Daddy's Sunshine Pt. 04


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I break the kiss to breathe, arch my head to offer him my neck, and moan when he complies. I feel his hand sink into my hair to support the weight of my head in this new angle and then his tongue is swiping upward from collar bone to earlobe. "This has been the happiest I've been in years, Shayenne..." he whispers a second before he pulls my earlobe into his mouth and sucks on it. He smiles against my skin when I moan and shudder beneath him. "You are quite a woman..." he groans as he, once again, withdraws from my tightness. "I can't wait to discover more about the woman you are...the one you will be without your mother holding you back."

"Oh, Charleston, I love you so much!" I cry out when he gently bites my neck. I hug him tighter to me, my arms pulling his chest so closely against mine that I can barely breathe, but I couldn't care less. I am going to cum so hard. Having this man inside of me, on top of me, all around me...I have wanted it for so long and, now, he is mine. I have not just my daddy, but I have the man and then it happens: I explode beneath him.

My body tightens, I gasp, my eyes snap open to lock with his, and I say his name. Not Daddy, but his name, and we are bonded. I don't care how archaic that seems, but I am now his. I know deep in my soul that there will never be another man for me in all of my life. I know it more so in this moment than when he fucked me sore and swollen earlier in the morning and on a much more significant level than any of the other times the last two days.

His left hand cups my head, his thumb sweeping over my cheek bone as I struggle to breathe. He stopped moving so that my orgasm-tightened muscles wouldn't take more abuse than they could handle, but now he's gliding through the even more-slickened inner muscles of my sex. He licks his lips a second before he leans down to kiss me, again, his hips driving into me a bit faster while still maintaining a gentle penetration. He moans, breaks our kiss, and rests his forehead against mine as his other hand comes up to cup the other side of my head. He sinks deeply inside of my body, shoves as far in as his can go, his balls resting against my asshole and unloads into me with shot after shot of his hot cum.

"Shayenne..." he groans as he rocks above me, his body quivering as he holds his breath.

I wrap myself around him as he empties into me. I hug my arms tighter even though they are dead weight and cross my ankles at his lower back to pull him even deeper. I don't wince when I feel him slide a millimeter deeper even though I can feel him spearing the entrance to my cervix. I rub noses with him when he moans, again, and I moan when he shoots yet another glob of jizz directly into my womb. I stop breathing when he finally stops cumming, the heat of it searing me from the very depths of my feminine core outward.

Daddy sighs contentedly and struggles to maintain his weight so he doesn't crush me. "I should get off..." he groans as his arms shake with the effort of holding his torso up. "I'll crush you." he says tiredly a second before he chuckles only to gasp and moan.

I tightened my legs around him, pulled him even deeper into my spent cunt.

"Jesus, Shayenne..." he groans and shudders, the last of his cum trickling into my core. "I could spend forever between your legs..." he confesses a second before he leans down to claim my lips. He isn't gentle this time, his tongue demanding entrance into my mouth and dominating mine with almost rough swipes. He tilts his head to deepen the kiss and we both hold our breaths while sharing this intimacy. He moans when his cock twitches, then he breaks the kiss to wince. "We need to stop..." he warns and carefully withdraws from me.

I quickly close my legs to hold his precious seed, proof of his possession, inside of me.

He throws himself to the side and plops onto his back with a contented sigh. He reaches over to push his left arm beneath my shoulders and pulls me until I'm resting along his left side, my head on his shoulder. "Will you stay in here with me?" he asks as he runs his fingertips along my spine from shoulders to waist. He frowns after a second before he looks down at my face. "I'll order a new mattress, of course." he promises with a kiss to my forehead before he settles back against the pillows and sighs, again.

I snuggle even closer against him, my left leg draped over his. "I would love to." I reply because of course I would! "Maybe we can stay in my bed until the new one is delivered?" I ask because I want him there...I want him everywhere in every way. "We have to christen it, too, I think..." I add as I feel myself blush and then frown, so I roll onto my stomach and rest my chin on his abdomen until he glances down at me. I don't know all that much about sex other than what I've read about in books and what we've done, which has been great.

"Will you teach me, Daddy?" I ask him with a tilt of my head and blush worse.

He smiles down at me, his left hand moving to smooth through my hair. "Teach you what?"

I blush worse, but won't back down. "Everything." I state and bring my arms up so I can fold them beneath my head to help him see my face clearer. "I love sex with you." I admit with another blush, but continue on despite his chuckle. I lean into his hand when his knuckles brush over my pink-tinted cheeks. "I like being on top, having you on top, and from behind. That's really hot..." I whisper and feel my body clenching at the memory of him inside me. I lick my lips and inhale deeply. "Good grief, do I like it from behind..."

He laughs outright at that one and pulls his arms up to rest them behind his head in the most relaxed pose he's worn in a long time. "It's easiest to get the best angle for the deepest penetration from behind, especially when you lower your upper body while keeping that sexy little tush up in the air for me..." he states and reaches down to give my plump ass cheek a soft slap. He chuckles when I gasp and he moans when my eyes dilate. "You're going to kill me."

"Best way to go, I think." I say with a proud smile. "Especially with you."

He chuckles, shakes his head, and plays with the ends of my hair. "So easily distracted..."

"Right." I say with a blush and I clear my throat. "I like sucking your cock and I want to get better at that, but I also want to learn how to do...other things." I say with a worse blush, but I don't break eye contact when his gaze shoots to mine. "I want you to take every hole, Daddy..." I whisper, blush shyly, and take my lower lip between my teeth nervous. I don't know why, but I am nervous about his reaction. I frown. "Is that bad? To want it...there?"

He rolls his eyes and reaches down to scoop me up from beneath my arms. With a ridiculously sexy flexing of his thick biceps, he pulls me upward until I'm draped over his body like a blanket. "I think we're way beyond right and wrong when it comes to our relationship, Sunshine." he chuckles as he reaches down to cup my ass cheeks in his hands and gives them a squeeze. "When it comes to sex, though, it's up to the couple what's right or wrong to do. If you want to try things, Sunshine, I am willing to try them with you and you never have to do anything that you don't want to do. Not to please me. Got it?"

I smile hugely and fold my arms over his chest to rest my chin on my hands. "Got it."

"So if you want me..." he purrs, his hands parting my rear cheeks. "" he moans, his left index finger pressing to the little pucker back there. "...I'll take you there. It will hurt, though...the first time." he warns as he circles the virgin star with the pad of his index finger. "We'll have to work up to it, of course...a finger or two at a time for a few days while I'm fucking you in your new favorite position." he moans and his arousal thickens beneath me.

I moan as I cream for him and push back against his finger. "I want that."

He chuckles and shakes his head, his hands sweeping upward along my back. "Not today."

I pout.

A legitimate, lower lip protruding all the way out type of pout.

He chuckles, then grips my face to pull me toward him and he sucks on my lower lip.

I moan and spread my legs to straddle his waist, my wet core directly over his erection.

"No!" he laughs when I try to take him back into me. He grips my waist and rolls until I'm back beneath him. He shakes his head and moans when I spread widely for him, ready to take him right back into my body. "'ll be so sore, baby..." he trails off as he leans down to kiss my neck tenderly. "You need to rest. That's enough for today."

I gasp and shove at him until I can see his face. "For the whole day?! Daddy! No!"

He examines my face, the absolutely fear I am sure is on display there, with shock-widened eyes before he rolls over to plop backward onto the bed and laughs. He doesn't just laugh; he laughs pretty hysterically. He shakes the bed with the force of his laughter, his eyes watering as he struggles to breathe between each boisterous burst of belly-deep laughter.

I sit up and glare down at him, but I can't help the smile that forms at his mirth. I can't remember the last time I've seen him laugh like this and it isn't long before I'm laughing with him. I roll my eyes and shake my head when he struggles for breath, then slide from the bed and hurry to the kitchen to grab us a few bottles of water.

In the kitchen, I hear my phone chime and search for my purse. I remember stripping by the door when we got home, but I can see that Daddy picked it all up and moved it somewhere. I grab up the house phone, dial my cell, and follow my ringtone to my purse on my own bed upstairs. I grab my cell phone and carry it to my parent's bedroom.

"You done?" I ask him as he inhales for air and is still wiping tears from his eyes. I shake my head at him and throw him a bottle of water before climbing back onto the bed to lean my left side against his. "What was so damned funny, anyways?" I ask him as I swipe the screen on my cell phone and open the text messages application.

"The look on your face..." he gasps with a quick chuckle and a shake of his head as he drinks down half of the bottle of water. "You looked as if I had told you that we were never going to have sex ever again in all of your life. The world seemed over for you, that's how horrified you looked by my refusal." he says and chuckles again.

"Isn't it, though?" I ask with a pout and a sigh when he stares at me with a huge smile. "Come on, Daddy. You're not being fair. I only just discovered sex and I really, really like it, but you won't let me have anymore today. I'm not even that sore, either, and it's early, yet. Okay, maybe not that early, but what are we going to do for the rest of the day now?" I ask with another sigh only to roll my eyes and plop backward in defeat when he chuckles softly.

"Right..." I trail off with a sigh as I show him my cell. "I forgot. The house is still a mess from the party and McKenzie's dad is dropping her off so she can help us clean it up, as promised. She should be here within the next hour. Guess that really is it because you know she's going to spend the night." I grumble and reply with a simple "OK" to the text.

Daddy laughs softly and sits up to wrap his arms around me, my back to his chest. "Poor, Sunshine." he chuckles as he kisses my neck a few times in quick succession. "How awful it must be to have a best friend that keeps her promises and loves you enough to want to help you clean up the disaster left over from your birthday party."

I roll my eyes and lean into his embrace. "I know, but we can't have sex with her here."

He chuckles, again, and kisses my temple. "We aren't having sex, again, until tomorrow."

I turn my entire upper body until we're eye to eye. "I demand a renegotiation."

He chuckles and shakes his head. "Denied."

I watch him slide from the bed and head toward his bathroom. "Daddy. Come on."

"You may not care about your insides, Shayenne-"

"Sunshine." I cut him off stubbornly.

He chuckles and rolls his eyes. "You might not care about your insides, Sunshine, but I do." he says as he reaches onto a shelf for a fresh towel. "I've lost count of how many times we've done it since the first time last night and I haven't exactly been gentle with you considering you're new to this. Don't argue." he cuts me off when I open my mouth to speak. "I know you're swollen because I can clearly see it and that's only the outside. I heard you wince."

I sigh, my shoulders sagging in defeat. "It didn't hurt all that much. I can take it."

"I know you can, baby." he assures me with a smile as he moves to me and kisses my forehead. "I promise to make it up to you this weekend, okay?" he offers and laughs when I gasp in horror. He shakes his head as he focuses on my face. "We'll see how you're feeling and looking when I get home from work tomorrow night. That's my final offer."

"Daddy!" I cry out as he heads to the bathroom. "Tomorrow night?! No way!"

"Final offer." he practically growls in his no-nonsense Detective voice. "Non-negotible."

I follow him into the bathroom, watch as he turns on the shower. "At least let me join you."

He laughs at that and shakes his head. "Not a chance, Shayenne."

"Sunshine." I correct him with a massive pout. "Why not? I can wash your back."

"Not a chance, Sunshine." he states as he tests the water. "Go take a shower in the main."

"But, Daddy-" I try and get cut off by him stepping into his shower stall and closing the door. I frown and turn around to stomp out of the bedroom. I growl profanities as I dig through my dresser for panties and a matching bra, then I growl even more profanities as I fetch a t shirt and shorts from a different draw. I decide to brush my hair out and put it up since I don't have time to wash it, so I plop onto the chair to my vanity and practically yelp at the fire-like pain that shoots up my body from between my legs. I leap back to my feet and cup my aching pussy lips as if that will make the sting vanish. I move my hand and peek down at how swollen I actually am. I shake my head when I realize that my father was right.

As usual.

I sigh, twirl my hair up into a bun, and grab a towel before heading to the main bathroom. I turn on the shower and raise my leg to step into the tub only to gasp and freeze. I glance down at the cum freely pouring down my leg, still warm from being deep inside me. I watch entire globs of it slowly sliming its way down my thigh toward my knee and wonder how much of my father's jizz it takes to make a baby. I somehow know that it's only a small portion of the amount currently leaking from my body and wonder why I'm not freaking out.

"She'll be here in less than twenty!" I hear my father call from his room down the hall.

I place the flat of my hand to the flat of my stomach and wonder, not for the first time today, if I should bring the fact that I'm unprotected up to my father. I only just turned eighteen. I only just graduated from high school. I only just discovered sex! I can't have a baby. Can you even have sex while you're pregnant? Why the hell don't I know the answer to that?

Then, again...

My mind drifts to earlier today, to how upset daddy looked when my mother finally confessed to the untold number of abortions, and I can't help but wonder if I can give him the children he has been denied. I have a ton of aunts and uncles on his side, so I know that he has always wanted a big family. I think my mother knew that at one time or another, too.

"Sunshine! Hurry up!" my father calls from nearby.

I gasp when I feel more cum leaking from me and hurriedly climb into the tub before I can get any on the floor. As the hot water hits my flushed skin, I reach down and rub my hand through my plump folds in an attempt to hold as much of daddy's cum inside of me as I can. I don't know when I made the decision, but I've made the decision.

I'm going to try to give my daddy a baby.

"Sunshine, your cell is going mental with texts." Daddy grunts as he steps into the room.

I wash quickly, careful not to scrub too deeply between my legs, and turn the water off. "All done." I say with a smile as I step out into daddy's waiting arms. I lean into him as he wraps my towel around me, then tilt my head to accept his kiss to my temple. I smile up at him, about to ask him if he wants more babies, but decide against it.

This will be my gift to him.

"What's that smile?" he asks as he runs his thumb along my lower lip.

"I'm just...happy." I say truthfully and blush to the roots of my hair.

"Good." he replies, then leans forward to kiss me too briefly on the lips. "Daughter mode."

I sigh and roll my eyes, but nod. "I know."

"If you're a good girl, Daddy will kiss you goodnight." he promises with a wink.

I stop breathing. "Oh?"

He leans forward until his mouth is at my ear. "And not on your mouth."

I moan and almost grab him, but he dodges me with a chuckle as he heads downstairs. "You're so mean!" I call after him only to hear McKenzie's ringtone echoing loudly in the cavernous bathroom. I sigh and answer the phone grumpily. "Yeah, Kenz, we're ready for you."

Except I was ready for more of my Daddy...



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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

GREAT writing !!! Keep it up !!!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Give me pt 5 daddy. and no baby OK Id do anything for you.

a_reader_from_germanya_reader_from_germany7 months ago

Good part, I like the pro-life stance of the MC's. Now Shayenne needs to become more mature, so that she sees eye to eye with dad ...

BrendaNWBrendaNW9 months ago

Beautiful story of love 😍 🤗 😘

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Assholes siding with lunatic Luna and her abortions.

Let her rot in jail.

Daddy and daughter should move away to have their own life, without fucking McKenzie

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