All Comments on 'Dan: His story'

by lover1953

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wow, an actual story with believable characters, well done.

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 3 years ago

I liked it. It could have been reduced by a bit but it wasn't horrible. I am suspicious of those statistics because they are based on failures. Happy people don't comment, they don't report and engage in surveys. It's just how people are. From my own personal experience and perspective, a nontraditional marriage will work so long as everyone involved feels the same and share the same expectations. If someone has doubts then the marriage will suffer. Dan was hoping Lara would change, that is a terrible way to start a life together. Its the same with changing a marriage that is established. If you aren't honest from the beginning then trying to change the relationship later is likely to cause a problem. Guys who desire to start "cuckolding" and want to make the wife interested are in the same situation. The wife married someone with a specific image of who and what he is. You can't just change that expect the marriage to be the same.

The only types of nontraditional marriages that I have seen work, and for many years are the ones that start off as nontraditional because the people are more likely to be in sync at that point.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
92% of marriages in this lifestyle...

if this research is true this should be an eye-opener for would cucks here in LW. As much they love to read stories like these as they surmise this is just fiction yet the desire is planted and might be growing until an opportunity (which will come) will goad them to push their once faithful and loving wives to try -- 92% chance they're going straight to failure. They will destroy not only their marriages but their once virtuous wives' lives and other gullible men's relationships too. Innocent children will be the victims.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The first two anonymous with comments seem polar opposites. It was a good story, thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Your story is a gem. Ignore anyone that says otherwise and tell them to write their own.

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoabout 3 years ago

The wife was quite a despicable character, no morals or self respect. She certainly didn’t have any respect for her stupid husband.

MasterpuppyMasterpuppyabout 3 years ago
I'm Poly

Which is different than a open marriage. I've never seen the draw of the hookup. Our hearts are open to loving more than one person at a time but the operative word there is Love.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 3 years ago

Beautifully told with a prudent moral message intertwined! There were a couple times where the narrative of the character repeated already established situations/norms. Maybe for some it helped remind/reinforce that story arc, but I found it distracting. (Not enough for me to deduct a perfect score...) 5*

jasonnhjasonnhabout 3 years ago

Lara is an entitled sex addict with probable psychological issues driving her behavior. Dan is her enabler, to the point where he is hurting himself to enable Lara's "needs".

Take out the sex and put in Heroin and it would be the same dynamic and more obviously a sick relationship.

I clipped the following dialog that gets to the heart of it. Except where noted, the dialog is from Dan.

I had to change; I had to survive.

It was also the place where I drew conclusions about my survival and my future.

Sarah: Lara is using Dan. (My comment: Dan is LETTING himself be used.)

She doesn't have either the desire or ability to change and I don't know how to get through to her. I have to leave her, for my own sanity.

Lara: I'd used Dan for my own fun. I used him to give the adults around me the idea that I was a responsible adult and that I could have a normal family. That was just a show.

I can't keep living like this.

because I realized that she doesn't love me. … She takes care of her needs, first and foremost.

Lara: I know that eventually I'll fail and let my pussy rule my brain. A girl has to do what a girl has to do. (My comment: and is ENTITLED to do)

For Lara, it's all about the game. The hunt. The seduction.

Sarah is...genuine. A real woman that doesn't hold back her true feelings. … She doesn't have time for the 'game’.

Sarah: what sane man lets his wife fuck around with other men?

When I told her that I couldn't live with her seeing other men she didn't do or say anything to suggest that she might be willing to change to save our marriage. That told me, very clearly, just where I fit-in and how unimportant I was in her life and in her thinking. She thought so little of me that she was incapable of even considering changing her ways. Having a family was the last thing on her mind. Children were not on her radar. I wanted a family. I wanted the stability of a wife and children. I craved that kind of life. Lara was not the woman for me.


Dan is a typical fool that thinks because you love someone that you have to capitulate to them, even at great expense to yourself. Instead, the reality is, if someone is this demanding of you, they are not worth your time and will be corrosive to you. The dynamic was established when Lara asked Dan to get married. As is typical, the entitled person then escalates their behavior. If the enabler isn't too stupid, they get out while they can. If not, it will be all downhill from there.

GrimmerGrimmerabout 3 years ago

Great little read!

Only improvement would be a quick noted on where the ex and her parents are in life. Kind of a comparison thing.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well, 92 seconds 'research' suggests you made it up. Wish fulfillment, I suppose.

Perhaps you'd care to reveal your source? The reality seems to be about half that but getting unbiased responses is difficult in emotional issues like this.

Dan would make a useless father, devotion and being nice are nothing like enough. What he needs is a mother.

The story was interesting but too repetitive and, by the end simply a cliche.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Nobody knowingly marries a cum slut

Dan was such a pathetic desperate loser with no self esteem. I didn't feel bad for him. she was upfront about being a cock slut, she turned down his marriage proposal twice. I couldn't believe he eventually married her with stipulations she can still seek dick else where. Umm, why even get married?.. why not just fuck her like the rest of the guys?. Wasn't he afraid of catching AIDS?. This is how HIV/AIDS get spread. I can not possiblly be the only one deathly afraid of diseases. She's sleeping with these random men with no protection, according to her she don't like'em. Who in their right mind would think this woman was marriage material?. Open marriages are a joke. They're an abomination. Someone who loves you doesn't want to share you. Only cucks are okay with their women getting dick down by other men. Totally disgusting. Lara and Dan should've just fuck'd while her pussy wasn't occupied by another penis. No reason to marry. People make mockery of marriage and vows. This is why the divorce rate is so high. There's a lot of people who shouldn't of dated let alone marry, marry, and end up divorced.

secretsalsecretsalabout 3 years ago

Sounds like they were both fucked in the head, except Dan eventually got unfucked thanks to Lara's fucking (and some therapy from Sarah). I can get infatuation, but tying yourself down to a lifetime commitment of sharing your spouse when you don't want to was a very obviously dumbfuck thing to do. I'm fascinated by people who see a self-destructive force and think, "That's exactly what I need in my life!"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I find this one hard to rate. It was very well written, but the two main protagonists, Dan and Lara, were both pretty bad characters, meaning it was very hard to have any sympathy for either of them. That made reading the story a chore, because I’d be pulling my hair out (the two that I have left) when Dan seemed to willingly accept what Lara was doing or when I listened to Lara’s inner monologue about Dan’s non-acceptance.

I give it a five for the quality of the storytelling, and a one for the subject matter. I won’t give an overall rating because I don’t think it would be fair either way.

Eveready1999Eveready1999about 3 years ago
Very good story

I liked the characters and the story line. There were two points I'd like to bring out. 1. I don't understand how his wife goes silent after receiving the divorce papers. I would have thought should have challenged it / responded in kind. That really doesn't make sense to me. 2. The ending was a little flat assuming there is no part 2. I would have liked to have known a bit more about his ex and how she ended up. Again very good work, I enjoyed it very much!

TajfaTajfaabout 3 years ago

Really good 5 stars. His ex needs help and probably needs something really traumatic to happen to make her realise that she has become the oldest swinger in town and all her old "friends" are now happily married in loving relationships while she goes home alone more and more.

ReadyOneReadyOneabout 3 years ago
Far too much repitition

You could cut 40% of your words after removing the duplications.

You only give one reason for an open marriage: wife wants to act single. In situations like that, failure is high. Add in little shared interests between this couple, and you can see it shouldn't have lasted as long.

Dan's head is as screwed up as Lara's, but you don't show anything besides "he's addicted to her presence" and has little concern for her welfare (until she is beaten). Lara wants him for a beard, and treats him with little concern for his welfare. You did the best job with Sarah's internals.

So you really haven't shown much if anything at all about an open marriage. And what the heck does Scottish history have to do with open marriage or the characters?

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989about 3 years ago
Well done.

I thought all aspects of Dan and Lara's relationship was covered. After the beating, Dan made a decision which redefined his needs. Lara also made her decision and lived the life she wanted.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 3 years ago

You can't shine up Turd and make it look good. And that's what the author is trying to do here and that certainly is what Dan is trying to do here.


The fact the Dan is married after this rejection but then gets married only on her terms is a huge psychological problem for everybody.. 1st a gives all the sexual and psychological power in the relationship to the wife and he gives him absolutely none. The fact that he is open about his Psychological any motional dependence on his wife to make the marriage work doesn't change anything.


The author seems to think that because he had written the husband character to be open about his psychological immaturity and his emotional ridiculousness.... that it makes Dan noble. It doesn't. Dan's a pathetic loser and everybody knows it.


The worst part and story is that when other people find out about what Dan's marriage is about... such as Sara... They give him like brownie points for trying to put up with this ridiculous Marital relationship.


Even the basic tenants about the open relationship is destroyed by the wife. It takes weeks or months for the husband to realize that she is caught him off sexually down to once every 3 weeks.


What sort of man takes that long to realize that the wife no longer want to have sex with him?


Even worse is the fact that he took him that long to realize it which only hurts him in Laura's eyes. It tells her that Dan is such a pathetic loser that even when she cut him all sexually he says nothing because he is so psychologically weak and Emotionally needy he will put up with anything.


Having Dan The husband as a fall back position is not love and it is certainly is not a basis for

WaupacaWaupacaabout 3 years ago

I think you painted the best possible outcome for an open marriage.

KayaknhKayaknhabout 3 years ago
Hated first part. Loved the rest

The open marriage description and decision just doesn't make sense. Dan should have never married Lara.

But the romance with Sarah and Matilda was excellent.

Well done.

DazzyDDazzyDabout 3 years ago

Great stop and writing. 5

MwestohioMwestohioabout 3 years ago

Nice. Good word choice and not too many editing issues.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
Page 3

I suppose without men making poor choices we would have little to read on here.

"Standing in a hot shower with a cold beer." Hmmm. Never have. Maybe I should try that. I do like hot showers and cold beer. Just never occurred to me to combine them.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
Explanation please

Why would a man continue to date a woman who turns down his proposal? Never mind all the rest of her baggage. Can someone explain? Because I never even asked a girl out for a date the second time if the first time was a turn down. A proposal rejection? Best wishes dear. Adios.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
Page 3

So....why does he feel the need to talk to her? Have her served. Move on.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago

Gotta' love mom in law.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
Page 4

First thing she does is go fuck. Feel bad for laughing at that.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
End of page 4

Hmm. I would have thought this the end.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 3 years ago
Damn good

cautionary tale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

You really have to read "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State"

t8ntliklyt8ntliklyabout 3 years ago
U Dub

U Dub is University of Washington, Washington State is / was more known as WAZZU

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

He is factually correct. Very well done!!!

This is how the majority end. One of the spouses becomes a safety net, while one ends up having no respect for the other, and their love becomes more like a brother/sister type. Being intimate becomes a fewer and farther in between issue. Too many here dont realize the consequences of the reality they "beg" for. Not many of these folks realize who often hotwives say if they werent cucking their husbands theyd be cheating on them...that says way more then most husbands can seem to grasp about their relatonship.

Same with cheating couples, poly and cuck lifestyles. They wrote here like there is true love and respect between them but there isn't. No one would treat their spouses as some here "wish" they would if they truly cared for them. Being humiliated IS a mental illness situation, though no one will willingly admit to it, same with "sharing" a spouse with another in a poly relationship. Few make it, which is for the best, the mentally ill spouse, without realizing it is better off after it ends.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
UW is the University of Washington, not Washington State University

Good story, the perspective switching so often was a little jarring, but I enjoyed the story coming together from Dan and Sarah's perspectives in the end.

management91399management91399about 3 years ago

Fun story, Dan had to respect himself first and not hope for love from someone who didn't love him. He shortchanges himself in the hopes that he'll eventually earn his way to Lara's heart and become her #1. Well, Lara was always going to treat him like #2 and couldn't figure out beyond her own gigantic ego and self-centeredness that good looks and decent sex would be a passport for her for a while but eventually, she would always be alone. And the lesson Dan learned from the beating that Lara didn't was that Lara and Dan were human beings and deserved respect. At the end of the day, Lara didn't even press charges against her rapist and he's free to get another victim. That by itself was the giant sign Dan needed to realize this woman had no respect for him or herself.

Reading between character perspectives made it a little rough going here and there, the actual progression from open marriage hostage to doting father was fun the read, I just wonder if it had been done with "changing channels" to different characters might have tightened up the arc of the story better and made it play out smoother, still, a nice riff on the research you read and it works very well in this venue.

xiluaxiluaabout 3 years ago
I had to stop reading

It was too much. I just couldn't fathom anymore the male character. That's what I call a mother nature's mistake, a male whose genes by natural laws shouldn't be able to pass on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
You have written a couple of dozen stories since 2019, . . .

so there really is no excuse for this sloppy work. It is a fine idea for a plot, but the endless dithering and obnoxious cuckolding is way over the top. You could have told this story just as well or better in 3 pages.

He falls in love with a promiscuous woman, and has the mindlessness to propose marriage. In the only decent thing this fuck bot ever did for him she refuses. This guy is already too stupid to breathe.

Which he confirms when he allows her back into his life and then agrees to marry the unapologetic slut. So of course she's now enjoying her slut cake and allowing him to take a small bite on occasion and even this poltroon finally gets fed up with being fed other men's leftovers in his wife's public park cunt.

The town bike ex wife accepts her lost marriage and continues on her fuck-a-thon while poltroon man remarrys a real woman and has a loyal loving committed family. The husband lives happily ever after and Slutula disappears into the fog of aging and fucking and probably drugs and disease; who cares?

That didn't even take 3 pages. I skipped 40% of your writing; did I leave anything important out of my summary?

Thanks for the effort, but in this instance less is more.

baulloyder68baulloyder68about 3 years ago
Very good

I enjoyed the story although I have never understand how a man or woman for that matter can go along with letting their spouse fuck around like that. I guess I am just too possessive. FIVE*****.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

University of Washington = U-Dub (short for U Double U)

Washington State University = Wazzoo

"Go Huskies"

PowersworderPowersworderabout 3 years ago

It was a strange story, because the main two characters were so unlikeable.

Lara was just a two-dimensional slut, who fucked anything with a cock. Why not at least reveal why she turned into such a whore?

Women don't just sleep with a new guy every week for no reason. Her being addicted to "the thrill of the hunt" doesn't make sense, because beautiful women don't go hunting, they go shopping. They're free to pick who they want to sleep with out of all the guys fawning over them.

As for Dan, he was basically king of the simps. Agreeing to an open relationship just to get sloppy seconds off his wife? The guy was utterly pathetic. He even settled for a single mother, so ended up paying to raise another man's kid.

An epilogue would've be interesting. What happens to Lara? Does she keep screwing hundreds of guys until she picks up an incurable STD?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Really good story....

Throughly enjoyed it. It also makes you wonder how many young people don’t get the chance to correct stupid youthful decisions based on a utopian life that never survives once it is taken from the indoctrination areas ( public schools and universities) and put in reality. This new generation is so poorly prepared to handle reality that initial failure is a given and recovery is not an optimistic outcome for most of them. They should just get used to being what the messed of ideologies of their teachers have turned them into.....victims without the tools to function on their own.

Their parents are to blame for this by sending them to these bastions of “education” and not taking an active role in their educational needs and protecting them from the liberal agendas that the vast majority of educators spew.

If you want a child that can barely read (national average of high school graduates reads at a 6th to 8th grade level), majority can’t do basic math and forget about science skills. The only thing most of them are really good at is taken the annual skills test.....yeah right. Then by all means send your kids to public schools. Let them raise your kids so you can enjoy yourself and your selfish wants and needs.

If you want your child to be able to succeed and be prepared for their life, stay involved, check what they are being taught. If it is not acceptable then don’t waste your time trying to change the actions of the corrupt system. Pull your child out and put them in a charter school or home school them. ( with what is available online they will have a much better education than what public school provides.

If your worried about social skills dropping if they are home schooled, don’t. As long as you have to pay schools taxes for your district your children can join any extracurricular activity the school offers. If the school tries to tell you they can’t don’t argue with them. Just inform them they are wrong and contact an attorney. It will end quickly. They know they can’t legally stop your child from participating if they want to. They just hope you don’t know the law and take their word it. If you do then shame on you.

When enough parents take this action. The useless school system will have to change or be eliminated and replaced with one that puts education first and leaves politically correct bullshit, cancel culture and biased agendas where they the waste pile.

This thought came from the 92% of failures in open marriages you added at the end. The real number is really 100%. The 8% left are really not marriages. They are usually only kept as a financial agreement not a marriage.

And like your story they came out made an arrangement that was doomed to fail. One didn’t have the character to demand the respect and commitment a marriage requires. And the other just did it for appeances. One grew up and got second chance to be an adult. The other refuses to change and is destined to live with more and more regrets as time goes by.

etchiboyetchiboyabout 3 years ago
@Xzy89c — Scotland vs Germany

Uuuuh... what???

patilliepatillieabout 3 years ago
The kernel of a good story

But lack of believability the the rape-she took a shower before presenting to the ER? Dumb! Also, the police would require her to name her rapist-a thread not followed up. In fact, they didnt discuss the rape or lifestyle out of control for 3 weeks? Wtf

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

What happened to Lara, last we hear she has an std and is not adhering to her do store orders. I expected the worst but we heard nothing more about her.

So, you screwed up the ending totally, no proper closure for a main character.

Scores 3/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
does anyone marry a less than super model

2 stars, these tales all start out the same,"the most beautiful cunt in the universe"

francemanfrancemanabout 3 years ago

what a difference in treatment you make between men and women. the women in your stories are taking action (eg Sarah who cleared her unfaithful husband without putting up with his shit) and the men who are still waiting to see which direction their lives will go.

this one "Dan" thought with his little head and took 3 years to finally make his big head work and ask himself questions.

well done you have created the longest erection of the human species 😂😂😂

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Could have been told in half the space

There's way too much rambling on about things that reallt don't move the story along. Also, a huge part of the story was taken up repeating things two or three times; absolutely unnecessary. You really should find a good editor, to help you clean things up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
You've mixed up the schools

The University of Washington is in Seattle and is nick-named "U-Dub." Washington State University is in Pullman and is nicknamed "WAZZU." And you lost me at that point.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
A slight miss on the U-Dub reference

Nice story. A minor point of contention on page 2, "I went to school for my undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering at Washington State University; known lovingly as U-Dub." Washington State University, WSU, is known as "Wazzu;" aka the Cougs. U-Dub is the University of Washington, aka the Huskies. As a U-Dub alum, an insult of the highest order, akin to shouting "Go Alabama, War Eagle!" or "Go Texas A&M, Hook 'em Horns!" And as big of a slut as Lara is, she is definitely a Coug.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

That is the term I would use. I wasn't sure what this was about initially, especially after the bit about Scotland having "home rule" - hahahaha. They've been cuckolded by the English for so long, and now by the EU, I figured this was going to be another submissive, bi-male, interracial-thon stories that make the Brits all "collywobbles".

Fortunately, some people just need their teeth slightly kicked in to get some smarts. The only thing I would have done is change the proposal from a self-centered one of cliche' origin to one of familial involvement. Such as: "I have fallen in love with your daughter, but I realize that since you two are a package, that I need to ask you to be my wife before she can become the daughter I've always wanted. What do you think, will you marry me?" or something uniquely simple.

Just saying.... no 5 stars, but nice try.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Please stop changing the storyteller

Pick a storyteller either in the first or third person and stick to it. The multiple changes between him, her, her, him,her,him,her,him....... Etc were annoying beyond belief your stories would flow much better without the change of perspective.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilabout 3 years ago
lover1953 Is Not From Seattle

No one, I mean NO ONE, who has spent any time at all in Washington state could call Washington State University the "U-dub". The "U-dub" is short for "U of W" or the University of Washington, located in Seattle. Washington State is the land grant university located in the Eastern part of Washington in Pullman. No one who has spent more than 20 minutes in Washington could make this mistake, which this author does in the first paragraph. One reason I know these things is that I am a lifelong Washingtonian. The other is that I am in what in Washington is a mixed marriage-I am a Husky (U of W) and my wife is a Couger (Washington State).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
This was a..

Fairytale. ***

johnadpjohnadpabout 3 years ago
Great Potential Missed

I feel like there is the potential there for a really good story with these characters and storyline, but I don't think this was it for a couple of reasons.

First, I felt like I was at a play or an opera where the characters stand in the middle of the stage looking directly at the audience and telling them what they are thinking and what happened. And then another character comes forward and in the same fashion repeats a lot of the same information.

A story should be revealed through dialog or things that happen, and let the story reveal itself to the audience. This was certainly not that.

Second, most of the stuff is repetition of the same thing and concept over and over again. A great deal was repeated by the same character, and the same things and concepts by the different characters.

The first two pages I was thinking this is going to be a really good story, and then the first time Lara speaks and then Sarah, and it just became a morality sermon; an essay laid out to the reader as a play with no subtlety, no nuance, in a very sophomoric fashion.

But again, I think there is the potential for a really interesting story there; where you can lay out the points you want to make, but it needs to be told as a story.

MacHardyMacHardyabout 3 years ago
Great stuff

Ignore the anonymous trolling. I found the story interesting, and tend to agree that the lack of honesty at the beginning of the relationship is fatal. People see things differently also when there are cultural differences in what is acceptable and what is normal. The characters lack some depth but given the space available that is to be expected.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionabout 3 years ago
I liked it.

When I first started reading this story I almost decided to move on and just skip over it. I don't like or understand how anyone can agree to being a true chuck, and that is what an open marriage is about.

Once Dan got his balls back, it turned into an enjoyable read. I would have enjoyed it better if Dan had found the guy that beat up Lara and gave him a wood shampoo then stripped him after he was out and taken a bull whip to his ass, legs and back and take his cloth's so he could enjoy the feeling of being beat like the male slut he is when he tried to sit or lay on his back. Guess I just don't see the thrill or sexual excitement in beating another person unless it is for revenge.

KRD19254KRD19254about 3 years ago

Ya this is a quant feel-good fairytale that started as a delusional mess and ended on a damn fine high note.


5*, Hooyah, Salutes!

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago
Open marriage

The entire open marriage concept is impossible to maintain, as one partner or another will invariably take it too far. Dan was an idiot, both for agreeing to an open marriage, and the letting Lara ignore their rules with impunity. Dan and Sarah were basically good people, while Lara was a total whore and always would be. A good story with a caution against open marriages, that managed to give all the characters the ending they wanted and deserved.

NitpicNitpicabout 3 years ago

Why didn't Sarah tell Dan the name of the man who beat Lara?.

mattenwmattenwabout 3 years ago

According to a study by the Bertalsman Foundation, 98% of all partnerships that have tried swinging sharing swaping or cuckolding break within two years! Main reason jealousy and / or one partner loses respect for the other. The way you describe your protagonist, it's no wonder! "My little head was doing the thinking for the big head" one cannot believe that the intelligence of a man who allows such a thing is sufficient for the engineering degree! What struck me particularly in your story is that what has already been written is repeated in many places. Is that because the story was previously divided and then just put together?

Decal_lastDecal_lastabout 3 years ago

Well written. Good flow and continuity. Character depth was good and very believable. Enjoyed this one very much.

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 3 years ago

a rehashing jigsaw puzzle. swear u had the MC say the same thing about marring lara was a bad idea about 5 times during the story. it becomes a comedy for me when a person sets a trap and then decides to walk into it him self just to see what happens

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Imagine catching your wife with another man . He tells you that you have an open marriage . I then told her We were through and told him that We had no Open Marriage that I knew of .. I then tell her to pack her crap as we were getting a Divorce . She and him Played Me like a Fool . But for some reason after the RO expired I never see him again . I was an outside linebacker . I was also taking Classes at the local Dojo from My Cousins husband . He has been in Karate since he was 5 and is now a Master .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I cannot believe She talked him into a open marriage . I also thought He was Dumb to let it last as long as it did . My Ex told everyone We had an open marriage but Me . She knew I would Never go for that . A New guy where I worked told Me what was going on .. My so called friends did not tell me anything . That makes them Ex Friends and I am better off for it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is one of your better stories. Your past stories were so similar to each other that it seemed as though you just changed some names and then submitted them.

All of the guys were stupid in love, had slut wives, computer careers, and moving to San Jose.

nixroxnixroxabout 3 years ago

1 for this story.

'Open' marriage is simply a non-starter - end of conversation - NEXT WOMAN PLEASE.

Try this topic in a country like Vietnam where there are 8 women to every man. hahaha

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Check your locale Washington State University ( Wazoo ) is in Pullman, University of Washington ( Udub ) is in Seatle.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

DON'T GIVE UP..... Great stories 5/5 all. We need more of your work.

thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

"When I was with her it was almost impossible to breathe; the woman took my breath away, that's how much I was captivated by her. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I thought that whatever she did was absolutely perfect. To my mind she just about perfect."

So, at the very beginning of the story Dan makes this comment to the audience. In the very next sentence he states that there's a big but or fly in the ointment. The woman he sees in his mind doesn't actually exist in the real world. Oh, he tries and rationalize the conflict that Lara is that woman but never fully convinces himself let alone the audience that the two are the same but goes ahead and ends up make a poor choice and marrying Lara who's a poor substitute for the woman in his mind's eye.

Fantasy and life very two separate worlds. Its OK to dream but keep you feet and heart firmly rooted in reality.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

A husband in an OPEN marriage is a CUCK. Glad he found his self respect and the love of a good and faithful woman!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I wasn't sure about the different perspectives but it seems to be easy to follow and makes sense. In this story the wife never changes, she realizes what she lost but still wasn't prepared to change. In the story about the advertising executive it took getting pregnant to realize what she had done. It's easy to say " I would have never taken her back" but we're all different. I've lived through the pain and ridicule of being unemployed and I was able to come back but put up with more than a secure person would.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Pretty standard fare. And that rubbish about Scotland and freedom - take Braveheart and shove it up...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Don't know that I would consider this "meagre." It does tread similar ground already trod by "Jordan - His Story" and does it well. Well enough, in fact, to merit another strong high five. Love the multiple viewpoints, the slow but steady evolution to the right conclusion. Nice guy finished first, as does the nice gal. Not only a nice place to visit, but also anyone with sense would want to live there.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Statistics say, the divorce rate among Open marriages is above 95%

That sort of says it all doesnt it?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Ok story though petered out at the end. Would have been a 4 but minus 1 for the crap about an independent Scotland

RedWRX2019RedWRX2019almost 3 years ago

This is the third and last story I can stomach reading from this author. Now I can see why this she always writes about weak men, because an open marriage is exactly what Scotland wants with the rest of the UK.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuover 2 years ago

I wonder if there really is a female like Lara?

Is that how it is in the western countries now a days,

a girl like Lara exists?

Those kind of girls won't survive in my country.

Their own parents will toss them out in the streets.

The cheated wife would end their lives.

Glad this is just fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

pleasant story and happy ending, fairly predictable but enjoyable and not a waste of time. But honestly, in the real world, wouldnt it be better to try this open marriage thing w/o really being married? That way, when not if ,things dont work, theres no need for a divorce, you just go your separate ways. And if agaisnt all odds, the people involve change in ways not expected, like Dan decides that strange orgasms are better than expected ones and decides to not want a family, they can continue as is or get married.

Ocker53Ocker53over 2 years ago

Too stupid⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The plot itself could have worked well, but the character development of "Dan" and "Lara" significantly undermines the quality of the story. For "Dan" to be plausible he cannot be written as a normal man. But that is exactly how he is written, except for the cuckish willingness to "share" "Lara". A normal man, like "Dan", is not going to let his desire for "Lara" draw him into a so-called "open marriage". A more convincing trajectory for "Dan" would have been to write him in the beginning as the kind of man who is weak and needy enough to agree, in essence, to be a cuck, and then have the experience of the reality of "sharing" his wife (without additional events such as her breaking rules, etc.) lead him to mature into a normal man who can see the relationship for what it is - useless and inappropriate. The problem with "Lara" is that she starts out as a well drawn, convincing character, but not to far into the story she becomes a cardboard caricature, not a credible woman character. Al in all, not a bad story, but it had more potential.

As for Scotland, it is a disgusting place. The strong Scots left over the centuries, leaving behind the dysfunctional cunts who populate the land now. The rest of Great Britain would be better off if the Scots were independent so that their malign political influence would only affect the Scots.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Lots of redundancy: same things repeated by different people, or even by the same person. Removing them would cut the story to about 4 pages and make it a better read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This wasn't love this was a man that was just desperate and pathetic. Why would he knowingly marry a whore? Lord, was this a small town of 600 people? I ask cause I just didn't understand why instead of continuing his search for a woman that wasn't a cum dumpster, he chosed to marry a 1st class round heel tramp? How desperate was he?😂😂😂. I rather be alone. Some people are just so desperate to have someone, they'll even take half a mate. What a loser

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyover 2 years ago

Good story. Very enjoyable. Well written. Shows that sometimes love is not enough. Pride, selflessness, compassion, common sense, understanding, and others are all needed to make love work. I disagree with others below… I liked that Dan & Laura were normal people with flaws. Maybe one having a HUGH flaw… but basically normal. It made the story more relatable. I can see that ‘normalcy’ scaring a few Anonymous commenters. Thank-you

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


SunnyU2SunnyU2over 2 years ago

Great beginning. Middle too predictable. Ending too abrupt

MormonJackMormonJackover 2 years ago

Ugh... an error - overlooked - caught my eye and I can't leave it alone. I have too many ties to U-Dub. "I went to school for my undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering at Washington State University; known lovingly as U-Dub." No, no no.... U-Dub is the University of Washington, not WSU which is lovingly (?) known as "Wazzu".

norcal62norcal62over 2 years ago

Obsession is a poor way to start or maintain a relationship. Troubles follow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just a suggestion: You need to get U-Dub and Wazzu strait. I gave you a 5.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


BlueEyd2BlueEyd2over 2 years ago

Good story, but Lara was too Psycho. She couldn't get enough sex, with other people and couldn't control it? And the fact that she didn't even try and stay married was difficult to comprehend.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The presentation of violence towards a woman by her sexual partner was fairly detailed and quite dramatic. The fact it went unpunished troubles me and casts a shadow over the the remainder of the story. The idea such senseless violence has no consequences for the perpetrator is not one that deserves to be given air time. I do not believe the author intended to convey a message with that aspect of the story but his treatment of the topic is callous and exploitative.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I would say this marriage was one dysfunctional FUBAR, but I'm afraid that today's society and culture has devolved into the abyss such that this kind of thinking and behavior has become normalized.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sadly, the "...presentation of violence towards a woman by her sexual partner..." and going unpunished is the norm.

The_Winter_WitchThe_Winter_Witchabout 2 years ago

Some people dont know what they want until its gone, and some people are just messed up in the head. Laura was a little bit of both. To me Dan and Laura were only married in name.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice work. I hated Dan in the beginning, but you have him back his dignity, kudos for that.

Ocker53Ocker53about 2 years ago

I can’t read this type of story, makes me sick⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The open marriage lifestyle feels wrong to me, but the story was well done.

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