Come Home With Me Pt. 02


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I didn't like the idea, "I'm not enthused about something like that. Exactly how did this come about?"

"Bev did nothing but talk about your cock all yesterday, that's where they got the idea."

I was somewhat pissed, "Shit, I knew this was gonna happen, thank god we erased the tape. I didn't come to Vegas to be somebodies sex toy. To start with titty fucks do nothing for me, nothing. Second, I don't know them in the least, I didn't drive all this way to see them, I came here to be with you. So, the answer is no, I won't fuck their massive tits and cum on their chests."

Ann took my arm and led me to the bed where we sat.

"Thanks, I didn't want any part of it but said I would ask. Now I can tell them it won't happen. I think it was more bravado than anything else. Bev got some, I think in their eyes they thought you might want to do something with their massive jugs."

Sunday early afternoon we went to a casino with one hundred dollars each in hand, when it was gone, we would be done. Ironically, I lucked out and wound up just shy of two hundred dollars ahead by the time we left. We spent that night in bed one last time. Ann told me she'd blow me in the morning before we left because her body couldn't take another fucking. Fast or slow, it wasn't going to happen. She kissed and said goodbye in the morning without a blow job, which wasn't an issue, my balls had been sufficiently drained over the past two days by my aged lover.

Little did I know I would never see Ann again, on the return trip to Phoenix their car was hit head on by a driver who had fallen asleep. Bev had been driving, it was late afternoon with the sun in her eyes, she never saw it coming before it was too late. All four gals perished that afternoon, I didn't find out about it until months later when I received a final Christmas card with an attached letter that had been sent by her daughter.

Leaving Vegas I was in no hurry and made my way via secondary roads to Redding, CA before stopping for the day. Though Eureka wasn't far away I was tired, hungry, and wanted to stop, I would go see Lili and the rest of the family the next day. The following day weather was clear, the temperature was warm, the forecast was for sunny skies, the perfect opportunity to get the bike out and ride. I spent the better part of the morning riding around enjoying the fresh air arriving in Eureka just after three.

Considering it was a Tuesday I wasn't expecting anyone to be home when I drove past Sid and Adrian's house. Surprise, surprise, on the sidewalk was Lili riding her bike and Linda running behind. I drove around the block stopping in front of their house. Both girls were on the steps by then and simply stared at me, as soon as I took off my helmet Lili screamed and raced toward me. I was on one knee when she launched herself into my arms nearly knocking me over. Linda was opening the front door yelling "mama".

I stood holding onto Lili as Adrian walked out, in all honesty I don't think I could have gotten that little girls' arms from around my neck if I tried. With her legs on either side of me and my arm under her tiny butt I walked to Adrian. It was a quick peck on the cheek, a welcome back and then her trying to get Lili to let loose.

"It's okay Adrian. I don't mind holding her, we're buddies. Right Lili?"

"Yes mama, we're buddies. Like Fred and Alice."

By the time Sid was home I had taken each of the girls on the bike up and down the driveway a few times with them sitting in front of me. As soon as daddy walked in they had him cornered telling him all about driving the motorcycle. We three adults got a good laugh from their story. Adrian wanted to know why I was staying in Redding and not at their house.

"I thought I'd take a day and ride around some, besides you'll be at work."

She smiled, "Not anymore. I'm a stay-at-home mom now. Sid got promoted which gave us enough additional income that now I can concentrate entirely on the girls. Any idea when you'll come stay with us? Lili is going to be upset, I need something to tell her."

I had a plan in mind, "It's early in the week, I think I'll ride until Thursday and then come here on Friday. If it's okay with you, I'll stay until the recital and see how things go after that."

It was agreed that would be the way to go. When I pulled up with the truck and trailer on Friday the girls wanted to know where my motor scooter was, I found myself laughing, considering the fact that I'd have taken an instant disliking to anyone who referred to my bike as a scooter. Once they looked inside the trailer all was good again, it was back to dolls and squabbling over who did or said whatever. Adrian laughed and told me to get used to it, she didn't let them be mean, but in her opinion, there were some things they needed to work out between themselves. I mentioned a pecking order.

Adrian smiled, "Oh yes, Lili is the oldest and she makes sure her sister doesn't forget that fact."

It was interesting how well Sid and I got along, my size didn't intimidate him in the least, the fact that he had spent a tour in the sandbox didn't hurt either. Both of us understood where the other was coming from. The first night Lili wanted to sleep in Mr. Martins room, I could see the look of disapproval in Adrian's eyes as she spoke.

"Honey Mr. Martin goes to bed much later than you do. I don't think that would work."

I had what I thought was a great idea and spoke up, "Hey, Lili, what if I carried you and Linda to bed and then tucked you in? How would that be?"

Lili looked at Adrian who nodded, Lili's face lit up, "Okay, that sounds good. But I get to stay up until 8, Linda goes to bed at 7:30."

I chuckled, "That's okay, I can make two trips."

Though I'd gotten both in bed, they each needed mom to give them the final "tuck in" and a last goodnight kiss from daddy before all was right with the world. I found myself wondering if I would ever know such joy. With most of the nightmares at bay I had a fleeting thought that maybe I could find room for a woman in my life on a permanent basis. With the three of us back in the living room Adrian was thinking along the same lines.

"Martin, when are you gonna let a woman inside that thick wall you've built around your heart? It's obvious you're good with kids, those girls love you, it would be a shame to never have that kind of love and laughter in your home."

I was interested and not interested at the same time. "I don't know Adrian. Who'd want all the baggage I carry? Nah, I'm no catch, might be better if I just carry on as I am."

Sid joined the conversation, "You mean as a hermit? Damn man, you aint even thirty, what the hell kind of life is that? Going from one booty call after another for the next 35 years? Hell man, that aint a life, it damned near isn't an existence. You need to let this shit go man, or it'll kill you before your time."

I was about to say something in my defense when he stood. I'd noticed a slight limp similar to what mine had been but didn't know what to attribute it to. I found myself wondering how I could have missed that the year before. Raising his pant leg the prosthesis came into view.

"Fuckin IED took off my foot. I know exactly what the hell you're goin through."

Adrian slugged him, "Enough with that language. You're going to forget yourself and say it in front of the girls. I'm serious Sid, you need to stop using that language."

He took her hand and muttered, "Sorry babe. I know you're right."

The next morning I explained to Lili that I would be gone for a few days but when I returned I would stay at her house until I went back home. I had to do a cross my heart and pinky promise before she was okay with what I'd said. After a short trip into Oregon I returned to Eureka late Friday afternoon, with the recital the next day I wanted to make sure there would be no reason I missed it.

What a trip the recital was, I couldn't remember a Saturday afternoon where I had so much fun. Watching those five and seven-year-olds do their routines was what Adrian called precious, and she was right. I brought a bouquet of flowers for Lili and Linda, I was told that's what you do after their recital. They were pleased as punch, when mom said we were going for pizza it was a burst of loud squeals. As we drove I mentioned that I wasn't sure I could get used to all that squealing.

Adrian laughed, "You get used to it. It's when you don't hear the squeals or the giggles or the bickering that you worry."

With the recital over I made mention of possibly heading out for another three or four days. Adrian told me it would have to wait until Monday, they were having a cookout on Sunday, and I was to be there.

"Yeah but, I won't know anyone." I protested.

She spun and pointed at me as she'd done so many times when I was a boy, I knew to shut up and listen. I may have towered over her, but she had a tendency to get big real fast when she was upset with you.

"You're going to stay Martin. No more arguing, I want you to meet someone."

That little voice inside was telling me to pack and hit the road, but those loving little eyes on the girls melted my resolve. I was going to stay and that was that. With the girls in bed I directed the conversation toward what Adrian had said earlier.

"What's with the I want you to meet someone statement? I hope you aren't trying to set me up with somebody."

"It's nothing that complex, although Sid and I hope you'll at least be a gentleman. You can be such a horse's rear end at times. It's Sid's half-sister, her name is Ahnah. She's half Inuit, Sid's dad died when he was young, his mom remarried to an Inuit man while they were in Alaska. Lili's best friend Yuka is her daughter, who is five. She's a beautiful woman Martin, be nice to her."

I was grumbling to myself when Adrian sat next to me taking my hand.

"I think you'll find her rather strong. She lost her husband in Afghanistan when Yuka was two, she's been on her own since. She recently moved from Alaska to be closer to us, she's only been here about three months. Their other sister is still in Alaska. Dare to step out Martin, just like you did in the Marines. What do you have to lose? Nothing."

I'd like to say I was steeled and ready by the time folks were due to arrive for the cookout, and in my mind I was, that is until a small girl with the blackest hair I had ever seen walked with an adult version of her right behind. I couldn't get over how beautiful what I assumed the mom was, jet black hair flowing over her shoulders, native Alaskan facial features that seemed to beckon my gaze. She wasn't tall like me, but she wasn't short either, I figured about five foot nine or ten. Her body was long and slender, not petite, firm with a narrow waist and sturdy body.

The cookout had been going an hour when Adrian walked up with Ahnah at her side. Extending her hand to shake mine she smiled.

"I'm Ahnah. Adrian tells me your name is Martin. Nice to meet you. That's my daughter with Lili, her name is Yuka, it means 'bright star' in Inuit. You already know Sid is my half-brother, I tried to tough it out after my husband died, Sid finally convinced me to move here and away from the village. There were so many memories there and I didn't have much of a future."

We talked about twenty minutes when she said she'd better go check on Yuka. Sid stood next to me.

"Well, what do you think?"

"She's a looker that's for sure, and that little girl. Oh my gosh, what a charmer. I don't think she'd be interested in a big lunk like me or being in the cold of Northern Minnesota though."

Sid laughed, "You really are as dumb as Adrian says you are concerning women. She just told Adrian you made her heart go pitty pat and thinks you're the cutest guy she's met since she moved. As for the cold, wrong again, she loves the cold, the snow, she loves winter. Hard work doesn't frighten her, nor do cold temps and ass deep snow. She's talked some of going back, maybe you can convince her to stay and get to know you better."

As the afternoon drifted into dusk I noticed a few bags of what looked like fireworks being put on a table. Adrian came and informed me the girls wanted to celebrate their recital and had asked if they could have sparklers and some small fireworks. She wondered if I would be alright with the noise. I explained if it was no more than that and I was aware it would be happening that I would be okay. That idea went to hell in a hurry.

The kids were fun to watch running through the yard waving their sparklers and squealing. Smiles from ear to ear. There were a few of the roman candle type things with a pop and small array of color in the sky, I was doing well until someone started lighting firecrackers. My trepidation must have shown because the next thing I knew Adrian was next to me on the bench holding my hand. It was when they started with those sonic boom things that have no color, only the loud thunder of an explosive that I came unnerved.

I let go of her hand and headed for the house, I pushed past Sid as he tried to stop me telling me he didn't know others were bringing the loud fireworks. I made my way through the kitchen and upstairs to the room I'd been staying. Lying on my side facing the wall with the pillow over my head hoping it would go away I felt the bed move, looking over my shoulder I saw Lili. With Fred and Alice under an arm she moved forward, I moved to my back, my right arm flat on the mattress. Lili snuggled in tight to my side, her head on my bicep, placing Fred and Alice on my chest she draped her arm over them and whispered to me.

"It's okay mister Martin, I'm here now."

Though I made no noise the tears poured from my eyes, rolling downward alongside my head, a few making their way into my ears, the rest flowing along my neck and into the pillow. I wondered how such a tiny creature could have such a soothing, calming effect on me. I could feel her little heart beating against the side of my chest, I became aware of the softness of her breathing and realized she'd gone to sleep. I apparently followed suit, I awoke to someone lifting Lili.

Adrian looked at me, "I'll put her to bed and come back for Fred and Alice."

Ten minutes later she was sitting on the edge of the bed apologizing.

"I'm sorry that happened Marty. We had no idea they'd brought those damned loud things. It began to affect Sid as well, I finally told the two who had them to stop and they were free to leave anytime they'd like. Apparently their wives shared the same sentiment because both families were gone in fifteen minutes. Are you okay Marty? I'm worried about you."

I had been staring at the ceiling and changed to glance at Adrian, her face was sincere. In a soft almost non-existent voice I responded.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I still have times when that shit gets to me, but it's getting better. Sorry that I ruined your party, those kids deserved more than me making a fool of myself."

I slept after that, somewhat fitfully, but slept none the less. It wasn't the morning sun that woke me, it was two little angels crawling over the top of me giggling and telling me to get up, breakfast was ready. When I looked at my watch it registered 7:43. I checked again to be sure, I hadn't slept that long since I couldn't recall. Sid was in the doorway.

"Come on girls, let mister Martin get dressed. Close the door Lili, see you in a few Marty, hope you're hungry."

I found it odd that Sid was home on Monday until he explained he'd taken the day off knowing Adrian would need help cleaning up after the cookout and he wanted to be around if I decided to take off. I was hoping to see Ahnah and Yuka again and brought it up. Both stared at each other a minute before Adrian nodded at Sid, who spoke with hesitation.

"That's not gonna happen Marty. Last night scared her. My stepdad's brother's son came home from Iraq bat shit crazy, she told Adrian last night she couldn't possibly live with that no matter how much she liked someone. She also informed us she's moving back to Alaska in three weeks. Her best friend opened a diner in their village that she says is too much for one person, Ahnah is going to work with her. Sorry it didn't work out, I thought you two would hit it off, guess not."

I wasn't upset, and at the same time I was. There would be no asking her to come home with me, forever. I chalked it up to the latest kick in the nuts and put on my smiley face as I spoke.

"Well, better we find out now and not later. Besides, if I were to go out with Ahnah I'd be two timing Lili and we can't have that. Would you be offended if I stayed one more day and left Wednesday morning? I've been gone nearly a month, I should be getting home."

Adrian arranged for the girls to start school an hour later on Wednesday, Sid took the morning off, we enjoyed a relaxed breakfast together before I headed east much as I had almost a year before. The goodbye was as tearful as the original had been the year prior, lots of hugs and neck squeezes from the girls. An admonishment from each adult to drive safely and make sure I kept them abreast of my progress.

With the truck running like a dream I was moving along at a good pace, late afternoon of the second day I found myself an hour from the little diner I'd stopped at the year before. Wondering if Gloria might be home for spring break I decided to stop for the night. When I stopped by the diner for supper I looked around and saw no Gloria, oh well, it was worth a shot. The older lady who set the plate in front of me smiled.

"Aren't you the guy who stopped in last year about this time?" I nodded. "Thought so, don't see big guys like you very often. Gloria isn't working, but she will be in the morning, be sure to stop and at least say hi."

When I walked into the diner at seven the next morning I looked around but didn't see Gloria. A middle-aged lady brought a cup of coffee and asked if I was ready to order. I was still glancing around and asked.

"Is Gloria working this morning? I don't see her. The lady last night told me she would be working this morning. I'll have the lumberjack special, tell them to make sure the bacon is crisp. I hate soggy, floppy bacon."

"Oh, she's here. She's on break in the little room to the back, we use it for large groups. Why don't you go say hello while I put your order in? I'll bring it to you when it's ready."

I walked into the room and didn't see anything before I heard Gloria's voice talking softly.

"You're a piggy girl this morning, you've just about emptied mama. I hope your little tummy is full."

Turning to the right I saw the back of her head and what I thought was a baby in her arms. As I walked closer I could see the baby was nursing as Gloria softly hummed. As I came alongside Gloria looked up.

"Hi Martin. What a wonderful surprise. Are you just passing through again?"

I must have looked like a dog at a new dish as I stared.

"Close your mouth Marty, sit and talk to me."

I had to ask, "How old is the baby?"

"She's about two months now, growing like crazy, she looks a lot like her daddy. Don't you think?"

It felt like my stomach was in my throat. Was this tiny thing actually the result of our tryst a year ago?

I stammered, which is something I'm not used to doing, "Is, is she mine? I mean am I her father?"

Gloria smiled, "Yes Martin, she's your daughter, and was she a big girl at birth. Eight pounds 14 ounces and twenty-one inches long. She'll be tall drink of water, just like her daddy. I worked like hell delivering her, it caused a few complications, but I'm almost completely healed now. The doctor said if I ever have another child it will be easier the next time. I sure hope so."

"What's her name?"

Gloria smiled, one of those sincere smiles. A smile that told me she was pleased with what she was