Cousin Tabby Ch. 03


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"Well those other guys were crazy, and it's no nastier than what you just did for me. I've wanted to do that to you since the first night I made out with you."

She was wearing a dress, so I dropped to my knees, reached underneath her dress to grasp the waistband of her panties and began sliding them down her legs. She lifted her butt enough to aid me in getting them down. I asked her to slide her skirt up, but she was really blushing. I finally got to see what I had felt with my fingers, earlier. She had the same color of pubic hair as was on her head, chestnut. Her labia were a dark pink and were quite engorged. Her vulva was distended, her rose petals pushing outward. I began kissing from the inside of her left knee up the inside of her thighs toward her beautiful pussy. She spread her legs widely and I could smell her arousal; her pussy was so hot I thought it might burn me.

"Elyse, you are so beautiful, I've got to kiss you." I kissed her labia, sucking on them with my lips. I put my tongue stiffly inside her vagina and tasted of her essence. She had one of the best tasting pussies I've ever had my mouth on. She began moaning and bucking hard with her hips and grinding back with her pelvis against my invading tongue. I began a soft circular touch on her clit with my finger. Her juices really started flowing then, and her grinding increased enough to make me bite my lower lip. The pain was worth it."Oh, my God, Ronnie, I'm going to cum in your mouth."

My mouth was soon filled with copious amounts of her girl cum. I slid up and swallowed every bit of her wonderful elixir I could.

"I've got to catch my breath, Ronnie, I can hardly breathe. I've never felt anything that wonderful in my life. Is that what making love feels like?"

"No it feels much better than that, do you want to try that?"

"I'm still a virgin, Ronnie, but when I do it, I want it to be with you. I think I'm in love with you Ronnie; but I'm afraid."

"I'll wait until you're ready, Elyse, but I'm afraid, too."

She just hugged me tightly, and said, "Don't be afraid, Darling, I'm here with you and I will never do anything to hurt you."

The sense of foreboding that I had felt so many times in other relationships, was long gone from my psyche, but I didn't want to go through heartbreak again.

"I don't want to have sex with you using a condom, Ronnie, I want to be fully giving and not have any barriers between us when it happens."

"Like I said, Sweetheart, I'll wait till you're ready. It will be your decision. I love you."

I got dressed, kissed her good night and drove home. On the way, I called Miranda again to tell her how excited I was about what had happened. She said she was coming over to talk to me.

I decided that this time, I wasn't taking a chance on what might happen between us in my room. I waited for her on the front porch of the frat house. She got there about six minutes. after I called her.

"Oh Ronnie, you wonderful, wonderful man, do you know what you did for Elyse tonight? She called me two minutes after you did, crying she was so happy."

"She kind of made my night, too, Miranda. I think I love her, and I told her so, but I'm still leery after loving Ambrosia, April, and Tabby. I thought I loved them all, too. I know I loved Ambrosia, but that love wasn't strong enough. I realize now, that I didn't know what real love was until I met Elyse."

"Ronnie, April was selfish, Tabby was too strong, and Ambrosia's love wasn't strong enough for you. Believe me, Elyse loves you more than anything. Don't be afraid to give her your all; she will never hurt you, I promise."

"Miranda I love you and I trust you more than anybody in this world. I'll take your word for it."


Elyse and I continued dating exclusively and strengthened our relationship as much is two people in love could. I was so happy and didn't keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Our minimal forays into sex continued with several 69's, but no intercourse. It was getting close to her's and Miranda's time to graduate and to leave for the summer, when Elyse made me a proposition.

"Ronnie, I don't want to leave you for the summer, how would you like it if Daddy gets you a summer job in one of his factories. That way, we could be close to each other all summer."

"Elyse, I love you and I'm going to miss you, but I've already committed, as usual, to work on my Uncle John's farm this summer; so I'm kind of already committed. Summer's only three months, if our love is true, we can handle it."

"Won't that mean, you'll be working around that Tabby girl, your ex? From what Miranda tells me, she's awfully hard to deal with."

"Trust me, Elyse, I love you, and only you, I can handle it being around Tabby."

"Ronnie, I know you have slept with Miranda."

"My God, Elyse, how did you know that?"

"I didn't know for sure, until just now. I knew by the way she talked about you, that you had to have been intimate with her, and I want you to know, I'm okay with it."

I thought about how Ambrosia and how she had reacted to cousin Tabby and me, and realized how lucky I was. "Don't you think it's kind of sick?"

"Ronnie, I had a thing for my older brother, but never acted on it, only because I never had the opportunity. Miranda's a great girl and she loves you dearly. I know if you're having sex with her, you're not looking for someone else."

"Elyse, I love you more than you could imagine. I can't imagine being without you."

"I trust you implicitly, Ronnie, and I love you, too. I'll just really miss you."


I was invited to Miranda's and Elyse's graduation, so Tabby and I both attended, and even sat together. Elyse and Miranda graduated with honors and I was so proud of both of them as I watched from the second row. Unbeknownst to me, Elyse's parents and step father were sitting right behind us in the third row as Tabby and I were both cheering wildly.

As Elyse was awarded her diploma and started to go to her parents seats, I jumped out, pulled her into my arms and kissed her. She just smiled and continued to her parents. I kept glancing back at her past her parents, and all I could see was her loving smile. I almost got tears in my eyes.

As the ceremonies finally ended, we found Elyse and Miranda after their receiving further awards, when Elyse ran up and jumped into my arms. Miranda gave me a big hug and a chaste kiss on the cheek as she came running up, as well. Elyse kissed me and I hugged her with all my might. Her parents came up as I let her down. Tabby looked none too happy.

Her father and mother both looked at me and said almost the same time, "This must be Ronnie."

She acknowledged her father, mother and step-father and said, "Ronnie, I'd like to introduce you to my parents; my father, Maxwell Ellington, my mother, Christine Anderson, and Jim Anderson, my stepfather."

"I'm very honored to meet you all," I said. "This is my sister, Miranda."

"Folks, Miranda introduced us and she is my best friend," Elyse said as she held my hand tightly. She smiled and it lit up her whole face.

Maxwell Ellington, who looked to be in fantastic physical shape, said, "I think I speak for Christine and Jim when I say we are very pleased to meet you, as well. All we've heard the last few weeks was Ronnie this and Ronnie that. You've made my daughter very happy, young man."

"Yes sir, she's made me very happy, too. We managed to have a loving relationship without actually killing each other during logic class."

This got a funny look from all three of her parents until Elyse began to explain. Everyone got a laugh out of it.

"She can be a bit opinionated when she thinks she's right about something, whether she's correct or not, "said Jim Anderson.

Mr. Ellington just nodded his head in agreement, which got them both a scowl from Elyse. They both just started laughing and I joined in as well, rewarded with a playful slap on the arm from Elyse.

Mr. Ellington invited Miranda and I to dinner with the family, and before I had chance to answer, my sister accepted for us. I didn't think I would feel comfortable, but her family all made me feel welcome. Her father and stepfather got along brilliantly, and I was quite surprised. I could see where Elyse got her compassion when I listened as her mother spoke. They made Miranda and I feel as if we were part of the family. I really enjoyed it and appreciated it when they said they were going back to their hotel to give Elyse and I some time alone together. We went back to her apartment.

"Elyse, I love you and I'm going to miss you so much. It's going to be a long summer."

"Honey, it won't be that long, and I'm going to miss you more than you could know."

We spent the evening making out with a little 69 thrown in. We both said our goodbyes and "I love yous."

Part 11 Summer on the Farm

The summer before my senior year of college was a little strange. I was back at the house, which was totally empty. Miranda was driving back and forth to classes, because she didn't want to be alone in the house at school. Some nights she would stay overnight at the house that belonged to her and Tabby when she had classes the next day, which left me with the house to myself. It was really lonely, because it reminded me of my father.

I could always tell the nights when Miranda was home, because she made a point to climb into bed with me. I was lonely and really missed Elyse, so I succumbed to her feminine wiles very easily. She loved being on top and having her pussy eaten. She just came into my room, kissed me on the cheek, stripped down and straddled her sweet smelling pussy onto my mouth and face. I love eating pussy, especially hers, so it usually woke me right up, in more ways than one. The sex between us was just raw unadulterated fucking. We went at it with a primal, almost feral incarnation. I really enjoyed fucking her.

We got some bad news that Robbie had injured his knee during spring practice and needed to stay there for the summer for rehab. We wouldn't have the pleasure of his company for the summer. When Dad died he had an immense amount of life insurance, along with the money he had invested. He had stipulated that Mrs. Hansen was to be taken care of, and she received a good sum of money. She no longer had to work, so she stayed at home with her ailing husband. This left Miranda and I on our own, although there were days that she would bring us a fresh-baked pie or cake. Miranda was a very good cook, and I was no slouch, myself. My sister and I were good for each other because we both missed our dad and brother.

When I reported for work on the farm, Tabby was pretty much in charge. Uncle John was, basically, semi-retired. He still called the main shots, though, which ended up being my saving grace. Tabby decided to give me all of the shit jobs, literally, assigning me to shovel out the stables every day. Finally, Uncle John came down to the stables to go for a ride and saw me. He told Tabby, in no uncertain terms, that I was being wasted shoveling crap and to put me out on the range. She wasn't too happy, but I sure was. I was riding one day and it was really sweltering. I was feeling a little down, missing Elyse, so I decided to go to my favorite spot. As I was setting on the bank, at the bend at Cutters Creek, I heard a four wheeler ride up and saw Tabby. She did not look happy, and let me know it in no uncertain terms.

"What the fuck are you doing sitting here on your ass, Maxwell?"

"If you want an answer to that, you'd better call me by my right name, and talk to me in a better tone of voice."

"Why aren't you out on the range?"

"I've already repaired two sections the fence today, and there weren't any more strays to round up."

"I'm sure I can find something else for you to do."

I'd just about had enough of her shit and I told her so. "Go to hell, Tabby, you just can't stand it that we're not together anymore, and you're trying to break me. Well, it can't be done."

"I think it's you who can't stand being away from me."

With that she jumped down onto me and kissed me passionately. I was resisting, but she didn't seem to be having any of it. When I didn't respond to the kiss, she reached down, unzipped my fly, reached in and grabbed my cock so hard that it hurt, and practically swallowed my dick whole. I finally shoved her off so hard that she fell backwards rolling down the bank into the creek. She came out of the water madder than a wet hen.

"Maxwell, you son of a bitch, wait till I get a hold of you."

Believe me, I wasn't waiting, and I got the hell out of there. She chased me all the way back to the stables, with that four-wheeler of hers, and I barely made it in time. Anger is time-limited, so I knew I just needed to stay away from her until she cooled down.

I ran over to the safety of my house and ran in. Miranda saw me and said, "Ronnie, what the hell is the matter with you?"

I explained everything to her recounting the story. Miranda just started laughing hysterically.

"I'll bet she had steam rolling out of her ears and she was dripping blood from her fangs."

"That's not funny, she was a mad woman, if she caught me she would've killed me."

"No Ronnie, she'd have probably raped you. She's so gone over you she can't see straight."

She just sat there laughing at my expense until I left her to go take a shower. Tabby never came over to the house to get me, so I was at least safe from Tabby.

As I was showering I was joined by a very naked and sexy Miranda.

"I thought I would join you and wash your back for you."

"You know we shouldn't be doing this, right?"

"Ronnie, you do realize I'm your summer fuck buddy, don't you?"

And she set out to prove just that after I got the shower, by jumping on me in my bedroom and almost fucking the life out of me. Boy did my sister like to screw.

It didn't help matters any that I missed Elyse so badly. We e-mailed constantly and I called her at least every other night. She made me horny as hell with that sexy voice of hers when she talked to me, and then she added insult to injury by sending me an attachment on e-mail one night. It was of her in the skimpiest bikini I'd ever seen. She looked so sexy that I knew she was teasing me. She was standing in front of a pool and the caption read, "Wish you were here."

I spent many a whack off night to that picture when Miranda wasn't available.

I did tell Miranda one day, "You know this can't last, don't you?"

"Yes Ronnie, I know I'm just taking care of you until you see Elyse again, but while I'm doing it, I'm going to enjoy it."

"Miranda, did you know that Elyse knows about us?"

"Not for sure, but I thought it was funny that she told me to take care of you during the summer, and then winked."

"Well you have done that. Just so you understand. I'm hers exclusively when we all get back to school."


The summer was going very well on the farm, especially if I avoided Tabby. She tried to assign me as much work as she possibly could; I think as punishment. I was calling and e-mailing Elyse as much as possible. While I had her on the phone, I told her what I thought of her bikini picture.

"What are you trying to do to me with that photo, Sweetie, kill me?"

She just giggled and said, "I wanted you to see what you were missing this summer by not coming with me. I didn't want you to forget what I looked like."

"That's right, torture me. Elyse Ellington, you have a mean streak in you."

"Be honest, have you masturbated to that picture?"

"You bet I have; what would you expect?"

"I expect you to do just that and would have been disappointed if you hadn't. I want you to be thinking of me."

"You wait till I see you; and I can't wait."

"How are you getting along with Tabby?"

"I'm fine as long as I stay away from her, she's acting as foreman and she's trying her best to kill me."

"Well, take care yourself, sweetie, I love you."

"I love you so much more."

Miranda and I spent our Olympic night in the rack, as usual. Believe me, she worked out my sexual tension from my phone call with Elyse.


Everything was going pretty smoothly until the community 4th of July picnic at Uncle John's ranch. This was an annual event that everyone looked forward to, including me. He always had an ox roast, and several kegs of beer, along with soft drinks for the kids.

My first surprise of the day came in the way of Dempsey Lewis showing up for the picnic. Apparently he had driven to 250 miles to get here from his home across the state. Cottontail was elated to see him and didn't think he would make it. I got to stand and talk with them for a bit while going through a couple of beers. Miranda and I were enjoying the good food and competitive events, managing to keep our dignity during the couple of events that we had entered, like the sack race and the three-legged race. After we were done our events, we decided to do something that Miranda had been begging for since the summer started.

She wanted to go for a horseback ride around the farm with me, so I saddled up a couple of horses and we started on our way. In the crowd I had lost track of Dempsey and Cottontail, and figured they'd went off to screw somewhere. That was my second major surprise of the day.

We were riding a trail on the opposite side of my spot at the bend of Cutters Creek, when we saw three naked bodies intertwined on a blanket on the opposite bank. It totally surprised me to see Dempsey lying on the bank with Tabby riding him for all it was worth and Cottontail sitting on his face licking Tabby's tits. Tabby wasn't worried about being heard, and that was obvious.

"Fuck me hard, Cowboy, fuck me hard, make me come you son of a bitch. Suck my tits you little bitch, use your teeth, yes that's it. Fuck me, Ronnie... FUCK ME HARD."

Miranda could tell by the look on my face that that was my third surprise of the day, Tabby yelling that. Nobody noticed that we were across the creek until Cottontail pulled her mouth off of Tabby's tits and looked across the creek. She got a horrified look on her face, tapped Tabby on the shoulder and pointed across the creek at us. Tabby turned her head and got very angry.

"You enjoying the show Miranda? Get that little son of a bitch away from here. Fuck you, Maxwell"

She didn't have to say it twice to me, and I kicked the horse to move on down the trail.

"I can't believe she called out my name while she was fucking some other guy."

"I can believe it, Ronnie; she is still very hung up on you. She loves you with all her heart and every other guy is just a cheap imitation of you."

"I just still can't believe it."

"Well believe it, because I'm still concerned that things between you two haven't really come to a head yet. Right now, that scene got me so horny my crotch is soaked, get me somewhere quickly and fuck me, or I'm going to be humping my saddle horn.

I just started laughing and led her to a secluded place I knew down the trail to grant her her wish . Nobody rode past us, which was a good thing, because we fucked hard for about an hour and a half, through four orgasms for her and two for me. We moseyed back quietly to move into the party. When people asked where we were, we just told them we had gone for long ride around the property. Tabby gave us both a look that could have killed, mostly directed at me. I couldn't have cared less.

Tabby finally came over to me and said, "Did you enjoy the show you little pervert."

"I've seen better and if you don't want people to see, don't fuck somebody out in the open. I'd watch that pervert crap. I wasn't the one having a bisexual threesome."