All Comments on 'Conversation Took a Left Turn Ch. 04'

by Omegaman56

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ugh, I'm torn. Good story but his wife is a skank. 12 dudes. But I knew they would reconcile going into this so I can't complain.

Just seems like Bobby brings way more to the table than she does now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like hip hop, rap, Kiss, and Guns n Roses, I'm black and live in Alabama. Don't play Fortnight

1 - Star

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yes, Mary was a hypocrite to the Nth degree. He is pursued by a woman who finally bags him under devious circumstances. In retaliation Mary goes off on him and has affairs with twelve different men, such a loving wife! Mary let her hurt feelings rule her intellect, she threw reason out the window and punished Bobby in the most vile manner any woman can throw at a man. Maybe he played the part of a grown child in other aspects of his life but she did know him before they got married...right? She may have had a right to be mad with him but it did not give her the right to emasculate him. So I greatly dislike Mary, especially as she continued her abuse of Bobby. She did so even after finding out the facts of all that happened and seeing the great advances Bobby made in his maturity and responsibility levels. Toss in his growing business acumen and financial management and it's plain to see that Mary really misread the tea leaves. Bobby should have dumped Mary ASAP!

This could have been a three part story easily. Highly suggest you find a proof reader, especially if you have issues with dyslexia. Lots of out of sync verbiage- TANSTAAFL

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I thought it was an outstanding story, that was ruined by your total lack of knowledge of the English language. You desperately need an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Male character growth. Female still the same self centered person.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

For an author that could care less about Mary, you sure seem to care a lot. Bobby already grew up. He didn't need a Mary. She made one stupid and gut wrenching decision after another. Why and how could he RAAC with such a creature?

Twelve men she fucked. That's a lot of revenge for one drunken mistake where the woman seduced and preyed on the man. His man-baby life does not equate to the pain of betrayal, apples to oranges. Btw, his income and involvement in the kid is more than making up for his shitty lifestyle before. THAT was his true punishment. The cheating on him over and over, and making him agree to an 'open relationship' that just SCREAMS weighed only against his one drunken stupid mistake.

Naaahhhh, you're a decent writer, but this story has more fantasy than a JRR Tolkein book. All she did was close her legs, after a lot of betrayal and humiliation piled on a stupid and trusting man. That was the low effort she put into fixing their relationship. And that's after having a dozen people yell sense at her. What a joke of a woman. She could have offered him some hall passes, or at least not made a big deal about hiring an escort to TRY TO PLEASE HER. What a jealous and insecure lil' shit she is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

He hired me as a maid to clean and do laundry. Paid for my college and not to mention all the kid's expenses. Bought me a new BMW.

May want to relook the first line...bud..what’s the hurry to finish a sentence without reading it through??

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

If Grammarly was okay with this, I'm cancelling my subscription. The story is great, but this is the first time I've ever seen POV changes in the middle of a sentence. That's Evel Knevel jumping-the-fountain at Caesars level face planting. And... once the reader, who is intrigued by the story gets accustomed to it, you can get past it quite easily.


On writing, it's a 1, but the story is a 5. So, heck, 6/5!!! How'd that happen? [scratching head]

KRD19254KRD19254over 2 years ago

Omega why did you continue to make Bobby such a simpleton? He was savvy enough to create a

$10M business(s) from scratch in about four years.


But the initial premise of the story is Mary was the CHEAT (now we know with +12 guys - she became the town bike). She is the one who declared an OPEN marriage. Then the ONE time Bobby gets piece - Mary holds it over him as her justification for a divorce? Mary lived to taunt Bobby and embarrass him - WHY?


This whole story has a BIG screw loose. Bobby should have just cut-bait and went after Ros. Mary is a lawyer I'd never hire not after willfully being the town slut. Plus what type of law firm would keep a slut in the office.


3*, hooyah, with lots of typo's in this final part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like it. It's different because it starts from a more interesting perspective, that the guy may be the innocent party but that doesn't make him worthy.

And then he's honest enough to realize that his lack of worth was the probable cause - and he goes and DOES something.

That's original, so thank you for your story.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 2 years ago

One star.,

Stopped reading the second chapter because you turned it into a fairy tale for dudes. All that was missing was college coeds becoming his sex slaves.

I have no idea how it ended. Just hope it did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Everything is so preposterous, it's a travesty.

Mary is a self-centered slut who has fucked a lot of guys. But only Bobby takes responsibility for his mistakes, gives her everything, tries to be a better person every day. She does practically nothing, she is even proud of her betrayals. Bobby sleeps with a prostitute just to be a better lover for Mary. This is an idiotic cuck story.



AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Dear Mr. Omegaman56, Please get an editor, and maybe take a remedial English class! Please? This story was obviously originally written in Third Person, where the "storyteller" refers to the protagonist as "him/he". When you converted it to First Person, where the storyteller refers to the protagonist as I/me, you only changed about half of the personal pronouns! Even "Bobby" learned that if you are going to do something, do it right! You should take a lesson from Bobby. It was hard for me to enjoy this whole story series because I was so frustrated with your lack of effort at "doing it right". Did you even read through it after you converted it? Sheeesh!

QBikkQBikkover 2 years ago

Hey, your story was entertaining. Over the top sometimes indeed, but it’s nice to read when people own up to their behavior and change. It was sometimes a bit too much, as the change was too radical, but nice though.

Mary’s character isn’t easy to get, i had many times the feeling that more description, more development of characters would have helped. Because once she’s remorseful, once vindicative, another time desperate…. Explaining in depth what she thought, wanted would’ve made the story better.

Last point to help, you are switching perspective inside a sentence, which make it hard to follow the story sometimes. (Ex: a sentence a bout bobby, you start with ‘I’ as if he speaks on first person basis, then switching to ‘He’, third person perspective 3 words afterwards.

It was in the end a good read, improving your plot, transitions between phases and characters development would help to make your stories thicker.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

F*cking 12 Menschen and still dictating the conditions? Pure garbage

BBeinhartBBeinhartover 2 years ago

“I took his middle finger from my left hand and placed it at the opening of her ass…..” Really? 😂😂😂😂

SikemSikemover 2 years ago

I still think that Bobby is too forgiving.

But you wrote the story well. When your readers are bitching about the decisions your character makes, it means you did a good job. Although as others have said, it could use proof-reading.

secretsalsecretsalover 2 years ago

The story took a left turn, more like. Guess that was always where it was going, but the main characters are such damp squibs, it's hard to enjoy it. Then again, if (as you said) you don't care about Mary, it explains why the story is so lopsided. When Mary says the new Bobby had become almost the perfect husband, that about sums it up. Slaves away at his job and his fitness, yet is a sniveling wreck around his wife, constantly afraid of her disapproval, even though she has her fair share of blame to carry. The original story was fun, this is just sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

JUST LIKE I TOLD YA, WONDEFUL STORY! Bobby did screw up though. He went and saved the slut from those 2 guys. If they'd have killed her, he could have married that escort or Ros, they both loved him. Mary was nothing but a slimy gold-digging whore and after those guys offed the whore, he could have found true love. Can you imagine a lesbo wanting to go straight, or an escort quitting the business to marry him? He was much better than the whore he had married...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just another cuck story, ok I get it he FUCKED UP and got drunk and fucked another woman ONE time. She couldnt handle it , so then divorce his cheating ass but to make yourself feel better by fucking 12 men and rubbing his nose in it makes you even worse than him. The fact that he didnt divorce you for that just makes him a CUCKOLD, sorry nobody is that beautiful and wonderful to put up with that crap. Sometimes I wish authors would try and write more realistic stories, Im not a writer by any means but I wish I was. I guess thats why I read stories because I cant write them.......

silentsoundsilentsoundover 2 years ago

If you cared about Bobby, which you did a good job of showing, why did you saddle him with such a fucking, remoresless tramp like Mary?

Even the original story tanked because Mary was such an irredeemable character and you didn't really make her more attractive.

You made me care about Bobby but you didn't show you cared by keeping him with a pretty serious abuser like Mary who would probably need some serious mental health help before entering any serious profession, much less being a lawyer.

Twelve men including Bobby's own fucking cousin and a coworker she still sees every day.

Bobby should have given Ros a chance because Mary was not worth it as written.

Maybe she would have pulled her head out of her ass if she actually lost him for a while.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Yeah, I started out liking this but nope. They’re both weirdos. You can’t take advice on writing properly. And then you give your readers the finger with your final note. Right back at ya, pal.

You got one thing right at the end: “why write it”

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Find an editor. Seriously.

Kilty11Kilty11over 2 years ago

When I first read the original, I thought it was a cleverly done story to show how Bobbys misfortunes were all his fault. He had Mary believing he had checked out of their marriage and she began acting accordingly When you posted that this was a RAAC story, I was skeptical, tons of baggage.

I was flipping through channels when an episode of “Cheaters” popped up. A guy found out that his wife, mother of his infant daughter, was cheating with an ex-boyfriend. During an emotional confrontation with cameras, he caught her in bed, almost naked, with the ex. Screaming, hollering, a little fist fighting (which the husband got the better of the scumbag ex), the wife admitted that she wasn’t sure which man fathered the baby. Hubby finally ushered the wife into a car and left the scene.

Follow up was that they got a DNA test and the hubby was the father and decided to stay with the wife and work it out. This was on national television.

Some commenters will say “in real life”. “IRL” this would never happen. Watch a few episodes of that show. Amazing what “real life” shows.

I thought it was good. The original was so far over the top that I thought it would be difficult making it a RAAC and still maintain the characters. Dont fold to commenters, you’re allowed to feel sorry for Mary if you choose too. Right or wrong, a lot of women would have reacted the same way she did under those circumstances. Well done.

I dont take away points for grammar or spelling, or misuse of words (faught instead of fault). I was able to figure out what you meant. If you could get a proofrieader, great , but I’ll keep reading your stories regardless.

SplitGeode66SplitGeode66over 2 years ago

Quit hiding your writing errors by saying Microsoft and Grammerly approve your writing. I don’t believe you. Wrong word choices, mixing first and third person in the same sentence, sentence fragments, misplaced commas, and switching POV from one paragraph to the next are signs you don't care about your readers. At a minimum, get a human proofreader.


You are hurting your readers and your scores.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fucking awful. Each chapter was worse than the previous one.


1 *

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Proof read! Quit switching from third to first person in the same sentence. Had potential but why would he think it fair that he has one person and she has twelve! What real human would put up with that?? only a cuck!

grogers7grogers7over 2 years ago

Proof that Microsoft Editor is not useful.

If you do not want someone to edit your work, at least set it aside for a week or two, then study it.

There is a good story buried there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I gave 5 stars becaus I enjoyed the story. There is one big suggestion for your future stories. PLEASE have them proof read and then you take the time to fully read it. The mistakes with words are bad, like fought for fraught and there were sooooo many more. It really cuts down on the enjoyment. You're obviously creative and capable of writing interesting stories. Please read your stories before submitting them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What a self loving bitch another self rightous female who thinks she can do what she likes. A both blind and ungrateful slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Enjoyed every part. They were all 5 star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You were right. it was one messed up story. But it was interesting and not a repeat of the others in this category. Thanks for your time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Contrary to the trolls, I truly enjoyed your story. I really like how you showed Bobby's growth from an immature man to a man who had confidence in himself in most areas. I also like the ending of this story. Dutch kicking his butt and Bobby listening. I did like Mary. How you crafted her growth too, was well developed. Love does take a left turn in many marriages. This marriage took the proper turn. I wish more stories could show your insight.

Now to the mechanics. I'm an editor. You need to only use the first person when you present Bobby. When you flip to third person, it disrupts your flow of ideas. For example - Bobby moaned as she squeezed him - should be - I moaned as she squeezed me. And - Knock. Knock. "Come in," yelled Bobby. - should be - Knock. Knock. "Come in!" I yelled.

If you are unsure of a story part, read out loud those parts that don't look right. This is not a criticism of your writing, rather, some hints to help your writing be better. Again, I really liked your story line and I know you will get better as you continue to write. K

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Reading this story was a little difficult due to the grammatical errors. Going back and forth trying to decipher what you are trying to say makes for a poorly flowing story, get an editor to help solve this in the future. 1 star only due to grammatical and spelling errors.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Your ending lacks clarity. First, if Mary does not know why he is leaving with books under his arm, then they are still obviously not communicating with each other as they should. Second, Mary is a vital part of your story and should definitely be a concern of the author. I was wondering why she was painted as a vindictive slut then magically is forgiven for having 12 lovers and almost getting your Bobby killed. RAAC's are fine when regret and remorse are shown by both characters. Bobby was both regretful and remorseful but due to your indifference to Mary, she was neither and the reunion was just not believable. Sorry!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

This chapter was 4*, mostly because of editing problems and places where it took two reads to figure out who was talking. That said, I'm giving it 5* as it is the ending to a great series. Don't get too wound up by commenters that missed the point of the story. The original was just the foundation to build the story of Bobby's self discovery and rebirth. As with several of your stoires, there's a lot we can take away and apply to our real world situations. 5*

patilliepatillieover 2 years ago

This started downhill on Chapt 3, and went al the way to the bottom here. Just grew tired of the back and forth, lack of communication, over the top drama, not a good ending for what was a promising tale.

perrymichaelsperrymichaelsover 2 years ago

If the editors and grammerly gave you a 100/99 I now fully understand why my only submission was turned down with the admonishment to "find an editor". Jumping between 1st,2nd,and 3rd person narrative all in the same sentence, REPEATEDLY, destroyed this story 2 stars for effort.

StoneyWebbStoneyWebbover 2 years ago

The first three parts were pretty descent, but this last one seemed hurried, and I truly did't understand how things ended. Also, the grammar, spelling, and changes in tense made this part very hard to read. I would strongly urge you to re-edit all four parts. I think you can make a much stronger and compelling story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

If you’re so damned fond of Bobby, why did you have him remarry this bitch?

ju8streadingju8streadingover 2 years ago

parts were a bit hard to follow

you kept bouncing between he and i when talking about bobbie

gnal61gnal61over 2 years ago

Awesome story, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

“I could care less about Mary” ok, how much less could you care? The phrase is, “ I COULD’NT care less about Mary.”

Desperately need an editor. Constantly mixing up pronouns.

Storyline was interesting but difficult to follow. Glad you finally finished it. The RAAC ending fits for the brain dead couple.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
One of the best stories resently published in LW stories

This series of yours makes up one of the best stories of the resent stories posted.

Five stars from me.

While I really enjoy the BTB (both sexes) stories, this RAAC is a fresh turn on the subject of these LW stories. The counseling for taking a life is very close to the mind set that creates PTSD for those who have seen combat in the resent wars and was a touch few would ever think about. The mindset for harden criminals and combat veterans who have killed over and over is one of so what just move forward.

Your writing took a realistic view of the emotional turmoil one might have killing a person even in defense of a loved one. Definitely an unexpected subject for a story of this type. Good job adding it.

The whole series was a good story line to change up what we all expected. I hope to see more writers use the twist to keep their stories interesting. I think the twist are making this one seem more real to life.

Thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story. Hiwever, it beccines difficult to read when you keep switching from first petson to third person references

mindmeld31mindmeld31over 2 years ago

Good God, the grammar!!! PLEASE use an editor. If the reader has to take the time out of the story to try and understand the sentence, it takes A LOT away from the story. Not taking the time to reach out and find an editor is simply malpractice. On its own, it's a decent story, but you aren't going to get scores that reflect the quality of the story until you fix the grammar issues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It is awkward to keep changing from first person to third person, sometimes in the same sentence.

VinastodaVinastodaover 2 years ago

I love the story. Redemption can be found in many ways. But I give one point of friendly advice an editor would be a benefit. I'll look forward to your other works.

hindsight2020hindsight2020over 2 years ago


Obviously the poor command of rules of writing undermined an otherwise excellent story. Things like changing the narrator mid paragraph, cause huge problems in following and, more importantly, enjoying the tale.

Fortunately, Emirates Air has great movie options. I watched three movies as breaks from sloughing my way through this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Look, the reconciliation idea is fine and well executed from "Bobby's" side, but you've written "Mary" as too much of a cunt. You should have written her a bit more sympathetically. As it is, it would have been better plotting and character development to have "Bobby" realize that he's changed, but that she has become a useless bitch and divorce her. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"Authors Note. To all the commentors out there. I could care less about Mary." Then why write it? "The story was about Bobby" So Bobby suffers through four chapters is what it is about? Yes he grew but he grew for a woman he loved but she tortures him. So yes it is about Mary and the author must care since she is his device to write about the main character.

rnebularrnebularover 2 years ago

Again the use of third and first person so often was terrible to read, but otherwise the ending was good. It took determination but I got through to the end. I wish this author would get some help with their writing, the tales would be so much better off. Anyhow thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ridiculous to write an extended story that was neither original OR interesting. Drivel

pepepilotpepepilotover 2 years ago

The story is well written, well thought out, an enjoyable read, and what's important to me, it's very believable. I get tired of everyone trying to burn each other or just willingly taking the offending party back for no real reason. Thank you for the immense amount of time that I know you had to put in to write this story.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 2 years ago


I don't think that having it as an RAAC story to be that bad, just you had the wrong person going for the RAAC.

You say the story was never about Mary, but yes it was, the whole damn story was about her.

Even when she decided to try and reconnect she had to show her dominance.

You tried to take a story that was written as a tongue in cheek one and make it better, yes you achieved that. The bitch in Tincoll's story should have been fried, but then again neither character was worth a shit in it.

Your last sentence says it all about the way you felt about the feedback.

mattenwmattenwover 2 years ago

What a poor story. How can an author portray their protagonist as a complete idiot and then believe that the story will delight them? Can you explain to me just a little bit why, after he's become a good man, Bobby still wants that whore? She cheated no matter what! So why should he become a cuckold?

Rocky62Rocky62over 2 years ago

Kinda dumb for a lawyer to think more dating was a good idea to motivate a well and proven reformed hubby. But …. Degrees do not equal common sense or wisdom.

muskyboymuskyboyover 2 years ago

Nope, just no. For a RAAC to work the goal (Mary) has to be worthy. 12 guys and a date to make him jealous? You have deliberately made her unworthy of his efforts. She never, in 5 chapters, even apologized to him! As an afterword you tell us the story was never about her? That is just ridiculous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Read the last chapter to see if the rest of the story is worth reading.

The grammar and mechanics were deplorable. Author, please take this to heart: GET AN EDITOR!!! (Or at least get a few friends who can give constructive feedback to review the story).

Didn't really like the ending, but it's a story the author wanted. It did save me from reading the first three parts.

Joeyiluv69Joeyiluv69over 2 years ago

Mary's carte blanche attitude about taking her 50 lbs of flesh makes this story distateful amd the RAAC unlikely. Also it seems like Bobby is caught in his own negative feed back loop and wont forgive himself for past transgressions. Turning himself into a door mat. Hard to reconcile the duality of him being this go getter business man badass dad/ provider and staying in shape to the spineless taken advantaged chump husband. Dutch never would counsouled Bobby to let himself be abused by her like that. Huge inconsistencies in character for everyone except Mary.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hhmmhmm,Strange, very strange. LP

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Read (sorry, struggled through) the first three chapters but this was one too many.

Badly written, utter fucking drivel.

You obviously couldn't care less about editing your story, and apparently just chose to post what you had written.

I'm beginning to think you're Magaman! (but without the right wing politics!)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry, I meant Marlboro Man

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Drugged and raped once against years of cheating

And she is the one being graceful by staying with him? They should be divorced. After knowing he was drugged and raped, after all she did, after being told ad nauseam by everyone that she was the guilty part on all this She still says he can't hurt her again, meaning if you are drugged and raped I will take you to the cleaners, oh by the way thank you for almost dying trying to save me when I was drugged and raped.

Where is the femdom and female abuser tag?

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Finally finished a really good story. It was Bobby’s story and he came through everything working against him to get his happy ending. I didn’t like Mary. She took her revenge cheating much too far. I’m not certain she ever earned her reconciliation, but you and Bobby thought that she did, and that was the story.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionover 2 years ago

I liked the idea behind the story, but your grammar checker is broken! You really need a proofreader and editor. The flow of your story line seems to jump back and forth making it even harder to understand. Check with your local collage or adult education complex to see if they offer writing classes.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

At no point was this very good, it was too drawn out, factually quite boring and borne out of a story that was a ridiculous joke story.

This is the exact type of story that doesnt need to, nor should, exist. Not one character in this was any better than the idiots in the original.

BSreaderBSreaderover 2 years ago
I enjoyed

Except for some of spelling and who was speaking type of problem you need an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can't help thinking the errors were purposeful trolling. No way someone could type some of these "sentences" and not notice the errors.

Another ☆☆

Done with this story and done with this author.

I'll see myself out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really a good story, could be a high 4 star story. But you really need to proof read your story or get an editor. There are many word issues that take away from flow of the story. Lot of places to go from this story. So, many characters that can be expanded upon. But if the grammar is like this one they will suffer.

KittyCampbellKittyCampbellover 2 years ago

Please learn the conventions for "quotes" in stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I read them all and I am still left wondering - Why?

Why does he want her back? She slutted around far more then he did so they are never "even". She kept dating and putting him off yet he still chased? She said he can move in but she will still date. All of that and he still wanted her back.

Why did she want him? He is the new "almost perfect husband" yet he didn't act like he wanted her. She loves him and wants him yet she still dates.

Why don't they talk? He can express himself and she can explain herself. But no, she dates, he doesn't, he gets escorts, she has him watched....

Just a waste of their lives, really.

teedeedubteedeedubover 2 years ago

Have you gotten the message yet?

ribnitinribnitinover 2 years ago

"I got down on his knees "

That's a pretty good trick. There are lots like it in this series.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 2 years ago

Nice! A rare feel-good series. Thank you, Omegaman56.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

My advice to Bob...GROW A SET!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As much as I liked the story line and the plot I was disappointed by the incredibly poor grammar. To me it displays a laziness in the extreme (due to the magnitude of errors in sheer numbers): I can only surmise that the author didn't even go back and read his own work. Or, if he did, he didn't catch on to the huge numbers of errors. Really? And he claims that he uses an editor. Really? At times it was almost unreadable, yet I read all chapters to the conclusion. I can accept of few errors here and there, but these pieces are beyond that possibility. I truly wish that the author had done a better job, especially because I really liked the overall skill of the writer. I do have a question that touches on this though: do/did this author(s) use a software that translate(s) their voice into written text?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It was OK, a decent effort. Not sure what your goals are, but you have a lot of talent but also a lot of work to do. I hope you keep trying. I also hope someone writes a sequel.

Men age like wine, but women age like cheese. This vengeful jealous bitch will start to get restless as her cheese begins to get smelly and moldy, then she'll be wanting some boy toy cock just to reassure herself. And as she knows she's got Bobby by the Balls why should she deny herself some pleasure on the side? Bobby would be happy that she is happy, right? It could be glorious. I hope it will be.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

*1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY HATE RAAC's!!!! Bobby was "raped" by a woman that had sworn her hatred for Mary & all of the cheerleaders in high school. So Mary decided to take her hatred out on Bobby, knowing that Bobby had no mean bone in his body and would never fuck another woman if not drunk (RAPED!!!!). You painted Bobby so stupid about women. Mary & her friends KNEW Bobby was inept around women!!!!!!! Yet she was so stupid (I guess NOT all lawyers are smart!) that she did everything she could to humiliate and castrate him!!!!!!!! NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!! Without the actual sex, DUTCH should have counseled Bobby better about women and have him go out and find a woman that could love him as he was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Was it perfect, no but I was entertained, and it’s always fun to see the BTB crowd get all pissed off. You must have done something right to get 84 comments in two days thanks for the effort. KS

potsanpanspotsanpansover 2 years ago

I liked the story but your writing sucks. You have the frustrating habit of mixing 1st and 3rd person, sometimes in the same sentence. Cut it out! You also drop words that the reader has to figure out what you meant, and you sometimes use the wrong word that sounds similar. It is 'fault' not 'fought'. Jeez. Get a new editor.

bereznikbereznikover 2 years ago

I like the main thrust of the story about Bobby getting himself together and doing well for himself and his family. However, there are far to many errors in the dialogue and quite a few of the sentences and paragraphs do not make sense with the wrong use of "I/He/She". Whilst the story is good it needs a rewrite to correct the many errors to make it more readable.

ibbunkibbunkover 2 years ago

He deserved better.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartover 2 years ago

4 all the way through. A good story but with some extreme problems most derived from the original quite bad story. Mary seemed far less horrible in this version, completely unrepentant in the original. Of course to make a reconciliation ending that was necessary but still, was odd. Bobby being so clueless was an interesting angle but really leads to the horrific realization that Bobby essentially was raped and the fact Mary should have known that between him not knowing how to read women, getting drunk, and the person who slept with him having revenge in mind. Overall the story was good, I'm not sure I'd even call this RAAC as the reconciliation didn't feel forced, it didn't feel like either Bobby or Mary didn't deserve it and that one side was being shat on in the process. Other then that some occasional hiccups with regards to viewpoint with some "I" and "he" being used in the same sentence.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is a great story. Do not allow the assholes to tell you different. LP

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 2 years ago

Fantastic story. However I found a few extra words in places that makes the reader stop and reread. Proofreader needs to clean his glasses.

Thanks for your writing.

WetheNorthWetheNorthalmost 2 years ago
quote Microsoft editor said it was 100% correct and Grammarly 99% unquote

If that statement is true I would never buy either product because they never helped you.

A competent High School student could proof read these 4 chapters in an afternoon and fix all of the major problems. Your poor writing skill is a bad indictment of the American education system.

These four chapters are only just readable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Grammar was rather poor.

The story wasn't all too great either. This really shouldn't have been a RAAC. He deserved much better than the whore.

I also wasn't really a fan of the superman/superdad transformation. It was just too artificial and too fast. Might have worked if you actually showed it, but you didn't. The added church part especially was way too over-the-top. Also, how the fuck can he hire one of the men that fucked his wife? That's just too unbelievable. I seriously hope he also threw his mother out of his life.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69almost 2 years ago

I really liked it so thank you for your tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"I got down on his knees", just one example of the frequent switches of point of view! Terrible spelling, grammar and writng.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I did not finish the story there were just too many errors.

NitpicNitpicover 1 year ago

Wrong ending,he should have divorced the slut.How did Mary's company help Bobby as she said?. Once again story riddled with spelling mistakes.

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

Does this clown not understand first vs third person? What the hell kind of English is this. Never saw so many mixed up wrong pronouns in one place.

Moral of the story, men need to be o their best game for decades or wifey will simply spread and walk. It is totally ok for women to have many lovers after they are married, just do not try it yourself.

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

When ic69 hunter loser likes it then you know it iso a piece of shite….the guy that fucks soldiers wives while they serve their country.

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