All Comments on 'Consequences - Patti'

by cageytee

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
You forgot to end it with...

"Consequences are a bitch!"

Simple49erSimple49erover 15 years ago
She's an idiot, but he

was an asshole in spades. I realize we saw this from her point of view, so the sympathy level tended to be in her favor the way you wrote it. But he was right: they should have separated and then I thnk they needed to communicate through a counselor to help them overcome his severe jealousy once the truth of what had happened became clear. However, he was right she had screwed up big time, but not to the worst degree. Her sin was really one of omission and not comission which she should have confessed. That having been said: he acted in a fashion that was sadistic and mean and also dishonest. If she is really clear with herself, she can no longer trust him because during that period he "lied" by omission also. Did he become tempted by Annie? He clearly indicates that is the case and she can just live with it. Really? And that solves the problem they have how? He might as well have slept with Annie because he can no longer can be trusted if his wife uses HIS logic. Stupid people not communicating: amazing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
She simply got away with [again]......

The author is an outstanding wordsmith and the plot was interesting. The outcome was "faint predictable" but enticed us to finish the story. The fact is that the slut wife's premeditated encounter was cheating even though she claims it never happened. The husband is fool to continue to invest time & effort into this slut wife unless he is willing to concede that he will not get anything better in the short run. Once again, the mistake is upon his own shoulders for allowing her to remain in place & alive. Summary - great writing, slut wife got away with it again and a husband with low esteem to think he could not get another real wife who understands the concept of fidelity. Sad story in reality!

brain_damagebrain_damageover 15 years ago
Appearances ....

I really enjoyed the story. The one thing people often forget is that appearances do count. And many times more than the truth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Very Good

Appearances certainly can be deceiving. I do agree with a previous commentor that marriage counseling would be appropriate in this case.


Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
I have to disagree with

Simpler49. Cheating happens long before the fucking in most cases. We have in this wife a woman who's understanding of fidelity was completely flawed. Only after weeks of isolation did she finally understand what she had done. She shit on her marriage and she shit on her husband. That her husband realized her epiphany is the only reason these two are still together. Cageytee did not leave it at that either. He went on to show the long term consequences of keeping a wife who thinks this way. It is important to understand that we humans can not read minds and it stems from this that or insecurities arise. The wife has adjusted to his lack of faith in her, because she caused it. This is the best reconciliation story I have ever read. And I know from multiple experiences that reconciliation almost never works. These two have found the balance that comes with the pain of one of them being incredibly stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
What an insecure man...

<p>What an extremely insecure man. I kept hoping as I read this story that the wife would suddenly wake up, reiterate that she NEVER cheated, and give this husband an ultimatum: accept the truth of her story or leave...period.</p>

<p>We all have fantasies. This woman may have held back part of her story, but the lying by omission never rose <b>ANYWHERE NEAR</b> the definition of adultery, and thus did not justify the response by this husband. This guy is a grade 'A' dick who needs to grow up!</p>

Orion623Orion623over 15 years ago
Very Well Done

This story was a very imaginative take-off on the Consequences series. The author should be congratulated for coming up with something new and different in the Loving Wives genre.

waratahwaratahover 15 years ago
This was well done

A typically good yarn from cageytee. Thank you.

And to "What an insecure man" that this was now where near an infidelity (or words to that effect), if I may I'd like to express an opinion that what the female in this story did was 80% or higher of an 'real' infidelity.

So there!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I am sorry but your premise was skewered.

You started with trying to prove a woman who loves her husband can cheat and wound up proving a woman who cheats loves herself more than her husband. You broke your premise in your story with the line: "whom I have loved for a very long time and whom I still love a great deal." Not that I still love but that I love a great deal. Hmmm, I divorced my first wife because I still loved her but more like a sister than a wife. Not fair to either of us. The wife in this case was carrying on a long term affair with the exec, you dont have to have sex to have an affair. She mentions several times it was lust but in her masturbattion scenes she focuses not on her husband but her sexual lover. She is right her husband is keeping tabs on her, she has proved she is unfaithful (planning to have sex outside of marriage), a liar, and capable of total deceit. I did miss the part where the wife had the kids and became a stay at home mom as was mentioned. I guess when she became a high powered exec herself they adopted kids so she didnt have to miss work? Personally I would have her pregnant as per the agreement and resigned from work instead of accepting this position but then I also consider fucking in the work place and with coworkers a form of whoring or prostitution. Yes some of us do have higher standards.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Walt's a saint not to toss her

Lying, ommission, appearances. INTENT TO BETRAY THE SPOUSE=YES. No one knows what happened in that room. If I knew my wife had drank all nite with some guy, told him to get rubbers and then spent over an hour with him in a hotel room we'd be history. NO MATTER WHAT. If my wife thought I was the other guy in this story, I'd be dead. "But Honey, I was so hot for this other guy's body I was on my way to fuck him, got everything ready, but stopped just short cause I changed my mind. Honest." "Good to know my wife is so hot for some strange dick that you let this guy paw you for hours and get you drunk, you get a hotel room and get all ready to fuck him, but he never got to penitrate. Thanks so much Dear. Pass the gravey please. Then Dear did he settle for a blow job, or did you just showing him your T & A? Want to watch TV later?" Not cheating?? What hill do you people come from? Based on that logic I guess if she ever decided she intended to murder Walt, but missed or fell short, he'd have to forgive her for that too.

hansbwlhansbwlover 15 years ago
Marriage without trust

is not a very happy marriage. When you ended your story telling that after 10 years he still could not trust her, the story ended completely from being a love story to a sad story.

jack_strawjack_strawover 15 years ago
birds of a feather

Sometimes good writers fill their stories with unappealing characters, as cageytee has done here. Truth is, these two deserve each other. She was a brain-dead slut, at least in her mind, but he was a heartless prick, and that was for real. I kept thinking, "why does she want to get back with this guy so badly?" And, too, "why doesn't he just cut her loose if he doesn't trust her any more than this?" However, nobody says we have to like everyone we read about. As usual, a good, thought-provoking story from a masterful writer.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 15 years ago
I have a question for readers.

If a husband or wife goes to a concert or a play where their fantasy singer or actor is playing or singing. They haven't told you that for years they have had a crush on that person. You find out through the newspapers or some other way that your husband or wife spent time with that person. You then confront them and they admit they have had this crush but nothing happened. They also admit that during your marriage this person has inspired some of the best love making sessions you and them have ever had. Would you condem someone just because they fancy someone else? If nothing happened in that time would condem them for intent? If you can not trust your partner then who can you trust? I agree that the wife should have told her husband about her crush on the co-worker. But the husbands reaction shows me he is very insecure in his marriage. And the way he handled it was not any help to anyone. Even after it was proved that the wife didn't have sex he didn't believe her.

If I was the wife I would certainly leave a man who doesn't trust me. Ten years later and he still doesn't trust her? What sort of marriage must they have? My opinion of this husband is that he is an insecure man who should have moved on and let is wife who made ONE mistake find someone who really cares for her. She may love him but I am not sure he still loves her so why stay together? Anyway very well written story it has got us all thinking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The worst of them all

Patti, Walt, Dan are more or less unlikable characters. But the worst of them is Dan's wife. She knows that Dan is a predator, she knows that Patti is not after her marriage and THEN she decides to save HER marriage and destroy the other one. Why ? There is NOT ANY CLUE in the plot. That is, to my opinion, a very big drawback in the plot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

TheCelt is one of my favorite authors and you have certainly maintained the standard he has set.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I lived most of that story. She did cheat. She told me but wouldn't/couldn't explain why. It took 15 years before I quit wondering if she would do it again when she became friendly with a man.

I believe that I put up with the pain and insecurity because I needed her affection enough to endure the pain. I just didn't expect it to last that long.

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 15 years ago

Walt seemed petty and annoying rather than noble and caring. Patti was of course self-involved and careless about her marriage, but Walt just seems way too "look what wicked Patti has done to me!" I found myself not caring at all about how either of them coped with this and whether they stayed together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I Just Don`t Know

First I would never trust her again. She lied to Walt, She was thinking with her cunt. She got caught up in her own spider web.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Walt is an abuser.

So this woman thinks about and almost has an affair.. BUT she doesn't. Now her...controller...(I won't say husband because that implies trust and equality) follows her, distrusts her and manipulates her. She would be better off without this freak. Maybe she could justify his actions if he beat her as well. You know, something like, "Well, he doesn't hit me too often; but I love him" or some such bullshit. Divorce this loser and get on with your life.

tastesgreattastesgreatover 15 years ago
Very Good!

As usual the writing was excellent. Good story with a lot of meat. Too bad for her that it's the eyes of the beholder and not the actual act. Appearances color things from gray to black so easy. Things might have gone better for the both of them had they seem a counselor. Both had the faults but I have to agree with others with their assessment of the husband. He really has some serious character flaws. Anyway, your writing was up to your standards and I enjoyed reading your tale. Thanks!

BriteaseBriteaseover 15 years ago
Good one cagetee

I agree with GW66, the husband was a bit full of his own problems. But that helps make the story, and I for one enjoyed it. Great -- thanks

Southwest_FlyerSouthwest_Flyerover 15 years ago
An excellent read

The best story I have read this year. It has a definite element of truth in it. I guess the definition of betrayal is in the heart of the beholder. My wife cheated on me twenty years ago and it took me quite a while to get past it. I'm not sure I ever did. I don't dwell on it and it doesn't affect our relationship but the doubts do surface every now and then.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Why GW66 analogy is CRAP

GW66 asks is a truly moronic analogy.... an analogy that is so bad that its provides an insight into the GW66 non rational mind. He then uses his absurd analogy to BLAME the husband.. what else is new?


GW66 asked this: If your spouse had a long term sexual fantasy that you did NOT know about but your spouse used sexual fantasy to height your MARITAL sexual pleasure ... would you condemn them?


come on admit it.. when you read GW66's analogy didnt you bust out laughing? <b>This wife's sexual fantasy about Dan Sheffield -- the other guy -- came down to where she was caught laying down the ground rules of secret fuck session! </b>


HOW does Gw66 miss this KEY point? In fact the husband mentions it 3 times in the story!!


If my wife has sexual fantasy about fucking Brad Pitt that gets her hot in the bedroom GREAT news for me.

<b>BUT if she meets Brad Pitt and decides to secretly fuck him and I learn about it... THAT is NOT good.</b>


Its scary that GW66 cant see this KEY point and propose such an inept analogy. He needs serious course in critical thinking

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 15 years ago
readers blame Husband; double standard

There is a serious ANTI man double standard here from some of the usual IDIOT readers. it goes like this:


The wife should be forgiven because at the last possible second she backed off and did not cheat with Dan.


OK fair enough. That IS what happened.


but when Walt asked Patti... she LIED about the whole thing. Walt has EVDIENCE (later confirmed) that Patti Planned and set the ground rules for this 1 night stand. Walt is stunned and does nt know what to do and how to believe.


BUT in the end Walt does Take her back. YET the same Idiot readers -- GW66 ESPRESSOBOLUS BRITEASE and some anonymous poster WALT IS AN ABUSER--- who are willing to give Patti all this GOOD character credit for NOT actually cheating give walt NO credit fr taking her back??!?!??


HUH? what the Fuck is wrong with you people.?


Walt discovers something horrible... made worse by Patti's lying... then after a month and half he takes her back... and HE gets blamed?


He does the right thing... according to those who are giving Patti the benefit of the doubt and he still gets blamed??


can someone please explain this to me?

don87654don87654over 15 years ago
Slavery at its best!

This story is so screwed up that it belongs on the average American scene! It involves slavery and deceit and masturbates American marriage to the sickness our society projects and condones. So what if she had lusted after Dan? So what if she had even fucked Dan. Walt was an ignoramous shithead that figured he "owned" Ann, regardless of her lusts and dreams about another cock. There was absolutely no eroticism in this story--it belongs in the back of some Holy Roller's Bible, if that, as there is a lot of possibility that some of the early Christians did some fucking around outside their marriages. We even condone the "Betrothal" of Joseph and Mary, making it sacred about the illegitimacy of Jesus Christ. This story clearly sucked!

don87654don87654over 15 years ago
Slavery at its best!

This story is so screwed up that it belongs on the average American scene! It involves slavery and deceit and masturbates American marriage to the sickness our society projects and condones. So what if she had lusted after Dan? So what if she had even fucked Dan? Walt was an ignoramous shithead that figured he "owned" Ann, regardless of her lusts and dreams about another cock. There was absolutely no eroticism in this story--it belongs in the back of some Holy Roller's Bible, if that, as there is a lot of possibility that some of the early Christians did some fucking around outside their marriages. We even condone the "Betrothal" of Joseph and Mary, making it sacred about the illegitimacy of Jesus Christ. This story clearly sucked!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Credible witnesses

<p>What I can't believe is the "proof" offered that nothing happened, but I guess some people are just gullible.</p>

<p>If this were a court of law, I'd easily convince a jury she cheated.</p>

<p>The big problem is that whole 2 hours (OK 85 mins) spent in his room.</p>

<p>How exactly did that work?</p>

<p>She: "No I can't, I'm married."</p>

<p>He: "Oh come on it'll be fun and he'll never know."</p>

<p>She: "No I can't."</p>

<p>Repeat above 10 more times.</p>

<p>He: "Okay well I ordered room service, so lets just sit around and watch a PPV movie, or maybe wrestlings's on."</p>

<p>She: "OK."</p>

<p>Yes, she just stopped her cheating so she's going to hang around with this guy?</p>

<p>As for their 'evidence': 2 witness statements.</p>

<p>Of course she wouldn't lie, would she :-)</p>

<p>And as for him, a cheating husband would never lie.</p>

<p>The problem is the motivation, but I'm sure she can think up of ways to motivate him.</p>

<p>Or maybe the guy thinks he's being chivalrous by doing something nice for her.</p>

<p>But you've got to be brain dead if you are not involved with either party and yet believe their story.</p>

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

A good story of the consequences of not being truthful and lack of trust. She did not commit the act but there is no way for him to tell. Her lack of truthfulness at the start gives no way to make it better. I think time is the only healer and can see his actions as being real. Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I agree with GW he should have divorced her but

not for the reasons GW mentions. She is a liar, a cheat, had an affair that ran for a long period of time, was deceitful to her husband, and whether we believe she did or did not fuck Dan during all the time she spent in his room with him, she planned on and demanded that Dan follow rules she laid out for the fuck/adultry. Affairs of emotions and the heart do not require sex. The husband in this case was not an abuser or controller, he was a husband in love with his wife who thought his wife was in love with him. In the story she indicates that she loves her husband in some way. Then the stupid ass, the husband, accepts at cheater at heart if not consumated back into his home. He is right now he has to keep track of her 24/7 as she has already proved she cant be trusted or believed. Makes a damn poor marriage to be with one who is just barely above trash. He should have divorced her at the first, he had the evidence! It isnt controlling to expect your spouse to be truthful and faithful. IF they ever loved you the first thing they would do is separate from you before they began their affairs not after, they you have to assume the only thing they are sorry for is betraying you and themselves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Cageytee. while I do agree with most commenters

I am still not sure that walt did the right thing. Patti was, at the least, emotionally immature. So much so that i doubt her qualifications to be married. She was immature enough to fantasize about other men. What a slut she was in her imaginary world. One thing for sure is that she hasn't really grown up. She only got caught. I wonder how much time will pass before her girl friends will convince her to try another man. True Walt did have eight years invested in their marriage but I think he should have started off anew. This way the very closness of Patti will keep the wound open. I am sorry but i lean toaward him divorcing her

torchthebitchtorchthebitchover 15 years ago

people take a while to come to terms with things. And even when they do, the worm of suspicion can become a dragon. How many times has the question been asked, "If your partner was guaranteed never to find out, would you ...?"? Patti answered that question. Her problem was, he did and the damage was done. Some wounds heal, some ulcerate. An excellent examination of a set of circumstances KGT

NucleusNucleusover 15 years ago
Two fools

They deserved each other. But he's the greater fool, a selfish control freak. 8 years together and I wonder why she don't know his habits. IMHO Not enough character developement caused the character flaws.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Contrary... some others I personally believe that the wife should show some spine and ditch her husband.

Seems that when the situation is turned around people are always voting for the husband divorcing his over-paranoid wife, don't see why different rules should apply the other way around...

And here come the flames i guess...

Zeb40Zeb40over 15 years ago
Interesting take on an old idea!

I know it's difficult to come up with a new idea in LW, but I feel you have done it well. Since we are shown this from the point of view of the wife, I can't see how anyone could think things did not go as said. Nevertheless, Patti's betrayal was real, but I think she realized who would really be tarred by this brush. She admits that even if Walt never finds out, she would always know and be affected by this. She stops "almost" in time. For her, the damage was done when the aborted plans were made. She would have to live with this for a very long time. I know that she will probably think less of herself, and that is a terrible consequence to suffer, even if deserved.

Anyway, a very good, believable story. Thanks.

Simple49erSimple49erover 15 years ago

After reading the comments since I made mine last night, I find the need to reward for the ability to write: 75, but not for the insights offered. Could this happen. Sure. Almost everything on this site could happen if people are willing or stupid enough to put up with it or do it. But in this case the choice to write from HER point of view and not his and not clarify if in fact he did actually have sex with Annie makes me believe more than ever that he is hypocrite and gave up the high moral mountain he has been huffing from. In fact, the moment he pulled that stunt, using his logic, she should have realized that he did not lover her any more and was only into punishment. If she had slept with Dan, then all bets are off and he could act and say anything he wanted. But she still had not committed to going that far, almost, but not all the way. The big problem became his perception of the evidence. Cageytree's choice to have the reader not see directly Walt's understanding and ALL his actions, but rather how she perceived it, made it very difficult to actually sympathize with his grandstanding and either/or approach to the problem. She took a fantasy far too far (but not to the farthest point) and then did not admitt it in time. But what if he never found out? Anyone who has never sinned in their mind (a la Jimmy Carter) can throw the first stone. Those who have never had sex and imagined that it was someone else other than the significant other can toss a bolder. But, Cagey's description of the husband's over the top reaction and his prolonged baiting of his wife should have proved to her that he was the asshole I think is and she should have said:"OK! You obviously do not really love me or can forgive my mistake. Let's get a divorce so I can find a man to love and be loved by and who will forgive a mistake. Oh, and then I can have his kids, thank you very much!" As one of those idiots that Harry from VA remarks about, I did not find this story as a black and white concequeneces story as some of the others write, but rather a grey story that I, the idiot, thought was extremely well written but not satisfying in the end. I enjoyed it, but came away needing something more in the ending. This was in the end just two people living together, but not FULLY loving each other. That is pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
i don't know

there was certainly thought - if not follow through from her. she seemed to do everything but the actual act. the last act was not done, and the cynic would say that it was not for reasons favoring walt.

doubt and mistrust was created, and maybe better just for eaxch, esp walt to, have some peace of mind, w/o her

EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 15 years ago
Since you asked Harry

My comment was in regard to the effect of the writing, not the character of the husband and wife. Walt seems wallow in his misery way too much for my taste. Patti is portrayed throughout as being concerned only with how all this will affect her. So I could not really feel much for either character. That's it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
100 for a different take...

and an 85 to 90 overall. It was a well thought out and carried out tale. It has been too long and it was great when I saw your name with a story today.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
What's with the name callling

and zero scores. Zero means this story has no value at all. Surely a 25 is at least worthy for the effort put into it. Several readers, who never have contributed one story to this site, except their usual negative comments on public feedback,have suggested that "Britease" and "GW", two authors who have written dozens of stories to this site are idiots. Question remains, who are the real idiots here?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Some have a real problem dealing with reality.

This is a story of a slut who may or may not have completed thee act with intent, at least the intent was there. To relate him meeting with Annie as being as equal to or more equal is plain out of touch with reality. No where in the story does it state that the estranged husband, who is separated at the time, actually is dating or having sexual contact with Annie. To assume he is a hypocrite for talking to Annie is to attend reconciliation at any cost, and that cost in this case reality. He and his wife were separated, legally, when he was meeting with Annie. His wife was still in a "loving" marriage when she intnetionally set up the situation to fuck Dan. If you cant see the difference you are not really ready for adult life yet. Some of you indicate he over reacted to her affair, and I say he was just dealing with the situation his wife forced on him by her actions, by her lies, and by her affair (with or without sex it was an affair). I wonder how his wife would have reacted if she knew he bought condoms, planned on fucking a woman, set up arrangements to fuck her, then spent and hour and a half in her motel room, then left kissing her at the door? Folks if you cant see the picture you need glasses! Or, maybe you are trying to justify your own actions in your own life?

aegis9591aegis9591over 15 years ago
Loved It

Something drew me to this story I know not what, and I was not disappointed.

Thank you for taking the time and care to pen what is for lit, a masterpiece.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 15 years ago
Sorry Cageytee

But I have to respond to the Anonymous person who claims he knows my state of mind. He also didn't like my idea of what might or might not of happened. I never second guess a writer or their stories. If I read a story and the writer states that a wife or a husband didn't cheat or at least didn't have sex with someone then I accept what the writer has written. I know many readers are pointing out the 85 minutes in the hotel room. The fact is the writer hasn't told us what happened in that room, we the readers don't know if they had sex or not. We just have to accept that as the story is from the point of veiw of the wife, if she says she didn't and the writer has made a point of letting her tell us then we have to trust her.

I would also like to say to the anon person that he is taking this story FAR too seriously. I have never said I am any good at critical thinking, you only have to look at my stories to KNOW that. So any KEY issues I missed really don't mean that much. One last thing does this anon person know me or how i think the answer is no he doesn't he judges me by my comments and on my FICTIONAL stories. YES they are ALL fiction, I admit I make them up as I go along. They in most cases bear no relation to me in the outside world. So my advice to him is just accept a story that is well written but not to everyones tastes. And perhaps he should concentrate on comments about the story?

Sorry to take up your time.


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Key element: trust

It strikes me that all of those who think the husband is somehow being abusive are missing a key element of any long term relationship. That element, of course, is trust.<br><br>

The wife in this story proved by her actions that she is completely untrustworthy. She actively <b>planned</b> to cheat - she wasn't "caught in the moment", she didn't make a drunken indiscretion...she planned and schemed to cheat on her husband. That she didn't does not excuse the fact that she had decided to betray her husband. There's another story - I think it was one of thecelt's - on this site that explores this in detail. The fact that she was planning to cheat is a breach of trust there and then.<br><br>

GW66's analogy doesn't hold water either. What GW66 missed is that the wife didn't just have a crush and spent time - the wife <b>planned to cheat.</b> That goes one step beyond fantasies. Lying about the events afterwards compounded the breach of trust.<br><br>

Personally I thought the outcome was fairly realistic. Once trust is lost, it is extremely difficult to rebuild it. The paranoia of the husband in this case is entirely realistic and not the sign of an insecure person - if he is insecure, it is because he has learned that he just can't trust the woman he married. Erasing that from their relationship may be impossible, and IMHO could well destroy their marriage.

gatorhermitgatorhermitover 15 years ago
Well written but depressing story

I agree with tearsofsorrow2 - for women, it is relationships, not sex. Patti spent way too much time with and mental energy on Dan and probably would have gone through with the final betrayal if she'd have had 1 or 2 more drinks. KGT's description of the difficulty regaining trust I found to be very realistic and credible.<p>Many commentators commented on how mean Walt was, however, I think that is because the story is told from Patti's perspective and she didn't really understand what she had done to her husband until her "epiphany" (TOS2's word) near the end of the month of in-house separation. Excellent story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Counseling ...

...this shows what happens when you try to work through something so serious as discovered infidelity without professional help. Both of them should have gone - either individually or together. Yes, what Patti did was very stupid - but what Walt did was very mean spirited; the real question is "can either of them trust the other in the future?" This is where individual counseling helps, it allows each party to focus and understand what is going on in the other's mind without guessing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Seems logical enough to me...

I just read the author’s explanation of the analysis of the actions of the main characters. While I agree that he has the insight to say what he intended, I offer my opinion of what I took away from the character development and the plot as it unfolded.<P>

In a nutshell, the wife conspired to commit adultery (thought about it and planned it), then initiated the offer (to Dan) and finally, changed her mind.<P>

Is she innocent? Of course not. Had she been a subject of a criminal investigation (e.g., sting operation) she would have been arrested for both the conspiracy (self-admitted, as it may have been) and the offer (the latter being the one that sealed the deal in her arrest). Even if she changes her mind at some point before actually doing the deed, she is still culpable in breaking her wedding vows relative to cheating.<p>

Now, from a practical point of view, who among us have not mentally conspired to commit a breach of promise (vow?), or even criminal act? Such mental gymnastics is called “fantasizing.” Be it a day dream, night dream, or wet dream, it doesn’t make any difference. I cannot imagine myself so “holy” as to have never “imagined” what it might be like to…(fill in the blank). But, then again, I presume to be a writer and that is my job, isn’t it? So on the count of conspiracy, she might have a mitigating position – not that “everyone does it,” but that it is just a natural function of a fertile mind. So, should Walt divorce her for her thoughts? Come on now…<p>

Relative to her accidental discovery (Dan’s shoplifting), she presents a character flaw: she would now have something “on” Dan for some future benefit to her. On this she is very guilty. She has a devious side that is focused on self-gratification, not one of forgiveness and redemption, to be sure. Yet, it is she who asks for that very mercy from Walt.<p>

As for her “offer” to Dan – she is guilty of both a breach in corporate policy (e.g., she is guilty of sexual harassment because she has “power” over another (Dan) who can benefit her or from whom she can extort some personal favor for her continued silence) and her marital vows, since it was she who made the offer. How stupid of her. Dan could have sought medical help with his addiction to steal, gotten corporate absolution, and have been on a road to recovery (just as if he were an alcoholic or a prescription abuser) and she would be living with the miss-impression that she had power over him. If she had ever played such a card in such a scenario she would have been fired for all of the right reasons – who would want her representing them in the corporate world?<p>

As with many laws or rules, there is the “spirit” and the “letter.” While she did not breach the letter of her marital vow, she did breach the spirit with her offer to engage. Can she ever be trusted again? Sure she can. Once a cheat does not mean she will always be a cheat, especially if she actually did not cheat or was not addicted to such a character flaw. Am I too forgiving? I don’t think so. I think we are all human and are flawed. Unlike lesser forms of life, we actually can learn from our mistakes – especially when we have a genuine commitment to do so – and do not have to progress through generations of reproduction to come to the same knowledge base (instinct).<p>

Her subsequent lies were just as defensive as most “guilty” people would offer. Tell part, but not all of the truth of the matter. Why? Because the whole truth might make you look worse than you are. That also is a character flaw that can be corrected. Her rationale for serial lying can be multi-fold; suffice it to say, who among us would not wish to present the best possible face on such a problem, especially if we were only the collateral issue in such a discovery? She was certainly not proud of her actions, and I can understand Walt’s belief that her lies were more proof of her actions (or supposed actions, in this case). Walt is perfectly logical in his disbelief and mistrust. I don’t see that his actions are out of character with one who has just been “kicked in the gut” with such proof of infidelity (intent and presumed action).<p>

Great story. <p>

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Really sucked and you made it depressing

Thought it sucked. She didn't deserve the way you had Walt treat her. If she had screwed Dan then this story would have suited the way you wrote it. You must not have a life the way you think.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
At least.!

Sorry to say to everybody that I gave her a '5' & a 100 for a rating.! At least she walked away - and it is more than I ever did except for my last wife of which I stayed faithful and after 12 years I divorced her because of our age difference and my health as she was 15 yrs younger than me and in very good health.! But then I look back at all the lives I help ruin and the fun that I thought I was having and I am now alone and can't wait for the end.! With some luck, it won't be long. I pray but he does not liston to me,~ if you were him would you.? Enough said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
stopped on first page.

You start out by trying to make your arguement... and then you prove to us that you are just immature. As soon as you talk about the person that you are attracted to and fantasize about, and spent time with... you are a liar. That is NOT LOVE. Love is sacrafice, and comes with a level of maturity. If you are attracted to someone YOU DON'T SPENT TIME WITH IF YOU ARE COMMITTED TO SOMEONE ELSE. Grow the fuck-up! You sound just like the asshole who just accidently falls into bed with his really hot yound secretary that he happens to be drunk with at the convention he secretly took her to. People like you, who exert so much energy to lie to themselves, are simply DISGUSTING. You are the selfish scum that pulls down a healthy society.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Exceptionally Written With A Real World View

They were flawed but real on your stage. It was nice to have you back to show some real character depth and touch that reflected life and its complexities.<P>

Isn't it interesting that different people see different things although the words really didn't change a smidgen.<P>


Very nice work Author - you are looked forward too.<P>

With Very High Regard

zed0zed0over 15 years ago

Well written and enjoyable, with a mostly happy ending.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 15 years ago
Good story, ignore the hateful comments.

This story was very well written and really kept my attention. I don't know if a woman would really write and behave like this, but it seemed realistic (and who can really understand women anyway -- now there's a sexist statement!). I agree with other comments that Patti and Walt should have gone to counseling rather than try to deal with it all by themselves. As far as I am concerned, Patti did have an affair. She betrayed Walt in her thoughts, she was smitten with Dan and she set it up to fulfill her fantasy. The betrayal consists of the emotions involved. It is more than fantasizing one is with some movie star (unattainable) while making love to one's mate. She was all the way there except for the penetration itself. The fact that her conscience got to her at the very last second when Patti backed out of intercourse perhaps mitigates her betrayal 10%, if that. Until that time, her behavior was that of a cheater, thinking up all the details so she could get away with it and "Walt will never be the wiser." I love the cliche (it does not matter if it is true or not), "What he doesn't know won't hurt him . . . " Now we have Walt, whom a lot of you readers have castigated for the way he has dealt with the entire mess. He finds out Patti has done a lot of improper things on her business trip. A married woman does not behave the way she did (I'm excluding those who have mutually agreed on a swinging relationship). Walt gave her a chance to come clean and she lied, justifying it because "she did not wish to hurt Walt further." That was strike two for her. Of course, it is very easy for the peanut gallery to judge everything after the fact and it is difficult to really know how anyone else might react given the same circumstances. We think we would all be able to resist temptation but quite a few can't or don't. That little piece of chocolate won't hurt me, I'll make it up by running 2 extra miles tomorrow. I know I have diabetes (I know I'm married) but one little cheat, hey, life's too short not to enjoy it. And so forth. I think Walt's separation based on the story's circumstances was entirely appropriate. He was emotionally hurt, wounded if you will. He is correct to feel betrayed and frankly, he is also correct to disbelieve Patti's assertions about not actually fucking Dan, let alone her pleas to "get past this." The only problem now is, does Walt forgive and allow a reconciliation or does he just leave? This part of the story is the only part I find a little weak. Maybe it's because Walt's character was not developed very much -- we only see him through Patti's eyes, after all. Quite a few readers feel the same confusion -- some wish he had just left, others think he should have forgiven totally. Well, the world is not usually about absolutes. Sometimes a traumatic experience changes a person (I was never the same after my father died) and one can't "undo" the changing or the cause of the change. This is where a counselor might be helpful. I gather that Walt never fully sorted out his feelings. Even some readers who have experienced cheating and then reconciliation seem to describe some of these issues in their comments. Walt is apparently stuck in one of the five stages of grieving, and the readers sense it. I'm not sure I know the solution -- after all, I don't know Walt and I wasn't there -- only the author knows for sure, and the story is how the author called it. I don't see anything wrong with leaving the reader wondering a bit at the end. It makes us keep coming back for more. Very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good Story!

I enjoyed reading this story. It was entertaining. I guess that I don't understand all of the flame throwing and personnal attacks that appear in the comments. It is just a story after all. Then again, it couldn't have been too bad or so many readers wouldn't have had such strong feelings about it. Admittedly, theCelt, the grand master of this "Consequences sub genre," usually puts the cheating wife out of the marraige on her ass. That's fine, those are good stories too. But this time, Cageytee kept the marraige together. More power to him, because it was his story. Good job, Cageytee. You have written some good stories and put them on this site. This story is another one.

marklionmarklionover 15 years ago
Good Story!!

That was a good story that you wrote about the wife and how she almost cheated on her husband. I like the way you described the pain that she went through and that he went through trying to put the marriage back together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Husband was a complete idiot!! Wife should have left him!! You write well, but Your slant is wrong.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 15 years ago
Re GW 66's "analysis"

I have a question for readers. <p>

01/16/09 by GW66 in England <p>

If a husband or wife goes to a concert or a play where their fantasy singer or actor is playing or singing. They haven't told you that for years they have had a crush on that person. You find out through the newspapers or some other way that your husband or wife spent time with that person. You then confront them and they admit they have had this crush but nothing happened. They also admit that during your marriage this person has inspired some of the best love making sessions you and them have ever had. Would you condem someone just because they fancy someone else? If nothing happened in that time would condem them for intent? If you can not trust your partner then who can you trust? I agree that the wife should have told her husband about her crush on the co-worker. But the husbands reaction shows me he is very insecure in his marriage. And the way he handled it was not any help to anyone. Even after it was proved that the wife didn't have sex he didn't believe her. If I was the wife I would certainly leave a man who doesn't trust me. Ten years later and he still doesn't trust her? <p>

++++++++++++++++++++ <p>

GW66, it is obvious, does not have a very analytical mind. <p>

To fantasize about having sex with a "rock star" you've fantasized having sex with for years --- and finally meeting him/her after a concert and getting to spend time with them --- and TELLING OR NOT TELLING your spouse about it IS DIFFERENT FROM SCHEMING TO HAVE SEX WITH ONE OF YOUR CO-WORKERS, with whom you've fantasized for many years, and, having rented motel room, services, having insisted on how many fucks, whether or not condoms are used or not used, and how the whole thing MUST BE SHUSHED by the other person ----- but AT THE LAST MINUTE, change your mind... <p>

On the other hand, I actually LIKED HOW SHE REASONED why she changed her mind at those last few moments before she was to fuck this co-worker: <p>

She said she's NOT worried that Walt, her husband, might found out (she suspected that could happen but that, in the rationale of a scheming and cheating spouse, they think such indiscretions are not gonna be found out: THIS, by the way, IS logical in such a scheming/cheating mind, so the wife IS indeed in a locally logical mind). <p>

But it is what she said NEXT that truly IS BROADLY logical/sound: <p>

Even if my husband never finds out, and therefore never knows what a person I've become --- a cheater --- I WOULD KNOW IT, I would know myself to be, from this point on, if I cheated now, TO BE A CHEATER and I will never have a truly peaceful mind IF I TRULY LOVE MY HUSBAND, whom I truly love. <p>

Consequently, then, the wife here BACKS OFF her scheming/cheating. Not because she's fearful someone would find out (which in a cheater's mind, no one will ever find and we know in reality that's not true because most cheating activities are found out eventually) --- BUT BECAUSE SHE KNOWS she cannot escape from her own scheming, cheating! <p>

That's what we call having a good scheming mind! You can fool others --- FOOLING OTHERS IS SOMETIMES EASY IF THEY TRUST YOU LIKE A GOOD TRUSTING SPOUSE --- but you can NEVER fool yourself! This is a smart, thinking, scheming woman/wife. <p>

She went through a whole bunch of deviant thoughts and scheming, including CLEARLY thoughts that, if put into practice is highly immoral/unethical, if not illegal (using Dan's shop lifting to take advantage of him).... but ULTIMATELY she backs away from those schemes, hinging on a cleverly reasoned out short, HEDGED rationale: <p>

If I truly love my spouse, than I can NOT be cheating on him, EVEN if he's unlikely to find out (true or not true, again, is immaterial in a cheater's mind since in her/his mind, it's not gonna be found out but in reality it is usually found out, since if some has a cheating mind, a successful cheating usually leads to more cheating). <p>

Why not? <p>

Because even if he/she doesn't know about it and is not going to be hurt from it.... I WILL KNOW, so I will hurt BECAUSE I HAVE ALREADY HURT HIM (ONCE I've gone through this act...) <p>

Since his love for me hinges on the fact that he trusts me totally, and his trust and love for me are based on a certain sense honesty, faithfulness, decently, I will VIOLATE all those whether he is aware of such a violation immediately or not --- and I WILL KNOW I KNOWINGLY VIOLATE them. <p>

Therefore, since I can try to have the cheating escape his thinking/knowing, it is NOT him ultimately that worries me; it is ME myself: I can NOT escape from my own sense of right and wrong, morality and ethics --- because all those are based on the fact that I love him and wants to build a life with a life partner I want to trust with not only my finances but also my very own life and the lives of my children if we're to have them (and we want to have them together). <p>

As a result, I can't do it! <p>

This IS actually a very good set of ultimately BROADLY rational thoughts. For this reason, I rated this story, this woman's thinking, a good one, despite all the other side issues.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 15 years ago
Thank you SO much GK.

I write a light hearted comment about a story and you concentrate on MY comment? WHY? One thing that I don't understand about so called experts of the critical comment. You spend so much time and space writing these comments and it detracts from the stories. WHY moan about MY comment I already said my comment wasn't MEANT to be analytical or profound in any way. So why the big thing about it? I used to value your critique now I'm not so sure.

Joyce770Joyce770over 15 years ago
An exceptional story

I didn't find either Patti or Walt particularly unsympathetic characters. Patti was a good woman who lost her way for a while. Walt was not controlling or petty. He simply was deeply hurt by her cold calculating desire to cheat and the subsequent lies. He couldn't be absolutely sure she was telling the truth now. A very well written story far above the rest in this genre. Thank you for writing.

SleeplessinMDSleeplessinMDover 15 years ago
By God - You Got It!

Thank you for this story exposing the real impact about cheating - it is not the sex! It is the betrayal, disrespect and breaking of life commitments. It does not matter whether your spouse know or not you know what you did and if you have a real martial union the cheating affect you. There are some authors who have the husband in their stories prevent the actual penetration of the lover's penis as some sort of victory that then lead to reconciliation -Huh? Thanks again for an outstanding story!

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
Very Good Story

I admit that none of the principal characters sound like wonderful people. They sound like human beings and each human has his own breaking point. I would have been out of there when I got the PI report. You do not have to know about the 85 minutes to make this decision. Why? Because I would know that I would never be ever able to trust her again. Without trust there is no future in having children.


On the other hand beautifully written and a very frightening picture of how one can ruin your own life and that of those who loved you. What GK said is also very important as to why she did not do it. But she should have

figured this out when she got married, and not in the hotel bed room. One other comment is that there is no proof that she did what she said she did. The circumstantial evidence is against her. Even the lack of sperm would not mean anything considering she had him buy condoms. If you walk the walk...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
What Planet R U From GK?

Genghis - Your perspective is entirely selfish and without reality if you fail to see that known plans to fuck another always cause insecurity in the offended spouse regardless of gender.<P>

This was an especially deep example of how selfish plans can destroy the inferred and stated premise or basis of the necessary trust inherent in every marriage. <P>

The unpredictable indisputable method of this discovery process could happen to any person toying with the notion that their partner could never discover the contemplated or acted upon act of betrayal.<P>

Unfortunately even those who read this cautionary tale of unintended exposure will think they can beat the system of probability endlessly and without recrimination. The truly selfish deserve the loss never expected that will eventually befall them in ways never considered.<P>

You Author - are commended for citing the realistic outcome of those selfish people who feel above their agreed upon responsibilities by showing their after thought unexpected pain and non-expected unforgiveness for valid reasons.<P>

We look forward to your next which hopefully doesn't take as long, for your personal touch and lifelike realities are unique in this arena of marital consequence.<P>

With Very High Regard

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
not perfect

In the opening paragraph the wife said her husband is not perfect but as close as anyone. I wonder what she would say about herself because she is as far in this story from perfect as one could get.Her opinion of herself is pretty high but i don't think anyone else feels that way.Her husband is pretty weak most spouses would have gotten rid of the self-center sult.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
not perfect

In the opening paragraph the wife said her husband is not perfect but as close as anyone. I wonder what she would say about herself because she is as far in this story from perfect as one could get.Her opinion of herself is pretty high but i don't think anyone else feels that way.Her husband is pretty weak most spouses would have gotten rid of the self-center sult.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
It was just a date!

Why doesn't Patti use that tried and true slogan used by all manipulative, lying, scheming, cheating bitches when all else fails. That many commetators jump on Walt for reacting as they perceive, way too much, to Patti's cheating reminds me of a manipulative, lying, scheming, cheating girlfriend I once had. She lied and went out with another. But she tripped up and I found out. When confronted with the betrayal and all the lies, she tried in her manipulative, lying, scheming, cheating way, to turn it all around and make me the bad guy too. I can hear her now, "Hey. It was just a date." Boy, are you people dumb and lacking in skills concerning the deviousness of women if you think Walt is to blame in any way for being WORLDCLASS UPSET cause the woman whose bills he pays got some rubbers and spent the better part of a night in a hotel room with a philanderer. She told Walt nothing happened; and she wouldn't lie would she? To paraphrase another worldclass liar, "I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT MAN."

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
It was just a date!

Why doesn't Patti use that tried and true slogan used by all manipulative, lying, scheming, cheating bitches when all else fails. That many commetators jump on Walt for reacting as they perceive, way too much, to Patti's cheating reminds me of a manipulative, lying, scheming, cheating girlfriend I once had. She lied and went out with another. But she tripped up and I found out. When confronted with the betrayal and all the lies, she tried in her manipulative, lying, scheming, cheating way, to turn it all around and make me the bad guy too. I can hear her now, "Hey. It was just a date." Boy, are you people dumb and lacking in skills concerning the deviousness of women if you think Walt is to blame in any way for being WORLDCLASS UPSET cause the woman whose bills he pays got some rubbers and spent the better part of a night in a hotel room with a philanderer. She told Walt nothing happened; and she wouldn't lie would she? To paraphrase another worldclass liar, "I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT MAN."

zenon404zenon404over 15 years ago
I enjoyed this story very much.

It has interesting characters who do interesting things and who appear to have real emotions. I have read through the other comments and I wonder if some of these people actually read this story. I'll read more of cageytee's stories if they are anywhere near as well written as this!

PositiveThinkerPositiveThinkerover 15 years ago
Wonderfully real

Wonderfully real. I could feel the emotions of the characters. Loving wives is a difficult category to master, but I think you did with his story, especially with that explanation at the beginning.

Good job. Great story.

katibkatibover 15 years ago
Among the best...

The only stories I care to read in Literotica are those in the "Loving Wives" category, and this is among the very best. I look for the emotional consequence that comes from the breaking of the marriage vows. I'm not interested in the graphic details of the adulterous act -- or even those of the legally proper act -- but rather I am moved by the devastating consequences that tear two previously loving individuals apart and by how they deal with this emotional tempest.

I won't comment on the personal characteristics of the characters of your story; the commentators have done that ad nauseam already. For me, Patti and Walt are well-drawn, realistic, believable.

I will, though, say a few things about your style.

I do like the conversational tone of the beginning in which the background is set nicely and efficiently. You have a well developed narrative technique. The transitioning of scene is done smoothly. I especially liked the build up of tension and excitement at the Scottsdale conference.

I might argue that a few commas are out of place, or omitted -- but that is perhaps a matter of individual taste.

Just a small matter of grammar (because I am a pedant at heart). In the following two instances, the prepositions "except" and "between" ought to be followed by nouns in the objective case.

"and no one would know except he and I and he couldn't tell even if he wanted to because I knew something he would never want publicly known."

"No one at the Company knew what had transpired between Dan and I that night."

In this story you have set a high standard for other authors in Literotica.

Thanks -- Katib

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I've read many of your stories

cageytee, and I have found them all to be well written and entertaining.What I most like about this effort of yours is that it amply shows that the sexual act doesn't have to actually occur to cause disastrous results; just the thought and the consequent lies are enough Well done and thank you. Ronnie Wachuka

SalamisSalamisover 15 years ago
Guilty by Innuendo

<p>This story reminded me of another of yours, a particular favorite of mine, <b>“Happy Anniversary Dear”</b>. In that story we have a husband who also suspects his wife of cheating though the evidence is circumstantial. I won’t give away the outcome of that tale, but suffice it to say, that husband is more confident of himself then one might suspect.</p>

<p>In contrast, the husband in <b>“Consequences - Patti”</b> suffers from significant insecurities. His true character unfolds after he discovers that his suspicions were unfounded. Yes, we know that his wife fantasizes about another man. But she does not act upon it, nor does she commit any act that rises to the level of infidelity. The evidence the husband finds is entirely circumstantial and without merit.</p>

<p>There are those that subscribe to the idea that the mere thinking of an act is the same as the act itself. By that standard I think my own wife should divorce me for occasionally thinking of Natasha Henstridge or Catherine Zeta Jones in compromising positions. Perhaps I should leave her for swooning over Pierce Brosnan? </p>

<p>Marriage is too serious an endeavor to be held hostage to the whims of the thought police. This story showed how a person can be held hostage in their own mind, in a prison impossible to escape from. Such was the husband’s sentence upon himself.</p>

<p>I kept asking myself if this husband is so insecure in his marriage, then why did he not divorce the woman? Certainly divorce was preferable to ten years of paranoia and mistrust. As for the wife, why did she put up with this nonsense?

What manner of shame allows one to subject themselves to continual scrutiny by someone they love?</p>

<p>This was a thought provoking piece of work. Yet, in the end I found it to be a rather sad story. </p>

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 15 years ago
Excellent work!!!!

Yes there are those that subscribe to the idea that the mere thinking of an act is the same as the act itself. If this is so then we are all cheaters since we all (both male and female) enjoy masturbating to our fantasies. However, to think of an act and to actively plan to carry out the act is, in my opinion, cheating and Patti was, to a point, guilty of cheating even if the act was not carried out. I can understand the feelings of Walt but I also understand the reluctance of Patti to cause him more hurt than she has – after all the she was only "screwed" in her fantasy. I do like your excellent narrative style and fantastic, true to life, main characters. They acted just as I would have expected (hoped) and the happy?? ending is to my liking since who can honestly say that they don't occasionally fantasize while seeking relief? It was a wise man who said that "wet dreams are best since the company is so much better." Keep up the excellent work. Pete.

DrallDrallover 15 years ago

Well done and true to life.Thank you.

DSLAYERDSLAYERover 15 years ago
Finally a lady that gets it!!!

Even if it had to come after a betrayal she found out what most men seem to know right off. It is not the act of sex but the betrayal of his trust that does the damage.

I have had many offers to cheat I have chosen not to take any of them. Even when attracted to the lady.

Trust is the foundation of any relationship without it love will never stand.

As you found out. I am glad you were able to put it back together but as you point out a once trusting husband is made to second guess his spouse.

that is wy so many just end the marrige and look for some one that has not hurt them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

fINE STORY, BUT WHEN YOU SCAN THE READERS COMMENTS YOU HAVE TO ADMIRE THE WRITER OF THE STORY. The "kill the bitch" crowd want to crucify her, ,the reconciliation at any cost crowd believe she is just the victim of a control freak husband and the few objective raders suggest they get a separation due to their incompatibility.

the Ct. Yankee

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 15 years ago
Recovering from a marriage IED explosion….

It’s usually a remote difficult proposition, but the in-depth non flinching exploration and couple’s work (some times separately) this author offers in this story – proves that exceptions do exist. <P>

I am not sure if it’s because at the last moment the husband was convinced that his wife “did not do it”, because in this story intentions, plans, potential risks and most importantly - trust (or lack there of), play as much a role in the over all calculus of the marriage as simply proving that you have not had sexual intercourse with another person…<P>

Perhaps what happens is that both partners are willing to “die thousand little deaths” through the agonizing process of both gradually understanding what went on; what she put him through by unknowingly planting the seeds of doubt, then experiencing herself some similar doubts, and finally finding out that despite these tortuous trials, they are still interested in this marriage… <P>

I can’t remember when I last read such a sincere thorough and intelligent look at the potential pitfalls of married life.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Great Story

It's nice to read a story that deals with the hurt that is caused by straying outside the marriage!! Although all the other stories of loving wives are fun to read I think to many people think they are true and life is just great. Even when it is a fantasy fulfilled it only last a few years till the loss of true love ends that marriage!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Salamis is right...

though I can't see it as a"thought provoking story".It's an unlikely tale of a wife so insecure she can't stand up for herself and a husband so delusional he thinks his wife should be above human frailty. He should thank his lucky stars his wife can be counted on to do the right thing even when feeling she could get away with it.Loyalty is not about not hurting the other person.It's about not being able to live with disloyalty.And she should have told him to fuck-off about halfway through this rather tedious rendition of a man who seems to want to make lemons out of lemonade.This story is an insult to self-respecting women.Pistolpackinpete

mcwiiimcwiiiabout 15 years ago
I really enjoyed this

One of the reasons I like the Loving Wives genre is that I cannot understand why a happy (or unhappy for that matter) wife cheats. I read the stories to try to get a handle on what the reasons or circumstances lead people to make bad decisions that they later regret. This story helps a little, I think everybody gets tempted. I think everyone fantasizes about others. But actions have consequences and perhaps the lesson is that lack of communication and honesty in that communication causes the biggest consequences.

Great Effort !

Risq_001Risq_001almost 15 years ago
I just stumbled across this today, and...

<p>I LOVED IT</p>

<p>I read a few comments and it really made me laugh with the ones about the husband being too judgmental and/or a jerk, and the wife being mentally abused by him. LOL! I really hope those people aren't married. That or their mates must really be some huge <i>masochist</i> to stick with them</p>

<p>The story was great because the wife screwed up. Sure the story didn't have her "actually" screw around on the husband, but it was the intent. She intended to do it, and only back out at the last minute. And even if she backed out, she went as far as to planning the crime with her co-conspirator</p>

<p>Look at it this way, if she had decided to rob a bank, went as far as to pass the teller a note, and just as the teller starts to hand over the money goes "Naa I don't think this is a good idea" and leaves, does anyone who things the husband was unjust believe the police won't still arrest the woman for "attempted" robbery?</p>

<p>Intent goes a long way, and until the female character in the story understood the full weight of the "intent" of her actions, she never would have saved her marriage. Like Walt said, she wanted to stay married, but it was based on how "she" felt, not on how "Walt" felt. Once she could demonstrate to Walt she understood his pain and she could see how it was tearing him apart, I could see the marriage going on</p>

<p>Her character did a selfish thing, and it stayed selfish until she could vocalize how Walt felt. It had nothing to do with Walt not understanding human frailty. It had to do with Walt finding out his wife was deliberately planning affairs hoping he would never find out. And just because she didn't do it, didn't make Walt feel that if another really hansom guy came along later she might not still take another chance, learning from her previous mistakes, and try again.</p>

<p>This is one of your better stories, and it really shows the victims pain (Walt) better than anything I've read to date. Thanks for posting</p>


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Believe in her Walt

Wasn't he a little too hard on her? Doesn't she get some credit for saying no when saying no really counted? He went beyond just showing her that what she did was serious. He kept punishing her after he should either have left her or forgiven her. He now knows that she said no when she really believed she would have gotten away with it. She lied partly to protect herself from embarrassment but also to avoid hurting Walt. Now, 10 years later he is either following her or at least has not shown her that he has forgiven her to the extent that she thinks he follows her and, for this, she continues to blame herself. She was human, she made a mistake and she has proven herself over 10 years. Walt should forgive her and be thankful to be blessed with a woman that truly loves him.

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 15 years ago
Unique twist

The twist that the actual sex was not carried out makes a great point. After all the planning and plotting and emotional involvement the sex at the end is almost coincidental. If a spouse goes to a party, gets drunk, and ends up in bed with someone, that may be forgivable. Stupid, not OK, but forgivable. As soon as someone starts really planning a liaison they are starting to cheat. A woman or man that goes out regularly with friends into an environment where they are likely to pick someone up is asking for trouble and has already laid the groundwork for cheating. It's all about the conscious intent to set events in motion that you know are not acceptable for your partner. <br><br>

If you have an open marriage, more power to you. I personally think it's a bad idea but if a story sets up a premise of a truly open marriage I'm not going to condemn the author for the characters having lots of sex. On the other hand when the partner doesn't agree then I apply the normal moral judgments to the situation. <br><br>

As to criticisms that Bob was mentally cruel, baloney. As soon as he found out about the situation he was in agony. He stated that several times. No he didn't collapse into a crying puddle, guys don't do that but it is insulting to think that guys don't suffer significantly in these situations. All he wanted was for his wife to appreciate what she had done.<br><br>

Should he have forgiven her? All I ask for these stories is that the "rules" of forgiveness are followed. The offender must be truly sorry and have made some effort toward repentance. To some extent that requires the offender to really put themselves in their spouse's shoes. That was the holdup in this story. The wife didn't really understand Bob's pain until the end. THEN she knew what she had really done and could start being truly sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Well done!!

The unique twist of not actually having sex pointed out more than most that it is the destruction of trust and the sense of mutual respect and loyalty that really is the long lasting effect. The way you wrote from the wife's perspective, the slow build-up of lust, her willingness to deny putting herself on thin ice, her fatel decision and all that followed was very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
love was enough?

her actions, what she wanted to do, set the problem. all those details that came out to undermine her and she thought it was ok. i am not against such endings, but what kind of taint has she left him with, where the omnipresent hint of mistrust and the need to keep an eye on her. no, better to cut it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Hope that writing is catarsis, doesn't seem to be

Interesting tale of thoughts. Laying down how great the marriage and relationship was caused a lack of credibility with the rest of the story. Husband seemed way too rigid. Wife not so believable in conniving to cheat out of lust. Writer seems to be looking for revenge in his stories, not understanding, reconciliation and any rebuilding of trust. That's relegated to a couple of paragraphs at the end of the story. The overwhelming need for revenge diminishes the husbands in Cageytee's stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Buh, buh Walt

Buh, buh Walt, why didn't you just kick that stupid cheating slut whore? Remember once a cheater, always a cheater. You will never be able to trust her again. Sorry Walt.

daluentdaluentover 14 years ago

All I can say is Salamis Salamis Baloney!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
For us that have been in Patti's shoes...

For those of us that have been a "Patti", it is a long long road back

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Salamis, when did you forget how to read?

Wifey wasn't swooning. Wifey planned!! If you think that's of no consequence, then I'll read your work no longer. You've obviously lost your mind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

him? he is a real son-of- a-bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I can understand his anger, distrust due the circumstances and the information he had; however, after a day or two of her explanations, Dans' wife's explanation, he should have calmed down, felt a little insecure but realized his wife had passed the test...dhe Wouldn't Cheat', Period!

She admitted her fantasy, her toying with the idea and then saying No, she didn't think it would ever come up and she happily resisted. So, after his constant distrust and anger, she should have gotten angry with him and told him how much he hurt her with his distrust, demeaning and derrogatory remarks and why he didn't just beat her up, shoot her or get the hell out, he wasn't the man she loved, believed in, trusted and remained faithful to. His torment to her was beyond torture, believe her, love her or get out, she didn't need this insecure spouse berating her for her honesty.!!!

grogers7grogers7over 14 years ago
doubt kills


Doubt and uncertainty are the jaws of the vice that squeeze the blood out of your soul.

Been there. First wife is married to former next door neighbor. She tried, and failed, to take our three daughters from me. They chose to live with me. To this day, she and her husband object to being at family events with me. Like grandchildrens' births, christenings, birthdays and holidays. So, it goes on and I cannot escape it. I am remarried, have two more daughters and a rich family life as husband, father, and grandfather. But, every once in a while I am hit with a wave of frustration that I put behind us and move forward once again.


AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
No Consequences here!!!!

She betrayed him should have kicked her to the curb!!!

Scorpio44Scorpio44about 14 years ago
The details, the details

Up until the last part of the story we got plenty of insight into Walt's thinking and feelings. Then he suddenly changes and we get nothing to explain the change. I would have given the tale a five if that had been there.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

I have to agree with Scorpio, the thought that Walt was so paranoid 10 years!! later is too much to simply accept with absolutely no explanation for why.

deadsoondeadsoonover 13 years ago
Interesting Story

I liked your story Cageytee, the consequences are subtle and long lasting compared to most other stories of this type.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

my wife screwed around on me 21 years ago and i still check up on her and will never trust her 100% even though i have never seen anything that shows that she is fooling around.

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
You didn't convince me, no way a good wife would do as she did.

The consequences should have been that he kick the bitch to the curb and sue her company and her psuedo lover for damages.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Shades of gray

After reading lots of "Literotica" stories, from light gray, infidelity, to just plain old, out and out, "black" infidelity. This story shows that even the slightest shade of gray can hurt those involved. The sole, body, and mind, can be harmed...

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