Choosing Love Pt. 03


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Kendra's cries of bliss whip me into a primal need to own that which lays before me. Kendra's legs clamp tight to my head and squeeze as she wildly humps upward, raising her hips from the bed again and again fucking both my tongue and my fingers!

Inflamed with a possessive need, I wrestle the squirming creature back down and torture the plundered flesh of both of her surrendered holes with my fingers and lips and tongue. Her unfiltered cries drive me to push harder...until finally, Kendra capitulates and her tensed muscles relax in total surrender—exhausted and fully spent.

Still on my knees beside the bed, I am just as exhausted as the precious one under me, and I lay my head in satisfied rest on the wet flesh between Kendra's open legs. Breathing hard and deep, the pungent perfume of woman fills my senses and I shudder in the intoxicating thrill of it all. How unbelievably wonderful is the only clear thought I hear.


Sunday, June 2, 1967

Lisa and Kendra: Hope Builds Upon the Ashes.

Unknown and unplanned, we bury the last traces of residue from all that so recently has tried to tear us apart. We sleep late, then lay in bed cuddling together, talking about all we want to do this summer. The idea of us both moving up to Austin to continue our studies feels like a real possibility now. Actually, so many things seem possible now. Like a black plague, Bobby has lurked unseen but feared—always there lurking in the background. Now a fresh clean breeze has stirred and blown it all away. As so often happens, that which could have destroyed love turns out to be just the catalyst needed to strengthen it and raise it to an even higher plain. It's a lesson that many lovers have learned since the beginning of time; That which one thought would be lost, is all the more precious once it is secured again.


Monday, June 3,1967

Kendra with Lisa: A New Vibe, A New Hope.

What a momentous day, the day I finally make the move toward solidifying my new life. I write a small entry in my diary; June 3, 1967, 'I sent the letter telling Bobby it is over! Feel like I'm on a cloud!'

Early on that first Monday of June, I drop the letter to my soon to be ex-husband into the old mailbox on the street corner in front of the Coffee Cup Cafe. I let out a long sigh of relief as I's finally really over.

My day flies by, and I'm happier than I've been in what feels like ages. I breeze through my workday and walk home finally able to look back and see what a downer Bobby has been on my life...but its over now! With my thoughts turning to Lisa, I know we are finally free to get more serious about our own future together now. Well, maybe not fully free, since Lisa's finals are still two weeks away. But we're free already now that I'm no longer shackled to him!

The vibe in the apartment begins to take on a whole new feel. We really can look farther forward now. I splurge and spend a little of the money I've saved for two small gifts for Lisa's up coming birthday. I bought a bubble lamp and three tie-dyed sheets to make curtains with while Lisa is in classes. For the first time since leaving my parents house, I feel at home. Thoughts of Bobby fade away so quickly, I don't even register when they're gone.

In one way there is a new worry...while social mores are shifting, lesbians are still viewed as social outcasts by most people except in a few of the larger cities. We've discussed our situation a lot and have both come to the conclusion that we are indeed lesbians. Neither of us has any interest in a relationship with a man. It took me longer than it did Lisa to figure this out. But with lots of talk and then hours of my own thinking, I finally accepted this about myself too.

We've also spent a lot of time discussing how to talk to our families, but haven't quite worked it all out to our satisfaction. We're both nervous about how they will take the news, me more than her. We've also discussed maybe just moving to a more accepting place once we're finished with school. We could just keep up the ruse of being best friends and roommates if we do that.

We both feel a little awkward at what we do, and we don't advertise it. But Lisa is reading more about it and is more comfortable than I am that people are born with their sexuality already set in place. She's talked a lot with one of her professors who has studied this. It's all very interesting, and pretty convincing. We both just know it might be hard on our folks. So maybe we'll just always be best friends to the outside world.

It's a hurdle we'll have to clear, but it's not something we're going to let split us apart. As so often is the case, some problems just have to be resolved if and when the proper time calls for it. For the most part, we're just enjoying the process of making plans for what we want to do someday when school is behind us. That alone is enough to give us new purpose and goals for our lives...that, and the nights we now share in a new way, a way shaped by our dreams of tomorrow.


June 1967

Kendra: Looking Forward To Our Summer

It's finally near the end of the semester for Lisa too. Her last test is only one more week away. Then we're free! I'm finally able to work more and longer days now that my own semester has ended. It's been a week since I sent the letter to Bobby, and I don't know when or if I'll hear from him again. Today, I really couldn't care less what he does—I'm getting a divorce. Lisa and I have discussed what we should do next, and decided the first thing to do is find a lawyer to walk me through the process. All in all, the whole thing is a bummer, but together we know it will soon be over.


Monday, June 10, 1967

Kendra: Storm Clouds Roll In

Today dawns clear and bright, a perfect day for Lisa's final exam of the semester. After today, we will really be free! Having discussed with the owner of the cafe about my desire to go see my family during summer break, he again agrees to let me work when I'm available. There'll be a job when I get back. I know he has three grown children, two married women and a his youngest, a young man trying to find his place in the world. So I guess he can relate to my situation.

At the end of the day I shout toward the back where the cafe's storeroom is located. "Okay, I'm taking off Mr. Moore. Everything is set up in the kitchen for the supper crowd, see you next Monday."

Hearing his shouted "Goodnight," I walk out the front door into the early evening. It's still warm but muggy, and I notice the clouds have built up hinting at a storm coming. I hurry in the direction of the market to pick up something for supper tonight and a bottle of wine to celebrate Lisa's last test of the semester—hoping it doesn't start raining before I make it home.

I know our dreams for how to spend our summer are bigger than out bank accounts, but so what. We can have fun without spending much money too. I walk along briskly while daydreaming of all the things we might do. The coast for sure...

"Hey Kendra."

Freezing at the voice behind me, instantly knowing it's him, my heart feels like a lump in my throat! I feel the pounding in my ears and my first instinct is to run! Before I can make a move, I feel the hard grip tight on my arm as I'm spun around to face him. My first impression is, who are you? He is pale and gaunt, his cheeks hollowed out. He's dirty, I can smell him.

"Bobby...wha...what do you want? Why are you here?"

"That's a stupid question Kendra, but you were always pretty slow. I'm here to get my wife. You didn't think it was going to be that easy to brush me off did you?"

I instinctively duck in fear when he raises his other hand to hit me. Instead he waves to a parked car with some guy behind the wheel. When the car starts to come our way I try to break free!

"Hold on there little one, you're not going anywhere." He grabs me tight with both hands until his friend pulls the car up close to the curb. Bobby forces me in the passenger door and shoves me in, squeezing himself in next to me. "Okay Ellis, lets get out'a here."

As the stranger named Ellis drives us north out of San Marcos, Bobby relaxes and says sarcastically, "Thanks for the letter Kendra. It was mostly full of shit, but you did let me know where you work. Did I ever tell you how stupid you are?"

His laugh sounds like a lunatic to me. And his side-kick Ellis, who smells worse than Bobby, chimes in with his own braying laugh. I've been kidnapped by two deranged mad men! I feel my mind and body going numb with fear—I can't think what to do! I feel a trickle of pee leak out before I clamp down! Then it is only my tears that betray me.

"I've been in town a couple days Kendra. Did I mention I saw your girlfriend the other day?"

The shock on my face makes him start laughing again, and I realize just how dangerous and crazy he has become.

"Yeah, we know where you live and it sure seems to Ellis and me that you two are pretty chummy. Ellis thinks he'd like to meet her, so what's her name?"

Trying to calm him down, I try to speak softly and as calmly as possible, "Bobby, I don't know what kind of prank you're playing here, but you need to stop it right now before it all goes too far." He just burst out laughing—then his stooge joined in again. "Bobby, I'm serious! You hav..."

His slap to my face shocks me more than hurts me! I have never been slapped by anyone, much less by my so-called husband. What's happened to him? Did the war drive him crazy? "Bobby, what's wrong with you? Why are you acting so crazy?"

"Me? I'm acting crazy? You're the crazy one Kendra...and I'm here to put a stop to it!"

Finally, I realize there is no sense in trying to talk sense into an insane situation and resolve to keep my mouth shut. The driver, Ellis has left the main road and we're winding deeper into the hill country northwest of town. I don't think he really intends to hurt me...until I notice the butt of a pistol poking out from under his shirt!



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OmenainenOmenainenover 3 years ago

Ooh I don’t like where this is going :-o and just when everything was going so well! Onwards to hopefully better turns and happily ever after.

yukonnightsyukonnightsalmost 5 years agoAuthor
All Parts Are Published

To the comment above about waiting for Part 04; All four parts are posted and available to read. You can either click on my user name above or go to the New Stories list. Probably easier to just click on yukonnights and it'll take you to my catalogue of stories. Thanks for the comment...I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Absolutely fantastic

I am desperately waiting for part 4. This part ended with my heart in my throat. I do hope all works out. This has been a great story so far. What a cliffhanger!

yukonnightsyukonnightsalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Real Life

I appreciate all of your comments more than you can imagine. Most of us who write here on Literotica want and need to hear from you all. In regard to the comment about taking a wrong turn; When I took on this story I wanted it to reflect a believable and real experience. This was set in a time and place where shared love between same genders was often a very threatening risk. And yet, love buds and blooms of it's own will. I believe in the power of love to overcome all obstacles if given just a chance...

Keep reading, and please do keep offering your feedback.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Wrong turn!

She should have got a letter saying Bobby died in action and she was to receive his benefits and pension. After a truly gentle and hot lesbian story you re introduce a heavy handed male threat.

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