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"We don't have to do the wash; they have someone who does that for us. We do need to change the sheets after each time, but you just drop the old one in the laundry room. The fresh sheets are in the closet in there. Take your clothes off and hang them here and I show you how to shave your pubes. I'm an OB nurse and I do this every time a woman comes in to deliver. It's not hard and once I've shown you how you'll want to do it at home before you come up. Go ahead get undressed we're running a little late."

A big part of Jenny was still convinced that she wasn't going to do this, even as she began to unbutton her blouse. She was a little surprised that she didn't feel more self-conscious about getting undressed in front of Maria. Jenny surmised that it was because Maria was a nurse and there was a certain clinical aspect to her persona as she was getting the shaving equipment she'd bought at Wal-Mart laid out. When Jenny finished unbuttoning her blouse, she put it on a hanger and unbuckled her belt. Jenny began trembling as she took her shoes off, then unzipped and stepped out of her pants. There was a surrealistic element to everything as Jenny hung her pants on the other hanger. As she reached behind her to unhook her bra, her fingers palsied. She used every ounce of her willpower to get her bra off; she couldn't muster any more to remove her panties.

"Take your panties off and wash your pubic hair with soap; I'll be using shaving cream, but the wetter it is the better. We don't want to nick anything and have you bleed all over your first dance partner."

Jenny didn't know if it was the tone or the image of making a mess, something she hated to do, that galvanized her to take off the panties, soap up a washrag and begin to wash the area she'd been instructed to wash.

She'd just rinsed off the first soap when Maria said, "Okay hop up here on the counter and I'll show you how it's done."

Jenny did, and Maria, explaining what she was doing, proceeded to shave Jenny from her anus to her waist. She didn't leave a single hair or stub. As Jenny watched as her genitals took on a prepubescent look. Maria had handled her skin, moving it to allow her to apply the shave cream and to shave it, but as she inspected to see if she'd missed anything Jenny was suddenly struck by just what she was doing. She wanted to cover her parts and her breasts with her hands like those cartoon images of women suddenly undressed. The only reason she didn't was that she was too embarrassed by what she'd already done to show how it was affecting her. As Maria inspected her down there, Jenny's grip on the counter turned her knuckles very white.

"Okay, have you ever douched before?"

Jenny shook her head.

"Well I'm not going to have time to show you now, but I will before your next dance. Now, this is our best friend," she said holding up a tube of K-Y, "These guys aren't making love to us, we aren't wives or girl friends, we're here to make them happy not the other way around. No one expects you to be turned on unless they work you up to it and I doubt anyone will try today. So use the K-Y to replace what nature would normally provide. Always put this in just before you go on the floor... that's as in dance floor, that's what we call those rooms, or the beds in there. It's a minor thing but it helps. We have to lose any inhibition we've ever had when we go in there, and that's what you do on the dance floor. Anyway, no one's going to be upset if they feel K-Y in you when they play finger games. The only thing you have to be careful about is that nothing that goes into your anus also goes into your vagina. The guys won't do that to you, you just need to worry about what you do. You can get a very painful set of infections if you mix and match; well actually it doesn't hurt to have something go from your vagina to your anus. Just make sure nothing goes the other way, that's why you have two douche bags and two tubes of K-Y. Always make sure that you have both places ready when you go in there, but for heaven's sake wipe your butt so if they bring you back out to the living room you can sit on the furniture without making a spot. Go on lube up. I'll mark the other one as the one you are to use anally by scratching off the 'Y" you can think of the 'K only' as for your Keister, that's German for butt."

Jenny had always been a tiny bit submissive and even though she blushed harder than ever before in her life, she accepted the tube of K-Y. It had a little tip on it that would let it be inserted into her. She was breathing very hard as she guided the tip to her entrance. It was cold on her now naked skin but she had no difficulty getting it inside.

"You've never used this before have you?"

Jenny's head gave a tiny shake, and knew her face achieved a new level of red.

"Just use a very little bit inside, you'll form some natural lubrication there and you don't want to be too slick or they won't feel you at all. Just take what you wipe off the tip and wipe it around the entrance, that's really all you need. Now the anus needs more, about what you'd put on a toothbrush, but you need to make sure the sphincter is well lubed. Hang on and I'll show you."

While she had been talking, Maria had been getting undress as well. When she finished hanging her clothes, she went to a little bag and pulled out two tubes that were about half used. She squirted a very small amount on her finger and then proceeded to put it between her legs. She then put a larger amount on a finger of her other hand and Jenny watched as she put in inside her bottom.

"At least she didn't turn around, bend over to show me." Jenny thought.

"You said you'd never done anal, neither had I, but like I said most of these guys will expect that. It doesn't have to be too painful. The hardest thing is that when they start to push in, you have to push like you're going to the bathroom. I know it sounds funny, but it's the way you do it. Once they're in, you can relax; it'll be tight but it won't hurt much. Do you understand? Good! Now I bought this for you today, think of it as your dancing clothes."

She held out a short nightgown. It was sheer but not as daring as Jenny would have thought. She was grateful to have something to put on, watching Maria prepare herself for sex had been unpleasant to say the least. As she slipped it on over her head, it seemed that what she was about to do receded a little. She watched as Maria slipped on a similar outfit. She had been careful not to look at Maria's pubic area, but now she caught a glimpse of it. She was shaved as well, and it looked strange; Jenny had never seen a woman who shaved before. Maria had a lot of hair, and even in the quick glance, it was evident that her pubic hair covered a large area and was probably very thick.

"Jenny, we have bathrobes in each room, big heavy things, which you will wear if you are outside the room. If there are any kids here, you won't leave the room if they are in the living room. If they have to be inside they'll be back in the other bedroom most of the time, and they will always be there during the fifteen minutes you have to clean up. The men will not be seen by the kids at all, that's why they have the back doors. You're lucky you don't have kids in a way, but it also helps remind me why I'm doing this."

Chapter 1: The First

"Okay, I know you're nervous, I'm nervous too. Take your K-Y tubes in with you; there's a little table in there that you can put them on. We've got about six minutes before we have to go in, but I suggest you go now, the major won't keep you the full time and you might want to talk when you've finished your dance. I'll be out early too and I'll show you how to douche. So, take a deep breath and let's go dance."

Jenny was so nervous and so scared that she didn't think she could move, but Maria's hand on her back directed her out of the bathroom and escorted her to the door of the room she was told was going to be her 'dance floor' Maria opened the door into the room, pushed Jenny in, and closed it behind her as soon as she'd stepped past it. It wasn't a large bedroom, but there wasn't much furniture either, just a TV/VCR with a stand, the bed and nightstand with a light on it. The overhead light was on and it was very bright. There weren't any windows; instead, there was a door where a window had been. All of that Jenny took in by peripheral vision, all she saw was a man sitting up in the middle of the bed. He had the covers over his waist, but he wasn't wearing a shirt and he looked very naked. He lifted up the covers with one hand and patted the space beside him with the other.

Jenny didn't know where the strength or the ability to walk to that bed came from, but without being aware of moving she was there. As she began to get in, she was aware that she was clutching her K-Y tubes so hard it was a wonder that they hadn't burst. She put them on the nightstand and got in bed with the stranger. She tried to sit up next to him without touching him, but she felt his arm behind her drawing her to him. She didn't intend to resist, but she was so tense that her muscles locked. He responded by scooting down and making her do the same until she was flat on her back.

He leaned over her, and whispered in her ear in a gravely voice, "Spread your legs for me."

Jenny felt tears form just behind her eyes and turned her head away from him. He leaned further over her; Jenny could feel his erect penis on her right leg.

"Spread those legs so I can fuck you."

The gravely voice was totally unemotional, and Jenny felt her first tear fall. He pushed his body against her, silently demanding she do what he'd asked. Jenny opened her legs in response; she was unwilling, almost unconscious, but it was a demand she knew she had to obey... it was why she was here.

The man moved over her, on top of her, but holding his body above her, touching her but not using his weight. He used his knees to force her legs further apart. As the man held most of his weight over her Jenny was very aware that in scooting down, her nightgown had bunched above her waist. She felt the naked skin of his crotch on hers and she was paralyzed. She couldn't move, couldn't breath. He was rubbing her with his body on top of her now, and using his thighs to spread hers. Jenny's tension was beyond anything she'd ever felt in her whole life, but she just couldn't seem to respond to what was being done to her. She wanted to close her legs or push him off her but instead she lay there with a sense of dread that couldn't have been greater. Her legs were now wide apart and worse there was a man between them. Jenny knew she could be entered like this, but her legs were flat on the bed, her knees weren't raised and deep down she hoped he wouldn't be able to get it in her like this. She felt his dick search for her opening, sliding in her gash, slick with KY and that slickness felt so unnatural. His face, with a hint of stubble, pressed against hers in a violation almost as great as that of her crotch. It was too intimate, the rubbing of cheeks was too personal, and she desperately wanted to pull away.

"Put it in for me."

Jenny felt weight of the words, far heavier than the man's body. She couldn't, she just couldn't. She gave a small vigorous shake of her head to say no, and to make him move his face away from hers.

"Lift your knees and put it in. It's why you're here, now do it," he said, not angry or even forcefully almost gently.

Jenny couldn't, she just couldn't do it. She was right of the verge of saying so, when he levered up and grabbed her legs at her shins. He pushed them back towards her body, and opened them more at the same time. Jenny was paralyzed, his organ was now near her opening, and unless she did something, it was going to enter her. He brought his own hand under her now raised knee and with a little seeking, found her place with his finger. Then he used his hand to guide his organ to that place. Jenny stiffened, she mentally screamed at her body to move to leave, but instead she was motionless. Her traitorous muscles refused to her command and she felt the head enter her body. She wanted to retch, but although her stomach contracted, nothing came out. The man was working it into her now, pushing more of his unwelcome self inside her. There was a sharp little pain as some of her skin was pinched and her body shifted to make his entry easier. More of the thing moved inside her, and her body shifted again to adjust to his penetration of her special place. Then his bone bore down on hers in the way that announced he was fully inside her. She felt her most intimate part encompass him, and she felt the shape of him inside her. She also felt the tears running down both her cheeks.

Never in her wildest dreams had she ever thought any man besides Jerry would ever do what this man was doing to her. She didn't want it to happen, even now, but she'd done nothing to stop it. She'd never felt this way before, in all the times she'd made love to Jerry. She didn't want that thing in her and yet it was now inside her. Aware that she was breathing very hard, very fast, with her face turned she was staring at the KY jelly tubs that she'd used to make this horrible thing possible. She now felt the weight of the man on top of her. She realized that she didn't know what he looked like, and she didn't want to!

She was about as cold sexually as it was possible to be as he began to move in and out of her. The only movement she'd made was to adjust so that the penetration didn't hurt, but there wasn't much discomfort now that he was fully using her. She immediately tried to shift her focus, her thinking away from her crotch. She didn't want to feel what was being done to her. None of the tenseness had left, if anything her dread had increased. As hard as she tried, she couldn't remove herself from her body. She felt the organ inside her, the weight of the man on top of her. She could hear his labored breathing, and smell him. The only sense that wasn't full of the man was taste. She brought her thumb to her mouth and chewed on her fingernail, a habit she'd broken in the 7th grade.

She heard a new sound, the squishy liquid sound of her crotch as he moved in and out of her. She felt the forced intimacy as his hips pressed against her inner thighs. The man began to move very fast now and Jenny was horrified to think that he was going to put his seed in her. It had always seemed messy when Jerry did it, but she'd also always rationalized that it was proof that she'd pleased him. Now, she didn't want to please this man and he was going to mess in her anyway. She felt him tense, and he slipped an arm under her and hugged her to him. He moaned in her ear and pushed deep into her and she knew that he'd done it. All she wanted now was for him to pull it out of her and to go away!

Instead, he pushed deeper into her and wiggled getting a new tactile pleasure from her twat, and making her breasts shake against his chest. Then he released her and supporting himself on his elbows, he pulled her face around so she had to look up at him. He was a very old man! He was at least fifty; he had gray hair and everything. Jenny began to squirm to try to turn away from him.

"Jenny, you've done it, whether you ever thought you'd ever do something like this or not, you have done it. You've walked into a room with a man you've never seen before and you spread your legs and fucked him. You can't run away and you can't change it. The only question now is whether it's going to do any good."

Jenny felt a wave of panic seize her, not do any good?

The man continued, "If you think this is what we want from you then you need to think again. I could get better from a whore for less than twenty bucks. I don't expect you to love me, I have a wife who does that, but I expect you to show your gratitude and that isn't what you just did. I know this was your first time, and it's okay, this once, but if you can't do a whole lot better than this I don't think this is going to work out for either of us."

Jenny was hyper aware of the man's penis inside her and so anxious to get it out of her that it took several seconds for the impact of what he was saying to sink in, this could have been for nothing!

"No, please you have to protect him, please."

"Jenny, we're going to protect him as long as you do your part, but this isn't your part. I don't want a place to jack off; I want a woman who is as much a part of this as I am. Now, this wasn't the way I want to do it, but I did it because it was all you could do to keep from bolting out of here and you didn't want to do that either. We have a deal you and me, I'm going to protect your husband's ass and you are going to show me and others how grateful you are by giving us yours. Are you grateful?"

Jenny had always been very truthful and had frequently opened her mouth before engaging her brain, "I don't think I should have to do this to protect my husband! That's your job!"

"No, Jenny, my job is to keep dangerous criminals from escaping! Your husband is one of them and his asshole's safety is his own worry. Even if protecting his anal virginity was my job, letting it be known that I would personally make it hard on anyone who hurts him is certainly way beyond that, don't you agree?"

Jenny was confused, and very aware that this man was still inside her, but she did understand that Jerry needed extra protection, he was basically a nice guy and if he was well built and strong she had no illusions that he could protect himself against the animals she'd seen when she been in the visitation room. Her emotions where fluctuating wildly. The only thing she knew with certainty was that she wanted his thing out of her and she began to squirm in an attempt to make it come out.

"Stop it! Jenny, I want you to feel my cock inside you. You don't like what you are, but you are what you are! You are a woman who will fuck other men so that her husband doesn't get raped. That doesn't make you a whore, or a bad person. I happen to think it's admirable to do this but if you are going to be successful in protecting your husband you've got to accept what you are doing. I'm the oldest and most experienced man here. If I don't like how you're acting, how do you think some of the others would react when you act like you think we belong where your husband is? I can tell you right now that none of us wants you like this; we'll just let things go. You've earned a few days protection and that's all you'll get."

Jenny felt a new kind of desperation well up in her, she couldn't let what she had done be wasted, "No! Please! I'll... I'll..."

She broke down and cried, she was aware that she wanted to be held and comforted. Slowly it dawned on her that this man was doing that for her. She even forgot for a little bit that his cock was still inside her, until he rolled off her onto his back and pulled her onto her side and her face into his chest. Jenny continued to cry for several minutes before she was aware that she'd relaxed in his arms.

She felt floaty, a little detached, 'Probably the pill, ' she thought.

Giving the man a small kiss on his chest she said, "Thank you for that. This is so hard for me; I've never been with another man before and I never thought I would."

"Are you better, are you prepared to do what you need to do?"

Jenny tried to take a mental inventory, she felt awful, she had no desire at all, but she was grateful that he was being so gentle with her.

"I'm going to do my best, I owe Jerry..."

"Shush now, I don't want to hear about your husband or any of that; we both know why you're here and why I'm here. The question is can you do this? Are you enough of a woman to do what you have to do? To keep your word?"

Jenny had prided herself on always on keeping her word and being fair. It was a weird sensation to understand that it meant... doing this. She took a deep breath, she had already done it, all the names anyone might have wanted to call her applied now and even if she walked out now she could never pretend that she'd been a faithful wife... He seemed to read her mind.