Daddy's Sunshine Pt. 04


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I want to scream at her. I want to hit her, curse at her, kill her. I feel my Father's warning grip on my arm tighten a bit and understand to remain silent, but inside I can feel my emotions bubbling. I can't believe this lunatic has the nerve to threaten my father like this! I can't believe she's so far gone that she would be this ridiculously selfish.

"Imagine the shame of it, Charleston...for Shayenne, too." she says, her gaze finally moving to my face. "Imagine being the daughter of a disgraced father and with her first year of college about to start...she would never survive the stigma, the gossip, the cruelties of her peers. The school might even decide to withdraw her scholarship because who would want to be associated with the daughter of a crooked cop and then where will either of you be?"

I make fists so tight that I can feel my nails biting into my palms, but say nothing.

"A crooked cop?" he asks and then he surprises us both by bursting into belly-deep laughter that makes my mother glare at him. He shakes his head and mockingly pretends to wipe a tear from his eye before he glares back at her. "That's what you brought us here for, Luna? Empty threats? Your desperation must have hit an all-time high."

She licks her lips and frowns, her eyebrows creasing. "They're not empty threats."

"Shayenne has survived your cruelties for eighteen years now." Charleston states and crosses his arms over his chest, again. "She's strong enough to take anything from anyone no matter where she is, but I let me calm your motherly concerns." he states stoically, matter-of-factly. "Shayenne will only have to deal with the disgrace of her Mother...

See...every time you were pulled over for drunk driving and made sure the officer called me, I had them write you the citation, Luna." he confesses with a triumphant smile when she pales in response. "I kept meticulous notes of every time, Luna, in a notebook I call: "The Luna Log." Each time you were pulled over and every ticket related to it. What did you think I was doing while you were in rehab each time, Luna?" he growls as he leans forward, his hands gripping the foot of her bed in a white-knuckled grip. His eyes never left her now fear-widened pair. "I went to court on your behalf every time with proof that you were in yet another facility trying to get sober and I paid your fines. I have receipts for all of that. All of my paperwork is safely stored away for just such an occasion as this, though I tried to convince myself that I was being paranoid. Guess my subconscious knew what I kept drying to deny..."

"And what's that?" Luna grunts back, defeated.

"That you're a drunk." he spits venomously and he shoves off of the bed back to a standing position. "You're nothing more than an alcoholic caring about her next drink and only her next drink. The booze has officially warped your brain so sickeningly that you can no longer function as a proper human being let alone an acceptable wife or mother."

She frowns, her gaze going to me. "I never wanted kids, anyways. You made me keep her."

I flinch as if struck, but say nothing.

"Damned right I did!" he growls loudly, his voice echoing around the room. "She was innocent and I wasn't going to let you abort her." he bites out through gritted teeth, his gaze moving to my face as if to apologize before he glares back at my mother and he inhales for calm. "I might not have been able to stop the others, but I was going to stop hers."

I inhale sharply. I would have had siblings?!

What the fuck?!

I remain silent, though I feel tears filling my eyes. I always felt so alone whenever my father wasn't at home. I hated my mother because she hasn't ever given me the love a daughter needs from a parent and because she would often leave me alone at home while my father was at work or school coming home drunk out of her mind just before he got home. I hated her even more when she came between my father and myself later on in life making me feel lonelier than ever. Now I find myself hating her to my soul because she deprived me of siblings and because I know she did it to be spiteful to both my daddy as well as to me.

Cruel bitch!

I sniffle back my emotions.

Daddy's gaze moves to my face and he sighs, then turns to glare at his wife. "Here's how it's going to go, Luna, and it's non-negotiable." he states in a voice so calm, you can tell that he's biting back his emotions. "You are going to go with the officers willingly-"

"The hell I am!" Luna cuts him off, her eyes wild.

"SHUT UP!" Charleston growls hotly, louder than he has ever bellowed before, and we both gasp in response. He glares at his wife, the look on his face murderous and enough to keep us both silent. "This is not a negotiation, Luna. I explained that to you, already. If you want my help going forward, you will listen and obey otherwise I will leave you to clean up your own mess." he spits out through gritted teeth. "We both know how good you are at that."

She examines his face and must see the truth there because she breaks eye contact.

"Good." he says so calmly that it's eerie. "So, as I was saying: you're going to go with the officers willingly if you want me to provide you with a good lawyer. If you make even the smallest scene, I will make sure that not a penny gets submitted for your legal expenses and that you get stuck with a court appointed attorney." he warns and starts to pace around the room. He stops in front of me, smiles briefly, then continues to pace. "You will plead guilty, Luna, and you will accept whatever bargain they offer you if they should offer one."

"You expect me to go to prison willingly?!" Luna gasps, her eyes wide. "I can't do that!"

Charleston turns to lock eyes with his wife. "You nearly killed an entire family of people, Luna." he replies so softly, so calmly, that it's way scarier than his screaming voice. "Two of the victims are children who had to have surgery to fix the damage you caused to them and there are witnesses, one of which is the woman pushing a baby stroller that you almost hit because you were too drunk to stop at a stop sign she was crossing at. There isn't a lawyer in this world, whatever we pay them, who will be able to get you out of this without some jail time."

Luna starts to hyperventilate. "I'll never survive prison, Charleston...I...I can't."

"If you're lucky, they might send you to a rehabilitation center." Charleston replies with a sigh as he resumes his pacing. "The lawyer might be able to negotiate that based on this being your first major arrest ever, but then they might not be able to because you have such a lengthy history of drunk driving. I guess we will have to see what happens."

Luna glares at her husband. "Not that you care."

Charleston nods his agreement. "You're right." he confirms with another nod, but he doesn't look at her as he continues his pacing back and forth. "I don't care. Not anymore. You made sure of that when you ruined your daughter's eighteenth birthday by nearly killing an entire neighborhood full of people and don't think that I didn't hear the hateful shit you spewed at her before they sedated you." he growls, his angry eyes glaring at her from across the room. "You have been a toxic thorn in our sides for more years than I should have allowed, but I thought I could save you and that was my fault. I should have left with her a long time ago."

I tense when he looks at me, my eyes wide as I hold my breath.

"I'm sorry about that, Sunshine..." he whispers to me and reaches up to caress my face.

I immediately relax and smile. "It's okay, Daddy. I understand why you did it."

"It's always about her with you!" Luna practically shrieks and her gaze is glaring at me. "From the instant she was born, I could see how much more than me you loved her. You always stared at her with such wonder, such amazement. You never looked at me with love, anymore. You always stared at me like I was the biggest piece of shit to ever come into your life. Why do you think I had so many abortions before and after her? I didn't want to share you! Now look. You're dumping me off to prison so that you can run off with her and live happily ever after."

My jaw drops at her admission, my eyes wide with shock.

"Speaking of which..." Charleston says and he turns back to his wife. "After the trial is over and you are sentenced, you are going to grant me a divorce." he commands and glares at her when she would have spoken. "You will not contest it, Luna, or I will make sure that your commissary ends up empty. You will give me a divorce and you will sign over your rights as Shayenne's mother. It's not like you care about her, anyway." he snorts in disgust.

"Before you speak, Luna..." he cuts her off when her mouth opens and he turns to face her. His eyes narrow when they lock with hers. "Try to remember that I, alone, am the difference between a pleasant incarceration and abject misery. Make no mistake about that." he warns her, his voice an emotionless monotone. "Your father passed away last year and your mother has been MIA ever since, not that she inherited a penny from him to be able to help you. I also know that you squandered away your entire inheritance, so you're just as broke as you were when we first got married. If you want me to take care of you while you're locked up, those are my terms. You choose to take them or leave them."

He turns to me. "Let's go, Sunshine."

"So that's it, Charleston?" Luna asks with a scoff as she glares at his back. She glances at me because I'm still staring at her in shock. "Daddy's precious little girl is all surprised by just how shitty her mother actually is?" she inquires with almost maniacal laughter following it. She shakes her head as she laughs, again. "My biggest regret is having you."

I try not to react, but I can't help it. I flinch as if slapped.

"That's enough, Luna." Charleston warns as he locks hands with me to pull me away. "This isn't part of the deal. I told you: behave from this moment forward or I withdraw all support effective immediately. Hurting the only person who loved you no matter how terribly you have always treated her won't endear either of us to you."

"You think I care if she hates me? You're choosing her over me! AGAIN!" Luna cries out.

"I don't hate you, Mom." I say before my father can say anything to her. I wait for her to look at me and take a deep breath before continuing. "For the longest time, I thought I did hate you. Even a few seconds ago, when you confessed to murdering all of my siblings, I felt like I hated you deep inside of my soul; but I realize now that I don't."

Luna looks surprised, her eyebrows high on her forehead. "No?"

"No, mom." I say with a smile. "I don't hate you."

"Well, I don't want your love, either." Luna scoffs and looks away.

"Luna!" Charleston growls with hostility.

I rest my free hand on his tense bicep. "I don't love you, either, mom."

Luna frowns and glances back at me.

"I nothing you." I say with a smile, finally at ease with this relationship. "I feel NOTHING."

"Well, aren't you lucky?" she scoffs, but I can see the hurt in her eyes.

I smile. "Good luck to you during the trial."

"Didn't you hear?" Luna replies sassily. "There's no trial happening. I'm pleading guilty."

I smile wider. "Wise choice."

Luna sighs as if exhausted. "Just get out. You both make me sick to my stomach."

I nod and turn to my father. "Bye, mom."

"Whatever." Luna replies softly, but I can hear the emotion in her voice.

"Not a peep, Luna." Charleston warns as he presses the button to open the hospital room door. He turns to glance at her as the door swings open with the same suction sound. "You accept the transfer silently and you tell the lawyer that you want to plea out, if possible. I'll visit you as much as possible, if I'm allowed to, and you won't make a scene about it if you want my financial support. I won't tell you, again. First sign of trouble from you and I'm out."

"Got it." Luna replies and her voice breaks. "Then the divorce."

Charleston nods. "Then the divorce."

Luna nods, sniffles, and stares toward the wall away from her family.

Daddy smiles down at me and pulls me from the room.

I exhale, a huge burden off of my shoulders.

We exit into the hallway with the other officers and my Father drops my hand.

I'm not even upset about it. I'm thrilled that he's asked for a divorce and I'm thrilled that we will finally be free of this horrid woman. I learned a lot about her and even more about my father from the time we were in that room. I feel like an entirely new person and there's no guilt, hurt, or anything with me. I left it all behind, back in that room with the woman who birthed me.

I don't smile because I know that it wouldn't be appropriate, but I feel like screaming and cheering at the top of my lungs. I bite my lip to hold back my joy. I feel like shouting in celebration as I watch my Father share a private conversation with his Captain, as I watch the man I love lay the ground work that will build our future together. I am elated, I am in love.

I am free.

In the car half an hour later, almost back home, I turn to my father. "You okay, Daddy?"

He watches his mirrors as he switches lanes, our exit coming soon. "Pretty great. You?"

I smile hugely. "Pretty great, too."

He chuckles softly as he signals that he's exiting the highway. "I thought you would be." he confesses as he drives down the exit ramp. "The next few months are going to be hard, Sunshine..." he warns, his tone serious as he watches his mirrors, again, to signal more turns. "Even if she does as I instructed, she will go through an intense withdrawal period on top of a dramatic loss of her freedom. She's going to be mean. Worse than ever before. You know that, don't you?" he asks as he turns onto our block. "Can you handle that?"

I sigh dramatically, but I know that he's genuinely concerned. "I'll be fine."

He nods his head and turns into our driveway. "You have to be there. For face value or-"

"Daddy." I cut him off and turn to him with a smile. "I can handle it. Don't worry."

"Heard from your friend?" he asks as he reaches his right hand up to caress my cheek.

My femininity clenches at the look in his face. "I...I haven't checked my phone."

He licks his lips. "Are you very sore?"

I feel my skin flush with need, my skin prickling. "No, Daddy..." I lie breathlessly.

He chuckles and runs his knuckles along my cheek bone. "You're lying."

I hold my breath. "So?"

"Don't lie to me, Sunshine." he commands me, his voice gruff. "Never lie to me."

I inhale a shaky breath. "Okay...I'm sorry. I'm tender. Swollen. Not really sore."

"I'll be gentle..." he whispers softly and smiles in a way that makes me cream.

I moan. "Okay."

"Let's go in." he says and releases the car's locks. He chuckles when I practically fall out of the car in my rush to get out. He closes his car door slowly, chirps the alarm, and takes his sweet time following me to the front door. He checks the mailbox while I hurry to unlock the door and he smiles at me as I shove inside before turning to watch him, expectation on my face. He pulls each letter from the mailbox, one at a time, and examines the sender's information thoroughly each time. He wears a knowing smile on his face as he listens to my breathing hasten.

"Daddy..." I whisper as I reach for the front snap on my new shorts. "I need you..."

He nods. "I know, Sunshine." he admits and reaches for the next letter.

I sigh, roll my eyes, and drop my shorts right there in the doorway along with my panties. I look around the neighborhood and take my shirt off next immediately followed by the bra. "I'll be upstairs waiting..." I moan, my left hand drifting over my naked tits and down my midriff until I reach the clean-shaven puffy lips of my leaking labia. I moan, again, as I rub at my clit. "Take all the time you need." I moan as I turn my back to him. I smile and lick my lips when I feel his eyes watching me head further into the house.

I head directly to his bedroom and make a brief mental note to discuss me moving in there. I practically jump into his bed and position the pillows behind me as I plop onto my back with my legs spread. I rub at my reddening cunt lips, my cream practically oozing from my slit as I wait for my father to appear. I'm so close to cumming, already, so I avoid my clit completely.

I moan. My lips are tender, but it's a bearable level of pain and it will be worth it to have him inside me, again. I sink my middle finger into myself and moan, again, as my Father appears in the doorway shirtless. "Yum..." I moan as I take in his muscular chest, pushing and pulling my middle finger in and out of my hole. "Daddy, you're so fucking gorgeous."

He undoes his shorts, kicks them and his underwear off. "Not as gorgeous as that pussy."

"I'm so wet for you, Daddy...come take me. Please!" I beg him shamelessly.

He stalks toward the bed, climbs up onto one knee, and crawls over to me. He positions himself between my legs, his hand gripping the base of his already hard cock so that he can aim it at my entrance. "Look how you glisten for me, Sunshine..." he groans as if in pain and rubs the tip through my already drenched folds to coat himself. He nudges the pebbled bulb of my aroused clit and smiles when I moan for him. As if that were the signal he had been waiting for, he aims his delicious thickness at my core and pushes. True to his word, his eases inside of me slowly enough to give my well-used muscles a chance to soften around him with little pain.

"Oh, Daddy...I'm so full..." I whimper as I arch to allow him to glide into me even deeper into me. I spread my legs wider and reach down to cup his ass cheeks in my hands, my nails digging in to pull him even further inside of me. "I want you inside of me forever..." I groan as he's finally balls deep inside my over-used tightness. I wince at the sting, the bump of his tip against my bruising cervix, then moan as my skin erupts in goosebumps. My nipples stiffen as his bare chest rubs against them, my pussy clenching and oozing around his manhood. My eyes roll into the back of my head as sheer, unfiltered pleasure burns along my every skin cell.

"Oh, Daddy...I might cum, already." I warn him breathlessly.

His hand caresses along my temple to push my hair away from my face, his thumb caressing the pulse beating steadily there. "Open your eyes, Shayenne..." he whispers softly as he sinks the deepest into me as he possibly can and doesn't move. He waits until my lids blink open, our eyes locking together, before he smiles down at me. "I love you." he says with a shy smile and a light blush to his cheeks a second before he leans down to claim my mouth.

I inhale sharply, my heart skipping a beat in my chest. I know that was a completely different declaration than any time he has said it to me before and my entire body melts beneath him as I kiss him back. I moan for him at the soft, sensual sweep of his lips over mine as he slowly pulls his cock from the tightness of my feminine sheath. I sweep my palms up his back toward his shoulder bones until I am hugging him to me, chest to chest.

His tongue dips into my mouth and presses to mine, but is still soft and tender. He kisses me the way a man should kiss his woman when he is loving her and that's what he is doing: he is loving his woman from the inside out. His right hand sweeps down my neck, over my shoulder, and down my arm until he moves it to rest on my left hip a second before he slowly sinks his length back into my slickened love channel. His left hand, his dominant hand, remains holding the right side of my head. He cups me tenderly, our mouths connected as intimately as our bodies. His thumb sweeps over my temple again and again.