can see now how all of this must have made you feel. I was selfish and wrapped up in my own mess. It feels good knowing its over. Now, I just wish I would have done it sooner."

"I know, remember I've walked in your shoes. It's always hard to tear up a part of your life and start over. Just trust me on this, it goes away pretty fast and you'll be glad you did it," Lisa tells me.

"Let's write the letter and get it over with," I say. Eager now that I've finally made a decision. I wish now I hadn't waited so long, I can feel the weight lifting already.

"Yeah, let's do it!"

After a couple of false starts, we finally think we have it right. Lisa reads it out loud so I can hear how it sounds one last time before stuffing it in an envelope;


"First; I want to make it crystal clear that it is your neglect and failure to write me that prevented any letter coming to you. How did you think I would know your address? I also want to remind you of your words of promise to send your pay to me so that I could survive while you were gone. That broken promise means that I have been working as a waitress at the Coffee Cup Cafe to make ends meet, and even with that I had to find a less expensive place to live. Yes, your wife is a waitress in the only place close enough to walk to work. Or had you forgotten you left me stranded here with a broke down car to deal with?

"Second; No. I am not under any circumstances moving to California. My family and friends are here in Texas and this is where I will stay.

"Third; I do not want you to come back here. In fact, I will be consulting an attorney to begin the divorce process. That you have disappointed me is an understatement. There is nothing you can say or do to change my mind on this, so please do not contact me again.

"In closing, I wish I could say I'm sorry. The truth is I have nothing to be sorry for. What you have done is beyond my comprehension, and I don't have any interest in trying to understand it. Kendra"

When Lisa finishes reading it, we both agree this is clear enough even for someone like Bobby to understand. With the letter sealed in its envelope, there's a sense of closure and for the first time I truly realize just how dark of a cloud he has been over both us for so long.

"I should have dumped him a long time ago. In hindsight, I wasn't thinking about how all of it made you was just poor me. I'm sorry for that Lisa, really sorry."

The hug provides the silence to sift and organize all of the thoughts and emotions of the past, and make clear space for the future. The realization that it is over with Bobby is like a lurking threat that has finally been slain. That death allows a look forward to imagine how it will be to live without that old fear always waiting to pounce.

As all lovers know, one of the best benefits of real love is having someone who is really there through good and bad. Another best thing is to have someone to celebrate the good moments life offers. With Bobby banished, we don't see a reason to waste any time before beginning our celebrations.

Ironically, we start our celebrations in the kitchen with the letter and Bobby's answer laying on the table as a witness. Lisa begins the revelries by removing the overly large tee-shirt I had put on after arising from bed. With myself now fully nude again, our second hug is so much warmer and far more sensual. Pulling back to look at me, Lisa cups my breasts in her hands, holding them softly like treasures, and tells me, "I love these. Your boobs are too perfect to be stuffed inside clothes."

I quip back to her, "Well, before I was a married that I'm free I'll do whatever you want."

"Hmm, did you say whatever I want?"

Feeling myself already getting wet, I nod my head and say, "Uh huh, you heard me right."

"Oh my, the possibilities are endless," Lisa teases as her hands gently and ever so lightly explore the contours of soft flesh. She has learned that just a light touch at first will awaken my nipples, letting them know it's time to play. She told me once that she loves the way they snap to attention so quickly, growing so much larger than one would assume at first glance. I mentally surrender myself to her hands—and to her will. All the while her touch softening until it's just two fingers lightly grazing the tips of my nipples like a feather. It feels as if they are reaching out as far as possible to embrace Lisa's touch...hungering for just a little more! It seems to me that she has also learned over the past months that at this point I'm hers to do with as she pleases—and also that just the right amount of pain puts me into the perfect mindset for more!

Knowing that Lisa also becomes more fully aroused at about this point, I anticipate the first firm pinch and close my eyes while taking in a deep breath. I relax into my agony of bliss and surrender to her touch. The thought comes, I so fully trust her now that I'm willing to do anything she chooses for us to try.

Coming back into the present, I look up and find her eyes and say softly—almost in a whisper, "I think you have corrupted me. Now I want to find out about all of those endless possibilities you just mentioned."

My words are no exaggeration in this important moment. The mixture of relief at being free from Bobby and my urgent desire for Lisa all mix together with my need to consummate and celebrate this turning point with her—this precise instant in time when we severed the past and are finally facing toward our own future and all of the possibilities it holds. That which had seemed so real and frightening is already far away and slipping farther with each passing second. With each touch of her hands I am ready to surrender myself to her in every way possible. What better celebration could there be?

Lisa continues to explore my breasts, unable to resist the nipples that always beg for attention. She bends to first kiss my lips, then each flushed hard nub in it's turn.

She has succeeded in setting me on fire and in what feels like a desperate need, I pull her tee shirt up, needing to have nothing separating us. Lisa finishes pulling it over her head and drops it to the floor. Taking my hands, she presses them to her own chest before letting go so I can explore on my own.

As I gently run my palms over each soft mound, Lisa lightly strokes both sides of my face with the back of her fingers in a tender gesture of affection. We have cleared a major hurdle today, one that we both had known would one day face us. The time has now finally come for the kiss that will seal this new commitment. As if of one mind, our lips come together in a loving pact of agreement that this is to be forever.

Taking my hand, Lisa leads the way to the bathroom and the shower, our second favorite place in the house to express our feelings for each other. I feel this is to be a symbolic cleansing of the past in preparation of all that awaits us. It's not just the body that will be washed clean, it will also be the memories that have been made unclean by the lingering presence of my former husband.

The water is soon building into to a foggy mist. Lisa leads me into the shower and the beginnings of our celebration of my emancipation. Stepping over the rim of the tub, we close the curtain and stand as one letting the warm spray of water begin to wash away that which was—cleaning us of all that has been before so the new might begin fresh and pure. As lathered hands gently bathe the outer shell, tender kisses scrub away the stains of bruised feelings or wounded hearts.

It is here in this old bathroom that this we now hold first started so long ago. Now here again, in a shower that shows the wear of time like an old friend, we celebrate that we have moved beyond the courtship and into something much deeper and more sacred than I could have imagined such a short time past. The thrill of hands on bodies is just an expression of something mystical and much deeper, just as lips are merely an expression of love from the heart.

Everything we have done and said before this moment shapes our desires and directs our bodies as Lisa leads me to our bed. Perhaps we have felt such sexual energy before, if we have, the potency is surely intensified on this new morning. I feel small, even though I have not shrunk—it is Lisa that has grown large for me, filling my life with all I ever needed.


After The Shower

Lisa with Kendra: Playing In The Sunshine of Love

Perhaps, being still colored from the recent tension from the reappearance of Kendra's husband, and the possible loss of this person I have fallen in love with, I feel an inner drive to recapture my lover—subdue her—prove my love to her!

Gently pushing Kendra onto our bed, I tell her, "Roll over and get on your, not like that. Put your face on the bed."

It thrills me to watch her obey my request. I know her so well I can see both her excitement and that she is unsure of what this will lead to. We've talked so much about all of this I'm sure she is also feeling the thrill of the unknown and of simply being this vulnerable and exposed.

What I see now in front of me is enough to know that this is what I have been searching to find for so long, and yet I never quite knew what to look for. Kendra's willingness to surrender helps me finally understand.

"Scoot back to the edge of the bed."

It's not a harsh order, yet she obeys without hesitation. I hear Kendra's breath quicken at her open vulnerability—the not knowing what is to come next. This morning...this whole day, I'm happier and more alive than I have ever been or even thought possible!

I'm sure her expectation is that I'm going to spank her. I love that she accepts that and see her steel herself for my hand...instead with both hands I gently spread the cheeks of her butt, stretching her wide until I can see both holes are opened and exposed. My soul is soaring in our new freedom, and every touch feels so new and fresh. There's a new energy in the air that makes each touch...every kiss more exciting than anything we have ever done before!

I feel her tremble at my intimate kiss on her asshole, and I too tremble in excitement. I notice her trying to touch herself, and gently push her hands away. She must learn to wait. I kiss her again, and she settles down to accept what I choose to give her. And I choose to bathe her already showered slit and butt again and again with my tongue.

Finally, my slick wet finger slides in and owns her! Instinctively she pushes back, no longer hesitating at what is happening. I finger fuck her butt until I feel her joining in and begin to act nasty and raunchy—actually helping me fuck her! I want her to feel weak and taken like a heroine in one of her romance stories—I want her to surrender her body to whatever I want of her!

With my finger still buried inside, I flip Kendra onto her side and then over on her back. A smile crosses my lips when Kendra doesn't even have to be asked or told—she just lifts her legs, bent at the knees, and spreads them in an open vulnerable offering.

Her entire sexual treasure is so exposed and vulnerable, and it feels wonderful to see her like this! I bend forward and shower kisses there, and I sense she is truly embracing this now. I feel Kendra relax and open herself to me as I tease her with the tip of my tongue. I keep it up until her body is totally relaxed. Slowly and gently I work another finger, slick with her own arousal, inside her butt. Alternating between gently fucking them into her bottom—then stopping to softly swirl them, caressing and stretching her depths.

Obviously thinking this is the way I choose to pleasure her, Kendra begins humping up to meet the fingers plowing into her butt. When I sense she is close, I abandon her, leaving her empty and moaning for more. Her butt hole remains open and quivering before me, fanning my own flame higher!

Before she can make a move, my two fingers enter her again...only this time they have taken separate paths! She cries out in both approval and surprise as I explore this new discovery. I can feel both fingers inside her, separated by only the thinnest membrane of flesh. When I scissors my fingers, her body reacts as if bolts of pleasure are radiating into the core of her body!

As my two fingers work back and forth, squeezing and exploring this new expression of my love for her, I marvel at what a work of art the Creator has sculpted. And all the while, my tongue bathes the folds and hills and valleys of Kendra's most sacred treasures—these precious jewels she has freely and eagerly offered to me. In this moment, this one moment in time, I know contentment in a way I never imagined—it is the sweetest fruit I have ever tasted.

I have never taken possession of her like this before, and it thrills me beyond belief. Lost in both my thoughts and the new sensations, Kendra's intense orgasm rushes up surprising me! I hear her cry out, "Fuck me! Yes...yes...oh, God yes...fuck me Lisa!"