All Comments on 'Clark Kent or Superman? An Ending'

by rpsuch

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fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
Great recovery

That was a great recovery after the talk with her mother and Linda. But could or would she live up to that bargin. In your first chapter, you mentioned she had not had sex since he had started taking those other women out. What is the called up, since he hadn't fucked any of them? It would be interesting if there was a closure chapter where they could couple up and both could confess on what they have missed after that nasty pact they had agreed on. Thank for this section, because I knew you were thinking very hard how to come to this point.

sexmatesexmateabout 19 years ago
Conclusion or beginning?

I did like your wrap up. His wife coming to terms with her selfishness. But damn! She seems to have still got off easy. Maybe you could write another story telling us how things are working out, and how she changed and with her feeling true gilt about what she did and how she had been treating him. This would be the true beginning to their relationship because the old one one a sham on her part.

Then maybe now that she could be truly in love with Barry with her showing him how a real loving wife & husband treat each other.

Thanks for writing!


sherlock40sherlock40about 19 years ago
Reading about her self-centeredness reminds

me of practically every 16-25 year old person that I have met recently. They think the entire world revolves around them and it should provide them with everything without them taking responsibility for anything.

Our parents raised us to have a better life than them. We tried to do the same for our children, except we forgot to let them experience fully the highs and the lows of everyday life. We were taught with loving discipline and then we taught with just love and no discipline. We did not hold them responsible for their actions as our parents held us to ours.

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

Great ending It showed a lot of emotion and was the rght ending for this story

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

Great ending It showed a lot of emotion and was the rght ending for this story

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 19 years ago

This was a very well written story. The emotions and understanding of them were deeper than we usually find in a story. Interesting thought that if she loved him more, she would not try to keep him. She has a long way to go. It remains to be seen if she can change her spots. very good story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
A little too quick

All the words and actions from Barry, and nothing. Talking to her mother, and nothing. One talk from Linda, and suddenly, viola, she gets it? Sorry, for me it's too forced and too quick.

EffectEffectabout 19 years ago
Very Nice

I was hoping you were going to finish the story. If there are other ways this could have turned I hope you write more stories about the other ways.

I would have liked for her to really have come to the conclusion of how bad she had been treating him. Really feel how cruel she had been to cheat on him and say she would continue even if he didn't okay it. How he responded in the first part was great and something I really enjoyed, especially when her world got turned upside down and it forced her to stop. I like that one of the other women was in love with him but I don't think he should have taken her back so easily in this story. Though I like how he was giving her a lesson but I think she should have had to worry even more.

Not have anything physcial happen to her though. I like it when the revenge a husband has is more mental then anything thing else, the way this husband was doing.

jaggers0053jaggers0053about 19 years ago
liked it and didn't like it

so typical of what i expect from you, another excellent story, including a well told ending.that is what i like.

what i didn't like was your version of how the story ended. in the end i still don't think that the wife 'gets it'. even though she now understands what a good husband she has, she's still thinking in terms of the sacrifices she has to make to salvage her marriage.

what i would love to see is other established writers take a stab at offering their own endings to this story,to get a different perspective. like was done on Patricia51's One Slip,or as the man who started that, the Troubador, with his How High A Price. both stories got excellent alternative endings.this story would be excellent for this,and i believe even more of a challenge.both Patricia51 and the Troubador's main characters,both the male and female,were much more serious minded,and dealt with this dilimma in like manner.the challenge would be your style,especially in this story,of both characters using much more sarcasm,both in thought and word,even when dealing with a serious issue.

anyone up for the challenge? does rpsuch mind?


fdkmanfdkmanabout 19 years ago
Nice wrap up

I think this was a fairly decent wrap up to this story. While I too wish Barry had decided not to take her back the underlying fact seems to be that he loves her. Love makes us do some things that don't make sense, but we do them anyway.

I don't know if he quite made Superman though, I think he's much closer to Clark Kent since he's still her doormat but he's grown a bit of a back bone.

rpsuchrpsuchabout 19 years agoAuthor

I have no problem with other authors attempting to supply another ending. I did call this "An" Ending. I have guidance. Guidance need not be followed. If Grace makes a credible showing of remorse AND the possibility that she can change, for Barry to refuse to give her a chance - not take her back but a chance - makes all his efforts in the original to get her to understand the idiocy of her position pointless. That's my opinion. I also thought it less interesting, hence this ending, for her to be unable to change at all and just get dumped. Also interesting is whether she will be able to make the dramatic changes required by this ending. Writing is fun. Have at it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Mixed emotions

Every fiber of my being wanted Grace to finally get hers, but by the same token it is evident that he loves her and is willing to give her a chance to redeem herself if she truely can. Aye there's the rub! I'm with those who think this story will need a re-visit in the near future.

X_BishopX_Bishopabout 19 years ago
Very satisfying

This ending was acceptable, a little contrived but for the space and time it took it was understandable. Having Linda model how a true loving relationship should work was a very nice touch. All in all he kept on walking like a man (super or not) should have and left her to make teh decision to catch up or not. I liked it. And still no sex?

romaq7705romaq7705about 19 years ago

gave you 100.

BUT WHHHHAAAATTTT?? really? 2 months?? AND IT'S BARRY'S FAULT??? come on.. barry's a wimp but i nver expected he'd be this WIMPY!!

like the guy the said, is this the beginning?! or the end??

i ask again.. WHHHHHAAAAT??!! grace cheated 3 years of 5 she was married and BARRY SAID IT 'S OK 2 WEEKS? don't think clark kent takes S%#@T!

rp this is good. THIS IS VERY GOOD!! you said you have 3 endings. an sure you'll do better than this. may we hear what's really in store for grace...

so.. what's the other 2?,,,

warm regards,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

I've enjoyed all your submissions, and this one started out well but this seems like you just threw up your hands and quit.

Joe_AvgJoe_Avgabout 19 years ago
Another too perfect husband IMO

I like the story (and the original) but as others have mentioned, its just a little too pat for me. Husband is too perfect. He doesnt let emotions or fear or doubt overcome him. He never has an outburst or says something hurtful (even if some of the things he said/did were a bit hurtful, they were calculated to be so). I know you said he was far beyond angry in the first story & thats why he didnt yell but that wouldnt keep him unemotional after the shock wore off would it?

The reason we are given for his behaviour is that he loves his wife so much he cant bear to be without her. I would thing that if he loved his wife so much, he would show some emotion. He kinda seems like an automaton now. He was detached and calculating right from the moment his wife sprung what should have been a shocking revelation on him.

You also never really explained why he loved her so much either. Why was he so willing to try to save his marriage even when he was offered a what seems to be a better choice in Linda? She was smarter, nicer, more loving & better looking yet he only wanted his wife. Why? They say love is blind but there had to be some reason he was so hell-bent on staying with her. You painted her as stupid, mean, spiteful and self-centered, then you said Linda was better looking too. Was she really such a dynamo in bed that it was enough to outweigh all her shortcomings?

Good story & an interesting premise but the husband's lack of anything (character/emotion/self-pity/etc) were a little disconcerting to me.

If someone wants to write another ending, I would suggest having the husband's hurt get in the way of their reconciliation even if decides he still loves her (and she decides to reform). They can still end up together in the end if you like (or he could leave her and be happier than ever or his doubts could be insurmountable & they break up and neither is happy etc.) but at least give the husband some type of character. Im not saying you have to fly into a jealous rage to prove your love for someone, just that his reaction is so unemotional that it makes me doubt he can love anyone very much.

Joe_AvgJoe_Avgabout 19 years ago
Forgot To Mention

I thought this story was a being written as a comedic exaggeration after the first part. It seemed like you were trying to point out how stupid some of the shit authors try to pass off as 'discovering your sexuality', actually is.

The wife's actions & attitudes were so over the top, I thought you must have had your tongue planted firmly in cheek while writing it. Couldnt really understand why you turned serious in the second part.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Cute but Unfathomable Story

I highly respect the author and his normal efforts. But while chapter 1 was cute, this chapter 2 ending was mysteriously irrational and nonsensical - not in keeping with his normal story realities.

Her long 3 year offenses with 12 cocks and further intention to keep on keepin on needs no further ramping up as to the extremity of her selfish slut actions and future intentions.

So, her few tears and I'm sorry did what? A short leash? Say hello Mr. Wimpy and bring in the rest of the disrespected clowns. It was as though you were running out of time and space to end this tale. Very weak and hardly expected of you! Disappointingly so! Some Regard

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Very good. Of course now she still has to worry.

Being on a short leash in not a good position to be in. Especially when you have to change your basic nature and habits.

That is harder for her than being divorsed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Respectable story about getting back together

I read so many stories how husband takes wife back after she cheated on him with completely stupid reason. This story sounds a lot more believable and I actually felt the husband is not a wimp, unlike the platoria of shits I've read. I especially like the line "you're on a short leash, and that's not including cheating". I like your story because it has justice in the end and your character(the husband victim) is actually respectable. Other stories when the husband is a vimtim and a wimp, I just want to spit in their face if I ever seen them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

I like the idea of your telling it from her perspective. It is obvious she does not have a clue about her own behavior, but you can see it slowly begin to sink in. In regards to seeing emotion from the husband--this is totally from her side, so we only she what he shows her directly. My main question is how he got the other women to go along with it. Those are some powerful friends he has. Linda especially. No Clark Kent about him, the courage it takes to go back and try to make it work is humongous--if not quite superhuman. Good Job


Nightowl22Nightowl22about 19 years ago
All Settled?

She sounds like she's willing to try to be a good wife but will it "take"? Will she be able to think of others even as much as she thinks of herself, let alone more than herself. Now we, the readers, know of a better option available for him. If Grace screws up, maybe Barry will discover Linda. Even Grace thinks Linda is his best choice.

It does seem like a bit much for her to actually change her spots, At least that easily. I would vote for her to screw up.

Barry is unflappable. I agree that doesn't seem quite logical but it would seem he made up his mind what course HE would take and if she didn't join him he would accept that, too, and they could go their own way!

My one question. Did she have 12 men? [I don't remember] THAT would be the end, for me, right there. I find it a wonder he would even want her to stay with him.

Even so, I enjoyed this story. It was interesting from her POV, her reasoning. I also like happy endings.

LeBrozLeBrozalmost 19 years ago
Soul Searching

Grace was so concerned with the appearance of having Barry that she had to possess him; the only question that never seemed to enter her mind was whether she LOVED him. That question only came to her mind when she nearly lost him.

In a sense Grace viewed her boy toys (or fuck toys) the same way she viewed Barry - as things to be used, to be enjoyed. It was all about appearance; the boy toys she hid; Barry was a "trophy husband."

But if she were truly selfish about her needs, she would be pouring her soul into making Barry complete; of making him so happy that he would be returning all her attentions ten-fold.

At the end of this tale she realizes what a monumental chore she faces; and she takes the first steps on finally discovering what love is about and how fulfilling it can be when the person you love truly "sees" you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
I don't see Barry as a wimp

I enjoyed part 1 and the ending. I see Barry giving Grace the pain of living like she does to others. It is clear that Barry wants her, but only if she changes. It is much harder for him to stay and give their marriage a chance then to leave. I do not see Barry as a wimp. I would be interested in seeing the other endings you mentioned.

EffectEffectalmost 19 years ago
Another ending by anyone

Does anyone know if anyone has tried writing another ending to this story? As the author said it was one way it could have gone. Would be pretty interesting to see how others would have ended it.

Would like to try myself but I'll be honest, writing these kind of stories is something I'm not good at. I wish I was but I really wouldn't want to make a fool of myself by putting up a bad story. At least not yet anyway.

MacDukeMacDukealmost 19 years ago
Refreshing Real People

How refreshing to read a cheating wife story without violence, or stupid revenge. rp has created two real characters. The plot is clever, and although it lacks eroticism, it is a cut above the usual of this genre.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Mixed feelings

I thought part one was excellent,but not sure about this.Fucking 12 different men in three years of marriage is surely grounds for any normal (however much he loves her)husband to throw the slut out?And what happened to her medical test results.Deserves a better ending,I'm dissapointed in you.

louguy35louguy35over 18 years ago
Excellent Story but needs more

This is a well constructed story with a good possible ending. However, there is more of this story to be told.

But first, a point of criticism. The testing for STDs is clearly understated. Although some of the STDs can be tested for in a short time frame,(5 STD's are permanent afflictions) the test for HIV antibodies will take anywhere from 28 days to one and a half years. Six months of abstinance from sex would seem to be absolutely necessary in order to insure safety, and that would still leave a small percentage chance that one could become infected. It should be noted that if Grace had sex with 12 men regularly over three years, she would have been penetrated close to 1,000 times. (assuming she was fucked twice each time) That is approximately 6 times a week. A sane man would have required the full one and a half years of abstinance from such a wholesale slut. Absolutely impossible for her. (Actually a sane man would boot her ass out onto the street because she is mentally and morally bankrupt)

As far as the ending goes, it does not bode well for the slut. (I do not call her a whore becuase that would be an insult to whores.) She is on a short leash, but will surely cheat again, and soon.

May I suggest an additional chapter that would go something like this: Starting with the current ending, the couple gets back together. Grace tries hard to change her basic self-absorbed, narcissistic nature. Barry continually encourages her (he LOVES her)and things seem to be going well. Linda, in the meantime, does not believe that Grace can change, and occasionally watches her (she is in love with Barry) She discovers what she believes to be a meeting between Grace and one of her lovers. She, herself, hires a PI and he reports that Grace is again regularly cheating on Barry. Linda then confronts Grace and tells her that if she does not confess to Barry, she will tell him what she knows. Grace, believing that having manipulated Barry once she can do it again, and forgetting about the short leash, confesses to Barry after having gotten him drunk and having fucked him royally. Barry seems not to be too upset at first and Grace believes she can smooth things over a second time. On the following Monday, hoever, Grace is served with divorce papers at her part-time job.

Linda then goes to Barry and tells him that she knew of Grace's treachery, confesses that she forced Grace to confess, and tells Barry, in no uncertain terms, that she loves him and would never cheat on him. Barry is leary of Linda at first, but their relationship develops and they are later married. Grace tries to ruin the marriage by tricking Linda into a compromising situation, but her ploy fails after Barry puts two and two together, and gets revenge against Grace by living happily with Linda, and raising a wonderful family.

Just a thought...feel free to use the idea if you think it might work.


rpsuchrpsuchover 18 years agoAuthor
response to the last 2 commenters

To Anonymous in Erehwon, that sure is a reasonable way it could have gone. But I think it would have been too short for Literotica to post unless I convinced them it was a poem. I have leanings in multiple directions about where the characters are and where they go. I didn’t reread the original, but I think these two stories take less than a month to unfold. Perhaps Linda is picking up that he lovED Grace but missing that he is in a period of mourning for the relationship he thought he had and until he completes the morning, he isn’t emotionally ready to end it. Yet, he doesn’t really want to continue it. Look at the terms. What are the chances, after spending her whole life as a supremely selfish, manipulative person, that she is going to be able to change her focus to thinking about other people, giving them consideration? He said that one slip in her thinking, not another incident of cheating, would be enough for it to be all over. She needs to make a complete change in the way she looks at things and she cannot make it a step at a time. It has to be total and immediate. Is there a significant area in your life where your behavior has been consistent for a long time that you could change immediately and completely? I’ve identified things I need to change and I’m making progress but there are setbacks. And I really want it. Also see some of the discussion to follow.

To Louguy35. You’re absolutely right about STDs in terms of the timing for some of them. HIV can show up early but it can also take a pretty long time. When they originally identified the antibodies I think it was a minimum of 6 months. Tests have gotten better but incubation varies by the individual. I haven’t done the research on permanent STDs so I’m not sure which the 5 are unless you’re including herpes, hepatitis C and I’m not sure whether A and B are permanent. They certainly are persistent. It’s been 36 years since I last took statistics, but I think both the number of partners and number of times work together. If 1 is infected, only those times are relevant, but clearly that doesn’t represent a straight 1 in 12 chance. Anyway, neither of them has had sex since the discovery, according to the stories. I think we’re around a month out and he was tested immediately. Her testing is more useful because if she’s not positive for something now, a big chunk of the early portion of the three years has not resulted in infection.

See the top paragraph for possible reasons he hasn’t done anything permanent. He certainly doesn’t LOVE her the way guys do in the current rage of reconcile at all costs stories. Maybe he is in the psychological equivalent of shock, his mind is temporarily preventing him from feeling the pain. Maybe he is to do her one last favor before he cuts her loose by showing her how total is her selfishness and what a daunting obstacle it is to dial it back to a level where anyone (except a masochist) will be willing to have a relationship with her. Trying and failing would be a much better wake-up call than just dumping her immediately. Maybe he is getting something back by setting her an impossible task to torture her with the hope of reconciliation before he snatches it away. I wouldn’t consider that admirable, but neither would I consider it blameworthy.

You’re right. It doesn’t bode well. I don’t think she’s going to cheat. He asked her to think about other people. Her selfishness is a lesser, included offense to cheating. She’ll fail that test long before she cheats. Change is difficult, even when you want to change. Profound change is profoundly difficult. Abrupt, profound change, may not exist except under certain laboratory conditions (and in some stories by ill-advised writers). But, the reason we speak of a one in a million chance is that it does happen that once. Otherwise we’d say it’s a zero in a million shot. She might do it, but she won’t.

Your scenario for an ultimate ending is entirely in keeping with the nature of the characters. If she fails, especially by cheating, he would absolutely cut her loose at the time, place and manner of his choosing and, there is a good chance, do it in a way that caused her pain.

anonymousreaderanonymousreaderalmost 18 years ago
out of character

Grace's behavior at the end of this part of the story simply doesn't mesh with her character as presented in the first part and in the first half of this ending. That she would come to a sudden realization of what she had done based on talking once with Linda strains believability past the breaking point.

Grace is not simply a self-centered slut. Oh no, she is waaaaay beyond that. From

"psychopath - A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy or remorse."

As for Barry, he's a passive-agressive prick - neither Clark Kent nor Superman. He's on a different axis altogether. The only Superman in this story is Linda.

Barry may go back to Grace, and keep her on a short leash... but what kind of marriage is that? Nothing is resolved by it, certainly not the underlying issues. Grace is probably in need of medication, electroshock therapy, and some time in a rubber room. Barry needs to pull his head out of his ass. And Linda can do far, far better than him.

Orion623Orion623almost 18 years ago
I must have read a different story

than the other commentators. I thought this tale was a light hearted, witty romp through one aspect of a character defect that led to infidelity. The circumstances of Grace's fall from grace, her admission of having 12 sex partners in three out of the first five years of marriage, and her stated contention to continue to fulfill herself sexually would preclude all but the insane from continuing the marriage.

Notwithstanding this, the author manages to lead us through a wonderful tale of how Grace comes to understand that her self-indulgence was destroying her marriage and that only a change from within herself would save the husband/wife union.

The authors wit showed in the very funny telephone conversation between Grace and her mother. I laughed out loud when Grace commented about the Grandfather clock striking 14 o'clock. There were many parts of the story that brought a smile to my face, not the least of which were Grace'a asides concerning her husbands sarcasm.

All in all this was a terrific story with more than its share of humor. I had no problem with how the author dealt with the STD testing time period nor with whether Grace would or would not change her spots. In the end none of those things mattered because the story was about the trip, not the destination.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
By adding an ending later

you've lost the tempo. There was no reason why the story couldn't have been complete in itself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
The Smart Decision

Honey you made the right decision to hold on to Barry.

Pat Murray


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Minority of one

Apparently I'm the only reader who did no enjoy this story,so I must be odd. I know it was meant to be humorous and to teach a lesson, but I find the authors humor a little heavy handed. Given that Grace was a selfish, adulterous bitch that did not even feel any guilt for her promiscuity, she a least never rubbed his face in it. She cheated and hoped she would not get caught, but when she did she had her stupid story ready. He, on the other hand, really rubbed her face in it, bringing lovers into the house and flaunting them in her face, insulting her cooking, her intelligence etc. Sorry, I thought he was an arrogant bastard.Divorce her fine, but give up on humiliating her. When Linda stopped and told her she was going to lose him,She should have said, good riddance. 60 year old George

zed0zed0over 17 years ago

What a fun read, different! But I can't give a fucking wimp story better than 50%. Barry shoulda get - while the gettin' was good. He's stuck with a slut no matter how remorseful she currently is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Minority of One should read the story closely , HE DID NOT CHEAT ON HIS WIFE, so he did not have any lovers , she on the other hand did, and threw it in his face when he found out, and she intended carrying on with them thinking she had every right to do so , good story , pity there are no further chapters to see how she does.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
What Zed said... again

He's absolutely correct. Bitch is remorseful now, but what will she be like next week, or next month or whatever.

As for that softcock fuckwit 60yo George below, how the fuck did he get to be 60, and still be so stupid? What a fucking loser...

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
good story and one possible ending

but I doubt it if they will succeed. She seems barely able to start understanding about "love". He is at the brink of leaving. There isn't much room for even a slight misunderstanding about anything related to her previous behaviour. Difficult but not impossible. Other endings are more likely though after her dozen lovers over 3 years. G.Belgium

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 16 years ago
Damn fine work

He threw her rules right back at her. She only got what she had given him. A previous poster suggested hubby was cruel for rubbing her face in his behavior when she had hidden hers. Was it less cruel to do it behind his back? Bad behavior plus deception is better than bad behavior plus honesty? Not sure I can buy that. Regardless of how you look at their behavior, I really loved the tone and tempo of her smug self-assured attitude turning to confusion and dismay. Really good work and I hope to see some more. Thank you.

ReduxBlueReduxBlueover 16 years ago
This needs another comment

I've read this story a couple of times now, maybe I can come up with a lucid comment. I'm sure I wouldn't have reacted as well as Superman did, but you really got the other commenters going. If feedback feeds the urge to write more, I'll be expecting a lot more from you soon!

I'm not sure why Barry would settle for a woman like this, but we've only got a short vignette to respond to. He obivously loves the woman, but I hope they go through a long intense conseling session before they get back together. Good luck on future stories and thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
and in the end...

she may just be too selfish and a slip all to easily for her. i would imagine trust, at minimum, is lost; and he questions every day, is this the day? either he should spare himself that or she steps aside, knowing what/whom she is.

DrallDrallabout 16 years ago
A Great One!

After my 3rd or 4th reading over 3 years,this story continues to make me laugh and cry.It's wonderful!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
ah well

Well written and funny too I suppose, but I would rather have seen him throw her out on her cheating ass first, and then try for those lady's ;) ..What is it that says that the cuckold has to reach down to perpetrators level of self abuse to come out of it clean? To me he's just dirtying himself anew with his stinking excuse of a wife. it's not honest it's not clean and it places him at her level of conspiracy and deceit... Cheers Yoron

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

well written

Risq_001Risq_001about 16 years ago
Just ran across the story, but.....

<p>......I'm sorry that a 25 is the best I can do :(</p>

<p>You write well, better than most writes I've seen, but you have a story here where a couple has been married for 5 years and she's been cheating on him for 3 years of that without his knowledge. In the story she's been cheating on him more than half the marriage</p>

<p>And then she tells him in a round about way he's really not hung well enough to get in to all the deep places she likes to be touched in now</p>

<p>Then, right after the main character tells him that he's "just not getting the job done, but other men are" and he should have recognized that any and every time if he wanted it she was willing to give it to him, even if it's right after she's been with another man, because she loved him so much she was willing to open her legs and let him have access to her because she didn't want to deny him sex at any time.</p>

<p>Not to mention that the story shows Barry commenting about getting sloppy seconds</p>

<p>Then with <i>All</i> this knowledge and above actions by the wife, the husband, who has no problem getting attractive women who are chomping at the bit to be with him, discards them all to give his faithless, cheating, scheming, dishonest, manipulative, and selfish wife a 2nd chance after 3 <i><b>years</b></i> of cheating and giving him sloppy seconds, a second chance because he loves her too much to leave her. Huh?!?</p>

<p>While your a good writer, there is a difference between a happy ending and an ending that just doesn't fit with-in the confines of the story. This story it didn't fit. You set the stage for a hurtful wife who's action's for years was self absorbed and dangerous. Who knows what disease she could have gotten or who's wife may have shot her. Not to mention if she had hooked up with another man who wanted her all to himself and felt the husband was in the way of that happening. And the husband, with better prospects, isn't willing to walk away from her, and at the end the story suggest she may have no way of learning how to be a better wife. It just didn't feel real or like it made any real sense to me.</p>

<p>While I liked the dialog and the husbands reactions to what his wife said, what I hated was that while you put some talent into the writing, the ending didn't make sense. It wasn't real. Who, after finding out their wife is cheating on them for 3 years of a 5 year marriage, with nary a condom in sight, after finding out during those 3 years she can't even begin to count the time she's been an un-numbered amount of men, right after finding this all out is going to go "Hmmm I still have a marriage worth saving if I can show her how much this hurt me". Or even have the first thought your main male lead did of: "Hmmm if we can get some counseling this marriage could be saved, because after hearing of all of her exploits since we've been married the only problem I have with it is that she wont' stop sleeping around on me"</p>


<p>Having a main character have those thought, how can any not see him as a willing cuckold who's only thought is getting past this and pretending the endless parade of other men was just a slightly bad mistake made by his wife instead of divorce fodder.</p>

<p>I honestly thought of giving the story a 0 but your writing style is good enough that I would have felt bad about that score, but the subject matter and reaction of the husband at the end of the story, made it a "really" tough call to make.</p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
is that really good?

she trashed any notion of trust, and nothing she did would suppress a nagging voice in his head to not check on her.

anything really left to salvage, over 1/2 cheated, and when she feels secure, she'll do it again? even if not, those questions of her fidelity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
This isnt a opps I shouldnt have done that!

She fucked around on him for three years of a five year marriage. She is not just a slut, she is about as round heeled and stupid as she can be. Bareback sex with strangers isnt smart it is ignorant. The best thing for him to do would be to cut his losses and get rid of the bitch. She really isnt worth keeping. Linda would make a much better wife. Would he ever have sex with her again without feeling inadequate and wondering if she wanted something better? Would he ever feel she respected him for more than a paycheck so she didnt have to work full time? Could he ever trust her again, in any way shape or form? The answer to almost all of these questions is no. Why ruin the rest of your life for a woman that loved you so little, it makes no sense. Life is meant to be enjoyed, there is no love or enjoyment in that home.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Great take on....

reverse psychology despite unlikely ending.I would have liked to see him extend it to the bedroom where her inadequacies in that arena could be expounded on.(Just because you have a high sex drive doesn't mean you're a good lover,eh?)You are one of the better writers on this sight.Pistolpackinpete

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 15 years ago

What can I say? Smart, quick dramatic. Way above what you can usually expect to see here!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
outstanding story

The story is outstanding, it would be hard to nearly impossible for anyone to argue otherwise. The wife may have learned enough about herself from this experience to make the marriage work. But probably she also retains a lot of behavioral patterns and nerve circuits in her mind and brain related to her selfish need to satisfy herself sexually that her behavior will return and then what - the husband again goes to doing what he feels are his needs, they go to counseling sessions, they separate, or they divorce? RAG

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 15 years ago

I accept the story for what it was. A satire on the cheating, selfcentered spouse and a good loving husband. It was well written and funny. It was just a very good story and what the husband should have done does not matter! Of course he could do better as the story points out, and he deserved much better than he had gotten from her for five years. However, he appears to love this one women enough to try it again with her whether she deserves to be booted or not! Hilarious!

hawkeye007hawkeye007over 14 years ago
I can't believe it!

I can't believe he would even consider taking the bitch back. She's a self centered slut and always will be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
wuth so many other options?

he goes back to this self centered bitch. her cooking, conversation, etc are unlikely to improve, so why? leve her to anyone else that would wnat to give her a go

oldwayneoldwayneabout 14 years ago
Hawkeye said it as well as anyone could.

I know I couldn't say it better. I can't say I enjoyed the ending at all. A selfish, dumb assed, cheating slut is the only possible description for her. Loving and forgiving someone like her defies all possible understanding. A comparison to Clark Kent would be a disservice to the memory of that character. A wimpy assed, pussy of a cuckold is what your protagonist turned out to be. I hate fucking wimp stories. People who write them should have the courtesy to identify them upfront, SO THAT PEOPLE WHO FEEL LIKE I DO WOULD NOT WASTE THEIR TIME READING SUCH WORTHLESS SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Where is PAPATOAD when I need him?

size14shoesize14shoeabout 14 years ago
Just a little bit of levity?

Am I off here? I thought this story could have been filed under Humor & Satire. This is my third read -- the first since I stopped being anonymous -- and I enjoyed it just as much as the first read.

Had Barry reacted in any other way, this story could not be. Nice ending. Sometimes we readers think from the outside without considering what the thoughts and feelings of the characters might be. If Barry didn't love his wife, he would have given a shit what she did. Working it out was what he wanted to do.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Good story but.....

But the ending shud hav been more definite.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
your humor

your stories and humor are not my cup of tea.

RePhilRePhilalmost 14 years ago
I like your writing

Good story and writing. I would have liked the story to continue with an extended ending but that's just selfish sorry couldn't resist

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
Did this story need an "ending."

You are a superior writer. The Nerd story was fabulous on many levels. That story needed the time and length to fully explore the growth of the characters. By way of contrast, I confess this is one short story which I think you could and arguably should have ended w/o the follow-up demanded by so many of your readers. Some stories lend themselvers to continuations for various reasons; some do not. In my personal opinion, this one was of the latter. As the various comments make clear, it is one of those which is great fodder for conversation --> What if this? What if that? etc., etc. Although short, you managed to fully develop the characters and the plot, leading to the wonderful up in the air conclusion. Chap 2 sort of short changes that "up in the air" feeling. Again, my personal opinion only. This is absolutely not a criticism of your wonderful writing skills.

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 13 years ago
Well, maybe she

wasn't as dim as I thought, just a little slow to learn. Great story.

Senrab13Senrab13over 13 years ago
Once is enough

The guy is an idiot with absolutely no self respect. They should stay together because they deserve each other. This story held my interest but the ending made sure I won't reread it like the other stories I so enjoy. Once is enough.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

What a crock of horse SHIT!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
NOT a superior "writer." Perveyer of trash.

Likes to humiliate or degrade husbands. I suppose that if you're into that thing, maybe author is OK. If you're not, author is pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Wrong Title

I'm sorry but this has nothing to do with Clark Kent or Superman.

I would suggest you rename it...

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago


RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 13 years ago
Read it again...

and I haven't changed my opinion much. Still a great story. What I thought different from most similar stories was his revenge was showing her that intolerable and self-centered actions can be painful and hard to accept. I said 2 years ago that what happened next didn't matter. Betrayal and revenge in kind...marriage over.

I don't think a sequel is needed unless it is the wife's view. Event then I think most of us would want him to extend his revenge just a little longer until she gives him up because she finally understands what she has done. Than she has him marry Linda because, as she said, Linda is more deserving and he deserves someone like Linda.

I am a reconciler sometimes but she just went too far in not demonstrating any love or respect for her husband too long. There is no real way he could get over it unless he is portrayed as a latent wifewatcher or cuck.

The only other reason he could possibly want to stay with her is maybe because the first two years were really something special. But even that was highly unlikely with her self-centered and spoiled attitude, something verified by the Mother.

A sequel to this story is going to take another very long story to build up enough reasons to reconcile. But hey, I like it when Wanderer or WritingDragon go to such extreme efforts to justify it! Heck, even StangStar did one recently!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Yep, as noted, Crock of Shit

What trash presented as literature.

SKHPSKHPalmost 13 years ago
Like all Superman-films this all is far from reality

Reading the story itself, I thought it was meant as an humoristic exaggeration. But this ending gives another impression: the author thought of the couple as realistic characters.

No - that is not believable. There is no such stupid slut and no such wimpy husband, especially as she pictured him in her mind.

Despite this: 3* for writing skills

saratusaratuover 12 years ago

Actually I don't know what to say for this story,,, perhaps nothing would be appropriate.

holydemon00holydemon00over 12 years ago
does he have to re-educate a female manchild?

Frankly, the way I'm seeing this, Barry only stays with her because she looks like a lost child who doesn't know what's right or wrong, not because he loves her as his wife.

bruce22bruce22over 12 years ago
Great Work

The ending could confuse some of us, after all you did not make it clear that there was no way she would satisfy his demands and he is just having some fun with her.

At least that is what the author seems to be saying in his comments. Personally I felt that the story should have ended at the end of the first posting though I admit that the conversation with her mother was a jewel!

chytownchytownover 12 years ago

For sharing

Danger09Danger09over 11 years ago
Barry the wimp

I'm sorry , but WTF?! Never mind the cold hearted , disrespectful way she reacted when she was caught--she's been cheating on him for 3 years with dozens of guys & they've only been married for 5 years! So explain to me exactly how any real man can & would stay with this gutter slut? I thought the revenge was bit stupid, it seems like too much hassle, wouldn't it have been easier just getting rid of the cum slut? The slut doesn't know the definition of love or marriage, if she wanted to continue fucking around why get married? It's like she's a fucking child. How could Barry possibly be able to trust her again? She said that Barry doesn't satisfy her anymore so who is he to stand in the way of her getting fuck but different cocks? What type of marriage is this? She only thought about herself, she never considered that Barry might get his needs met by a much younger prettier woman, why is that? Did she think so lowly of her husband that she felt that he was such a fucking wimp he wouldn't leave her when caught cheating & he wouldn't fuck other women? She's right on both counts! Barry deserves the dirty bitch I hope she brings him home AIDS.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Seven years, nine months of comments tells the story.

Thanks, tom anon

P.S. Can I get Linda's number?

solotorosolotoroover 11 years ago
How very inconsistent

Why did Barry go through all that drama? To teach her a lesson? In the end all he taught her was that he will always let her have her way with no real consequences. He will probably be "hurt" the next time he catches her cheating, but this time it will his responsibility. Neither of them have changed and neither learned a damn thing. Too bad, you really started out with a good thing.

sugnasugnaabout 11 years ago
5 stars, well written but -

But she fucked 12 guys in 3 years?! Forgive that? Forget that? NO, not possible. She is a very sick and selfish person. Even if she realizes it she has a personality disorder that is not likely to go away. Barry will spend the rest of his life in hell with this sick bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Not consistent and still not really finished.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 11 years ago

So much promise. This tale had everything going for it. In the end she acts sincere and you buy it? The std tests weren't even back yet. No you blew this tale for real men everywhere. What a shame. So much promise.

Oh shit I said that already.


Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 11 years ago

Sometimes it is better to just part ways.

phil2213phil2213over 10 years ago
Extremely well written woeful tale of a mentally disturbed unfaithful wife.

I tried to like this story but I failed in my attempt. This wife was not even liked by her mother, who the author presented as highly uncomfortable with her daughter's abhorrent behavior. The relationship had no mutual attempt toward sexual fetish and it was apparent that she was mentally disturbed in her thinking and behavior. People with this behavior need serious help.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 10 years ago I saw Part 2 too late..

..wonderful story and an ending many readers - including myself - can probably live with. Could )of course) have been a bit longer - her regret came a bit too fast. 4*

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 10 years ago
My two cents

I enjoyed this story, part one especially (I gave five stars). The satire was cute and incorporated some of the common cliche catch-phrases used by cheaters in these stories (and probably in reality): It didn't mean anything, it was only sex, I need it bigger but I still love only you. My score for part two, however, was lower at three stars, as I have a problem with wifey's epiphany and sudden capitulation, plus hubby's seeming acceptance that she'll change. Not even counseling? I think he changed back to Clark Kent by the end of the story. Once a cheater, etc. etc. etc.

Sam37Sam37over 10 years ago
I suspect

That many of the negative comments are really emotional reactions to the characters, not objective opinions of the writing or the story.

Both chapters were very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

The only problem with the story coming together is that there wasn't even a hint of superman. He would have to be badly mentally challenged to think he wasn't going to waste more time out his life before she cheated again.

You didn't write any reason for him to stay at first or at last.

Still you did flesh the two mains out pretty well.3.5 IMO.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I expected a better ending. C'mon!

Bd4554Bd4554over 9 years ago
Very thoughtful story

One of the better stories on the site. It's creative, well constructed, and beautifully written. All in all, both chapters were a pleasure to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
well written

Well written. Story itself was good because it generates comments. In real life a 5 year marriage and she cheated for 3 of them? It wouldnt survive him finding out they didnt even have kids to hold them together.

Without a lot of psych work, and i dont think that would even work well, she will not change all that much.

K.K.K.K.over 9 years ago

I read this story when RP first posted it and enjoyed it then and like a good wine I think it was even better with age. I had a smile on my face the whole time I was reading it. I guess now I will have to reread more of his stories.

Pappy7Pappy7over 9 years ago
Quit listening to

all of the RAAC crowd on here. There was no way this stupid woman would have come around to this point of view on her own, you had to throw Linda under the bus to get her there. He would be much better off without her. What about the STD test results? Should have just stopped with the first one.

You write well but like a lot of writers on here you listen to the women are goddesses and men are weak fools crowd for your sequels. There was no need for that here. Chapter 1 was a pretty well written story but it came unraveled at the very last of this chapter. No way a thinking and deliberate man would ever believe anything she told him after the cavalier and off the cuff way she told him he had a little, unsatisfying dick and that for her own well being she was going to continue to be the community bike. 2 stars for this one, but only because of the good writing.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

for anothers plight. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

bullshit. years of cheating and all is well, just like that. horrible ending.

xtchrxtchrabout 9 years ago
Not Worthy Of Reconciliation!

This wife was definitely not worthy of reconciliation. She cheated 3 of the 5 years they were married. He wasn't enough for her. AND she wanted to keep doing it! This woman had real problems and is going to cheat again once he calms down. That should have been the end of the marriage. He should run from this woman as fast as he can. She has no love or respect for him at all. It sounds like he wouldn't have any trouble finding a replacement. I don't believe a person can change that quickly without any help. Her own mother didn't even think so. I don't think he was a superman at all, just a superwimp. She deserves her freedom so she could continue her search for those organisms but only on her own, without hubby's safety net waiting home for her.

It was a well written story and the first part was OK, but it was time for him to be selfish and look-out for himself. Did not like the conclusion or the second part. She doesn't deserve him and he doesn't deserve the heartbreak that's coming. She already admitted that she may slip in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Without a doubt Clark at his most submissive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Well written cliff hanger, leaving the characters hanging. Of course Barry deserved what he'd gotten, . . .

up to this point. And if the marriage turns around and they become mutually loving and respectful, then he will deserve that too. His wife was pathologically selfish, single-mindedly pursuing her own appetites and pleasures, and he facilitated her spoiled self-centered life style. It sounds like she did not change from being a spoiled bitch, so he should have known what he was getting when he married her. If she could be so blind, cruel, and self-serving about fidelity, there had to be numerous, numerous, incidents where he forgave, overlooked, even indulged her myopic view of her marriage. So now he's so surprised that she takes him for granted and acts with total disregard for his role as husband? Where the fuck has this weeny been keeping his brain? He facilitated her descent, he should give her time to rehabilitate. That chapter has yet to be written, and the outcome is very uncertain in my opinion.

A good thought-provoking story. Thank You.

TornadoTysTornadoTysalmost 9 years ago
A Continuation. ..

This story is a good start of continuing the sequel of chapters for this on the edge couple.

Need more please author.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 9 years ago
Second time through...

not really a resolution.

NWlifterNWlifterover 8 years ago

left that selfish cheating, thing and found a woman to love *cough* Linda * cough*.

LVGirlLVGirlabout 8 years ago
Not Quite

I don't think she can make that big a change by herself. Barry showed her exactly what her view of the world led to, and with Linda's help she learned that she needed to change. Without some more help she isn't going to make - maybe counseling, getting together with her mother, meeting friends (Linda?) - it's a huge change for her and without help she's going to fail.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

cheating 3 years in 5 of marriage. why would he even think about keeping her? damn wimp.

shitty story still UNFINISHED.

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