Cock Ring of the Gods


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Then Kaley claimed to be the immortal beautiful woman who has walked the earth since the days of myth in judgment of man. Even more outrageous, she claimed that she had been repulsed by every man, including the ancient gods, until today. She insisted that I was the first real man to have ever walked the earth and that she was required to give me the ring so I could become the god above all gods.

It is strange to think that I would argue with her. Even though I knew I was anything but the supreme alpha male she claimed, you can understand that I would go with the flow when a gorgeous blonde told me that every other man repulsed her and that I was the only real man she had ever met. Kaley, thinking that either I didn't believe her wild tale or recognizing that I suffered from low self esteem, explained to me that what makes a true man is not what I am now, but how I would behave if I had ultimate power.

She directed my attention back to the ring and showed me three symbols etched on the inside of the ring. She explained that these were the divine conditions which bind the characteristics of a true man. Pointing to the inside of the ring, she roughly defined the three conditions as Forever, All the Time, and Absolute. The chosen real man must be able to handle the divine conditions for each of the true man traits that were written on the outside of the ring, while experiencing the opposite quality directed at him from mortals.

She looked at me and apparently realized that I had no idea what she was talking about. To try to help me understand, she translated one of the symbols on the outside of the ring. It was the word "Confidence." According to Kaley, a real man was confident, which I agreed. But in order to be the Supreme Being and possess the power of ring, I would need to be confident for all eternity, at every moment, and it needed to be so extreme and absolute that I would be considered arrogant if I was mortal. Moreover, I would need to be able to emotionally handle the reverse from mortals. As the supreme god, my presence would cause extreme insecurity and a feeling of worthlessness in mortals all the time for all eternity.

Then she went on to translate the other qualities of true manhood on the outside of the ring. There was Dominance, Generosity, Superiority, Jealousy, Benevolence, and of course, Confidence. Kaley stressed that she knew that I possessed all these traits, she was sure of it. "With this ring, you would have the power to allow your true manhood to surface through your weak mortal state. Please take the ring?" She said.

Kaley was turning out to be more of a feel good fortune teller, than an antique sales person and part time stripper. This got me thinking again what her angle was; maybe she wanted me to hire her as a motivational coach. Of course, she was so hot that I would have paid her even if her methods were more conventional. I thought I should play along with her and decided to ask her some questions to get to the bottom of what she wanted. Basically, I asked her what you would ask your doctor when he is prescribing a medication: what are the side effects, or down side to this magical prescription?

Her answer was cryptic, something like: being a supreme being was a full time job with no expiration date, I must spend eternity fully manifesting the traits of manliness every moment of every day. This would make me unique and separate me from the rest of humanity, I would have no peers or equals, everyone including friends and loved ones would be lowly slaves in my presence. The ring would amplify my traits to godly dimensions, however the effect on all others in my presence, whether man, woman or child, would be equally opposite. Before the god of gods, people would feel extreme cases of Submission, Pettiness, Inferiority, Resentfulness, Self-Centeredness, and Insecurity. This would cause me to isolate myself from revealing my godly form to most people for their own good.

"So, I will be isolated and alone." I surmised.

"Alone no, isolated yes, especially from mortal men, who would be destroyed if they were to witness your full glory, and from most women, who would be unworthy to bask in your presence. But you will be surrounded by women, beautiful women like me, all of them, without exception, competing to worship you. They are the source of your manna, the energy that will enable you to reach ultimate power." Stepping back, she gestured to her body and face and continued, "For the most part, our beauty has already made most of us petty and self-centered; we have just been waiting for a strong enough man to invoke the other feminine traits so that we may feel womanly rapture."

"So you are telling me that you, and all other beautiful women, want to feel submissive, inferior, and insecure?" I asked.

"No, we want a man so great and powerful that he makes us feel those things. A sense of submissiveness, inferiority and insecurity tells us that we are in the presence of a godly male," she said as she licked her lips.

Pondering what she said, I responded, "I am still not sure I get it, there must be something more to it than that. A woman, anybody, has to get more out of a relationship than feeling like a door mat." She licked her lips again and with a knowing smile said, "Oh, the woman gets far more out of the deal than you can imagine. The perks of being the plaything of the god of gods are nothing short of the whole world."

I told her I still didn't understand, and she said I wouldn't until I took the ring and put it on my penis. Again she picked up the golden bracelet and gestured that should I take it. As she placed it in my hands, I asked what she wanted for it. Her response was to come out from behind the counter and walk right up to me, so close that I was again overwhelmed by smell of flowers and of her natural arousal.

"Nothing" she said, "it already belongs to you. The only question is whether you are going to slip it on and become all powerful?"

She was so physically close to me now, my mind literally froze in arousal and I realized that I must have had a perpetual boner since she came into the room. She said, "But I do have a request." "Anything," was my response, as, at the moment, I really would have done anything she asked.

"I would like to see you later at your hotel room and have the privilege of anointing your manhood with the power of all the gods and witness your transformation into the Supreme Being," she literally purred.

I was nearly speechless but managed to mutter out a pathetic, "Ah... Ah... Sure ... Anything else?"

With her lips almost touching mine she purred, "Why yes, after your transformation, I would like you to take your enormous god head and fuck me with it." Then she turned around and marched into the back room, as I realized that I just came in my paints.

I was still in a state of shock, when Ray emerged from the back. "Still here?" he inquired.

"I was just talking with Kaley, she gave me this bracelet," I replied. Ray's eyes widened at the sight of the shiny, thick piece of metal and then his face looked confused. "Who?" he blurted out.

"You daughter... uhm... niece... the very attractive blonde girl."

"Son, I don't have a daughter, never heard of anyone named Kaley, and my one and only niece I haven't seen in five years, lives near Kansas City, and trust me no one would describe her as an attractive blonde. But, whatever this girl gave you looks like gold and might be worth a penny. Are you interested in selling it or maybe a trade for something that interests you?"

I looked back at the large gold ring, dumbly apologized and abruptly left the antique store. Once outside, I realized that it was almost 9:00 and I must have been speaking with the mysterious Kaley for almost an hour and a half. The whole experience was so surreal; I would have thought I was dreaming, except I could still smell Kaley in the hot morning air and feel the weight of the heavy ring in my pocket.

Deciding to grab some breakfast before heading back to the hotel, I found a small restaurant down the block. I was eager to examine my new prize, and I was eager for some eggs and coffee. As I was shown to my seat in an outdoor court yard, things started getting stranger. The ring was in my pocket and had been resting on my right thigh. Its heaviness had been a constant reminder of my experience with the strange, hot blonde. As weird as the experience was in the antique store, it was by far the most erotically fantastic experience of my life. Even after half an hour, my meager erection still strained in my pants. Its hardness caused me to secretly adjust myself, and in the process, the top of my penis brushed up against the heavy golden bracelet.

The moment it touched the ring, I felt an amazing sensation. It was as if all those manly traits that Kaley described to me had flowed from the ring into my body through my penis. My eyes shut and blinding white pleasure coursed through my being. Almost as quickly as the sensation came, it stopped as I shifted position removing my penis from direct contact with the artifact. My mind tried to deal with the unexpected, intense pleasure, but the only explanation I could think of was Kaley's story about the power of all the gods.

Examining myself further, I stared at my crotch in disbelief. My cock had visibly thickened and elongated in my pants, what had been a rather small penis now was a hard, porn size cock straining against my jeans. While clearly it was not the unimaginable size of Kaley's fantasies, it was radically larger. At that moment, I had a stunning realization that this morning's odyssey was not some fantasy conjured by some hot blonde or by my imagination, rather I had tasted a source of power greater than my wildest dreams.

And then I realized I somehow was different. Not just physically, as the bulge between my legs attested to, but as a person. Before the contact, I was meek and unthreatening, and now while there were no other changes to my body, I could feel it. I was now an imposing figure that demanded and would receive respect. Glancing around the courtyard, I confirmed to myself that this was not an illusion. The atmosphere all around me had changed. People all around me seemed to be uncomfortably aware of my presence, especially the men; they seemed submissive and fearful of looking directly at me. This seemed true of the women present also, they too looked subdued, and there was something else that I can't quite describe.

No longer interested in my bacon and eggs, I wanted to go some place private to examine the ring and the changes it had made to my cock. Looking for a waiter, I realized that two waiters had already decided to wait attentively behind me in the event that I might desire anything else. I asked for the check, and both of them scrambled to fulfill my request. The next thing I knew, the manager had come out and started thanking me for coming to his restaurant and apologized for his staff not treating me properly. I had no idea what proper treatment was, but it obviously included not having to pay for breakfast.

He seemed quite relived when I assured him I was not offended, however this didn't stop him from continually apologizing. I was unsettled by the spectacle of the manager, as I made my to the street and traveled two blocks up to the Hotel Du Royale. On the way, I thought of Kaley's explanations about the ring and how she explained that it would elevate my masculine traits. Feeling the weight of my now soft but heavy cock, I realized I did feel more Confident, Dominant, and Superior. I also remember she said people would feel the opposite in my presence. Thinking back at the manager, his behavior did come across as insecure, submissive and inferior to me.

The experience was troubling to me, and, as I entered the hotel lobby, I hoped that my room would be ready so I could be alone. The only hotel employee in sight stood behind the counter apparently checking in an attractive couple. My eyes first registered the woman from behind. She wore a single piece, very sexy, grey dress, which from my vantage point behind her, revealed a stunningly sex body. She was a slender brunette whose breasts were clearly too large for her frame, and she possessed the firmest ass I had ever seen. Focusing on the rest of this gorgeous woman, I noticed her expensive shoes and designer hand bag. Next to her was a man in his mid 40's in equally expensive attire, sporting a large designer gold watch. I remembered that Charlie said this was an exclusive hotel that catered to VIP's and, judging from this couple, I thought that big shots owned a lot of expensive things including women.

The desk clerk glanced up at me, and I could see the same submissive look in his face that I had seen in the restaurant manager. Upon seeing me, his eyes cast downward, then returned to the man he was helping, as he said, "Excuse me, Mr. Ronaldson, I must serve this man first. You and your companion must wait until our other guest's needs are fully attended too. Please step behind, Mr. Mastaff, and wait."

As shocked as I was by the clerk's statement, Mr. Ronaldson looked like he had been slapped in the face. The poor guy was probably traveling all day and just wanted to check in and find some time to play with his hot girlfriend. Apparently, Mr. Ronaldson was not the type to roll over and he started to demand the imperial suite he had booked. He was about to demand to see the manager, when he finally turned around to see the cause of all this trouble - me. Almost immediately, Ronaldson's resistance broke. I watched his eyes register terror and then look down at his expensive shoes. My eyes followed his downward where I saw his knees visibly buckled. To the right of his legs was another set of legs, the long naked legs of his girlfriend whose knees also seemed to buckle. Slowly I traveled up her legs to her flat waist, stopping momentarily to examine her ample cleavage displayed by the low cut dress, my gaze then moved upward to her face. Her beautiful brown eyes locked on mine with her mouth hanging open. Whatever she saw in me, she was now speechless - stuck in an awestruck state.

Not knowing how to react, I merely smiled at her dumbstruck expression. This resulted in her blushing and submissively casting her eyes downward, and as her eyes moved downward to avoid my gaze, her pupils suddenly dilated and her jaw dropped. I realized that her eyes were glued momentarily to my new large thick cock, the same cock that only a few minutes ago had touched the Crown of the Supreme Being. Her head jerked upward and she looked at my eyes with astonishment, and then her eyes rolled back into her head. From between her legs, a wet spot stained the front of her very expensive dress. I knew instinctually that this incredible woman had not merely just had a powerful orgasm, but she had experienced something no other woman had ever experienced in history, total satisfaction and meaning.

I turned to address the clerk and I could feel the woman's sexy eyes continuing to stare at the back of my head as her former boyfriend meekly continued to stare at his shoes. Again, the desk clerk began to apologize profusely for not having a room ready earlier, having explained they had a problem with overbooking. He then offered to rectify the situation by offering me the room Donaldson had booked, the imperial suite, which I learned was the most lavish suite in this fancy hotel. The formerly aggressive Mr. Donaldson nearly begged me to have it, apologized to me, and told me I deserved the best. I accepted as long as the hotel was able to provide them with another room, which the clerk assured me he would do, no questions asked, even if they had to cancel someone else's reservation at the last minute.

The strangest part of the situation was that it was becoming an ordeal and, as I told the clerk, I just wanted to get to my room for some privacy. He immediately gave me a key and told me he would take care of all the paperwork. Next thing I knew, I was ushered up to an enormous four room suite with a private wrap-around balcony. As I made my way to the bedroom in the back, eager to check out my new prize and package, I found yet another surprise waiting for me.

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taco1085taco1085about 4 years ago

what a great read, totally love how this is starting out... thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Best intro ever

And then we learn his name is Rod. Couldn't stop laughing after reading that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The best

Probably the best story in the world.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Manliness rrrriiiigghhhttt....

I am just going to read this as you said and take it as a joke. I really hope that you do not believe that is really what manliness is. Other than that it was interesting and I hope it will continue.

CajunBillCajunBillover 11 years ago
Vieux Carre

N'Allens is the place where anything can happen.

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