Commander Murphy and the Mad Doctor


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Andy grinned at Angie and Jeff, "Well when she gets here we will see if we are correct or not. I suspect that we are on target but I want to know why. Jeff please call POTUS's 'Chief of Staff' and have him inform POTUS that we believe the situation is under control and that there appears to be no breach of security. Tell him to expect verification tomorrow afternoon."

"Will do, Boss."

Andy looked at his woman, "Dear girl, I think we should invite everyone here in the compound to a pool party tomorrow night celebrating the great event. Informal attire, BBQ, DJ Music, and adult beverages, will be the order of the day. What do you think about that?"

"Oh Andy! That sounds like fun, but what are we celebrating?"

"Why, Friday of course! What else?"

Jeff grinned, "Sounds like my kinda party. Kids?"

"No, pool party for kids Saturday at 2 PM. BBQ. Fruit punch. Prizes. Games and lots of fun. I'll talk to Jerry, my houseboy and he will take care of everything for both parties. We'll put my niece, Sally, in charge of the Kid's party she can co-ordinate with Jerry."

Angie shook her head, "What if Sally has a date or something?"

Andy held a forefinger to each of his temples. His eyes drooped closed in his concentration. His eyes popped open. "Yes, she'll do it. She will handle everything." He repeated his trance, "Jerry is ready to take care of everything. Damn, I'm good."

Angie and Jeff looked at each other. Angie said, "What? Are you, telepathic or something?"

"Well, something like that. I told them about it this morning. Everybody knows about it but the people in this room."

Angie grinned at Jeff, "Do you believe this guy; he didn't ask me, I might have a heavy date or something."

Andy smiled, "Fine, I can get another date too."

"Listen big guy, if your date wants to sit in your lap she is going to have to sit on my lap because my ass is going to be in your lap all night long and my arms will be around your neck too, got it?"

"Yep!" Andy put his fingers to his temples again, "There, I canceled my other date. I can't have girls fighting over me at the party."

Later that afternoon Andy and Angie met the Navigator at the front door. A large handsome man got out of the back and ran around to open the door for a very attractive woman. She wore a plaid pleated skirt with a beige turtleneck sweater and a Navy blazer. She wore a matching blue beret and black stretch spike heeled boots. She saw Angie move forward to greet her and smiled, "Hi! I'm Doris, if I had known I was coming to Florida I would have dressed differently."

"I am glad to meet you Doris, my name is Angela. We will find something more appropriate for you to wear for today. We will go shopping tomorrow morning. This good looking man is my fiancée, and the head man around here, Andy Murphy."

"Is this your place Mr. Murphy? It is huge?"

"Yes it is. Please make yourself at home, may we call you Doris?"

"Certainly, if I may call you Andy and Angela."

Angela took Doris's hand and said, "Let me show you your rooms and you can freshen up a little if you would like to. Andy's Sister, Martha should be along shortly. She has some things that should fit you and let you be more comfortable. Oh! Here is Martha now." Angie introduced the women.

Martha smiled and said, "There are a few things for you in the closet in your bed room. There are a few items of lingerie in the drawers and some shoes and sandals in the closet too. They should tide you over until tomorrow. There is a cute peignoir and night gown hanging in the closet too."

Angie told Doris she would wait while she changed and then take her to meet with Andy to discuss her situation. Doris looked at the clothes in the closet. She came out carrying a sundress and some strappy sandals. "These are adorable, and in just my sizes too. I'll be out in a moment."

Angie pressed her thumb on the little glass plate outside Jeff's office and had Doris enter. Andy and Jeff rose and introductions were made.

Andy smiled at Doris, "Mrs. Hartigan, let me explain a few things. I am Commander Andrew Murphy, U.S. Navy (Retired). This installation is my home and my place of business. I do contract intelligence work for the Federal Government, primarily for the Executive Department. We are very concerned about the disappearance of your brother, Dr. Cooper. He is engaged in top- secret experimental scientific work of a very sensitive nature. It would be disastrous for us if he or his work were to fall into the wrong hands. We simply cannot allow that to happen."

"I knew he was doing top-secret work but I know nothing about what he was actually doing."

"Doris we are on your side. I think you need to reassess your plans. I don't think your plan to disappear will work. If we were able to find you in one day, others will too. There are not many places you can safely hide. This will not work for you Doctor Cooper. Your disguise is perfect but you are linked to your real identity in too many ways.

"Tell me where I screwed up."

"The most obvious thing was that you were not being able to successfully assume your sister's identity. Her death wasn't concealed at all. Our computers found it in seconds.

"I guess you are going to arrest me now, sniff." Tears ran down Doris's cheeks. Angie put her arm around her. "We can't arrest you unless you have given information about your work to an unauthorized person." Doris's head jerked up.

"No, I could never do that! That is unconscionable!"

"Were your experiments successful?" asked Andy.

"No, they were not. I had small successes in designing and building nano computers and machinery. I was unable to develop several essential parts for my project."

"You mean the machine capable of navigating its self to a special part of the human brain."

"You know that much?"

"Yes we do. Is there any chance someone else could complete your work from your files."

"No possible way. I destroyed all the essential elements of the experiments. They would be better off starting from scratch."

Andy said, "Good, that is a big help. May we assume you have been a fully functional woman for about five years now?"

"Yes, how did you know that?"

"Just a guess but I think we could find where you had it done if we wanted to. If you co-operate fully we have the capability of covering your tracks and causing the destruction of various records and then giving you a new foolproof identity."

"That sounds great. However, I have to tell you I will not work on my project again; the world is not ready for it now. That realization was the reason I wanted to disappear."

"We need to find out what plans you have for the future. What can we do to help you?"

"All I know is that I want to live the rest of my life as a woman. As a geeky guy I couldn't even get a date. As a woman, men are very attracted to me, and I am only happy as a woman. I will need to find a job soon. I don't have any skills I can use as Doris."

Andy looked at Jeff. Can we use a scientific consultant who is up to date on all the latest technologies?"

"We can sure try her out. We do have an empty doublewide don't we?"

Angie held up her hand, "Wait a second guys. Let the poor girl see how she likes it here first. Give her a few days and let her look us over. Not everyone likes to live in the woods in an isolated mini-community like this."

Doris looked at Angie and smiled, "Thank you so much, Angie. Can we have pets, I have wanted a dog all my life, and have never live in a place where I could have one."

Andy grinned, "All our houses are on half acre fenced lots. You can have up to four dogs. We have twenty-eight homes here, there are recreation facilities including a swimming pool, a small gym and workout room, and a small commissary or convenience store and community center, also known as the Rec. Hall. Please feel free to visit any of the homes and talk to the residents. See how they like it here. Two of our houses are communal homes for singles who don't want to live alone. I think there is one vacancy in the woman's house. Dogs over twenty pounds are not permitted in the group homes. The rent comes out of your pay and includes utilities, maintenance, and lawn care. If you are a boater, there is a boat ramp and a dock with rental boats for the use of the residents. We have three small pontoon boats and three fishing boats."

Doris grinned, "It sounds like paradise, is there any night life nearby?"

Jeff answered, "Not very close. There is lots of nightlife, bars, clubs, and dancing within twenty-five miles. We have a little dance night the first and third Saturday of each month at the Rec. Hall. We have a great time. No booze allowed."

"I love the way this sounds. I like to go out once or twice a month, I'm not a real party animal. This place is very secure isn't it."

Angie laughed, "Boy is it ever secure. Fences, TV cameras, all kinds of detectors, and armed guards. Don't try and sneak in. It is hard to do, but I did it once because I didn't even know there was any security and just drove right in behind a delivery truck. Andy was very embarrassed and changed procedures."

Andy smiled, "Doris if you like to dance you will enjoy yourself here tomorrow night at our party celebrating Friday."


"Well you can't just have a party for no good reason, can you?"

Doris giggled, "Friday does it for me."

The next night the party went well. Sally, Andy's niece and two other teenage girls who lived in the compound were baby setting all the younger children in the family room. It worked out very well and allowed parents to check on their progeny from time to time.

Andy left Angie and went to see that Molly was doing alright. He didn't see her at first. She was looking through the window out on to the patio. Andy said, "Hi, sweetie, what are you watching?"

"Oh, there you are Daddy, I was watching Mommy dancing and kissing that man."

Andy looked out to see Angela kissing Bo Taylor. He abruptly sat in a chair. Molly hugged him, she said, "Why are you crying Daddy, did you hurted yourself?"

"Yes I guess I did Honey. I'll be alright." He rose and walked into the house.

About ten minutes later Angie came in the family room and went to Molly who was playing with another little girl. "Hi, Mommy, is Daddy alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"Daddy was here and saw me watching you dancing and kissing that man and he hurted himself and went in the house."

"Why do you think he hurt himself?"

"'Cause he started crying and went that way." She pointed toward the house. Angie ran into the house. She looked in their suite and in his den and didn't see him. She hurried out on the patio, she didn't see him. She returned to the table where they had been sitting with Martha and her husband and Jeff and his wife. She quietly asked Martha if she had seen him. Angie told her what had happened. She also told her about the incident the day before.

Martha looked around then turned to Angie, "Honey when he is troubled and wants to think, he goes up to the widow's walk on top of the house. Do you know how to get there?"

"Yes, I do." She hugged Martha and hurried off.

Andy stood leaning against the railing around the widow's walk. He stared off into the distance, not really seeing or hearing anything. He needed to think about Angela but was afraid of what he might think. Then he felt someone move against his side and put small warm hands over his. She moved his arm around her shoulders and snuggled against him. She said, "It is beautiful up here. It is pitch black everywhere, but the sky is bright with millions of jewels. I love you Andy Murphy."

He turned and took her in his arms, his lips pressed against her hair, "Are you sure?"

"As sure as I am that there is a God out there that meant me to belong to you forever."

"How is the party going?"

"OK, I guess. Why did you come up here?"

"You know exactly why I came up here, to think about us."

"Andy did you see me kiss Bo?"


"Will you hear me out before you think about us?"

Andy nodded, "Go ahead."

"First, know one thing, I love only you. I have pledged myself to you before God and I will never break that pledge.

Doris said I had to kiss Bo to see what the best kisser in the world felt like. I told her I already knew that, but that she didn't. Anyway, Bo asked me to dance and I accepted, and while we were dancing he asked if I wanted to try the kiss. I said no, I didn't need to. He said he promised it would not go any further than the one kiss. I told him that he did not have to promise me a thing because I knew it could never go any further. He kissed me. I kissed him back. I turned and walked back to our table.

Doris had seen the kiss and smiled at me and asked how I liked it. I said it was nice. She said 'Nice'?"

I said, "Yes, nice."

"Andy, I will confess to you that a year ago I would have said it was a very, very good kiss. I will admit it aroused me a little sexually. IT DID NOT TURN ME ON LIKE YOUR KISSES. Andy your kisses leave me weak kneed and with wet panties every time you kiss me. My panties were dry and I did not feel any of the love from him I always feel from you, I did not get the desperate need to drag him to the nearest bed that I get from your kisses. As I said, it was a nice little kiss. The little kiss you just gave me on my head was far more erotic to me than his kiss was. Enough said! I am yours."

"Angela, sweet girl, I was not worried that Bo would take you away from me. I believed in you. I knew you would not let that happen. I do get jealous when you kiss someone else. This was the first time I had ever seen that. I trusted you but I did not trust what I might do, I needed some time to cool down. You Angie, are my life, I'll never let you go. Let's go join the party."

Jeff laughed at them when they returned to the table. "You guys are too much."

Andy just smiled broadly."Jeff, you are just too old to remember what it was like."

Jeff's wife giggled, "That's for damned sure. I don't either."

Jeff chuckled, "That is not what you said last night."

"What I said last night was "You are not as good as you once were but you are as good once as you ever were."

"Thank you for that testimonial my love."

Doris and Bo were now sitting with them at the table. Doris said, "Angie, you got to kiss Bo and said his kiss was 'nice', it is only fair that I try Andy."

Angela smiled softly and she turned to Andy. "I agree with Doris, Honey, will you please give her a little peck."

Andy looked at Angela, "Are you sure?"

Angie nodded and Andy walked around the table and offered his hand to Doris. She stood and he led her away from the table a short distance. Andy took her in his arms and kissed her. He brought her back to the table. She had a blank expression on her face as he pulled her chair back to seat her. Everybody watched her. Doris looked around carefully. She looked at Andy, "I can't believe you. When I had my operation, they told me I might never secrete and moisture or lubricants. Right now, my panties are soaked and slippery. WOW! Doris turned to Angie, "Thank you for sharing that with me. You are a very lucky woman. I would never let him out of my sight."

Angie turned to Andy and wiped the lipstick from his mouth with her hankie. She pulled him close and whispered, "Watching you kiss her almost killed me. God! I never knew I could be so jealous." Andy pulled back and saw her eyes were full of tears.

"I guess you have an idea now about how I felt when you kissed Bo. At least you knew it was going to happen." Angela held him tightly.

She softly murmured, "Never again. It hurts too much." Andy stood and took Angela's hand; he led her into the house. They heard gales of laughter behind them.

When they reached the family room, they found Molly sleeping on a couch and Andy gently picked her up and carried her to her room. Angie got her ready for bed and they both kissed her good night. Andy led Angie to their bed. He pulled her between his knees as he sat on the bed and ran his hands up her legs along the thigh high stockings she had on, lifting the skirt of the little sundress she was wearing. His hands slipped around her bottom and caressed her lovely ass. He kneaded the firm yet soft flesh gently through her sheer panties.

He felt her little hands fumbling with his belt buckle. He released her bottom and pushed her gently back, giving him room to stand. He took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. He picked her up and put her on her back on the bed; he stepped out of his jeans and kicked the jeans and his boat shoes off.

Andy crawled on the bed and moved between her wide spread legs on his knees. He lifted her legs and her rump off the sheets and slid his hands to hook his thumbs in the waistband of her panties. Andy slowly pulled her panties off her butt and up her legs and over her cork wedgie sandals with criss-crossed ribbons around her calves. He smiled as he reached up and pulled down the elasticized bodice of the sundress, baring her breasts. He licked his lips and lowered his mouth to suck in a turgid perky pink nipple. He cupped that breast with both hands squeezing the firm mound of flesh into a peak. His mouth sucked the top part of the breast in while his tongue swirled around the nipple. Angie moaned softly, her eyes were open but he saw only the whites because her eyes were rolled back in her head.

Andy shifted his body and he reached down and rubbed the head of his erect cock up and down her inner lips. When it was sufficiently lubricated, he pressed forward and grinned as he felt the warm wet tightness close around his penis. He moaned and softly grunted each time his length slipped inside her. He was on the edge of cuming when he pulled out and flipped her over on her stomach. He lifted her to her knees. He quickly pressed his cock into her pussy. He started with the long slow strokes but her loud moans and the wiggle she put in her rump egged him on to a faster pace.

The next afternoon Angie and Andy sat in his den and talked about getting married sooner than they had originally planned. Angie now wanted to be married at his old home place. She wanted to conceive and bear his first child in the bed where he was conceived and was born.

They decided on a simple country wedding with a small gathering of friends and relatives. Andy suggested they be married outside in a large tent. Angie loved that idea and said she was going to figure out things so she would be in her most fertile period on their wedding night.

She looked at Andy's calendar and put her finger on the 23rd of the following month, Andy nodded in agreement, it couldn't be soon enough for him.

A voice on the speakerphone interrupted them. Jeff said, "POTUS will be on the web-cam in 30 seconds." They both looked to the monitor and saw the President of the United States.

He smiled and said, "Good afternoon Andy and Miss Angela, how are you today?"

"Just fine Mr. President. I know your time is hard to come by so I'll get to the point. We have successfully completed the task you assigned us. Dr. Cooper is in our custody and we have a recommendation as to his disposition."

"Wonderful, Andy! Boy! You guys are really good! What do you suggest?"

"Sir, all of my people agree that Dr. Cooper is no longer a threat. He was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown over his work. He felt very strongly that his invention would cause chaos throughout the world. He does not think the world is ready for that.

"We recommend a complete change of identity for him including plastic surgery. He will remain under our supervision for the foreseeable future. We believe he can live a happy and productive life."

"That sounds good, what do you think Angela?"

"Sir, I concur. May I take this opportunity to invite you and the First Lady to our wedding on the 23rd of next month?"