Code Name Tequila Ch. 01


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That evening, over dinner at a local restaurant, Ria confronted Mr. Edwards. "Tell me the true, what are you really here for? I don't want to get involved in helping you smuggle drugs across the border, or anything like that."

"I'm not a smuggler, don't worry," Mr. Edwards said. Ria would not let the topic drop though, and finally threatened to walk out and leave Mr. Edwards alone. Mr. Edwards shrugged, and with that Ria walked away.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Edwards passed Ria in the rent car, now driving himself. She watched him pass, and cursed him. Not only did Ria not get paid for her work, but she also gave up 3 solid days of work in Tijuana guiding and now had to pay for a bus ticket back to Tijuana. Ria didn't have too much time to feel sorry for herself, though, because things started to develop very quickly.

At the end of the road, three four-wheel drive sport utility vehicles appeared from nowhere, surrounding Mr. Edwards' rental. Six men jumped out of the cars, and Ria could see they were brandishing guns and shouting at Mr. Edwards to get out of the car.

Mr. Edwards got out of the car, hands in the air, pleading with his six potential captors that he didn't speak Spanish and couldn't understand what they were saying. The captors started to circle round Mr. Edwards, screaming at him and poking him with the barrels of their guns.

Ria acted quickly. She ran up to the driver's door of the nearest car, picking up a large rock off the side of the road. The driver wasn't looking in her direction, and Ria was able to hit and knock him out with the rock. There was a large knife on the dash board. Ria grabbed it and the keys from the ignition, and slashed the tires of the truck. The tires let out a hissing sound when punctured, but they couldn't be heard above the screaming of the would-be kidnappers.

The rear driver's side door to the second vehicle of the kidnappers was open, so Ria snuck in quietly, and without a sound managed to get the driver in a choke hold. Without blood going to his brain, he quickly passed out. Ria rolled him out of the SUV and towards the curb. She then grabbed the keys from the van, and crouching down made her way around to the third car, making sure to slash the tires along the way.

This driver was more focused on his job as a look out, and was keeping an eye out for people coming from his direction down the road. Ria wouldn't be able to sneak up on him. She felt the knife in her hand. It was nicely weighted. Ria had worked for a short time in a freak-show in Tijuana as the hermaphrodite, a roll that involved getting naked and sucking off a donkey. It was not her finest hour, she would admit; however she had made friends with the knife thrower, who had taught her some of the basics of knife throwing.

Ria stood up, and flung the knife at the driver. He opened his mouth ready to raise the alarm, but before a sound came out of his mouth, the knife hit him square between the eyes, burying itself 4 inches into his skull, and scrambling his higher brain function. He dropped to the ground.

Ria ran over to the SUV, and starting it up, threw it in reverse. The SUV ran into three startled kidnappers, who soon found themselves crushed between the back of the advancing SUV and one of the other trucks.

That left three startled men on the other side of Mr. Edwards. Ria threw open the door, calling for Mr. Edwards to jump in the SUV to make their escape. Mr. Edwards, though, had other plans. In the confusion, he moved swiftly towards the other three thugs. He grabbed the first one, and quickly incapacitated him with a quick chop to his vagus nerve in the man's neck. He pushed the limp man towards the second man, who dropped his gun to catch the body coming towards him.

Mr. Edwards leapt at the second man, and smashed his hand down on the man's nose. The man crumpled to the ground.

Mr. Edwards dropped to the ground just in time to avoid a volley of gunfire from the final man standing. Mr. Edwards' rolled toward the man, and with a quick upward movement grabbed the man's scrotum. He pulled and twisted, and the man fell to the ground howling in pain.

Ria had watched all this happen in just a matter of a couple of seconds. She was shocked, her mouth was wide open with surprise. She had seen some impressive fighters in her time on the streets, but nothing quite like Mr. Edwards.

Mr. Edwards stood up, and dusted himself off. He walked over to the man whose scrotum he had just pulled violently from his body, and grabbed him by the collar. He pulled him up and leaned him against the car. Speaking in fluent Spanish, Mr. Edwards started screaming a question over and over at the man. "Who is the Red Eagle? Who is the Red Eagle?"

The Red Eagle. Aguila Roja. Ria had heard the name before, back when she was running drugs in here as a child. Aguila Roja was the bogeyman, a mythical figure that would hunt you down and kill you if you were to run away with drugs. Aguila Roja had scared Ria when she was a boy, but now she believed it was just a story that the drug dealers told the kids they used to keep them in line. Mr. Edwards might of well been asking Santa Claus.

Ria got out of the car, and grabbed Mr. Edwards' arm. "Please, Mr. Edwards, we have to go. It is not safe here," she pleaded with him in English..

Mr. Edwards ignored Ria, continuing to ask the man about the Aguila Roja.

"Mr. Edwards, please, come. There is no Aguila Roja. It is just a fairy tail," Ria said.

Mr. Edwards turned quickly, looking at Ria. "What do you know about Aguila Rosa?" he asked her in perfect Spanish.

Before Ria could answer, though, the man Mr. Edwards had been interrogating stood up. He pulled a gun from a holster hidden in his jacket, raising it towards Mr. Edwards back. Ria pushed Mr. Edwards out of the way, finding herself facing the barrel of the kidnappers gun.

A crocked smile came over the man's face. "You will never know the Red Eagle," he said, and then raised the gun to his head and pulled to the trigger. He crumpled to the ground, blood quickly creating a red pool around his head.

Mr. Edwards stood up, and grabbed Ria. He threw her in the passenger seat of the running SUV, and jumped in the driver's seat. He put the car in gear and peeled away.

Ria sat quietly in shock as Mr. Edwards sped through the streets of Oaxaca. Mr. Edwards took out a mobile phone and dialled a number.

"Arthur Millington," he said, and then a moment later followed up with, "Brown Bear, seven-six-five-one-one."

Ria looked over at Mr. Edwards. She watched him as he talked on the phone, only hearing his side of the conversation.

"Oaxaca was a bust. They were on to me. I just left nine men on the side of the road, some possibly still alive."

Mr. Edwards listened for a moment, and then replied angrily, "no, I haven't compromised anything. They knew who I was before they pulled me over. I was already compromised."

Mr. Edwards paused for the response, and then looking over at Ria said, "No, I think the girl is clean. She actually saved my neck, taking out half of the guys."

Ria finally regained the power of speech, and corrected Mr. Edwards. "I took out six of the nine! That's two-thirds!"

Mr. Edwards shushed Ria, and continued speaking in the phone. "No, it was nothing. I think the girl might know something. I am going to get to a safe house, and pump her for information."

Mr. Edwards paused, and as he listened, his face went white. "Yes, I understand." Mr. Edwards then switched to German, saying, "no more loose ends," before hanging up the phone.

Ria hadn't told Mr. Edwards she spoke German. She was clear on the meaning of "no loose ends." She tried to betray no emotion on her face, but she knew her only hope was escape, otherwise she would wind up dead.

Mr. Edwards continued to drive quickly, now on the outskirts of Oaxaca, he was able to drive without stopping, eliminating Ria's opportunity to jump out of the car and escape.

Instead, Ria asked one question, "Who are you?"

Mr. Edwards continued to stare at the road ahead. "My name is Robert Chambers, and I work for the Central Intelligence Agency."

* * *

The safe house that Chambers had taken Ria to that night a year ago was in the middle of nowhere, along a twisting mountain road at least two and a half hours outside of Oaxaca. Ria considered her options, and decided that trying to proceed on foot through the mountains without supplies would be stupid. If she wanted to escape, she would need the SUV. Her best bet, she realized, was to use her feminine wiles.

Robert Chambers walked her into the safe house, and then secured the door with a padlock. He put the key into his jeans pocket. The windows had steel grating on them, which meant the only way out was to get that key.

Chambers motioned for Ria to sit down, and then walked towards the kitchen. Ria sat down on the sofa and watched Chambers open the door of the fridge.

"You must be thirsty after the long drive. Do you want anything?" he asked. Afraid of being drugged, Ria refused. Chambers shrugged his shoulders, and grabbed himself a beer.

Chambers walked over and took a seat on a chair opposite Ria. "Okay, Ria, what do you know about Aguila Roja?"

Ria smirked. "Aguila Roja is nothing. It is a story they tell children to scare them. You are asking me to tell you what I know about the Easter bunny."

Chambers frowned. "No, don't bullshit me. Aguila Roja is not a children's story. Where did you hear about him?"

Ria sighed, and told Chambers the story of her running drugs as a child, though switching her gender in the story from male to female, in keeping with her new appearance. Chambers listened, and at the end took a thoughtful swig of his beer.

"So, Aguila Roja was operating here in Oaxaca as far back as 15 years ago. That would be the first known use of the name. He must have started here. Oaxaca is definitely the key," Chambers said, talking more to himself than Ria.

"Who is this Aguila Roja you think you are looking for," Ria asked.

Chambers leaned forward. "Aguila Roja is the head of a drug cartel that is supplying most of the west coast of America with cocaine and heroine. He or she, we actually aren't sure of Aguila Roja's sex, has suppliers and producers working for him in Asia, Central and South America. The flow of drugs in incredible, but what is more distressing is what Aguila Roja is taking in payment. Instead of cash, Aguila Roja is mostly taking weapons. He is arming himself for something, and is amassing enough of an arsenal to destablize any of the countries in Latin America."

"I am trying to trace Aguila Roja's roots. We are trying to find out who the person was, so we can remove some of the fog surrounding Aguila Roja's identity today. That is why I was here in Oaxaca, following up on a lead that Aguila Roja might come from here."

Chambers sat back, and examined Ria's expression. "Do you have anything else you think you can add?" he asked.

Ria shook her head. "I have told you everything I know, and I haven't been involved with the drug trade for years now. I could introduce you to some of the people I used to work with," she offered, hoping that might be a way to prevent from being a loose end that needed to be tied.

Chambers shook his head. "Low level runners like yourself, they won't have any more information than you, probably." In reality, Chambers wanted to follow up on Ria's leads, for he know they might have more to offer. It wasn't up to Chambers now, though. The ambush in Oaxaca had meant that his cover was blown. Another agent would have to come down to Oaxaca and follow up on this lead.

Chambers got up. "There is a bed in the room through that door. Get some sleep, and we will head back up to Tijuana in the morning," he said. Chambers stood, waiting for Ria to move. Ria got up and walked into the room.

"Have a good night," Chambers said, before closing the door. It shut with what felt like an ominous thud to Ria.

Ria examined the room. All it contained was a metal framed small bed with a hard mattress and pillow. There was no other furniture. There was one window, but it was covered with steel grating. Ria examined the bed. She found that one of the bolts for the legs was loose. She unbolted it, and let the bed down slowly. Without a leg, it was no good for sleeping, but Ria wasn't planning on sleeping here tonight. She felt the metal leg in her hand. It wasn't all that strong, but it was heavy enough to knock a man out.

Ria looked through the keyhole. Chambers wasn't going to bed. Instead, he was sitting on the chair in the main room, giving him both a good view of the front door and the bedroom door. Ria couldn't sneak up on him. A frontal assault it would have to be. He was too far away to run at. She tried figuring out a way to hide the metal bed leg in her clothes, but could find no way to hide it that was both secure enough for her to walk over to Chambers without the leg falling out of her clothes, and discrete enough that he wouldn't be able to see the leg.

Ria abandoned the concept of the bashing Chambers with the metal leg. Instead, she leaned the metal leg against the wall by the door, and striped down to her underwear and bra. She tussled her hair up to try and give it some body. Without a mirror or any make-up, that was the best she could do. She hoped her natural beauty would be enough to entice Chambers to drop his guard.

She opened the door, and leaned against the door jamb. Chambers looked up at Ria, and his mouth dropped open.

"Is that drink still available?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes at Chambers.

Chambers hesitated. He knew that he shouldn't do anything in this instance. More than likely the girl was trying to seduce him to make an escape. All his training told him to resist this temptation and tell her to return to her room. In addition, he had a direct order from Black Oak to terminate the girl, to ensure as few people as possible knew about the investigation into Aguila Roja.

Added to that was the fact that Chambers knew nothing about the girl. She was a last minute replacement after the initial driver and translator was injured in a traffic accident. Chambers spoke perfect Spanish, so he didn't need a translator, but it would look suspicious if he was driving himself around. Someone out of the San Diego office had a friend of a friend of a friend that recommended Ria. So Chambers signed her on without any sort of background check. It was a field decision that was probably ill advised, but his superiors decided to go with Chambers judgement in this case.

"So," Chambers told himself. "You don't sleep with prisoners. You need to kill this girl. You don't know anything about her. Logic says to order her back to her room."

Despite all that, Chambers was a man, and when confronted with a beautiful woman in lingerie, logic tended to break down. In addition, Ria had saved his life, taking down six of the nine men attacking him, though of course his report would minimize her role. Finally, when Chambers signed up to be an agent in the CIA, he was expecting a lot more sex. James Bond was always having sex. Spies in movies were always having sex. Since becoming an agent, Chambers was having less sex than when he was a civilian.

"God damnit, Robert," Chambers said to himself, "you are in a cabin in the mountains with a beautiful woman. Forget the rules and tonight be James Bond."

Chambers stood up and walked to the fridge. While his back was turned, Ria reached down and grab the leg of the bed. She quickly moved over to the couch and slid the metal leg under the couch just as Chambers turned around, holding two beers in his hands.

Chambers looked over a the door jamb, and then at the couch. "Wow, you move quickly," he said.

"I'm anxious to feel you against me," Ria said, running her hand down her body. She was hoping that the come on would distract Chambers from the strangeness of her having just run across the room. It did.

Chambers walked over to the couch, and both he and Ria took a seat. Chambers handed her the beer, and then sat there looking at her. Ria was confused, why wasn't Chambers making a move. Ria figured he was probably holding back, to assess the situation. In reality, Chambers was scared to make a move because he had never been with a woman so good looking. So they just sat there for a couple minutes sipping their beers and saying little.

Ria waited. She had been hoping that Chambers would make a move towards her. Then she could get the beer bottle above her head and bring it down upon Chambers. Instead she was going to have to take a more active role. She leaned back and unsnapped her bra, releasing her beautiful c-cups. Chambers whimpered as his eyes fixed on the perfect, olive skin breasts.

"Do you want to suck on these breasts," Ria asked. Chambers nodded and lunged forward. Ria was surprised by the speed and clumsiness of Chambers' move, and had the beer bottle knocked from her hand. It rolled across the floor, spilling out its beer across the floor.

"Oh no, my beer. Let me grab that," she said.

"Don't worry about it," Chambers said, as he pinned Ria down to lick and suck on her rising nipples.

Ria sighed, so much for that plan. At least the metal bed leg was under the couch. She tried to reach it, but couldn't from her position. She tried to move, but the weight of Chambers' body had pinned her down. So she decided to let Chambers suck her nipples and wait for her chance.

Despite herself, Ria started to feel herself enjoying the sensation of Chambers' mouth on her tits. For all the awkwardness and clumsiness of his move towards her, once his lips were on her breasts he turned out to be a quite a tender lover. Chambers' lips and tongue flicked and sucked her nipples, and Ria put her head back and moaned.

Chambers' started to move his head down, kissing and sucking her flat stomach. Ria lost her mind for a moment, but then caught herself as she realized that Chambers was moving down to towards her crotch. She grabbed his head and pulled it away.

"Whoa, not so fast, cowboy. Why don't you get out of those clothes and let me take you in my mouth," she said.

Chambers jumped up and started striping, possibly faster than Ria had ever seen a man strip. Unfortunately, Chambers kept his eyes on Ria the entire time, meaning she didn't have an opportunity to reach under the couch for the metal bed leg.

Chambers pulled off his boxer shorts to reveal a hard, stiff six inch cock. It was actually quite a nice looking cock, cut and a tight, hairless scrotum and a light fringe of brown pubic hair. Chambers walked over to Ria, still sitting on the couch, his cock on an even level with Ria's mouth.

Ria put out her tongue, and started to flick the end of Chambers' cock. Chambers shuttered with pleasure, letting out a whimpering moan. Ria opened her mouth, and pushed her way down Chambers' shaft. Chambers let out a long "Ahh" as she worker her mouth down his shaft.

Ria started to find herself becoming turned on. Ria was always very careful to let men know before they started that she was a transsexual to try and avoid any surprises that might lead to violence. This was the first time she was ever having sex with a man when he didn't know what she had between her legs. Ria found it very exciting to know that this man was appreciating her completely as a woman, without any thought in his head that she was anything less. The thought of it had Ria's fingers flicking and twisting at her nipples while she pleasured Chambers with her mouth. Ria could feel her cock start to grow hard, trapped between her legs and held in place by the fabric of her underwear.

Chambers was enjoying himself as well. It wasn't just that Ria could suck a cock very well, which she could, but also that Chambers felt, for the first time, that he was a "spy" like he'd imagined as a kid. Like other kids, he wanted to be a spy when he grew up. Unlike other kids, he never lost the dream. He made sure the courses he took in high school and university all helped to that aim, ending up with a quadruple major in politics, geography, languages and psychology. Top of his class and in physical shape as well, he moved quickly through the recruiting process and was soon assigned to field positions.