Compensating for What Happened


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She laughed and said, "If that's what you want, I'll find a way. Really, what would you like for breakfast?"

It's Saturday, right? On Saturday I have French toast. I'll make it. Would you like some?"

"Yummy! One slice for me."

I got up. I was wearing boxers. She frowned. "Pete, wouldn't you be more comfortable naked?"

"My scars are ugly. With boxers I can lie to myself and make believe I'm a man."

"I slept with you last night and had you love me all afternoon and evening. You're a man." She paused, "Keep them on."

We went to the kitchen. When we sat to eat we heard the front door unlocked and opened. I yelled, "We're in the kitchen. Hungry?"

"It's French toast day!" A female voice called out. Two seconds later Jo came through the door peeling her clothes off. When she was as bare as Kelli she hugged me, kissed me and then turned to Kelli.

"Hi, I'm Jo. Is this your first breakfast with Pete?"

Kelli nodded. I said, "Her name is Kelli. Kelli, Jo, Jo, Kelli. How many slices do you want?"

She pushed me back onto my chair. "I can cook! First, welcome Kelli, to the family. How did Pete trap you?"

"He didn't. He hired my sister for a photo shoot yesterday and I came along. I stayed. My sister will be back at about one."

Jo moved to the stove and made two pieces of French toast. She put one on my plate and one on Kelli's. "No more for me." Kelli said.

Jo slid the plate to her place and said, "This is family. I can save washing an extra plate by eating from yours. They're all family germs anyway."

I ate the piece she gave me. Kelli did the dishes. Jo could have spent the entire day out by the pool and never pinked at all. Her desert skin tanned well and I'd never seen her burnt since we met when she was in high school. Her mother and I had been lovers back then and Jo adopted me as Dad when hers quit acting like a Dad. Kelli, on the other hand, had the red haired skin like her sister that would burn her to a crisp in no time. She was pale and delightful, especially when Jo stood beside her in contrast. They were both strikingly beautiful.

We stayed inside. Jo took one look at Kelli and knew she should stay inside. Jo made a pitcher of iced tea and we sat, sipped and talked. Mostly they talked. I listened and learned. Kelli was twenty years old. She had dated since she was fourteen and lost her cherry at sixteen to a football player. She admitted to being attracted to her sister for years but never did anything until I had her touch April.

Jo shared that she had watched her Mom with me for years before she got brave enough to ask her Mom if she could ask me to love her.

"You watched them making love?" Kelli asked.

"Not fucking. I watched how Pete touched her, cared for her, massaged her. I knew he did other stuff too, but never in front of me. When I asked Mom she said I was eighteen, old enough to act on my own. That night when Pete was ready for bed I asked if I could sleep with him. We slept! In the morning, when I was so comfortable and relaxed he loved me. I've loved him most of my life and been loving his way of loving since I was eleven and my Mom brought me here."

Kelli faced me, "How many women are there in love with you?"

"I have no idea. My first wife loves me and I haven't seen her in twenty years. She loves me and can't be with my scars or the other women in my life. There are others that don't live close. I haven't seen Bonny in three years. Does she love me? I don't know. Now, ask how many women I love."

Jo laughed, "That's easy. All of us!"

"Not so. I don't know all of you."

"Pete still loves the girl he took to the prom." Jo said.

"Yes, I do. Teddi Johnson. Short for Theodora. She was named after her Dad. I haven't seen her since graduation night."

"What about being a one-woman man and us all being one-man women?"

"How has that worked for you, so far?"

"Not well. The football player said I would be his girl-friend. The day after he took my virginity he told three of the guys on the team they should do me, I was fun."

Jo said, "Not a nice boy. Has it been any better since?"

"A guy at college shows some promise but he won't give me his phone number and he's only available on Saturday nights."

"Honey, I think he's playing you." Jo said.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Brad Kingsley."


"Cerritos Community College."

I picked up my phone and called a friend. "Joe Friday, please."

"Listen, I need a guy checked out. No felonies that I know of."

I gave her what I had, including a physical description relayed from Kelli. She said she'd see what she found out.

"Who did you call?" Kelli asked.

"A friend. She works for an investigator. No worries. She's very discrete."

We talked some more and Jo asked, "Pete, would you tie me up and make me helpless?"

"How helpless?"

"Totally. Then you and Kelli can have me any way you might want."

"Kelli, are you my assistant again this morning?"

"Yes, Sir. What would you like?"

"First slather SPF40 all over your body. If Jo wants any slather her too. Then get the ropes out of the drier. Meet us up by the hot tub." My hand took Jo's hand and we walked to the deck by the hot tub. The tub wasn't on. I extended the awning over the hot tub, giving Kelli some shade so she wouldn't burn. The frame for the awning also served as a frame for binding someone.

While we waited for Kelli Jo and I kissed and I played with her skin. Kelli arrived with an arm load of ropes. She handed me one.

"Hands together in front, please." I said. Jo put her wrists together and I wrapped the rope six times around them, then made a loop and knotted the rope so it stayed wrapped around her wrists. She knew what to do. She stood on her tip toes and I inserted a hook into an opening in the vertical awning support. The loop in the rope went over the end of the hook and she was almost helpless.

"Does she look helpless?" I asked.

"She can't get loose." Kelli said.

My hand went out and Kelli gave me another rope. I anchored it around one ankle with most of the rope extended away from the ankle.

"Tie her other ankle like this. Not too tight, just snug." I watched as she did the job. I pulled her right leg out to the side until she was standing on only the toes of her left foot.

"Kelli, wrap a rope around her waist and the pole, four to six wraps and tie it behind her. As she did that I stretched her left foot out until she was off the deck. The wrap around her waist and her hands were supporting her. I pointed to a stool at the far end of the pool. "Would you bring that stool to me please."

She did and while she was gone I gave Jo my index finger to suck. "Get it good and wet, Sweetheart."

I sat on the stool and Kelli watched me slide my wet finger between Jo's pussy lips. I pulled it out and said to Kelli, "This is going to take a while. Would you bring the iced tea and our glasses out here please?"

As soon as she was inside the house Jo said, "You're teasing her as much as me! I'm already dripping."

"When the doorbell rings, you will cum. April said she would be here at about one. I won't make you cum until she gets here."

"Dare I ask what time it is now?"

"You can ask. Let's just say it'll be a while."

Kelli came back. I took a drink and offered Jo one. She took it. I told Kelli she was not allowed to give Jo an orgasm without my permission. She said she understood.

I reinserted my finger in Jo's slit and slowly, gently rubbed her. I got a foam paddle board and put it by Jo's feet. "Kelli, if you kneel there you can taste her wonderful juices."

Kelli looked at Jo. Jo said, "Oh God, do it! I want to feel your tongue in me!"

She knelt and held Jo's thighs as she leaned forward and her tongue touched Jo. A spasm shook Jo. She really wanted to cum, and soon. I pulled Kelli back a little.

"Did you feel her shudder?" She nodded. "It means she's really close. No more clit licking for a while. Stand up and suck on a nipple. I'll suck on the other one.

Jo watched Kelli stand back up and move towards her right nipple. I popped an ice cube in my mouth and moved to Jo's left nipple. Jo watched Kelli's mouth surround her nipple and suck it in. She moaned and said, "Yes! So good!"

She screamed when the ice pressed against her other nipple. I held it in place for a full minute. She squirmed and gasped and moaned after the initial scream. I was glad my neighbors were half a mile away.

After a minute I moved Kelli to Jo's cold nipple and I moved to the warm one. She tensed and didn't scream. "Oh Jesus that is sooo cold!" I spit the ice into the hot tub and said, "Kelli, you can lick her pussy now, if you'd like."

She dropped to her knees and licked Jo like it was her final meal on Earth. I straddled Kelli and faced Jo. One small ice cube in my mouth and I kissed Jo, sliding the cube into her mouth. She gave it back. We traded every few seconds and cold drops fell from our mouths onto Jo's chest. I pulled away when the ice was gone.

"Kelli, lie on your back here on this foot locker, please." She was on her back six or seven feet from Jo. I opened her legs and asked, "Kelli, may I eat your pussy?"

"Yes!" And I did. She made all the right noises and wiggled just as I wanted her to. About once a minute I left Kelli and licked Jo's pussy once or twice. They were both getting close. I had Kelli's clit between my teeth when the doorbell rang. Kelli screamed and flooded both of us.

I left her and sucked on Jo. My hands pinched her nipples and she shuddered and came all over me. I walked into the house as the bell rang for the third time. I opened the door. It was April. She looked great!

One look at me and her eyes went wide and she said, "Is that what I think it is?"

"Do you think it's pussy juice?" She nodded. "Then you're right. If you take everything off right now you can come into the back yard and I'll introduce you to someone. Kelli's out there too."

She undressed and followed me out. When she saw Kelli on the locker with her legs spread wide and juices dripping from her she was shocked. When she saw Jo she took two steps backwards. I put my hand on her back and helped her get to Jo. I had her stand inches from Jo and I introduced them.

Then I said, "Jo had an orgasm when you rang the bell. So did Kelli. Jo deserves another. If you can get her to cum in less than five minutes all three of us will give you an orgasm. Your time starts now!"

She knelt and buried her face into Jo's sopping wet pussy. Kelli and I untied Jo's legs and lifted her legs, opening her up wider for April. April used her face and fingers to work Jo to a frenzy and to drink in all the flowing arousal from Jo's approaching orgasm. I kissed Jo on the mouth and she peaked. Kelli pinched a nipple and April's free hand went into Kelli's slit.

When it was possible we released Jo. April was on her back on the deck and Jo sucked one breast, Kelli the other and I held her legs open and ate her. Jo and Kelli trapped her arms so she couldn't do anything except accept what we did to her. When she screamed and flooded I picked her up and jumped into the pool. Kelli and Jo followed.

We hugged and kissed and stayed in the water for a while, until I noticed Kelli's skin starting to pink. I got us all out and into the house. Lots of aloe vera lotion and staying indoors the rest of the day helped the pink to fade.

At a little after five my phone rang. It was Sgt. Joe Friday. Actually her name is Alex but I've always called her Friday. She told me what she had found out about our boy. I thanked her, invited her for the weekend and she accepted. Her weekend was Tuesday and Wednesday.

"Kelli, your boy is a rat. He lives with his grand-mother. His job is to take care of her. His parents pay him to take care of her. Friday paid her a visit. The house was a mess, grand-ma was filthy and there was almost no food in the house. Further checking shows that he deposits four thousand a month in his checking account from his parents. She also discovered he's been treated twice in the last six months for an STD."

"I have a date with him tonight! I'm not going!"

Jo leaned towards her. "Maybe there's a better thing than standing him up. He's a rat and needs an ass kicking. Maybe some exposure is what he needs. Where is he to meet you?"

"He picks me up at our apartment."

"Good. Pete and I'll pay grandma a visit. We'll film the whole house and our interview with grandma. We'll email the video to his parents and wait two days, then YouTube will get it."

"I like it." We all agreed. On the way out Kelli said, "He's gonna pressure me for sex."

"Tell him you can't have sex with anyone, you think you might have an STD." April said.

I added, "Have you fucked him?"

"No. And I'm glad I didn't."

I gave her my pen and she wrote my cell number on the inside of her thigh, just in case she needed to call me.

At midnight we had already sent his parents the video. At twelve-thirty my cell rang. It was Kelli. When she refused sex because of a possible STD he blew up and yelled at her in the club they were in, then he stomped out. Just before he got to the door she screamed at him, "If I have it, I got it from you!" It wasn't true but could have been.

I picked her up at the club and took her home. I worried that he knew where she lived and it might not be safe for her there, so she invited me to stay. I did. I called Friday and told her where I was and why. She arranged to have a unit stay in the area and gave us a number to speed dial, just in case he showed up."

It was almost four when he showed up. He was staggering and yelling. He left the door to his car open and the engine running. Kelli called for the troops. April went out the back and I stood just inside the front door. He made it up the stairs and banged on the door. When I turned on the porch light April dashed to his car and took the keys. He didn't notice.

I opened the door and he said, "Who the fuck are you old man?"

"Name's Pete. Who the fuck are you, little boy? And why are you making so much noise?"

"Little boy? I could whip your old ass! Maybe I should!" Looking past him I saw a police cruiser pull up and two officers get out. I said, "I don't want to fight. I just want you to leave us alone."

He yelled, "Fuck you!" And swung at me. I let it hit me a glancing blow and I shoved him hard. He bounced three times on the way down the stairs and stopped when he landed against an officer.

April walked up and handed an officer his car keys. When they had him in an ambulance we went inside and went to bed. Three days later Friday called and let us know that he had been charged with elder abuse, drunken disorderly, assault and a few other things. Grandma was taken home to Texas by her daughter. Since her grandson was no longer available to "take care of her" it seemed a good choice. Jo posted the video on YouTube anyway.

The women in my life have talked. They have decided that for their own protection they need rules. You never date married men. If he won't take you to his place by the third date, there is no third date. When he takes you home, look under the bathroom sink. If there are Kotex, panty liners or Tampax, he's married. Have one of your sisters tempt him. If he caves in, he's done.

Kelli has gone to school with a new major. She's starting a service for women. She'll check him out and give a woman her report. I'm glad I'm one of the good guys.

I met April fifteen months ago. In the last twelve months there has been at least one woman in my bed every night, often it has been April or Kelli. I've tasted every one of the five who I met the day I met April. Tonight the lady who does the bookings for the models at P.S.L. is coming over for dinner and breakfast. Her name is Barbara and she loves being licked for hours.

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Mike_SxMike_Sxalmost 3 years ago

A great story. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Very erotic

One of the more erotic stories that I have read on this site. Nice pacing for most of the story and then the ending is very rushed. The characters are a bit thin (translucent verging on transparent). Finally, this does not really seem to be compensating, more like adjusting. Overall, a very good story. Put some meat on it and could be great. Thanks. JPR

Tuzolto54Tuzolto54almost 11 years ago
Liked it

I enjoyed the read, a man needs to know how to please a woman in a number of ways.

chytownchytownalmost 13 years ago
Good Read!!

But this is on WEIRD story!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 13 years ago
So strange yet nice

Hey - still finding the occasional editing error or awkward phrase - a context editor could help - or some who will read for that purpose not the spelling or content enjoyment lol

Keep writing

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