All Comments on 'Consolation Ch. 02'

by Balaak

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sexmatesexmateabout 19 years ago
What a load of horse SHIT!

This is one of the worst pieces of shit I have read!

All the negative feedback you got on your last story and this is how you follow it up? You didn't learn nothing! or listen to what anyone said. I think you need some serious help. God did you twist these characters around to try and justify your last story. Sadly you failed.No amount of twisting is going to change anything.

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

Interesting take on the story, but cheating is still cheating.. Given the problems in her marriage Candi should have divorces Jim first before starting her love affair. And yes one one deserves to be abused but she still should have gotten away from him. As for Jim cheating and having alot of girls before Candi water under the brige. Fact one He did not cheat on Candi, 2 her loves her and didn't hurter until she cheated and he couldn't cope. Cheat is just cheating and their is truely no way to white wash it into any thing else.

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

Interesting take on the story, but cheating is still cheating.. Given the problems in her marriage Candi should have divorces Jim first before starting her love affair. And yes one one deserves to be abused but she still should have gotten away from him. As for Jim cheating and having alot of girls before Candi water under the brige. Fact one He did not cheat on Candi, 2 her loves her and didn't hurter until she cheated and he couldn't cope. Cheat is just cheating and their is truely no way to white wash it into any thing else.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

I have read some bad stories on this site, but this has to make the top ten worst ever. You get the feeling that is what the author wanted after reading the intro to part two. Well he certainly got it. What a piece of crap !!!!


fumunda cheezefumunda cheezeabout 19 years ago
About chapter two

Along with Gizmo I agree wholeheartedly. What Jim did with women before he met Candi was water under the bridge.

If Jim was abusive, then she should have divorced him before she started the dates and fucking her lover and their best "friend".

The whole crew was deceiving each other. This is a far cry from the depiction of Candi in the first chapter, implying that she loved him above all others and always wanted to remain with him. Not believable at all dear author.

If I were Jim, I would have just told the both of them to enjoy each other, and have a nice life. I would have probably moved off the same street as they lived on so I woundn't have had to wave at them when I went up and down the street or suffer the brunt of the snide remarks from the neighborhood busy-bodies saying, "Did you know that guy was fucking Jim's wife for years?" Noppe, I think I would have left and let the two wonder if after a few years Candi was looking for another Mr. Goodbar or even a big-hunk after her pussy had lost it's elasticity.

No, as a writer you didn't erase the earlier impression that most had originally derived from the original couplings.

Sorry, maybe next story you will leave all that open but in this one you depicted Candi as one who said she had plenty of pussy for both men and no one got hurt because she and the friend had betrayed the husband's trust. She further stated in the first installment that her love for her husband would never cease.

GhostbearGhostbearabout 19 years ago

If Mike disliked Dani so much, why did it take him so long to get back out in society? Also Candi's behavior doesn't jive with the first story. She loves her husband though he abused her? It was an interesting take though. It just seemed inconsistant to me. Maybe because it came from a different point of view.

BalaakBalaakabout 19 years agoAuthor
Inconsistent? You bet!

Inconsistent is exactly what I tried to portray.

Remember, the story is told from 2 points of view, and at different times.

I wanted to illustrate exactly how inconsistent people are in how they think, rationalize, solve problems, and relate to other people. I used a story based on fact to do it.

The questions weren't supposed to have an answer, except one: love. For those of you that caught it, you understood. It's the purer form of the twisted demanding form of marriage worship the SlutWifeHaterBrigade expects.

The very real question NONE of us want to face is what to do with a cheating spouse. But many, many people DO face that question. Is the answer as simple as the SWHBrigade would have everyone believe? Beat a woman into a bloody pulp? What kind of sick answer is that? It only demonstrates the shallow attitude some sickos paste onto their twisted idea of what marriage is.

Those same sickos are all for wives who cheat with other women ("oh, that's hot!") or when the guy gets a little on the side with some "birthday present" of another woman from a willing wife. What a load. To me, THAT is inconsistency.

But LOVE... that's another story. If we face that dreaded question of a cheating spouse, do we consider circumstances? Does a 10-year marriage garner any more consideration than a 10-day one? Does 10 years of love matter? Not according to the SWHB. But to me, that 10 years of love and trust DESERVES consideration. Was the trust broken? Sure! Of course! Do we want it to continue? Of course not! Does the spouse deserve to be considered for forgiveness if they ask?

My answer is yes. And I don't feel that pain needs to be dealt tenfold just because the act hurt my feelings. That is about as childish as you can get and only serves to ensure the marriage is destroyed. I value marriage more than that. Mistakes are made all the time in a marriage; I don't think one act should be the "unpardonable" sin that wrecks it, especially when the transgressor has expressed remorse and a re-commitment to love.

None of us are going to get out of life alive, and all of the hatred the SWHBrigade spews at fallible humans won't make it onto any headstones.

As to any one of the participants getting divorced before all the cheating... believe it or not, but the marriage bond means something, despite the willingness to violate certain tenets of it. In other words, you don't throw away your marriage over a screw. But when it turns into something beyond that? Then we have these questions to ask, and love is the final answer.

If there is no love in any of it, then divorces are in order, and everyone lives alone. In that situation, the SWHBrigade gets their fantasy of marching around in little circles, waving their arms in a righteous display of their omniscient crusade against cheating spouses (as long as the cheating spouse is only a woman).

The questions are still valid, and that was the point of part 1. Part 2 was illustration that our penchant to view things one-sided can have a very different determination on who is right or wrong, and that reality is never as neat as a simple story.

jaggers0053jaggers0053about 19 years ago
just like real life,

unfortunately. your character MIke allows himself two sets of morality, one for his and Candi actions and another he applies to the rest of the world.

" I still stand by my belief that marriage is about respect, and although respect is breached when a spouse cheats..". such high moral standards,and yet this 2nd chapt is about justifing his and Candi's affair.

"I will not be so free to suck up to society and allow it. No sick fuck will beat my daughter. She will have my love." he offers this tidbit when he admits he would not standby and watch his own daughter being abused,but talks about how senseless it would be for Jim to react physically violent towards himself and Cindi. 2 sets of rules again.

infidelity is wrong,you cannot justify it.Candi's solution was divorce.

all the characters in this story are mental cripples,but i think Jim is really the best of the worst.he was a true friend to Mike,never did anything to hurt him,tried to help him,and what did it get him?Candi was an unfaithful wife,completely without any sense of guilt for what she was doing.Mike portrays himself as a long time good friend to Jim.some friend! you do not have an affair with your friends do not have sex even one time.

what i like about the story is how true it could be (sad to say).i wouldn't have to think too hard to to remember friends or aquaintances who could be any one of the characters.

interesting story.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
i can see what author is trying to do

Balaak seems to be trying two things here - but the combination is a bit too much for him:

1. telling a story from multiple conflicting POV - difficult job in itself - and

2. expressing his philosophy about marraige, love, cheating, forgiveness and the SWHBrigade.

on #1, some various things just don't match up, characters views and actions as written by Balaak. and i don't just mean differences due to POV, i mean the characters and their actions. maybe the author was trying also to show our own hypocracies also - but for me Mike just seems a bit schizoid. maybe Mike is? if showing hypocracy or insanity, it needs to be more clearly stated.

as for #2, the characters used (all slimy) and the situation do not really serve to clearly put forth Balaak's views as expressed in the feedback, or to demonstrate correct actions. this probably comes from choosing a RL cheating event as basis for the story, instead of crafting your own artificial event.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
easy to understand

The behavior is easy to understand because Jim is really a serial killer. Yeah, that's the ticket. And Candi and Mike were really secretly married so her marriage to Jim is invalid. Yeah. And Mike hated his wife so much that it destroyed him to lose her. Wait, that doesn't make sense. Oh wait, it is from two different points of view, good Mike and bad Mike. Now it makes sense. Mike threw her out but nobody noticed? I guess they didn't see life from Mike's POV ("her departure from my life was the blessing of GOD.")

So Mike took back his (secret) wife from the serial killer. What is the problem with all you SlutWifeHaterBrigaders understanding this? And besides, Jim and Candi were adopted and they were really brother and sister so it would have been wrong for them to marry anyway.

She cheated almost every day but she should be forgiven beause she asked. He abused her every day but should not be forgiven if he asked. I guess that's because the forgiveness is from different points of view.

I guess Mike would be fine if Candi picked somebody out to fuck more times than he ever had her because that's the set of rules he lives by. Preferably his new best friend.

It's not just the point of view that changes, it's the facts. This thing read like a kid trying to explain why whatever he did is not his fault, but somebody else's. This story could have been told by John Lovitz' lying character on SNL.

It's not the cheating or betrayal by the characters that's disturbing, it's the attempt to con the readers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

This has got to be the biggest pile of rationalization yet. The (for lack of a better term) author wanted Candi and Mike to be together. So what does he do? He makes Jim into a monster, though he doesn't bother explaining why she was still with him. Just pile it on: verbal abuse, rape, attempted murder. So what if this is the polar opposite of everything that came before.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
part 3 - candi's view

Up until the end, when you had her and Mike together, married and growing old, I was thinking that it would be interesting to have the third character's pov. There was such disparity between Jim and Mike's pov, that it reminded me of a situation I had been in a few years ago.

I found out a girlfriend had cheated on me, and when I confronted her with it, she gave me this sob story about how this guy was chasing her and always flirting with her, and finally took advantage of her weakness when she was drunk. She said a part of why she gave in was because she thought I was cheating on her (yeah, whatever).

I was mad as hell at this guy for the longest time because I thought that he knew we were together. I knew him vaguely, and thought it was a snake thing to do to keep pursuing her even though she was with me. I swore that if I ever ran across him again, that I would just beat his ass on general principle. I did run across him a few months later and confronted him about the situation. Turns out that she was the one pursuing him. Emails and calls, etc. He said that when he asked her what was going on with me, she told him that we had broke up!

So there was my point of view thinking this guy was an asshole. There was his point of view, thinking I wasn't even in the picture. And there was her point of view, which was simply being a lying, cheating whore.

cwbuddycwbuddyabout 19 years ago
HUH???? WHAT?????????????

What story is this chapter 2 of? Other than the names being the same it has little to do with chapter 1.

I liked chapter one.

NO WAY IS THIS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was a shot at the public feed back. A personal attack at people who's opinion's of your work you do not like.

I liked your other work too.

Hopefully I will like your future work.

If you do Candi's POV just give it a different title, these chapters are just confusing people. Better yet call it chapter 3 that way I can avoid it.


Joe_AvgJoe_Avgabout 19 years ago
Arguing with Balaak is pointless

Balaak knows that he's smarter than the rest of us mere mortals so logic & honest debate will have no impact. He's also entitled to his point of view. Since he doesn't want to discuss it rationally, everyone should quit rising to the bait.

His whole argument basically comes down to the SWHB being a bunch of borderline retarded hypocrites who refuse to consider both sides of a story. To emphasise the superiority of his enlightened POV, he refuses to deal with arguments that people calmly put forth (keeps trying to reduce everything to the physical act & blame any dissenting opinions on outdated Christian moralising). He also insists on name-calling and casting aspersions on the character/intelligence of everyone who disagrees with him. Throw in some groundless accusation (everyone who denounces cheating wives likes cheating men stories), revisionist history (a long term affair becoming a one time mistake), gross exaggeration (anyone who isn’t willing to stay in a loveless marriage advocates beating people bloody as a means of conflict resolution) and spurious analogies (stories about threesomes with full knowledge and participation being the same as stories about a spouse having a clandestine affair), and you will have the Balaak school of debate mastered.

Its pretty clear that he is trying his damnedest to spin something of personal nature so it’s doubtful that he will ever concede even the smallest point. If he starts considering other points of view, or admits to inconsistencies in his own behaviour/attitude, the whole house of cards will start to crumble. Since that’s the last thing he wants, he will go to any extreme to avoid anything that doesn’t agree with his narrow definition of reality. It’s pretty pointless for us to continue. Even if someone could change his mind, it would be a cruel thing to do. ‘Ignorance is bliss’ isn’t just another trite phrase; it’s a truism.

On to the heart of the matter (aimed at the many people besides Balaak who don’t share my opinion, but would like to present a rational or emotional arguement as to why my thinking is flawed).

I actually agree that throwing a basically solid marriage away over a single infidelity is kinda like cutting off your nose in spite of your face. I also agree that people make mistakes (not stipulating that sex outside of marriage is even a mistake in all situations) and that a zero tolerance policy is unworkable IRL. I’ve made my fair share of mistakes and Im usually forgiven (usually before I stop berating myself) as long as my apology is sincere.

The crux of my problem with Part 1 (Part 2 is a wash – it’s a contrived, convoluted mess with no discernible story that was hastily thrown together as a shot at the SWHB with whom he seems to have a personal vendetta), is that I don’t see an affair as a mistake. Fucking another person once (without the consent of the spouse) is a mistake. Fucking your husband’s best friend repeatedly and then lying about it, is a betrayal (I wish I was good enough writer to come up with a better word to use here - betrayal is kind of a loaded word & doesn't really have the connotation I'm looking for). Add in that the husband was trying to help someone get over a bout of depression by consenting to the dates in the first place, and that he had already made his thoughts on the matter of sex perfectly clear, and you have a betrayal by an extremely selfish wife who has no concern for her husband and no respect for anyone else’s feelings. Most people wouldn’t treat a casual acquaintance that way, never mind someone they claimed to love.

Normal people also don’t keep right on loving someone who has proven they don’t love them. The best you can hope for is to choose to stay together and hope to fall back into love sometime down the road. To fall back into love, you need to regain your confidence that your love will be reciprocated. There is no such thing as love without reciprocation – that’s just infatuation, or lust, or inertia, or maybe massive amounts of self-delusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Were These Two Chapters Even Related?

My feeling was that this chapter came totally out of "left field". I am not one who believes that a marriage should be thrown away over one mistake and prefer stories where the couple works things out and rebuilds their relationship. But this chapter was beyond unbelievable. The only similarity between the characters in the first chapter and this were the names. In the first part, Jim and Cindi were portrayed as being in a very loving and solid marriage and Mike was a very depressed good friend. In an attempt to help a friend, Jim destroyed his own relationship and marriage. This makes sense of the old belief that only a sucker volunteers and being a Good Samaritan will get you the shaft. This chapter appeared to be a total twisting of the facts to justify Mike and Cindi's actions and make Jim look like the bad guy and monster.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
This Authors Mind is a Terrible Waste Of Space

Thank you Joe Avg. and Other Commentors. So, translated into human logic for you fools - readup (and down)

So, now and 3evermoore, lets get serious, or as our philosipheer giant minded author said: the mind is a terrible thing. (1st sensible jibberish issued forth so far!) But, (and for emphysis) "But" now that you are hear and under my spelz ---

Behold my wandering wizdumb and be saved, resqued, or bedicked, bewondered and beewildered or something fair and gooder like that!!

And behold on low, he whoo is an owl isn't a goldfish at midnite unless there is a strong love / 30 in the 3rd set with my brothers uncles wife dogs flea underway in the 4th paramutual - well perhaps but with certainties - so needlessly then go 4th with a 7 iron or paddle and screw every second parsons parakeet if - and this is big - if its married and in its second baseless trimester at university - unless its snowing - so help you Balaakie in whom we trust to leed us to downers. Special Note: END of Translation from the book of Questionable Balance (or a fair stab at it)

So, thats all the good cents we can enjoy until he rains forth onto maybe those who feel more better than his last epistole. Then as you can see, be mindfull and love everything with holehearted nakedness but fullfillingest your puriant desire and to all a - Now hold on I think I now understand understand understand understand (wack) him - nope it was just a scredded vistage of his next story and the parabulls dumping wisdumb stuff all about.

Well now, isn't it or not clearer what he meant to mean when he said what he said what he said what he said (wack) Oh hell, just pass the basket fool - my wife's son's girlfriends mother's sister's uncle is going to prey on my wife at 10:30 and the taping starts soon and I'm to open and close the tape with "I love you honey" - kinda makes a real man proud eh!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
The real answer to shit like this

is to vote 1 on the score that really counts at the bottom of the story and quietly move on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

Your attempt to demonize Jim just does not fly.

In the first chapter he is a thoughtful caring friend. He cares so much about his depressed friend that he conspires with his wife to bring Mike out of his depressed state. He carefully sets limits with his wife discussing what is appropriate and not appropriate. After he is deceived and lied to he his shocked and dismayed.

This is not the character of a amoral philanderer.

Sorry, that dawg just won't hunt.

Have to agree with just about everyone else. Liked first story. Terribly disappointed with second.

Nightowl22Nightowl22about 19 years ago
Same story???

The questions are still valid, and that was the point of part 1. Part 2 was illustration that our penchant to view things one-sided can have a very different determination on who is right or wrong, and that reality is never as neat as a simple story.

Problem, Balaak, is the two chapters are not even connected. Two entirely different lifetimes. Why wasn't the 'rape' etc included in part 1?? Because then it gives more consideration to the characters than just a cheating wife. Mike should have bounced her ass down the sidewalk as soon as he found out she fucked Jim repeatedly, time after time. Even part 2 does NOT absolve Jim of being a pure asshole disguising himself as a friend.

And, yes, thee is a majot difference between a marriage of ten days and ten years. In ten years you have done many things together and built many memories. To have all that thrown back in your face can really be humiliating.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

I wasnt a big fan of your story. I thought the details of the story and seduction were a bit contrived and not plausible for a serious story.

I did enjoy your chapter two because you showed the complexity of real situations. The moral majority allways comments on here about cheating spouses and how they broke the contract of marriage and therefore should rot in hell.

The truth is usually not as simple and the marriage contract which has more to it then just being faithful is usually broken well before one of the spouses cheats.

In this story it appears that Candi and her husband had many problems well before the affair took place.

Might be interesting to tell one more version, hers.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Pathetic excuse for a story

I looked forward to some reasonable resolution and got a contrived, unrelated babble instead. Score is a 1. Would have given it less if possible. Pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
No real connection between these two stories!!

Part one gives no basis for part 2's description of Jim's character. No abusive husband would be offering his wife up to console a grieving friend. Abusive men generally consider their spouse as property. Also he would have been steaming mad at any thought that his wife was cheating on him.

Part two paints Jim as the bad guy, when all he was trying to do was console their grieving friend. Forget your moralizing BS, Mike and Cindi cheated for their own sexual gratification with no regard for the person who was trying to console his friend. No fancy writing can put a pretty face on this.

If anything Cindi is a lying cheating whore who deserves the shithead Mike.

You even changed the sizes of their penis's in the two stories. In part one Mike had the larger one. In part two it was Jim that had the larger one and it was supposedly a problem for Cindi. In part one Jim was upset because Cindi had apparently had an orgasm with Mike, which was something Jim had been able to accomplish regularly. In part two you say that Cindi never had orgasms with Jim and always had to get off on her own.

Where is the continuity? This is why everyone says these are like two different stories.

Learn how to write ASSHOLE!!!

BalaakBalaakabout 19 years agoAuthor
Oh Brother...

Despite what some people rant about, I really do enjoy all the feedback - even the private ones to my feedback site that cuss me out and call me all sorts of amusing names (real mature, folks).

Lemme see if I can respond to some of the better points in order.

Jaggers - yes, there is 2 sets of morality. No one is 100% impartial in everything they do. We all have 2 sets of morality (a double standard) on some issues. That's just life. No apologies for it, and I only point out the differences. Individuals can change or not based on their realization of the double standard. However, your point that I wouldn't let someone beat my daughter was a double standard because I viewed Jim's implied violence as senseless is not a double standard. That is very consistent. Perhaps what you wrote didn't come out right on that one. Your opinion of the characters being mental cripples is taken - not bad, and I agree. But we all do very stupid things, from time to time.

Anon in Kal - Good assessment on both points. Jim certainly saw things one way, and built his opinions on only what he saw. I tried to portray that. Same for Mike. Those will naturally create contradictions. Mike schiz? Of course! How can a cheater NOT be schiz? He has to be one person to engage in the infidelity and another to face against the rest of the world. Yes! Very schiz. You hit point 2 on the head - RL people in a story makes for poor reading. We can't all be fantasy. Who wants to read about someone real? People usually sympathize more with a fictional hero than some biographical character.

Anon (Easy..) - "She cheated almost every day but she should be forgiven beause she asked." I never said that. I used a story based on factual events to pose questions someone ELSE might face. Did Jim ever say he should forgive Candi in either of my chapters? You won't find it there - he only asked himself if she deserved it. However, OTHER people will face those questions, and the question will be asked (except by the SWHB). Ha.

Anon in the Real World - BS? Psss think about it. Chapter 1 is written by YOU, let's say. If you had attempted strangulation and rape, would you admit it? Would you trumpet it that you did some socially unacceptable things? Of course not. I didn't write Chap 1 from Mike's side.

Anon (Candi's view) - I gave brief thought to Candi's POV, but I think a chapter 3 would be more of a tear-jerker. The mental strain she went through with her own schiz behavior and the anguish of being torn between remaining in a marriage everyone expected her to stay in over fleeing to Mike would make for just more unappealing drama than entertainment. It would be unmercifully 1-starred to death with all the name-calling and even more extremely profane emails from anonymous people. We don't need that, and the readers don't need to see it.

CWBuddy - Huh? What? You think I posted that for the rating? Ha! I knew Chapter 2 would get 1-starred to death and I am forcefully reminded of my foreknowledge every day with amazingly profane emails at my feedback site from anonymous posters. Doesn't matter to me if anyone believes the story or not. I'm not trying to convince people it's real. I used a real situation to ask questions. I succeeded. View it as fiction if you want.

Joe-Avg - Apparently I hit the sore thumb on you with my SWHB label. You claim I won't budge, but the only thing I won't budge on is that not everything is black and white. You even go on to actually agree with me before you get to the "crux" of your problem. So, my label hurt, eh? And you call that name-calling? You should see my emails. Your pontificating on my supposed superiority and all that is your own subjective opinion, and you're entitled to it. But I still laugh at your response. As to the "crux," you say that the end result isn't just a mistake, it's a betrayal. Betrayal is exactly the right word to use for what happened. No matter any extenuating circumstances (even if Jim was Jeffrey Dahmer), it was still a betrayal. You show that despite your hatred of the whole story, you can still think.

Igiorgi0 - Of course, if you write about yourself, you're going to paint a good picture. You're going to leave out the annoying details that you pick your nose, say, or like to look at little girls. So when Jim writes, I leave out those very real details that he would not himself admit to. So, of course the characters in Chapter 1 were sympathetic. Let me address that. Jim saw himself as good. He WAS good - despite some very bad social habits. Mike WAS a good friend, but betrayed him, and was sorry that he betrayed his best friend. Candi WAS a great woman - wife to Jim and eventual lover to Mike. But do you think Jim's opinion remained so surrealistic after he realized the extent of the betrayal? Jim's own mind twisted even beyond the twisted minds of Candi and Mike as he tried to rationalize and cope with what had fallen into his lap. Mike portrayed that in Chapter 2. As I said to others, RL can be messy, and not very heroic.

Fregen - Jim WAS a caring friend. He was also a philanderer. Many mass murderers in history were very likeable people. Just because he had honorable trait didn't make him perfect. He had his faults, just like the rest of us.

Nightowl - Couldn't put the rape into 1 because no person in their right mind would admit to doing something so heinous. I had to keep Jim's view as if Jim was telling it, rather than 3rd person.

Anon in USA - "In this story it appears that Candi and her husband had many problems well before the affair took place." So very true. Their marriage was simply a matter of living together and paying the bills. Married people generally do not admit to each other that something is wrong. Hell, NO ONE likes to admit they are wrong - on anything. Personally, I try to admit I'm wrong as often as possible, just to spite myself.

Anon (No real connection...) - "(1)No abusive husband would be offering his wife up to console a grieving friend. (2)Abusive men generally consider their spouse as property. (3)Also he would have been steaming mad at any thought that his wife was cheating on him." Good points, but you don't consider that people come in all stripes. Not everyone agrees with me, right? So not everyone will agree with you. Let me illustrate. Point 1, Jim did. Sorry, but he did, whether anyone likes it or not. Point 2, Jim considered Candi property, yes. He felt he was OWED a "viewing" of the act. He felt he could rape and strangle her because he OWNED her. Point 3, Jim was very mad - but only at certain times. Jim tried to rationalize what was happening and see if he could somehow cope with it. In the end his anger won, as it should have, and he became the expected ranting, humiliated man. Your memory of the differences between part 1 and 2 is wrong. Mike's was a different size, not bigger. And it was Mike who never got her off during the affair, not Jim. The continuity was there. I think your dislike of the story made you skim it and misread what was written.

Parting shot: it's nice to know yet another person thinks I'm an asshole. Certainly is a lot of hatred over a story...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Why are you writing such long feedback, I think

that really sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
lone voice of reason

To the people Balaak has labeled the "Slut wife Haters brigade" (an unfair label, but I digress.

I found this one of the more realistic portrayals of "slutwife behavior." It wasn't just some silly undersexed, under-brained bimbo getting conned into semi consensual sex by some well endowed lothario whose supposed to be fixing her car or doing lanscaping or some shit, while her husband, who is by all accounts kind decent and honorable and whose only flaw is sexual repression is busy working to payfor the lovely house his wife is being fucked in. That only happens late at night on cinemax, and while I sometimes enjoy that type of story (I go to my local bookstore for literature, I cum to Literotica to jack-off)its refreshing to read a slightly more realistic story. It may defy all logic, but women do find themselves in emotionally abusive and even physically abusive relationships, and stay in them, for reasons that are not apparenent to anybody outside the relationship, Don't believe me? Ask my mother. The men in these relationships often don't thionk they're doing anything wrong,because they wouldn't yell, insult or belittle,or beat them if they're women didn't do something, real or imagined, to deserve it. Don't believe me? ask my Mom's ex-boyfriend. He should have some phone time saved up. And lastly

Jim was wrong to take his wife for granted, emotionally abuse her and eventually physically abuse her, despite her adultery, but...

Candi was wrong to cheat on Jim, despite teir relationship roblems. There is counseling options, as well as divorce, but people make mistakes and give into there desires...

Like Mike did, although he should have seen Candi's unhappiness and disatisfaction and told Jim; aybe coming from an outside source they could have sved their marriage, though that wouldn't really make for a satisfying story. Sometime stories, even erotica,need to be about something more than just lust and sex. I love to watch Spider-man fight crazy super-villains, but what really keeps me coming back again and again is the fact that Spidey fights these crazy villains because he feels responsible for the death of his uncle, and he continues to fight despite the toll it takes on his marriage, and professional life. Emotional content, somtimes it makes stories stand out. I think it did this time

SalamisSalamisabout 19 years ago
Different realities not different POVs

I read both stories but I must admit I did so after reading the prior commentary. Perhaps that gives my words here some bias, perhaps not. I will say that the first story did not move me because I had difficulty with the premise that a loving husband would pimp out his wife to a family friend (and yes, I know he told her explicitly not to have sex with their friend, just to date him).

Chapter 2 is a completely separate tale and bears little resemblance to the first, save the names of the characters. I know now what the author was trying to convey, but only from his comments in this forum, not from the story. So while I really like his intent as to the purpose of the stories, the execution in the writing was lacking.

I don’t think it’s possible to merely say that this second tale provided a different point of view. This was not a different point of view being expressed, it was a different reality. The problem was that speaker in chapter 2 went too far in justifying his actions, and his retelling of events was frankly unbelievable to me. I just didn’t buy it.

Because of the very strong opinions these chapters have generated I don’t think it’s fair of me to just express my low rating of them without offering an alternative. For that reason, I would offer up the story “What To Do With Lynnette?” by CraCyn55.

CraCyn55 has written a two-part story with differing points of view that was extremely well executed. That story involves a cheating wife, a husband destroyed and a happy outcome for the wife; and even though I HATED the final disposition of that tale, the story and writing are brilliant. That writer executed there what you failed to do here.

samissamisabout 19 years ago

with salamis

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
you need to regroup

worst job of demonizing a person to get a point across.she was a whore and the friend was a shit or you are the worst writer i know of.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
To tell the truth

I read both of your stories and only have a couple of things to say. If she was abused she should have filed for seperation and then devorce. Then you could have helped her out. If her husband was nice enough to help you get over your sadness, You should have told him it wasn't necesary since you weren't sad or unhappy about loosing your wife. That would have been the honest thing to do. But you weren't honest with him at all. His wife cheated on him and knew she was going to do it. You should have stopped it. Both of you should have talked about her feelings for you with her husband. Then let them seperate before you jumped her bones. Instead you were no frined at all, you hide it and had a long term affair which drove her husband nuts. I would have considered choked the life out of her and shooting you. You did wrong and so did she. If you had handled it right, it would have been less painful for all of you and you might still have a friend. Might! No friendship here on your part only a wife stealing SOB! As far as I can tell for your story, you took and took and took all that he and she had and didn't give a fuck about your friend or his marriage or their lives. It wasn't up to you to help her if she was being abused. For all you know she could have lied to you like she lied to her husband. Now that you got her I hope she cheats on you so you can know how it feels. You might even want to choke her. Once a cheat always a cheat! And saying all that it was a hell of a good story! i just hope it was real, any of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Foul Play, Cheating, back stabbing!!!

You (the character in the story) broke the trust he had in you. He lent you the support when u were broken, when you were dying, by allowing his wife to get intimate with you. And what did you do - you stole his wife. And then you try to justify, making it worse still. No amount of justification is just for what you did. Do you want people to think twice about helping thier friends ?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Eh Tu brute

Actually enjoyed the story - do not know what so many people are getting upset about - shit happens and even some nice things can come out of it. Keep writing and ignore the jerks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
you are one the best writer on

but what you are doing suck,his buddy fuck him good.the wife was a whore for going along with it to.if he was so bad ,why did he offer the should have just let it go,and everybody would have been easy with the out come.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I agree with the other commenter (Sorry, lousy interface and bad memory keeps me from remembering the name) who pointed out that this is more than a new POV on the first chapter, but rather a new story with different characters and situations, more a variation on a theme than a true retelling from another player's POV. In fact, this story, with its at times pompous, defensive, muckraking, overgeneralizing protagonist, helpless victim wife, and twisted antagonist was a lot less subtle than the first chapter.

I did find the inconsistencies in the protagonist interesting - the antagonist was his best friend, P hated what he did to his women, P was guilty over stealing away the affections of his wife, P was happy to give her some happiness. Yes, these contradicitons appear in every person's life. The trick of fiction is to make the process of rationalizing contradicitions, which are usually the result of emotional needs outweighing convictions, feel convincing. Some of P's twists and turns were flatly hard to swallow; a longer story might have corrected this. The wife's apparent worries and lust for the friend here make sense with the perverse and violent image of A; she's going to be afraid, yet eager for normal sex as a substitute for affection and love.

I'm not sure if P's attitude about the strawman Slut Wife Hater's Brigade reflects his experiences with A, other things he has heard, or the author's own attitude towards people he clearly disagrees with.In any case, he microrants anbout the SWHB and their ilk are out off place in any adult story. Creating a character with a similar attitude might work, but the extreme viewpoints P attributes to these shadowy people border on ludicrous caricature.

As always, the story made me think. I would have liked two stories, each consistent, with highly similar themes. TIt's possible that the questions raised, especially about how the husband and wife thought the sharing should play out, could only be treated well in a novel-length work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
what a fucked up story

this is one of the worst stories i have read here on literotica. nobody will be that good of friend. the story changed right in the middle. DONT QUIT U DAY JOB

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Was writing this part of your therapy classes in the mental asylum? If not, then you should request admittance there urgently

datadyndatadynover 16 years ago
Competition entry

Is this an entry in the writing competition for mentally retarded aspirant writers?

It really is too stupid to be anything else

DSLAYERDSLAYERover 15 years ago
They got each other!

Which means they got nothing! A cheating whore to lazy to work on her marriage, and a friend that would fuck his buddies wife.

katibkatibabout 15 years ago
One--or Two

I see two separate stories and an unsuccesful attempt to connect them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I don't quite get it....

You're a really great writer and you have a message that is worth sharing and considering. The problem that I have with it is that, as a reader, one must accept the reality of the story teller. How can we do that with these two stories? In the first, Mike was so devastated by Dani's death that he could barely function. Then, in the second story, we find out that he really never loved her at all. The problem with the story(s) lies in the factual conflicts that become too irreconcilable for the reader to continue to suspend his/her own reality and accept the storyteller's. That being said, you have very good ability, great choice of language, images, etc., and a thoughtful message woven together with well chosen themes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

she is still a cheating bitch and worthless in a real mans eyes, married people don't cheat they get divorced then find someone to do it while married betrays everything and their right to be considered trustworthy, respected, or even spoken to and call a decent name they are whores, sluts, assholes and dicks plan and simple they don't deserve any respect from any person that respects themselves

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

the bitch is still a liar and cheat. Dumbest story line I have read in quite a while.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
To all the commentors...

You know what's REALLY pathetic? Not that the story is written about an abused wife having an affair and a best friend taking his friend's wife (honestly how is that worse than all those spouses out there cheating with the hottest young thing they find simply out of boredom of their partners?)

...But that people reading such a story (might I point out is in the cheating wives section? ...duh...) and commenting in such an arrogant, 'I-feel-I'm-above-you' kinda way and hatefully judging a person on a story they wrote...fucking WROTE...for the sole purpose of people jacking off to it. And not just judging...but full out raging at them.

Seriously people???

THAT is what I find truly pathetic here...idiots.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago
What The Fuck

First I'll say that ch.1 and ch.2 are two entirely different tales. They aren't similar at all. They are entirely different characters. If the two are combined Jim and Mike would never have been friends. There would never have been a bond between the couples. One thing bonds these tales together. Both have cheaters. All cheaters are despicable. Luckily for the world this author hasn't posted since 2009. His sense of love and life and marriage are seriously convoluted and with any luck he has received the psychological help he needed.

If not, fuck him.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 11 years ago
Difficult read . . .

. . . and not at all a chapter two. This is a whole 'nuther tale completely with a different tone of voice and a different psychology. In its strange way the story covers a lifetime of valid points, considerations. This one almost belongs in the non-erotic section. It deals with human sexuality, that's true, but in some ways the approach is clinical, not sensual.

I don't know what more to say but difficult read but very much a worthwhille read.

tae352001tae352001over 10 years ago
Great story

sadly, another cheating wife leaving for the best friend. Sadly in real life this does happen. He loses a wife he actually disrespected and should not have married, so he ruins a marriage of his friend. I wish the ending was different, I am not into sharing or cheating, marriage is to valuable to be treated in this manner. Our courts are wrangling over the term and definition of marriage. I liked the story, but the ending, I was hoping for did not come to print. I still gave you a 5, but wished Jim and Candi did live happily ever after and nothing did happen or cross the line.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Thank you, Balaak.

While I didn't necessarily like all of this second chapter, I think you "get it" far more than the SWHBrigade, as you call it. I too find their actions and desires sickening. How can you ever say you loved your spouse if your first thought is that they deserve diseases, death, abandonment, etc.?

I got married last year after dating my now-wife for a year and a half. I told her multiple times infidelity was the one thing I wouldn't forgive. Six months into our marriage, she began an emotional affair with sexual components for 6 months. She lied, hid it extremely well, and there were multiple times where we split up to different houses and many revelations that kept popping up. It was a nightmare. From Halloween to mid-March, my life was consumed by this.

We're still together. Things are better now than ever before. The nightmare is over. And you know what? I lived through it. My greatest fear in my life was to be cheated happened, I dealt with it, and I've come through the other side. I never stopped loving my wife, nor she I. She made mistakes, yes. Mistakes we're still working through and mistakes she's still atoning for. But I chose to forgive and my life will be all the better for it.

So thank you, Balaak, for trying to (unfortunately futilely) point out what it all comes down to in the end: love. The story may have had some flaws but I admire your point of view, one that is in such low supply in the world.

dsthom1954dsthom1954almost 9 years ago
All Right

Well, these two chapters on this story were......different. The first chapter was readable. But the second chapter was......damned hard to follow, let alone read. But hey, it still follows your basic type of stories.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 6 years ago
History is Written by the Victors

An important message, presented with many inconsistencies (most notable to guys, probably, was Man-Muscle Mass.) All four actors are portrayed differently in the two accounts. Most different seems to be Dead Sweetie, but she is incidental in these accounts.

Both points of view (PoV), we can assume, are presented honestly (or kinda honestly ... there is certainly mirror-blindness as well as deliberate minimization of self-recognized character flaws.) Re-reading Ch1 after reading Ch2 is an entirely different (and weaker) experience. Takes a lot of guts to cut the knees out from under your own opus! Wish I could award points for that - actually I can - but ain’t gonna!

NR but appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Its still a dead story

PLEASE STOP WRITING! You're trying to be clever yet this is just dumb and senseless. The real villain here is the dumb writer of one of the stupidest stories on the net.

Please don't let this guy write anymore stories. He's too dumb to be clever.

1/4* ..I wish I could go lower...

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

You took this to the expected ending. The cheating whore married her bastard, and lives happily ever after.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

What Utter CRAP!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Inconsistent. Jim loving throughout and suddenly an abuser?

Inconsistent. Jim's been loving throughout then suddenly Mike says Jim chronically abuses Cindi?

Verbose. Get to the point.

Math: Mike and Cindi fuck twice a week for maybe a year, that's 2x52 is 104 which surely is not "more" than Cindi and Jim's entire marriage.

Balaak,. Come on, you've written better than this.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Adultery karma during a pandemic

By 2020 Mike and Candi had been together for 15 years bittersweet years. They enjoyed each other but never escaped public scorn for cheating on Jim and disrespecting Dani's memory. They grew bitter and resentful, blaming others for their banishment. When a reality TV star sought residence at the White House through the politics of fear and outrage, they were among the first to wear his red baseball cap with pride. At his rallies they found kindred spirits and a feeling of importantance after years of longing for acceptance by others. Unquestioning loyalty to the man and his message seemed a small price to pay for such awesome fellowship. For three years they cheered his unpredictable antics and took pride in his refusal to follow either traditions or the law. The rapid demise of political correctness was a joy to behold.

They understood Covid was China's revenge for their defeat in Chosen One's trade war. Neither feared the China Virus or had any use for masks or social distancing guidelines. Their first Sturgis Rally exceeded all their expectations and affirmed their wise group mantra, "Where we go one, we go all." Mike overdid the bar hopping and had several days of fever, aches and upset stomach once they got back home. Severe trouble breathing seemed to come out of nowhere, and Candi stayed home alone since the hospital prohibited vistors. Calls from the staff grew more frequent as Mike's condition deteriorated. They left a message when a ventilator became necessary and had heard nothing from Candi when he died three days hence. Forced entry for a welfare check located Candi's body in their bed. The China Virus had enforced the dictum that where one went, the other followed.

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 2 years ago

That's a shitty way to repay your friend. He tried to help you get over Danni by offering his wife to keep you company and you took advantage of his kindness.

And not only that, but you start attacking his character from before he got married. And you still keep attacking him even after sleeping with her. in fact it seems as if it just made it worse, You didn't want to cheat on your friend? Then what were you doing at his house when he wasn't there? When she spoke in the first chapter, she never complained about him. in fact she was the loving wife even after she started things with you. Maybe those days he screamed at her and raped her were the lies she told you so you wouldn't feel less of a man to him. But! if she cheated on him. What's supposed to stop her when she starts feeling like getting something strange?

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Still writing as erotica author Laran Mithras. Over 150 titles published.


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