Daddy, Take Me Ch. 33-34


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Belle was the diligent client, listening, as I explained the pros and cons of the different plants she had chosen. I showed her the grasses, telling her how important they were in a garden like hers.

"I can just see in the morning, Belle. Walking out, barefoot, a cup of tea in one hand and your other hand drifting through the tall grasses. My mum planted them some years ago, and they're ideal for yours, sweetie," I implored, hoping to put my stamp on the project.

"Mmmm, I like that thought, Chloe. Where...where would they go?" she asked, so I pulled the plans out and showed her, drawing her a mental picture of what they would look like and what they added to her private space.

We spent the morning visiting various gardens, our attachment growing. Our arms were linked together as we slowly walked through the grounds, me taking photos and notes. At times, our familiarity was such that we, unabashedly, held hands, as we talked, giggled and looked lovingly at each other. There was no reticence from either of us; we were relaxed in each other's company, be it public or private. Of course, we had stares, but they probably thought we were mother and daughter, rather than the lovers we had become.

We stopped off in a charming, bucolic market town for lunch. Belle kindly treated me, even though I could apply it to my expense account. We had a lovely, relaxed time, both of us basking in the warmth of the other. As we were leaving, she handed me the keys to her car.

"Go on...if you want. The next place isn't far," she smiled.

"Are you...sure?" I asked, excited at the prospect.

"Absolutely, darling. Go on. Show me what you've got," she laughed.

I slipped into the now re-adjusted seat, turned the growling engine over and headed east. All those fleeting feelings came rushing back, the thrill and pure exhilaration of driving a car like this. She leaned her hand over and placed it on my thigh, her smile so refreshing. We came to a clear, slightly undulating bendy road. Arabella squeezed my thigh, and laughingly shouted, "Do it!"

Without any hesitation, I downshifted to fourth and put the pedal down, the car lurching forward. I smoothly ran through to the seventh gear, as Belle laughed her head off. I had to borrow my daddy's car a bit more!

We stopped at two more gardens and popped into a well-known nursery, my notebook fuller now. We finally headed back to hers, Arabella at the wheel of her fabulous car.

The sun was still up, so we relaxed outside, a glass of chilled wine in our hands.

"So? Decisions?" I asked, and we went through my notes, highlighting what she absolutely had to have. I forwarded the notes to Maisie and Markus, even though I would be the one to choose exactly what was needed. It was my project, after all.

I helped her prepare our meal, the easy banter and incessant flirting were welcome. It was well past four, so technically, I wasn't working. Belle knew I'd be staying the night without me saying.

"Is there any chocolate left for dessert?" I smirked.

"If that's what my Chloe wants, well, I'm sure I can find some," she teased right back.

Over dinner, she told me about a new commission she had. I was flattered that she wished to share this with me, telling me she valued my opinion on her early design. I was proud...and touched. We cleared up and headed to the front room, the sun just setting, and she pulled out her 'ideas' folder. I was amazed at the breadth of knowledge she had and how she incorporated all these different threads into a coherent look. She shared a few secrets she had learned over the years, ideas I could easily apply to my designs.

We shared a bottle of wine, 'til she turned to me and asked, "Early night, Chloe?" her eyebrows raised questioningly. "We have another big day tomorrow, don't we? I may even allow you to drive...if you're good," she smiled.

She was right, though. I had another day of garden visits planned, knowing I needed to get this project signed off before autumn set in. As usual, we grabbed a few snacks and headed up to her sanctuary. My overnight bag was already safely in her room. I helped her light the abundant candles strewn around the room and dimmed the lights just so, the gentle shadows lifting the ambience.

Belle moved to me, a hand in my hair pulling my lips to hers. It was the slowest, most delicious kiss yet. As she fiddled with the buttons on my blouse, she whispered, "Shower first? I want to be fresh...for you," she breathed.

"Mmmm, that sounds perfect, Belle. Although I'm loving all your smells, hmm?" I teased.

She undid one button, then the next, her eyes never leaving mine. Belle gingerly opened my blouse, my pale blue bralette in view. She rasped a low, "My god,'re such a, aren't you?" her eyes full of a mixture of love and lust. "You never judge me, do you, darling? You do seem to love our, uhm, dynamic, don't you?" she asked, her hands lightly drifting over my little pokey nipples.

"We're learning, aren't we, sweetie," I said, unbuttoning another of her soft fastenings. "I...I love the way you care for me, love me, and teach me. I'm yours, Belle. You have me, 'kay?" I murmured, the last button undone. I opened her blouse, her breasts encased in her turquoise lace-and-silk half-bra. Rudely, I hoped she hadn't changed her panties from this morning.

She slipped my blouse from my shoulders, and carefully laid it on her chair. She lay hers on top of mine. I walked to her, and she turned to me. I leaned my head down, kissing the tops of her heavenly orbs, my tongue just grazing her warm flesh. Her soft fingers played with the piping of my bralette, the backs of her hands sliding across my still-hidden, excited nubs. She sweetly undid the three bows that held it together, and, teasing herself as much as me, let the dainty material open on its own accord. Her winsome smile said it all for me, as her fingers undid the button on my linen trousers.

"You cannot even imagine how much I'm holding back, Chloe. I...I want you naked, always, but I know I have to take my time. But you make it so hard, darling," she moaned, then smiled.

"The same for me, Belle. My're just so...beautiful. In so many ways, darling," I whispered.

I unbuckled her belt and undid the button. Her trousers would be a challenge to get her out of, but I knew she'd help. With her eyes piercing mine, she unzipped my looser pants, her fingers delving in and sliding along the front of my moist panties. She pulled them out and held them up, teasing me 'til she brought them to her nose.

"Not fair!" I stammered, and giggled.

Belle pushed the trousers over my slim hips, then kneeled and helped me out of them. She leaned in and gently kissed my covered pussy. My fingers played with her hair, content as I was right now. Unhurriedly, she grasped the edges of my sparse panties, and pulled them over my bum, stopping before the fabric was at my mons. Belle leaned in again, her tongue sweetly kissing that spot just above where my covered pussy was. I could feel my vagine creaming, her touch too soft and too slow. But she knew what she was doing. As did I. I gasped aloud when she eventually pulled them down, a breeze of air floating over my patient pussy.

She held them in her hand as she stood in front of me, her eyes questioning, but I didn't know what. She ran the soft material on my cheek, then brought them to hers and did the same.

"You do know you're in trouble, Belle? You do know I'm making good with what I said this morning, hmm?" I sternly said.

"I cannot wait...little one," she smirked, her tongue licking my panties.

I walked her backwards, 'til she fell on the bed, her laughter not easing the sexual tension. Naked, I stood between her legs and unzipped her tight jeans. With a tug, I pulled, as she lifted her bum. I unwrapped her, the matching, morning panties in view now. I yanked her jeans off and unceremoniously dropped them. My hands were on her legs, as I knelt, my face buried in her dewy panties. Belle's hand was on my head, holding me in place, though she knew I wasn't moving anytime soon. Slowly, I pulled her panties down, my nose tickling her scant pussy hair. I looked up at her, smiled and pulled them down. I threw them behind me and ran my tongue through her parted labia. A long, erotic groan filled my head, as I swiped again, then teasingly kissed it and stood.

I held out my hand and said only, "Shower?" and laughed.

"Bitch," she giggled, and clambered up. As she stood in front of me, I wrapped my arms around her, and undid the clasp on her bra, letting it fall to the floor with the other clothing, scattered about.

I took her hand and walked to the ensuite. Her fingers slid down my back, and between my petite bum cheeks. She handed me a hair tie, so I pulled my long locks back and stepped into the shower enclosure. We quietly embraced, our lips locked and hearts beating as one. I turned and grabbed a washcloth, and began to wipe her down, my lips kissing every spotless part of her. I soaped my cloth and ran it over her breasts, lifting and bathing each, my tongue licking her enlarged nipples.

"Is mommy going to...feed me?" I teased, and suckled her nubs again.

"Ohhhh, God, Chloe," she groaned, her hand on my head and holding me in place. "I...I will, sweetie. Dear God, darling...that's just what I...need," she gasped.

I adored this woman, her sexuality was astounding to me. I knew, by the end of the evening, I'd learn a bit more about her. I played and washed her, taking my time and lavishing my love and care on her.

Her cloth, somehow, found its way between my legs, wiping my slushy pussy, her lips pulling and biting mine. My hands flitted through her now-wet hair, as we longingly kissed, our bodies swaying against each other. I picked up the bottle of gel and dripped it between us, our grinding more frantic now. She slid her leg between mine, her thigh rubbing my excitable pussy. Before we went too far, I moved, much to her annoyance.

"We have time, Belle. Let's go to...bed," I smiled, and she reluctantly turned the shower off. We ran through our practised routine of drying each other, putting our robes on and then brushing the other's hair. It was such a simple, but comforting gesture.

I opened my bag, moving mine and Maisie's phallus so I could easily find it. We slipped under the duvet for snugness more than anything else.

"Thank you for taking me out today, Chloe. You've helped me to see how the garden will take shape. You certainly have some good ideas, hmm? I can't wait to see it in fruition, darling," she said, and kissed my little button nose.

"Trust me, Belle...your garden will be in magazines one day. I'll make certain of that, all right? You' it, I'm sure," I sighed.

"I do trust you, Chloe. In so many ways, you know?" she said.

"Speaking of trust...I have something to share with you. We were talking about our deepest, darkest secrets, hmm? Well, I can tell you, uhh, part of mine. Please, you mustn't ask more, 'kay? The second part is still being decided, but I have been given permission to tell you one thing, all right?" I said, her eyes alive from the news. "So...I'll tell you mine, then you tell me yours, 'kay?"

"Ohh, Chloe. Of course, I'll tell you mine. Remember, once I do, we're connected. I can't put it simpler than that. I can't explain why, but I trust you. Always. Okay?" she said.

She handed me my glass of wine and we both took a long sip.

" secret has to do with my family, 'kay? Specifically, my parents. They're, uhm, a throuple. I...I have two moms, actually," I began, Arabella's face a picture of surprise. "So, long story or short, hmm" I giggled.

"I...I...really? A throuple? Really? I need the long story, Chloe Gosh...I didn't see that coming," she giggled.

We both took another long sip, and then cuddled up.

"My family used to be Americans. I lived there for my first eight, maybe nine years, then we moved here. See, mom, Chrissie, and dad, Tom, have known each other for ages and reconnected when he came back to Chicago on business, years ago. My mum, Emily, was mom's best friend from way back when. From what mom has told me, she was there to help my mom through her divorce. They worked together at the Art Institute and gradually fell in love after Emily divorced. When mom re-connected with Tom, well, things progressed. I don't know all the ins and outs, of course, but they decided to be together, the three of them. We moved here years ago, mainly for a new start. Now, dad is not my birth father. He died in a car accident. Mom and he divorced; they had been for four or five years by then. Truthfully, I barely remember him. Tom has been my dad really," I sighed, trying to discern what Belle was thinking.

"I...I would never have guessed, Chloe. Sure, I've heard of throuples and all, but never knew any. Gosh, I can see why you keep it a secret...not that there's anything wrong, but still..." she sighed. "I can't wait to meet them... someday?" she asked.

"Well, they know about you, about us, and they'd like to meet you...if that's all right, hmm?" I asked, hoping for a positive answer.

"I'd love that, Chloe. Do you think they' me? After all, I'm as old as your parents, hmm?" she asked, uncertain if she wanted to go down this road.

"Belle...they'll love you. They know everything and are so bloody supportive of me, right?" I explained.

"So, without prying, can I assume the rest of your secret has to do with your...parents?" she asked.

"Arabella...I meant what I said. No more questions, 'kay? I won't lie to you, but I simply cannot say more...yet, all right? Please, just don't ask, 'kay?" I pleaded.

"Sorry," she said. "I won't ask any more, all right? Promise," she sighed.

"So...your dark secret is what...mommy?" I smiled, hoping she would tell me. I had a fairly good idea already, but...

Belle hesitated for several minutes, but I didn't push or prod her. This had to be told in her own time. My hand slipped down her stomach, a single finger twitching on her mons. My finger played softly with her little tuft of hair, as her breath deepened.

"Is it about...Jonathon?" I asked, her breathing ragged, as my finger slid lower, just touching her wet labia. "Tell me...mommy. You can tell your...little one, anything. You should know that, darling. Trust me, as I trust you. Is about your...son?" I whispered, my finger now swaying across her hidden clit.

"Yes," she quietly said, blushing from the confession. She said nothing else, so I cupped her face in my free hand, the other still twiddling with her clit.

"Have you you want to, hmm?" I asked, tenderly.

"Ohh, Chloe. I...I can't say it. I'm such a bad...mother," she rasped, tears almost flowing.

"Say it, darling. You want your son, don't you? You crave that connection, don't you? That beautiful mother-son bond, hmm? I understand more than I can say, my Belle. You need to nurture him...the way you nurture me, hmm, mommy?" I whispered, daring not to say these words too loud. "Say it, Belle. Tell me. When you do, we're entwined, all right? Forever, 'kay?"

She lay there looking at me, her eyes worried and distracted, unsure if she could bring herself to say the words she needed to speak.

"Say it," I whispered, again.

"Yes...yes, Chloe. I...I want him. So...much. I...I can't explain it, truly, I can't. It's been there for so long now, but I don't know if he'd even, you know, want me that way," she said, tiny salt tears running down her cheeks now.

"Shhh, shhh, darling. C'mere. I've got you, sweetie," and held her tight. "I'm going to help you, Arabella. I'm going to help you have your son, all right?"

"But how? How could I possibly..." she sighed, her heavy heart so evident.

"We'll see this through, 'kay. Now, tell me about your relationship so far, hmm?" I asked, and for the next twenty minutes, she poured her soul out to me.

They were always very, well, tactile with each other. There always had been, their connection grew, as her marriage gradually dissolved to where it is today. Just recently, she began to notice his lingering stares, his almost awkwardness around her. Little did Jonathan realise, his mother was returning these furtive stares. As her husband, Mark was gone so often, their interdependence grew, the relationship changing even more. In her heart, she imagined he was truly interested in a physical bond, but neither of them took the next step. Fear and rejection can be great levellers.

"I'll help, 'kay? Give me some time to think it through, but I just know I can both," I smiled.

All I had to do was think back on my seduction of my daddy. Without knowing Jonathon, it would be harder, but knew I could give her some advice on a direction. Arabella calmed down, her face glowing with hope now.

"In the meantime," I smirked. "I'm...hungry. Will my mommy...feed me?" I whispered, hopefully tapping into her maternal, nurturing side, the part of her I found so enthralling and exciting.

I pulled the duvet back and scrunched down a tad, lifting her full breast to my mouth. The next step was hers, as I quietly sighed, "Feed me, mommy," and she leaned in, her nipple at my lips.

"Take me, baby-girl. Mommy needs you to...milk her," she lasciviously groaned.

And just like that, the dam burst. All of her pent-up fantasies and tension were released. I leaned in and licked her breast, my tongue eagerly sliding across her nipples. Belle held her tit as any mother would, and brought her turgid nub to my mouth. I opened and she slid it between my lips and I suckled her; gently I tongued her nib, then sucked her supple flesh. My fingers swirled around her vulva, taking the precious time to give her the pleasure she needed.

"That's it, little one. That's so good," she murmured, appreciatively. "Mommy's here to take care of you, okay?" she cooed.

I was dumbstruck by the turn of events, but knew this is what she needed; an outlet of sorts, 'til she could, hopefully, consummate the one real relationship that mattered most to her.

My fingers slid easily into her waiting pussy, as I curled my fingers up, and continued to nurse at her breast. Belle spread her legs, giving me the access I wanted. I moved my leg over hers, straddling her and slowly wet-humped her thigh. I moved my mouth to her other breast and lavished my mouth on her.

"Oooooh...little're...uuuuugh—maki—aaaaah—momm—ohhhhh, yesssss—hap—" she moaned, her guttural tone setting me off. I rubbed her nimble clit, but wanted her to orgasm from my mouth alone, so backed off, content as I was just to lightly fondle her pussy.

I lifted my mouth from her now-wet bosom and looked at her, two fingers deep inside her core, as my thumb twiddled her excited clit. Her near-frenzied eyes locked on mine, the unbridled lust and hope penetrating mine.

" want your...Jonathon to suck you, don't you...mommy," I softly sighed.

"Oooooh...fuc—yesssss...Chlo—oooooh—I'" she gasped, as she pushed my head back to her aching nipple.

In my fevered mind, I swore I could taste her, taste her motherly milk. I sucked and worshipped her orbs, my body shaking and nearing a surprising orgasm, the atmosphere so filled with lust and sensuous love.

I could feel Belle's legs quiver and tighten. Her back arched and she climaxed into my hand. With her loud release, her body shuddered, as her eyes flew back; her deep, earthy howls and sobs touched me, as I brought this special woman to her cathartic orgasm. Her pelvic muscles grabbed my fingers, squeezing and massaging them, and I came, my hip heaving on her thigh. I covered her with my horny flood, my lips never leaving her warm tit.