Club Paradise Ch. 02


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Frank picked right up, "and then when you bust her on it, she pretends not to understand what you're talking about."

They both paused, waiting for the other to respond. Then they both burst out laughing at the same time. It was a real, honest moment.

In the pause afterwards, Alexa looked at him, "So are you gonna come back for round two before you leave? I'll give you a really good deal."

"I'm only in town for one more day," Frank said. "I'm done with my gig here tonight, but I'm staying an extra day."

"Oh well -- I'm not working at the club tomorrow. But you should totally go and find Audrey! She should get the chance to experience your squeezetechniques!"

Frank had no room in his mind for other women right at the moment, but somewhere in the back of his head the seed was planted.

"Why are you staying?" Alexa asked.

"To see this jazz orchestra at the SLS. The house guy is hooking me up."

"Whoa, really?" Darcy perked up even further at this, "I play the clarinet, you know."

"You do?" Frank wasn't quite sure why he was surprised -- she had already shown him what her fingers and tongue could do.

"Yeah -- when I was growing up, my dad was a concert violinist who doubled on the sax. He played with classical orchestras as a job, but his passion was big band jazz. He started me on the flute when I was five, and I had my first professional gig at fourteen -- third oboe in the back, but still." She was smiling at the reminiscence.

"Well, funny you should mention big band, but the ensemble tomorrow is actually a modern big band -- nineteen pieces." Frank passed on what Donovan had told him.

Her already wide eyes went wider. "Nineteen! Damn, I bet their sound is unbelievable."

"If you want, you're welcome to come." He ventured, bravely.

"I do so like to come." Alexa waggled her eyebrows at him.

"It's at 7:00pm at the SLS." Frank stated, ignoring the double entendre.

"Well," she said, considering. "I'm not working at the club tomorrow because I have a private client; but that's not until 10:00pm."

"Where?" As soon as he said it, Frank knew he probably shouldn't have asked. Never ask sex workers or drug dealers for details -- obfuscation is such a part of the lifestyle.

She didn't seem to mind though. "One of the penthouse suites at the Venetian -- he gets the same room every time. I could actually probably make it in time."

She looked at Frank slyly. "But I might not have time to change -- I might have to wear my date outfit. How would you feel about that?"

Her arm folded over both of her tits and pushed them against her body, mimicking a dress with cleavage.

Frank liked the thought of that; but he didn't want to get Donovan in any trouble. "How kinky we talkin? I don't mind, but our seats are getting comp'd by a guy who works there, and I don't want to put him in an awkward position."

Alexa laughed. "Baby, it's Vegas. There's skin everywhere here. Hmmm... PG-13? Risqué but still classsay."

"I think that'll be fine," Frank grinned. "I'm looking forward to it, actually."

"Uh-huh buddy -- we both know you're gonna flip your shit at how hot I'm gonna look." She made a kissy face at him.

Frank laughed, "Yeah, probably; but I'm low hanging fruit. I hope your client likes it."

"Oh don't worry about him." Alexa put her arm on his shoulder. "Here's how tomorrow's gonna go: my client is a Japanese businessman in his sixties. I'm going to meet him at the conclusion of some business meeting, looking like a million dollars. All the guys he's meeting with are going to gape and drool as I kiss him and hang on his arm."

Frank could readily picture the scene: Alexa as a beacon of hotness at the front of the room full of drooling Junior businessmen, attracting their eyes like a bug zapper pulls in flies.

She continued, "After, we're going to go to dinner, at a restaurant where some of the meeting attendees will also be eating. My job is literally to be seen with him by his employees."

Frank raised an eyebrow.

"It's some social domination thing. He's going to act like a performative alpha-male while they're around -- he'll feel up my ass real obvious like while he's barking at some subordinate in Japanese."

Lucky guy, Frank thought.

"But then, after we retreat to his suite, I'll spend two hours spanking him and crushing sushi rolls under my high heel for him lick up off my shoes."

Frank had quite the mental picture going by this point.

"Somewhere around 2:00am he'll finally ejaculate, and then send me straight home, despite paying five figures for an overnight visit. This will be my third session with him, and the first two went pretty much exactly as I described."

"Sounds pretty easy, for you." Frank quipped.

"Yeah," Alexa laughed. "But I fundamentally just don't get it. I know how to do it, of course, and I'm fucking good at it; but, I don't really get it. Your fetish, that I get." Her eyes flashed as she pushed in towards his head, and licked all the way up his face, from his chin up to the top of his nose.

"Plus it's boring -- I much prefer having real interactions, like this. Especially with other New Yawkers." Her accent was a comic mockery.

"Right, bro?" She punched him playfully in the arm.

"Older brother, maybe." Frank said.

"I'm twenty-five." She bubbled at him, "You?"

Frank grimaced, "I'm two entire decades older than you. Oh my god, I'm going to hell."

"Didn't you say earlier that it felt more like heaven, when my feet were in your mouth and your cock was deep inside my tight, twenty-five year old pussy?" She teased him.

Frank started to reply but she cut him off. "I legit love turning on older guys -- you've been drooling over hot sluts like me for so many more years than guys in their twenties..."

She smiled like the Cheshire Cat, and leaned in closer to face him. "How many sleepless hours have you spent choking your chicken over cutie-pie kittens like me?"

She squeezed her arms against her tits and tipped her head down to look up at him, wide eyes still an eerily vibrant blue. "How many scenarios have you played out in your mind? I bet all it takes is one smile from a girl like me to take over your brain."

"Okay, yeah, I'm beginning to see your point." He admitted.

Alexa clapped her hands, and the motion made her tits shake and jiggle. "Anyway, it's just twenty years -- it's all good, Daddy!"

"Oh, you had to say that word, didn't you," Frank retorted.

"Well, you could actually be my daddy. You don't find that hot?"

"It's a little weird -- but, then again, I can't picture anyone willingly sleeping with my old man, even my mom."

"You'd be surprised -- it's really popular. A lot of people dig the 'fauxcest fantasy'. After "Detention", I'd say that "Snuck Out Stepdaughter" is one of my most booked sessions." She giggled.

"Okay, that sounds like it might be fun," Frank admitted.

"Yeah, it's pretty hot. Here's how it works: there's a classroom way at the end of the hall in the east wing that's decorated as a living room. The guy sits there on the couch with the lights off, and then after a few minutes, I come in. I'm wearing an unbelievably slutty clubbing outfit, and I'm acting tipsy and pretending to clumsily sneak in. Then he turns on the light and 'catches me'," Darcy said, using air quotes.

"And then?" Frank was pretty sure he knew what would happen next.

"That depends on what we've arranged beforehand. I offer this session as a switch, so it could go one of two ways: If he wants to top, then he 'punishes me', in predictable ways. And then he fucks me. If he wants me to top, then I'll taunt him and disrespect him, and push my tits in his face and go off on some mindfuck homewrecker schtick. And then I fuck him. If he wants to, anyway. Consent, eh?"

"Has anyone ever refused you?" Frank couldn't imagine that.

"Oh yeah -- many guys don't actually want sex. They just want erotic play, of some sort. But I wouldn't call it a 'refusal' -- we just structure the session from the beginning with different goals in mind. It's flexible for both parties involved. Each girl can pick the sessions they offer, and in what flavor they come." Alexa sounded like she genuinely liked the arrangements.

"Do you ever get nervous as a sub in a situation like this? There's some truly fucked up guys out there -- some of the stories on Reddit are terrible."

"Guys who want to top have to sign a bunch of stuff, and there is a high-tech security system all over this building."

"Wait, we're on camera?" Frank was momentarily floored, and didn't know how to react.

"Yeah, bitch, now you're a porn star." Alexa pointed right at him.

Frank looked around hurriedly, trying to spot the camera.

"Relax, I'm just fucking with you. There are no cameras." She let out a laugh.

Frank grinned sheepishly, and his breathing slowed back down. Alexa passed him the joint. "There is security, though. The guys who own this are some kind of tech people from Texas."

Frank took a long drag and held it in, listening to her explanation.

"There is an AI-monitored mic in each room -- no humans are listening to what goes on in here; but if we feel threatened, there's a trigger word we can say to get help."

"It's like..." she ground her teeth with rage, "... it's like Alexa. It only listens for the wake word. Which, trust me, is never gonna come up in a session." She laughed to herself, the name thing forgotten. "Once it hears that word, though, security will be coming through that door inside one minute. They have a guy on each floor of both wings."

"We're on 2 West; I think it's Anderson tonight. Dunno if that's his last name or first, but it's all he ever goes by. He's cool though -- I think he was in Iraq, but now all he talks about is his rescue dogs. They're so cute!" Her eyes twinkled. "He sessions sometimes, too."

"Really?" Frank passed the smoke back to Alexa. "The security guy?

"If you were at work and your boss said 'Can you do me a favor?' and that favor turned out to be stand over there, and get your dick sucked by a beautiful woman while some cuckolding pervert watched, what would you do?"

She pulled a deep drag.

"It'd be hard to resist that, assuming I wasn't married..." Frank admitted.

"Why aren't you married?" she asked, looking at him intently. "Any woman would be lucky to get her hands on fingers like yours. You've really got some amazing hands."

"Years of climbing ladders." Frank was not at all used to fielding compliments from gorgeous women. He was definitely not prepared for what she said next.

"Hey, do you want to get a drink before the concert tomorrow?" Alexa asked. "I know a cute little spot in the Venetian."

"Yeah, that sounds great!" This evening certainly kept surprising him.

"Meet me by the big fountains in the shopping area of the Venetian at 5:30pm. Okay?"

"For sure!" Frank was thrilled at the prospect of seeing her again.

The soft beeping of an alarm went off, up on the teacher's desk, and they both looked that way.

"And that's the end of our time, tonight," she said.

"This has been awesome, Alexa, in more ways than one. Oh, wait -- should I call you Darcy?" Frank asked.

"Only when we're here in the club. And you're not going out with Darcy the dancer tomorrow -- Darcy the Emo Tease likes hardcore and alt-rock, and bad-boys with big dicks. Alexa is the one who likes jazz." She paused and considered, "Jazz and big dicks," patting him on the thigh.

"I'm really looking forward to it, Alexa. Have a great rest of your shift tonight. Knock 'em dead!"

She held up her finger in a gun shape and mimed blowing the smoke off of it, adding, "Don't forget your souvenir!" as she threw her panties at Frank, who caught them. "There are bags in the teacher's desk." And so there were.

Alexa had gathered up the rest of her outfit: her bra, with its huge hot-pink cups, her flared schoolgirl skirt, her white sheer knee-highs, and the silver stretch shirt. He got a little embarrassed as he held out the bag for her to drop her slutty clothes in. This was the most like a pervert he felt all night; but Alexa didn't seem to consider anything strange. One by one she held up each item before dropping it in the bag.

"Every load you blow over those clothes belongs to me. You know that, right? I want to jerk your cock with each one of these pieces."

"Even the bra?" Frank asked.

"Especially the bra," she ordered. "If it's not around your dick it had better be in your mouth while you masturbate."

"Hey, didn't you say you were gonna tie my hands with that bra?"

"Oh, you're gonna nitpick after the fucking ball-rinsing I just gave you? Expect to pay for that crack tomorrow, mister." Her faux glare was astonishingly hot.

He didn't have an answer, except for a vestigial movement from his cock. Even after everything it had been through, her words were so arousing to Frank that he felt it twitch.

She had a white bathrobe on now, hanging open over her naked frame. She tied it as she led him to the door. She cracked it open and peeked out, and then opened it fully.

"Now, in the hallway, we're gonna split up. You want to go right, back the way we came to the central staircase."

"What about you?" Frank asked.

"I gotta go check in and fill out the post-session report, and then I'm taking a shower. We get a half an hour off after sessions like these, if we want it, before we have to go back out on the floor."

She sighed, theatrically, "I've got four hours ahead of me tonight; but thank you for making this session enjoyable, Frank." She slipped back into her seductive persona and slathered herself all over him in a handsy hug.

"Your hands felt sooo good on my tits tonight," she breathed into his ear. "I'm gonna think about them all night when I touch myself for my customers. I'm gonna take big huge handfuls of my juggs, right in their faces, almost touching their noses. And I'm gonna fantasize that it's your hands squeezing me. And it's gonna make me dripping wet, and I'm gonna smear my pussy juice all over their shirts and pants and hungry little tongues."

Stimulated earlier by the clothing handover, Frank's cock started to grow again, at this final onslaught.

"You rub my panties all over your face and think about that tonight while you're going to sleep." Then with a kiss on the nose, she slipped off down the darkened hallway.

After Frank closed the classroom door and watched her shadow disappear, he started down the long hallway. His orgasm left him feeling loose and limber, even better than a massage. He strolled leisurely down the passage. Flashes of the session went through his mind as he processed the events of the last 90 minutes. And the events of the last fifteen! He was gonna see this amazing woman again. She wanted to see him again. Tomorrow!

Goddamn. He still couldn't believe that just happened. Maybe it really was the music, he thought. He passed Ms. Mandible's windowed office -- there was an Japanese couple in their thirties at the iPads, with the Korean dancer he had seen last time.

Frank saw the door Alexa had mentioned, and went through into a long hallway that went past the back of the cafeteria. A metal push-bar door opened out onto a back parking lot.

Frank wasn't ready for people yet. He could still feel Alexa's aura on him -- he could smell her perfume faintly, and hear her voice in his head with crystal clarity, and his fingers twitched as he thought about massaging her tits.

He walked across the lot and into the athletic fields. There was a running track around the football field, and he started down it, sparking up his last joint, the little pinner.

He'd have to go shopping again tomorrow during the day, but there'd be time for that. Tomorrow he could sleep in, blessedly. He'd need the beauty sleep after tonight, especially if he wanted to be ready for another night at the club.

He was still not quite able to process what had happened to him. He'd gone back to the best strip club he'd ever been to, looking for the hot dancer who had eluded him the time before. And he found her. And then she fucked him like he'd never been fucked before; up, down and sideways. Talk about a Porn-Star Experience.

And after that, after she cleaned his clock, they had chilled, and unbelievably, actually gelled, over a sparkling joint. And when he asked her out, not only did she say yes, she doubled down and asked him out herself!

He looked down at his hands, carrying the bag with her clothes. Secret weapons, they were.

He stubbed out the remnants of the pinner, and used those secret weapons on his cellphone to summon an Uber.

This trip was already going down in the record books, many times over. Alexa had made sure of that.

Frank brought the bag he was holding up to his face and opened it. He fished through the bag until he found her stretch top. He ran the silver fabric through his fingers, and then brought it up to his nose and breathed in her perfume.

Who knew what would happen tomorrow?


TO BE CONCLUDED the following day when Frank has a date with Alexa, and then heads back to the club to find Audrey...

Special thanks to Kenji Sato for the edit.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Amazing story, so much detail, a little too much even. It sounds like you actually went there and this was really happening?

magicguy1971magicguy1971about 1 year ago

To call this intense wouldn't be doing it justice! It was incredible. Also, I loved how the stripper who looked like Kat Dennings went with the name Darcy. Was that planned since Kat Dennings plays Darcy Lewis in the MCU.

D_O_LondonerD_O_Londonerover 2 years ago

How did I miss this brilliant chapter before now - the best - thanks

ramosnaty1106ramosnaty1106almost 3 years ago

Amazing I cant wait for the next chapter!!!!

acrasoftacrasoftalmost 3 years ago

You have inadvertent written something that at the same time resonates with me (AV career) and is so almost magically real that it might happen.

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