Cousin Tabby Ch. 03


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At that moment I saw her ball up her fists like she was going to hit me, so I and turned around and left. Seeing the look on her face made me feel sorry for her, after I got over being apprehensive. I continued to enjoy the festivities until I was ready to leave.

I found Dempsey, shook his hand and told him I was leaving. He looked at me rather sheepishly, and said he was sorry for his earlier spectacle. I just told him that you take the opportunities when they're offered. Cottontail just looked at me demurely, with an embarrassed look on her face as I left.


As I lay there later wrapped in Miranda's arms, I couldn't help but recall the scene that had occurred earlier with Tabby, Dempsey and Cottontail. I recalled the way Tabby was grinding her pussy on Dempsey's cock in that special way of hers. I began to get hard and let Miranda know I was ready to go again when I slid my fingers into her pussy. I crawled between her legs and slid my erection into her juicy quim, grabbed her legs and placed them on my shoulders, pounding her for all she was worth. After fucking her through two overwhelming orgasms, I shot my hot sperm inside her steaming walls.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that all about? You never fucked me like that," Miranda said as she lay there hugging me tightly.

"I just got a major bout of the screaming hornies."

She said with a smirk on her face, "Thinking about Tabby getting fucked turn you on?"

"I guess so. She was always a fantastic piece of ass, especially grinding on top like that."

"Well you're here with me now, and you have Elyse waiting on you."

I thought about how good I had it and I actually felt a little guilty."


All of my good feelings came crashing down about a week later when, suddenly, Elyse cut off all contact with me. She wouldn't answer any of my e-mails and stopped sending me any. All my calls went to her voicemail and she never called me back when I asked her. For the next 30 days I was in pure anguish.

Miranda even offered to call Elyse for me, but I told her no. I figured she had met someone else and hooked up with him. It didn't help matters much when Uncle John asked me to talk to him in his study again about three days before I was supposed to leave to go back to school.

"I want to thank you again, Ronnie, for helping on the farm this summer, I know it hasn't been easy on you."

"No problem, Uncle John, I love summers on the farm."

"Come on now, Son, I know Tabby's been wreaking as much hell on you as she possibly could, and I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it Uncle John, I just stayed away from her and it was fine. She didn't work me that badly, it was nothing I couldn't handle after you saved me from the stables."

"Ronnie, I know I wasn't originally in favor of your relationship with my daughter, but do you think there's any chance of repairing it? She's been so sad this summer."

"No chance, you were right, she's too strong-willed a personality for me to handle. I feel like I don't have a life when I'm with her. Besides, I'm practically engaged to another girl now."

"You're right of course, Ronnie, but I was only hoping."

"Sorry, but she made decisions that I can't live with or go into."

"Okay Ronnie, good luck at school and on your future. Your father would be proud."

As I walked away from him, I realized how much I loved and respected the man. He would always hold a special place in my heart. And I knew I could talk to him candidly about anything.

Part 11 Back to School

I got back to school and back to my room in the frat house that I shared with Dempsey. He said he'd had a great summer and he felt he was in love with Cottontail. I told him I was happy for him, but to make sure it wasn't just lust.

Things started getting a little tough when I got a phone call from Elyse one night when I was studying.

I refused the call and went back to my studies. I figured if she had cut off all contact with me, I wasn't going to communicate with her now. I kept refusing her next 10 calls over the next couple of days. It was getting to be a little bit of a pain.

I then got a call from Miranda asking me to come over to the house. I walked over and she was sitting on the porch. I sat down with her in one of the chairs and she started right in on me.

"Ronnie, why won't you take any of Elyse's calls? She says she's called you several times and she really needs to talk to you."

"She's the one that cut off all contact with me during the last part of the summer, why would she want to talk to me now?"

"I told her that would be your response, but she said she really needs to talk to you."

"People in hell want ice water too," I replied, while thinking I was eventually going to have to talk to her.

I left and walked back to my room through the park, stopping at the gazebo to sit and think for a while. I loved Elyse very much and I felt we were meant to be together, but she'd hurt me badly. I went back to my room at the frat house and had a sleepless night.

Things finally came to a head the next day when I was coming out of one of my engineering classes and practically ran right into Elyse. I looked at her questioningly.

"One of the perks of being a TA is having access to student schedules. You wouldn't return my calls, so I decided I had to ambush you. Why won't you return my any of calls?"

"You made it perfectly clear to me, Ms. Ellington, that you no longer wished to remain in contact with me, so I complied."

"Ronnie, I needed to talk to you, but I needed to do it in person not over a phone or an e-mail. That just wouldn't be right."

"Your last class ends at three, so will you please meet me at my apartment?"

"No way, the coffee shop at 4 o'clock or nowhere, I want this to be on neutral ground."

"As I remember, the coffee shop is far from neutral ground, that's where our relationship started."

"Well I guess that's where it can end, then."

She started to cry and I just turned my back and left. I was probably being a little stern, okay I was being an asshole, but she was the one that had cut off contact with me with no explanation.

I got there about 4:05 and she was already there, always being the punctual one. I had forgotten how incredibly beautiful she actually was. She was sitting there demurely with what I could only describe as a look of shame on her face. That surprised me because she had always been so confident in stature and deportment.

"Okay, you have the floor."

"Ronnie, let me start out by saying I love you and I never wanted to hurt you..."

"Buuuut, you met someone and you're breaking up with me. Don't worry I've heard it all before. I'll survive." I got up and started to leave.

"Ronnie, sit the fuck down."

She said this rather loudly, which was a major shock to me. I sat back down across from her to listen to what she had to say.

"Ronnie, I cheated on you. I was at a country club dance the weekend after July fourth and I danced with an old boyfriend. You have to understand, I missed you more than I could stand. You had Miranda, but I had nobody. I couldn't talk to my parents about it."

"I called you is much as I could and e-mailed you every day and that wasn't enough?"


By this time everybody was looking at us and I was the one who was embarrassed. "Go ahead, I won't interrupt you again."

"Like I said we were dancing and it was a beautiful night and he asked me to go out onto the terrace. While we were out there, he told me I was still beautiful, and unexpectedly kissed me. He was a good kisser and I couldn't resist his sexual power."

"Before I knew it he had his hand in my blouse squeezing my breast and tweaking my nipple. I so missed the physical contact I had with you and you weren't there. Before I knew what happened he had reached up under my skirt and pushed my panties aside and slid his fingers into me. I was so aroused that I just sat there while he fingered me to orgasm. He sat me up on the wide stone railing, and pulled out his dick, that's when I really realized that I gone too far. There was no way I was going to lose my virginity sitting on a stone railing and especially not to him."

"I left that party so ashamed of myself and filled to the brim with guilt. I felt I had let you down in so many ways. I didn't mean for it to happen and I felt that I had ruined it between us. I couldn't even bear to look at myself in the mirror. I snapped at my parents and even belittled the maid.

"The one person I could talk to about such things I couldn't talk to, don't you understand? This needed to be said in person not over the phone or over e-mail."

"Elyse, I love you, and if that's all you did, then that's nothing. I could hardly criticize you for playing around a little with an old boyfriend when I've been sleeping with my sister the whole summer."

I reached across and held her hand firmly, saying, "I forgive you and I love you. We're meant to be together and nothing you could do, within reason, will destroy that."

She jumped up and ran to my side of booth and jumped onto my lap kissing me and hugging me, "Oh Ronnie, I love you so much and I've missed you."

"Yeah you could've saved us both a lot of anguish if you'd of just called Miranda and talked to her about it. She would've told you that I'm not that prudish."

"Ronnie I couldn't talk to her before I talked to you. You are my reason for living. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

I walked her to her car and followed her back to her apartment.

When we got in her apartment, she said, "I brought you something."

She told me to sit on the couch and I did. As I sat there looking at her she began slowly turning her back to me. She then unbuttoned her blouse and spread it apart and dropped it from her shoulders to the floor. She then reached behind her and unsnapped her bra and dropped it off her arms to the floor. She was still undulating while she unzipped her skirt to drop it to the floor on to the growing how of her clothes. She then slid her black thong sexily down her long legs. She turned to me and said, "It's your gift, so I guess you should've unwrapped it."

I took in the sight before me and said, "My God, Elyse, you're so beautiful."

With that, she walked over to me and took my hand, pulling me out from the couch. I followed her into her bedroom where she began to undress me. As she got to my semi-hard cock after pulling my underwear down, she took me into her mouth. She had learned well and was giving me a world class mouth action. When she got me as hard as a rock, she said, "I'm yours Ronnie, make me a woman."

I slid down between her legs to make contact with my mouth on her musky wet pussy. I had always loved to eat her out in our sessions before and this time was no different. She grabbed my hair and was grinding her juicy quim onto my face. As I inserted two fingers and was sucking on her clit, she began bucking and closed her legs on my head. My mouth was flooded with her delicious girl cum. She then grabbed my hair and started pulling me up between her legs. I stopped at her ample breasts and chewed on her nipples while kneading her mounds.

"Please, Ronnie, PLEASE!"

I slid myself between her legs and lined up my cock with her dripping hole. I slid slowly into her, feeling tight resistance until I felt a pop. She winced a little in pain and I gave her time to adjust. I began a slow sawing motion in and out while I reached down and grabbed her muscular ass.

"You can go a little faster now, Ronnie, it starting to feel so good."

I began a little faster and harder sawing motion and her moaning increased to cries of pleasure. It felt like this was the most righteous thing in the world. It was like I should've been doing this forever. This feeling was meant to be, and was going to be that way for the rest of my life. I was truly in love for the first time in my life.

She stiffened in orgasm twice before I finally felt like I was going to let loose. She must've felt me swelling inside her.

"Come inside me Ronnie, I went on birth control during the summer for us. I want to feel it inside me."

I blasted off inside her with one of the most intense orgasms I ever had.

"Oh, Sweetie, I feel you shooting inside me; that's so wonderful. I love you."

We lay there in our post coital bliss and I said, "Elyse, I truly feel that we were meant to be together forever. I love you with all my heart and I'm glad I found you again."

"I am yours forever after tonight, Ronnie; you sealed the deal by making love to me."

We began that semester by being practically inseparable. Miranda was so happy for me and Elyse, her good friend. We were going along smoothly in our relationship for about three months.

Things got a little crazy one night at a frat party before the holidays.

I say crazy, but I mean bizarre. I was at the party with Elyse and we were having a couple of beers, just talking with some friends when Tabby came up. She was pretty intoxicated, but had no problem walking right up and getting in Elyse's face.

"Having fun with my leftovers, Bitch. Did he tell you I was his first? "

Not intimidated in the least, Elyse just looked her square in the eyes and replied, "No he didn't tell me, but he was my first and all I can tell you is, that you must've taught him well. He makes me have multiple orgasms."

Tabby got an angry look on her face and grabbed Elyse's blouse with both hands.

I move forward to intervene, saying, "Tabby let go of her, are you crazy?"

Elyse shocked me by positioning both her hands over Tabby's hands and dropping to her knees onto the floor. Being that a person's wrist isn't meant to and backwards, Tabby followed her to the floor, screaming in surprise. Elyse let go and slid back up and said to me, "Ronnie it's getting little stuffy in here. Let's go home. "

She grabbed my hand and we started to leave, but it wasn't to be. Tabby stood back up and was as mad as a bull seeing red. She came running at us full speed in a beeline for Elyse. I was afraid of what she was going to do to Elyse, but I needn't have worried. Elyse just stepped deftly to the side and pushed Tabby harder as she went by propelling her head first into the wall. The combination of alcohol and trauma knocked Tabby for a loop and she remained on the floor.

"Come on, Ronnie, let's get out of here."

"Whatever you say ma'am, just don't hurt me. I'll come peaceable."

"As if I'd ever hurt you, Silly, I love you. A girl's got to protect what's hers. Just get me to the bed quickly; this little episode has made me so wet."

We got in the car, started driving, and I said, "Watching you made me horny, as well."

As I drove her back to her apartment, I asked her how she learned to do all that and she said simply, "Daddy started teaching me when I was nine years old how to protect myself. He's ex-special forces and has taught aikido for years. It wasn't really hard. Tabby's all bully, and she uses bully tactics. Bullies fight by using intimidation and certain moves that are very predictable.

"I told you about Tabby's history, you didn't just defend yourself, you really kicked her ass."

"I'm sorry I had to do that, I know you love Tabby."

"I love Tabby, but I'm in love with you, Elyse Ellington, and I always will be."

When we reached her apartment we went straight to bed and I did my best to cool her down a little. Just before midnight I got a call from Miranda.

"My God, Ronnie, I just heard what happened. Tabby's furious. "

"She started it in her usual way and Elyse finished it."

"I really wished I'd been there to see it, she's had it coming for years. She finally met someone that wasn't going to take her shit. I love her dearly but it may have been what she needed. I told you before, Ronnie, she still very much in love with you. She just can't stand to see you in the arms of another."

"Too bad, she had her chance and blew it."

"Well, Brother, it sure doesn't seem like she realizes that."

To be continued...

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sabra16023sabra16023about 8 years ago
Great Writing

A great story by a great author. Sorry I can't give you 10 stars but you got the max 5 stars. Waiting for next chapter. Thanks

horny2doithorny2doitabout 8 years ago

Yes, you are a great writer and have made this story one of the best I have ever read and I have read a ton of stories over the years. You created a great story line, along with excellent sexy background and a super arousal factor :) I cannot wait for the next chapter or two; it would be great if Elyse, Miranda and Ronnie spent a weekend screwing each other / having sex play of many sorts at some point. I cannot wait for what comes next. Thank you !!

TheePoetTheePoetabout 8 years ago

whether you are male or female, i gotta give you props cause yo sure can write and make things super graphic as well as easy to follow. can't wait for you to put up the next chapter. keep it up mate

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 8 years ago
She's Out of Control ( I enjoy that from a distance )

Silly but fun. Emphasis on characters . Author doesn't shy from conflict. Mellow dramas keep things moving. I thank the author for sharing.

wildcat69awildcat69aabout 8 years ago

This story just keeps getting better and better. Keep it going please.

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