Corrupted Desire Ch. 02


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"I'm...I'm sorry, Sir." Daisy murmured dejectedly. "That was a stupid assumption, Sir."

"Yes, it was." Alex stated. "Now, why the fuck are you still here?"

"Sorry Sir." Daisy's face was inventing an entirely new shade of red as she grabbed her bag and quickly left the house. She didn't know what she was expecting. That if he saw her pussy, he'd want to fuck her? Maybe that would have worked if she were Jasmine but that clearly wasn't the case for her. Daisy tried to fight back her embarrassed tears as she headed towards the construction site. She didn't even care anymore. Nothing she did would make any difference to him. She wasn't even his toy to be fucked, she was his toy to be tortured, so at least someone should get a benefit out of it. Besides, it was on Alex's orders that good ol' Pepper Beard was supposed to have a good time, so she needed to do that regardless. Though she found herself thinking in the exact opposite vain of the last time she came this way. Before, she was hoping that she'd miss him so that she didn't have to carry out the order, but this time she was worried about that exact same outcome. This time it wasn't set to a condition. She had to find him and if he weren't in his usual area, how was she supposed to do that?

To Daisy's relief, she saw her bearded 'friend' sitting by himself again, eating a sandwich. Like every time she'd seen him before, he seemed to be people watching. The tiny shreds of an ego that Daisy still had made her think that he was looking for her. Not all that surprisingly, when she caught his eye, there was a noticeable reaction. Well, at least he remembered her. Though she had to assume there weren't many college aged girls that flashed their pussies at him. Despite not caring before, those butterflies made themselves known as she squeaked out a greeting and smiled at him. "H...hi."

To her surprise, he seemed to blush as well. "Hi to you too." He looked around quickly before he continued. "You...wearing underwear this time?" As if the world were just determined to throw Daisy off today, when she shook her head at the question, he seemed to frown in response. " old are you?"

"I'm nineteen." Daisy sighed. Part of her wished that whatever changes Alex was making to her body would make her look older because this did have a habit of getting on her nerves. She could already see the doubt in his mind and with a roll of her eyes, she reached in her bag and pulled out her ID, expertly covering her address with her finger and showing it to him.

"You've had to do this before." He said with a chuckle as he did the math in his head.

"You have no idea..." Daisy mumbled, taking his statement to mean that he believed her and put her ID back.

"Daisy...that's a pretty name." He replied with a smile.

"Thank you." Daisy replied, fidgeting slightly. "What's yours?"

"Jerry." He said, smiling wider.

Daisy wasn't actually one for older guys, but she had to admit the smile was pretty charming. She glanced over to his half-eaten sandwich. " long are you going to be on break for?"

"About twenty minutes..." Jerry replied suspiciously. "Why?"

That wasn't exactly a long time, so she needed to be direct about this. "Well...I was hoping to suck your dick."

To be fair, as much as Jerry tried to hide his surprise, his expression to that statement was still priceless. "Um...Sweety...I'm flattered. I...really am, but I'm at work. And...for fuck's sake, I have a daughter your age."

Daisy took note of his wedding ring and how that didn't even come up as an argument. "Want me to call you Daddy, then?" She replied with a smirk. And boy did that get a reaction. "Ooo, you dirty man. You like that, don't you Daddy?"

"Heh heh..." Jerry laughed awkwardly, once again looking around. " a trap..."

"No. It's not. I'm just a slut." Daisy growled, impatiently. "Does Daddy want his dick in my mouth or not?" To drive home how much she was not kidding, Daisy walked forward and squeezed the growing bulge over his jeans, even though he quickly moved her hand away. She wasn't going to lie. There was a surge of excitement going through her. It was very...refreshing to try and have sex with someone who was actually attracted to her. And despite Jerry's protests, he clearly wanted it. "Come on, Daddy. I just want to taste it a little bit."

"Oooh my God..." Jerry groaned, massaging his temples as he closed his eyes. "This is crazy..."

Daisy could see that she might have been doing her job too well. While he wanted what she was offering, it was clearly a 'too good to be true' situation and he was slowly leaning towards the cautious side. She was about to fail. A myriad of punishments that Alex would give her went through her mind, though she tried not to let the fear show on her face. Instead, she let out an exasperated sigh and stepped back, giving him some space. "Fine. Be that way. If you don't want to play..." Daisy quickly looked around to see that while there were a few people within viewing distance, none of them seemed to be paying the two of them any attention. With that window of opportunity open, she lifted the front of her skirt once again, giving Jerry another show of her usually most private of areas, before running a finger up her slit and slowly pulling it away. A small string of her juices stretched between her finger and her pussy, allowing him to see how wet she was, before she put her finger in her mouth and let her skirt fall again. "...then I'll just go home."

"Okay! Okay!" Jerry seemed to panic as he looked around again, this time not only at any bystanders but back to the site. "Oh.... fuck it! Follow me!" He left his food where it was, clearly not caring about it anymore and led her into the construction site.

This felt wrong on so many levels, and Daisy could see that Jerry was feeling the same way. Who knows what anyone would think with a man pulling along a girl half his age? Especially a girl not wearing any panties under her skirt. She couldn't help but to giggle at the ridiculous absurdity of it all. Her life had become one crazy thing after another. She could either laugh it off or cry. She chose the former.

"Sh!" Jerry shushed her, looking around suspiciously as he led her into a small trailer, not all that far off from the sidewalk.

"Is this your office?" Daisy asked, looking around at the desk and important looking papers but immediately knowing the answer when she saw how uncomfortable Jerry was in taking her here.

"No. It's my boss's. He's out for lunch..."

"Guess I should make this quick then huh, Daddy?" Daisy slid to her knees and quickly unbuckled Jerry's pants, pulling them and his boxers down to his ankles and freeing his dick, which was already rock hard. "Mmmm...Daddy's got a nice, fat dick for me..." She moaned, immediately downing the whole thing in her throat with the first thrust of her head, not even bothering to use her hands. And to be fair, it was pretty big, but her definition of the word was officially skewed thanks to the monster between Alex's legs. Taking this one down her throat was easy compared to that.

"Holy shit...!" Jerry tried to bite back his moans as he watched his cock disappear over and over down Daisy's hungry throat. "You...are very good at this..."

"Thank you, Daddy!" Daisy squealed, using her tongue more now that she'd shown off. She bobbed and twisted her head with each thrust, trying not to make too much of a mess with her drool by slurping when necessary. Jerry was reacting so much more than Alex had, and it was exciting her even if Jerry's dick didn't exactly have the same 'magic touch' as Alex's. She tried to wipe Alex from her mind and focus on getting Jerry off as quickly as possible. Using the drool that inevitably dripped from her lips as she deepthroated him, Daisy used her free hand and massaged his balls.

With every thrust of Daisy's head, she could feel Jerry's own hips thrusting right back at her. Gradually they did so with more and more force until she released his cock with a loud pop from her lips and grinned widely up at him. "Wanna fuck my face, Daddy? Go ahead, you dirty man. Fuck it. Fuck it until you cum down my whorish throat."

Jerry seemed to need no more encouragement, almost seeming to go wild with lust as he began frantically thrusting his cock down her throat. Daisy wasn't going to lie and say that she wasn't using this as more practice either. Sure, Jasmine choking her had definitely helped, but it wasn't the same as having a cock shoved down her throat with reckless abandon. Daisy welcomed every inch of his throbbing cock, swirling her tongue on his balls when she could and doing her best not to breath the entire time. It was still such a weird sensation. Her body still wanted to do it, but she was becoming more comfortable with the fact that it didn't need to do it. Jerry didn't seem to notice in the slightest as he sought out his orgasm. When Daisy looked up at him, he was looking right back down at her, his eyes wild and primal before he began to shudder.

Daisy met his thrusts with a renewed vigor as she was pretty sure that she wanted him to cum more than he did. It meant that she'd accomplished her order, something that was clearly becoming more and more important to her as the days went on. She just had to stick the landing. Jerry bit back a loud groan as she grabbed his ass and held herself with his cock balls deep in her throat as it shot load after load directly into her belly. His grip on her hair loosened as he came down from the massive orgasm, slowly sliding her mouth from his dick before she found herself grinning up at him again. "That was a big load, Daddy."

"Holy shit... That was..." Was all Jerry could say as he tried to catch his breath. His eyes then seemed to bulge as he looked down.

Daisy followed his gaze to see that her inner thighs were literally glistening with her arousal. In fact, there was a very small puddle on the floor in dedication to it. She'd done a good job in keeping the drool and cum from spilling but her own juices...not as much. "Oh shit, I'm sorry." She quickly apologized.

"It's okay. I' up. You go on ahead." He mumbled, looking around for something to clean with as he pulled his pants up.

Daisy was tempted to offer to help, but she realized she'd probably be more of a hassle than anything in more ways than one. There were no words for how much she wanted an orgasm. Just causing them was frustratingly beginning to almost get her off now. "Thank you, Daddy."

Jerry let out a little laugh as he took some of the tissues on the desk and went to work, before a serious look came across his face. " really...need to-... You should wear underwear when you're dressed like that. I's going to sound hypocritical coming from me, but-"

"You're very sweet, Daddy." Daisy interrupted, heading to the door after she picked up her things. "Was I a good slut?"

There was clearly concern on his face and Daisy found herself reminded that he apparently had a daughter her age, which probably explained it. But after letting out a sigh, he answered, "Yeah... Fuck yeah..."

Daisy flashed Jerry a grin as she peeked out the door to make sure that no one could see her and then she quickly made her way out of the construction site and back to the dorm for a much-needed shower.


Lunch had become so difficult for Daisy. Well, to be honest, school itself was difficult, overall. It was like the parts of her life that didn't involve Alex meant less and less to her. If it wasn't for Jasmine knowing about the whole situation and the fact that Alex went to the same University, there was a part of her that wondered if she could be bothered with any of it.

"Oh! That reminds me. Daisy!" Jessica called out at the lunch table, drawing Daisy's attention from half listening to how everyone thought that they did on midterms and what they'd be doing during the break.

"Yeah, Jess?" Daisy answered, trying not to react to the mention of the break. She hadn't the slightest clue what that meant for her time with or without Alex and that was distracting her as much as anything else.

"Did you talk to my dad, yesterday?" She asked, her voice laced with both confusion and accusation.

Because of the restraint that she constantly had to have with Alex, Daisy was able to not react to the question. Jasmine didn't do quite as well, her eyes bulging in surprise after hearing the whole story last night, though she quickly recovered as Daisy answered, "I don't know. I've never met your dad before."

"He works construction." Jessica replied. "He was so weird yesterday. He asked me if I knew a girl at my school named Daisy and gave a...worryingly accurate description of you..."

"Daisy...did you fuck Jessica's dad?" Maria accused with a grin.

"No." Daisy smirked right back. "I just sucked his dick."

There was an awkward pause before Jasmine started laughing and then everyone except for Jessica quickly joined in more than happy to be part of the joke. "What?" Daisy chuckled. "That's clearly what you wanted me to say."

"Is her dad cute?" Maria asked, mockingly intrigued.

"If you're into older guys." Daisy replied. "He's kinda got a rugged thing going on, I guess. If he's who I think he is."

"I'm into older guys." Jasmine added. "Wanna hook a girl up, Jess?"

"Fuck you." Jessica glared at Jasmine, before turning to Daisy. "Fuck you. Fuck all of you."

"Calm your tits. I dropped my ID. He got it for me, and we talked a bit." Daisy started after the laughter began to die down. "He said he had a daughter my age, but I didn't ask him any more because I thought it was weird that he was still talking to me." The thing about going out of your way to be the popular bitchy girls is you have to know how to act the part. That means lying. It was something that through the years Daisy had gotten quite good at.

"He wanted that dick in you, that's what it is." Maria chimed in on the story, a lion with eyes on a gazelle. "What's wrong, Jess? Is your mom leaving him unfulfilled?"

"Oh, fuck you too!" Jessica crossed her arms in a pout as the laughter started up again. Meanwhile Jasmine gave Daisy a 'that was close' expression and all Daisy could do was look over to Alex's table, where he glanced right back at her and chuckled before turning back to his lunch.


"That was really fucked up, Sir." Daisy sighed, placing her bag down in it's usual place by the door as she looked over to Alex in his usual recliner.

"Hilarious." Alex responded a smirk forming while he was looking over his book. "The word you're looking for is hilarious."

Daisy shook her head incredulously before sighing again defeatedly. What did she expect after all? "How did you even set that up?"

"Honestly? The universe set up all the dominoes. All I had to do was push the first one over and enjoy the show." Alex smirked. "And no. I'm not going to have you fuck all of your friends' dads. It won't be as funny in repetition. Though, if I get bored enough it's a tempting possibility."

"I'm pleased I entertained you then, Sir." Daisy replied, accepting her role as one of the dominoes and finding herself oddly used to him answering questions that she didn't ask out loud. "How may I entertain you today?"

"Heh. What do you want to do?" Alex asked, turning his attention back to his book.

"I want to make you cum, Sir. I...want to show you that I can be a better slut for you." Daisy offered cautiously. She had planned for it to come out very assertive but there was just something about talking to Alex now that just, literally took her breath away. She found it very hard to put what she wanted to say into words that didn't make her come across like an idiot. Not that it mattered. Alex probably thought she was an idiot anyway.

"Everyone is an idiot to me." Alex sighed, turning a page. "But yes, you are especially dumb. Fine dummy. Try not to bore me this time."

While there was a part of Daisy that knew that she wasn't dumb, a larger part of her didn't care. He said she was a slut, so she was a slut. He said she was dumb, so she was dumb. It was just the way of things. But more than anything else, she'd have a chance to suck his dick again. "Thank you, Sir."

"Whatever. Make it quick." Alex grumbled.

"Yes Sir." Daisy answered, quickly putting her hair into a ponytail before practically bouncing and skipping over to Alex and undoing his pants, a sense of fear merging with her excitement. How many times had she gotten this far just have it taken away? She was beginning to associate this feeling of fearful horniness with being with Alex in every sense.

But all of that was momentarily pushed to the side as Daisy felt Alex's cock in her hands again. A happy sigh escaped her lips. There just wasn't a word for how it felt. She'd heard the term cock worship before and always thought it was just something guys made up so girls would be in love with their dicks, but she truly did appreciate every moment she was allowed to touch and taste it without irony or motive. As ridiculous as it sounded when she tried to put it into words for Jasmine, his cock was every bit the "godlike being" on its own as Alex was.

Taking a deep breath, Daisy prepared herself for it and opening wide, she took the head in her mouth. The pleasure she was already feeling surged as it always did, prompting a loud moan from her lips as Daisy slid herself down on it. Now it was game time. Relaxing her throat, she forced her head further and further, trying to ignore the pleasurable sensation increasing as more of his dick was in her.

It was the pleasure aspect of it that fucked her up before, along with the fact that she'd never deepthroated anyone much lest the beast currently in her mouth. It felt so good that her body instinctively tensed and just wouldn't take anymore. Faster than Daisy had realized, she was at her previous limit last time, her eyes widening at just how much cock she still had to go. But she kept pushing through. It was such an odd muscle to use, but she had to relax her throat while simultaneously using quite a bit of force to get Alex's cock where it needed to go.

But she'd been practicing, even after her "alone time" with Jessica's dad. Daisy hated feeling like she failed, and she refused to let that stand. She was prepared for everything except the grunt that she heard when she could finally feel his balls on her bottom lip. Not only was she happy that she'd done it, but Alex had given her an acknowledgement of it. That grunt wasn't from pain or indifference.

Another surge of pleasure went through Daisy unrelated to the usual sensation she felt touching him. It was at that moment that she truly realized that Alex never reacted to anything she sexually did to him. He just kept reading or whatever he was doing. Maybe he moaned when he came after fucking her face, but she was pretty gone by the time that happened and had no clue what was going on. This time, she made him moan and she heard it!

That gave her all the confidence that she needed as she remembered the animalistic way that Alex had his way with her throat. As good as it was that she was able to deepthroat him entirely, all that did was get him wet for what came next. She wanted him to moan for her again. And he'd ordered her to make it quick, so she only had one choice.

Reaching out for the armrests of the seat, Daisy got some much-needed leverage and then did her best to mimic the way that Alex had fucked her. It was really hard to remember not to breathe, but not doing so infinitely helped her gag reflex as she pounded hard, shoving Alex's mammoth dick down her throat over and over, building up an erratic pace. Her eyes were too watery to see Alex, but she really wanted to think that he wasn't reading anymore. That he was just staring at his slut as she fucked her throat with his cock.