Corrupted Desire Ch. 06


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Daisy needed the men so that she'd have enough energy for the women, which obviously equated to just about everyone. Alex made it clear that when he binged, his personal taste didn't matter. Take as many as she could. She felt like some kind of demonic golden eyed Santa sweeping through house after house. Though Alex would be the only one getting any gifts.

Daisy had expected it all to become monotonous after a point, but it was like the party. It was a huge rush each time. The more she fed the more energy she had to feed. After the first day she didn't even need sleep anymore which only made maintaining her speed that much easier.

One thing Daisy found interesting was that Alex began to wander around more. In fact, he was barely home. She still didn't know what the preparations he made were, but he was clearly doing something. She didn't need to know. She assumed he was out more because who would he be avoiding at this point? The streets were quiet, and they remained that way until Daisy was finished.

She assumed they'd have gone to Alex's house when she mentally called out to him, but he was the one who sought her out and the moment he saw her, it was a done deal. They fucked right there in the middle of street. It wasn't as if they had to worry about cars. They could be as loud as they wanted and they could fuck as hard as they wanted, the growing craters they were making in the pavement being a testament of this fact.

They fucked and they fucked and they fucked. The clocktower was visible from their chosen sexual harvesting area. Fifty hours and thirty-six minutes. That's how long they'd been going at it. Nonstop. Daisy should have been tired. She should have been sore. She should have been dripping. She should have been a lot of things. But instead she was moaning loudly as Alex viciously gripped a fistful of her hair, his hips rapidly slamming against her ass.

Daisy didn't announce her orgasms anymore. She just moaned and bucked and came over and over. She didn't bother to count them. She just let the ecstasy wash over her. The pain, the torture, the humiliation, the jealousy, it all worth it because of this. Her emotions bubbled over as yet another orgasm shook through her, as always followed by her pussy being coated with Alex's cum. And her pussy always swallowed his loads right up like she was some supernatural cum sponge hungry for more.

No matter how sensitive she was after she came, Alex gave her no quarter. He fucked her just as relentlessly as when he'd started, and Daisy would have had it no other way. He was most certainly not holding back this time. With every orgasm that he forced out of her, he took as many souls as he could manage making his subsequent orgasms all the more powerful.

The pleasure bounced back and forth between them like lightning. Daisy could have fucked like this for weeks...years...and she'd have been just as hungry for Alex's cock, but she could still feel it coming to its inevitable end. There was a temptation to try to hold back. Stretch it out over a few more orgasms. But that wasn't Alex's will. She was already sobbing as she came hard, her body shaking in pleasure as she felt Alex cumming inside of her one more time. And just like that it was over.

Alex groaned happily as he released his grip on Daisy and just seemed to bask in the sun for a few moments, his eyes glowing vibrantly with power. If Daisy had been looking up, she would have seen almost a visible aura as the air distorted around him as if he were fire itself. But Daisy wasn't looking up. Her eyes were on the cracked pavement as she let the sobs have their way with her. She wanted to be happy. She truly did. She fulfilled her purpose. Because of her, Alex was going at full force again. But as selfless as she tried to be for him, she couldn't see beyond what it meant for her. It wasn't some vague inevitability in the future. It was now her present.

"Oh, come now, slut. It can't be that bad. I did warn you." Alex stated flippantly as he rolled his eyes.

"I...I know." Daisy choked out, trying to get ahold of herself, but unable to stop the tears streaming down her cheeks. "I just...I'm...going to miss you, Sir..."

Alex chuckled kneeling down so that they were almost at eye level while remaining slightly above her. "You dumb, dumb slut. Of course, you will. You're my thrall. You knew this was coming. The hunters are on their way."

Daisy tried to sit up somewhat, fighting her sobs as her tears continued to fall. "I...I know... I'm a target..." She reaffirmed. She remembered Jasmine in horror concluding that this was probably why he didn't already have a thrall. That maybe this was the fate of all of them.

"Right you are." Alex grinned, ruffling Daisy's hair, knowing full well the pleasure this sent through her. "And you played your part excellently."

"Th...thank you Sir..." Daisy replied, genuinely beaming at the compliment. "...Sir?...since I... did so well...can I ask for something...before you release me?"

Alex raised his eyebrow in curiosity before Daisy could feel him in her mind. She could tell when he got to what he wanted because he let out a loud belly laugh. "A kiss? That's what you want?"

"Please?" Daisy begged. Short of the taunting one on her forehead, Alex hadn't kissed Daisy since he made her his thrall. A kiss to start their relationship and one to end it. It seemed...apt.

With his right hand, Alex gently tilted Daisy's head from her chin to have her look him in the eyes as he moved closer. Their lips were no more than an inch apart when Alex's left hand colliding viciously with her cheek, the force of the backhanded slap throwing her to the floor as he laughed loudly again. "Goodbye slut."

Daisy touched her throbbing cheek and forced a smile as she watched Alex literally vanish in flames. That was a new trick. But she couldn't even process it as she felt the loneliness of not having Alex in her head anymore. She couldn't feel where he was. He was gone. It hit her all at once.

She didn't want to die. She didn't want to lose Alex. And now she had to suffer through both. Hugging her knees, Daisy just let the despair swallow her and she surrendered to it. Eventually there were no more tears. No more sadness. Just...emptiness. A darkness that she fully succumbed to, the weight of it keeping her where she sat. She just stayed there for who knows how long in the middle of the street staring at nothing.

But eventually there were voices...

"This...isn't right..."

"Of course, this isn't right. A nest of demons chewed down on a whole fucking town. In broad ass daylight."

"We'll get these assholes."

"Yeah but...where are all the bodies?"

"Maybe they ate them, I don't know. Depends on the demon."

"I thought we were looking for an incubus/succubus nest. That's what all the signs seemed to lead to. They don't eat the physical bodies."

"Scavenger demons?"

"Who knows? I'm on edge too. There's a lot of- SHIT! What's over there?!"

"Relax. It's not moving. It's-...ah, probably just a discarded thrall."

"Fucking demons... Still doesn't explain where the people are. Think we can get anything out of her?"

"Nah, look at her. She's too far gone."

Daisy felt her head cautiously being raised. She unenthusiastically noticed that the edge of a large sword was doing the lifting. Her eyes connected to the hunter for just a moment before dropping to the floor again. She didn't care.

"Yeah, definitely too gone." The hunter confirmed. "Only one thing to do now. Want to be put out of your misery?"

Daisy's eyes slowly raised again, tears forming again in her eyes as she realized that there was still something she wanted. "Please..."

"You heard her. This should be an easy one for the rookie. Incantation, sharp bit though the heart. Easy peasy."

Daisy's attention was drawn to one of the younger members of the group. He wore the same black tactical uniforms as the others, though the youth's looked much newer. The way he held his sword was unsteady, his eyes unsure. He reminded her of Tristen. She lazily smiled at him. It was almost over.

"I'm sorry." He said before mumbling something in another language.

"...don't be..." Daisy murmured. And then it happened. There was no hesitation, just a flaming hot pain in her chest as the sword penetrated her. There was pain. Lots of pain. And then the darkness began to claim her. "...thank you..."

And then there was nothing. Daisy didn't even feel the ground as her body hit it.

'I know I've said this multiple times, but you just don't get it do you, slut? You don't die unless I say you do.'


'Who else would it be, dummy?'

'I released me...I...felt it.'

'You feel what I want you to feel. Also, if I really released you, your appearance would have reverted to your original form. Anyway, none of this is important. What is important is that I need you to do something for me.'

'Anything Sir. I was willing to die for you.'

'Of course, you were. And I'm sure you will someday. But for now, I just need you to...surrender to me.'

Daisy was confused at first. How much more could she surrender? And then she understood. She opened her mind and body to Alex becoming nothing more than a passenger to his will. A puppet for him to control from wherever he currently was.

Daisy's eyes opened as the hunters were talking amongst themselves, clearly trying to figure out what to do next. It was like an out of body experience. She saw through her eyes, felt the pain from the wound in her chest, but she wasn't in control of her body in anyway. As Daisy rose, her eyes glowed brightly as she looked around. There were nine of them. Five here and four around the perimeter. Daisy didn't even know her body could do the things it was doing. In seconds, she'd teleported around the perimeter taking out the four guards, her body vanishing in flames the same way that Alex's had.

From then, she was noticed by the remaining five. It didn't matter. It wasn't an even fight. It wasn't even close. Daisy figured that even if they had been on their guard, it wouldn't have done them the slightest good. It was all over that quickly. It figured. Daisy had been mostly using her body for pleasure. Even when she was harvesting, she kept things pleasurable, with the notable exception of her mother. So of course, when Alex took her body over it would be used for pure destruction.

The only one left standing was the "rookie", who simply looked at his fallen comrades with the most hopeless expression that Daisy had ever seen. And that was saying something. Tilting his head up, Daisy forced him to look at her. "Say my name, hunter."

"...Alexandros..." He whispered with the horror and reverence most children would say the Boogie Man or whatever monster kept them up at night.

Daisy's lips curled into a sinister smile. "I do love it when my reputation proceeds me. Makes it so much easier. But just to be on the safe side, I will reiterate your current situation. You, you lucky boy get to be my message. And that message is, I have fed. I am at full power. Your people can come after me all you want, but I did this to you with my thrall." Daisy stopped to point around at her handiwork. "If you come after use the current vernacular, I will wreck your shit.

"So, you can do it anyway, and good luck with that if you do, or your people can just take the 'L' and try again in a generation or two when I'm weak again. Your choice. I don't give a shit. Do you understand?"


"Yes Sir." Daisy insisted, her eyes narrowing into a glare. "I'm sparing your life. You put some respect in your tone or I'll just kill you and let more hunters come here and we both know how that will go."

"S-sorry..." The hunter stammered. "Yes Sir."

"Then we're good." Daisy said happily, the intensity instantly gone. "Go along then, boy. Shoo. Shoo." Daisy smirked as she watched the teenager book out of there as fast as his legs could take him.

'Sir...that was the most badass thing I've ever seen in my life.' Daisy thought to Alex, surprisingly not caring if she got use of her body again. She was just happy to still be his. As if in response, her limbs were her own again as soon as the thought crossed her mind.

'That was a message. An intimation move. What the Hell would I want with your body other than that?' Alex groaned into her mind.

'I don't know, Sir. I don't think unless you tell me to.' Daisy replied with a wide smile.

'Heh. Good answer.' Alex chuckled. 'I do in fact have something else I want you to do for me.'

"Of course, Sir." Daisy nodded.


Jasmine turned the page of the book she was reading, fully immersing herself into the fictional words within its pages. Anything to keep her mind off her present. Anything to not think of the monster and the cunt who she used to see as her best friend. While she wasn't exactly ignorant of her part in this situation, thinking on it only made things worse. Thinking was painful and she was trying with everything in her being to avoid pain. She was also failing spectacularly.

She could already feel the tears forming in her eyes and tried to fight them. Just read the goddamn book. Focus on that. Focus on what she has, not what she...lost.

A sudden sound drew her attention. It made her think about someone lighting a match only much louder. By the time she saw the flames they were already dispersing and, in their place, stood Daisy.

"That...was cool as fuck..." Daisy chuckled to herself. Teleporting wasn't nearly as difficult as she thought it would be. After seeing Alex do it when he was puppeting her body, using magic was just like flexing a new muscle. It was very similar to the time she fed on Steve and Brad in the alley.

"Shouldn't you be dead?" Jasmine asked dryly. She already knew about teleportation and wasn't nearly as fascinated about it as Daisy was.

Daisy shrugged in response. "Sir technically said I'd be a target." Lifting her top, she showed Jasmine the healing chest wound. According to Alex, it would take longer to heal due to it being done by a holy weapon. "He never said I would die from it."

Jasmine's eyes bulged at the sight. "Wait, he let you think you were going to die that entire-? ...Of course...Of course he did. I forgot who we were talking about..."

"It doesn't hurt that badly." Daisy stated, pulling her top back down and looking around the house. "I wasn't expecting you to be here."

The more Daisy looked around, the more irritable Jasmine seemed to get, her eyes narrowing and her teeth gritting together menacingly. "Where the fuck would I go, Daisy? Back to the dorm? This is my family's house."

"Technically, it's yours now." Daisy replied.

"What? You think that's funny?" Jasmine roared, her annoyance bubbling more and more to the surface.

"I wouldn't say...funny." Daisy shrugged. "But come on. Did you really think Sir would spare them? It was only you he agreed to protect."

"No!" Jasmine sat up, immediately stepping up to Daisy and getting in her face. "He did spare them! He left it up to you! It was your choice! That was sparing them!"

"No. It wasn't." Daisy said calmly. "He made me resent you with no outlet for it. He let it fester and then left me one single way to get back at you for it. He knew what I would choose. I'm petty. I've always been petty. Were you not paying attention?" Hearing Alex's earlier taunt from her lips brought a smile to Daisy's face. She couldn't hear Alex's laugh in her mind, but she was sure if he was listening, he would have found that hilarious.

Daisy's amusement seemed to infuriate Jasmine even more as she balled her fists tightly to her sides. "Get the fuck out of my house!"

Daisy chuckled at the display, not budging an inch. "Sir wants to see you."

"Well you and 'Sir' can suck a dick for all I care!" Jasmine growled.

"Maybe I wasn't clear. Sir ordered me to bring you to him." Daisy said bluntly, her eyes glowing at the implied threat.

Jasmine stepped back with a scowl. But even then, she knew the futility she was facing. It wasn't like she stood a chance against Daisy physically anymore, despite the height difference, which was one of the few things that hadn't changed about her. As she looked over Daisy, Jasmine sighed. It wasn't just the boobs, the hips, the legs or even her now completely black hair. There were so many little things. The curves of her eyes, her teeth no longer had that childish cuteness to them, the more Jasmine looked, the less she recognized. "Is my friend even in there, anymore?"

Daisy's eyes seemed to flash as she smirked at the question. "Have you ever gotten shit on your shoe? Sure, you clean it and do everything to get rid of the smell and all, but you know that it's still there on some level. But after a while it doesn't really matter anymore does it? You'll think of it from time to time but on the whole...its existence is irrelevant."

Jasmine's eyes narrowed. That was a very...Alex...reply. It was hard to see where Alex started and Daisy began anymore. She knew that she'd lost Daisy when she decided not to spare her family from the attack. But looking at her now was just...sad. Jasmine didn't realize why it took her so long to recognize it. "I should have let him release you when I had the choice."

Daisy chuckled in response. "He told you that you'd regret it. You keep betting against Sir, and he keeps winning. You'd think you'd have learned by now. Regardless, come." She said, offering her hand.

"I don't want to touch you." Jasmine spat back. She was fully aware that while Alex had no doubt taken all the female souls, the male ones were still inside Daisy and as such the effect of physical contact was still going strong.

"Too bad." Daisy grinned back. "I wouldn't want you...getting transit, would I? Sir would be very disappointed in me."

Jasmine's eyes widened. Daisy wasn't just making an idol threat. Bad things could happen if a teleportation went wrong and Daisy had already made it clear that she was new to it. Growling, Jasmine accepted the offered hand, trying to bite back her moans at the sudden pleasurable sensation.

"There. Was that so bad? Feels good, doesn't it?" Daisy purred, knowing full well Jasmine's father and brother were part of that reason.

"Fuck. You." Jasmine growled.

Daisy winked back at her, letting the forced pleasure linger for a few moments before they were both engulfed in flames to return to the being who'd become the center of both their existences.

When the duo reappeared, it was immediately clear that they weren't in Alex's place. Or at least the one that they'd grown to believe was his home. This was much more suited to him. The stone architecture showed that they were in an old castle and instead of a recliner, Alex sat on a full blown extravagantly sculpted throne. He had still been reading before they showed up, lifting his eyes from the pages at the intrusion.

"No TV?" Jasmine grunted. "Lame."

"Someone's in a cheeky mood, aren't they?" Alex noted, grinning back at her.

Jasmine half expected Daisy to make some smart-ass comment to that, only to see Daisy silently kneeling beside the throne, her head down, awaiting her next instructions. Alex paid her no mind, but Daisy no longer seemed to care. Jasmine couldn't help but to scowl at the display as she glared at Alex. "You could have spared them."

Alex chuckled at the statement before his grin returned. "Look at you. I feed on an entire town, tens of thousands of people, and you're only mad at me because I didn't spare those close to you."

Jasmine's cheeks burned in embarrassment. It wasn't like her selfishness in the matter hadn't occurred to her before. She'd beaten herself up about it many times, but she still hated the way he phrased it. "You knew how important my family was to me. I told you about them. In detail. Multiple times."