Cruel Brotherly Hypnosis


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This sounded very ominous and I felt fear.

"What do you mean...?"

"Only that when you wake up in the morning, everything will be back to our sweet, perverted routine. You won't remember anything about the recordings... or the things I'm doing to you... I thought you might want to say something to me before that happens... Or ask a question," he taunted me. I felt in his voice that he was having a tremendous time.

I remained silent, initially planning to protest that way. But then I thought of some things and I realized actually did have questions for him.

"Were you worried even for a second? When I showed you these recordings?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. I assumed it was over for me. Fortunately, you're really dumb and of all people, you trusted, your cheating ex-boyfriend, who once messaged me on Instagram that if I was ever interested in finding a submissive bottom, I should hit him up."

Damn, I didn't know that... I guess I really was stupid. What made me really sad was the fact that I wouldn't remember Mark's betrayal. If I ever manage to find out what Nick's doing to me in the future, I will fall right back into the same trap of trusting Mark... what a nightmare...

"Why me?" I asked another question. "Why not literally anyone else? Someone you're not related to, perhaps?"

"When you came back from college, for the first time I saw a man in you. Handsome, cheeky, immature young fuckboy. Putting you into your place before me felt delicious. As for the incest part, I never felt too close to you, so it literally didn't matter to me."

That was sad to hear.

"I always loved you..." I mumbled in a sad tone.

"I didn't say that I never loved you, merely that we were never very close. I believe I already told you: at first I did feel guilty, but I found this guilt delicious in a way. It was the ultimate perversion."

I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"Please, Nick... don't make me forget... I want to remember everything," I wept. "Do whatever you want to me, but don't take my memories away... Please..."

"Hmmm..." He kissed my neck, scratching my gentle skin with his facial hair. "Why would you want to remember the things I'm doing to you?"

"I... I'm not sure..." I admitted.

"That's okay, little brother. We have time. Tell me whatever comes to your mind and I will help you interpret it."

I knew what I wanted to say, I was just afraid and ashamed to reveal this.

"I kind of like some of the things you're doing to me..." I whispered, feeling that my face is hot from embarrassment. "I know that you hypnotized me specifically to like them, but I can't change the fact that it worked and that I do... So I would like to remember them..."

"I see. That can't be the only reason, though."

How did he know? I closed my eyes, feeling that my embarrassment only grows in strength.

"I don't want to talk about this..."

My big brother really didn't like that.

"You will tell me anything I want to know, little brother. If you'll require me to do unspeakable things to you in order to get this out of you, I will oblige," he threatened me.

I turned over in his arm to face him. I looked into his cold eyes, so unnecessarily taking away from his handsome face.

"When I discovered what you're doing to me, outside of arousal, it made me realize how lonely I feel," I whispered, looking into his eyes. "I have no one, really. No intimacy, no sex. None that I would remember, anyway... I was terrified when I saw the true you on the recordings, but at the same time, I wanted to see and experience more, even if it would be with you... Please, brother... Let me remember everything... Make it with hypnosis so I can't tell anyone, but let me have you... I can promise that I will tend to your... needs willingly. I will try to make you feel really good..." For a while, he was listening to me with a nasty, smug smirk on his face.

"There's a very simple solution, little brother," he whispered calmly, rubbing my back with his hand. "I will manipulate Mark to move in with us. I will make you two believe you're boyfriends. That way you won't feel lonely anymore."

"No! I don't want that," I protested with disgust. Mark was a horny, disgusting pig and now also a mind-controlled puppet of my brother.

"Why not?" Nick challenged me with a confident smirk. "It's a perfect solution. Unless you're not being honest with me..."

I blushed and lowered my gaze on his chest, as facing him just felt as too much.

"I love you... And I want to... I guess... explore what we have. And I don't want to be with any other man... I want to think about you when I'm at work, about all the things you will do to me this night... Please, Nick... I'm a willing victim, I swear... Let us have this..."

Nick chuckled into my face.

"Oh, Mikey... you're so cutely dumb. And sweetly innocent... And for that reason, I'm going to be frank with you: I don't care that much. I'm here for the nasty disrespectful sex. Dealing with your crap every day is just going to piss me off. I much more prefer you confused, helpless, obedient, maybe even a little scared. You're just a set of nice holes to me, let's not change that into something it is not, hmm?" I couldn't believe he would say something so hurtful to me, having such a sly smirk on his face... I felt tears running out of my eyes. "Crying again? Poor Mikey... Let it all out... Tears are normal in your situation... After all, you're stuck in hell, while being the most innocent cutie ever... But we can make it bearable, trust me..." he whispered into my ear. "We can turn your pain into lust. Stop thinking about love, think about my rigid hog staining your mouth with its sweat and cum... Think of pleasures of the flesh, leaving you feel guilty and ashamed, but still craving for more..." He leaned over and licked my nipple with the tip of his tongue. "Older brother shouldn't do that to his younger brother... and yet here I am..."

I was sad that he wouldn't want to give me as much affection and intimacy as I needed. He wanted only to be filthy with me...

"Would you mind rimming me instead?" I asked, curious how he would respond. If this was supposed to be the last thing we're doing while I remember it, I wanted his mouth to be busy and far away from my ears. I was so sick of his whisper melting my mind and leaving it thoughtless.

"Is that what you want?" Nick smiled. "As you wish, little brother. It should relax you and that's what we want. But while I pleasure your hole, you will hump on a pillow, alright? I want you to cum. It will bring you relief and make you more receptive to the process of erasure of your memories..."

"Nooo, please... Don't erase anything..." I begged again, rubbing his chest. I immediately triggered his smug smirk. He must have really loved this type of power trip. "Please, let me remember... Own me... Think about this, Nick... Morning blowjobs during breakfast... Shower sex... If I misbehave, you will erase my mind then..."

He rewarded me with a kiss on my lips. But when he was done, he whispered:

"No, you're going down tonight," he assured with a cold tone and stood up to change position. He put me on my belly and playfully slapped my fuzzy peach. "Try not to despair too much about it and just enjoy the moment, eh?" He pushed a pillow under my crotch and grabbed my erection to decide how it should lie on it. "Now be a good boy and hump for me. You do want to be a good boy, don't you?"

My reasonable side wanted to be bratty and respond "no". It was the only way to not lose all dignity in this humiliating situation. But the part of my brain he already dominated knew that I should be cheerful like a dog for him. I should wag my tail with my tongue out, and just mindlessly enjoy the strokes he provides me with. It would be so easy to just give up... he wired my brain so that it rewards me for acts of submission and obedience with an immense pleasure. If he managed to trap me anyway... why turn it unpleasant and not just enjoy it...?

"Yes, I want to be a good boy... but only for you," I panted. Just admitting that sent shivers through my nipples and down my spine, making my cock and asshole twitch in excitement. Since when humiliation began feeling so great to me...?

He spread my cheeks apart and I felt his slick warm tongue entering my asshole. The thought of him doing this to me was incredibly exciting. The sensation was godly, too. It was a bit ticklish and because of it -- intense. My humping movement only improved it, making it twice as unpredictable.

If only I could enjoy the moment and stop thinking... But I couldn't. The thought that I'm going to forget it all hurt me to the core. Maybe I could still convince him...? Bootlick him enough or excite him, so that he changes his mind...?

"Big brother..." I moaned, finding it difficult to speak when he applied these sensations to me. "Please... Reconsider your decision... You don't have to love me... You won't have to give me any additional attention... Just let me remember and let me be aware... Come on!" I shouted in frustration. He was overwhelming me with bliss already. His tongue was an unrelentless tickler reaching deep and causing my hips to wiggle helplessly against the pillow. I wondered how did he become so good at this? Was he a fuckboy before I moved in with him? Or perhaps he did this so many times to me, he knew how to press my buttons? Regardless, I was melting... and I needed time to try and convince him. "Mmhmh... nooo..." I moaned and my cock filled with cum, which then generously poured out of it all over the pillow. He kept going until my peehole had nothing more to shoot with. Good lord... the orgasms he gave me felt absolutely disgusting. Incredibly intense -- incomparably intense to anything, actually -- but always nasty. Kind of like jerking off to some taboo you would normally never be into.

Nick pulled his tongue out of my warm tight hole and kissed my buttocks, lovingly. I felt his big hands rub my back.

"Still conscious?" he asked, a bit surprised. "You must be really horny, little brother... I can't blame you... I might be abusing you, but you've always been enjoying it quite a lot..."

He climbed upon me and crushed me under his warm, muscular body. He pressed his lips against my ear and just quietly blew the air. His wordless whisper penetrated my brain deeply enough to reach the other ear. My mind went blank, shocked and paralyzed, awaiting his words, his instructions, his demands.

"Please... tell me dirty things while you fuck me, big brother..." I begged, smiling mindlessly.

"How do you know I'm planning to fuck you?" he whispered and his breathy voice made me moan.

"You wouldn't rim me without using my relaxed ass for your own pleasure..." I guessed, happy with myself. I closed my eyes, perfectly eager to accept anything that happens to me.

"That's right, little brother... that's your purpose in life..." And with these words, he inserted his cock into me. My hole was just as happy and overwhelmed with the horny fever as I was; it greeted him with excited twitches, encouraging him to get deeper. "No condom, because you must alwaaaysss take my cum," he whispered and licked my ear. "That's right, Mikey... Your holes are only good for dripping with my seed... I'm sure dad would be proud of us bonding so closely... He used to whine so much about us arguing... You know, he even took me on the side one time to tell me that as your big brother, I should take a good care of you..." Nick chuckled cruelly. "You have no idea how sexy you were during our first time... You begged me to stop, I still remember your cries..." he whispered into my ear. "We've been playing this naughty little game where I would tell you to suck me off and you would resist like a madman, but then I would confuse you with trance and each time you would slip out of it, you would be gargling on my dick... The sweet panicked sounds you made when spitting my tool out..."

I chuckled for him, cheerfully.

"Why would I ever do that?" I asked in sweet confusion. "Your cock and balls are the best snack..."

"My thoughts exactly," he whispered and kissed my ear, while continuously pounding me and hitting all the right spots. "Your tragedy lies in the fact that you always believe you can resist me... If only you just gave up, you would enjoy the unending stream of pleasure and bliss I would provide you with..."

"I love doing what you tell me to do..." my tired mind was forced to say.

"Good boy... that's exactly what you should think... always obey my commands... always be exited to serve me," he encouraged my submissiveness, lowering the resistances of my brain with his penetrative whisper, making my brain absorb his control like a dry sponge. "Even if it brings you pain or discomfort... even if it makes you afraid... always do what your big brother tells you..."

It was so easy to fall to his words' guidance when all of your thoughts were focused on the sharp presence of his thick cock in your tight ass, constantly marking its presence by rubbing, throbbing, stretching, reaching deeper... He slid his hand under my chest and I felt his fingers toying with my nipples. He pinched them, twisted them, milked them... Each button he pressed would leave me more vulnerable and defenseless than before.

I moaned helplessly, suddenly overwhelmed with the mind-breaking pleasure. He melted my brain, dominated my body and now was slapping his wet cock against my soul with a cheeky smile sure of his triumph over me.

"Any last words?" he whispered straight into my ear again.

I knew it was the end. His cock was about to explode inside of me, alongside my prostate. Soon I would drown in the sea of mind-wiping pleasure that will erase me and make me his obedient slut forever... Arousal and stimulation made it easy to accept. And thus, I chose my last words:

"I love you, master!"

You can judge me as much as you want. You can call me stupid because of the mistakes I made. But believe me when I say it: at no point there was hope for me to get out of this nightmare. Even if I informed the police, rather than put my trust in Mark, I would feel like an empty shell without Nick's whisper tainting my thoughts. He destroyed my brain too much and it was beyond repair.

If there's one thing I can tell you, it's to not feel sorry for me. There's really no need for that. He made me happy and content with my life. Was that done truthfully or honestly? Of course not. But in the end, life is not about that, but about how well it felt to live through. And I must tell you this truth, even if you find it world-shattering: your goals, dreams, pride, accomplishments and stability mean nothing. They are nothing. I had them as well and I can tell you with full responsibility that the happiness they bring me is nothing when compared to the gratitude, pleasure and satisfaction I feel each time my big brother spits on me, fucks me and dehumanizes me.

If there are people like him, who can bend your mind enough to make sucking their toes feel absolutely godly, unlike anything else on this planet, what's even the point to try and do anything else? Find yourself a hypnotizer, let him into your mind, let him poison it, let him ruin your life. It sounds abstract and ridiculous, but it's true. He will turn his whims into your life goals. You will endure unspeakable humiliation. And he will reward you with an equally unspeakable pleasure, so that you never even think of getting away.

Life is really not worth living, unless you find someone capable of doing this to you. Give yourself up. Surrender. Let him leash your mind. And be happy. Nothing else matters.


I woke up at 8 am, incredibly tired and sleepy. I couldn't remember what was I doing last evening, but it felt like I've had three hours of sleep, max. With a sigh of frustration, I stood up and went to take shower.

I realized that my arms and ass felt weirdly sore when I began showering. I recalled getting drunk with Mark on a party. I know I was still just a young adult, but I should really be above partying in the middle of the week...

I brushed my teeth and left the bathroom to find my big brother sipping coffee in the kitchen.

"You look destroyed, little brother," he commented, seeing my tired face.

"I don't remember when I went to sleep," I mumbled weakly.

"Around 4 am, I'm afraid. You made quite the noise. And you cheerfully informed me that you and Mark are in a relationship again..."

"Really?" I asked, surprised. This information woke me up for real. "Wow... I don't remember anything..." But I guess I was kind of happy about it. We've been talking with Mark a lot lately. Maybe it's time to give him another chance?

"Not surprising, considering how drunk you were," Nick responded indifferently and then he looked at his watch. "Alright, I'm leaving for work. See ya later, little brother."

"Yeah... bye, Nick."

I packed my things and soon after that I was ready to leave as well. I approached the door to put my shoes on and then my eyes stopped at Nick's gym shoes. My heartrate increased and my arms kind of made the decision to grab the sneaker on their own. I put my nose inside of the shoe and inhaled Nick's stink, letting it cloud my mind.

I felt my cock grow hard and then I shook my head quickly, remembering that I have to leave for work. I quickly returned his shoe on the floor.

"What the fuck is wrong with me," I sighed, tucked my erection in and left.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts and critique in the comments! That way I know whether to continue something or not! If you liked this story, I invite you to give a chance also to other work of mine!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 hour ago

Bruhhh I wanted Mikey to get his revenge 😭

CyanideTCyanideT10 days ago

I confess I had to come back to this story several times before I eventually finished it because I, ah, got a little carried away even when I tried not to go over the limit...

Hot from beginning to end. One of my very favorites!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I'll come back to this story many times, I think.

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