Conumdrum Ch. 09

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Mat and Beth adapt to a new relationship.
2.7k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/18/2022
Created 12/30/2008
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Chapter nine

Matt and Beth adapt to a new relationship

It took weeks to settle into this new relationship. Matt maintained his demand that Beth wear the collar at home at all times, just to remind her of her position. Beth accepted her submission with equanimity. Yet she could still surprise him. He returned one evening to find Beth, kneeling in the middle of the lounge, hands clasped behind her neck, completely naked but for the collar. On the floor in front of her lay shards of a cut glass vase, given to them as a wedding present.

"Have you misbehaved today?"

"Yes Husband. I have dropped the cut-glass vase." Matt now faced the situation that he had hoped would never arise. He would have to spank her.

"Clean this mess up then go and get the strap." This was a length of leather belt, two inches wide and eighteen inches long. Matt had chosen this deliberately as he knew that it could bruise, but would never cut the skin. With dust pan and brush Beth cleaned the broken glass up, then went upstairs. She returned carrying the strap as if it was a religious artefact, holding it in front of her with two hands. She knelt and offered it to him. He indicated that she should lean over the arm of the settee.

"You will receive ten strokes." Before his courage could crumble he slapped her with the first. It was not an accurate or hard slap, his heart was not really in this. But Beth accepted the punishment.

"One. Thank you Husband." The second slap was harder.

"Two. Thank you Husband." Matt continued the punishment, his strokes becoming more forceful and accurate, but he was mindful of the terrible injuries that Beth had suffered before, so he held back from using his full strength. At ten, Beth didn't rise from her position. She thanked him profusely for the punishment, then asked if he would like to enjoy her body. In truth Matt had become erect, not so much from the punishment, but from the sight of Beth's arse so alluringly and freely displayed for him. He unbuckled and dropped his trousers, freeing his cock. Without delay he entered her, surprised to find she was soaking wet with arousal. He was aware from his reading that denying the submissive liberty to climax was quite normal, but he could not bring himself to do so, and Beth climaxed loudly as he did. With her breath coming in short, sharp pants, she turned and asked permission to clean him from her emissions, as he gave assent he understood that Beth was teaching him about how she wanted to be treated.

"You may serve my evening meal."

"Yes Husband. May I dress first?"


"As my Husband pleases."

"Yes, it does please me."

"I am happy that I am acceptable to my Husband." Beth stood at the side of Matt's chair as he ate. He at one point idly played with her pussy, and she widened her stance allowing him the room. He tugged on her bush. "That has to go. I want you shaved there."

"Shall I do it now Husband?"

"No. Tomorrow will be satisfactory."

"I will shave my P...private parts tomorrow."

"Pussy, the word we will use is pussy! Now say it."

"Pussy, it is! It is your pussy. It belongs to you." As Matt finished his meal and got up he turned to her.

"You may eat now, then bring me coffee in the lounge."

"Yes, husband."

When they retired to bed that evening, Matt took off the collar. Beth went to put on one of her neck to ankle nightgowns.

"No, Beth. I never want to see you wearing that again. When you join me in bed you will be as naked as I." Beth seemed to be happy to join Matt.

"I shall never wear anything in your bed again, Husband."

"Your collar has been removed, you may call me Matt when that happens." She smiled as she cuddled next to him.

"Part of me always wanted to be naked for you, but I was always taught it was wrong."

"I can understand that. But here, in our private life, we set the rules, and I love to see you naked. You are a beautiful woman, Beth." She had snuggled into his arms, and he could feel her nodding her head against his chest.

"I like to see you naked as well, Matt. And I especially like to see this," she took hold of his cock, "When it is big and strong." Matt pushed back the covers.

"Then enjoy it all you will." Beth's eyes glittered as she did just that. Half an hour later, Beth raised her head, her lips and tongue slick with Matt's semen, but smiling. He pulled her to him and kissed her. She seemed shocked. "What is it?"

"You kissed me, and I hadn't had a chance to wash my mouth."

"Did you swallow any?"

"Yes. I wanted to."

"Well I wanted to kiss you and share the taste of my sperm." Beth pulled back slightly. It was obvious in her eyes that some of her parents teaching was coming back to trouble her. Then she smiled.

"Our rules." Matt nodded. Then out of the blue she asked.

"Will you want to take my back passage?"

"I may. But do you want me to." Beth thought for a while.

"I think I do. It would be a sign for me."

"A sign?"

"Yes. Take me there, and I belong to you completely. And I want to belong to you completely."

"I will. When the time is right. I will fuck your arse." Beth was shocked at his language, then grinned.

"Yes my Love. Our rules. Fuck my arse! Fuck the fucking arse off me. Bugger me stupid." She rolled the words around her mouth, exhilarated by the newfound freedom to use this language.

Two days later, Matt took Beth to a follow up consultation with Hendy. He spoke privately with Beth for twenty minutes then asked Matt in for a chat.

"Elizabeth is coming along well, and I detect signs that you have become the Master she needed."

"I am trying. But I do feel a fool at times. I am acting the part, not being the part." Hendy was nodding his head in agreement.

"Yes, I suspected that would be how it would strike you. But given time you will grow into it. But you must be doing something right, as Elizabeth appears to be very happy." He paused. "You did beat her?" Matt shrugged, ashamed and embarrassed.

"Yes. It seemed she wanted to be punished." Hendy smiled at his embarrassment.

"You will never hurt her as they did. It's alien to your nature isn't it, hitting a woman?" There was no need for an answer, Matt's troubled face was evident. "Don't view it as hitting a woman, it is a punishment that you have to give, and she needs. To a submissive punishment is another demonstration of caring and loving. If you didn't care you wouldn't bother. To Elizabeth your beating her is another expression of your love. For most people an odd way to show love, but for a submissive it is almost natural."

Now Matt faced a challenge. If Beth was happy in their relationship he had to do what Beth had asked him. He knew enough now to know that once having made the suggestion she would never ask for him to take her anus, she was submissive, her Master made the decisions. He prepared accordingly. The more he thought about it the more excited he became. The next Friday he left for work, leaving out the collar and a tube of lubricant. Beth would understand the significance. He was an hour late getting home, And worried for Beth, she could well have been kneeling in the position for over an hour now. He walked in and she was collared, kneeling, naked with her hands clasped behind her neck. Matt the loving husband would have apologised, but Matt the dominant could not. He said nothing, no apology and no compliment about how beautiful she was. The strap was laying on he table alongside the tube of lubricant, which now looked squeezed of half its contents. Matt stood in front of Beth and raised her face with his hand under her jaw.

"What does my wife want?"

"Whatever my husband wishes." Matt bent further and grabbed one of her breasts, flicking at the nipple with his thumb nail.

"Ahh." Beth responded to the stimulation.

"You may undress me." Beth rose from the position, her awkward movements and a wince told him that she had been kneeling like this for some time, and his heart felt for her. Beth took his clothes from his body, carefully folding them so to preserve the creases. When he was naked she came back and knelt again very close. She raised her hand and caressed Matt's penis.

"May I give my husband pleasure?" She requested docilely.

"You may."

Slowly Beth caressed and loved his penis, planting little kisses on the head but not taking him into her mouth. It didn't take long for Matt to rise to complete erection. Then and only then did Beth suckle his cock, loving licks and sucks to wet the head before taking him fully with stronger sucks. She bent her head back and took his cock ever deeper, and it was with some surprise that Matt realised that his cock was actually slipping into her throat. Beth's face was red and tears ran from her eyes. The loving Matt would have stopped her then, but the dominant Matt knew that he had to allow her to continue, no matter how uncomfortable it was for her. She carried on with her adoration tears now running freely down her cheeks, gasps dragging from her whenever she got the chance to breathe. Matt knew it was time to cease.

"Enough!" He helped her to her feet, then lead her over to the couch, picking up the lubricant as he did. He handed it to her.

"You pleased me. If you hadn't I would take you without lubrication. Grease me!"

"Yes husband." Beth squeezed lubricant onto her fingers, then rubbed her hands together. Taking Matt's penis in her hands she anointed him thoroughly. Then looked up.

"How do you want me husband." Matt hadn't thought about this but his face remained without expression. He pointed.

"Over the arm of the settee."

It had not been an easy coupling. Beth had used the lubricant in her anus yet was still very tight, and Matt was conscious that she suffered pain as he entered her, yet Beth accepted the pain and discomfort without complaint. After he eventually withdrew from her she laid still for quite a few minutes, obviously recovering from the discomfort. It was in Matt's mind never to do that again, but the dominant he had to become argued that Beth accepted the pain as part of their relationship. She reinforced that view when she thanked him for sodomising her.

"Thank you, Husband. Now every part of me is yours to take whenever it pleases you."

Before they retired to bed, Matt took the collar off, signifying the return to their other relationship. Beth cuddled her naked body against his.

"I love you so much, Matt."

"And I love you, Beth. I know what I did hurt you, I don't know if my love will allow me to inflict that pain on you again." Beth sat up in alarm.

"You must. There was pain at first, later it became quite pleasant. It will get better as you stretch me, and I believe that I may come to enjoy it. Any way, it wasn't just you, we did it together. Please Matt, don't say no."

"Ok." He grinned at her. "It took a lot of concentration to keep from cumming too quickly."

"Good!" replied Beth. "It makes me happy to think that my body can make my Master lose control."

Matt had received an invitation to a Dinner and Dance. It was a reunion of his old regiment. He was in two minds whether to go, but Beth persuaded him that they should go. Having accepted, Beth decided that she needed a dress for the occasion, and they went out to look for one. Beth begged Matt to be there so that he could approve of her choice. They chose a full length dress of deep Royal Blue. The neckline was a little more daring than Beth had ever worn before, but as she saw the sparkle in Matt's eyes her concerns disappeared. It didn't matter if her breasts were more exposed than ever before, as long as her husband enjoyed looking at them.

Matt, as a reserve officer would of course wear Mess dress. Very tight dark blue trousers; which he informed her were known as overalls; with a red stripe up the sides, and a red jacket, cut to the waist, with shawl lapels, on which miniatures of his medals were worn. He came to Beth just as she finished her make-up. He proffered a box. Inside was a collar of silver, studded with Diamantes and Garnets. She saw it as a slave collar, but it could be described as a choker necklace. She handed it back to Matt.

"Would you collar me, please my husband." Just as they were leaving, Beth touched the blue and white ribbon of the DSC on his lapel.

"I remember the first time I touched that ribbon. I knew that day that I wanted to be your wife, but I didn't realise how good it was going to be. Thank you Matt, for allowing me to share your life."

Beth had worried about the reception, she was uncomfortable in society. She stayed with Matt, at his side finding comfort in his strength. Whilst at first she only answered when spoken to, gradually she found the confidence to converse with other wives. They were sitting at table with four others when one of the officers wives, called Angela remarked on her choker.

"That is such a lovely Choker." Without thought Beth corrected her.

"It's not a Choker, it's my Slave Collar." The silence that remark brought was profound. Matt was smiling, giving Beth the strength to reply when Angela in astonishment repeated.

"Slave Collar?" Beth nodded.

"Yes. It signifies to me the bond between my husband and myself. A bond that cannot be broken." Matt was pleased with her answer. It explained without detail. Angela was not satisfied.

"But Slave?" Beth had no option but to go a little further.

"What else would you call a woman, who loves her husband so much, that she would do anything for him?" If Beth thought that would stop the questions she was wrong. But help came from an unlikely source, just as Angela was about to ask more, her husband, Major Stent interrupted.

"Angie. I think that Elizabeth has answered enough. You are getting personal now." He looked over to Matt, with approval in his eyes, he understood. Beth however was no longer afraid to speak. She looked to Matt first and received a slight nod of permission.

"Thank you Major Stent." She looked directly at Angela. "Matthew is my husband, my friend, lover and Master. I believe that a wife should obey her husband, I was brought up to believe that, and I practice my belief. My submission to him is not demeaning, it is empowering, because I know that my place by his side makes me the happiest of women, and that I am there for ever. Most of my work colleagues are unhappy in their marriage, cheating, being cheated on, divorcing, and having destructive relationships. I am not like that, I am loved and love in return. I wear this collar with pride, and with gratitude to my husband for putting it on me and for rescuing me from an evil. Few women are as happy and lucky as I."

The End, for some thankfully, for a few perhaps regretfully.

This has been a work of fiction. The characters are fictional the plot is fantasy. Criticism for style, content or story is welcome.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

OK, where can I get one of those collars?

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger5 months ago

Not normally me sort of thing but very engaging, well written and an enjoyable read, thank you.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman6 months ago

agree with Darkie10. Beth had no reason to expand on slave-master relationship. That is private and she talked/told without permission.

Darkie10Darkie108 months ago

You had me until the end. No need for Beth to talk so openly. About the master slave relationship. Who does that at a dance with people she doesn’t really know.

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