Cursed Ch. 04


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The big dark man's hand darted out, and his fingers grabbed my closest nipple. I gasped as he pinched me hard and twisted the sensitive bud.

I gritted my teeth as the bastard said, "Smile and push your tit into my hand."

Carmen's phone flashed again as I complied.

Alberto continued with his lesson. "If the customer cups your pussy, smile, and take a deep breath.

The bastard's hand cupped my mons and massaged my moist hot pussy. I inhaled sharply as I fought a strong urge to drive my knee into his crotch.

Alberto kept caressing my pussy as he said, "Don't get me wrong. Customers don't have free reign to do whatever they like to our waitresses. Free is the definitive word. Your job is to act sexy and available to make the customers desire you enough to want you no matter how much it costs. We don't have enough bouncers to watch every waitress individually. So, if a customer penetrates any of your holes with anything, and they haven't paid the appropriate fee, you are required to report them to a bouncer or the bartender. The Dollhouse has a list of fees posted listing costs based upon which hole was penetrated by what object."

Carmen said, "She seems very submissive. Have you made a decision about hiring her?"

Alberto removed his hands from my shaking body and sat on the corner of the desk. The bastard had left me on the edge of an orgasm. He inspected my body like it was a used car he was considering. "Well on the plus side, she has several years of waitressing experience. She is a good dancer, and her face is almost pretty. Her perky breasts aren't double D's like Ellen's, but they are large enough to fill the hand of the biggest construction worker I know, and they don't sag like Ellen's. She also has long legs and a beautiful athletic ass, thanks to her dancing. She's a big tall woman with plenty of stamina. Finally, judging by how wet she is, she likes exposing herself to men, which will help her adapt to working at The Dollhouse. Unfortunately, I still see too much fire in her eyes, so I am not convinced she will follow orders and behave."

I couldn't believe the asshole. I had maintained his stupid Dollhouse pose without flinching while he vigorously rubbed my pussy to the point where I was on the edge of cumming in front of the assholes. What did I have to do to get a job in Carmen's shitty strip club?

Carman sighed. "I think you need to press her harder. Whatever it takes to eliminate your misgivings. Capisci?"

Alberto turned his attention back to me. "Cup your breasts and lift them up like you're offering a gift to your lover."

I lifted my breasts and Carmen's cell phone flashed.

"Now release them quickly. I want to see them bounce."

I let go of my breasts, and they bounced to the delight of the two men.

Carmen said, "Not bad for a twenty-six-year-old woman."

Alberto said, "Are your breasts sensitive? Do you get aroused when someone plays with them? I think if you want to work for The Dollhouse, we should find out if you are responsive. What do you think, Carmen?"

"You're the expert on the ladies. All I know is that my business model is to give the customers what they want, and I know they love pretty sluts."

Alberto turned back to me and said, "Ok, Tiffany, I want you to prove you can be Carmen's slut. Play with your breasts. Tweak your nipples."

It took me a moment to force my hands to my breasts. I was surprised at how hard my nipples were. Carmen's cellphone flashed several times as my fingers cupped my breast and twisted my nipples.

Alberto said, "Use one of your hands to play with your pussy. Run your fingers up and down your slit. Make sure you rub your fingertips over your clit."

I closed my eyes and slipped my fingers between my labia. I was shocked at how wet I was. Maybe Carmen was right. Perhaps I did enjoy exposing myself to an audience. My hands froze as I remembered who was watching me touch myself.

Alberto said, "You don't seem excited about playing with yourself. Maybe you need to think about your lover. Tell us who you think of when you masturbate."

Since I have always had to share a bed with my daughter, I don't get much alone time. Even when I'm in the shower, I'm usually so tired from working two jobs that all I want to do is wash up and get to bed. Sometimes, everything just comes together. Wednesday night, I'd found myself happy and at peace for a change. My daughter and I were safe in Steve's pleasant home. I thought Amber was responding well to her new antibiotic and was almost her old frisky self. The loan shark who had been hounding me was dead by my own hand. I was surprised I didn't still feel remorse for being a murderer. So after eating Steve's delicious dinner and drinking too much wine, I was feeling a little giddy. After putting Amber to bed, I took a shower.

I began by reliving the relaxed conversation at the dinner table after we finished eating. Steve had a natural way of including my daughter, and he soon had us laughing at the antics of Bold Amber as she grew up fighting against her mother's attempts to make her into a proper princess.

I don't know how I got to thinking about the night we met at the Pink Pussycat, but I was soon fantasizing about the lap dance I had given him as my soapy fingers began sliding up and down my slit. In my fantasy, the crowded bar and Steve's exuberant friends faded along with our clothes. As I thought about my hero, my fingers danced across my slippery clit while my other hand found my vagina, and I slipped a couple of eager fingers inside. I'd had a nice warm orgasm in the shower while thinking about Steve, but he wasn't my lover and never would be.

Alberto interrupted my daydream. "That's better, Tiffany. Now you're getting into it. Rub your clit harder. Come for Daddy."

I blushed as I realized I was eagerly masturbating in front of these two degenerate flesh peddlers while thinking about my friend, Steve, and I was too far gone to stop. My fingers flew across my clit and thrust into my sex as my legs shook from the building tension. My eyelids fluttered, causing the room lights to strobe into my intensely aroused mind. I cried out as I came hard thinking about Steve's cock buried deep in my sex. I could almost feel his warm seed flooding my womb. My whole body was on fire with animalistic lust.

I began crying once my orgasm faded. I couldn't believe what Alberto had gotten me to do. I laughed at myself for thinking someone as smart and together as Steve would be interested in a dirty stripper. He probably thought I was an irresponsible airhead. Besides, I came with baggage. He had already raised two daughters. I know he was friendly toward Amber, but why would he want to bring up someone else's child?

My head was in turmoil, thanks to Alberto. Carmen has said his assistant was a psychology major. The bastard was playing mental games to break me down, and he was winning. If he could get me to masturbate in front of them, how hard would it be for him to get me to masturbate on the stage in front of hundreds of strangers?

Alberto wasn't done. "The business of The Dollhouse is to sell sex. That means our dancers and waitresses need to ooze sex out of every pore. They need to be sexually experienced. As Carmen said, we don't hire Ice Maidens. So, tell me how many sexual partners you've had. Take your time. I want an accurate count. You can include women partners as well."

I couldn't believe the asshole was asking something so personal in a job interview. Well, I had made it this far and giving an abstract number was nothing compared to masturbating for the freak. It didn't take long for me to count my partners. The problem was that remembering them brought forth intense memories of sexual encounters with them.

My first time had been early in my Freshman year of college with the man who soon became my fiancee. We had been dating for nearly three months, and I had fallen deeply in love. I had too much to drink at a party, and on the way home, we parked by a moonlit lake. I had been on birth control pills for a month in preparation for just such a night. Unfortunately, he was in a rush. We barely started making out before he began to undress me in the back seat. I remember a moment of sharp pain, followed by a few vigorous thrusts and a moan.

It never got better with my fiancée. I talked to my friends in college and was told my sexual experiences were typical. One classmate sent me a link to a web site that sold sex toys for frustrated women.

All I got from my faithless fiancée was a darling daughter and an end to my plans of becoming a nurse. What followed was a seven-year sexual drought interrupted by one desperate encounter with my best friend, Ashley. She brought the number of my sexual partners to two.

Then a week ago, Tony and I had sex in the dancer's dressing room after I had danced in nothing more than a G-string. He lit my libido on fire. It was the first time a man had given me an orgasm. It was the first time I'd had multiple orgasms. What blew me away was having multiple orgasms while he fucked me hard. When he said I was his girl, I wanted to believe a man could care for my daughter and me. I wanted to feel safe and secure. Tony brought the number of my sexual partners to three.

My dream world came crashing down the next night. Tony auctioned off my clothes one by one and allowed the winners to fondle my body. I was devastated when Carmen won my G-string and finger fucked me on stage while his sidekick, Alberto, restrained me. Afterward, in the dressing room, Tony made love to me again and professed his commitment. His lie was quickly exposed when he let Frankie share my body. I was horrified that Tony allowed my best friend's husband to rape me. The threesome brought the number of my sexual partners to four.

Frankie had left me naked and unconscious in the dressing room. When I woke up, I was alone in the strip club. Unfortunately, the loan shark was waiting for me in the parking lot. He was furious. I had left most of my money in my locker and raped me in a hateful rage. He brought the number of my sexual partners to five.

Somehow, I made it to Steve's house, where he treated me for hypothermia. He told me he stripped off my wet clothes and put me in a warm bath. Once I stopped shivering, he washed my naked body. I awoke the next afternoon in his bed. He claimed he cuddled with me because I started shaking again. Since I believe his statement that we didn't have sex, my count of sexual partners remained at five.

However, thinking about Steve caused my fingers to stir on my pussy where they had remained since my orgasm. I massaged my clit until I became aware of what I was doing. I was shocked at my heightened state of arousal. What was wrong with me? I'm a good girl.

My tearful eyes were focused on the floor as I told Alberto the number of my sexual partners. "Five."

Alberto laughed. "Five! That's all? You were a pole dancer at the Pink Pussycat for six years, and you only hooked up with five partners? What a waste of talent. Tony was a complete imbecile to allow you to play the Ice Queen all that time. Well, you're in The Dollhouse now, and we play by different rules. If you want to help your daughter, you're going to have to give our customers what they want, and what they want is sex. Capisci?"

Alberto winked at Carmen as he appropriated one of his friend's favorite Italian words.

My head was a jumble. I was familiar with the sense of confidence that came from the speed, but I had never felt such overwhelming euphoria alternating with an equally powerful paranoia. My periods of mania and depression were fleeting, depending only on Alberto's raving. His suggestion that I would be expected to satisfy their customers' sexual needs caused me to panic. I had been raised as a good Christian girl, and his demand was both horrifying and arousing. I could feel my fingers trembling on my sex, but I didn't know if it was from arousal or shock.

The good girl in me won out. I murmured, "I can't."

Alberto turned to Carmen and shouted, "Do you see how she continues to resist? What are you going to do when she slaps a customer's face? What if it's someone important like the Chief of Police. He'd shut us down in a minute. No, the bitch isn't ready to work at The Dollhouse."

"But Alberto, mio amico, surely you haven't given up? Isn't there something you can try?"

Alberto replied, "Are you Ok with physical coercion?"

"Si, si. I said whatever it takes."

Alberto put his big hand around my neck and leaned closer. His disgusting fingers were still wet with my fluids. He looked into my eyes and smiled. I wasn't sure what to expect but what he said next caught me by surprise.

"Can you touch your toes while keeping your legs straight?"

"Yes, of course."

"Can you press the palms of your hands against the floor? I mean with your legs straight and with your shoes on. Can you hold that position indefinitely?"

"Yes, yes, easy. For as long as you want."

"If you want the job, you will bend over and press your palms flat against the floor while I test your resolve. If you lift your hands, even for a second, you will fail. Feel free to quit anytime you want. I don't like you, I don't trust you, and I would be happy if you just went away. I certainly won't give you a second chance. Understand?"

I started to bend over, but Alberto gripped my neck tighter and stopped me.

"Turn around with your back to Carmen and spread your feet."

"I can touch the floor without spreading my feet."

"Good for you, but I don't give a shit. Spread your feet or get the fuck out of The Dollhouse. More spread them more. Ok, now bend over and hold the position until I tell you."

My feet were spread at least three feet apart. With my palms on the floor, I could see Carmen between my legs. He was leaning over his desk, taking a picture of my bare pussy that was visible between my spread ass cheeks. I could feel a cold breeze on my soaking wet sex. I thought about my sick daughter and knew I had to stick it out for Amber no matter how degrading the things they did to me. My eyes teared up when Alberto spread my ass cheeks so Carmen could get a good shot of my anus.

Carmen said, "I'm going to love sending this picture to that ungrateful cocksucker Tony. I got Tiffany's face, pussy, and asshole in the same shot. I want him to know what it feels like to have someone steal your best dancer. I made him what he is today. He was just a pretty college boy when I took him under my wing and taught him everything. I treated him like my son. Fucker had everything given to him. I grew up as an orphan on the streets of Naples, and I had to fight for everything I have. He just walks out the door with my best people and goes into business across the street. Serves him right, he overextended himself and had to borrow from that crazy Greek loanshark, Giorgio Pappalardo. Fuck Tony. I hope the old Greek whacked him."

I could see Alberto sit on the edge of the desk and cross his arms while Carmen ranted on and on. They ignored me while they rehashed an argument that had probably gone on for days. When Alberto got a chance, he replied to his boss.

"Assuming somebody whacked Tony, the Greek is too smart to kill someone who owes him money. Especially with Tiffany filling the house for Tony. If you want to know who I think had a good reason to kill Tony, just look at the cunt in front of you. She's always thought she's better than everyone. I've heard from reliable sources that Tony and Frankie fucked her after her performance last Saturday. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if she killed them for violating her precious virtue."

I might as well have not been in the roomed as I listened to the men arguing like an old married couple. I was shocked when I heard Alberto relate in detail how Tony and Frankie took turns fucking me. I remembered hearing someone leave the building in the middle of their assault, but I wouldn't be surprised if Frankie bragged to everyone in Rivervale.

Carmen rapped some keys on his laptop and resumed complaining about Tony.

"That fucker is ignoring my emails. I made him a reasonable offer for his business a couple of weeks ago, and I know he read that one. Now he's not even checking his messages.

Alberto snickered. "Just how do you know if he reads your email? Did you put a camera in his office?"

"Good thing I handle the business side. Do you know anything at all about computers? All you must do is mark the email 'Read receipt requested' and you get a message if they open the email. Tony hasn't read an email since last Saturday."

Alberto ran his big hand through his thick black hair. "Very strange, he disappeared after having the best weekend ever. No one knows where Tony or that drunken fool, Frankie has gone. At least, no one is talking. I suspect foul play. The police are sure to suspect you had a hand in it after the fight you had with him. You're also the one who stands to gain from his disappearance. I'd suspect you myself except if you wanted someone whacked, you'd have me do it and I pretty sure I'd remember if I killed the son of a bitch."

Carmen grunted in response. He'd likely heard Alberto's statement before.

"As much as I hated Tony, I'd never ask you to kill him. It would be too risky. Besides, I'm sure I'd remember asking you. I guess that he and Frankie are hiding from Frankie's wife. Ashley's a jealous bitch, and Tony encouraged her husband to fuck Tiffany."

"What difference does that make. I doubt Ashley will confess to us that she offed her husband. In any case, we need to get our story straight. The police will focus on our asses as soon as someone files a missing person's report."

My legs were beginning to shake from the strain. I wasn't used to touching the floor while wearing wedges. I was starting to wish they'd get back to taming me or whatever they called it. I didn't like thinking about the possibility that Ashley had killed Tony along with her husband. Was she the one who had been in the Pink Pussycat while the men were taking turns filling my fertile womb with semen? Oh God, what if she'd used the pistol, she'd loaned me to kill them. Now I had to worry about anyone of three dead bodies being found. I needed to give the handgun back to Ashley.

Carmen couldn't give up on his desire to humiliate Tony if he was still alive.

"Ok, he's not reading his email. Well, I know the idiot is obsessed with reviews of his restaurant. If someone writes a favorable review, he gives them a free drink the very next night. I can post some nude pictures of Tiffany with my review. If he doesn't see them online, I'll know he's dead."

The thought of Carmen posting a picture of my asshole, along with my face online was terrifying. It was bad enough that a large crowd had seen Carmen finger-fuck me on stage last Saturday night. I wouldn't be able to show my face in town if nude pictures of me were posted online.

I whimpered. "Please. Oh, God, please don't."

Albert sighed. "Carmen, think for a minute. Are you sure you want to do that? I want to make Tiffany compliant. I don't want to make her suicidal."

Carmen laughed. "Tony may have a policy against people taking pictures inside his club, but I can show you a ton of photos on numerous porn sites of Tiffany dancing in the nude last weekend. There're even several videos of you restraining her while I finger fucked her. They're good enough you can see her humping my finger and having an intense orgasm. So much for privacy. If you do something in public, some asshole will snap a photo or take a video. Come to think of it, give me a minute to set up a movie camera so I can record your training of Tiffany.

My eyes started to water as I listened to Carmen. All I could do was pray that my daughter never saw any pictures or videos of me online. At least my parents weren't alive to see me degraded in front of hundreds of screaming men.