Corrupted Desire Ch. 02


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That mental image and scattered moans that she heard from him were enough for her to ignore what this was doing to her own body. Like last time, it was an overload of sensations, even more intense because she was the one doing it. The intensity of it all was driving her to an orgasm that she still couldn't have, but even that she had to push to the side and just focus on his cock. When his hips moved against her, she changed her pace to match his and continued to do so until she felt Alex's hands gripping her hair.

Alex yanked hard causing Daisy to gasp, or at least whatever she'd call a gasp with inches of dick down her throat. But as weird as that felt, it was nothing compared to when his grip finally made her mouth release his cock and after pumping it no more than two times with his hand, she felt his cum spraying over her face.

This time Daisy was aware enough to hear his groans as he came, and between that, the humiliation of the action and how good it actually felt, her body had never tried to cum as hard as it currently was. Daisy gasped and whimpered as she could feel the cum dripping down her face like multiple tendrils of ecstasy that shot straight to her needy pussy. This wasn't helped as Alex kept his tight grip on her hair, and she felt the weight of his cock slapping her repeatedly on the cheek with enough force that she was recoiling with the blows somewhat.

Daisy must have looked in both awe and totally pathetic because even through her blurred vision she could see his wide smile. And he never smiled that widely at her unless she were in pain or utterly humiliated. "You're dripping." Alex grumbled, pushing Daisy off him and onto the floor.

As Daisy hit the floor, she almost crumpled into fetal position, shaking uncontrollably. "Sir, please! PLEASE! Oh God, please!" She felt like if she weren't allowed to cum, she'd literally explode. It wasn't just frustrating or even painful. Even the word intense just couldn't do it justice. "Please Sir...please...please..."

She could feel him watching her as she begged. She knew he was enjoying her agony so much more than the blowjob and was terrified that he was just going to kick her out again, desperate to orgasm with a face covered in cum.

"It did cross my mind." Alex mused, grinning wickedly. "Fine. That job wasn't horrible. Cum then, slut. Don't say I never gave you anything."

"OH MY GOD!" Daisy shrieked as her body seized up in pleasure as a much-desired orgasm tore through her petite form. Her head shot up to Alex, who continued to grin at her. This was not a normal orgasm. She could tell that much immediately. As much as she was pleased to finally get the release, the pleasure just continued to increase with no end in sight instead of coming down like usual. And in addition to that, it was as if she could see flashes in her mind. And as those flashes solidified, she realized in horror what was happening.

"What?" Alex asked, his glee coming out through his calm demeanor. "I held so many orgasms back from you, I thought you'd want them. All of them. Back to back. It only seemed fair."

The flashes Daisy was seeing in her mind were what she was doing at the time to cause each orgasm. She hadn't even gotten to Jasmine going down on her yet and it was by far the longest orgasm she'd ever had. The visions were just another taunt. A timeline of her torturous ecstasy. And every time she came, she knew it was leading to the ginormous monster of an orgasm caused by him cumming on her face.

It was a good thing Daisy didn't need to breathe because she had no more breath left as she lewdly writhed on the floor, knowing Alex was watching every moment of it. " have fun. I'm going to go take a shower. Don't worry. I won't let you pass out. You're going to enjoy every single one of those orgasms." He said, leaving the room to parts of the house she'd yet to be privy to and denying her the slight pleasure of knowing he was there. Her body just continued to shudder and quiver on its own as visions of her trying to cum over and over went through her mind. While she couldn't fully comprehend the thought process, as the seconds became minutes and the minutes became hours, one thing became abundantly clear. She was a slut. It wasn't just a title that Alex used to humiliate her.

Even this torturous way of getting it made part of Daisy happy. Surely there are girls who would be fine not being able to cum. She was Alex's sex slave for lack of a better term within days. Not even that many. And all he did was take away her sexual satisfaction. But since she'd always been able to satisfy those urges, she hadn't realized how important they were to her. But as she accepted that truth about herself, the orgasms ravaging her body just weren't as bad. Sure, at this point it was almost equally painful as it was pleasurable, but she wanted it. She deserved it. She was his slut and he wanted her squirming on the floor in a helpless state of blissful agony.

Daisy hadn't been very quiet through the time, but it was almost like another level of orgasm was coming as the visions caught up to the present. She wasn't even sure if it was because it was about to be over or not, but she began to panic again as the final orgasm drew near. Not that it mattered. There was nothing she could do about it so her fear was as pointless as were any attempts to defy Alex's will. Her voice contorted into a banshee-like shriek as her body arched awkwardly and the final orgasm tore through her exhausted form. It seemed to last forever but finally, she began to come down from it, panting being literally the only thing she could do at this point and even that hurt. She'd never given respect to how much of her body went into cumming, and she would never take that for granted again.

"Have fun, did we?" Alex asked.

Daisy genuinely had no idea when he'd come back in the room. Her eyes lazily went over to the direction she heard the voice from, and she could see that he was wearing different clothes. She'd only seen him in his school uniform. But currently he was wearing a black t-shirt and red plaid sweatpants. It was almost funny seeing him in such a normal state. She couldn't see him as normal anymore and the contrast was just...odd. She acknowledged that she'd been asked a question, but she just didn't have the energy to answer it.

"Well, if you didn't have fun, I can put you through all of that again." Alex grinned, showing how much he'd enjoy that.

While there was a part of her that felt almost empty without the forced pleasure, she wasn't sure that she could take it anymore. As it was, her body felt less than useless. And her fear overpowered her newfound slutdom. "" She was able to whimper out.

"That's what I like to hear." Alex continued to smile, but it was quickly wiped from his face. "Now get the fuck out."

Daisy knew it was futile, but she tried to get her limbs to play ball as hard as she could. He'd given her an order and her eyes were already beginning to tear again when she realized she couldn't follow it. "...can't...move..."

"That's okay." Alex said with a sigh. "I'll help you." Lifting his pointer and middle finger together, Alex made a swift movement and Daisy began to move with an awkward limpness as if she were a puppet, her sore muscles screaming at her with each motion.

"...can...I...stay...? ...please...Sir?" Daisy mumbled as her head lolled to the side as she was steadily moved to the door. While she'd accepted that it was probably going to happen, she'd really have preferred not to have to sleep on his front porch, the stairs or wherever he dropped her off. There was just no possible way she could walk to the dorm, much less home, in this condition.

"Oh, come now." Alex teased. "It's our break. Time to visit your families and all that shit. Go on, little slut. Scurry home to mommy and daddy, the dumb broken whore you are."

"My dad...'s mom...she...she hates me...more than you do..." Daisy murmured with a sigh.

Alex paused Daisy's forced momentum and seemed to narrow his eyes a bit. Daisy had gotten quite a few shows of power to demonstrate that Alex could legitimately read her mind. But this time it was different. She could actually feel him forcing his way through her memories whether she wanted to think of them or not. Despite everything Alex had done, this invasion of her privacy somehow seemed worse than everything else. But she was in no position physically or mentally to fight the intrusion. "...Sir...please...stop..."

Daisy was suddenly jerked forward, without the momentum of her legs as her feet awkwardly dragged on the floor until she was face to face with him.

"Let me make one thing very clear." Alex growled. "Your mind belongs to me as much as the rest of you. I couldn't give two shits about your privacy." The two of them continued to stare down, though it was as one sided as everything else that had happened, before Alex let out a sigh. "Fine. You can spend the night. On the floor." He demonstrated how literally he meant this when Daisy found herself suddenly hurled on the floor, laying sprawled out on her back.

Even with that, Daisy was awed at how surprisingly...nice Alex was being to her. The idea of sleeping on Alex's floor with his cum still on her face would have been the worst thing in the world a week ago, but now she was almost overwhelmed by how happy she was with the gesture. And she immediately knew that something fucked up was about to happen because there was no way he'd allow her to be that happy even in humiliation.

"It's like you're saying I'm predictable or something." Alex replied to the thought, a smile forming on his lips. "Relax. Torturing you now isn't nearly as much fun. You're too pathetic." Despite his words when he stepped over Daisy and made his way to her bag, she found there was still an honest jolt of fear left in her. She didn't even know why the fear was there. He'd literally invaded her mind. Why would going through her things be any worse?

With a lot of effort, Daisy was able to turn her head enough to see what he was doing with her things. Eventually he pulled out her phone and seemed to be going through it before clearly making a call. Was he calling her parents? Maybe he was calling Jessica to tell her that she sucked her dad off?

"Jasmine...hi. How are you doing this splendid afternoon?" Alex greeted, almost jovially.

Daisy narrowed her eyes slightly. Fine. She could admit it. She'd put together that being a thrall was as much a punishment for her as not being one was for Jasmine, but it still made Daisy jealous that he preferred Jasmine to her. As the thought passed her mind, Alex looked at Daisy with a smile.

"Well, the slut's not really in any position to stop me from taking her phone right now. That's how."

Daisy tried in vain to listen to Jasmine's part of the conversation but all she could hear was that her friend was indeed talking and nothing more.

"Oh, she's just fine." Alex replied, looking over to Daisy again. "I just...finally gave her an orgasm. Well...technically I gave her all the orgasms. She was cumming for a little over two hours straight."


"Oh, if you think that's evil, you have not been paying attention." As he spoke, Alex began to move closer to Daisy, making her more cautious with each step even though there was nothing she could do about it. In fact, her nervousness was entirely because she couldn't do anything about it. All she could do was try to follow his path with her eyes, which only bulged further when he stopped at her feet and she felt his control of her, moving her legs until she was spread eagle before him. Despite her trying to show him her pussy just the other day, the fact that she had no control over it this time caused an obvious flush to her face even though she was still wearing panties.

"Proof she's alive? How's this?" Alex smirked as he pressed his foot against her exposed groin. The reaction was immediate.

"Aaagh! Aaagh! Aaaaaaaaaagh!" Daisy moaned as another orgasm shot through her body, her sore muscles still finding a way to put her into a bundle of involuntary shudders.

"See? She's fine. The slut literally just came from me stepping on her pussy. She's unimaginably sensitive right now. Can you hear it?" With that said, he ground his foot against Daisy even more, twisting it slightly to add even more force. "Oh, I bet you wish that were you." He added with a chuckle.

Daisy was sure that she should have blacked out. Her mind was just at that level of fuzzy. She was barely even comprehending the rest of the conversation at that point and she would later wonder if that was the main reason why she was given those bonus two orgasms. It was like her brain had given up, and just accepted that it was in equal parts pleasure and pain and literally nothing else.

"Anyway, just letting you know that she won't be home tonight. She'll be staying with me in case anyone asks." Alex continued, finally letting up on Daisy but frowning at the moisture on his foot even through Daisy's panties and using her ponytail to dry his foot off, which still got a slight moan in response. "I am a sweetheart. I'm letting her sleep on the floor and everything. God of generosity, I am. Anyway, I'm going to bed. I just didn't want you worrying when you called her, and she wasn't home. You're very welcome. See you after the break."

Once the conversation was over, Alex knelt down and put the phone on Daisy's still wet forehead and walked away to his own room. "Night slut."

"...n...n...night....Sir..." Daisy muttered out as she finally felt his control of her mind lift and the world instantly faded to black as she lost consciousness.


"Hey." Alex called out. "Get up."

Daisy groaned as she was roused from her sleep to realize that the bottom of Alex's boot was currently pressing against her cheek. It wasn't with enough force to hurt but the knowledge that he was stepping on her face was quite the rude awakening in every sense of the term. "...morning Sir..."

"Morning to you too, slut." Alex replied, moving his foot from her face and walking over to take his usual place on the recliner.

Daisy wasn't remotely as sore as she was expecting to be when she woke up, but that wasn't to say it wasn't still there. But then again, ever since she became Alex's thrall, she found that things that should have hurt for days would be mostly gone by the time she woke up the next morning. Forcing herself to sit up and causing her phone to fall in her lap, two things were abundantly clear. One, she was extremely exhausted, even if she were able to move again. And two, she could still feel Alex's cum on her face with the same intensity that she had the previous night. When she reached up with her hand to touch it, to her surprise it was still wet. "That' weird..."

"Yes. Because that's the weirdest part of what you've been through in recent memory." Alex rolled his eyes as he turned a page in his book.

"What are you reading?" Daisy asked casually as she licked her fingers clean, moaning softly as that same pleasurable sensation seemed to pulse through her body when she swallowed.

"Queen of the Damned." Alex answered. "It makes me nostalgic."

"I think I saw the movie for that." Daisy replied lazily, feeling somewhat like a cat cleaning itself as she licked a second lot of cum off her face from her fingers. "It wasn't bad."

"I'm not surprised you'd think that." Alex rolled his eyes. "The movie was clearly shit. Especially compared to the book. The soundtrack wasn't bad though."

"Sir...why...why does your cum make me feel so good? Why does touching you feel so good, especially your cock? Every time I blow you, I feel like you're fucking me..."

"I'm sorry, is this supposed to be the part in the story where we're supposed to bond, and I'm supposed to treat you better because I respect you or some shit like that You can move now. Stop stalling. Get the fuck out."

"...yes Sir..." Daisy murmured, her fingers in her mouth, cleaning them off again. Her heart began to pound as she realized that those few seconds of him saying that her taste in movies sucked was probably as intimate as they were ever going to get, and it still made her inwardly smile. What the fuck was wrong with her? Her eyes widened however when Alex let out an exasperated sigh and turned over his book to face her.

"If I even begin to think that you're falling in love with me, I will fucking release you. Just like that." He threatened, his eyes gaining that odd glow they seemed to get from time to time.

Even that threat seemed to make Daisy smile a little. "I've...been in love before and it's not...this. I think...I...worship you...?"

At the word 'worship', Alex's threatening tone seemed to turn into amusement. "Oh. Well that's fine. In that case, you should bow in my presence when you greet me then, shouldn't you?"

"Yes Sir." Daisy quickly nodded. "I will, Sir." And realizing how quickly she'd be wearing out her welcome if she continued to stay, Daisy forced herself up. Her body groaned in soreness, especially along her bra-line, which usually happened when she slept with her bra on but was even worse now that her boobs were having their little growth spurt. Putting that to the side, Daisy quickly grabbed her bag and left the house before she could get into any further trouble.

Only once she was out of his hair did she check herself on her phone and try to make it look she hadn't just taken a load to the face on her walk home. She almost didn't want to wipe it off. And even when she made use of the wipes in her bag, she could still feel almost a tingling sense of that sensation. It also crossed her mind that unlike all the other times, she didn't ask when she could see him again. As tempting as it was to either go in the house or try to talk to him in her mind, Daisy thought better of it. He'd been way too nice last night and this morning and there was no telling when the other shoe was going to drop. So, after some mental deliberation, she decided to make the trip tomorrow and hope for the best. Alex's house was much closer to the University than it was to her actual home, but if she had decided to basically see him as a deity then what's a long walk? Besides, he'd probably be entertained by how much effort she'd have to put into seeing him for the next few weeks.

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Doombot80Doombot80about 1 year ago

End of chapter 2 and neither character is any closer to being even remotely likeable. I'm really trying to like this, but.. Here's hoping chapter 3 gets better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Best incubus story I've read

ComefindmeComefindmealmost 3 years ago

Yeah, I tried to like this one too, but hard haaaaard pass. Making her fuck a married stranger was .. sick on so many levels.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Just what is Adam?

Was he spawned full formed or of a hunk of hellfire?

Is he an evil human soul that escaped Hell?

One of the original Fall Angels that fell with Lucifer?

Perhaps even the Adam from the Garden of Eden?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

This is good. I like your stuff. The first time I read “Learning her Place”, I cried lol. Idk why. You do that push pull thing between sadists/masochists really well. If that’s even a thing. Anyway keep writing!

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