Christian College Sex Comedy Ch. 07


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"In the words of the immortal American Action Hero, 'Come get some'," I taunted her.

The Chancellor came around her massive desk, stormed up, and attempted to slap the Jesus right out of me. Man that hurt; what was with this place and girls pummeling me?

"Melrose -- do you mind if I call you Mel? -- I ..." and then a certain smell registered in my brain.

"Call me Professor Bass, and I am going to take intense pleasure in breaking you," she seethed. I rubbed my cheek were she'd slapped me and brought those fingers to my nose.

"Mel, why, have you been masturbating? Does the thought of 'breaking' us students get you off?" I mused out loud. This time I dodged the slap.

"You don't get to talk to me like that," she sputtered with rage. A smarter man would see this as the time to make a speedy exit but I can be a real idiot at times. In my defense, they were sitting there screaming for attention/ I reached out, pinched and twisted both of her nipples, which were so hard they were pushing through her bra and white blouse.

Professor/Doctor/Chancellor Bass's mouth fell open and she stared at me in stark disbelief. In past lives I must have been the first guy up the ladder storming the city walls, the first one into the castle breech, and that trooper charging the machine gun nest, because the only thing I could think to do when my hands were on my nemesis's breasts was to pinch those nipples harder and pull them toward me and up.

Mel gasped and fell forward, pressing her chest into mine. I kept twisting and pulling her nipples for thirty seconds while she made these little choking noises, ending in one loud gasp when I let them go. She kept her hands resting on my hips while she brought her breathing under control.

"You ... bastard ..." she wheezed. "I am ... going to ... make you pay."

"You sound so angry, Professor Bass, but I notice you still have your body pressed tightly against mine," I pointed out in a deep seductive voice. I could feel her willing her body away but the flesh refused to obey.

I dragged a hand from her shoulder, up her neck to her jawline, then back to her neck.

"Your pulse is throbbing like a race horse, Professor," I whispered. "If I stay, I'm going kiss you, and if I kiss you, we are going to end up on the floor ... so I had better go." Maybe it was the whole city wall/breech/machine gun thing that made me dip down into her.

Bass moved her face away but that only opened up my real target area more. I bit into her neck, eliciting an absolutely slutty yelp, then followed up with a few seconds of tight suction. It ended with one last jab of the tongue before I pulled away. Bass regarded me, angry but also anxiously anticipating my next move.

"I need to go now or I'll be late for Karate Club," I informed her as I backed for the door. The Chancellor answered that with another slap, which stung, and a stomp on my foot, which I avoided.

"Was that for the bite, or for leaving you wanting more?" I inquired, "You really do look sizzling hot right now so I'm kind of wondering."

"Get ... out," she growled. With that she strutted back to her desk but before she could round the corner, I let out a low wolf whistle that brought her up cold. She looked over her shoulder with a furious glare.

"Whoops, sorry," I shrugged. "You have a great ... well, I was going to say ass, but really your waist, hips, ass, thighs and calves are all pretty damn fine. You can't blame me for enjoying the view."

Randy picked up a glass and gold statue from her desk and hefted it, clearly calculating her desire to hit me with it against the value of the item.

"I'll make you grovel at me feet," she said with relish, putting the statue back down.

"I'm going to fuck you like I own you," I rebounded. Our eyes clashed, then she pointed to the door.

This time I wised up enough to make a gracious exit, breezing past Ms. Marlow and Ms. Goodswell as I left. The women went in opposite directions, Ms. Marlowe going into Dr. Bass's office and shutting the door with Ms. Goodswell running me down and grabbing my arm.

"Zane, what ... did she slap you?" she blurted out as she looked at my face.

"I've had worse," I replied.

"What did you do?" she worried.

"I'd tell you but you would most likely be ashamed of me. Suffice it to say we didn't part on friendly terms but I'm not expelled yet either," I informed her.

"Zane, you don't know who you are truly dealing with," she pleaded, suddenly vulnerable.

"She got to you, didn't she?" I asked with new insight.

"I'm not going to turn on you, if that's what you are asking/" Virginia assured me.

"No. She got to you when you were here as a student," I clarified the question for her.

Her lack of response was its own answer.

"Are you using me to strike back at her?" I wondered.

"No ... no. Zane, I want you to win on your own merits and not for something I did years ago," she answered fitfully. We silently stared at one another for a few seconds.

"How bad is it going to be now?" she questioned me. "How personal has this become?"

"Well," I mumbled, "I caught her masturbating, pinched and twisted her nipples, then bit her on the neck ... oh, and I told her she had a nice body."

"You are an idiot," was her assessment. "She is going to make it her personal mission to cause you as much pain as possible." I gave a timid smile. "Damn it, Zane, she will still come after the people around you."

"Virginia, she is going to come after us no matter what I do or don't do as long as I stay. The difference is that now I have her out in the open. Now I no longer have to guess what she might be like or what's going around in her head. Making it personal makes it easier on me because I don't doubt that I belong here anymore," I explained. "Now it is me versus an evil bitch."

"She's not been beaten in ten years," she warned me.

"That's because you hit like girls," I joked.

"I thought by now you would have learned how hard girls can hit," Virginia sighed.

"It isn't that girls can't hit hard, it is the boobs that get in the way," I quipped. Virginia gave me a glare that was more amused than angry. "I have to get to Karate Club now."

"Go," she dismissed me, and off I went.

First Victory at the Gym

This round of Karate Club started much better than Wednesday's, seeing how I could stand without pain again. I spent the first half of the hour sparring with my second tier teammates and doing exceptionally well. When we were called together for a joint session with the first team, most were elated; me, I was suspicious.

Coach Dana Gorman brought out Team Captain Wilhelmina Spellman and pretty much broke her down in front of us. Cappadocia came and went down next.

"This has been very unsatisfying. It is clear that our leadership has been lax in developing our skills. Is there anyone willing to defend this team's progress?"

It didn't take a rocket scientist to understand there was more to come of the beatings Willy and Cappy had gone through.

"What about you, Mr. Braxton?" Dana came to the point of this whole exercise. Willy and Cappy, like me, were Christina supporters, and this was clearly an effort to nip the rebellion in the bud.

"Thanks but no thanks; I think I've learned enough from you today. Maybe I'll feel ready for a fascist beat-down on Friday," I laughed.

"Fine, Mr. Braxton ..." she continued.

"Please Dana, call me Zane, since you are clearly trying to figure a way to get my blood on your fists," I interrupted.

"Zane, if you show a little backbone and join me in a friendly practice session, I'll make you exempt from Handmaiden's Duty tomorrow," Dana offered.

"Make it any person of my choice and we have a deal," I answered.

"Very well," Dana agreed.

"I choose Rio Talon," I jumped at the opportunity.

"Done. Now get up here," Dana motioned.

"Who will referee us?" I inquired; Dana smiled and pointed to the first team member whose ass I'd kicked an hour earlier, Mercy Chaplain. That seemed fair ...

We went to our sparring positions. It should be pointed out that I had two years of informal training in kickboxing; Dana had over fifteen years of competitive experience in Karate. I had height, weight, and reach on her, but since this was a Karate match I couldn't use all my moves. In essence, I should have been running instead of fighting.

"Ready ... Go," Mercy shouted. My first thought was 'Damn, that's fast,' as I blundered my way through my initial block. I didn't have a second to marvel at my good fortune before another quick flow of kicks and punches came my way. I ran out of room, luck, and fighting space, taking a blow to the cheek.

"Point!" Mercy called out. We fell back to our initial positions and we started again. This time I ended flat on my back and her 'touch' to my chest that was supposed to finish me really hurt. "Point."

"Is this the best you've got, Zane? Do you want to give up now?" Dana asked evenly. I spun up, resumed my starting position but remained silent. Dana lined up and came at me again.

This time I did the wrong thing; I gave up my reach advantage, catching her off-guard for the split second it took me to drive my knee into her diaphragm. I rode the blow into Dana, driving her into the ground and finishing her with a blow to the chest. "Point." I rolled off the coach before she could react and reverse our positions.

Dana sprung up and took a fighting stance.

"That wasn't a Karate move," she pointed out angrily.

"This isn't a training session so I guess that makes us even," I grinned. "Do you want to give up now?" I retook my start position but adopted the more fluid kick-boxing style.

"I see you've stopped pretending to know Karate," she snorted.

"At least one of us has stopped pretending," I shot back. "When you actually start caring for this club again, let me know."

The strike was so fast I didn't really see it.

I'm so damn good my arm actually tried to block before the thought registered in my head; I was just too slow and she snaked past my guard to slam her fist into my stomach. Another blow came, followed by a leg-sweep. I plummeted to the ground and Dana was on me like a leopard closing for the kill.

Dana's only problem was that this had ceased being tournament combat and become a street fight. I brought a knee up between us, deflected her fist with my elbow, and pile-drove my skull into her forehead. This let me leverage her off me and break back to my feet. Just my luck; Dana was right on me, barely letting me get my hands up for protection.

The Coach was still coming on, rapid-fire with kicks and punches; I could not find an opening to attack back. Something had changed, though; Dana was showing me much more respect. Twice more I fended her off from the ground but the third time she was simply too much, connecting her fist to my cheek so hard she drew blood. I half-expected a second punch but it never came.

"Point?" Mercy called out in confusion. Dana stood up quickly and looked at me. I jumped to a standing position in one fluid move. I rubbed the back of my hand against my cheek. The sweat stung the wound and I left a smear of blood, which I licked off. I defiantly walked back to my starting position.

She came at me like a desert storm, fierce and burning. The outcome was pretty much the same except I took the finishing blow like a jackhammer to my jaw. "Point." I saw stars and was still wobbling when I returned to my starting position. Not being at 100%, the results were predictable -- I was back on the mat in five seconds. "Point."

"Stay down," she ordered me quietly. I pushed myself up and worked my way back for some more punishment. Dana took her position and ... I kicked her so hard upside her head I was momentarily afraid I'd broken her neck. She landed face first; I flipped her over and punched her hard in the sternum. "Point."

"I can keep this up all day long," I promised Dana as I took my turn staring down at the Defeated. Thirty seconds later I was staring up the ceiling of the gym with several girls, Dana and Cappy among them, looking down at me.

"What happened to the other guy?" I moaned.

"What other guy?" Cappadocia said, "It was ..." She was clearly worried I had a concussion.

"The truck that hit me," I joked weakly. "Please tell me that hitting my face ruined their whole day."

"It seems you weren't able to keep this up all day after all," Coach Dana told me as she stood to leave.

I was on Martian time," I coughed. "They have much shorter days." I had no idea if that was true or not; I should ask Iona.

"I think our lessons are finished for today," Dana announced.

"Right when I was starting to wear you down," I teased her. Dana stopped walking away and studied me with annoyance.

I tried to stand, with half the girls trying to help me up while the others tried to hold me down for my own survival's sake.

"Assume the start position," Dana ordered me sternly. I finally managed to force my way to my feet but by the time I had, Wilhelmina had taken my place.

"Wilhelmina?" Coach Dana questioned.

"I apologize," Willy stated. "I've learned my mistake. I should have never given up on your lessons so easily the first time. I clearly haven't learned enough but I'm willing to keep at it as long as you are."

"Me too," Cappadocia chimed in defiantly.

Dana Gorman wasn't an easy woman to push around. Willy, Cappy, and two other girls kept going at her until we had to break for dinner. Before the five of us left the gym I tapped Gorman on her shoulder.

"Rio has tomorrow free and clear, remember?" I asked. Dana nodded reluctantly.

"What about Ms. Becket?" she questioned.

"You keep the fight fair and I'm not worried about it. You keep making this crap up as you go along and we will have a serious Come to Jesus meeting. Please pass the word on because I'd hate for some girl to walk into this thinking you can protect them," I cautioned her.

"Mr. Braxton, I can protect them," Dana stated confidently.

"I sincerely doubt that since you have no idea how I'd get my revenge," I grinned, before spinning away and starting to join my fellow students.

"All I have to do is stop you, Zane," she pointed out.

"That's your mistake, Dana; I'm no longer alone. We are willing to play as rough as you are now. If you keep this an educational experience nothing will happen," I warned her.

"Do you really think you have that much power here?" Dana scoffed.

"Nope. But then, I'm not the idiot who punished Christina Buchanan for showing a bit of mercy toward Rio and I. Without her, we were doomed, so thank the Chancellor for giving us all common cause," I explained before leaving with the ladies.

By the time I made it to the Dining Hall things were looking bitter and depressing but events quickly proved my boast to Dana to be correct. The pro-Rhaine forces had been pretty harsh to the freshmen supporting Christina and morale was low. Christina had, upon arrival, started rallying her supporters with a few kind words and a gentle touch.

When Mrs. Carradine went to stop her and make her resume her seat, Rio 'accidently' coated the teacher in spaghetti, broccoli and a double helping of jello. She didn't get to enjoy her success for long; four girls planted their trays on Rio's head right after that. But they clearly didn't know who they were dealing with. Rio calmly picked up a meatball from the ground, popped it in her mouth and told them,

"Yo, bitch, tell the cook it needs more salt," then made her way back to her seat and acted like nothing had happened. Iona grinned wearily and brushed some broccoli out of Rio's hair. The train wreck that followed was predictable. The teachers tried to enforce a ban to stop the food fighting but clearly were far more concerned with suppressing Christina's side.

Five unresolved food attacks later, Christina secretly sent out the word and her followers attacked en mass, selecting known Rhaine supporters and burying them in one rush that no authority on the floor could stop. Before the teachers could bring order out of the chaos, Christina directed her people to escape.

I joined the exodus and soon found myself in a group of ten seniors, Christina and company included. I stood next to Barbie Lynn as the others hashed out what was going on and slowly, the reason for me being there was revealed. Seniors and juniors were in this little movement because they knew, liked, and respected Christina.

Freshmen and sophomores were more in this because of me, mainly based on the novelty of my existence. I was an administrative screw-up, but I was THEIR administrative screw-up. I also made the Handmaiden's Duty a fun thing whenever I could and not an onerous chore. Apparently, a few of them even described me to the seniors as 'charming'.

Our problem was, how did we make our rebellion grow? The fact was that most of the incentives were doled out by the faculty.

"We target sympathetic teachers, then," Christina directed.

"That food fight had to make us look good too," Chastity said. "Nothing is as effective as a failed suppression attempt."

"I'm fixing up the Solarium tomorrow," I informed the group.

"So?" one of the unnamed seniors stated in a condescending matter. "You need a broom?"

"Actually, I've recruited ninety freshmen and we are going to prep the entire roof for occupation," I responded. The senior looked to Christina who gave her a clever lopsided grin.

"Temperance, I told you he wasn't a lost cause," Christina reminded her.

"Occupation for what?" Faith inquired. I looked nervously about because that part of the plan was so easy to bust apart. I decided to give a partial lie.

"On Sunday afternoon I'm having furniture delivered from a rental service," I told them.

"What's a sofa or two going to accomplish?" Temperance questioned.

"How about three flat screens, two pool tables, a hot tub, two refrigerators, a coffee bar, a Wi-Fi hot spot, and eight rooms full of furniture?" I related to the small group.

"You are bringing in all of that?" Temperance gasped.

"You got us a hot tub?" Barbie Lynn exulted.

"Zane inherited a small fortune," Christina pointed out.

"That's small by Christina's standards," Chastity teased her friends.

"Yes, Barbie Lynn, our dorm will have a hot tub," I tried to keep the lusty images of Barbie in a bikini out of my mind. By the look in her eyes she was having even less success than I was, though; I doubted I looked as good in a bikini.

"How are you getting the water up there?" Hope seemed intrigued.

"The roof's gardens were rigged for irrigation so we have the water. I am adding a few hot water heaters for any other needs, including the dish washer, washer/dryer, sauna, and showers and Jacuzzi tubs. Believe me, I had some friends look this over," I promised.

"I think we can trust Iona to have done a thorough job," Christina glanced my way knowingly.

"Iona?" a different senior asked.

"Iona Becket," Heaven answered with a smirk. "That's his witty little sidekick who invented Zane's Handmaiden's Duty schedule. She's tons smarter than he is."

"Heaven, anytime you want to stop talking about me as if I'm not in the room, feel free," I jibbed.

"Don't hold your breath, sweet-cheeks," Heaven snapped right back. That little exchange seemed to have eased the tension in the group.

"Let's split and keep up the recruiting drive. Stick to groups when we can and try to help any freshmen we know to be on our side," Christina directed. The group split up but instead of heading into my dorm I headed toward the parking lot.

"Zane, where are you going?" Christina inquired.

"I promised my aunt we'd spend a few more dinners together and I'm late as it is, but can I have a moment of your time when I get back?" I responded. Christina gave me a curious look then nodded and led her posse in the other direction. Each girl waved me good-bye in their own way. After the dining hall melee, eating with my aunt was purely mundane and relaxing, for which I was very thankful.

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Prospecting_for_snowProspecting_for_snowabout 3 years ago

This is the most clever and entertaining mix of sex and comedy on this website

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

This shit is harious.the hermaph kinda creeps me out but this shit ought to be a movie it's so funny.

FinalStandFinalStandover 7 years agoAuthor
Nope ~ I love Christianity

I do. I love Christianity, was raised in the faith (Episcopal and Southern Baptist) and have known many fine Christians (and non-Christians) in my lifetime. What I don't like are hypocrites and those who twist any ideology for their personal benefit.

Yes, I think there are 'good' Communists too ~ folks who deeply believe if everyone shared all the resources and workload equally, the world would be a much better place. I also believe such people ignore the basic greed, evil and laziness in Mankind which makes communism ultimately unfeasible.

As Christian College Sex Comedy progresses you will find many good Christians to balance out the bad along with people coming to realize what is, and is not, a bad Christian. The key themes are Tolerance (of what you do not yet understand), lack of Prejudice (of people you do not yet know), Forgiveness (for those trying to change/do better) and Love (because Love has the greatest capacity to unite and heal). All of these come up in the tale.

And there are bad Christians as well as Christians who have fallen into bad ways (prejudice, intolerance and pride). There are also simply bad people ~ no religious excuses to disguise their wickedness.

I hope you read on. I truly do and see that it is the hypocrites, not the faith, which I am mocking.

James aka FinalStand

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Do you hate Christians so much you have to up lies to them? Christianity was/is never a religion, it is having faith/obedience to God. It would be enjoyable if you just make it a simple story w/out mocking others beliefs.

myassisdraginmyassisdraginalmost 11 years ago

Technically "handmaiden duties" are a form of hazing and I believe that is ilegal so all Zane has to do is get the police involved and that school would have more problems than it could handle.....

I too can hardly wait to se what happens next, GO ZANE!!!

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