All Comments on 'Confession'

by ukresearcher

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RePhilRePhilabout 10 years ago
Really bad writing skills

Other than the total wimp you so brilliantly constructed your writing skills are very much lacking. Maybe you should put down the crayons for a couple weeks

Concritic123Concritic123about 10 years ago
I love most of your stories...

Well, I think I do. This one needs a better ending though. The main male character was left hanging with no solution concerning wayward wife.

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago
I'm Calling Bullshit On This One

Maybe I can buy the willing cuckholdry, but NOT the wife's "I love you too much to lie to you, but not enough to be faithful."

If she REALLY loves him, she either accepts what she gets from him, and forsakes all others, or she leaves him, whether he wants her to or not.

BriteaseBriteaseabout 10 years ago
Classic Uk resercher stuff

It's this love to hate it thing. Is there going to be any more?

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoabout 10 years ago
Another Sicko

Sorry but he needs to man up and kick her into touch as far as he can.

She is just an untrustworthy whore who has the morals of an alley cat.

impo_58impo_58about 10 years ago
I voted 2 *

I voted 2 * because after Jeff ( the last one) the wife's love was no longer her husband. And he being the smart guy he was, would have understand that immediatly. After that their marriage was finished. He should let her go to her lover like she wanted.

vazkor13vazkor13about 10 years ago
better that usual

I read some ukreearcher's stories and most of the time I did not like them : too many humilitions heaped on the husband, too many uncaring, cold hearted women.

For some reasons that one was slightly differrent. Like an hidden drug addict, Emma confessed her infidelities, it's up to him too accept them or not, she was not actively trying to demean him.

Some things still rang wrong :

- After learning after Emma needs and incredibly sex she had with Jeff, in most of the stories (and IRL I guess) most of the man would have difficulties to 'perform'.

- Like in all those stories, she simply can not resist a BD. It's a bit boring, althougth, to be honest, it is a time proven story trick.

- The ending is much too short, what happen after ? How long can they last living like that ?

- And she was ready to toss out her marriage without any efforts, no shrink or whatever other things that can help addict.

Anyway, a rather good story, much better than the previous ones

MitchFraellMitchFraellabout 10 years ago
A 100% cuckold

Is there going to be a conclusion to this tale?

bruce22bruce22about 10 years ago
This guy is nuts...

I am really sorry that I read the story.

SlirpuffSlirpuffabout 10 years ago

While Jeff was fucking my wife, I went to his house and introduced myself to his wife. Funny thing, his wife thought he was out of town on a special project. I told her my wife was Special, at least to me, so he wasn't really lying. She didn't see it quite that way. We did have a nice chat and I wished her well and went home to wait on my wife. My wife was in such a good mood when she came home, I completely forgot to tell her about my conversation with Jeff's wife. Monday, Jeff went nuts on my wife telling her exactly what I'd done. I suppose she would have been more sympathetic if she hadn't gotten her own delivery earlier that morning.

It's really too bad, she was Special but isn't any longer. I just hope my next wife isn't quite as Special... I like my ending a lot better...

Ducky7Ducky7about 10 years ago
another wimp dick story


gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 10 years ago
Just what this site doesn't need

Another stupid cuck story. How many damn cucks stories do we need? NOTHING erotic or original or clever or even interesting in this story. One star only because they don't allow zero. I think mister author UKR you are really gay and wish it was you receiving the dick in the story. If you must write cuck stories, can't you at least be a tiny bit clever or interesting about it?

tiger46tiger46about 10 years ago
typical delussional nerd

smugly looks down on Jeff as bereft of being able to take his wife from him. Yet it's he that is hiding like a leper watching his wife get felt up in public and carrying on with a coworker.

Gotta beleive Jeff and Emma are having a good laugh at the pathetic bastard. Gotta admire Jeff. unlike the narator Jeff is a winner and takes what he wants. Wish the story was told from Jeff's POV.

coach826coach826about 10 years ago
open marriage

Emma had already given up on the marriage before even talking to hubby. Husband then gave her permission to see Jeff again. Now Jeff wants to be the ALPHA male at hubby's house. Time hubby set boundaries. 1) Emma gives him the engagement ring & wedding ring to keep until this affair and others are over - then he can decide if he wants to continue the marriage; 2) Jeff is never to step foot in his house, they meet any where else; 3) he will start dating other women (open marriage) and he will use the house but not the master bed room; 4) Emma gives hubby Jeff's phone number so hubby can call Jeff's wife to let her know what is going on! she might want to hook up with hubby; 5) both must notify the other anytime one is going on a date with their lover. Hubby gets Jeff's message about coming to his house to meet, so he tells Emma that they will go to Jeff's house to meet and get to know one another.

I wonder what Emma's views would be concerning these rules. Seems she can't live without sex with Jeff - she never says that about hubby. Writing is on the wall. Have fun while you can then drop her.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusabout 10 years ago

Jim is trying to hold on to something which is already dust.

ginrunnerxginrunnerxabout 10 years ago

You and all people like you are truly sick. The dumb shit should have kicked the sick BITCH to the curb.

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013about 10 years ago
An uninteresting story.

This story sparked no real interest it just floundered along going nowhere. I guess if you like cuckold stories you might like it more. I found it to be a pathetic story. I gave the story a rating of 1, and even that is to high.

javmor79javmor79about 10 years ago

I make it a point not to judge people and what they do with their marriages. But I know a loving spouse when I see one. She does not qualify. Why is it that people become so narcissistic that they feel that marriage is always about how their spouse makes them feel? Love is an action word that produces something. When you say that you love someone, you are saying that you are willing to do whatever it takes for them. No one ever says, "My kids aren't giving me what I need, so I am going to find some more." Love is about the other person, not about you.

When the human logic broken down, it basically comes to this: if a person is faced with a choice, he/she will always choose what is most important to him/her. Based on their choices, you can determine what is in a person's heart. Love will always choose what is best for whomever it is directed. Say what you will about him being a cuck, but he loves her. His choice that he made is based on the fact that her happiness is more important to him than his hurt feelings. When faced with the choice, her sexual satisfaction is more important to her than her than avoiding hurting her husband. He loves her, she loves herself. No matter how hard this author tries to make her look like she really loves him, her actions says that she loves herself more. If the two people in a marriage don't love their partner more than they love themselves, then they are in for a short, unhappy union.

screwherscrewheralmost 10 years ago
My wife

That was hot! I'd love for another man with a huge cock to take my wife to a hotel and fuck her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

It's clear that the wife has a strange attitude to marriage-she wants the love and comfort of a husband but needs the excitement of cheating. What makes the story difficult to believe, is that she confesses after lying for so long, that, and her husband's reaction iare equally implausible. What does he get out of it? Listening to her erotic adventures is hardly compensation for loosing all the mutual trust he thought they had before. A real man would walk away from her and probably look for an opportunity to kick the other guy's teeth in. You must also ask yourself if, after all her experience with men, would the wife really have chosen such an ineffectual fellow as her husband?

I had hoped for a final chapter in which the husband, finally discovering testosterone, buys a gun and shoots her and her lover but that satisfaction eluded me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Best thing the guy in this sad story can do is walk away and refuse her all contact

That way, although the guy who cucked him has the bigger cock, at least he'll prove that he has the bigger balls. As for what happens after that, she made the call, she can suffer the consequences,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I really hope these two don't have kids because the delusional world these two live in and would bring the kids up in, is indescribable almost like the world today.

SimplyMikeSimplyMikealmost 10 years ago
A comment on javmor79 interpretation/analysis......

This is the very best interpretation/analysis and comment that I've ever seen regarding the 'Loving Wives'/cheating scenario.... I think javmor79 really has hit the nail on the head. I understand that some people WILL take the husbands course of action/inaction but it means that he can't really have thought it through properly.... he's a educated man who's intelligent and aware, so I really can't understand how he can fail to appreciate that his wife really doesn't love him... therefore, he is being used. Any marriage or partnership is, exactly, just that... a true partnership..... and people in a loving partnership always put their partner first. To do what she is doing is putting 'herself' first. No matter what her thoughts are, along the lines of, 'he loves me so he's allowing me to do this'...... the bottom line is that she KNOWS she's hurting him but is willing to ignore that to satisfy herself. Well done javmor79 .

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
hot wives for ever

Woe there's a lot of angry, frightened sounding men out there doods! If you don't like the thought of your wife fucking other men then read something you do like instead...!??

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

So many cons to the pros on this one U.K. I think that if your critics were to read more of your stories, they would find a common thread in them. i.e.: a loving, caring husband that seems to be just so-so in bed. A beautiful hot wife, that is trying to deceive her seemingly loving husband. A woman that can't seem to give up the "size factors" of her past life. And of course, the snake in the grass, lover with a much larger dick, that literally causes the wife to becoming a willing sex slave. Since most all that have left comments here are males,(my self included),we as a gender don't understand what the size factor really does to women.

To make your life's partner make a choice between being happy and content in your relationship or being disrespected ,humiliated, and their sense of self worth (ego)

destroyed. The wife always shows a remarkable degree of selfishness and immaturity. Don't most modern couples test drive potential partners now? Why marry or commit to someone that you know is not going to meet your expectations in bed as well as out of bed. But then we won't have a L.W. category now would we.

DrKenStoneDrKenStonealmost 9 years ago
Pathetic wimp.

This is a sick pathetic wimp loser! How can you write this crap?

dyonysosdyonysosalmost 9 years ago
An idea

i have the strange feeling that some authors write crap like this to be popular with the "right" kind of people,it's pathetic

- 1 Star

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Terrible 1*

That was pathetic. They were pathetic.

She was just a cruel slut bitch paying him off with pity fucks and he was a Wimp. Where is the entertainment in that. Do they have no pride, no moral backbone.

A good story will allow the reader to empathise with the characters. Few will with these two.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Simply a whore...

why not make money from her escapades? Sell her ass to some dumb black bulls who will fuck anything with a hole between the legs. Of course avoid any intimacy as she surely will carry some bugs in her cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Dumb And Dumber

Disgusting two people. They deserve each other.

SlirpuffSlirpuffover 8 years ago

I don't care how much you love her, eventually she's either going to leave or give you a gift you don't want...

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

Ones Misery/ TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What a worthless fucking turd Emma is married to.

This fucker should have a job licking the piss off the floor of a public bathroom. Actually, that is too good for him. What a total piece of shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Only fags

Write shit like this

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Demonstrates the last Briton with any Balls was Baroness Thatcher, LG, OM, PC, FRS, FRIC

Or whom we in the USA would call "Margaret Thatcher". Think about her cojones! Argentina invades, and Baroness Thatcher sends off a Naval Task Force streaming about 7900 miles due south from Britain. About 2 weeks to get there and there's no way to sneak up on the Islands--she just sent the message to Argentina (to use an American Army phrase to describe how the US Marine Corps operates: "Hey, diddle diddle, straight up the middle!"). She effectively told Argentina that Britain was coming to take back their Islands, and the Argentines could watch CNN to see the progresss of the British Navy. That takes balls! Today, now in Britain, when a guy is standing for Parliament (American translation--"running for election to Congress"), and the guy stands up in a public forum and quotes Sir Winston Churchill, you effete, emasculated, eunuch Brits throw him in jail!

God better save the Queen, because there's no man left in Britain to do that. UKResearcher is the archetype of how far the british have fallen!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

another fag brit cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Why didn't you finish the story? Your actual writing isn't half bad, but I doubt any man would stand for the serious cuckold she was getting ready for him. Unfinished !

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
loved it

No wonder your current monarchy has germanic roots

Let me know if you know! Was asked by another!


Tis true bout size. Though not the biggest Packing just over 8 inches and close to 3 across, I have had a number of wives seek me out. Word does get around. To one I was drp dead gorgeous, to another extremely attractive, my muscular physique is the draw for those who see me for first time. Arms shoulders pecs abs but come summer and cut-offs and my legs and butt is the draw. Have had females come up on street to tell me I have the seciest legs. I stay away from wives-girlfriends of my friends but numerous others have been willing to go at it nywhere anytime.

One greeted me at her door stsrk naked five minutes after husband left for work. Just opened door and stood their for anyone to see. One had me fuck her on living room floor while husband slept 20 feet away their bedroom door open, one liked me to fill her up and kept legs in air so seed would ooze into her panties on drive home to psnty sniffing husband. Parked in front of one's house after closing down bar, pulled her into my truck, ripped her bra and psnties off the she got me hard with mouth before cowgirling us both to orgasms swueling how good my tradesman hands felt one her 36C cones...big cherry nipples on that just right chubby redhead. Kept her underwear sent her into house naked. Stopped off before work 6am next week bent her over the couch by front door with bay window's curtains open and by chance gace paper boy live sex show, white robe opened in front and flipped up over butt.

Dropped by one trucker's home, she told meno go he got in the night before-fifteen minutes later I had her up against kitchen wall holding tiny butt in my hands while holding her 5 11 frame up and long legs flailing away. She was begging me to cum as she couldn't take anymore of my huge cock-her words-slammed it home the ground her against me as spurt followed spurt. Felt like some was left in the line so gave her 6 more hard strokes to ''mske sure you got it all'' Her head was hanging down, mouth open eyes closed and when I eased her off she shivered as my prick flipped up agsinst her ecposed clit. But she didn't have control of legs so I loered her to floor-half sitting half laying head hanging not moving. I watched her as I dressed and she looked to have been fucked senseless. Took one last look as I closed door and crosse street to truck. Unlocked it got in the figured I couldn't leave her like that. Went back across street into house. She had not moved. Did move when door opened nothing. She HAD BEEN fucked senseless. Grabbed robe from couch sent laid it over her, she didn't look up, didn't react at all. Headed back to door was looking back when I spotted red 36A bra on couch. Hey that was my all time fuck needed memento. Walked across street swing it she still hadn't moved a muscle in all that time 10-15 minutes. Just as I pulled awsy from curb looked up to second floor bedroom-master thst is had been in there numerous times- and saw curtain held open and husband looking at me. Hit my horn twice and drove off.

Stopped by around midnight to check on her-least I could do her silver grey hair was brushed and shiny-at 53 she was 15 years my senior. She didn't know how long she remained out but hubby who was supposed to be home for a week had left and had not yet returned. She was miffed at me for just leaving her on floor and fact that I had been able to get her to screw me while husband wad upstairs. She is one who always said my cock was HUGE she could suck it all day. When I had said it wasn't huge she licked the head and said Honey compared to all the men I've had it is. She reminded me how scared she was the first time, the struggle to get just the head in, how once it popped and I mean audibly popped in, how her vagina has close around it so tight I had literally been HUNG UP! How after all the pleading to let her just give me a blowjob she had ended up with head hanging down over the end of the bed and had moaned 'Thank you' whe I had left that morning. She had seen me in neighborhood bar a few times and finally walked over telling me her address and to come by for coffee before work. I had but no one answered the door, i walked in and up the stairs to find her asleep in robe. When i shook her awake she was startled and a bit upset until i reminded her about invite. She told me to go downstirs and wait but after taking a few steps i had turned around told her i saw something i wanted more than coffee, slipped robe off shoulders leaving her nude then putting my hands on her shoulders applied pressure until she dropped to knees. 10 seconds later my pants unzipped-no underwear- and i flopped my cock out in front of her stsrled eyes....the gasp was followed by OMG which was followed by me using hands on back of head to guide her lips onto my swelling thickness. Spent next fifteen minutes trying to get her to lay on bed but she kept dropping to her knees resuming bj almost whimperig to just let her do me with her mouth as I was way to big. Took 6 tries after i had her on bed, her thighs pushed back next to her torso, but everytime i began to push into her she would try to scoot back. With all the fiddlefucking around my shaft had lost its full hardness and i figured i might have to settle for bj but deided once more into breach. I ordered her to hold her legs bak and open, gripped my dick at base to cut off flow figuring to get full hard on while fucking, with fingers on left hand i spread her lips leaned back to get view of alignment and saw a hole tinier than my virging high school girlfriend all 4 foot 11 of her. Lined the now spngy head up and put it in place, quickly i shifted me hands to back of her thighs and pinned and i do mean pinned her to bed so she would not be able to wiggle back. Then i leaned in. I could see shaft bending but kept up slow pressure. For thirty seconds i just kept up pressure while debating if i could convince her to use mouth to get me fully erect and wondered if she could be convinced to go again. Her squeezed shut eyes her teeth biting into her lip, her anguished face told me that was highly unlikely. Then i felt a slight giving heard the pp and the head was pulled in...she gasped and i shuffled my feet forward so i could continue to push in an inch. I felt her relax a bit and gained another inch. I planned to pull back and push in again, but the head came up against a vice like grip and could not pull back a millimetre. I sawed those two inches back and forth then pushe again and repeated and repeated and repeated slowly less than inch at a time was gained. When meeting resistance repeated sawing motion. With just a quarter of my expanded length to go i realized i had to get going to work pretty soon so i pulled all the way back until i felt tight circle still refusing to let me pull back any more and thrust as hard as i could. Her eyes flew open her mouth made a silent scream but i was fully imbedded. Now i said NOW WE FUCK. And i pounded her pulled her up off bed and moved myself upon it with her head pointed toward foot of bed. Ten miutes of pounding and i straddled one of her legs and rolled her half on her side pinning her right leg to my left hip i thrust completely into her and use my hands on her ass to grind her agsinst me necer losing contact with her now exposed and angry red clit her spasms began milking my seed and i felt numerous spurts boting through my lines. I shivered at the ecstasy then noticed her head and shoulders were no longer visible she having been pound almost off the bed. I withdrew she moaned thank you then i present my cock to her mouth and lips as she languidly suckled me clean

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 7 years ago
I thought it was well done

I generally don't care for cuckold stories per se', especially if there's a focus on humiliation of the husband. This story paints a picture of how a man could rationalize his wife having sex with another man. It's well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Piss poor at best!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

so sad thanks for this presentation...5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Stupid sod!

If she carries on this way he will eventually either go nuts or lose her to a gigantic organ. That's not taking into account the disease probabilities ! Cut her loose and spare yourself more pain say I

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Fag brit

EzrollinEzrollinabout 7 years ago
Story kind of left me hanging...

You are a much better writer than your scores reflect. You blend your word together well and there's a flow that makes for easy reading. Being in the US I realize there's a bit of difference in our English but I've adapted to it. There is a natural prejudice against cuckold stories so some deliberately give low scores. When I read them I visualize myself as the person doing the cuckolding. In fact, I have done so on a few occasions so it's not a stretch. Every writer likes to thinks his or her efforts are appreciated so I hope you know that they are...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This kind of crap should not even be allowed on here, wants to make me puke!

Ocker51Ocker51almost 7 years ago
Fuck Me

What a waste of my time ⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Their married life started out in a lie and will end in a lie. DIVORCE the CHEATING, LYING SLUT!!! If all she's interested in is a BIG COCK, let her go find it and move on with your life. Find someone whose interested in spending their life with you and what you have to offer them.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 6 years ago
No self respect

All of UKR's men are weak wimps that deserve nothing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

so he is another stupid hubby and she is a whore

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Define Whore

How many many men...must a woman have sex outside of marriage to be defined as a whore? The answer? One. Just once. This woman needs a full hysterectomy. All I can see is her getting an STD or Aides. I see her salesman lover moving in and taking control of husband's finances and curtailing all sex between husband and wife. Wife becomes a paid prostitute.

Say what you want.....

IMHO The “relationship” shown in this story would have little chance to go on for long. Any intimate trust between them, as low as it is now would be non existent in a short time. Her respect for him is gone & shortly his will degrade & be gone as well. Another story about a “train wreck”.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

so he has a whore for a wife why keep the bitch toss her and get on with life before you end up with a bunch of diseases

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
A Superb Cuck Story

You are world class cuck__cum eating poof writer looking for fellow cucks to read this 💩💩!

Finchy1955Finchy1955about 5 years ago
Oh my god

You do write some shit!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I am just not built

To understand or get into this stuff. If I were the husband, I would be long gone. Obviously, there are people who enjoy this stuff. As fantasy, do they see themselves as the husband or the lover ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Maybe he should ask to be introduced

to Jeff's wife.

Steaming pile of fag cuck shit.


katibkatibover 4 years ago
Not bad, in fact..

For most of his stories, I am enthusiastic about UK's writing skills, use of vocabulary, and often character depictions, and always am ready to discern between the writing and the subject. Most of all, it is the emotional response in the husband to his loving wife's infidelity that intrigues me, and UK usually presents it well. This story is no exception, but I find the ending to be disappointing.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

Another shit cuck story

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Wargamer, you stole my comment. This author is uk in his name, what else would you expect?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
The old "big cock" trope

a sure sign the author has a small cock and/or that's he's a faggot. He certainly doesn't know much about fucking or women. This is pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
another crap and all crap disgusting

this loser continuously Writing a shit crap . . loser wimp

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Messed up

Some of your tales are very good. Most are so screwed up that they make even the wimpiest man seem like a ancient god of war. Stop letting your wife hold your balls and seriously consider what you're seeing to page. Every artist paints his own soul to the canvas, and if this is yours, then you may as well be letting entire country rail you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wow pretty English , gay wimp fool and clean up man / She does not love you / It's a control issue / if she was fat and ugly would it work ?.. LOOKS like another cunt filled with Expanding foam sealant problem solver./ it works, changes the entire picture overnight. What about disease are we that dumbed down / I can not imagine a man with his supposed intellect would subject himself to this type of a situation . This is trailer trash stuff.

Leroy371Leroy371almost 3 years ago

This is way to much. At one hand i like his writing but i don´t like what he is telling us. When it is over with Jeff, there will be many others. Jim seems to be an intelligent guy, because of his studies. So he must see that this is no confession out of love. This confession is about for Emma to do what she wants. A save and warm home, with an understanding husband and on the other hand a life as a single with the opportunity to do all what she wants. She clearly cuckolds him. I guess she will not ask for anything in the future. And be not a good wife when she is at home and sex would be bad for him. Because he will only have to eat her out or not getting any hardon, while thinking she likes only big cocks and he will imagine Jeff´s cock every time he want to make love to her. So making him a cuckold is complete. For me the understanding husband thing don´t work here. If he

isn´t extremely masochistic and submissive, he has to end this.

I would like this story without her confessing, but to learn secretely what she had done her whole marriage. Could be a good slut story, but as a confession story it seems to be bad.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

A man without self respect is harder to look at than a man dying with some incurable disease. At least with a disease, one can find a nobility is suffering and fighting hard against 'going quietly into the night'! But a man with no self-respect is already dead, but he's just going through the motions. That this writer can elicit those emotions is a stunning tribute to his power as a craftsman with words! 5/5!!

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 2 years ago
What happened??????

So what happened? This author took this story through the you know what. The wife told the husband how she had found someone that she was not willing to stop seeing, because he was better in bed than him. What is the hubby hanging around for? His wife just told him that he's not man enough for her. Her boyfriend wants to have her in front of him. Why? so he can clean up his wife after he's finished with her? So, what is the author trying to convey here. is this story about the way he live's? Looks like the author is retelling his life story, for who could come up with something like this?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I don't think this was the proper place to end the story for your reader permanently, or even for a part 2 .. although I was finally into it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Another dumb story helping to humiliate men. 99.999% of men would have stood up and walked away from her in the first few paragraphs. A waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is the kind of rubbish that eats away your intellect. You're dumber for having read it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Dump her ass....I get the thought of well, I get her 95% of the time, but what happens when kids come into the picture, the PDA is unacceptable. Not a fan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow, I honestly didn't think a writer could hate men that much. Not a single strong or even regular husband is to be had in any of this writer's stories. Not a one. Each one is some sort of damaged pathetic sissy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Can't there be a "rule" that requires a brief "warning" before we waste 10 minutes of our lives reading this tripe" #neveragain

chasbo38chasbo388 months ago

Any man who would listen to more than two of her confessions has a real problem. Why not divorce her and then become one of her free fucks. Why work to support a slut who gives it away free to random men ?

Freudzslip69Freudzslip697 months ago

This is definitely a story that needs to be continued. It was a very good read, full of emotional pull for me. I wonder if he meets Jeff, how will the relationships progress. Will her husband get to watch? Will he get to participate? And more………..????

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The author has serious self esteem issues if he fantasises that this is what a relationship should entail. Seek help.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

writer is a cuckold fem-nazi who is seriously mentally sick and needs psych help. just wow.........

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