Circle of Lust Ch. 02


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That night, after I got in from work, I flopped down on top of my bed in a darkened room and let my mind re-enact everything of a sexual nature that had happened to me lately. Then with eyes half closed, I thought about that very afternoon, how Oldfield had cornered me in the filing room and, despite my objections, had brazenly invaded my panties and fingered my vagina. Sighing deeply, I let my own fingers trace his identical path, brushing over my clit and probing deep inside. "Oooh" I moaned, imagining it was his fingers in control. And, just like then, I went all weak and helpless...

"Lynn...Lynn... Are you there, darling?"

It was my mum, waking me from my self-induced trance and letting me know my tea was ready. I jumped up, switched on the light and pretended nothing was wrong. But, looking back, I think it all just added to her suspicions about me.

Over the next few months, Rainsby seemed to go from strength to strength. He opened more betting shops in Lancashire, another nightclub in Blackpool and secured an even bigger share of the "Golden Mile" in the form of amusement arcades and small shops and businesses. Not only that, he was also a partner with both Oldfield and Stillman in various enterprises and developments in Manchester, Liverpool and Blackpool. Head Office had never been busier and the work in the accounts section just grew and grew. We were just snowed under with work. The Boss of my Section kept asking for more help and finally after many weeks, we were told that Nicole would be moved upstairs to our office and another new office girl would be taken on. We had hardly seen Rainsby during this period, he had been too busy in various meetings, site visits and all the wheeling and dealing he did to further his growing empire. Rumours were that he was now in the top 20 of the richest men in Britain.

When we were finally introduced to the new appointee, we were in for a shock. She was Russian, she was blonde and her name was Natasha; Another 18 year old. She was also very beautiful with legs to die for and curvy figure that had the men drooling over her from day one. Typical, we thought that Rainsby, being the letch he was, should go for looks rather than brains or ability to do the job. One look at those long shapely legs and he had probably melted like snow on a summer's day. (Then I shut up when it dawned on me that he had probably appointed me on the same basis.)

In any case, we couldn't understand why he hadn't just appointed a local young person. I mean there were plenty of them available and desperately looking for work. Some of them pretty enough to meet even George Rainsby's' exacting standards. But, the man had made his decision and it was his business, after all. How he had managed to sort out work permits and all that sort of thing was a mystery to all of us. But, he was the sort of man to steamroller past officialdom and red tape and he usually got what he wanted.

Unfortunately, from a work point of view, her English left a lot to be desired. (How had she managed at interview?) I could see that she would need a lot of training even to carry out the mundane tasks the job asked for. Still, she was a pleasant enough girl and we couldn't help but like her.

"You're not the only pretty blonde in the office, now, Lynn," the men chided. "It's time to shorten your skirts, girl, you've got competition."

Anyway, after a few days of training, Nicole was able to come and sit opposite me, and Natasha was able to get on with the job she had been appointed to do. And, despite our doubts and misgivings, she surprised us all by being surprisingly competent. Like me, she wasn't just a dumb blonde. And we got on so well with her that we took her into our little group for lunchtime get together and occasional nights out.

We still occasionally met Brenda, of course, and had nights out with her at the disco or met her in town to go shopping. She was still just an ordinary girl with similar tastes and interests and we always got on very well with her even though her family were worth millions. She told us that her father was having an indoor swimming pool and gymnasium built at their house in Lytham St.Annes and that it would be ready for use in a few weeks' time. There was going to be an opening ceremony and also party to which her friends were to be invited.

"Oooh" said Nicole who loved to be invited to parties. "That's something nice to look forward to." And so we thought no more about it until our small group of friends, Wendy, Nicole, Natasha and I received an e-mail telling us that a small party was to be held at the Rainsby's residence to christen the new swimming pool. It was to be on the following Friday night and we were advised to bring our bikinis. At the time, none of us thought it strange that Brenda hadn't rang us to tell us the date of the party. The fact that we hadn't heard from her for a week or so wasn't unusual, because, that often happened.

We all went and bought new bikinis and dared each other to get skimpy and sexy ones. Natasha (whose English was getting better by the day) was very persuasive in that respect, and of course, she had a figure that looked great in anything or nothing. Nicole of course needed no encouragement to be naughty and provocative and Wendy and I just got carried away against our better judgement. When I got mine home and tried it on again in the privacy of my bedroom I had a few misgivings. Maybe, we had gone too far. It was one thing to buy one like this for a foreign holiday and quite another to wear it at a middle class house party. Unfortunately, there was no backing out now that we had all bought one. So, we had just better hide behind each other.

The four of us hired a taxi and arrived about 20 minutes late. Rainsby was there to greet us in a white dinner jacket and offered us some champagne. I glanced at Nicole, as I remembered the nightclub party and the laced drinks, but, she was already sipping from her glass. I put such thoughts to the back of my mind and got a drink for myself. Surely there wouldn't be a repeat of that episode, not here at the house. Not with his wife and daughter here.

Then as we mingled, I got my first shock. Brenda and her Mum were not there. Apparently, they had gone abroad for a few weeks on holiday. Brenda's Mum had undergone an operation of some kind and Rainsby had whisked them away to Switzerland as an aid to recovery. No wonder Brenda hadn't been in touch. Then, another shock, as I realised that most of Rainsby's cronies were here. There was Oldfield, Stillman, Blairstow and the high ranking policemen, I knew only as Chuck and Ollie. It was quite a gathering. I went across to warn Nicole, but, she was too busy slugging down champagne to be bothered. She shrugged her shoulders. "Just relax and enjoy yourself Lynn. We'll be jumping into the pool soon."

And sure enough, Rainsby, ever the attentive host, started ushering people towards the swimming pool. "Hope you've all brought your bikinis, girls" he chuckled, "although there's nothing to stop you going in your birthday suits!" There was only one changing room, so the ladies were allowed to go first. The 4 of us went in together and although it was crowded we managed fine. As we emerged there was a few wolf whistles from the men and a complimentary remark from Rainsby. "Gosh, you girls look absolutely stunning, I should have arranged for a magazine photographer to be here."

Then, we all jumped into the pool and had a great time as girls do, swimming, splashing, diving and posing, not necessarily in that order. Twenty minutes later, the men arrived and it got rather crowded. After a while, we got a bit tired, so we came out and sat by the pool. More drinks appeared and were quickly dispatched. Swimming makes you thirsty, especially in an indoor glass house. More bottles of bubbly were produced and I saw the first signs of Nicole and Natasha getting a bit giddy. Then Natasha made an outrageous suggestion.

"Let's take our tops off" she giggled. "I never wear one anyway."

"Yes" agreed Nicole straightaway, a wild and excited look in her eyes.

And before anyone else could protest, they untied each other's tops and they were off displaying their very ample and healthy breasts.

Then, not content with that, they surrounded Wendy and pulled at her straps until the poor girl relented and let them drag hers off too.

Then the pressure was on me of course. "Oh come on Lynn, don't be a spoilsport" wailed Nicole.

"Yes, don't be the odd one out," urged Natasha. "In any case you have beautiful breasts, you should show them off"

I reluctantly agreed and was greeted with whoops of approval when I untied my bra strings and went topless.

You don't want my bikini bottoms off as well? I asked sarcastically pretending to pull at the strings. "Maybe later," replied Natasha in all seriousness.

Meanwhile, Nicole was pulling and pushing at Wendy and me "Let's go back in the pool " she urged and we all ran like lemmings into the water to the astonished gazes of Rainsby and his buddies who probably couldn't believe their luck at what they were seeing. I noticed that neither of the other two women followed our example. They were older, of course, and I could see they disapproved of our brazen behaviour. Not that it bothered Nicole and Natasha who were later helping themselves to yet more drink at the trolley table generously supplied by Rainsby. By this time, Wendy had adopted an attitude of "I might as well join you" and began catching up with a vengeance. I shook my head when I had remembered her urging us in the taxi not to overdo the drink. Well, all I can say is that I fell into the trap of being carried along by the group. Soon I was downing the stuff in equal measures. It was to be a night of binge drinking that we knew so well. The fact that we had downed a couple of bottles between us before we had set out that evening did not help. Before long, I had that familiar giddy feeling in my head and everything began to look a bit different in the alcoholic haze.

I must have dozed off for a while because when I came too, I realised that some of the other guests had gone, leaving only us girls and Rainsby's little gang of older predators. "What time is it?" I asked, trying to focus on my watch. "It's nearly midnight" said Wendy helping me up. I managed to stand up and walk unsteadily to the changing room looking for my clothes, thinking I had been half naked long enough. But, when I got there, our clothes had mysteriously vanished. It was then that two shrieking girls ran past, closely pursued by two male admirers. I blinked in disbelief as I realised that they were, in fact, Nicole and Natasha and that they were completely naked. My mouth fell open as I watched them all run towards the house. What kind of a party was this turning out to be?

Then someone took me by the arm. It was Oldfield and he wanted to take charge of me. "Let's go over here" he indicated and sat me back on a luxurious patio sofa. Without as much as by your leave he ran his hand over my tummy and down inside the elastic of my bikini panties. As his hand covered my vagina I gasped with shock. "Stop that, Mr Oldfield please," I whispered urgently trying to pull away his hand. (I remembered then that he had done precisely the same thing in the filing room in Mr. Rainsby's office only a week ago and no doubt he thought he could continue where he had left off.)

"Yes, of course" he assured me, but, I felt his fingers working away, busier than ever. There was the grotesque outline of his knuckles inside the skimpy material as his hand continued to grope my pussy. I jerked frantically as sexual pleasure waves washed over me. "I mean it," I shrieked, finally, managing, just in time, to get his hand out of where it had no right to be. But, I should have known that he wasn't going to be stopped so easily, because, as I got up out of the seat he managed to pull at the string holding my bikini panties together and get it to fall away. As I stopped to see what was happening, he was at me again, gripping my hips and pulling me back onto his knee.

Being totally naked and half-drunk isn't the best condition for which to fight off the attentions of an amorous suitor and Oldfield was strong, very strong. He lifted me into a fireman's lift across his shoulders and carried me towards the house. I kicked my legs helplessly in protest, but, I knew I had been "claimed" by a ravaging brute and he had no intentions of letting me go. As we passed Wendy, I noticed that she too was now naked, with her long shapely legs splayed open and a man, probably Rainsby, kissing and stroking her exposed vagina. "Wendy" I called out to her, but, she was moaning softly in some kind of sexual ecstasy, oblivious to me and everyone else in this world.

Inside the house, we walked along a corridor and soft whimpering moans drew my attention. There, up against a wall, a naked and dishevelled Natasha was being unceremoniously fucked by a man old enough to be her father. It was Stillman, the Restaurant owner and he was giving it to her for all he was worth. Clearly, having caught the beautiful young Russian blonde, he couldn't wait to shag her. And such was the unbridled passion of their lovemaking that they were unaware of our presence as we passed by.

Oldfield, inspired by his friend getting his end away, was clearly intent on finding the nearest bedroom so he could do the same to me.

We went upstairs with Oldfield taking the stairs two at a time. His undoubted strength and being carried like that made me feel decidedly weak and helpless. Any resolve to fight him off seemed to have vanished. We passed a bedroom with the door partly open. A pair of bikini bottoms lay on the floor and I could hear delighted little female shrieks of pleasure emanating from the room. Unmistakably, it was Nicole, indulging in sex, her favourite pastime. I wondered who the lucky man was on this occasion. Meanwhile, Oldfield, marched on and found a vacant room. He deposited me on the bed and locked the door. When he turned and looked at me I could see nothing but lust in his eyes and I knew then that just like my three young friends out there, I was about to be fucked senseless.

After the late party at the Rainsby mansion, I was absolutely shattered. A combination of drink, drugs and a dirty old man's lust had sunk me to a new level of depravity. What was I thinking of...letting a 50+ year old man take me to bed? I was positively disgusted with myself.

I screwed my eyes to the early morning light and groaned, as it all came back to me. Oldfield had screwed me all night or so it seemed. And he had just left me there, naked, fucked and dishevelled, with my legs splayed apart and my clothes lying in a crumpled pile in the corner of the room. The house seemed quiet and I wondered if the other girls were still here. No time to go looking for them, because, a quick glance at my watch told me it was 4.37 a.m. "Oh no!," I groaned, pushing blonde strands out of my eyes and forcing myself into action. I quickly dressed, looking a right mess in the process, but, I needed to get out of there. Where was my mobile and that emergency taxi number when I needed them? Luckily I soon found both in my bag.

I had hoped to sneak back to my bedroom at home without a lot of fuss. The taxi had dropped me off at the corner and I was as quiet as I could be as I let myself in with my key. It had cost me a small fortune to get home this quick, but, I had thought it might be worth the expense to save my reputation at home. I had already taken off my high heels as I walked up the path and now closing the door quietly behind me I tip toed to the bottom of the stairs. As I did so I glanced at my watch and saw it was now nearly 5.40 a.m. Hopefully, at that time of the morning, everyone would be asleep. Or so I thought.

"And where have you been all night, young lady?" asked my Mum suddenly appearing in her dressing gown.

My heart sank. This was exactly what I hadn't wanted, another inquest into my activities.

"I've been to a party Mr. Rainsby's house. All my friends were there..."

"And was Mrs Rainsby there...and Brenda?"

"Well...erm no...they weren't there, but it was all perfectly innocent...There was a party, you see... To open the new swimming pool..."

"So how come you are just getting home now?"

"Well, I got really tired with all the swimming in the new pool and I sort of fell asleep." Even as I said it, I knew that it sounded so false"

"You lying little slut" she hissed. "You've been having sex...I can smell it on you. Just like the time you were out late at night on Blackpool beach."

"Mum no, I..."

You're a disgrace, that's what you are...your behaviour over this last year has gone from bad to worse and the sooner you move out of this house the better. I don't want you leading our Allison astray. She's a good girl and I want her to stay that way.

And that was just the start of the rows and accusations. My situation at home had become untenable. My only friend was my younger sister, Allison. But, it was she who delivered the news that finally pulled the carpet from beneath my feet.

"Mum found your diary and she's been through it with a fine toothcomb"

"Oh my God," I groaned. And I thought I had found the perfect hiding place underneath a loose floorboard. Why the hell had I kept a diary in the first place? What was this compulsion to record everything in print?

As I recalled the sort of things I had written in my book, I realised that what Mum had said about me leaving home was my only choice now. My parents were about to disown me. You see it was all there in that little diary. All my confessions and sexual activities and how I had felt about it all. Luckily, I had never spelt out anyone else's name in the book, just the first letter of their name. So Mum never found out who else had been involved in her young daughters fall from grace. But from then on the atmosphere in the house got colder and colder. It was as if they didn't want me as part of the family anymore.

When I went in for work the following Monday, another surprise awaited me. Rainsby had appointed another new girl in the office, another Russian teenage beauty. Her name was Anna and she was 19 with blue eyes and curly blonde hair. I could see why she had got the job. Her figure was amazing, she had it all, and, as she sat there in reception in her black mini dress, she was showing the whole office what an incredible pair of legs she had.

I asked her if she knew Natasha the other Russian girl who worked in the office and she said she did. I could tell straight away that she spoke decent English and I wondered if she would be as good at office work as Natasha had turned out to be. Brains and beauty, the office was full of it.

I did a quick calculation and tried to work out who was going to do what. It looked like we were overstaffed. Then all was revealed, when I ran into Wendy at lunchtime. We usually met a couple of times a week for a light lunch at a nearby pub and today was one of those days.

"You'll never guess what's happened," she blurted out before I even had a chance to join her at her table. "George Rainsby has bought a boutique shop in the high street. Another of those bargain buys from a bankrupt business man. It was a clothes shop before, so, he doesn't have to wait for planning permission it seems. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I am to be the new manager and Nicole is to join me as my assistant."

She paused for breath so that I could take it all in. "I'm so excited," she continued, "we can't wait to get started."

As if on cue, Nicole breezed in, wafting a mixture of hairspray and perfume in her wake. I could see men looking at her in her short skirt. She was so damn sexy it wasn't true.